St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 01, 1912, Image 3

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Our rugs arc selected from
our Portland store and we
show very choicest patterns.
Prices are right.
You Can Save
Money by Buying
of Us this Month
We have a lot of broken lines, odd pieces, drop
patterns, etc., that we must close out.
As good ns the best, better tlinn
most Sewing Machines, fully war
rented, $20.00, $25.00 nnd $35.00
our customers to compare Qualities and Prices with others
6-ft. Extension Table, Quartered
Oak effect. Only $9.00.
Don't Forget
Our Exchange
For Second Hand Ranges and Stoves
Some Excellent Values Right Now
A Solid White Oak Table,
Pedestal Base, 42 inch top,
6 ft. Extension. Only $15.00
.. Local News.
Remember the primaries tomor
row. '
The sound of the lawn mower is
heard in the laud.
Hoard and room in private fam
ily, close in. Inquire 538, South
II. L. Whisler is erecting n neat
habitation on Portland boulevard,
near Thompson street.
We will buy your vacant lots or
your equity for cash if your price is
right. McKinncy & Dayis.
March came in somewhat like
the proverbial lion.
Sash nnd doors nrc carried in
stock by the Peninsula Hardware
Co. Get our prices,
Wolcott (the rent man) 130 nth
street, Portland, is the man to sec
for real estate or mercantile deals.
Mrs. George I,ynii of Hood River
is spending the week with her par
ents, Mr. oud Mrs. D. N. Byerlee,
The mother's meeting next Mon
day afternoon will be held at the
home of Mrs. Corbett, 420 Chicago
H. F. Crawshaw, executive sec
retary of the Commercial club, is
now located at No. 522, S. Ivanhoe
Uryau attracted many local citi
zens to Portland last night. His
address was said to be the best ever
delivered in that city.
F. W. Valentine, by making the
closest guess as to the number of
beans in a jar at Worst's store, won
a handsome amber pipe stem and
Mrs. Sherman Cochran won the
beautiful knives and forks at the
Buugalow. The next prize will be
a beautiful set of dessert spoous,
One chance with every 25-cent purchase.
Graves, the Picture Man, 502 S.
Jersey street have you seen his
new pictures of St. Johns? Best
stop and take n look.
Do you want to trade St. Johns
property for 10 acres, young or
chard in Rogue River valley? Ad
dress box 567, Ncwberg, Ore. 2tp
The M. 15. church people will
give a Spring Flower social on the
evening of April the 3rd. Further
announcements will be made later.
I,ook out for it, asit will be some
thing entirely new in a church entertainment.
For Sale Six lots, all extra size,
between Tyler and Polk streets,
improvements in, can sell cheap.
Terms, $10 cash, balance $10 per
month, 7 per cent interest. Best
residence district. McKinney &
Davis. i6tf
Those who failed to be present
at the Methodist church Wednes
day night missed a rare treat. Mrs.
Scoville, national college secretary
of the W. C. T. U., gave a stirring
talk on the importance of enlisting
the young people and children in
the great cause of temperance.
Mrs. Scoville also spoke to the high
school students, and her talk was
highly appreciated by both the
teachers and students.
When you have rheumatism in
your foot or instep apply Chamber
Iain's Liniment nud you will get
quick relief. It costs but a quarter.
Why suffer? -For sale by all drug
gists. Less thau 500 voters took the
trouble to register up to the time
registration closed last week.There
fore, only about half of the voters
of St. Johns will be entitled to vote
at the primaries tomorrow, unless
they are sworu in.
The man who thinks a woman
ought to give up a good salary to
be his drudge and slave for her
clothes and board, aud be glad of
the chance, is a fool. And the
woman who does so is doubly a
Elmo K. Waldref, son of Mr.
and Mrs. II. M. Waldref of this
city, was instantly killed February
15th by being crushed between two
care at Cromwell, Minn. The re
mains were brought to St. Johns
for burial. More particulars next
J. J. Hurlbert has returned from
a several months' sojourn in Cali
fornia, where he has been com
bining business with pleasure by
plying his insurance vocation. Jesse
believes Southern California a de
lightful place to spend the winter,
but for business and future pros
pects Portland is far ahead of any
thing iu the South.
II. S. Hewitt nud Joe Smith left
Monday morning for Bay View,
Ore., where they have a contract
to nulla a new town.
Congregational Corner of Rich
mond aud Ivanhoe streets. Bible
school at 10 a, in., preaching servi
ces at 11 n. in. nnd 7:30 p. in. Re
ception of new members nt morning
service. Public invited. G. W.
