St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 19, 1912, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Burlington Street.
Tint KKVIKW 19 entered nt jst office
in Snltit Johns, Oregon, ns nmil tnnttcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
rfress of March 3, 1879.
OfflcUl Kewipaper of the City of St Johnj.
Subscription price $1,00 par year.
The woman's suffrage movement
is waxing strong in Oregon. It
seems to us Hint the question
whether or not women should vote
should he left entirely up to the
Indies to decide. If they want to
vote, they should have the privi
lege, but if the umjority of the wo
men do not desire to do so, the
ballot should not be forced upon
them. Which way the majority
leans is by no menus clear. It is
n question for the women to decide,
timl n way should be found to en
able them to settle this question.
Seme of the pnera have been
growing hysterical over the catidi
dncy of A. W. I,nffcrty, who is at
tempting to secure re-election to the
house of representatives. I.nfferty
is n bachelor, and he is
said to have sought the acquaint
ance ol a young Washington girl,
whom he desired to meet, the pa
pers rove. We fail to see any
thinir so radically wronir with Mr.
Lnffcrty's conduct on this occasion.
Many young women have felt Hal
tered to receive attention from a
congressman, even in the uncon
ventional way Mr. I.nffcrty sought
to become acquainted. Jim tlie la
ther L'ot the letter, mid mew irate.
Nnthim- was in the letter ns null.
lishcd to give iuiKirdonable offence
to either the girl or the parent. I lie
act was not inexcusable. It seems
the fuel that lilt? pnlsixli- Iktiiiiic
public property causes the most
serious oiiensv. now many oiuet
congressmen, with wives of their
own, are guilty of much more dis
graceful nets? Hut they have been
kept hidden, or at lenst kept out of
print. The fact of the mutter is
that I, n fieri y bus tnmle good, mid
gotten its much for Oregon as any
other in his place could have m.
cured, liven his worst euemlc-
concede that he tried to get
things for the people he represents,
and is still trvinir. His worst crime
seems to lie t'lmt he is poor, and
tiierutorem "wor picuiug ih
is deserving of another term of
ollice and should get it.
Stories of Success
A n n m o that
Will 1IV0 lotlK
nflcr writers
n n il nlategmon
of Krcatcr pro
tonnlon nro for
cnttrn In thntof
tlin nnliln found
cr of tlio Now
York Trlhuno.
I'romlor of cd
Uorn nnd first
to establish tlio
onocont news
pnper, tlio most
fntnoiis nguro In
Amntlnnn tnlfl
nullum win Hornro Orecley.
All llirouh llfo hi nlm was to
Cromoto tlio good nnd provont tlio
Ho RUppnrtPd every movement
which nomrd to tend toward right
nnil Juntlco.
Hp nlthorred dfht.
"If you Imvo but fifty contii." wild
thin ureal mint, "buy a pock of corn,
pnrch It nnd llvo on It rnthor than
own n dollar. . ...
Tlio younif mnn who early hoglnn
to iiavo Is fairly on tlio road to
WOAllll. , ...
A I ............. Im t,et(r Mm n
the reputation of lielnK a npendcr.
Deposits of ono dollar nnd up
wards are reoilvrd hero, and with
Interest compounded ncml-annually
It Is rcmatknWo how your eavlngs
nrcount will Increase.
Htnrt today end lomorrow thank
4 per cent interest on Sav
ings Accounts and Time
Certificates of Deposits.
St. Johns, Oregon
A. R. Joints, Vice President
P. P. Diunkhk, Cashier
C. H. Rt.S8iU.t., Ass't Cashier
I Ml. I,, htocktoii has made 11 vtr
bal bid for the eity advertising, pos
sibly with authority to do fioui tilt
Tulegrnm niaiianeiiieiit, a piperthnt
is cvur loath to Miy a goml word foi
St. Johns. Mr. Stockton cited the
Pobruiiry bill of the He view, Mil
claimed on thu publication oi reso
lutions for that month the jwin.r hi
represents could Ik-1 the price ,v
liureent. why uhIii t .Mr Nock
ton take the InH Itlll ot the Ki view
rendered April 1st for Match nd'
vuititiiiig, iiwU-Hd of the I'eliitiniy
bill? ItecniiH we voluntarily ie-
tiuctHl llie pike 01 puuilHliing retKi-
Itt tloiiki, even without the knowl
edge of the city officirils, IwgiuuiiiK
with Hie mouth of Maich. We hud
contemplated doing (his hk mhiii lie
the annexation cwh? wait scttlul, and
we did so, as our March bill attests.
