St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 15, 1912, Image 5

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    mV I T t-t I M7t?
ing machine of an agency you have
to pay the agent's salary? An
agent can sell about two machines a week. He must earn about $5.00 a day
with his horse and buggy. That means an added price of $15 to the machine.
Why not buy of a house that buys their
stock for cash at the lowest possible price
from the factory, that will guarantee every
rrmrliitiA cnlH inr 1 ( rtz that wi,i sive the easiest terms and
llldtlline hOiU IOr 1U yrS., a price from 1-third to one-half less.
Our favorite No.1789 A
Drop head, hand lift
ONLY $20.00
No.1789 B, same as the
above with automatic
lift. Price $21.00
We carry about 1 0 dif
ferent models, everyone
complete and fully guar
anteed. Take your choice
and pay only $1 a week
or $5 a month.
No. 1788 A. Improved
Melville old reliable
double lock stitch, high
arm, modern in everyway
beautiful oak case, $25
Like Cut 25.00
Best machine made for
the money
Everything In furnl- m (MMf' C rnflC Lk Vr Ur
ture on easy terms HOME FURNISHERS second hand
and at low prices
5 0 103 J ERSEY ST department
Local News.
B. S. Hoover has opened up n
meat innrket nt Garabaldi, Oregon.
Get your plain sewing done cheap
at 1030 N. Kellogg. 19 3I
Sash nntl doors nre cnrrlcd In
stock hy the Peninsula Hardware
Co. Get our prices.
Miss Ruth Jones of Kelso, Wash.,
has been the attest of her sister,
Mrs. Otis Shcpardson of this city.
Hoard anil room in private fam
ily, close in. Inquire 528 South
Iyanhoc. i8tf
For Sale No. 9 Acme Range,
.with coll and reservoir cheap. 709
So. Crawford Up
. We will buy your vacant lots or
your equity for cash If your price is
right. McKluney & Dayis.
Tonight I St. Patrick's social at
Dr. H. O. Browti's, 418 Kellogg
street. Refreshments, games, good
time. toe.
For Sale Very low in price, nu
8room house, lot 50x100. Corner
Tacoma and Fillmore by owner, W.
li. Waruer, box 850, St. Johns. 21
Any one who can play base ball
with any degree of proficiency Is
invited to confer with I. H. Hop
finger, who is busily engaged in
sorting out and developing prop
er material for a good base ball
team. Don't be backward, if you
know how to play the game.
For Sale Four lots 50x88 with
alleys, one block from postoflice,
faces on Fessenden street. All im
' provements in and paid for. Price
$800 each; $100 down, balance $10
per month with 7 per ceut interest
ou deferred payments. Best bar
gain in St. Johus. McKinney &
The Commercial club is doing all
can to make Its headquarters at
tractive and eutertaining. The
house committee lias been author
ized to purchase a plano.and it very
graciously showed its appreciation
and recognition of the Ladies' Aux
iliary by naming one of its mem
bers on the committee to select the
There will be a sale of ladles' and
children's dresses by the Woman's
F.xchauge Saturday in the McDon
ald building. itc
F. C. Knapp was a visitor to the
city on Monday and for a short
time was present at the session of
the Board of Governors of the Com
mercial club.
Albert J. Kubes has returned to
St. Johns after spending several
mouths in California and Medford,
Oregon. He reports times very
slow in the southern cities.
It is said that roller skating .will
soon be in vogue nt the rink.
The Bachelors gave another de
lightful dance last night.
Anyone interested iu becoming
a member of the Woman's Ex
change of St. Johus, is invited to
call nt the McDonald Building Sat
urday and investigate. itc
For Sale A three-room house,
bath, chicken yard and coop.straw
berries and roses, $950; $300 down,
balance on easy terms, Inquire at
1 142 Willis boulevard. itc
The Ladies' Aid of the St. Clem
cuts parish announce tin Faster
dance iu the rink April 8th.
