nov i nit i u,i i i i mkiw ,,,, n ik ,rti W t Our I'M iwirl t . , ! v ' U i.tK . II The Home of Good Furniture A t These are Eastern Goods and Oak or Birds Eye Maple at prices for Fir Furniture. Each piece has drawers additional. Local News. He sure and hear Opie Reed Mon day evening. 0 Try the home-made sausage at the St. Johns Meat Market. ' Jack Lnhnm is having a neat res idence erected on North Hayes street. Come! Valentine and Basket so cial. I. O. O. F. building, Feb. i.j, by the M. E. church choir, itc o The many friends of Dr. J. Vin ton Scott will be glad to know that he is expected home iu a few days. 0 The Debonair club met at the home of Mrs. Beuham January 25th and enjoyed a most pleasant after noon, 0 The Mothers' Meeting will con veue at the home of Mrs. J. C. Scott Monday afternoon, Feb. 5th. A full attendance desired. Mrs. M. Bitgood, now residing at lone, Oregon, was in the city for a few days the past week, visit ing her friends and former neigh bors here. O " Mrs. Alice Learned is moving from Portland back to St. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Benham, who have been occupying her residence on Jobu street, are removing to Ports mouth. 0 Charles Nichols died at his home on Tioga street last night, from pa ralysis, having suffered three strokes. He was born in Illinois 52 years ago, aud is survived by Mrs. Nichols. Undertaker Black burn has charge of the funeral. 0 Little Miss Grace Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Rose.was hostess at a birthday party Satur day, Jauuary, 27. The guests were Ruby Walker, Susan Thorne, Katherine Royer, Thelma Stokes, Gladys Elliott, Dean Elliott and Glen Churchill. Tti nrnnf.reader on a Small Illid die western daily was a woman of dnn nnrl extreme nroori- ety. One day a reporter succeeded in getting into type an item about "Willie Brown, the boy who was burned in the West End by a live wire." On the following day there porter found on his desk a frigid note asking," Which is the west end of a boy?" It took only an instant to reply "The end the son sets on, of course." Ladies' Home Journal. 3 homeIFURNISHERS 501-03 Get your hams at the St. Johns Meat Murket. Only 16c per lb. o Remember Opie Read Monday night at the high school auditorium, o Picture framing done at Portland prices nt II. F. Clark's, the furni ture man. tf Good Rooms and Hoard, reason able. 109 West Burr St. Phone Columbia 1S4. 1 1 tf. o Help the Organ fund. Come to Valentine and Hasket social. Good time for all. I.O.O.F.bldg. Feb. 14. Wolcott (the rent man) 130 nth street, Portland, is the man to see for real estate or mercantile deals. 46tf. The Peninsula Hardware Co., carries a Hue of glass in sizes 8x10 up to 39x60; special attention given to cutting odd size glass. Cheese? Any old kind! Also strictly fresh eggs and butter, milk and cream. St. Johns Dairy and Co., 206 North Jersey 5tf For Sale Cheap. Equity in St. Johns property located at 812 Gil- bert street. Buy ot owner, see John Keliher. 816 Gilbert, iatfc W. A. Straw, architect, of New York, while here some time and. was so struck with the beauty and artistic effect of the St. Johns high school building that he has written C. S, McGill of the St. Johns Hard ware Co. requesting two photo- grapus ot same. The Bachelor Club has moved to its new quarters in the Holbrook building,corner of Jersey and Leav itt. A suite of large rooms finished in brown and cream, and the furni ture of light oak. makes a pleasant and homelike nnnearance. All of the Bachelors are proud of their new borne as a small boy witu a new pair ot rea-top boots. o First Baptist Church Sunday school 10 a. in.; worstup 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. in.; B.Y.P.U.,6:30 p.m. Morning topic: "Worthtul wor ship." Evening: "What Did Jesus Mean when He Said Be Ye Per feet?' " "Is it Possible to have a Spotless Life in this World?' "What is the Second Blessing?" B.Y. P. U. topic: "Christian En deavor Ideals." The beautiful hyniu, "Under His Wings" will be suue as a duet. A warm wel come to all. II. F. Cheney, pastor. 