Nelson, pastor.
With the present spirit of enthu
siasm prevailing in the Commer
cial club and which is rapidly
spreading throughout the commun
ity, and the added benefit aud ad
vantage which is certain to result
from the ladies' auxiliary move
ment, the future of St. Johns is as
suredly one of most hopeful prom
ise. Let tis one nud all have foie
most in thought aud deed, the-get-together-idea,
and the future hap
piness and prosperity of St. Johus
is an assured fact.
Several of our citizens nttcuded
the hearing of the annexation case
before the supreme court Wednes
day. A decision has not yet been
Christian Church Sunday school
ion. m., Preaching 11 a. in. nud
7:30 p. in., C. K. 6:30 p. in. Jun
ior Kudeavor 3 p. in. Everybody
invited to nil these service. Taber
nacle comer New York and Leon
ard streets. A cordial invitation is
extended to nil. J. R. Johnson,
Do you know thnt of all the minor
ailments colds are by far the most
dangerous? It is not the cold it
self that you need fear, but the se
rious diseases it often leads to. Most
of these are known as germ dis
eases, Pneumonia aud consump
tion are among them, Why not
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and cure your cold while you can?
For sale by all druggists.
You Will Be Taking Chances
By trading at our store during the
month of March.
During the mouth of March, we will give away
chances on a
A chance given with every twenty-five cent or
greater cash purchase. Chances will be numbered
and the person holding the lucky number at the final
drawing will receive the Phonograph.
Trade at our store during
the Month of March, if you
never have before, and be con
vinced that Our Prices and
Services ARE THE BEST.
St. Johns Pharmacy
We Know AH About These Kidney Pills
Safeguard your general health do not neglect the minor ailments and allow them to get the better
of you nnd become chronic.
Ksnecinllv is this so hi tho push nf ttidnov trntililn.
BThc kidneys have an important duty to perform see that they do it
watch for sviimtonis nnd be urotnnt in vonr treatment. It's itittoli pmstnr nml nviwiicion
to buy n box of Nynls's Kidney Pills with the first appearance of kidney distress and secure
relief than fo disregard the trouble until it becomes chronic.
Nynl's Kidney Pills stand first for the simple reason that they arc composed of
standard drugs especially known to be of value in kidney ailments we know
the formula and know they will do as represented.
Prompt and effective in their action, they cleanse the blood of all impurities and restore the kid
neys to n normal condition. Do not hesitate the next time you want speedy relief cither call
or phone nnd we will send it to you iu the shape of Nyal's Kidney Pills.
Worth much more but only 50c the box.
Any doctor will tell you that when we compound n prescription it's done right. Hring us your
Methodist Church Notes
Rev. J. W. McDougall, superin
tendent of the Portland district, will
preach nt 1 1 n. 111. Sunday, March
3. In the evening the pastor will
preach from the theme "Perma
nence of Heavenly Treasures."
The theme last Sunday evening,
"What they do in Heaven,"
showed that heaven is n place for
n prepared icoplc. Should some
ever reach heaven they would be
out of place, not nt home. Accord
ing to the scripture the chnrnctcr of
eternity is established iu tills
world. 1 he righteous nre to he
"righteous still," nud the filtliv to
be "filthy still." Just ns men are
debarred from certain communities
11 tills world ns far ns n livelihood
is concerned, so will there be those
who are unprepared for heaven.
Men fail on Oregon farms because
of their unfitness for that vocation.
A man unlearned iu the Huglish
language would not be accepted ns
a prolessor ot that hraucli in our
schools. We advertise to secure
men nud Industries suited nud adapt
ed to our community. Consisten
cy nud prudence will ever guard
against burdening n city or com
munity with hnnds or intellects that
cannot accommodate themselves to
the possibilities of the place. As
one rends the Hible he is ever im
pressed with the fact that the door
of heaven is closed to those who
follow many of earth's would be
vocations. Again we find that
those who are thus specifically men
tioued ns Impossible (or heaven are
those which serve for no advance
ment of character, life or happiness
to the human race. In every in
stance, if the heart become right,
the vocation, even nt the cost nf
reputation, or the loss of wealth
will be gladly forsaken.
Wnll patier iu new and artistic
designs is now on sale nt the Penin
sula Hardware Co. Prices range
from eight to 35 cents per
double roll. Selection may be made
from 50 or more dilfercut patterns.
