St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 15, 1912, Image 1

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    Historical Socfely
, Toiubicrlba tor THIS Paptr ,
All thentwt whllt Itlf newili
1 our motto. Call In and enroll j,
01 admitting In THIS Piper 1
and you'll nrrirtl It. De- f
Devoted to the Interesti of the Penlniula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northweit
VOI,. 8 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 19 12. NO. 19
Starts Out Well
The Ladles' Auxiliary of the
Commercial club is starting out
with good ideas and splendid pros
pects. Its members ate taking
right hold of the work, and the fu
ture of the organization is one of
much hope and promise. All the
indications arc that it has come to
stay and it will occupy a field pecu
liarly its own. It is going to be in
a position to demonstrate woman's
work and worth. It was organ
ized only a few days ago, and
is already showing the spirit and
sagacity of a veteran organization.
Its first move in promotive work
was at its meeting last week,
when it directed that a communica
tion be scut to the city council, call
ing attention to the dumping ground
ou the approach to the city dock,
and asking that body to declare it a
public nuisance, and take immedi
ate steps to abate it, not only on
the ground of its being unsightly,
but also a menace to health. This
is n move in the right direction,
and it is hoped is only the begin
ning of a forward movement which
shall mean a general clean-up of
the entire city. I,ct the whole
community take on this spirit of
sanitary improvement. Hach has
a work to do ou and around his own
premises. Clear away the rubbish
that has accumulated during the
winter, remove those piles of old
cans and the like; fix up the yard,
front and back; nurture and cul
ture the flower beds; put the fence
in order, straighten up the side
walk and in every way possible
make your home which is your
castle a thing of beauty, a place
of adornment, a habitation of clean
liness and a domicile of healthy and
and attractive environment. In so
doing you will enjoy your home
more, it will really be worth more
in the. market, it will contribute to
the appeurauce of the city. Now is
the time to beautify every surround
ing, to clean up every vacant lot in
the city and put on all-round clean,
spick and span, spring attire. Na
ture is ready to blossom and to
bloom in all its wonderful beauty
and cleanliness and we should em
ulate' the example, by looking
and being our very best. It means
health, wealth and prosperity to
the individual and to the commu
nity. High School Notes
A crowd of about 36 left Fort
land at six o'clock Saturday even
ing on the electric line for Heaver
ton, where the boys ami girls played
basket ball. The boys' team went
up there feeling confident that they
would win, but as they didn't want to
ruin the girl's voices they gave
them no chance to root until the
very last, when they beat Beaverton
27 to 25.
The girls were even more con
siderate for they didn't give the
boys any chance to root. Howev
er, there ure some that say their de
feat was the result of their inex
perience and lack of practice.
March 8 the James John second
team played Vernon's first team in
Uickner's Hall. With the aid of
one of our boys, Vernon won 17 to
15. We feel proud that we have
such a good team.
We are anticipating a good game
from both boys and girls at Park
Place, March 15.
Everyone is anxious to make his
wish on the new floor of the gym.
We are sure that this wish is that
James John will win all the games
played on this floor.
We believe in having a change,
and as we have had our fill of fra
grant hyacinths, we now have
some red and white tulips in their
Conversation uow-a-days is apt
to drift toward the German pro
gram or those yellow report cards
stained with tears of joy.
We must all keep our eyes open
for Mr. Bob.
Had a Good Time
Mrs. Howard Windle and Miss
Josie Thor entertained the Cresceul
club at 500 on Thursday afternoon
of last week at the home of Mrs.
Windle. All report a pleasant
afternoon. Following were there:
Mrs. T. H. Cochran, Mrs. P. W
Valentine, Mrs. T. D. Condon,
Mrs. C. Moure, Mrs. h. Andrews,
Mrs. T. Reynolds, Mrs. Wills.Mrs.
Noble, Mis. Osborn, Mrs. Wolf,
Mrs. McNamara, Mrs. Randall,
Mrs. Tobey, Mrs. Mason
Mrs. Rosenstick, Mrs. Hall,
Mrs. M. Nutting; Misses Hirsch,
Nutting and Phillips. First prize
was won by Mrs. Wills, and the
second by Mrs. Valentine. Re
freshments were served. One who
was there.
West Side "Looking Up"
The west side of the river has
taken ou a new spurt of existence.
