St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 23, 1912, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Burlington Street.
Tint KKVIHW Is entered at post office
In Saint lohns. Oregon, ns innll inntter
of the second class under the Act ol Con
rfrcss of March 3, 1879.
Official Hewtraptr of tho City of flt Johna,
Subscription prlco $1.00 per year
It is n charming tiling to keep
sweet-tempered niul patient through
nil tlie lnv s work mid worry.
sunshiny woman in a calico dress
mid white npron is the sweetest
thing in tiie world. Such n woman
cheery, courageous, .self-reliant mid
sympathetic, will mnke poetry in
her little world ns well us the poet
who fills the nmKHziue with the
children of his imagination. On
who cnu have for her constant com
pnnion pleasant tliouglits and orig
mal ideas, and above all nu interest
in and love for her work, will he
happy in doing it.
Sweet jwaK are fragrant, henuti
ful, prolific and long blooming.
is a flower that thrives abundantly
in this soil and climate. It is pro
posed to make it the adopted (lower
of St. John, and during the com
intr summer, probably about th
middle of July, there is to be a flo
ml fete and exhibition at which it
will be the brightest and most con
siilcuotis feature. The Commercial
club has appointed a special com
inittee to take charge of the matter
with C. C. Currin as chairman
Seeds will be furnished free to all
who will interest themselves in
their care and cultivation. It is in
tended as a permanent feature of
St. Johns, and is a splendid idea
Pas) it around and make it popular
The licst way to extend charity
to persons who are in need is to
give them work. Don't give any
amiMKMiieu man n itcuiiy or
mouthful unlet he works for it
lty this the mini retains his t;elf
lumped, niul the profession of the
tramp is not encouraged, if a man
needs help and is able to work, and
you are tempted to give him some
thing, don't you do it. Hut instead
give him work. Odd jobs can al
ways be found, and set him tit
these. We do not advise refusing
to relieve hunger, but we do advise
that it be done in a manner that
will not bleed dcH.-udcuce in men
11 uveryoue would do turn, all over
the laud, this country would soon
ctmse to be the paradise for tramps
that it lias been.
The decision of the U. S. Su
prumu Court relative to the iuitia
live and tefereiidum law is pleasing
to thu anli-aunexHtioim whose case
will bo heard by the state supreme
court next Wednesday. One of the
chief contentions is that the elec
tiou on HiiiiexNtion was not belt
under the Initiative and referendum
which Iihh been on the statue hookK
of Oregon for several years. Under
it when the matter of consolidation
ariMMi the two cities shall vote
uihiii the question, and if the vote
is in the affirmative in lwth cities,
thu officials of both coiiKirations
shall le discarded and an election
onllud to elect n full set of officials
to reign over the destinies of the
combined coi (Miration. How the
thu Oregon supreme court will han
dle thu question may be known
by March first. In case of an ad
vurxt decision the uutis may find an
incentive ly reason ot Its recent de
uUiou to carry the case to the U
S. supreme court.
The workings of justice are some-
time wierd to say the least. Abe
Heuf was sentenced to 1.1 years in
thu H!uiteutiuty with several other
indictments hanging over his head
A former mayor of San Kraucisco
who seemed to work hand in glove
with Ale in a number of nefaiious
tinuwictions. was also wanted "pun
isheri by the authorities, but proof
111 sulllclent quantities was lucking
1 heiefoie, on a bare chance that
Aim would give Inn former pre
Mimwl confederate away, he has
Iwun iMidoucd from the (tending
indictments ami made subject to
jmrolu in exchange for any iuforma
lion he may see fit to give. With
pnanecu 01 liberty looming up
Drigiiuy 111 nts way, ot course Abe
will unburden himself to the fullest
uxtout, except chunces are that he
wont. It was not right that Abe
.should Ik made subject to imrole
He has been proven BtttUy and
.should serve out his punishment.
Wliy should one guilty man be re
lMitfud from prison on the hope of
incarcerating another? I'hIcm some
enmity has arisen between Schmidt
mid Abu, no disclosure can be ex-
Htctud. A Ik- has mude 110 promis
us, but the authorities are gullible
enough to believe that he will tell
all he knows. The chaucesare that
Abu and Schmidt will, in the near
futuru, lie seen uiotoriug around
toguther and ixiiuted out by the
populace as the shrtwtlest and most
wily men of twin hraucUco. Just
ice has little chance against money
and intluence these days.
One of the wisest and most judi
oious sto taken by the Commer
cial club is the proposed organiza
tion of a ladies' auxiliary. It is a
courteous as well as timely recog
nition of woman's worth ami adapt
ability, and the dub shows good
judgingut in inviting lujr co-opcra-lion,
Thgru arc certain 11 1113 in
Stories of Success
In Ills hard
dattto with un
kind futr, Gov.
