St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 26, 1912, Image 1

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T mbKtft lor Till Prt
AHthtntwi hlk It lintwi M
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Ot t4mll.lM U Tlllt rft J
"J" natm rtttiiH, H.
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Divert lo the Interest ot the Ptalniula, eh Manufacturing Center of lh North tit
VOL. 8
ST. JOHNS, ORKGOK, FRIDAY, Al'RlI. 26, jota.
NO. 15
Packing Plant Assured
The Primary Election Across the Water
Big Mayfair Festival I Death of Mrs. Overstreet
The Library
An article In the Review a couple
of weeks ii;o stittcd tlmt n larc
packing plant would be erected nt
Macgley junction, which is adjacent
to Hast St. Johnvlcpot and just be
yoml the city limits of St. Johns.
We had the information on good
authority and published it as a fact.
The Orcgouiau has just awakened
to the news, and published the fol
lowing last Sunday:
Definite announcement of plans
for-the big packing plant to be es
tablished at Macglcy Junction on
the Peninsula, by the James C.
Good Packing Company, will be
made this week, according to a re
port yesterday. In the absence of
Mr. Good from the city, details re
attvc to tltc company s plans arc
being withheld.
It is ex pec tea tuat Me proposes
plant will be fully as large as that
of the Union Meat Company.
represents an investment ot more
than $500,000. Associated with
Mr. Good in the project are sever
nl Portland business men. Mr.
Good until recently was secretary
of the Union Meat Company. For
, a number of years he representee
the Swift interests in the Portland
In addition to the Good project
it is understood tlmt plans arc being
formulated by Chicago packing in
tcrcsts to establish another plant on
the peninsula of n nnicli greate
magnitude than cither of the plants
of the Union Meat Company or the
Good concern. A representative of
the Chicago people has been
Portland several days and it is said
has secured options on n large tract
between Columbia boulevard am:
Columbia slough. It is rumored
that a Pugct Sound packing com
pany is negotiating for a site on the
peninsula on which to establish a
packing plant.
It is declared tlmt the two pro
posed plants will involve an invest
mcnt of 92,000,000.
Same Affliction Here
,, The practice of strangers solicit
ing aid iu Houtzdale is becoming
very aunoying to our citizens. The
town is visited nlmost daily by men.
women and children, who do not
miss a business place or private
home at which to relate their hard
tin tale of woe. IV. r linns some arc
worthy, but in most of the cases it
has been proven that they are not,
for in a number of instances both
male and female have been known
to spend the cash they have begged
on pretense of being iu distress with
a house fuH of children at home, for
intoxicating drinks.
Be this as it may, the good citi
tens pay a county Home and poor
tax for the purpose of maintaining
the county's worthy poor. And this
nuisance of persons from all quar
ters of the country dropping into
town and continually hounding at
the residents for aid is getting to
the point of being unbearable, and
some provisions of the law should
be enacted to prohibit the nuisance.
Houtzdale (Pa.)Citizen.
Birthday Surprise Party
The young men friends of Lee
Genstnan, of St. Johns, gave him a
surprise party at his home, 718
Myers street. Wednesday night of
last week, it beiug his 21st birth
day. The parents of tue youug
man were informed beforehand of
proposed surprise, and the home
was decorated with wild currants
and ferns iu preparation for the
event. A dinner was served and
was followed by a program of toasts.
Especially interesting talks were
made by the captains of the James
Johns High school base ball and
basket ball teams. Those preseut
were: Ralph Carlson, Basil Smith,
Theodore Bugbee, Clareuce Foss,
Howard Brice, Cecil Magone. Cyril
Mogone, Frank Wright, Forrest
Will, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gensman,
Miss Hazel Gensman and Miss
Katharine Gensman. Telegram.
Progressive Luncheon
' Misses Lola Walker, Anna Brice
and Celia Hunkins entertained the
High school teachers and a few
other friends at a progressive lunch
eon at the Brice home, April 20th.
From the Freshmen table, where
extreme youth was represented by
bibs and bowls of bread and milk,
the path of learniug led by degrees
to the Senior table where the fin
ished product in cap and gown was
in evidence. Diplomas were award
ed all, after which the conferring
of degrees, not, however, "Magna
cum laude," took place.
