I THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW BY A. W. MARKLE Published Every Friday At 117 West Burlington Street. Tun KKVIKW Is entered nt post office in Snint Johns, Oregon, as mnil tnnttcr of the second class under the Act of Con gress of Mnrch 3, 1879, OfflcUl Niwiptptr of th City of St. Johni, Subscription prion $1.00 par year. Arbor Day mid n due observance thereof, was suggested at the ladies Auxiliary at its last meeting. It takes place April 12, so that there is not much time to lose. Kvcry residence street and grounds, pub lic or private, is enhanced in value and improved in beauty and com fort by the use and adornment of trees, and for this reason each per son should feel an interest in giving it their individual attention. t One year from todny the presi dent will hnve been inaugurated just eleven days. Who will it be? That is the question now agitating the public mind, but November will soon roll around, and March 4th will follow soon thereafter. In the meantime let the wheels of in dustry continue revolving nnd busi ness keep on growing, trustfully as Nil red that our country is safe and a still greater and more promising fu ture is in store for it. It doesn't seem as if the county court is treating this city right iii regard to the free ferry. It agreed to oficratc the old boat until the new one is ready to be placed in comtniNsiou, but no attempt has been made to do this. It is ti tie that the approaches needed fixing, and that it waH necessary to drive pil ing wider amrt to admit the wider boat that is being built. Vet need this interfere very materially with operating the old boat at the same time? As is usual, the county work is dragging along mighty slow, and if it is ucccflmiry to wait until it complete the two approaches and sm, it in doubtful if a free ferry will be in oeratioti inside of six weeks. Surely a shaking up in the county comuiiHHiouers' officers would not be out of order. (Since the above was in type the county court has agreed to have the old boat in commission by Wednesday. Kd.) Stories of Success HORACE GREELEY A name that will live long nftor writers nnd ntntcsmen of Rreater pro tension nro for Kotton Is Hint of tho noblo found er of tho New York Tribune. Premier of ed itors and first to establish tho one-cont news- f riper, tho most amotis flguro In American Jour- nallam was noraro urceicy. All throiiifh Ufa his film was to promote tho good nnd prevent tho bad. Ifo supported every movement which seemed to tend toward right nnd Justice. He abhorred debt. "If you hnvo but flfty cents" said this Brent mnn, "buy n peck of corn, parch It nnd llvo on It rather than owe n dollnr. Tho young man who early begins to navo Is fairly on tho road to wealth, A navlngs account ts better than thr reputation of being a spender. Deposits of ono dollar and up wards nro recilved hero, nnd With Interest compounded scml-nnnunlly It Is rcmnrknhla bow your savings account will Increase. Htnrt today and tomorrow thank yourself. 4 per cent interest on Sav ings Accounts and Time Certificates of Deposits. FIRST NATIONAL BANK St. Johns, Oregon Svi.vnsTim PitTHHSON, Pres. A. R. Joints, Vice President h'. P. DiuNKitu, Cashier C. 11. Russiti.r., Ass't Cashier The Library Open Hours: 1:00105:30 and 710 9:30 p. m Sundays: to Commercial Club According to the city papers the socialis or I. W. W.'s played a a very .scurvy trick upon Baden Powell, the great Hoy Scout organ i.ur and promoter, Satuiday. Ily cat calls and liise his meeting held in the Gipsy Smith audito rium was disturbed to such an ex tuul that it was almost impossible to hear what he had to my. The firNl melitioiied strongly advocate and demand free and undisturbed speech in Portland, but it seems they believe this wune free and tin disturbed kihiccIi should be reserv- til