3W JERSEYSL Reasonably we give you the best Quartered no higher than others ask for three small flush lined jewel The St. Johns Ment Market car ries nothing but government in spected meats. o J. 11. Albright of Pennsylvania was n guest of his cousin, W. K. Sweugel, this week. 1 o The Regal Range on sale nt the Peninsula Hardware is n bargain at 30.00. bee it at once. We will buy your Vacant lots or your equity for cash if your price is right. McKiuney & Davis. o- Lost Woven wire watch fob; initials E. W. to A. S. Finder please leave nt postofiice; reward. Help the Organ Fund. Come to Valentine nnd Basket social. Good time for all. I.O.O.F, bldg2-i4-'i2. It is rumored that n large, two story businessstructure will be erect ed on the corner of Polk aud Jersey In the near future. The St. Johns Dairy Produce Co, at 206 North Jersey, is now better nble than ever to supply the wants of their patrons. Come and see. telephone Col. 194, 0 When her child is in danger a woman will risk her life to protect it. No great act of heroism or risk of life is necessary to protect a child from croup. Give Chamberlain s Cough Remedy and all danger is avoided. For sale by all dealers. We Guarantee the manufacturer to give Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Laxative Cold Tablets Tolu Lung Balsam Hive Syrup of Spruce and Tolu Whooping Cough Syr. Derma-Zema Alterative Eczema Alterative Derma-Zema Skin Soap Improved Itch Oint. Barber Itch Ointment Rheumatic Compound Rheumatone Pearls Liver Invigorator . Constipation Remedy Cascarills-Tonic Laxa tive Piils Laxative Cascara Tabs. Tasteless Vermifuge i ST. JOHNS PHARMACY Priced Candidates for city office should announce the fact iu the Review. Wanted Small cash register; address P. O. Box 737, St. Johns. Lost Package of letters; proper ty of E. F. Debley. Finder kindly leave same nt F. W. Valentine's office. Rewnrd. itc Policeman G. W. Dunbar has constructed a hnudsome table for the police department that is a mod el of neatness and convenience. George is a fine mechanic. First Christian Science Society: Sunday 11 a. in,, Wednesday, nt 8 p. tn. Reading room open Tues day and Saturday from 2 to 4 P. nt. All cordially invited to the services and reading room. Subject for January 28, "Love." A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains iu the side or chest give it a trial and you nre cer tain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief wlilcli it affords Sold by all dealers. o Mrs. Morann died at the home of R. C. Clark Sunday of kidney trou ble followed by dropsy. She was born iu Ireland 70 years ago, aud is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Win. Hurley of this city, aud by two sons. Interment took place iu Mt. Cavalry cemetery Jan. 2tli Undertaker Blackburn had charge of the funeral. entire satisfaction or we will Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Hobsons Piuk Worm Lozenges Nerve and Bone Lini. Pain Dispeller Headache Tablets Headache Wafers Dandruff Remedy Ezy Liver Pellets Origiual Eye Salve Dyspepsin Tablets Rheumatic-Oil Baby Cough Syrup Quinine Hair Tonic Ruby-Lax Baby Laxa. Sarsaprilla Syrup Figs Toothache Drops Charcoal Tablets i Time to Think NORTH II0A1E OF THE FAAOUS NYALS mid A. D. S. REMEDIES. "CURRIN SAYS SO Wli M-MVKK. Get your chicken for Sunday the St. Johns Ment Market. nt For Sale Four room house, mul 50x100 lot, electric lights, wood; $8005230 cash, balance $15 per month. 417 I?. Mohawk street, St. Johns. MP Mr. mnl Mrs. M. II. Hutchison 'of Rainier were guests lf Irs- Hutchison's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. Ii Mclntire, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. "I move that the rules he sus pended and the present city officials be te-elected to finish the good work they have started, tlie recorder to cast the ballot, making the elec tion unanimous." H. S. Hewitt. The Pythian Sisters will give their 500 card party on Thursday evening, February 15th, followed by n Vnlentine party. Fostolhce open from 10 to ti. Come nnd bring your valentines. 