St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 15, 1912, Image 3

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    CENtOrlhtPANAMA Paotic Cxposition19I5
An Ordinance Regulating the
Improvement of Streets in
the City of St. Johns, by
Hard Surfacing With Con
crete Pavement.
it. . 4S.
The city of St. lolins docs ordnin ns
Hi ill
Every Country on Earth to Bo
Represented at the Great
est World's Fair In History.
Eighty Million Dollars to Bo
Expended on National Cele
bration. WITHIN a few weeks' time
thousands of men nuil toiitna
will be cnptRwl In leveling
off the ground of the I'ntm
mn. Pacific IntoniHtloiml ex-poltlon mIIi
In Bun I'rancUco, and It I cnt limited
lliat within six mnnthit 10.000 men will
bo employed In the count ruction of the
mnterlnl pnrt of the grcnt exposition nt
which the United Btnte or America
will eclchratu the opening of thu t'nnn.
ma cnunl. Responses to InvltntloiiH to
pnrtlclpnte nnd ofTcrit of coopcrntlon
from every pnrt of the world nre Hood
ing the exposition mnnngemt'iit, nnd
President 0. C .Moore und Ida thirty
dlreclora. who represent every Impor
tant Interest on the const und $1,000,
000,000 In Invested cnpltnl, nre working
night nnd day to keep up with the
Talanche of tlutlei thut pour In upon
KoHponncR of foreign countries ur
pnw nil anticipation of the uxponltlon
management. Every civilized nntlou
on curth, every land within the tiweep
of both ajiorc of tho Pacific oeeun
nnd every stnte In thu Union will bo
represented by the fluent hkhciiiIiIhko
of display tho world lina ever Neon,
'8nn Frnnclsco." anya President
Moore, "as hostess for tho nation will
entertain the world In 1015 with tho
most cotnprebenidve expedition In his
tory, n Jubilee of nation, n splendid
commemorntlve colobriilloii, which
ahsll tncludu not only the llnest fix
tures of all former world' exposition
In recording the progress: of the world,
but yet In mugnlth'oncc, In diversity.
In Its dlstlnrtlvo rotor of thu went, of
the orient uud of all thu couuirlwt lior
daring upon the l'neltle ocouu will
ataud alone. The nations of tho world
will ceo the finest American display
ever ahown at the I'nnmnii-I'acltlc lu
teruntlonal exposition.
"Tho plans of tho people of tho west
for the I'nnaiiia-I'acltle International
exposition are being undcrtukcu upon
a acale of world education and Inter
est, and tho exposition Is the subject
of enthusiastic co-operation In every
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract aud Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H. Henderson, manager, 208 North
Jersey, McDonald building.
Bring In your Job printing while
you think of IU Don't wait until you
are enUrely out. Wo are equipped
to turn out neat and tasty printing
promptly at Portland prices or less.
aBBBBBBBBIBlaLBlaVbJaWHaajssss - v4bKSebBH
I to''aawaaaaaaBiWBaaaaiBa
Composite Fleet of Navies of
the World to Pass Through
Panama Canal and Enter
San Francisco Harbor.
What the Great Fair Will
Be Like.
Innd uHn tho earth. Ran Francisco
U preparing to meet the standards of
a great national celebration, livery
Innd under thu stars nnd stripes will
bo represented, nnd tho nations of
the world nre Intensely Interested In
thu Panama eatial, America's gift to
cIvIIImiIIoii, and In the exposition nt
which America will formally celelirato
the opening of thu eanal. This uni
versal Interest has assured thu most
remarkable world's exposition in point
of M'ze, diversity uud npeclll! Interest
ever held."
Tho opening of thu Panama cnunl
will not only bu tho most Important
commercial event In thu history of thu
wnrhl, but It will mark u supremo
epoch In tho Uvea of tho nations bor
dering UK)ii the Pad lie, nnd appropri
ately the visitor will see In thu ex
position the greatest displays , of
atrangu tribes nnd peoples of 'tho Pa
cific ocenn countries ever assembled.
Down the streets of San Francisco
In exposition days will pass such ori
ental pageants as (ho world bus never
Keen, China. Japan, thu Philippines,
India and other oriental lands will
Join In parades that will rival the In
dian durbar In iiiagnlllceiico nnd sur
pass thu durlKir In vnrlety by reason
of tho many nations represented.