Roy Wilcox, who has been dan
gerously ill with pneumonia, is ou
the road to recovery.
The infant child of J. T. Pyeatt
died Tuesday of pneumonia. Its
mother died recently, ami it had
!een adopted by Mrs. Bowles.
Doric Lodge meets iu regular ses
sion Wednesday evening, March
20th. Work in h. A. M. Degree.
Clyde O. Rogers, Secretary.
If you have trouble in getting rid
of your cold you may know that
you are not treating It properly.
1 here is no reason why a cold
should hang on for weeks and it
will not if you take Chamberlain s
Cough Remedy. For sale by all
K. F. Dav and wife have re
turned from Honolulu, where they
have been durintr the winter. Thev
report a splendid time during their
stay in tne lauu 01 sunsuiue ami
Wm. Mossnmu. the non corn
mnn tnel u'Sth disaster receutlv.
Tlif cinviiii cover of his non corn
- - . - .
. . . - 1 .1
stana caugut nre anu me covering
was entirely destroyed. A bright,
tiow fm'prJncT linivpi'pr.nniv adorns
the stand and his pop-coru is as
popular as ever.
A committee, composed of P. II.
IMlefsen. Peter Autzen, P. Hill, A,
8: Benson and F. C. Knapp, was
appointed by the Commercial club
hnanl of governors to wait upon the
county court in an effort to get the
commissioners to give more aiien
tinn to countv roads in this vicinity,
net the officials last week, and were
successful in securing a promise
that Willamette boulevard will
be macadamized its full width with
is a short time.
Daniel B. Allen, a member of
General Compsou Post, G. A. R.,
died on the 5th instant, at the
home of his son. Charles, 27 Grand
avenue, Portland, and was buried
in Columbia cemetery, Thursday
afternoon March 7, by the Com
rades of this Post.
Don't forget to secure passage on
the Lusitania, plying between New
York and Palestine, banquet iu
eluded. Come and hear all about it.
Sunday at 10 a. m., in the base
ment of the Evangelical church,
corner of John and Ivan-
hoe street. AH over 16 years of
age invited. Report to Laura M
Graden for passage.
The Ladies' Auxiliary will meet
on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30.
Remember Bailey for County
Commissioner. None better,
Hereafter General Compsou Post,
No. 22, G. A. R., will hang out a
flag nt their place of meeting dur
ing its sessions.
The Multuomali theatre Is put
ting 011 particularly fine attractions
these days "The Blot ou the
'Scutcheon," niiuouiiced for Sun
day, is said to be one of the finest
yet produced.
Congregational Corner of Rich
mond and Ivauhoc streets, Bible
school at 10 a. 111., preaching servi
ces at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m, Re
ceptlou of new members at morning
service. Public invited. G. W.
Nelson, pastor.
Captain Matteson of the Argo
brought the Chinook up from As
toria this week, with only one of
the twin screws working, in regular
steamer time. As a navigator the
captain has few if any superiors,
The Chinook is being repaired at
the dry dock.
War on Garden Pests
Since last season, we have devoted considerable
time and attention to the collection of all available
data and information pertaining to the subject of
Garden and other Pests, and we were very successful
in our efforts as we collected a mass of said data and
information which we have "boiled down" to the most
important facts and formulas to most successfully carry
on this war.
Come to us for your Fungicides, Herbicides, In
secticides, etc.
Base Ball Goods, Fishing Tackle
FREE chance on a Phonograph with every twenty-five
cent or greater purchase
St. Johns Pharmacy
1 o tveep vour i eem a Liieume
You who wish to preserve your teeth keep them solid and free from discolorntions re
member this - -
Be nttentivc to your teeth keep the shreds of food from out of the crevices thoroughly
masticate your food and nvoid as much ns possible soft and poorly cooked foodsuse the brush
regularly nud with nu up nnd down motion
and use that most efficient tooth cleanser and preservative
Nydenta Cream
Prevents fermentation arising from the decomposition of food particles hardens the gums,
protects, whitens nnd polishes the enamel of the teeth sweetens nud perfumes the breath. It ren
ders the secretions nnd membranes of the mouth thoroughly germ proof.
