Socialist Columns To the Citizens of St. Johns: These columns ore leased by the St. Johns Local of the Socialist party, and the editor of the Review is in no way responsible for any of the ideas here advanced. Our desire is to be understood. Our purpose is to make clear our political doctrines as they apply to ottrcity government as well as to state and national policies, well knowing that our bitterest opposition comes from a misconception of our ideas, as most of us at one time believed a socialist to be a wild-eyed lunatic, until by having it made clear to us we at last caught the great idea. We ask each reader to consider our arguments calmly nud do not be influenced on one point by the fact that you have understood that the socialists believe in such and such another absurdity. It may not be so. Many people seeing the same occurrence will each have a different im pression as to what took place. And a statement viewed from different standpoints will have a different meaning to different people. So when we announce that we wish to abolish rent, interest and profits, many, perhai most people, get an impression and jump to con clusions as to methods and proccHSu which the socialist has not dreamed of. When we speak of the inequalities of wealth as a result of the present capitalistic system, many assume that we want to have it "divided up," and on account of this notion thousands have been pre vented from trying to find out what we really do propose. If the reader has any such absurd impression of socialism please to forgot it as you read these columns during the next few weeks. The next meeting of the Local will be at the home of Comrade Gee, corner of Ivanhoe and Catliu streets on Monday evening, March .ith, nud a week later at some public place to be announced when the busi ness will be to nominate a ticket for the city election. All comrades and sympathizers will please take notice. Business Men We Can Recommend Dl. RAMBO DENTIST First Nntldnnl Bnnk building. ST. JOHNS. OREGON. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT . DENTIST Opon Evenings ond Sundays by Ap pointment. Office I'honc Columbia 140 Resident l'hunc Columbia 38 JOSEPH McOIESNEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Dajr & Night Ofllce In McCheanejr blk. St. John. Oreson, Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D Residence, 697 Dawson Street Ofllcc, Plltor Dlock. University Par U, Portland, Orcjon. PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER First Notional Dank Building ST. JOI INS ... ORECON 0. J. QATZAIYER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Uuilding ST. JOI INS . . OREGON Butterick Patterns John Strootman Shoes for Ladies : x x Jjfenwr's Ttast-Proof- (jorsevs r i . x ii Notice lo the Public The two lending magazines of the Pacific const.thc Pacific Month' ly and the Stincet, have been con solidated under the title of "Sunset the Pacific Monthly." It is the intention of the pub Ushers to sjmre no money nor effort to innku Smiftet the Pacific Mouth ly a credit to the West and u mug azinc of national value and import ance. To introduce it to new rvaders, we will make the following sK'Ctal offer: Send 50c in stamps nud we will put your name on our list for the next four mouths, nud will send you free n copy of the .superb ly illustrated Mid-Winter number, nud also the famous Sunset Indian poster, securely Mtcked lu 11 mall dig tube. It will make a beauti ful ornament for your front room or den. Send your order to Fred I.ocklcy, Northwestern Manager, Sunset the Pacific Monthly, Portland, Ore. To J8 C K H " UfU Huifors of I Ionian. Our- "PROFIT-SHARING Investmont Certificates areREAL MoneyMakcrs Sond forbooklot 1 604 5 6 0 bottDIJ3R)MlonJ C ! G I I 1 roceries Dry goods I and Furnishings We sell only the very best in these lines and guarantee them in every particular. Special Prices still to be had r- ASHAMED OF HER FACE "I WU anliamp.1 i-f my tncp." vrl' MlMt lttkrl f N..itli t'.ir.ihiM. 'It WW All full of lilliil'l. - 4ii.l M'.irx, luit llvr iiailtM U I'. I I rij.i I. ( t.T wanna I tun miv Ui.t nw tn )m pIm ir H'Mt Eeavum, mu (lint wan I bra yra TkU la lull iiih of tlioiiaatiiln of e H In whirl, I'. I l. lum uii'ly war U wl-ln'. 