Tho exHstlou will formally open
with the entrance Into 8au Francisco
harbor of n comKlt Meet of tho bat
tleship of tho world. Upon invita
tion of the Culled Statin nearly 100
warships of foreign nations will first
assemble nt Hampton Itoads and will
Ivo Joined by detachments of the Amer
lenn navy, and the eoinMislie tied will
then bo reviewed by the president and
by foreign dlKUltnrle. This tleet. the
largest ever assembled, will rjroceed
through the Pnnumn eanal. arriving
In San Francisco harbor about two
weeks after the expnslilon oien.
The t munition will be held upon the
shores of San Promisco Imy nnd of the
Pacific iM-oHii und will occupy tin urea
of mure than I.fSOO acres, The grounds
will describe u semicircle nlxm! San
Christian Church Sunday school
10 a. 111., 1'reaclitiiK 11 a. 111
rreacninir 11 a. 111. aim
7:30 p. m C. H. 0:30 p. m. jun
ior Endeavor 3 p. m. Everybody
invited to all these service. Taber
nacle corner New York and Leon
ard streets. A cordial invitation is
extended to all. J. R. Johnson,
Tonight! St. Patrick's social at
Dr. II. O. Brown's, 418 Kellogg
street. Refreshments, games, good
time. loc,
Francisco, following tho contours of
tho shore from tho hnrbor out to and
beyond the Golden Onto. The struc
tures will be the largest nnd costliest
oTor erected for n world'a exposition.
Tho two prlnclpnl locntlons of tho ex
position will bo nt Harbor View nnd
In Golden Gate park. Harbor View
lies ns a crescent on Ban Francisco
bay midway between tho ferry build
ing, tho principal cntranco to Bnn
Francisco, nnd .tho Golden Gnto. Gold
en Unto pnrk fronts tho Pad tic ocean
otio mile below tho famous Cliff House,
Thesu two main alien und Intermediate
locntlons will bo connected by n ran
rluo boulevard thut will skirt tho
ahores of Ban Francisco bay nnd nlao
by nn Intcrmurnl railroad. A trackless
trolley will run over tho boulevard.
Harbor View Is within twenty min
utes' wnlk of the Fairmont hotel nnd
tho most extensive apartment houso
section of Ban Frnnclsco.
At Hnrbor View will bo located n
yacht harbor, the Midway nnd night
llfo of thu exposition nnd mnny con
cessions that lend themselves to night
Illuminations as well ns great build
ings to house such heavy exhibits ns
may bo readily unlonded from ocenn
going vessels, such ns tho structure
to contain tho manufacture nnd ma
chinery exhibits, tho Palaco of Mhcrul
Art and other Industrial features.
Golden Gate park will bo tho sent of
tho permanent fenturcs of tho expos..
Hon. With an area of more than n
thouxnnd nerc Ooldon Gnto pnrk, for
ested and creuted of sand dunes, today
prevent one of thu most notable
achievement In landscape gardening
In tho world. The west end of Golden
Gnto purls, comprising tIO ucres. will
bu utilized for exposition purposes.
Around it great stadium, nlready built,
will be orccted a huge concrete coli
seum, the largest structure of Its kind
In America, cupnble of seating 7o.000
peoplu mid In nrchltecturo llku thnt nt
Itouiu. A chnln of lake at different
level will be connected by n working
model of thu Panama cnnnl.
Lincoln park, wlioro tho Golden Goto
round out Into the Pacific ocean, com.
niiinds u puuornma of tho Pacific
ocean, of Ban Frnnclsco hnrbor nnd of
tho hill of tho city. It urea is 1M
ncres, and lis contour rise mora than
300 feet ubovu sea level. At Lincoln
park will bu erected n great commem
orative statiio welcoming ship to the
Golden (late. Tentative plans for He.
Francis momorlnl lower call for a
nt rue turn K.0 feet In height, with a
bnso '00 feet square. Tho top of the
tower will bo almost 1,300 feet above
the waters of tho Golden Gate.