This is not n mere tooth paste it is a real tooth preservative.
In collapsible tubes clean nnd economical 25c the tube.
When wc had n chance to get the exclusive selling agency for Nyal Family Remedies we
jumped nt it. They nre known nmong all druggists ns the highest qunlity Hue on the market,
nnd nre prepared by n grent firm of ninnufneturing chemists, fnmous for fifty years.
I'ruach thi gospel ot Bt. Johns.
Picture frnming done nt Portland
prices nt II. F. Clnrk's, the furni
ture num. tt
Subscrlbo for the Tolcgrnmbest
dvunltifc paper on tho coast. 800
Ed Stockton.
Frnnk lirnk. first scrgennt of nr-
tillery nt Fort Stevens, is n guest nt
the home of P. II. Kdlefscn.
The Rcgnl Rnngc on sale nt the
eulusuln Hnrdwnrc Is n bnrgnlti nt
$36.00. Sec it nt once.
When vou have rheumatism iu
your foot or instep npply Chamber
lain's Liniment nnd you will get
quick relief. It costs hut n quarter.
Why suffer? v or sale by nil drug
The nimexntion case still remains
undecided by the supreme court,
nud now no decision is looked for
before next Tuesday. Iu the mean
time the candidates arc ou the
anxious scat.
First Christian Science Society:
Sunday 11 n. in., Wednesday, ut
8 p. 111. Kenning room open 1 tics
dnv nud Saturday from 2 to 4 p. 111.
All cordially invited to the services
and reading room. Subject for
Sunday, "Substance."
First Baptist Church Sunday
school 10 a. in,; worship 11 a. in.,
nud 7:30 p. 111.; B.V.P.U.,6:30 p.m.
Morning topic: "A Mob h Tribute
to Jeans." Hvenlng: "Jesus, n
Stranger or Guest." All welcome.
- H. F. Cheney, Pastor.
Mr. Philip K. Brown of St.Johns
nud Mrs. G. S. Grcnell of Portland
ivi-i-f milted In ninrrineu Mondav
evening nt the homeof.aiid by Rev.
(-.. w. NL'ison. 007 iiiKisnu street.
St. Johns. The worthy nnd hnppy
couple will make tueir Home ni 232
West Tyler street, t. Johns.
The old eastern dance given by
Iarry Sutton Tuesday evening iu
Bickner hall was largely attended
and fullv enjoyed. He will give n
eap year dance on tne 22ml, 10
which neat invitations have al
ready been sent out. Ou April
first Mr. Sutton will give n mas
querade ball, and on the Saturday
previous will have on hand a large
and diversified stock of masquerade
costumes for the convenience of
Tlif. Wnmnn's Olirlstinn TelllDer
niiro TTiitmi will meet at tilt! Hvntl-
irnllf-nl rliurch next Mondav after-
, ; . .. ' ... .
noon nt 2:30. this meeting win oe
in r lelirnte "Union SilMial Dav."
the birthday of Mrs. Lilian M.
Stevens, president ot .National wo
man's Christian Temperance Union.
As the national convention is to be
IipIiI in Portland. October 10 to 26.
you will all want to come to this
meeting anu learn an you can auow
this wonderful woman before she
conies as our guest. Cor.
The Loeer Afterward Learned With
out Asking Why He Lost
ttnrmi Ilonnoltiiuller. tlio Austrian
diplomat, n ninu famous for his chess
ability, ono dny nt n houso in wain-
Ington met n young mnn whoso name
hn ill.! not catch when tlio Introdtio
timm n-Lro 111111I0. Chess wan tbo topic
of llio conversation by nil tbono In tbo
comimny. nnd presently tlio young
mnn suggested dlllldcntly thnt he
would bo highly honored If tlio Daren
would piny n gnmo with him.