The primary election held last
Friday furnished several surprises
in St. Johns. The vote east repre
sented less than half the voting
strength of the city. Bourne car
rial St. Johns over Selling. Koosc
vclt took first honors with La I'ol
Icttc a close second. Laffcrty led
for representative in congress,
1" iclds carried the city for secretary
of state, North for sheriff, Sweeney
for county commissioner, Kvaus for
district nttorucy, Henderson for
county superintendent, Reed for
assessor, nud Coffey for county
clerk. 1 he democratic vote was
light, with Clark iu lead for presi
dent. (J. K. Downs, with no oppo
sition, was re-nominated for justice
of tue peace. Mitchell beat Ashby
iu the race for constable. Perry
C. Stroud, P. Hill and J. K. Hitler
carried off the honors as republican
committeemen. Following is the
republican vote cast for the offices
iu which the people of St. Johns
were most interested, being the to
tal votes cast iu the three precincts:
For President I.nFollctte, ICo;
Roosevelt 176; Tott 48.
For U. S. Senator Bourne 187;
Selling 148.
for Representative Clyde 72:
Ganteubciu 80; Lafferty 169; Shep
nerd 51
For Secretary State Fields 218;
Olcott 154.
For Sheriff North 81; Wilson
75; Hollingswortli 26: Fitzgerald
05; McAllister 57.
For County Commissioner-
Sweeney 102: McAllcu 39; Light
ncr 60: Kreuder 76: Bailey 63: IU
lis 30.
For District Attorney Cameron
23; Uvaus 1945 Fonts M5i Joy 42
For County Superintendent
Armstrong nt; Henderson 129
Kfluiusou irs
For County Assessor Reed 202:
biglcr 151.
Fcr County Clerk Hutchison
22; Prasp 62; Smith 94; Coffey 165.
I'or justice of the Peace O. R,
Downs 289.
For Coustuble Ashby 1.18:
Mitchell 193
D. C. Lewis received a handsome
vote for representative iu St. Johns.
but failed of nomination.
Show Your Appreciation
Bouham & Currier have iuaugu
rated a special sale era. F.ach week
bargain days will be held, at which
time prices will be cut to the quick.
rolit is practically lost sight of
at these bargain days. The spe
cial inducements arc offered to wean
people from dealing iu Portland.
The large department stores in
roruaiiu mane low prices on some
articles to attract the people, and
then make up on some other arti
cles, Bouham & Currier, however,
are keeping the prices down on all
their goods, and a special cut on
bargain days. The people of St.
oh 11s should show their apprecia-
uon 01 tins enterprising spirit on
the part of Bouham & Currier, and
nstead of going to Portlaud with
the mistaken Idea of saving a few
pennies, do their dealing iu St.
olins. I lie other stores of St.
ohns have the prices at a low ebb.
Good Time to Improve
Judging from the extremely low
contracts for street work lately tak
en in at. Johns, there can be no
contractors' trust in this city,
Last week V. W. Masoti bid 75c
per lineal foot for six foot cement
sidewalk on Myers street, the
cheapest price ever known in the
Northwest. The concrete surface
of Fessenden street is being laid at
t.oa per square yard, which is an
nheard of price. Property owners
should take advantage of the ex
tremely low prices for street im
provement now in force, and pe
tition council to have streets adja
cent to their properties improved.
It is safe to say that the price will
never be cheaper than it is today.
Constipation brings many ail
ments in its train and it is the pri
mary cause of much sickness.
Keep your bowels regular, madam,
and you will escape many of the
ailments to which women are sub
ject. Constipation is a very simple
thing, but like some simple things,
may lead to serious consequences.
Nature often needs a little assist
ance, and when Cbambtrlain s tab-
ets are given at the first indication,
much distress and suffering may be
voided. Sold by all dealers.
Sprague Marsh of Kathlamet
was a guest 01 nts sister, Mrs.