From Lincoln park tho boulevard,
turning south toward Golden Gate
park, will puss through nn area of 200
ucres that have born secured by the
director for exposition purposes. Here
will be located the foreign buildings,
live stock exhibits, mining, horticul
ture und agriculture and other dis
plays requiring extensive space.
The following list of legal blanks
are kept for sale at this office and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty aud Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
of Sale, peases.
All these blanks nt the uniform
price of 30c per dozen.
Notice of Special Election
Notice is hereby Riven llmt by virtue of
ihe city chnrter, and Ordinnnce No. 462 in
nccordnnce therewith, which ordinance
was duly adopted by the council of the
cily of St. Johns, Multnomah county, Ore.,
Mnrch 7, 1912. A special election will be
held in the city of St. Johns, Multnomnlt
county, Oregon, on Mcmdny. April I, 1912,
for tlics purpose of voting for or nRninst
the following proposition: Slinll the city of
St.Johns incur a municipal bonded indebt
edness in the. turn of Twelve Thousand
(f 12.000) Dollars for the purpose of pur
chasing for pork purposes the following
described plot of ground: All that plot of
ground situated in the cily of St. Johns,
Multnomah county, Slate of Oregon, be
longing to Nancy Cnplcs, bounded on the
northwesterly side by Tyler street, on the
southwesterly side by Dawson street, on
the southeasterly side by Folk street and
on the northeasterly side by Central ave
nue, formerly Willis boulevard; containing
3.17 acres more or less, including Stanford
street. Said ground to be held in use by
said city as a public park and for park
nurposes,sid bonds to run for a period of
IS years, optional after 10 years, nnd bear
Interest from their date at n rate not to ex
ceed 6 per cent, per annum. Interest pay
able semi-annually, interest coupons to
bear interest at the same rate after their
The voting places for said election will
be as follows:
For the First Ward, 202 South lersey
street, main door of I. O. O. F, building.
For the Second Ward, Council Room of
the cily hall.
rolls will be open at V o clock in the
forenoon and close nt 7 o'clock in the after
noon. F, A. RICE, Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review on
March 8. 15, 22. 29 1912.
CIIAKI.ltrt l(. NIC1IOI.H ItSTATIt.-Notlcc I.
htrcliv L'lvrn Dial ttie iimlmlitnrtl lias Iwtn
aiiuolnlrtl AdmliiWuatrU ol the e.lsl ot Cliss,
(, Nichols, drccaKtl. by the County Court ol the
Mle ol Orrcou, lor Multnomah County, ml has
iltinlltlttl, All crons havlnt; claims aiislii.t
Mill elate ate hereby uutlllcl 10 present the
Mint to me at thcoirk-t ol 11. J. (;tmer In Ihe
McDonslil block so North Jtttcy street. M
Johns, Otruon, with proper vmcher ami duly
vermeil, wiunti sis mourns irom me uaie neiroi.
Usliol first putillrallan-l'ftOsy, March Mh.
1911. lil.lZA NICIIOLH, Ailiiihil.lratris,
O, J. Caliinyer, Attorney.
Bubicrlbo for tho St. Johns Itovlow
aud koep pented on tho doluK of
tho city.
Spring Opening
Monday, March 18
at the
St. Johns Millinery
All are invited to come and in
spect our new line for all ages.
Will give our usual discount
that day.
MRS. E. J. MARTIN, Prop.
Phone Columbia 306
As a candidate for nomination for Sheriff of Multnomah
County, I desire to make the following .statements:
First! If nominated and elected, I will feed the prisoners
at the Courthouse aud at Kelly liutte at actual cost, ami will
make public the same, together with the actual cost of the entire
office, including the profits made by the same. I will work for
the flat salary provided by law and will account to the taxpayers
for all the moneys and payments that come into the office, and will
turn the same over to the proper official. Give me a tryotit and
see what I will do.
Second! I was born in this state and have raised and ed
ucated my family in Portland. I have nothing to fear from my
past record and am under no obligations to friend or foe. I am
in a position, if elected to give the criminal element my closest
attention, and will put forth a specinl effort to subdue vice and
crime iu this city. The sheriff's office shall be my headquarters
at all times except wheu out on actual duty, and the duties of said
office shall have my entire time and attention.