Announcement of the immense gas
plant to be erected there was made
last week, and the clipping below,
taken from a Portland daily Satur
day, shows there arc more things
to follow. With the inauguration
of the free ferry, these industrial
movements on the west side will be
of material benefit to St. Johns,
Many of the employes may make
their homes in this city, since resi
dence sites on the west side arc lim
ited. We understand the Episco
palians will soon begin construction
on their reputed $200,000 hall and
school building ou the west summit
titid that other buildings will rapid
ly follow in connection. The clip
ping follows:
The sightly 55-acre tract fronting
ou the I,iunton road ou the United
Railways and just beyond the city
limits has been sold by the Lake
view Realty Associates to the Re
alty Company for $78,000. This
is 1111 nvcrngc of a trifle more tlinn
$1400 nu acre. This lurge tract,
which has n frontage of tgoo feet on
the l.innton road, runs back to the
top of the hill and most of it affords
a splendid view of the river.
There have been steady opera
tions in that vicinity, both in resi
dence property and in small acre
age for truck gardening during the
last 18 mouths, and values have
been advancing briskly. A num
ber of the industrial concerns arc
being located along that portion of
the west side of the Willamette, the
latest being the huge $3,000,000
plant of the Portland Gas & Coke
Company. Others are negotiating
for plants.
In the portion of the 55-ucre tract
list sold which is to be devoted to
msiuesH and industrial sites, a new
cooperage and barrel stave factory
has nlrcady begun excavation for n
plant which will cover three busl
uess blocks.
Spray Your Trees
At a meeting of the board of
governors of the Commercial club
held Monday the matter of spray
ing of fruit trees was taken up and
it was decided to invoke the aid of
the county inspector iu seeing that
spraviug be vigorously enforced in
St. joints this year. Spraying of
fruit trees is something that has
has long been neglected iu this city. ,
Some few of our citizens have gone
to the trouble and expense of spray
ing occasionally, but they become
discouraged because others do not,
and find it of little use to spray
when the trees of their next door
neighbor are covered with scale
and vermin. Stringent action un
doubtedly should be taken this
spring compelling all to spray or
cut down their trees. Scaly and
vermin-infested fruit trees are of no
particular .benefit; 011 the contrary a
menace and blight to the trees and
shrubbery of the whole community.
Spray, or use the axe, should be
the watchword in St. Johns this
An Important Movement
A meeting to launch a movement
that will make the Pacific Coast
states the "Playground of Ameri
ca," will be held iu San Francisco
on April 2. Representatives of the
Portland Rose Festival, the Seattle
Potlatch, the Tacoma Montamara
Festo, the Spokane National Apple
Show, the Vancouver (B. C.) In
ternational Horse Show, the Pen
dleton Roundup, the Salem Cherry
Fair aud of all the regular anuual
celebrations held in California cities
will be in attendance. The call
was sent out by the management of
the Rose Festival and it has met
with an enthusiastic response. No
definite plan of action has been of
fered, but co-operation is to be the
keynote. Each city will be asked
to carry on its advertising a date
line calling attention to attractions
of the other cities represented in
the organization and to work to
gether in securing national conven
tion and other important gatherings.
It is believed that the possibilities
for good in such a union are un
limited. St; Johns Sweet Pea Ex
hibition, somehow, has beeu over
looked in making up the roster of
national attractions.
Please do not Read This
Three lots, 7-room house, 12
8-year-old fruit trees, gas iu house,
wired for electricity, street im
proved, on most prominent street;
$2000, $500 cash, balance on time.
See K. C. Couch.
A Strong Representation
Oregon's delegation to San Fran
cisco, ou the occasion of choosing
the site for Its exhibit at the Panama-Pacific
International Exposition
was truly a representative one. It
was made up of the best men and
women from all parts of the state,
and was a fitting recognition of the
high honor that has been given the
state by the fair officials In the mat
ter of the very first choice of loca
tion. So many applications to join
the party were made at the Oregon
Development League headquarters
that the complement for a special
train was soon made up. Many
went by the regular trains. The
special left early in the afternoon of
the 1 2th, aud the site-choosing cer
emony took place yesterday. The
commercial bodies of San Francisco
made it known long in advance
that the Oregon delegation would
be royally taken care of lu every
II. K. Pcnncll, vice president aud
recently acting president of the St.