Learned, Sunday.
looming up
days. As n
pretty strong these
scene of activity on Sunday, it is
doubtful if there is a street in Port
land that can show the amount of
traffic that goes up and down the
lyinnton road. It is said that at
least an average of 200 autos an
hour from 9 o'clock a. tn. to 7
o'clock in the evening pass along
this road. This, together w ith
other vehicles and the patrons of
the free ferry boat give Whitwood
Court a metropolitan appearance on
Sundays at least. A number of in -
dustrics arc scheduled to be con -
structcd between the railroad bridge,
and Liuntou this summer, and it is
said the Lpiscopalians have con
eluded to spend $260,000 in the
erection of mammoth school build
iugs on the summit back of Whit
wood Court, their 20-acrc tract
uc gotten in readiness tins summer
and construction work to begi
early in the spring. A car line has
been surveyed to this tract, and
Whitwood enthusiasts claim this
will be undertaken this year. The
hillside is being cleared off rapidly
and n number of residences arc be
iug constructed. A donkey engine
is making great havoc among the
standing timber and hundreds
cords of wood arc being cut. The
united Railways has put on night
service, which is proving a great
convenience to the denizens, li cc
trie light has been secured and also
an abundant supply of the finest
water. Whitwood is bound
grow iu spite .or the fact that the
laud is pretty much on edge.
Scalp Locks Unearthed
A special from Stitcs, Idaho
nays: Two more skeletons of In
dians long since dead have been
dug up near where the grave of an
ancient chief was exhumed by
working men employed in the con
struction of the new road up Cot
tonwood canyon, about otic mile
southwest'of Stltes. These other
two were evidently not chiefs, as
notie of the regalia, trinkets or oth
cr eusignia of rank were found bur
led with them, but one reason for
this dearth of relics may be the
probable fact that the skeletons,
through several generations, had
slid down from the loose slide rock
at the base of which they were bur
ied in the lonely canyon.
Dangling in parchment-like tat
ters at the belt of one of the dc
ftiuct redskins were six human
scalps, recognized as those of white
men by the color of their hair. It
is ueiteveu mat these scalps were
taken from the hardy pioneers, tin
known, unwept and unsung, who
ventured into the wilderness of the
great West long before actual set
tiers invaded these parts. Certain
it is that these scalps were taken
and the Indians sepulchred years
before the Nez Perceswarof 1877.
A Humorless Joke
Some irresponsible female sent in
the alarm of fire last Thursday
evening, stating over the phone
that the .fire was in Point View dis
trict. The chief of police immedi
ately raug the alarm, and the fire
men turned out with their usual
promptitude, and made for the sup
posed scene of conflagration. After
chasing all through the district
with many of our citizens bringing
up the rear, the fact that it was a
hoax dawned upon them. It will
not be well with the irresponsible
one who turned in the alarm if the
police department or firemen locate
the jokeress.
Alfred R. Lee, of the Bureau of
Auimal Industry, United States
Departmeut of Agriculture, while
on a recent visit to the Oregon Ag
ricultural college at lorvauts, gave
it as his opinion that within a
short time the Pacific Northwest
would be shipping out larger quan
tities of poultry products than are
now being imported. He also stat
ed that few states have natural ad
vantages for successful poultry
raising equal to those of Western
The three prominent engineers
brought to Portland to investigate
and make suggestions and recom
mendations regarding the construc
tion and placement of the new mu
nicipal docks for Portland have con
cluded their report. The east side
of the river "between the Willam
ette and Columbia rivers" is recom
mended as the most feasible loca
tion. If this recommendation is
followed, it would mean mighty
close to St. Johns.
The west side is
The mere announcement that St.
Johns is to have n big Mayfair and
Fun Festival right In the heart of
the city, with n complete line of
up-to-date amusement features and
limning tree attractions, will un
doubtedly be hailed with delight by
the general public and gladden the
fun-loving clement of the commu
nity. It has been truly said that Joy
has no single abode; that it visits
the mechanic at his work-bench.
the shop-girl at her counter, and
1 lightens alike the labors of the farm.
! factory and household. It is tin-
doubtedly found iu greatest nbuud
aucc for the greatest number iu
the modern fun-feat, the greatest
joy maker iu nil the universe
As announced in another column,
the third annual tour of the Frank
Miller Amusement Company, Inc.,
will be inaugurated in this city
during the week ot May 6th, and
the event gives promise of finding
the organization fostered by Prof.
Frank Miller, who Is universally
recognized as America s greatest
living aeronaut, considerably en
larged, more fully equipped and iu
untieiy ucucr organized than ever
before. As a matter of fact it will
be practically new iu everything
but the name.
One feature as commendable as it
is unusual will be that the man
agetuent will diligently strive to
keep faith with the public, and ad
vcrtise only such features as it will
be iu a position to present. It is
also the policy of the management
to make a prominent feature of the
open air free attractions, a number
of which will be performed twice
daily, and at the time advertised.