Hirst Christian Science Society:
Sunday 11 a. in.. Wednesday, at
8 p. 111. Heading room opea Tues
day and Saturday from 2 to 4 p. m.
Ml cordially invited to the services
and reading room. Subject for
Sunday, "Christ Jesus."
The must common cause of in
somnia is disorders of the stomach.
Chamberlain's Stomach nnd Liv
er Tablets correct these disorders
and enable you to sleep. For sale
by all druggists.
First IJaptist Church Sunday
school 10 a, m.; worship 11 n. 111.,
and 7:30 p.m.; H.Y.P.U.,6:3o p.m.
Morning topic: "Working out our
Salvation." livening; "Why does
not Everybody do Right?" Ail
welcome. II. F.Chcney, Pastor.
A birthdav snrnrise nartv was
- , - - . - 4
given Mrs. Howard Wiudle by her
friends on the evening of February
2th. The occasion was n most
delightful one nnd immensely en
joyed. Mrs. wtnuie was tue reap-
ent ot several pieces 01 cut glass,
icsides other handsome presents.
An old eastern dance was given
n Hickner hall Tuesday night by
Harry Sutton. The hall was filled
to its capacity and all had a good
time. The floor is the best iu the
city and the music was excellent.
Mr. Sutton will give another dance
March 12th,
This is your chance to show
what beautiful pies you can make.
Bring one over to the IJaptist church
this (Friday) evening. Prizes will
be given to the best pie maker iu
St. Johus and to the best pie eater
present, and their names will be an
nounced in the Review next week,
The men are invited to compete
for the ownership of the pies that
are not eaten 011 the spot.
Subscribe for the Tologram beat
evening paper on the coast. See
EM Stockton,
Arson and Robbery
About two o'clock Wednesday
morning the strenuous ringing of
tlte fire bell rudely nwakcued the
populace from its slumbers, nud the
continuous notes gave due warning
Mint the fire was in the business
district. The fire was found to be
at the rear of the Holbrook block
ou Philadelphia street, nnd hnd
gained considerable impetus before
being discovered by the night po
lice. Flames were shooting high
into the heavens when the fire de
partment and apparatus arrived
hurriedly upon the scene. It seem
ed apparent that before the flames
could be stayed vast damage would
be wrought, if not the entire wood
en portion of the block be destroy
ed. Never did the gallant fire lads
do more admirable or heroic work.
Iu n jiffy four or five lines of hose
were playing upon the conflagra
tion, and in n few moment's time
the flames were brought under con
trol and quickly extinguished. Kv
cry citizen who witnessed the fire
nud its extinguishment could not
help hut feel particularly proud of
the St. Johns Volunteer Fire De
partment. No paid company could
have done better or more effective
The fire was apparently created
by a cowardly incendiary, who,
perhaps, had n fancied grievance
against some of the occupants of the
ulock nud took this dastardly man
tier of venting his spleen. The
North Dank Pharmacy was entered
during the progress of the fire aud
n l)ou t 500 cigars, razors aud strops,
hair dye and toilet articles taken.
Entrance was effected through the
rear door, the glass of which was
broken through. Whether the fire
was kindled for the purpose of more
easily effecting the robbery while
the attention of the night police wns
held nt the fire is unknown, hut
such may have been the case.
The damage, which amounted to
possibly $2oo, was confined priuci
pally to the St. Johns I.and Co.'s
oiuce ami the olhce of the bt. Johns
nter company.
Ladies Auxiliary
Card of Thanks.
io the many mends who so
kindly nssisted us during the sad
bereavement we have sustained in
the loss of our beloved son aud
brother, Klma Iv. Waldref; to the
thoughtful ones who contributed
the beautiful flowers both the in
dividuals nud fraternal orders nnd
for those who offered cheerful
words of comfort, we wish to ex
press our most sincere thanks, At
such n time 110 words that we can
utter will fittingly express our ap
preciation, but these voluntary of
ferings do much to comfort us,
We thank you all. Mr. and Mrs,
H. M. Waldref, Fred Waldref and
Kthel Waldref.
To Pile Victims
Treat the inward cause if you
want a cure.
Is piles a skin disease?.
No, it is stagnation of blood cir
culation a swelling of blood vessels.
Why expect a cure from appli
cations outside? The treatment
should attack the cause.
Dr. I.eonhardt's HKM-ROID
(sugar coated tablets) is taken in
wardly; it restores circulation, rids
you of piles for good.