Third: I am a working man myself and have won the
confidence of the business men of Portland. They are aware that
my training is such that, if nominated and elected, I will give the
people an economic, impartial business administration, aud that
I will greatly reduce the costs of the Sheriff's office to the tax
payers of this county N. II. BIRD.
(Paid Adv.) 714 Front St.
Scaled proposals will be received by
the utidcrslKiicd nt Ills odicc in the city
hull of St. John, Ori'Kou, until 6 p. tit.,
Mar. 19, 191 3, (or the Nile u( not less limit
tur nnd accrued Interest uf Improvement
bonds ol the city of St. Johns, Oregon.
Sit me to be Issued under Ordinance No.
460 for the whole or nny pnrt of Ji,
,oo. Sitid bonds to be tinted Feb, I,
1913, mid Uiued In denominations of
f joo ench, (Ktynble ten years from ilntc,
same belli- coupon boiuls bcnriiiK Inter
est nt six per cent, tNiyiihlc Stfinl-itliliii-ally,
nnd subject to nil the conditions
imiioscil, directed nnd stipulated by sec
tion mi of Hie charter of the city of St,
rue riKiu is rescrvcii to rciiccui nuy or
nil IkmiiIs nt nny interest twiyiiiK crlod
nt or nfter one year front dale.
All bids must be nccouiKtuicd by n cer
tified check for two cr cent of the
amount, said check to be twynblc to the
cllv of St. Johns, to which it will icvcrt
ns damages In ense party to whom bonds
ore nwurded fails to iircept ntul pity for
nihil' within 15 days from acceptance of
hid. Money to be xiid nnd IhiiiiIs de
livered nt St. Johns, Multnomah county,
The rlKht Is reserved by the council to
rclccl nny nnd nil bids.
I'. A. RICH,
City Kccorilcr.
Published In the St. John Kcvlctv 011
March H, uud IS, 191a.
Central Market!
Sec us for the Choicest Gits ot
the Best Meats Ohtninnblc.
Order rillrd and Tamily Trade Solicited.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
An Ordinance Providing the
Time and Alnnncr of I in
proving Fcsscndcn Street
From Buchanan Street to
the Southeast City Limits
in tiic City of St. Johns,
The city of St. Johns docs ordain ns
The council of the citv of St. tubus.
having ascertained the cost of Improving
l'csv'tnicii street Irom tile westerly side
line in iiuciiminn iircct tu tiic houiu
easterly city limits, in the city of St
Johns, Orcuon, ns shown liv the resoln
tlou ot the council 01 sulil city, (luted on
out nay oi l'ciiriuiry, 1913, nun rccorucu
in tlicolhcc of the recorder of snld city,
nnd notice thereof having 1eu published
tu the .St. Johns Iteview, 11 weekly news
iNiiier of ueiteral circulation. 011 the
ytlt iluy nud the 16th day of l'eliruary,
lutJ, ns siiown ny tiic niiiiinvii 01 111c
foreman of wild tmpcr, which .snld nflida
vlt la oil file in the ollice of the city re
cordcr; and lecal imstlnir of notices of
sucn tiunroveiiicui. ns mown uy me 11111
ilnvlt ol the city cnuluccr on file in the
office of the city recorder: nnd 110 re
tuouttrmicc having been filed, mid, ns
tinivlded by said resolution, the euuiti
cers preliminary estimate of snld improve
ment Is 10,040,96, but shall lie more
nccitrntely determined by ruihl engineer
Now. therefore, it Is hereby ordered
that said street be Improved nud the
time fur the completion of said iui
uriivcment is liereby fixed nt sixty day
from the hist tmblicntlou of tiroisisiils o
wild work, which said proposals intist be
filed with the recorder of wild city on or
before the mil ilnv 01 April, 1913
nt H o'clock, p. m. ol wild ilny.
