St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 09, 1912, Image 1

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    Illitotlcil Society
TaiifeKtlt lf THIS I'aprr
Atllhtntwi whUtlllintwtli
r motla. Cull In tnitnrcll
01 Jwrii.tflt TIM Vm
tin i ! umm M
Dtvotcd to the Inttmti of the PtnlmuU, the Manufacturing Ccnltr of the Northcit
VOI,. 8
NO. i.
County Will Assume
the New Boat
A strong delegation of reprcseit
tntlvc citizens headed !) Mayor
Couch stormed the citadel of the
county court Tuesday morning in
nn endeavor to induce the county au
thorities to oerate the ferry boat
James John until the new ferry has
been built and placed in commission
The mayor was nrmcd will
petitions stalled by numerous bus!
'ncss interests on both sides of the
river, and by more than 50 farmers
in the valley beyond the west Kid
hill. The delegation was also sup
plcmcutcd by several residents ol
the west side. The assemblage
convened in the office of the county
court, and were given attentive am
respectful hearing by Judge Clceton
and Commissioners ijglttticr and
Hart. Mayor Couch acted us
spokesman for the delegation, am!
he presented the plea in a most
plausible and convincing manner,
in which he intimated that St
Johns had for years been pouring
its tax into the county treasurer
and receiving little or nothing in
return. He pointed out the im
, incnsc traffic that used the firry
while it was a paid affair, the hau
dicap it was to the business inter
csts of the peninsula since it has
gone out of commission, and that
the bill passed by the legislature
besides giving the county power,
also made it mandatory that the
county acquire, maintain and op
crate a free ferry at St. Johns. He
said that while St. Johns was will
iug to pay for the lease of the ferry
at iO per diem, yet lie believed it
was the duty of the county rather
than the city of St. Johns to pay
for the boat us well as to operate
it. The city of St Johns, lie said,
was perfectly willing to assume the
Tesponsibllitv r for as the boiler
and engine was concerned, but be
licved that was as much as should
be required of this city.
City Attorney A. M. Ksson made
a splendid plea also, in which he
called attention to the inconvenience
resulting from the artery of trade
between the two sides of the river
being broken. He took occasion
to remind the county authori
ties of the proposed public highway
encircling the lower peninsula, the
right of way for which had been
paid for by public subscription, and
upon which the county authorities
bad agreed to construct
county road, but which failed to
materialize after the right of way
had been secured.
Richard Shepard, representing
the west side interests, told of the
necessity of a free ferry, and the
desirability of having one placed in
operation with as little delay as
W. L. Churchill told of the in
convenience to his business owing
to the disruption of the ferry ser
vive; how he was compelled to
drive thirty miles now to reach a
poiut three miles away in order to
hold his patronage at IJnnton.
W. H. King also made a few
trite remarks bearing on the propo
sition, in which he stated that he
believed the county authorities
could be relied upon to do what
they could iu this regard.
The commissioners and Judge
Cieeton seemed fair iu the matter.
The Judge pointed out that it was
not the fault of the comity author
ities that St. Johns did not now
have a free ferry, that they were
hastening the construction of the
boat as fast as possible, which he
claimed would be the finest on the
river. He stated that the county
engineer has disapproved of the
engine or boiler in the ferry boat
James John, and even though the
government inspector passed favor
ably upon the same, it would place
the county authorities in a bad hole
in case of explosion through de
fective boiler, However, with the
assurances given that St. Johns
would assume the responsibility in
so far as the delective boiler might
be concerned, he was willing that
the county operate the boat, and
also provide payment for the lease
thereof. The crew for the new
boat under construction having
been already selected, he, in con
junction with the commissioners,
decided that this crew should be
put on the James John, provided
the attorneys concluded they could
legally do so. Judge Cieeton said
the matter would be attended to at
once, and he saw nothing in the
way of placing the James John iu
commission in a very few days, un
less the attorney's advice was ad
verse to so doing. The Judge also
took occasion to state that the
All Expenses
is Constructed
county road mentioned by Mr. lis
' son was not altogether the county' 8
fault that it had not been construct
ed. 1 he route wag deemed
inadvisable and costly after inspec'
tiou by the county authorities, but
if a route higher up was secured
the county would at once begin to
construct a good roadway.
The St. Johns folks were well
pleased witli their reception, and
the meeting of the citizens and the
county authorities was conducive
of a better feeling toward the offi
cials, who showed that they were
willing to do their duty toward St.