Wheiu letKtliitioim sic piiblikhed
but once the rate was cut fifty nr
runt; wheie pumihliril twice a cul
of 3a i-i per cent was made. Thif
more than wiiw out the margin ot
the so-called Uletfiiuii oiler. Hit
MiifairiieMi of Mr. Stockton, in vi
. 1. 1.. r . 1 if . ...
01 link inci, 1 mm iiMiiiii-Mt. we
do not believe the Telegram would
authorise a lower rate than is now
charged; we do not believe it ever
published ndvertikiug of this clt
ut as low rate jwr line. Anyhow,
it was out of order, as no bids were
called for. A bid for the oflicc of
auitor would be as much in order.
i ne met ot llie muiler is mere u
not 11 small city 111 the Northwest
tuai is guuiug 11 cueupur or in Dvlter
shniHJ than St. Johns. Portland is
gutting a cheiiH'r rale on each pub
lication 01 their ad on account of
the volume ami the fact that legal
advertising run uuudly ten times in
Portland, while one lime is the gen
eral rule heio. We would be only
too glad to give a bonus of $1000
and take the Portland printing nt
the price it now jwys for same. We
notice the Telegram never makes a
bid for it, somehow.
Spring Flower Social
W. C. North for ShcrilV.
Lall'erty for Heprcscntatic.
At Ilickuer hull Wednesday even
tug, April 2., 8 p. m. under the
auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the
Pioneer M. It. church. "The Spring
Slower ifroiic unit" by 16 of St
Johns' fair maidens in dress cos
tunics of spring flower colors, will
be peculiarly adapted to the occa
sion. The entire program enter
taining to both young and old.
Come early and miss nothing. Ad
mission 15 cents, children 10 cents.
Uooths with home made candy,
cake and ice cream.
Concluded from fourth juge.
leading 111c on to it, while I was
thinking that I was instructing
you," laughed limily. "Oh, but
now I will surprise Karl 'the tools
of production must belong to thu
workers,' " she igjwatetl slowly.
"Why, I see it now. That is just
exactly what we wnntj" 1
Leap Year, (lirls1 Our photos first.
llie preacher alterwards.
Holbrook Mock St. Johns, Ore.
We sell only
the very best
in these lines
and guarantee
them in every
Special Prices
still to be
SOI S. .Tfivsfiv
I j
Suct't'Mir to
St. John Sanil anil Gravel CiiiiiniMy
... I). JACKSON, Prop.
General Contractor
We are prepared to do onv and
all kinds of excavating for street
work and other purposes. We
iilo handle sidewalk and build
ing material.
Newton mid l'essenden Streets
St. Johns, Oiegou
Phone Columbia. . . .
The following list of let-nl blnnks
arc kept for sale at this oflice and
outers wilt ue amietl as the demand
Warranty deeds. Ouit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Kealtv. Mils
of Sale, I.enses.
All those blanks at the uniform
price of 30c jier doen.
In cases of rheumatism relief
from twin makes sleep and rest pos
sible. This may be obtained by ap
plying Chamberlain's Liniment.
For sale by all dealers.
Three lots, 7-rooiu house, 12
8-voar-gld fruit trees, gas in house,
wired for electricity, street im
proved, on most prouiiuuut street;
?20QQ, $500 oash, balance on time.
Sec K. C. Couch.
The llthle Si Iuh of the
U thoroughly npilpia-il to win
Mini lo Chtlkt ami to train
them in ChrUttaii Service, We
waul you, anil you need tu.
Sunday Services--Uiblc
School: 10 11. in.
Morning Service: 11 a. ta,
Junior C. l.: J p. 111.
V. I'. S. 0. H.:-7 p. in.
ISvaugclUtic Service: 8 t, in.