John A. Johnson
or Minn os ota
never onco com
lilalnud that
luck wnsnKilnnt
lilm, Mo had to
ilKlit airalnnt
povcrtv, hered
ity ana environ
ment every
thing that could
lio put forward
ns fin excuso for
In, 1 Iw-k.
To tho Inquiry "How do you ac
count for your ueecn7" lm replied
"I Just tried to make Rood,"
Tho hoy Johnson wai earnest,
courageous, ntnoltlotls, and tlttlodld
tho Rood peoplo of Ht. PotT rcallzo
that Krowlnir up ntnonif them was
the cut) of a lion.
As itovernor hn early nhowed hlm
nelf n man nraanit inon nnd from
early hoyhood mado Rood uso of
Ills savlnns.
Thero nro many tlilnun to lay hy
for old nRp, hut without money oth
er possessions am handicapped.
You need money to take ndvati
tarn of opportune Investments to
rnrry you over tho rouRh places falo
ccts In your path.
You need a savings account
whether larRo or small aavlrwr
hrlnRS success.
Coma In ana let's dlscusa tho mat
ter. 4 per cent interest on Sav
ings Accounts and Time
Certificates of Deposits.
St. Johns, Oregon
A. K. Joints, Vice President
P. P. Diunkhk, Cashier
C. 1). Hu.HSitl.l., Ass't Cashier
which she can co-operate witli spe
cial advantage, notably the social
features and nutters of civic im
provement. She is the ackiiowl
edited (iiieeu of the home, and in
her high domestic estate can wielt
a powerful influence, that is bourn
to tell immeasurably lor good. M
Johns should be pre-eminently
citv of homes, not only for those
whose vocation and employment is
here, but also for others who seek
a congenial clime with restful eu
vironmeiits. No one can do more
nay, nor as much as woman in
making St. Johns an attractive city
to thu homeseeker. Shu knows
how to keep her home ami its sup
rotindings neat and attractive, am
if this spirit shall become general
all over our city, it will mean miicl
in thu way of beautifying as well as
sanitary conditions. 1 here arc
many ways in which her alert, dis
criminating judgment, her keen
insight and her consummate skill
can be made of incalculable bene
fit niul value to our city. It shoult
be leuiembered that there is the
civic as well as the commercia
side of thu business. In thu latter
the men will naturally predomi
uate, but in the former thu ladies
can find abundant opportunity for
Judicious and eflicient service cnl
dilated to promote the general wel
fare of the city. Thu concensus
of opinion is that thu ladies' mix
iliary will undoubtedly prove to be
a valuable adjunct to our progrcs
.live Commercial club. Success to
flie free ferry is being delayer
owiiiK to the fact that the approach
es or shim have to be widened to
accommodate the new boat that I
being constructed, and on account
of some difficulty being experienced
in securing 11 commodious lauding
place on the W est side. New pil
uig is being driven, and we under
stand the lumber has been ordered
for enlarging nnd placing the ap
pt ouches and slitw in first class con
ditiou. According to the city pa
pers the county court believes
was handed a lemon or gold brick
by St. Johns, but such . is not the
case. It is true that it ttid not re
ceive much, but the court knew, or
should have known, just what it
would teceive hciorc the bill be
came a law. it it tlhlu t It was
lacking in intelligence. The fact
of the matter is that the county
should have been compelled to pro
vide a ferry at ht. Johns without
this city spending a single cent. It
is the business of the county to
irovide bridges and ferries where
ueccsMiry, just as it is incumbent
upon it to keep up the roads. That
is what the county taxes are levied
for. St. Johns has been paying
thousands ot dollars intotlie county
coffeis and receiving nothing in re
turn. Now that the law has been
nought about forcing them to do a
ittle for St. Johns the howl goes up
that the county has been gold
iricked. The citieus of this citv
knew exactly what they were get
ting for the $6000 expended, and
only 16 voted against the expendi
ture. The county may fume and
squirm and pour out a tale of woe,
but theie is nothing to do b it to
follow the law. Its provisions are
too plain and unmistakable to hedge
or disregard. According to the
city papers ConiinKsioner Hart,
who was elected from the Penin
sula, and from whom the greatest
fforts should be existed ta sc
enic the terry, is doing the great
est knocking. lit spite of all the
bickering, St. Johns will get the
free ferry, or the aid of the courts
will be invoked for the enforcement
of the law.
FOR RENT cards at this office
Secretary of
State, and candidate
for re- election.