Johns Commercial club, accom
panied the Oregon party to San
Francisco, as representative of the
club in the selection of the grounds
for the Oregon buildings at the
Panama Canal exposition. The
club is very fortunate iu being rep
resented by Mr. Pcnncll, 11 man
who will reflect credit and dignity
on the organization aud the com
munity. He is n very valuable
member of the Oregon party, as
San Francisco was his former home,
where he enjoys the acquaintance
aud confidence of a large number of
well known and influential citizens
of the Bay City. He expects to be
gone about ten days, nnd will no
doubt have an interesting report to
make upon his return.
Making Bad Government
Why not register? We sit bock
and howl about bad government.
We stay away from the primaries,
and then shriek about the nomina
tions. We remain at home and
let the politicians aud the "inter
ests" name the officials, aud then
call down maledictions upon the
politicians aud the "interests."
If there is bad government, it is
the ieoplc themselves who are
chiefly at fault. They have the
ballot. They have the power.
They have every device for secur
ing good government.
But they won't register. They
don't go to the primaries. They
shift the duty of getting good men
into office on others. That is the
reason why the politicians nnd the
"interests" so often succeed iu ex
ercising power. Journal.
An Enjoyable Occasion
The Simmons residence, 726 Os
wego street.was the scene of a most
delightful event Thursday evening,
March 7, when the family aud
friends tendered Mrs. E. A. Sim
mons a party in honor of her 41st
birthday. Refreshments were
served and the balance of the even
ing was spent in music and story
telling. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs, E. A. Simmons, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Oberlin, Miss Luella
Schmaling, Messrs. Harry and
Lewis Simmons, Mr. Edwin M,
Meyer, Mr. Kenneth Simmons, Miss
Vesta Simmons.
Revival Meetings
Will begin at the Baptist church
next Tuesday evening, March 19th.
Rev. A. C. Saxton will do the
preaching. . Mr. Saxton is highly
recommended as being a man of
sterling Christian character and a
strong evangelistic preacher of the
Wotd of God.
Services will be held nightly ex
cept Saturday, at 7:45. All are
For Sale
115x100 5-room house, corner
Fessendeu and Allegheney, both
streets improved and paid for. Only
$2000; i cash, balance 3 years at
6 per cent. Also 4 other -blocks,
all corners on Fessenden for from
1 1 500 to $1800. Fessenden is
without doubt the future business
street of this part of the peninsula.
See S. C. Cook, 308 E. Fesseuden
street, St. Johns.
The must common cause of in
somnia is disorders of the stomach.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv
er Tablets correct these disorders
and enable you to sleep. For sale
by all druggists.
Carter for Attorney
William A. Carter, candidate for
the republican nomination of Dis
trict Attorney for the fourth judi
cial district, comprising Multnomah
county, has made the following
statement concerning his candidacy:
"Iu submitting to the voters of
Multnomah county my candidacy
for the nomination and election to
the office of district attorney, I do so
fully appreciating the importance
of that position. The district at
torney's office Is the pivotal point
iu the control ol (he criminal
a flairs of the district. Any lack
of confidence iu tlint official is a
very serious matter.
I believe that my experience of
12 years' active practice in the
state, five years of which hns been
iu Multnomah county, litis sufficient
ly familiarized me with the law aud
the conditions so far as the criminal
situation is concerned, as to enable
me to successfully administer the
affairs of the office.
I am a permanent resident of
Multnomah county, u taxpayer,
and expect to raise my family here
and spend the rest of my days iu
Multnomah county.
Iu offering myself ns a candidate
for this position, "riiopc that the
voters will look up my personal
aud professional record and I be
lieve that upon careful examination
they will find it such ns to entitle
me to their confidence and support,
City Candidates
Following are the candidates
nominated for city offices at the re
cent primaries:
For Mayor A. A. Muck.
For Recorder F. A. Rice.
For Treasurer J. E.Tnnch.
For City Attorney P.C. Stroud.
For Councilmen at Large I). F.
Horsman, E. O. Magoou and Thos.
For Councilmen First Ward J.
W. Davis and F. W. Valentine.
For Councilmen Second Ward--P.
Hill aud J. E. Jennings.
Since the primaries the following
have filed nomination papers;
For Mayor Chas. Bredesou,
For Attorney O. J. Gatztucyer.
For Councilman at Large I. B.