Thunnlny I'rnyenueethigr-a p.iii,
j Corner New York SI. and Willis Boulevard
Central Market!
Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of
the Best Meats Obtainable.
Order FlHoi and family Trd So lldt td.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
'St. Johns Laundry
A. A.
If Elected St. Johns Will Get
All It Is Entitled To
raid Atlr.
Circassian Walnut
Birds Eye Maple
and Quartered Oak
of new, stylish and tip to date tic
signs of the very best material
ind first class workman-
ihip. We buy llicsc dressers direct
from the factory ot Jamestown, N.
V , and invite comparison of price
ind quality with any line of dress-
ors in the market.
St. Johns Furniture
Cash or Credit
Moyer $15 Suits
Always Satisfy
They satisfy in appearance,
because they are well-tailored
from reliable fabrics; they
satisfy in price, because we
sell them lower than equal
quality is sold for elsewhere.
When you see it in our ad, it's SO
First and Morrison
First and Yamhill
Third and Oak
Second and Alorrison
87 and 89 Third
For Sale Six lots, all extra size,
between Tyler and I'olk streets,
improvements in, can sell cheap.
lerius, iocash, uulaiicc $10 per
mouth, 7 per cent interest, licst
residence district. McKitiucy &
Davis. ' iCtf
When a medicine must be civen
to young children, it should be
nlcimnnt to take. Chniubcrlaiu's
Cough Remedy is made from loaf
sugar, and the roots used in us
preparation give it n flavor similar
to maple syrup, inaKiug h pieasam
to take. It has no superior foi
colds, croup and whooping cough.
For sale uy an dealers.
Bubicrlbo for Um ltcivlew Mid Im
Better known ns "Honest John," is well known in Port
land nnd vncinity, ns n business mnn nnd n taxpayer
for 29 years. He was nt the Frnzier & McLean's barn
for over 15 years. M. McKernan promises an honest
and creditable administration if elected nnd is thorough
ly capable of attending to the business of the office.
No. on the Ballot 118
rM AJvritlHKiit
Funeral Directors and Embalniers
rortlmul Office ami Chapel St, Johns Office and Chapel
Cor. Killinesworth Ave. Jt Kirby St. 43 North Jersey St.
I'Iioiim; C 1133 Woodlawn 3306 l'lione Col. jSj.Kts.l'hone Col. 559
We carry a Complete Line of Gar
den Tools and Seeds.
Are you going to spray your trees?
We have the goods
Lime and Sulphur Solution
Orwood Fruit Spray
Arsenic of Lead
Also Sprayers, Tree Primers and
Pruning Shears
4- -
: lumber:
1. r).n.nt
Slabwood 1
, Dry,
G recti,
Phoue Richmond 131
1 uorouguiy equipixxi tor nil kiuus
of laundry work nud
Up-lo-date In every respect,
Prompt ami efficient service gunr"
nnteetl. Your patrounee solicited.
How is Your Title?
Hnve your abstracts made, con
tinned or exauiiued at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co-
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
II. Henderson, manager, 208 North
Jersey, McDonald building.
You got full weight and first
luallty at the Central market. Just
trr awhllo.
Is something more than a money making insti
tution. The ideals by which conservative bankers judge
their success are not expressed in terms of profits and
dollars alone.
A well managed bank is a public trust; its highest
ideal is SAFETY, then SERVICE to customers, by
which their affairs may receive a helpful inpetus.
Such a bauk is this oue.
Peninsula National Bank
United States Depository
Capital and Surplus - $57,000.00
If you could eliuiate the tiresome drudgery of pedalling
wouldn't sewing be a pleasure instead of a task? '
An Electric sewing machine does all WORK giving any
speed desired by n mere pressure of the foot on the treadle.
Current can be drawn from any one of your electric light
sockets at any time in any room at a cost of but a half-cent
an hour.
Let us explain how simple the motor is attached how
easy the control how safe the operation. Ask us todays
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Main Office Seventh and Alder Street
Telephones Main 6688 and A 613o.
St, Johns Office, 202 North Jersey Street
1 H. HENDERSON McDonald B!de..208JprspvSt 5
" ' im.
I Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.