Johns at any time. That n free
ferry will be installed before the
15th inst. is practically assured, as
there appears no doubt that the
county court has full power to
lease, operate and maintain the fer
ry boat James John, and submission
of the matter to the county at
torneys is merely a matter of form
and a safeguard to the county offi
cials. To Mayor Couch must be
given the credit for bringing this
about, as well as construction of
the new ferry. ' He has been tuitir
iug iu his efforts, having appeared
before the county court several
times single-handed to make the
plea which culminated iu success
Tuesday. It was through his
efforts that the delegation was as
sembled together, and through the
force of his logic that the county
court was brought to realize that
St. Johns really needed a free ferry.
The delegation was composed of
the following, besides several whose
names we failed to get: Mayor k.
C. Couch, City Attorney A. M.
hsson, City Recorder F. A. Rice,
City Engineer C. IS. Andrew,
F. W. Valentine, J. N. Iidlefscit,
P. Hill, V. A. Bennett, W. S,
Lumbers, II. Ritchie, W. II. King,
. II. ISdlefsen, W. C. Roe, M. 15.
Kilkenny, Chas. S. Davis, M. G.
Nease, R. McKinney, II. S. Hew
itt, R. G. Brand, C. S. Thompson,
A. C. Gcsler, C. IS. Smith, C. S.
McGill, C. C. Woodhottse, Jr., F.
Drinker, J. IS. Tanch, Henry
Muck, S. V. Ormandv, V. IS.
Howness, W. J. Churchill, T. J.
Monahan, C. S. Snyder, C. F. But-
tcrlield, Richard bhepard and A,
W. Markle.
Oregon Slough Plan
Officials of the Port of Portland,
representatives of the various im
provement clubs on the Peninsula
and others made a thorough inspec
tion 01 uregou blougli from its
mouth to Kenton, Saturday, pre
liminary to the adoption of defiuitc
plans regarding the widening and
deepening of the stream as a ship
channel, The investigators were
surprised at the possibilities of the
proposition, The slough was much
wider and deeper and carried more
water than they believed. Thry
are of the opinion that the stream
can be dredged and dyked so that
it will make a splendid ship chan
nel a distauce of at least seven
miles for a comparatively small sum
of mouey. If this work is done it
cau ulso be utilized as a drain for
the f ewers, which are to be built
on the Peninsula,
It is estimated that the proposed
devlopment will cost between $500,
000 and 1900,000, It is anticipated
that the United States Government
will pay a portion of this, the own
ers of property abutting on the ship
chunuel another portion, the prop
erty owners benefited by the sewer
system still another and it is antici
pated that Portlaud will share the
expense. A meeting of those inter
ested will be held in the near future
at which will be arranged another
excursion up the slough. Invitati
ons will be issued to the city ofri
cials aud others to make the trip.
At this time an effort will be made
to definitely outline a plan for rais-
ng the nnances to insure the suc
cess of the project.
Hearing February 28th
The hearing of the annexation
case by the supreme court is sched
uled to take place on Weduesday,
February 28th. This will be pleas
ing news to most of our citizens.
It js a question that should be defi
nitely settled one way or another.
Until it is settled, matters must re
main in an uncertain state. It has
been dragging along since July of
last year.
The Water Wagon
The water wagon's running light,
its scats have lots of room ;f or many
men have quit the fight against the
booze saloon. Resolves they made
on New Year's day arc broken,
smashed and crushed; they're jump
ing off along the way, their temp
erance talk is hushed.
The water wagon sails along
with many vacant scats; the swear
off men arc going wrong and calling
up the treats. John Barleycorn at
them did wink, aud said: "Come,
liquor tip I" They nearly all began
to think that they should have a
And then they scrambled for th
bar, for they were fearful dry; they
tumbled olf the water car to get
taste of t yi-. They're now in Bar
leycorn's tight grip, they're booz
iug ev ry day; old John has got
them on the hip, and dragging
them his way.
borne will again swear olf next
year, nbout the hrst of "Jan.; but
some of them will not be here, Ot
man I My brother maul The last
resolve for some is made, they' I
die within the year; some will with
11 their graves be laid because o
booze aud beer.
The man who's always swearing
off, upon the New Year s day, is
soon lined up against the "trough,'
just 111 mssainc old way. lie soon
will hunt the booze bazaar, and
quaff the flowing bowl; his resold
lions don't go far, they don't upon
my soul.
lie s like some men at "mourn
er's bench" converted ev'ry year;
but soon he's back within the
trench, the trench of booze and beer.