I he company is making a promi
nent feature of an aeroplane, and
it is the present Intention to devote
at least one day to aeroplane flights.
The exact date of the aviation feat
ure will be announced later.
Iu addition to the aeroplane
there will be a number of other ae
rial features and free exhibitions,
including balloon races, paruchute
jumps,illumiuated night ascensions,
etc., etc., thereby affording a com
parative study 0;. ucranauticti. Of
course, the midway will be the
real muguct and prove a never-end-
ng source of pleasure and interest.
It will include the whole gamut of
fuu-provokers and embrace a rare
combination of things wonderful
nud mystifying, thrilling and auius-
ng. Nor will it be found lacking
iu the matter of sterling features
circulated to appeal to the more
discriminating element that demands
enlightenment while beiug enter
It is, of course, impossible at this
writing to give any detailed account
of the various attractions to be pre
sented. It is safe to presume that
each one will be good and well
worth the time and money required
to pay it a visit. Among the more
prominent features may be men
tioned Tabloid Musical Comedy to
be represented by a capable com
pany of nine mostly girls. Fris
co's Texas Tommy Dancers will be
n evidence, as well as n number
of catchy chorus features and a
wealth of costumes. Arayatia, pro
claimed as The Show Beautiful,"
s said to be the great Roltalr's
masterpiece in mystery, and is
founded on the mythological story
of the Egyptian maiden who was
transformed into a marble statue
and then restored to life.
A group of glass blowers will
give practical demonstrations in the
art of working in glass according
to both the Bohemian and Venetian
methods. The Georgia minstrels
will preseut a realistic portrayal of
plantation pastimes, and Princess
Seta Deva will exhibit her collec
tion of poisonous pets. Last, but
by uo meaus least, win ue vioia,
the mastodonic fashion plate, who
is said to be the largest woman ever
born to live. Of course there will
be a number of minor attractions,
and to jump to the conclusion that
only the larger and more preten
tious features will prove worth
while would be a mistake. To
miss seeing any of them will be to
miss much that is really deserving
of patronage.
Not a fake or disgusting feature
will be in evidence, and there will
be a total absence of many repre
hensible features that have char-
cterized similar traveling organ
izations visiting this section in time
gone by. It is evident, even to the
casual observer, that the success at
tending the Miller aggregation is
primarily due to the fact that the
management has shown a proper
amount of regard for the demands
of the decent among the amuse
ment going public.
Even those who arc inclined to
repudiate amusements of almost
every kind aud character are almost
forced to a realization of the fact
that there is a large and a legitimate
field for amusement organizations
Mrs. Melissa G. Overstreet, one
I of Gal's noblest women, died at
1 her home nt 109 Uurr street last
Sunday morning, April 2 tst, 1012,
of pleural pneumonia. It was the
third time that she had been aflllct
ed with this dread disease, which
proved fatal after n week's illness.
She was aged 65 years, 2 mouths
and 9 days.
Mrs. Overstreet was bom Feb
ruary 16, t847,ncar Newtown, Mo.,
aud 21 years later was united iu
marriage with Charles A. Over
street, who died nt that place about
eight years ngo. Iu 1905 she came
with her family to St. Johns, where
she has since resided. She leave.-)
three sons Charles A., Clay Center,
Neb.; J. , of Hastings, Neb.,
nud Gilbert W. of St. Johns. Also
three daughters Mrs. V. A. Rog
ers of Portland; Mrs. H. W. Wil
liams of Floris, Oklahoma, mul Miss
Alda of St. Johns.
Funeral services were held nt the
Christian church Tuesday after
noon at 2 o'clock, Dr. Reagcr of
the First Christian church of Port
laud officiating. The remains were
conveyed to her old home at New
town, Missouri, for interment. Th
pall bearers were: David Byerlec
John Brooks, Jerome Whlslcr
Lester lvmcrsou, Rnusome Powe
and Jack McNiveu.
The deceased had for many years
uecii prominent iu church circles,
and was the real type of the true
Christian character, brenthitig the
spirit of Christ, who went about
doing good. She was csicciallv
devoted to iter home and her lain
ily. It can well be said ot her that
"she hath done what she could.'
She leaves a host of friends behind
her who will always hold her iu
loving memory.
Mrs. Overstreet was n member
of the Woman's Relief Corps am
Laurelwood Rebekah Lodge, which
orders were present at the funeral.