Besides these the socialists have
nominated Dr. A. W. Vincent for
mayor; G, L. Perrine, for council
man at large; R. C, Stokes for
councilman First Ward, and N, A
Gee for councilman Second Wurd.
More candidates are likely to file
before March 21st, which is the last
day for Gling nomination papers.
With the list of candidates present
ed no difficulty need be experienced
in selecting a capable and efficient
set of officials. With one or two
exceptions they are all so well
known to the citizens iu general
that comment upon their individual
virtues Is unnecessary. We may,
however,have something to say be
fore election April 1st.
Do you know that of all the minor
ailments colds are by far the most
dangerous? It is not the cold it
self that you need fear, but the se
rious diseases' it often leads to. Most
of these are known as germ dis
eases. Pueumonia -and consump
tion are among them. Why not
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and cure your cold while you can?
For sale by all druggists.
For Sale Six lots, all extra size,
between Tyler and Polk streets,
improvements iu, can sell cheap.
Terms, $10 cash, balance $10 per
month, 7 per cent interest. Best
residence district. McKinney &
Davis. i6tf
Do you want to trade St. Johns
property for 10 acres, young or
chard in Rogue River valley? Ad
dress box 567, Newberg, Ore. 2tp
Council Proceedings
All members were present at the
regular meeting of the city council
Tuesday evening, with Mayor
Couch presiding.
The first matter taken up was a
petition from Knowles & Knuottsc
asking for nn extension of 60 days
ou the South Greshnm improve
ment. Since the consent of the
bondsmen was attached to the peti
tion, ou motion of Alderman Val
entine, request was granted.
A communication from the board
of governors of the Commercial club
iu which n plumbing and wiring
inspector was asked for was re
ceived. Owing to the uncertainty'
of annexation, it was deemed wise
to file the document until the ques
tion hail beeu decided.
Policemen Ethcridgc aud Dunbar,
following the lead of Ex-Mayor
Hendricks last week, asked that
their attorney fees iu relation to
the Hindu case be paid by the city:
the former for $100, aud the latter
for $150. Matter was referred to
the finance committee ou motion of
Alderman Hill, who wanted more
time for Investigation as to the
merits of the claim.
Ou motion of Alderman Horsman
It was decided to have better aud
more secure locks placed upon the
city dock, aud 011 motion of Mr.
Hilt the curbing at the entrance of
South Crawford, recently opened ns
n city street, was ordered demol
ished. The following bills were ordered
paid ou motion of Alderman Hors
man; nil yes:
St. Johns Lumber Co.stnkcs
engineer's office -I 3.00
Couch & Co. supplies 1.10
Muck Mercantile Co. pro
visions for family 1.15
C. A. Vincent, eng. asst... 48.00
Kilhani Stat'y Co. supplies 2.70
D. J. Horsman, Janitor 25.00
E. W. McLean eug rodmnu 30.00
B. S. Simmons, street iuspt 33.00
A. W. Vincent, two calls to
jail . 4.50
St. John Pharmacy for sup. 5.70
Chas. Foss, work city dock 5.02
S. Rambo timber city dock 5.C0
Mitchell, Mackcy nnd Peter
son cleaning Phil. St. . . . 6. 15
J. I. Shuns work city dock 25,50
St. Johns Lbr Co.lumbcr for
street repair 2.34
Abstract Co. Abst Wil boul 30.00
Knowles & Kauousc st rep 102.25
T. Carroll, work city dock 17.20
W. C. Riunbo .90
Total $353..i
Bids were opened ou the removal
of the garbage which had accumu
lated near the city dock, as per sug
gestion af the Ladies' Auxiliary. J.
II. Knowles hid tso.aud Chas.Fos.i
f75. The former was awarded
the contract on motion of Alderman
Mrs. Copies asked for a few days
more time to consider the propo
sition submitted by the duds rela
tive the park. This was reluctant
ly granted, but it was the emphat
ic declaration of every member that
unless she complied with the re
quirements the park question would
not be placed upon the ballot.
On motion of Mr. Hill the build
ing aud grounds committee was au
thorized to prepare a public dump
ing ground at the foot of Fessenden
A resolution to improve Fessen
deu street with hard surface from
Oswego street to Buchanan street
was adopted on motion of Alderman
Hill. L. D. Jacksou volunteered to
guarantee payment of excess of
costs between Buchanan aud Oswego
street, and agreed to produce writ
ten documents to this effect.