That Mid street snail be Improved as
follows: lly urndini! ruime totheestnb
lislird L'rnde oil each side of snld street
for n width of sixteen feet nbuttiiiK the
curb, mid by laying thereon 11 concrete
luivcmcnt 6 Inches thick, hi nccorilance
with the sKClficntlons therefor prcivircd
by the city ciiuluccr. 011 file with the
city recorder, ns directed by the city cu
The city recorder slinll ulve notice
by publication for not less than three In
sertlous in the St. Johns Kevlew.thc olll
clni uewsiMiier, iuvltiiii! proixiwls for
' imiklnu snlil Improvement,
I Said liupiovemeul slinll In all respects
: be done uud completed In conformity
' with the provUlous of ordinnnce No,
1 46 except os otherwise pro
' vided III this ordinance; nil work to be
done under the direction und supervision
of the city engineer.
i That the cost of wild improvement
'slinll bu iihsesscd iiKulust the property ill
I the local Improvement district us de
scribed in wild resolution nud designat
ed ns and declared to be local Improve
ment district No. 77.
l'sed the council this the 13th day
of Mnrch, 1913,
Approved by the mayor this the uth
day ol March, lyu.
' K. C. COUCH,
Attest: I', A. RICH,
Published in the St. Johns Review on
March 15, 1912.
It Is resolved by the city of St.Johns:
That it deems it expedient and necessary
to Improve l'esenden street from the
westerly line of Ituchauaii street to the
westerly line of Oswego street in the
city of St. Johns iu the following man
ner, to wit: Hy uradlm; said txirtion of
said street to kiiht;ralc as now establish
ed on each side of said street for a width
of sixteen (16) feet nbuttiiiK the curb,
anil by layiiiK thereon u concrete uivc.
meiit six (6) inches thick in accordance
with the specifications therefor prepared
by the city engineer uud on file with the
city recorder.
Said plans and sccjiicutloua aud esti
mates are satisfactory and ure hereby
approved. Said improvements to be
mude in accordance with the charter and
ordinances ol the city of St. Johns, and
under the supervision nud dlrectiou of
the city engineer.
Thut the cost of said Improvement to
be assessed as provided by tin city char
ter upon the property especially aud iar.
tlcularly benefited thereby, aud which
is liereby declared to be ull of lots, parts
of lots, blocks and tercels of land be
tween the termini of such improvements
abuttiuK upon, udiaceut or proximate to
the said l'essenden street from the
marginal Hues of said street buck to the
center of the block or blocks or tracts
of laud abutting thereon or proximate
That all the property included in said
improvement district aforesaid is hereby
declared to be Local Improvement Dis
trict No. 80.
That the city engineer's assessment of
the prolable total cost of said improve
ment of said street is f 10,653,86,
Thut the cost of said improvement is to
be assessed against the property iu said
local assessment district as provided b)
the city charter of the city of St. Johns.
Adopted the twelfth day of March,
1'. A. RICK,
City Recorder.
Published iu the St. Johns Review on
March 15 aud 33, 1913.
Wolcott (the rent man) 130 uth
street, Portland, is the man to see
for real estate or mercantile deals,
Section t, Whenever n street is to be
mproved by hnrd surfacing with con
crete pavement, the sntuc shall be done
in tne loiiowmg manner:
The snuce over which the rnnrrrti- Is
to be laid will be excavated to the Kron
er depth ns designated hy the city engi
neer, nun inorouguiy compacted uy roll
lug with a road roller weighing not less
than 10 tons, Care must be taken to
preserve the proper crown. All soft nud
spongy places not affording u firm foun
dation slinll be dug out uud refilled with
good cnrtli, gravel or macadam, well
rammed iu place.
All embankments slinll, whenever so
required by the city engineer, lie built
111 Horizontal layers or courses 01 not
more than one foot in thickness for the
full width of embankment, nnd each
layer rolled in turn to the satisfaction of
tne city engineer.
Rolling shall be completed iu sections
of nt least one block, nud shall be tested
and accepted by the city engineer, or in
spector in writing before nuy of jmving
mnterlnl is placed thereon.
UlKJII the sulii'rnili- tirptuirpd n aliiivr
specified slinll be placed n layer of con
crete not less than six (6) Inches thick
from suburndc to too surface after heltn;
thoroughly rammed mid competed.
Mixing nud Laying,
One part of cement nnd three mirtn of
sand shall be thoroughly mixed dry mid
made Into mortar with the least jiossible
amount of water; to this will be added
five ivirls of broken stone tliorotiL'hlv
drenched with wntcr, hut containing 110
loose water in the keep, nud whole shall
be thoroughly mixed until the aggregate
Is completely covered with morter. .Ma
chine mixed concrete equal to the nlxive
win uc accepted.