Pupils, Attention
To the first student bringing in
the correct arithmetical solution of
the following problem will be given
10c worth of school supplies your
own selection. Answer to problem
and name of winner published next
week. These problems will con
Unite for some time. J. M. Shaw,
groceries, school supplies, bakery
noods, fruits, nuts, etc. , 802 North
Special prize of t lb. of chocolate
candy on this problem: I,ast week
a strancer bought a goose from Mr
Skeebink for Si. He offered in
payment a five dollar bill. Skcc
biuk, having only a five dollar gold
piece in his purse, took the bill to
Shaw's grocery, had it changed and
then handed the goose and four
dollars to the stranger, who at once
disappeared, boon alter, Shaw dis
covered that the bill was a conn
terfeit, and rcnuircd Skeebink to
make good, which he did by hand
lug over his five dollar gold piece,
and then burned thu bad bill. Just
how much did Skeebink lose by the
entire transaction?
Answer to last week's problem,
Go 3-7 feet. Winner: Clarke iMoss
Calico Carnival
Thu Calico Carnival given by
Philo Christo class of Kvaugclical
church Wednesday evening was
decidetl success. It is seldom such
a large mid good humored crowd,
gathers to a class entertainment of
that kind. Most of the numbers
011 thu program responded to
hearty encore, which lengthened
that part of the entertainment to
such a degree that sewing ot carpet
rags and other games, which had
been planned, as suited to 11 calico
carnival, were of necessity omitted
Those admitted numbered slightly
more than 175. hrom the sale o
calico articles and thu proceeds
from the refreshments sold, the
class netted a tidy, sum, which will
be used to meet the pledge of the
church building fund, The class
desires to thank those who so geu
erously helped with their talents
and attendance, crowning its
offorts with success.
Old Time Cruelty
The time when surgery is often
needless torture.
.Many operations tor piles are
simply needless torture, for when
U s all over the plies come back.
The one way to be rid of the
piles for good is to use Dr. I, eon
nanus iiu.m-kuiu. u cures
piles by doing awav with the cause
poor circulation. i for 24 days
treatment at St. Johns Pharmacy
and all druggists. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Dr. I.eonhardt Co,,
Station H, lluffalo, N. V., Prop.
Write for booklet.
You are probably aware that
pneumonia always results from a
cold, but you never heard of a cold
resulting in pneumonia when Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy was used.
Why take the risk when this remedy
may be had for a trifle? For sole by
all dealers.
Subscribe- for the Telegram best
dvmiliiK paper on tho coast. 8oe
Ed StocUtnu.
Kvaugclistic service in McDonald
building, Jersey street, beginning
Sunday at 7:30 p. 111. All welcome.
I V. C. North, candidate
lor Sheriff. I
Notice to the Public
The two leading magazines of
the Pacific coast, the Pacific Month
ly and the Sunset, have been con
tolidfitcd under the title of "Sunset
tiie Pacific Monthly."
It is the intention of the pub
lishers to sjure no money nor effort
to make Sunset the Pacific Month
ly a credit to the West and a mag
azine of national value and import
ance. To inttoducc it to new renders,
we will make the following special
1 ffer Send 50c in stamps and we
will put your name on our list for
the next four mouths, mid will
send you free a copy of the superb
ly illustruted Mid-Winter number,
ami also the famous Sunset Indian
poster, securely packed in a mail
ing tube. It will make a beauti
ful ornament for your front room or
Send your order to Prcd Lockley,
Northwestern Manager, Sunset
the Pacific Monthly, Portland. Ore.
Notice of Cost of Improvement
Notice is hereby given tlmt the assess
ment for the Improvement of Columbia
boulevard from Richmond street to Mo
hawk street, the total cost of which is
$3,072,09, was declared by Ordinance
No, 457, entitled "An ordinance declar
ing the cost of improving Columbia boul
evard from Richmond street to Mohawk
street ill the city of St. Johns, Oregon,
and assessing the property benefited
thereby, declaring such assessment nnd
directing the entry of the same in the
docket of city liens."
The cost of said improvement is levied
iix)ii nil the lots, parts of lots mid par
rels d laud within the boundaries of the
district, as follows: Iletwccn the west
erly line of Richmond street and the
westerly Hue of Mohawk street.
A statement of said assessment has
been entered hi the docket of city Ileus
l'cbrunrv 14, 1913, and said assessment
Is now due nnd payable nt the office of
the recorder of the city of St. Johns, Or
iom, ami wilt be delimiueiit ami bear In
terest after l'ebrunry 34th, 191a, and if
not jwild 011 or before March 15,1912,
procccdingu will be taken for the collec
tion of the same by sale of properly n
provided by the city charter.