An ordinance providing the time
aud manner of improving Fessen
den street from Buchanan to the
east city limits with hard surface
was passed on motion of Alderman
Horsman; all yes.
An ordinance embodying specifi
cations for hard surface improve
ments other thau Westrumite and
Bitullthic was passed on motion of
Mr, Valentine, after the subtrac
tion of a clause therefrom giving
the engineer an opportunity to vary
the amount of cement at will had
beeu made. Alderman Perrine was
very persistent that this sentence
be stricken out, deeming it a temp
tation that should not exist.
Daniel Brecht, W. S. Lauthers
and the St. Johns Lumber Co. asked
permission to hardsurface Burling
ton street from Bradford to Decatur
street, which was granted on mo
tion of Mr. Valentine.
Alderman Bredesou objected to
the payment by the city of a cross
section at the corner of Richmond
aud Jersey streets, claiming that he
had been under a wrong impres
sion when he voted for it, and now
wanted the burden placed where it
belonged. Action was delayed for
the preseut.
For Insurance see F.W.Valentine
The Park Question
Unless the conditions imposed by
the city council upon Mrs. Nancy
Captcs, the owner of the land iu
question, arc too stringent for her
to accept, which arc: dedication of
all her laud lying in the sixty feet
width required for the opening and
i widening of Dawson street, and
her acquiescence in hard surfacing
same, the question of this city in
curring n bonded indebtedness in
the sum of $12,000 for the pur
chase of laud for park purposes
will go upon the ballot at the April
election. If Mrs. Caples refuses to
comply, the park question, iu so
far as her laud is concerned, will
become n dead one, so the dads
say. We believe, however, an
agreement mutually satisfactory
will he arrived at next Tuesday
evening. Until it is absolutely as
sured that the park question will
go ou the ballot there is little to
say concerning it. It first must be
come n live Issue. Since the ques
tion of n public park has been
turned down two or three times lu
the past, we had about disgustedly
concluded not to again advocate
such an acquisition. But the ne
cessity of n park becomes greater
ami greater, aud if it becomes an
issue at the April election, will use
our best efforts iu Its promotion.
John is Surprised
A surprise party was given J. C.
Brooks by n number of his friends
Thursday evening of last week.
The occasion was the celebration of
the (17th, shall we say?) anniver
sary of his birth. The visitors all
congregated at the home of
Miss Emma Matthews and from
there went en masse to Mr.
Brooks' abode. After he was
showered with post cards, games of
vat ions descriptions were entered
into with much enjoyment. Re
freshments consisting of ice cream
aud most delicious wafers were
served. At a late hour all took
their departure after wishing John
the best of luck and happiness, hop
ing to be able to help him celebrate
many more birthdays.
Those preseut were: Mr. and
Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Kemp; Misses
Pearl aud Beulali Titus, Lulu and
Melita Rushford, Brlce, Magoue,
Kemp, Matthews, Rawsou, Holleu
beck, Nolan; Messrs. John Brooks,
McNivcu, Gilmore, Myers, Hurt
man, Little and Byerlee.
The White City
The White City will receive its
charter ou March 20th at 7:30 p.
in. Everything will be white; the
booths, the dresses the decorations,
the table clothes. Every person
will be white; booth keepers, the
caterers, the patrons. The visitors
and citizens will sup together at 8
o'clock. Come to the White City
to buy your June White Goods,
Candies and Fancy Work. City
guides will be stationed at every
street corner, Sweet strains of
music will be heard at intervals.
The gates of the city will be closed
at 10:30. Held lu M. W. A. hall
under the auspices of the Ladies
Aid of the Evangelical Church.
Sons of Veterans
This perfected,
will meet iu M. W. A. hall,
Wednesday evening, Mch. 20. The
G. A. R. is taking a lively inter
est in Its upbuilding, Every son
of a veteran or grandson should be
come a member.
John W. Sickelsmith of Greens
boro, Pa., has three children, and
like most children they frequently
take cold. "We have tried several
kinds of cough medicine," he says,
"but have never found any yet that
did them as much good as Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. For sale
by all druggists.