Tho imron consented. They sni
down, After n few moves the bnron
iuiiiil no from tlio tnbto checkmoted
end found tbo young mnn rending n
pnper The chessmen were pinceu
11 pi In nnd, nfter not so ninny mores
ns before, the bnron looked up to find
the young mnn reading tho pnper nnd
himself checkmated.
Afior hi dinner tho bnron rnme
tmek. Ho wnnted nnotticr pnme. being
somewhat chncrlned nt tho enso Willi
which ho bnd been ben ton. As he
enmo In bo found tho young mnn who
hnd plnyed with him thnt nncrnoon
blindfolded nnd plnylng ngnlnst nit.
in niiiinniMitH nt the sftinn Umn. Tho
jonns mnn wns I'lllsbury.-Bnturdny
livening Post.
Free Ferry by Wednesday
Provoked nt the dilatory tactics
adopted by the county court iu re
gard to the free ferry, Mayor Couch
made it a point to call on the offi
cials Wednesday afternoon nnd un
burden his mind. The mayor can
talk right to the point, especially so
when liis ire is aroused, nnd thnt he
did so in this instance is evidenced
by the fruit it bore. Commissioner
Iinrt wns delegated to make n visit
to the ferry lauding, which he did
yesterdny iu company with Mr.
Couch. As n result of the visit nud
the spurring of the mnyor, the of-,
ficials have pledged to place the old
boat iu commission not later than
Wednesday of next week.
Who Was Ri
Our Sleep.
An n rnen wo flccil too little. An
Infant's llfo ts nearly nil sleep. Grad
ually ns tlio child grows ouier 1110
hours of sleep nro shortened to hnlf
tho dny or nbout eight hours. Youth
until Iho ngo of twenty Is reached re
quire fully ten hours' sloop. Although
nnturo demands fewer bourn sleep In
summer tbnn In winter, It has been
proved thnt eight hours of sleep nre re
quired for tho nverugo ndult In good
health. Ily this, explnlns tho Pitts
burg Dlipntch, Is niennt not simply
eight hours In bed, but thnt amount of
good, souud. restful sleep night nfter
night. Our xwer to work Is Inttmnto
ly related to our ability to sleep, nnd
thero ts no more reliable Indication of
sound health thnn tho capnclty to sleep
naturally, nnd tho more nctlvo nnd en
ergetic tho waking Hfo tho deeper tut
Hie Light Diet.
Tho nctor's senso of humor Is !
wnys upimrmosL Ho will Jest nbout
his hnrd luck. hU III luck or rlinost
anything that offera nn opportunity for
a Joko. acncrully, too, he hns cour
age thu courngo to emtio when his
henrt Is heavy. A comedian, who wns
known to Im In desperate Ktrnlt. wns
Invited to a soclnl gathering ono oven
Ing, When tho poor nctor arrived ho
was seen to bo thinly ctnd. nlthough
llio weather was bitter cold, no look
ed nlso ns If ho had not hnd nny too
much nourishment for somo tlmo. Tho
hostess greeted him cordlnlly.
MI 11111 so glad to seo you," nho said.
"How well you nro looking!"
"Yes." replied tho comedian: "tho
wind has been very nutritious of late."
-Saturday ISvenlng Post
A Kicking Deferred.
Aunt Clara (to hor young nephew,
who has Just brought n bucket Into
tho pnrlor where she Is Blttlngl-tlood
gracious. Tomrayl What are you do
ing with thnt bucket? Toko It down
to the kitchen nl once. Toramy-I
wont you to kick it, Aunt Clara, 'csubo
I heard pnpn saying wnen you men
the bucket we'd get at tho very least
Hie Objeotlon.
Mrs. Illchqulck-John. I wont you
to buy a new pnrlor suit. Mr, filch-quick-Mario,
I've been agreeable
enough so far to get different clothes
for morning, noon, afternoon and
night, but I'm conaarned If I'll change
'era every tlmo 1 go Into a different
room. Ilrooklyn Life.