The stone nud tunrtitr nre to be meas
ured (not estimated) iu the given pro
portions nud mixed in 11 protier Imx or
on 11 wntcr tight platform according to
the direction of the city engineer, nud in
no case nre they to be mixid 011 the
ground. It shall then be spread nt once
aud thoroughly compacted by ramming
until free mortar appears 011 the surface
nud no rock or gravel stones arc visible
on the top surface.
1 uc upper surince 01 tne concrete
shall exactly conform with the finished
crown of the street mid slinll be struck
with a template if ncccsarv. The mor
tar nud concrete shall not be mixed in
greater quantities than Is required for
immediate use, nnd none remaining un
used until set shall be remixed or Iu nny
way used again.
All surfaces or against which concrete
Is to lie laid shall lie thoroughly cleaned
uud dnmpcucd by sptinkting with wntcr
just previous to placing the concrete. In
the mineral aggregate one suck of ce
ment shall be taken as one (1) cubic
foot, and one (1) barrel as four (4) cubic
The rock for making the concrete
shall be the best dark colored sound ba
salt rock, or gruiilte broken In lileccs not
larger than two Inches lit the largest di
ameter nor smaller than one-fourth of mi
inch In diameter. The broken rock
shall be screened so thnt all dust, clay,
loam or vegetable matter nud nieces
smaller than one-quarter Inch in illume
ter shall be removed. The rock shall ks
thoroughly washed, If considered uecos-
Sitry uy tiic city engineer.
All sand must lc clean, coarse and
sharp; it mutt range uniformly from flue
to coarse, All must pass 11 sieve having
one. fourth inch mesh nnd not more than
ten cr cent must pass u 30 mesh sieve.
The cement shall be u Portland ce
ment of approved brand free from hard
lumps mid all foreign matter. It shall
be delivered 011 the work iu the original
twickagcs in good condition, labeled
properly nnd must be well protected
from rain mid dampness. The engineer
shall at all times have access to ull ce
ments for the purpose of testing at least
10 days before being used, mid the engi
neer shall be notified thut such l availa
ble iu days iu advance of use.
It shall leave by weight 11 residue of
not more thuu H ht cent uu the No, 100
screen, and not more than 35 cr cent 011
the 300 screen,
Time of Setting.
It shall develop initial set iu not lav
than 30 minutes, mid must develop hurd
set Iu not more thuu 10 hours.
Tensile Strengths.
14 hours in moist uir, 17s kiiiiuU pur
square inch.
One day in moist air, 6 day iu water,
joo iouiias er win are inch.
One day iu moist air, 37 lUyaiu witter,
600 pounds tier square inch,
1 :j Mortur,
One day iu moist air, 6 days In witter,
300 jiouiids per square Inch,
One day iu moist air, 37 days in water,
375 ixniuils per square inch.
In addition to above tests all cement
shall be subject to nuy other tests that
the engineer shall deem necessary to de
termine whether the cement Is of a suit
able character.
After the concrete Is iu pluce and thor
oughly rammed, the upper surface con
forming with the exact crown of the
street and 110 pieces of rock being visible
the entire surfuce shall be roughened by
brooming same with u wire broom, All
brooming shall be done before set.
At intervals of 35 feet, or as the engi
neer shall direct, shall be placed an ex
pansion joint made as follows: A header
shall be placed at right tingles to the
center line of the street, behind which
shull be placed u double thickness uf tur
building paper. When the cement has
set enough to stand the header shall be
removed, leaving the paper mid the ad
joining concrete butted ugaiust it. Cure
must betaken to keep the joint iu struight
line. One of these joints shall be placed
at the end of each day's run.
The contractor shall barricade all work
for a period of at least eight days after
its completion, aud shall iu wurtu
weather keep all concrete damp during
the day for at least seven days after com
pletion, Fussed the council this the uth day of
March, 1913.
Approved by the mayor this nth day
of March, 1913,
Attest: I'ruuk A. Rice,
Published iu the St.Johns Review 011
March ij, 1913,