CREAM, fresh buttter aud eggs,
aud a complete line of cheese, in
cluding: Tillamook cream, Canada
Nippy, Swiss, Brick, Catnembert,
Neufchatcl, German Breakfast,
MacLareus, Limburger and Pri
most at Portland prices, St. Johns
Dairy Produce Co. Phone Colum
bia 194,
Wall paper iu new aud artistic
designs is now ou sale at the Penin
sula Hardware Co. Prices rauge
from eight to 25 cents per
double roll. Selection may be made
from 50 or more different patterns.
Noted Rupture
Expert Here
Sceley, Who Pilled the Czar
of Russia, is nt the Alult
nomnli Hotel, Portland
F. II. Sceley of Chicago nnd
Philadelphia, the noted truss export,
is at the Multnomah Hotel and will
remain iu Portland this Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
March 18, 19, 20 nnd 21. Mr.
Sceley says: "The Spermatic Shield
Truss as now used and approved by
ths United States governmuiit will
not only retain any case of rupture
perfectly, nffordiug immediate roliuf,
but closes the opening iu to days
on the nverngc case." This Instru
ment received the only award iu
England nnd Spain, producing re
sults without surgery or harmful
injections. Mr. Sceley has docu
mentary references from the United
States government, Washington, I).
C, for your inspection. All charity
cases without charge, or if any in
terested call, he will be glad to show
the truss without charge or fit them
if desired. Anyone ruptured should
remcmberthe date aud tnkcndvtiut
nge of this unusual opportunity.
It U reoolvcd hv the Cltv of St. John:
That It deem it necevtry mid pxmhU
cut to Improve Myer street from tlitt
northerly attic line of I'tWM'nden Mrntil
to the aouthcrly line of Thouioii atiuot
in the city of ht. Johua in the fulluwiiiK
iimnner, to.wit: lly grading mU imhIIwm
nfatrcct to grade iw ahown on plan hiiiI
profile therefor, II In I In the olllcv of thtt
city recorder by the city eugium( an hi
city on the 171I1 iliiy of l'cbtuury, 191 j,
mul laying lx fool cement sidewalk on
each aide of wilil atrcet with tvlvt
foot cement cromwnlk with oorrtiRMlwl
iron Kiittcrti where mine re rKjnlrMl on
will )hin mul profile, hctwtwn I'tamm
den atrcet ami the southerly aide line of
KwciiMin afreet, from thencu to Thoni
ton Mrcet, walk ami curb to be UM mi
the westerly aide only of mill atreut,
which Mild plan and aKcificntioH
and estimate nre antiafactory and art
hereby (improved, Said IiiihovhhiuU
to lie ininlu in accordant with the
charter anil ordiminctM of the elty of
St. John, and under the iMrvUiMi
and direction of the city mi(icr.
That the coat of aalil Improvement lu
lc nascMcd u,s provided by the city elwr
tc-r iijmhi the property iKUlfy and
particularly benefitted thereby, Mini
which is hereby decUred to he nil of ktU
imitH of Iota, block nnd pan'cla of land
between the termini of Mich Iiiikov
tucnta abutting iioii, adjacent or prox
imate to wild My erii atrwl from th-e
marginal line of said atrwt back lu llw
center of the block or block or tract of
html uhuttiii; ihciuou or proximate
That all the tirojHirty included in mk
Improvement ilUtrict wforuwM U Hereby
declared to be local lluproveHMUl dw
trlct No. 78.
That the city engineer's iamMt of
the probable total coal of mid imple
ment of Mltl Direct i fj.oij.yy.
That the cost of said My era Street
Improvement is to be aiowf agaiHat the
property iu wild local aomuut dis
trict ns provided hv the city charter ttf
the city of St. Johns.
Adopted the jtlnlay of March, 10 u.
Published in the St. John Kuvitw
Marclt H and IS, 1912,
Three (iiiarter-scctiotiK, six milw
from railroad, 1 )t miles from school
114 acres broken, 275 more can l
broken, rest brush, fenced; log
houses and barns ou two of thequar
ters. Price $20 per acre. Will sell
one or all three quarters. One X
is flue potato land. For particu
lars address M. K. Perrine, Kul
Willow, Alberta, Canada. i8-,tp
Wanted at Once
I.adiea or gentlemen to cauvagi
from house to house. Goods that .suit
like hot cakes. I.uslic Wood,
1 2 10 South GrcKhatu. itp
I hereby give notice that I will
not be responsible for any biljg con.
tracted by my wife.
Frank M. Citnub, St. Johns, Qia.