e.NchiNively for their leaders nnd MKMkeiit. During their line of mnrch afterwards a io-ycar-old boy, who emleavottsl to crow the street, was' knocked down and his face fannied Into utmost tiurecognia billty by a couple of the marchers. Vet they denounce in the fiercest and iitiMt hysterical terms the out raueti committed in Massachusetts. The butler element of the Socialist party must deplore the actions of the "rough necks, " else there can be 110 butter element in the party. Portland, by the way, can well feel proud of its police deimitmeut for permitting Untie wuiiout even an arrent. attempting to make The regular oiouthly meeting of the Commercial club held Wednes day evening was unusually interest ing and entertaining. Owing to the absence of both the president and vice president, J. N. Edlefscu was elected to preside, which he did in a capable and faultless manner. A synopsis of the business trans acted by the board of governors during the past month was read. It .showed a number of imortaut matters taken tin and disposed of, Seven new members were added to the enrollment. John E. Grntkc, vice president of the State Development League, and also holding the same position in the National Rivers and Harbors Congress, was present upon invita tion of his old friend, , P. Craw shavv. He proved a ready, easy and most pleasing speaker, and ad vanced a number of valuable sug gestions relative to the successful woi king and ierpctuity of a com mercial club. He extolled the vir tues of St, Johns from its position 011 the map, likening it to Manhat tan Island, New Vork city. Mr. Oratke Mated that while its prog ress could be greatly accelerated by push and energy back of it, yet St. Johns is bound to wax larger and larger by reason of its environment. He congratulated the club upon .se curing the services of Mr. Craw shaw, whom he has known for years. His address was received with close attention and pleasure. As there has been .some dissatis faction over the assessments of property in some instances in St. the board Among the most popular books in tne library at present are three slender little volumes by Arnold Hemictt. The people who want something to while nway the time they must spend on the car like these books for three reasons: First, they are small enough to be slipped into the pocket; second, they are short enough to be read through in an hour or so; third, they arc so brightly and so wittily written as to hold the attention against distractions. Moreover they arc full of thoughts that are worth remembering. The first of these books is one especially for for those people who "haven't time." It is called: "How to Live on 24 Hours a Day." Ior years the magazines and pa pers have been telling us how we may live 011 so many dollars per day. Here is something that con cerns us more deeply. People have been known to increase their finan cial incoiiic.biit whoever succeeded, honest men or gratter, in getting hold of more than 2.1 hours a day? So the only alternative for those of us who have not been able to make out a living on that allowance (and we are not few) has been to dispense with living and put up with a mere meagre existence. For who would call it living wlicu wc never have time to do the things we most want to uof Hut there is help in sight. Here comes Arnold Iieuuett with news of how wc may not exist only, but really live on the hours which the gods allow us. Head it. The other books which are gestivc in their way as the are: The Human Machine Mental Efficiency. Two books 'have recently donated to the library by patrons. They ate: "Doc Gordon," by Mury 15. Wilkius Freeman and "Just Patty," by Wells. The gardening books are in great demand. Several new ones have been added during the week. Ask for the special lists 011 sweet peas or any flower