Prizes for Children
The boys nud girls nre display-
lug n very commendable Interest
Iu the sweet pen exhibition, nud
the committee has decided to offer
them the following First
iri.e for the best ten feet of mixed
colors, nud a second prize for the
next best ten feet. They will be
11 n class by themselves, nud there
will no doubt be a very spirited
rivalry among them to see who will
carry off the honors. Planting
time is already here nud no time
should be lost.
(Puliliilied by requrit)
i can of i)cas: .1 tablesnooiiH for
more if desired) of minced chuuM
nud same of chopped sweet plcklo;
1 small onion chonned fine. Utm
any good boiled salad drustiing
sweetened to taste.
To the nerson furnishing tne the
first satisfactory written answer to
the following problem or question
will be given a prize of 25c worth
of any goods in stoclc. J.M. onaw,
Groceries and Provisions, 802 N.
vauhoe street.
While standing in front of one of
nri1:iiir1': si: v.scraners under con
struction. Mr. Skeebiuk said to the
contractor iu charge: "Are your
outside walls plumb?" "l'ertectiy
plumb," was tne reply. " 1 nen,
said Mr. S. "your building is wider
at the top than at the bottom."
'Impossible," said the contractor.
"Go back to your goose herd, and
don't ask fool questions." Who
was right, and why.
Answer to last week's problem,
75 geese. Winnerjas. O. Haynes.
Her Oaln.
Mrs. Jones Does your husband re
member your wedding anniversary?
Mrs. Hmltb-No; so I remind blin of
It In Jaiiuury nnd Juno and get two
orients -Harper's Huznr.
The following resolutions were
adopted by the Women of Wood
Whereas: The hand of death has
so suddenly entered the home of
our faithful neighbors and taken
tuclr ueioveu motiier; uiereiore
be it
Resolved: That we extend to our
Neichhors Miller and Hanson our
heartfelt sympathy iu this, their
sad Hour ot bereavement.
Anna Canright, Alice Weitner,
F.fta Beam, Ilaniia Vincent,
Pea Salad
Piles Defy (he Knife
The cause of their formation
still remains.
One place where surgery fniln to
bring permanent relief is iu thu
treatment ot piles, liecnusc evuu
when the evil tumors are cut nwny,
the cause of their formation still re
mains. That cause is poor circula
tion. Dr. I.eonhnrdt's HHM-R01I)
is the tablet remedy that is tukuii
inwardly, and gets right to the in
side cause.
IIKM-ROII) is sold by St. John
Pharmacy and nil druggists for -ft.
Money back If it fails. Write Dr.
I.eouhardt Co., Station B, Buffalo
N. Y for booklet.
Bookkeeping, Ufa, Student or
Business Alan.
Short practical instructions by
Public Accountant. Few I,etoii.
Mail. Successfully taught i.iyonrs.
Qualifications guaranteed iu 1
mouth for positions. Assistance,
Highest reference from people hold-
lug positions. Request particulars.
The Home Bookkeeping Instruc
tion Co., 502-51 1, Swetlaud lildjt,
Portland, Ore,
The character social given by
the Rebekahs iu the Odd Fellow
building Wednesday evening for
the benefit of Mrs. I,ee Fortune was
undoubtedly the most interesting
event of the year. The attendance
was overllowing, tne program ex
cellent, the refreshments refreshing,
the fishing game a scene of activity
and enthusiasm, and the characters
sustained wonderful to behold. Mrs.
Kdgar Murray captured the prize
offered for best sustained character,
and Mrs. A. W. Markle secured the
prize for the smallest foot. The
occasion was one of merriment, and
enjoyed to the fullest extent. Th
Rebekahs received much praise for
the splendid entertainment provid
ed. About $100 was cleared for
this most worthy cause.
-1 0
Mrs. J. H. Heustis of Sunnjvsidu
is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. R