He's like a poor old jellyfish, his
back is wishbone, sure; his great
resolves arc one-half wish, the oth
cr half is fear.
The man who makes and keeps
11 vow, and cleaves to virtue's
way, just says: "Old man I'l
do it now, not wait for New
Year's day." The New Years'
gang are weak kneed chumps,
their vows most always break; their
weak resolves wont stand the
bumps, wont keep the vows they
Therefore, the wagon's running
light, good old water wagon; the
swear-off men have quit the fight,
gone and got a tag on. The New
Year's gang of swear-off chumps,
have tumbled off the scats; they
couldn't stand the wagon's bumps
while being oilered treats.
And Barleycorn is laughing loud,
that old John Barleycorn; he's
gath' ring iu the whole blamed crowd
assure as you are born. They
surely are a wcak-spiued lot, to
break their vows so soon, but say,
dear folks, I'll tell you what a
titan's a weak gussoou. Windber
Parents Complain
A delegation consisting of a doz
en irate parents of St. Johns pupils
of the Northwestern conservatory
of music appeared Thursday at
Bickner Hall in St. Johns, where
this concern gives its lessons to pro
test against the treatment they and
the pupils are receiving. The dele
gation consisting of D, J. Horsmati,
Mrs. J. A. Crouch, Mrs. Robert
Hodkins, Mrs. JS. J. Hughes, Mrs.
L. I. Cooper, Mrs, Brock, Mrs.
I,ehr, Mrs, Taylor, Mrs. Hall and
Mrs. McCarthy found no one to re
ceive their protest, Mr. Osborn.wlio
has charge of the bt. Johns work,
not beiug visible, but they declare
they will call every lesson day un
til they are able to meet the man in
charge. They object to Teacher J,
II. Peterson, who, they claim, is in
competent and failed to hold pupils
secured by hint a year ago because
of inattention and incompetency.
Several of the women said they had
been promised that Peterson would
not be employed as instructor and
only consented to send their child
ren with this understanding. They
also assert they were told the con
servatory people were organizing a
glee club in St. Johns schools and
that the first 25 children joining
the class would become members of
this club and receive instruments
free, while no such club has been
organized or even attempted. An
other grievance is the quality of the
instruments furnished the pupils
taking the course. These are said
to be practically valueless. Still
another is a story published in a
Portland paper a short time ago iu
which serious charges are made.
It is also charged that an attempt
was made to get one 15-year-old
St. Johns girl to come to the Port
land rooms at 1 1 o'clock at night
for a lesson. Telegram.
For Sale Cheap. ISquity in St.
Johns property located at 812 Gil
bert street. Buy of owner. See
John Keliher, 816 Gilbert. latfc
St. Johns Auxiliary
During the times the State Wo
men's Press Club of Oregon has
been iu existence, it has confined
its activity to Portland, although as
the name implies it is a state or
ganization. In order that it may
fulfill the greatest possibilities of n
state organization and be in effect
what the name signifies, n plait has
been proposed by the president, Mrs.
M. L. T. Hidden, and enthusias
tically endorsed by the members
whereby the club s field of action
may be greatly extended.
Briefly stated, the idea is to es
tablish auxiliary Press clubs thru
out the state in every city and town
where there are women writers liv
ing iu n sufficient number to war
rant sucli action.
From inquiries made it appears
there is literary talent iu St. Johns
to constitute n highly successful
Press club, if the talented women
of the city would join forces with
that object in view.
Of all brain workers, writers
need the inspiration that comes
through an exchuuge of ideas witl
others of like tastes. A Press club
promotes an intellectual comrade
ship among its members, which
helping aud stimulating. Among
the many advantages the plan o
the auxiliary club offers, would be
1111 annual meeting as a happy cul
initiation of the year s work, where
all State Press clubs could be rep
resented. The benefit, pleasure
and inspiration to all conccruci
from such gathering would be of in
calculable value to every one at
Iu accordance with the coitstittt'
tiou of the State Woman's Press
club, it is not necessary that every
member be an actively engaged an
thor. Some of its brightest meiii
bcrs at present are only occasional
contributors to the ucwspaicrs and
periodicals of the country, while
others associate members - -never
have received remuneration for
their work.
it is earnestly desired that an
auxiliary Press club of women
writers be formed in St. Johns, and
any iulorinatiou which would help
toward the establishment ot a bt.
Johns auxiliary will be furnished
gladly by the corresponding secre
tary of the State Woman's Press
club, Oswego, Oregon, box 186.