1. I I , i'Imuuk'B akin r tin timim of IV MMM, I'norUxU and ttlr rl.m wW I it fllMMMi PT tlm '1' Inxlnnlly, ami whan Uaatl with K It. II. vwi tliu iuriH Mwm to U urinniii-itt. Nolhtuv llkti IX n x for Hi rumi'toxioii. Trial botlW 9ft i-rulM. vHtiUKh to lro tlitt marit of lhl woudvrful rem- Muck Mercantile Co. HOI S. .Tnvsnv I J lull t4ir Mi alwt iilvr you n full alio I mill fur 11.60 mi t,tir hIwiiIiiIi- kriiar- HHIaa IhHl If llU . r firm HItlii fulU i: aiva yw rdlluf it wilt runt you uoth p. St. John l'haniwcv, Jerny tiirftt. Central Market ! M0U1H00K IUOCK See us for Ilic Choicest Cuts of the Best Meats Obtainable. Order filled unci romlly Trode Solicited. T. P. WARD, Proprietor. REVIEWS LEGAL BLANKS The following lUt of legnl blmiks arc kunt for sole t this oftice and othurs will be nddod ns the dunmnd nrisos: Warranty dewbi, Quit Claim Deeds, Koolty and Chattel Mart gagas, Satisfaction of MortxKiw, Contracts for Salo of HmMy, IlllU of Sale, I.oasati. All tliuse blanks ut the uniform price of 30c jer dozuu. SI. Johns Laundry Thoroughly equippetl for all kinds of laundry work and Up-to-date in every respect, Prompt and efficient service guar anteed. Your patronage solicited. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Insure a change of ad vertisement tha copy for such change thould reach thla ottice not later than Wedneeday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please remember thla and save the printer I We buy or sell St. Johns Property AlcKINNEY & DAVIS Real Estate List your properly with us if you desire to sell tiuickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage Wo deliver your coods to nnd from nil pnrU of Portland. Vnncouvor. I.lnn ton, I'ortlnnd nnd Suburbnn Lxprcm Co., city dock nnd all points nccosslblc by wntfon. I'lano and. furniture movlnf Office Phone Columbia 24 Residence Phone Columbia 198 St. Johns Express, Transfer ana Storage Co. Piano Moving n Specialty. Haul big done to mid from Portland Residence .(oo Knst Richmond Office 103 North Jersey Street ST. JOHNS GARAGE II I I!. lliirlliiRloii Street Automobile KcmImiik mill Vulciinliiig We rim e,ii )',nl uio 1 win 01 nil ki unit lllcvclo nnd (lencral Uennlrlin: in coniR'Ctldii. Ncv mid nci'Diiii linnil liicyclctt for wile. Ilicycle tlrt'M In Mink. J, ,M. nnd V. I'. WKM , l'rop. CAMP 773 W. 0. W. You may not be able to own an automobile, but the ladies of St. Johns can own a WARNER'S RUST PROOF CORSET. We have the St. Johns agency and have them in sufficient variety and size to fit any figure. They are washable, and can be boiled just like any white garment. Ladies who wear them sing praises of their com forts; and they are guaranteed to give satisfac tory wear or your money back. Prices from $1.00 to $5.00. Bonham & Currier I Star Brand Shoes for Everybody Headlight Overalls Mcote ev cry wed noidny ov 0 n I n a In Dick ntr's Hall nomc iodgc no. t32 r. nnd A. M. ItcKulnr communications on first unil third We,!. notMlfiya of eiu'h month In Ucld Kollowi' in Vlnltora wolcoino. S, Clum. iMvln. M C. O. Uoj-m, Si-crrtnry Order Eastern Star Allncrva Chapter MiflH Kverv 1'imt nixl Third TiivIiiv llviuliiK ( Itncli Mouth In O.lil 1'illow nun. sir, husle Kouvni, hecrclury. IIOLMCS LODGE NO. 101 Mi-its vxvry I'ridny niKlit nl 7 30 o ciock in 1. 1). o. r Hull. VUltor iilynyii Wcl roine. V. W. MASON. C, C 1). I'. IIOKSMAN, K. U.S. jH&fc LAUREL LODGE ST. JOHNS, ORCGON Meot each Monday evenlnjr In Odd Fal low a hull at 7 :.v. A cordial welcome to IktttiiK lirolliiTS. 1 Arrowhead Guaranteed Hosiery We have the exclusive agency. N Excels in Style, Fit, Finish and Wear. II j ATTENTION PLEASE i Tlieliil'IcSihoolof thi FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST is thoroiiKiilv i-imU'iud t wm wuls la Cluit iiiid to ttiim thvni lnCliriUan,Siricc. We ut you, nnd you uecil us. Su11d.1v Servtcea llihlv iH'luHil: ion. m. Morning Svrviiv: 11 u, 111. Junior O. IC- j i. in. V. I". 8. C. Ii. - 7 J. m. KvniiKi-liktic .Service S t. m. Thutsilnv- I'liiveriiuetiuj; 8mii 1 I Corner New York St. and Willis Boulemrd GOOD NEWS For the Men Chief of them all All Grades All Styles All Colors If you have any Plumbing you want done just call us up, Columbia 92 EDMONDSON CO. 203 S. Jersey Street EL CO. Succtifeor to St. Johns S-itul ami Gnu el Coui(wuiy I.. 1). JACKSON. Prop. General Contractor We rue prepared to ilo any ami all kinds of excavating for street work anil other purposes. We also handle sidewalk and build ing material, Newton and Kossunden Streets St. Johns, Oregon Phone Columbia. . . . l 4Wp: i WOMENSSTOCKINllJ I IW I The First and I SMi Last Demand I flpP Dainty11 I WOMEN'S STwlKlNvIO Women I fr M'sses Unly I and BOyS Guaranteed I I Wit COUCH & CO. I PIONEERS I I (f5E Distributors of Merchandise since 1 904 I 5 W