Sold by St. Johns Pharmacy and
all druggists. $1 for 24 days, sup
ply, satisfaction guaranteed. Dr.
i.eonhardt Co., Station IS, Buffalo,
N. Y.
For Sale
f 1 evicw c.rnnin limine mrtipr
- u ' - j - -- --, - -
Fessenden nnd Alleclienev. Iioth
streets improved and paid for. Ouly
j . y t . -
zoou, casu, uaiaucc 3 years ai
1 iier cent. Also .1 other l.lilnplfs.
I T " '
all comers on Fessenden for from
$1500 to 51800. Fessenden is
without donht the future luisiness
street of this part of the peninsula.
See S. C. Cook, 308 K. Fessenden
street, St. Johns.
A Indies auxiliary of the Com
mercial club was instituted Tues
day afternoon. The committee ap
pointed to nssist iu arranging the
dctnils from the club nud 25 or 30
Indies assembled in the rooms -nt
2:30. II. K. Pennell cnlled the
meeting to order nud made n tient
introductory nddrcss. Kxecutive
Secretnry 11. F. Crnwshaw nlxo
made n few remarks. A constitu
tion nnd by-laws was adopted. Mrs.
F. W. Valentine wns made tempo
rary chairman nud Mrs. A. S. lien
son secretary. The following per
manent officers were elected: Presi
dent, Mrs. A. A. Muck; first vice
president, Mrs. R. McKinney; sec
ond vice president, Mrs. W. R.
Kvnus; secretary, Mrs. C. O. Hook;
treasurer, Mrs. J. N. Kdlcfscu. The
first and third Tuesdays of ench
mouth ut 2:30 were decided upon
ns dntcs of the regular meeting, nud
the dues were fixed nt 25 cents per
mouth, beginning March 1st. Fol
lowing is n list of the members en
rolled nt the meeting: Mrs. W.A.
Hennelt, Mrs. W. R. Kvnus, Mrs.
R. McKinney, Mrs. F. W. Valen
tine, Mrs T. II. Cochran, Mrs. A.
A. Muck, Mrs. I.. II. Chambers,
Mrs. P. II. Kdlcfscu, Mrs. J. N.
Kdlcfscu, Mrs. T. I). Condon, Mrs.
C. S. Thompson, Mrs. A. M.
Stenrns, Mrs. C. C. Curriu, Mrs.
J. II. Johnstone, Mrs. Frank Rice,
Mrs. R. A. Jayuc, Mrs. II. J,.
Nutting, Mrs. P. G. Gilmnre, Mrs.
J. F. Gillmore, Mrs. F. I.IIahcock,
Mrs. D. F. Ilorsmau, Mrs. A.
rowe, Mrs. A. S. Heiisou, Mrs. A.
W. Mnrkle.
Rev. F. J. Kettcuhnfcu made k
neat address iu which he pointed
out several things that the ladies
would have n splendid oppor
tunity to expend their cnurgte
upon, particularly iu the way of
civic improvement, and thnt uftur
the ladies had assumed full sway iu
the way of a general clean-up of
the city every one iu Portland would
want to come out aud live iu St.
Johns. Messrs. C. G. Hock, Putur
Autzen, aud F. W. Valentine tilto
made a few pleasing remarks.
The auxiliary starts out with
vim and energy that is hound to
accomplish grent things for St.
Johns. Fnr better than men, the
ladies know how to make n city
attractive, and the result u few
mouths hence will show a wonder
ful improvement in the appearance
of St. Johns. Kach member is ex-
pected to bring another member nt
the next meeting, nud ere long
there will be ns many member iu
the auxiliary ns iu the Commercial
Pupils, Attention
To the first student bringing iu
the correct arithmetical solution of
the following problem will be given
ioc worth of school supplies your
own selection. Answer to problem
aud name of winner published next
week. These problems will con
tinue for some time, J. M. Shaw,
groceries, school supplies, bakery
goods, fruits, nuts, etc., 802 North
Special prize on this problem of
one pound of best walnuts.
Yesterday iu searching tor His
pig, Mr. Skeebink went over the
following course; Starting from
home he went east 40 rods, thence
north 50 rods, thence west 32 rods,
thence south 56 rods, where he
found the pig nud then carried him
straight home. How far did he
carry the pig?
Answer to last week s proiuoin,
$4.00 and the goose. Winner,
Iulmuud Whelen.
I hereby give notice that I will
not be responsible for any bills con
traded by my wife.
Frauk M. Glaub. St. Johns, Ore.
The Regal Range on sale nt the
Peninsula Hardware is a bargain at
$36.00. See it at once.