The Club's Year Book, coustltu
tiou and by-laws will be sent on re
Just a Rumor
It has been persistently rumored
that the Weyerhaeuser Lumber Co,
will erect a mammoth mill 011 its
and 111 lite north cud in the near
future. Through some source or
other, which is said to be authentic,
comes uie report that the company
is tearing down its big mill iu the
state of Wisconsin, and that the
machinery and fixtures are beiug
loaded 011 cars consigned to St
ohns. Whether there is anything
11 the rumor remains to be seen. So
many hopes have been bolstered
up on the Weyerhaeuser mill prop
osition at different times, that most
people take rumors of this sort now
with a grain of salt." It is fens-
ble to believe, however, that this
company will have a plant erected
tere iu time to take advantage of
the Panama canal opening, Lum
ber prospects are taking on a rosy
uie after years of quietude. When
construction begins the people of St.
ohns will then begin to believe the
Weycrhaeusers intend to do some
Another Smoke Stack
A Mr. Free, representing a com
patty formed for the manufacture of
furniture and wooden novelties, ap
peared before the board of gover
nors of the Commercial club Mon
day in au endeavor to secure its aid
aud co-operation in securing a site
St, Johns, The company owns
a number of valuable patents in the
way of household necessities, the
demand for which is fully assured.
A plant was erected some months
ago at Salem, but before the ma
chinery had been installed the build
ing was razed by fire. Not being
Hogether satisfied witli the loca
tion at Salem, the company became
nterested in bt. Johns, and state
that this location suits them better
than any other they have yet seen.
The plant will employ 65 hands to
start with, aud the chances
that St. Johns will land the indus
try are very bright.
Cheese? Any old kindl Also
strictly fresh eggs and butter, milk
aud cream. -St. Johns Dairy and
Co,, 206 North Jersey 5tf
Hard Surface Era
Hard surfacing of streets will be
the watchword ot St. Johns this
year. Jersey street, front Rich
mond to Catlin, will be resurfaced
with Wostrumite; Fesseiiden from
the cast city limits to Oswego, will
be surfaced with concrete; the same
composition will be placed on Hal
tiniore from Jersey to Bradford, nut
Burlington street from Hayes
uranium, uawyon street, connec
ting with the hard surface on Jer
sey, will be continued to the south
crly city limits, which wil
connect there with the hart:
surface Portland proposes to lay
this year. This will afford a ban!
sui face thoroughfare from St
Johns to the west side of Portland
Plans ure under way for these im
proventeiHS. rropcrty owners on
Ivanlioe and Crawford streets are
catching the hard surface fevcr.nni;
the probablities are that before win
ter tiiese streets will be treated to
Itard surface improvement also.
sewer win ue mid on l'lllmore, out
a system is also contemplated fo
southeast fat. Johns. A number of
other streets, which will not statu!
mini surtace, will be treated to 20
feet wide of concrete iu the center.
'I hese will include Portland bottle
vard, Willamette boulevard mid
Hayes street.
Last year more street improve
incuts were made in St. Johns than
during all the previous years of its
existence, amounting to more than
f 200,000,
It is proposed by some of the
city's leading citizens that a mini
cipal heating plant be installed. 1
is said that enough refuse goes t
waste at the saw mills to heat the
city, malting the item of fuel
nominal one. Before the hard surface
era is iuagttratcd it is argued is the
best time for laying the pitcs nee
essary for a public heating system.
Another schcins to be advanced is
the establishment of n muuiclna
electric lighting system. The city
aiouc pays oooo per year lor arc
lights.aud it is argued that this sum
would pay all operating expenses
of such a plant, giving the citizens
light tit very low cost. Journal.
A Good Living
Can be made with poultry if it is
properly fed and housed ami good
stock i-j used to begin with.
Noplace iu the country is so well
adapted utid prices so good as in
the Western states. Nothing will
pay so well for the amount of cash
and labor expended,
The poultry business is an open-
iug for the man with a limited
amount of cash. A few hundred
hens will make a good independent
living and much better than de
pending 011 day's labor and 1
equally good investment 011 a large
If you wish information 011 incu
bators, brooders and the toiiltry
business iu general, it will pay you
to send for the new 1012 catalogue
just issued by the St, Helens Iuctt
bator company, 1 oledo, Washing
ton, Ad appears iu this issue.
Building Permits
No. 0 To Win. Marshall to
erect a dwelling on Hayes street
between Burr and Alma; cost .;oo.