or vegetable in which you are interested. Lyman's most interesting book on "The Columbia River, its His- A. A. BAILEY FOR County Commissioner If Elected St. Johns Will Get All It Is Entitled To Paid Adv. I J Proposals for Street Work Scaled proposals will he received nt the 01 tne Recorder of the Cltv of Johns until April Slid, 1912, nt 8 o'clock office ( St. 111., lor the improvement of l'csscn. den street from the westerly line of Hit cliaiinti street to the southeasterly city limits with concrete hard surface pave ment, hi the manner provided liv ordinance No. 464, subject to the provis ions 01 tne cunrtcr mm ordinances of the City of St. Johns, nnd the estimate of ltuiMiiccr's estimate is 10,040. 06 the city engineer, 011 Tile lllds must he strictly in accordance SUg first, and been with printed blanks, which will be (urn lulled 011 application at the office of the Recorder of the City of St. Johns. And said improvement must be completed on or before 60 lnys from date of the last publication of notice of proposals of said work. No proposals or bids will be considered unless accompanied by n certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of St. Johns, certified by n rcspou. slbfe bank for 1111 amount equal to ten percent, of the aggregate pruM)sal. The right to reject any nnd nil bids is hereby reserved. Ily order of the City Council. 1'. A. RICH. Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Review on March 15, 31 nnd 30, 1913. outrages to occur Julius, it was decided bv 1 1. 1 - - ' tory, its Myths, its Scenery, its Commerce," has been secured for our own shelves, and those .desir ing it need no longer to wait for n delivery from the central library. New Hooks: The Ghost Arnold Dennett. A modern fantasy; love story and ghost story combined; how love conquered the ghost. The Ruling Passion Van Dyke. Short stories, mostly of French Canadians, based 011 the quotation: " I lie ruling passion, be it what it will, The ruling passion conquers reason still." The second story in the volume, entitled "The Reward of Virtue," will be particularly gratifying to the lovers of the pipe. Strawberry Acres Richmond. Another story by the author of "Indifference of Juliet," which has proved so popular. Captain Wanen's Wards Lin coln, the well known writer of New England stories. The Prosjector Ralph Connor. Glory of the Conquered Glas pell. Last Spike Wnrman. Makers of fancy work will be glad to know that two new books 011 Irish crochet work arc nt hand, Leap Year, Girlsl Our photos first, tne preuciier attcrwanls. McDERMlD'S Holbrook Block St. Johns, Ore. Tf) SUCCESS Pea Planting Day The committee of the Ladle' Auxiliaiy having charge of thedis liibiition of the sweet pen seeds.ex Intel to complete their work early next week. The committee con fcikU of Mrs. R. McKiuuey, (chair man) Mrs. W. A. Iieuuett, Mrs. F. W. Valentine. Mr. 11. D. llenm, Mi. Frank Rice nnd Mrs. S. J. (5 ray. and if any one has not been Mippliwl who wikhes to cultivate the hweet pen for exhibition in July will inform any of the above com mittee or call at the Commercial club hendquartuts, they will be sup plied. Thurwlay next, March 21, the firt day of spring, has been set nmrt i Planting Day, nnd it is exacted that every person inter ested will carefully and faithfully obcerve it. Priaes are to be award ed as follow: First prU for the best fifteen feet of white and 2nd prize for the next let. ut prize for the btt 15 feet of purple, and 2nd prize for the next best. First prize Tor the bet 15 feet of mixed colors, and a second prize for the next boat. Northern Paclllc Railway Corttitc.1 January 7, 1911 I.HAV1NU fir. JOHNS Hmttlr lo on (lag noun li-.i i.nimcitia North itanv Atlantic IttmrkS ia luiirt hound Atlantic KimoiavU Noilh Bank . . iiwu a, in T JJ a in 7 M I' "I 1 1 M l ol