1 he world has been made better
by reason of Mrs. Overstreet hav
ng lived iu it, aud her death is
great loss to St. Johns.
Evangelical Church Notes
Rev. W. S. Plowman occupied
lis pulpit for the first time Sunday.
tVpril 21st, preaching morning and
evening, bringing words of nssur
auce to the Christian iu the hope of
a uicssed immortality; of comfort
and cheer to the desjieudeut and an
earnest invitation to the unsaved to
accept the offer of salvation. To
say that his sermons were appre
ciated was verified by the large nu
dieuces that so attentively listened
to both sermons. Brother Plow
man and his estimable wife have
ulrcady won the love and esteem
of the people. Come and hear him.
The Philo Christo class is still
growing iu numbers and interest.
1 here were 55 iu the cluss last Sun
day. I he interest in the trip to
Palestine is growing and we nil ex
pect to learn .something about the
people nud the country on the trip,
Don't you want to join our class?
W. R. C. Memorial
The W. R. C. met in their hall
April 20 at 2 p. m and after the
opening exercises nud general bus!
ness was over the W. R. C. held
their memorial services over two of
their sisters who had left us for a
better world. The resolutions that
a committee had prepared were read
anu approved. At tue time we
were going through our memorial
service another sister (Mrs. Over
street) was on the brink of the
river of death, ready to be ferried
over to meet those on the other
shore. Since our meeting our sis
ter has crossed we, the W.
R. C, huve another sweet memory
to cherish, and trust all to our Fa
ther above. As it is written: "Kye
hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither
hath it entered into the heart of
man, the things which God hath
prepared for them that love Him,"
So we leave them iu His care.
Press Cor.
of the Miller type, which gives evi
dence of being aligned squarely on
the side of respectability and decen
cy. The ladies of the B. B. club of
Fast St. Johns wound up their se
ries of afternoon meetings by a
grand theatre party Wednesday
afternoon of last week. Those
present were Mesdames Brand, Red
mond, Bresliu, J. Scales, Alex
Scales, F. Perkins, McCann,
Richards, Nichols aud M. Per
kins. A most delightful time was
reported by all,
0cullourn: Itonlntunnud 9 to 9:30 p.m.
Suml) i ZOO tn JiJt)
Botlonc Hlectrlcnl instruments
for amateurs.
Btibict Kxpcritucutnl electricity.
iJottonc Amateur Hlectrician
fat. John Real electric toy mak
ing for boys.
Making wireless outfits,
If you want a good story ask for
one of these books:
Benson -The O.sbornes. Warm
ly human character study of n new
ly rich mid vulgar Knglish family,
to whose real dignity nud nobilltv
of character their aristocratic dough
tcr-indaw is blind.
RIdeout Twisted Foot. Tnlc
of ndventures In the Philippines
aud Java, noteworthy forthecharm
and accuracy of the local color.
McGowan--Sword in the Mount
alns. Stirring drama of the civil
war, jKirtraylnu' vividly, With inti
mate knowledge nud no bitterness
the effect of the struggle on a few
families of Chattanooga Confeder
ates, to whom It brought disseution,
poverty nud tragedy.
Hutchison Captain Fenercotirt's
Widow, fatory or a young woman
earning her living in London, the
course of whose life is changed by
a visit to the country nud the peo
ple she meets there.
Hay A Man's Man. A young
Knglisliiiiuu of means, famous iu
college for prowess iu rowing.makes
an adventurous tour of the world
nud returns to the harder task of
winning 11 spoiled but charinlnir
girl. Spirited iu incident nud
chnrncter drawing.
Lee Happy Island. Another
Uncle William" storv. rather
shiftless in construction like the
temperament of it genial leodlnir
character, but rntlintiiig content
ment, good cheer nud optimism.
King -Wild Olive. Dramatic
story, opening iu the Adiroudacks,
wuere n gtrixaids the escain: of n
young man under the sentence of
death, and pursuing their further
adventures in South America und
New York.
April Wedding
Mr. Adolph Sclia'iiberger nud
Misi Kugeiiin Williamson, both of
St. Johns, were united iu marriage
asi haturday, April 20. at 12
o'clock at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. II. F. Williamson,
301 Richmond street, Rev. 0. W.
Nelson officiating. Forest William
son, a brother of the brlde.acted as
groomsman and Miss F.stella M.