No, 7 lo the same party to
erect a dwelling 011 same lot; f.100.
No. 8 To II. Steiufuldt to erect
a dwelling 011 Hayes street between
St. Johns avenue and Maple street;
cost $1200.
No .0 To F. S.IIallock to repair
Muck building 011 Jersey between
John and Charleston streets; cost
f 100,
Reports from all over the state
indicate that Governor Wost's pro
clamation setting aside this week
especially for the consideration of
the subject of good roads is being
acted upon with great enthusiasm.
tils message was an appeal to the
citizens of Oregon to get ready for
the opening of the Panama canal
and thus provide the easiest possi
ble access to the interior of the
coutttry. Under the auspices of
Oregon Association for Highway
Improvement, copies of the eight
bills that have been prepared were
sent to the commercial clubs and to
the newspapers. The secretary of
the Oregon Development league
sent out a message that as this
question was not a political issue,
special meetings of the commercial
bodies affiliated with the league be
teld to discuss good roads and to
make their recommendations.
Try the home.made sausage
the St. Johns Meat Market.
Council Proceedings
All members were present at the
regular meeting of the city council
Tuesday evening, with Mayor
Couch presiding.
A petition for the improvement
of Gilbert street from Fesseiiden to
Thompson street was rend, and on
motion of Alderman Horsmati a
resolution was adopted directing
the engineer to prepare the neces
sary plain, etc., for its improve
ment by grade and cement sidewalk,
as prayed for.
A petition for the improvement
of Myers street from Fescendcn to
Thompson street, with grade, cc-
meutjwalks and cement cross walks,
was tend, and a resolution adopted
directing tue engineer to prepare
tue (lata lor mime oit motion of Al
derman Valentine.
Several remonstrances ngainst
the cost of street improvement were
received and referred to the street
committee for cogitntiou and di
The following bills wore ordered
paid on motion of Alderman Muck:
nil yes.
.Mr. Rambo,2 cords of wood ? 7.00
II. Rutledue, hauling 2
cords of wood
lSdmoiidsou Co,, city hall
II , C. Stevens,2 day's work .
Couch & Co., janitor Mtn'ls
St. Johns Review, official
printing to date
R. I,. & P. Co., electric
light globes
Columbia lvlec Co., Mipplius
Police Department
L. Ciiplcs, dock watchman
one mouth
Boston Lunch prisoner's feed
11. A. Harrer uitgiuccr s in
spector 12 days 36.00
D. A. Anson killing 0 dogs.. 0,00
St. Johns Lumber Co., land
of wood, charity 3.00
Thurston Joiisoii, 12 days
engineer's rod man .. .. 30.00
Total 5221.88
A resolution providing for the
operation nuuiu Hw lorry and an-1
sinning respousibity for the same
was adopted 011 motion of Alder
man Muck,
Resolutions providing for the
hard surfacing of FeMicudcii street
from Buchanan to the east city lit 11
us, ami KiKitig care 01 the same
were adopted 011 motions of Alder
men Valentine and Horsinan. res
Hjctively; all yes.
Ordinances assessing the cost of
mproviiig Baltimore street from
jersey to jiraiuord were passed 011
motions of Alderman Horsmati and
1 . .
Valentine, rctiectivcly;nll yes.
1 lie 1'ir.M National Ihiiik was
awarded improvement bonds to
the amount ot $25,500 at twtr mid
accrued interest, it being consld
ed the best bid, on motion of Alder
man Muck.
On motion of Alderman Muck it
was decided to insure the ferry bout
ames John during the time it
would run under the responsibility
of the city.
K. D.IIurlbcrt has returned ftom
an extended visit to California.
most of the time being stwtit at
Modesto. He says the weather
was most miserable thereon account
of rain and freezing weather, and
the mud when not frozen was a
fright, being of the dobu variety,
which those who are acquainted
with it will recognize as being of
the consistency and having the ad-
lesive qualities of thin light-bread
lough, lie was more than glad to
get back to good, old Oiegou.
Half the joy of life comes from
getting good out of things as we go
along. Some of us are always put
ting off our enjoyments. After a
while, we expect to take a rest, see
a friend, read n book. But after a
while never comes, the good time
we are looking forward to lies as
far away as ever. All our life is
pent 111 meaning to overtake it and
enjoy it. Meanwhile we toll, drudge,
grow old, passing by with unselfish
eye the happiness we might get out
every duy.