I'. A. RICH,
City Recorder.
Published hi the St. Johns Review on
I'etiruary 10 nuil 23, 1912.
fVrntoh nnd rub rub nnd scratch
until vou.fiH'l nn If you could almost
tmir tho tm nil nit skin from your body
until It nccm nn If you could no
lonifcr enduro these cndlesx iluys of
uwfnl tnrturo tliOMO terrible nluliU
of ttlreplMtH iiRony. .
Then a fv ilrop of D. D. !.. tho
fummiH licMina Mpccltlo nnd. Old what
rllfl Tim I tell uono llutuutlyl Com
fort and rent lit limit
I). 1). I). In u alniptn external wn!i
Hint elemnwi and luvdii tho Inrtamed
tikln nn nothing visa oao. A rceojrnlscd
Mpeclfla for RoiDiua, PsorlimK milt
IthtMim or any other skin troulda.
V can Klve you u full nIia bottlo
of th Knulno 1). 1). W remedy for
11.00 and If the, very first bottle fnlN
to kIvm relief it wilt not cost you a
CW1V . . ....
n nlo can Blve you a sample bot
tlo for 35 rent Why suffer another
day whvit you can uct D. D. D.T
.St. Johns Pharmacy, Jersey Street.
(Offtrhilo of $. 3JItto, (Orriiott
Mayor K. C. Couch
Krcofdtr I'rsiik A. Hire
TirH.uicr V. HVU Kcllou
AtUwny A. M. H.m
IttmlHcfrC It A nitre w
lylUu-A. V. Vlucrnt
ChUI U Poller H. McKlnnty
CommIIiiicu t Lsriici
I' W. VulHtine Clin. Ilrctlrwn
II. I'rank llerumftii
CoMHdlmen l'irtt Wsnl
A. A. Miwk - J. W. l)vl
CimiKilmcu tKCond Ward
n. i,. iviiIh r. inn
8trfUl lkk-J. W. DavU, I'. V.
VaUrHtinr. A. A. Muk
I.Imhx -P. 1 1 lit. A. A. Muck. Chan.
Wtr ami I.tslit-Clva. BrnlrMii. J. W.
finance -A. A. Muck, J. W. Davit. (1. I..
HhIUIIhu ami Orouiul0. I,. Perdue,
Clw. Hinlrtou, !. 1'ruuk llortmaii
l.kptor I.U-ruM 1'. W. Valentine, O. I,.
I'miuc. II. I'runk llorauian
Health ami Police 1). frank lloraman.
I'. W. Valentine. P. Illll
We will buy your vacant lots or
your equity for cash if your price is
riftht. McKinucy & Davis.
Koiikkt Trhat Pj.att, Pres.
V, C. K.v.U'l', Vice Pres.
Peninsula National Bank
Capital and Surplus - S57.O00.OO
United States Depository
Special Sale
of Dining Tables this Week:
Quartered Oak, wax finished
6-ft. extension tables 010 R
Only plZiO
Slightly Used
Tables, as good as new, very
cheap. Also sonic very good
St. Johns Furniture
Tor Children's PhotosGroups nnd En
largemenli Hive us a call.
Ilolbrook Ulock St. Johns, Ore
Uhti Uo, I mi .J ,H oitw.m fe
ral! StSlAI. ix.Mll !. UK ill M .k KhM
L Halam Inaubater Co., Teltdo, Waihlnton
pro succrs ha, LtnJ
Builders of Homos.
Investmont Certificates
Sond for Booklet
604 5 6 CorbottDuR)rildnd.Of e
Northern Pacific Railway
Corrected January 7, 1911
neattlc alo 011 nan 7 is a 111
riuiui eo4.i Minimi via Norm lunk 7 1. p, 111
Atlantic ltapira tla lMKt Km ml ii.ij p 111
Atlantic l!iire Wa .Vuitli Hank 101 11 a, ill
Twin City lliprrta via I'unet hound J 4M. '
Twin Cltr Kaprraa via North Hank 7 p. 111
lUnirrii ltapioavla I'unet houuit 11 ji p, m
iHiiiriu iia,irvia rtumi imiik 10111 u.
Mo. Klvrr Itxtitraa via North Hank .ihii. ...
Pui:cl)ouiitlUmltel,js p. 111.; Grays llartwr
rhu wuiu ,e,ii tiiaiii)e.
Vacolt PiiiMiiKtr m p, m
North Coatt Limited via North Hank --juop, m
North Cuatt I.lmilril via PukcI Hound -6.41 a. 111
iiu, i-aeiuc pie via rorui
No, I'acltic Kapreai via Pniiel Hound 0 41 p.