governors to invite the county assessors to meet with club Wed nesday evening to explain about the appraisement. The invitation was issued and Assessor Zeigler and Deputy North promptly accepted. Mr. Zeigler acted ns spokesman, nnd opened his remarks by laugh ingly suiting mat since listening to Tmcit Mr, Gratke's tribute he was con vinced that none of the property in St. Johns was assessed half high enough. He admitted that mis takes were frequently made in the matter of assessment, but contend- en tue various communities were largely responsible for them; that in the case of St. Johns blue prints :)lrittlll(T tilt altfTatr. lilt tt'jtrs !( i tit. 1. rrt. n1a. I ItlTIlulHl. lACUinU ft Sritll le Kk m . . it . ...I ..w.w .v.. v iv wuuiiiiciuui utii) IrmuOlymi.U.Soutliu rooms here two years ago for sever- j;us,. a Mmitni & i. w t al weeks, vet little or no Interest " ' o':, : V": t -f r mineia u Noith Hank m n. m Ka.lrtn lUlnraavl I'ugrt houuil - ti ji p, )n ..M.i.iii i,iii..iii nuni iudl .. lull . ... Mo. KUrr lUpif via Noilli llank jiasn. 111 rust buun.1 Mmltrd. 1 4 i. lu.; Ol)s llailwi u. nvuui itiiiu Miauviica Vacoll I'aaMiigtr . . . j,, m AKUIVIN'O AT ST. JOHNS Noilli Cnatl l.lmllrtl via l-ugrt SounU 6.41 it. in iiiic Jiiitu n numi iuk - 7 ua, in No l-acific Kra ia Vuiict Souiul 6 ji 11, in I'aUhc lUpirta via Noilh bank 7.10 u, , I'adtic lUiirraa la I'uijrlSouiiJ 6 41 a. m Wctrin tru via Nuith llauk . 7 wn, m Mo. Klirr I(MIC"I Nuith Itank - j-ii . in ... ,,y, .14,. iv.B.ia UECl noullU lWQrii&paliMnBiifllieTa Builders of Homo j. Our "PROFIT-SHARING Investment Certificates areREAL MoneyNakers Send for Dooklot 604 5 6 CQrbeUDlftjrtland.Og Preach tho tsospel of St. Jchuo. I 1 I Groceries I Dry goods Shoes and Furnishings We sell only the very best in these lines and guarantee them in every particular. Special Prices still to be had Muck Mercantile Co. Go-Carts Special Sale of Go-Carts A Go-Cart with bicycle tube frame, eat springs, upholstered seat aim :ack and nickel plated wheel fen ders, just like cut. Regular at $14,00, now $11.00 Also other styles equally good val ues for the nionev $12.00 Go-Carts for $0 50 10,00 s.oo 9 00 " 7.00 7.50 " " 5.75 5-75 " " 4.50 St. Johns Furniture Company lumber: RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE was manifested in them. He said it was the aim of the assessor's of fice to make all assessments equita ble, but this was impossible with out the co-operation of the commu nities, lie volunteered to bend the late blue prints to the club and have Mr. North go over them with any committee the club might appoint. His lemarks were listened to with interest and his fairness in the mat ter fully appreciated. Governor West will apjearat the nexi meeting, a special one, on Wednesday, March 27th. aco St, xAauc. I The following resolutions were adopted by the I'ythiau Sihters: Whereas: The bond of Death has descended suddenly and without warning upon the beloved mother of two of our devoted sisters. Therefore, be it Resolved: That we express to Sisters Miller and Hanson, our most earnest symjmthy, and assure them that the heart of every sister shares and would lessen as far an jKJSsiblo the shock of 40 groat a bereavement. Alice Woimer, Santh I,, iklco, Anna Clark, Trailers The young Trailers of St. Johns, Oregon, held a meeting last evening (Wednesday, March 13, 1913) at the home of Fred Marlette. New officers were elected. The constj- tutiou was made and read by Fred Marlette and was passed by more than two-thirds vote. All boys be tween the ages of 12 and 19 may join. All who are members or who wish to enter are requested to be at the next meeting, Wednesday, March 20, at 8 o'clock at the home Committee, of Wylie Hossinger, corner Myers uuu rcaaciuieiiMreeis. -u lueuiDcr. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway, MUVINO ST, JOHNS. J'allbrMsc J-aaacmitr lor Llc, ColJfmUlt, Ore lion 1 itiul. ami local (toiula - - . . S.ji a. ui liilaml Hiui1ic ltiprru, i 11 a. in., lor CliU-aiio. SI uul. Omaha. KauuaCily. St. LouU, Walla XUlla, I'awo. KookvkII. RrauJJallra. t'.oMcu uair. wnn haiiuon, Vaiirounr and Uiryou N01II1 lUnk UinillrU.i is p. in., lor ChU-ui I'aul. Omaha. Kanaaa City, 8t. IajuU. biwl hiatiur. Klltvlllr, 1.1ml, Vaco, Kooaoclt. aud Vaucomtr. Columbia Klvcr Local, y.vj p, m.. lor Vancouvtr, iiT . I ,m,",w" ranuauca,viiui fl-w.iM. uv- aim an iiuciiumiaic aiaiiona. AKK1VINO AT ST. JOHNS Inland ltmlic Iirraa, 7.10p.m., Irom Chlca-1 i;o, St. Paul. Omaha. Kanua City. St. Louis, I iMiituic Linu, t-aco, 1 Kootexlt.OrauddaUa,- White Saluiou.aud Van I IVU1TT uk biiuiim, 7 sja. m,, irora intcaio. St. Paul, Omaha, Kauiaa City. St. LouU, Walla Walla, Pawo. Kooclt, and Vancouver. tolumbU Klcr Local oji a. m.; Irom Cllffi. mi.ui,w,iI,i;wuuiic, i.jic nnue salmon, lama, ancoutr aud all tutcuurdiate ta- iiuua. I'allhiUUe lngci j:o5 p, m. Irom Lyle, Cold- V ..unit , I All tialiiaktop lor paatcugera. Tickets on salt lor all potutt. O. M. Corucll. Agent. 1'OK KSTIMATHS ON PAINTING, PAPER HANGING and TINTING drop card to H. M. Satterlcc, St. Johns, Or. Al.I WDKK UUAKANTlsHl) You cot full wolght nod flrstl quality at the Central market. Just I try awhile. ttt ffHU ft tt tH t t T i -r Rough, Dressed, Flooring, Finish. Prompt Deliveries. Quality Guaranteed. Slabwood Dry, Green, Blocks, Trimmings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Richmond 131 The Rose Millinery Co, il Was opened to the public Monday, March ath, 191a at 107 South Jersey in Holbrook Block with an tip to date line of hand mndo and ready to wear hats, flowers and trimmings. The ladies of St. Johns and vicinity arc cordially invited to inspect the goods. A share of your patronage solicited. MRS. B. E. SHULTZ, Proprietress If GET BUSY We carry a Complete Line of Gar den Tools and Seeds. SPRAYING TIME Are you going to spray your trees? We have the goods Lime and Sulphur Solution Orwood Fruit Spray Arsenic of Lead Also Sprayers, Tree Pruners and Pruning Shears ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. The Pleasure of Dining at Home is Enhanced when the home is brightened like sunlight by the brilliant rays of the Mazda Lamp. Its restful 'rays impart the effect of a flood of sunlight the only light for which the eye has a natural affinity. Not only does the Mazda Lamp give this SUPERIOR QUALITY of light, but it gives nearly TIIRWi TIMKS as much light as the coin inou carbon incandescent and COST NO MORE to operate. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company 7th aud Alder Street For Sale at SI. Johns Office, 202 North Jersey Street ROHltKT TrUAT PI.ATT, Tres. J, P. C. Knait, Vice Pres. S. N. Kdmu'sbn, Cashier L. DouiR, Ass't Cashier Peninsula National Bank Capital and Surplus - $57,000.00 United States Depository 4 PERCENT ON SAVINGS Safe Deposit Boxes Foreign Exchange LOW PARES WEST Daily March ist to April 15th, to ALL POINTS ON THE NORTH BANK ROAD from Chicago Cincinnati isi: Milwaukee St. Louis New York Detroit - 37-90 3 '.50 32-00 50.00 38.00 St. Paul Kansas City Omaha Des Moines Indianapolis Denver $25.00 25,00 25.00 27-85 35.65 25 00 From other eastern points in proportion. Tell your friends in the East of this opportunity of moving West at low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific Great Northern and "North Bank" lines. auc, You cati deposit with me and tickets will be furnished people inthe East. Details will be furnished on request. O. M. CORNELL, Agent Agent, Portland, Oregon E. COMAN, Geu'l Freight & Pass. H. HENDERSON McDonald Bfdg.,208JcrscySt. 5 Real Estate, Loans, Insurance f Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed t I