A Chicago wedding party was
isturbed by the crying of a babv
jeloiiging to one of the women
guests. One of the young ladies
)resent remarked to the bridesmaid:
What a nuisance babies are at a
wedding!" "I should say so," re
turned the latter, aud added, with
out very full consideration: "When
send out the invitations to mv
wedding I shall have printed iu the
corner, 'No babies expected.' "
The prediction of fashion brinus
the happy news to every married
nittti that woman's gowns will be
buttoned down the front. That will
allow man several hours' lougur
sleep on each sacred Sabbath morn.
Opie Read
There is only one Opie Read.c
lie only one in a life time. He 1
ptmral at the St. Johns lUvh mIm
auditorium Monday eveninn at
eft a touting- imtrosion nn tl
hearts mid minds of those who wet
fortunate enough to hear him. Hi
wit and humor flowed on like a
scintillating at renin and kept bin
audience convulsed with laughter.
At times he would carry his listen
ers to the stiblitneat height only to
dash them lwck to earth at one felt
swoop. His wit una so frequent
ami wiiuni so subtle that one al
most feared to give vent to hut fed
lugs in laughter lest the quickly
subsequent skarklc lie lost to the
car. At the outset he gave his au
dience to understand that he had
no time nor patience with the pemi
mist, that he loved the sunshine of
life and avoided the shadow an
much as MssibIc. From the time
he began to to speak until hi ut
tered his last word, the audience
was held under the spell of hut
voice, mid it was with a feeling of
deep regret that bin enthralled hear
ers realized tliAt he had finished.
Would that there were more Opie
Reads iu the world, diffusing their
sunshine and driving hack the
darkness and gloom. The world
would be so much brighter and bet
ter for it. Ilia pictuie.xquc appear-
mice and the thing he told will
dwell in the minds of hi hearers
many days to come, and his spark
ling humor and huhhliug wit will
be remembered when the world
shall know him no more. May he
live its long hk he likes and have all
the things that he likes as long as
he lives.
Smoker at Linnton
At the kind invitation of the
Muntnti Fire dcpnttmcnl. the St.
Johns fire lads, to the number f
about 30, journeyed thither Mon
day night on the good boat Argoay
und-particimtel iu a smoker. Ttw"
visiting lads wete clothed in their
new uniforms and created much
havoc in the hearts of the maid
ens of I.inuton by their imposing
and dashing apjKMrancv. The aid
of the ladies of Uuntoti had been
invoked iu the way of refreshments
for the occasion, ami the result was
enough to tempt the appetite ol
the most pronounced dyspeptic.
All maimer oi good things were
unuyed in abumlance, aud the St.
Johns boys did full honor to the
feast. .'1 he mayor of Unuton nave
an address of welcome which was
resiHMidcd to by Chief B. F. Noon-
an in his own inimical style. The
local firemen's quartet rendered
several of their most pleasing selec
tions, ami one of the best times the
fire department ever had ensued.
1 he boys are loud iu their praise of
the treatment accorded them by the
1,111111011 inns, 'rue Mnntou Ore
department is only about four
mouths of age, yet it has 24 mem
hers and is well equipped with ap
paratus. Mr. Crawshaw Here
The St. Johns Commercial clut
is nicely located iu its new quarter
iu the Ifolbrook building, which
lieiug fitted up iu a comfortabl
and cozy manner. M. K. Craw
sliuw, the iHtblicity promoter, ha
been delayed iu coming, owing I
rcqiiirauce of time iu closing ui
the details of his secretaryship o
the Astoria chamber 0 coumicrc
and starting his successor aright
But he is here today, prepared t
take off his coat aud aud go at it
There is considerable business accu
initiated to deploy his energies upon
among which are two proposed iu
ditstrisl plants seekiug the assist
auce of the club. From now 01
club matters will develop rapidly
aud results of material bcuefit to tb
city may be looked for.
Did you hear about it ? The Ba -
acas held a big feed last Frids
evening. The "eats" were prt
coded by a debate on capital puniah
tiiutit with Messrs. Tcelinif atx
Keliher the attackiug force and
Messrs. Cheney aud Dickson the
defenders. The latter were uearly
annihilated but were soou revived
y the abundance of refreshments.
Ivveryone present eujoyed hiuudt;
you will.too.if you come to the Bap
tist Church Sunday. 10 A. M.
The workman
who hands hia
wagus to his wife
every Saturday
ami receives ten cents aud a kis
in return lias more real enjoyment
than the man who sptud his whole
pay on Saturday ulgkt tttd bandf
ins abused and starved wife an
ty pay uiivq1oj).