Pacific HI)ie via North Hank ..... .t:m n.
Pacific l'.iire ia I'ucet Hound 6.41 a. 111
, ttcMeni naprraa via onmi naiiK 7X0,
1 Mo, Kltrr HuDiemla North Hank im .
1 Mo. Kher Hipren via IIiecI Hound--Jill p. 111
' . u, iiniii, nwiiia n neaiiie iiaiiira - j:n p.
I Irom olyiupU. Boulh Ikndaiid Grata Halt
Puget Hound Limited 6. it, .,.
p. in
vacoti la.ieuuer oji. t
O. M. Corucll, Aneut.
Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway.
Palltulitge laeuiier (or Lyle, Goldendalc. Ore
gon iiunk. aim local poiuis . l ii a. 111,
Inland Itraptrc HinrcH. 10 i a. m.: (or ChL-aL-n
HI. Paul. Omaha. KauuaClty.Ht. I.ouia, Walla
Walla. Paxxi. KookvcII. Grauddallca. Golden
dale. White Halmon, Vancouver and Oregon
lUllfc IWHiniHIII,
North Hank Limited, 7 ti p. in.; (or Chtcaco Ht
Paul. Omaha, Kantaa City. Ht. LouU. Hnokaue
Hprague. Kilavlllc. Ltnd. Vsku. KookvcII. and
Columbia Kiver Local. M n. 111.: lor Vancomrr
Camaa, White Halmon Lyle. Graiuldallca.Cliua
faimritige ana an tuicrniruiaic stalloui.
Inland Kmplre llapreaa. 7 p. m.; (roui Clilca-
o. i. raui. uuiana, nanaa vily. Ht. Louts,
Hpokane. Hpraitue, Hltivllle Lind.
KooKvcll.Granddalea,- WJiltc Halmou.and Van
North Hank Limited. 7 jja. m.; Irom Chicago.
M. Paul. Omaha. Kauua City, Ht. Louis, Walla
Walla. Patco, KooMvelt. and Vancouver.
Columbia KUer Local vil a. m.; (rom Cliffs.
Grauddallca, Goldcudalc. Lyle White Halmon,
Vancouver ana an intcrmedute (la-
Kallbridge ras-engei j6 p. m. Irom L)le, Gold
eudale andtocal poiuta.
All trains stop lor passengera.
Ticket ou sale lor all points.
O. M. Cornell, Agent.
J. N. KnuwsitN, Cashier
S, T,. DoniK, Ass't Cashier
Safe Deposit Boxes
Foreign Exchange
We carry a Complete Line of Gar
den Tools and Seeds.
Are you going to spray your trees? '
We have the goods
Lime and Sulphur Solution
Orwood Fruit Spray
Arsenic of Lead
Also Sprayers, Tree Pruners and
Pruning Shears
Turn Down Lamps Save 85 Per Cent
of current when the small,
ouc-cniulle power filmuent is
hurtling. Useful ns nn nll
night light in hallway, hed
room, bathroom or elsewhere,
in the house, I?it nny ordin
ary socket.
A Gentle Pull on One String Gives
the full 16 candle-power; on
the other, the low light or out
as desired. Save their cost
the first mouth.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
7th and Alder Street
Daily March ist
1 Milwaukee
iSt. J.oufs
New York
From other eastern points in proportion.
Tell your friends in the Kast of
low rates. Direct train service via
Great Northern and "North Dank"
You can deposit with me and tickets will he furnished people hit he
Kast. Details will he furnished on request.
Gen'l Freight & Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon
We Positively Cure Acute and Chronic Diseases when Others Fail
We are the only specialists in Portland who combine careful
and painstaking diagnosis with modern and scientific methods of
treated with the new German Discovery, the marvel of the age,
combined with a tonic treatment which insures a permanent nnd
lasting cure.
Our methods of treating this disease are entirely new and we
guarantee to cure any case of rheumatism, Acute or Chronic.
We will cheerfully refund the cost of treatment to any patient
with this afilction to whom we cannot afford relief, and a cure.
If you cannot call at office, write for symptom and diagnosis
Main 4485 First and Alder Sts. Portland, Oregon
tt f t t
LUMBER! Slabwood :
Rough, Prompt Dry,
Dressed, Deliveries. Green,
Finish. Guaranteed. Trimmings
Phone Richmond 131
H. HENDERSON McDonald Bldg.,208JerscySt.
Real Estate, Loans, insurance f
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
Bring in your job printing now.
to April 15th, to
St. Paul
Kansas City
Dos Moines
this opportunity of inovitnr West at
UurliiiRton Route, Northern Pacific,
t tt t t tttt