Waldorf served as bridesmaid. The
groom is engaged with the Portland
woolen mills as weaver. Refresh
ments were served. The worthy
and happy young couple will reside
at 301 KlchmoiKl street, this city.
Mr. Bob
A comedy iu two acts.
Given by members of Seniors Class
of the James Johns High
May 3, 'i2
reserved seats, 35c; Adults 25c;
Children 15c
Seats reserved at Ctirriu's
Whereas: It has pleased the Al
mighty Father to remove from the
living, Mrs, Lathrop, the beloved
mother aud grandmother of our
sisters, Rose Robinson, Minnie Mas
ters, Nellie Gambel, Hazel Ingram.
aud Nellie Robinson, aud
Whereas: While we bow to the
nfinite will of Him who doeth all
muigs wen, we do mourn with our
sisters iu their great loss. Be it
Resolved: That Laurelwood Re
bekah Lodge No. 160 I. O. 0. P.,
o hereby extend to our beloved
sisters our most heartfelt sympathy
and love iu this their time of be
reavement, sharing with them the
oss of a most affectionate, kitul,
oving mother, and be It further
Resolved: I hat a copy of these
resolutions be spread upon the
minutes of the lodge, a copy given
to our sisters and n copy sent to
the St. Johns Review for publica
tion. TillleHill, )
Mary Simmons, Com.
Mabelle Walker, )
A mass meeting will be held iu
Bickuer hall this evening for the
purpose of discussing the feasibil-
ty of organizing n co-oiierative
store iu St. Johns. All invited to
Pint N'ntfomd Hank MMfeR.
Open Evening and 9mky by Ap
pointment. Office Phone Columbia 140
KcMdcut 1'Ihiiic Columbia jh
Physician nnd Surgeon.
Day & Night Ofllco In McCheiney blk.
SU John, Oregon.
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D
Residence, C97 Dnwaon Street
Oniee, Filter Illook.
University Path, Portland, Oregon.
Hut Nntlonnt Iknk llulldln
ST. JOHNS . . . OttliCON
McDonald DuiMltiR
We buy or sell St. John I'roinsrty
Ren I Estate
List your properly witli im if you
desire to sell ntilckly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johim
drop curd to
H. M. Snttcrlcc, St. Johns, Or.
AM, work ch akantkhh
Transfer and Storage
We dollvur Your (roods to nnd from
all pnrta of I'ortlund. Vnncouvur. Linn
ton. 1'ortUml nnd Suburban lixnro
Co., city dock mid Ml ivohili neeoHluto
by wi(on. Piano end furnttum moving
Office I'lioue Columbia 24
Residence I'houu Columbia lyS
St. Johns Express, Transfer
and Storage Co.
Fiauo Moving n Sjiecinlty. ITwiN
iug done to nud from Portland
Residence .oo Hunt Richmond
Office 103 North Jersey Strati
II I II. lliirllncton Street
Automobile IU'MlrliiK mid VulcHiiNg
We can get you Auto Tirrof mII kludi
llloclo ami (lcncral licimlrlni:
hi connection. New mid m-oml httHd
bicycle for sate, llic)vle tire iu Mock.
J. M. and V. I. WIW. I'roju.
I'lioue Coliuubu 5H7.
CAMP 77J Y. 0. W.
MeH ms
ery W4
11 o ad u y
ev e 11 1 n e
in ItWk
n.r'i Hall
f, nnd A. M.
Hemilnr com mun (flatten
on llrst und third Vd
noiidaya of bmtm hmmUi
In Odd Kultawd' hull
Vinltora welcomu.
S. Chun, Ikvu. W. U.
C, O, Koi-m, Secretary
Order Eastern Star
Alinerva Chapter
Meets Kvery l'irat mid Third Tuetday
im-mug ol Kadi .Mouth Iu Odd fellow
Unit. Mr. Susie Roger, Secretary.
Meets every l'rlday uiuHt at
7 o'clock iu I. O.O. 1'.
Mull, Vikitorn alyay Wel
come. V. W. MASON. C. C.
I). I'. HORSMAN. K. R.8.
No. 186 I. O. O.
sr. joiins, ourooN
Meeta each Monday uvoniwr In Odd Pel-
lows hall ot 7:30, A cord i ll w i-k oine lo
all visitiiiK brothers,
If you have any Plumbing
you want done just call
us up, Columbia 92
203 S. Jersey Street