0 Rcmcmberl Opie Rend is surely a marvel of popularity. He is do ing the best work of his career. Everybody enjoys nu "Opie. Rend livening. At the high school audi torium Monday evening. o - Congregntionnl Comer of Rich mond nnd Ivnuhoe streets. Bible school nt 10 n. in., preaching servi ces nt 1 1 n. in. nnd 7:30 p. 111. Re ception of new members nt morning service. Public invited. G. W. Nelson, pastor. How to cure n cold is n finest ion iu which tunny nre interested just now. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great reputation im mense sale by its remarkable cure of colds. It can nlwnys pu depended upon. For sale by all dealers. Vlnln lirmsi celebrated her fifth hlrthdnv last Wednesday, to which a few of her young friends were in- vitoM. Alter en mvinir 1 nines nun . ------ i J -11 o music, piiiK lcmouniic nun were served. After wisuiug vioin many more such happy birthdays, the guests departed for their homes. Those present were Gracie Rose, Ruhv Walker. Dorothy Walker. Marine Clark. Nina Rose. Alfield Morteson, Ethel Mortcsou, Ruthie Clark nml joey uiacK. o Extension of the Chicago & No. Western Railway to Portland and the Oregon coast is being prophe sied, the report having for its basis plans said to tie now working out under the direction of William A. Gardiner, president of the road, who is visiting the Northwest, tue line is expected to come to Portland from near Lcwistou over tue North ern Pacific and North Bank tracks and it is believed it is involved the struggle for entrance into Coos Bay territory, where contending forces are fighting for rights of way. the following medicines when used for the purpose intended by refund price paid for same Hay woods Kidney Root Comp. Haywoods Poison Oak Salve Hay woods Antiseptic Pile Rem. Haywoods Antiseptic Eye Rem. Haywoods Kidney Pills Haywoods Corn Remedy Haywoods Foot Tablets German Teething Powder Japanese Mcthodiiic Ointment Troy Earache Remedy Pitchers Castoria Presto Headache Remedy Early-Bird Worm Wafers C. Q.D.Kidney & Bladder Rem. Velvet Candy Laxatives Vigorous Liver-Toners Hess Stock & Poultry Preparation ltt rrr V w i tlf I i ' ''fiw vim pUnninv I nil uiir .r imt( "I llic ljruiii'fu1 i ' I' I'l'in lltn (mi H will he lipKl in Oip kAlin rmk a- v ' 1 .Ia l... CALL AND GET THE. SCKO BANK PHARMACY UVHRYWIlllKK l'RHIi The Evangelical Church The services the nasi month hnve shown nn increase in interest find number.., the Sundny evening serv ices have both been prohtaule mm well ntteuded. The business meel uir nnd social of the K. L. C. 1?. will be held nt the home of Mr. unci Mrs. Will. hd- moudson, 700 Mohawk street, Fri day evening nt 7:30. The undies Aid society will serve n ten or 15-ccnt lunch iu the church basement from 4 to 7 p. 111. Wed nesday Feb. 7U1. Next Sundny's services will be as follows: preaching nt 1 1 n. m. nnd 7 p.m. Sundny school, 10 a. nt. K. L. C. H.i 6:30, to which we in vite those who do not nttend else where. Snccial music nt the Sun day evening services which will be evangelistic working townrd the union meetings. Reporter. Those Who Know Bargains, when thev see them. will do well to investigate. They will find such projierties and prices as the following: 2 lots close in f 175.00 each. 5-room modem cottage Stafford 53300.00. 4-room cottnge Willnmette boule vard 51000. Aud iniiiiv others emtnllv ns good mid nil on very easy terms. Iluy iu Hi. joiins mid lie someiiouy. HILI.HR it KHARNS 321 No. Jersey sheet. Pree Hook on Piles Tulls how cures nre made witli nn liilerum medicine, Do you know the cause of piles? Is it inward or external f Is it 11 skin disease? Will salves or cutting cure for good ? Do you know How ur, j.H.i.eou hnrdt, found the long-sought inter nal cure? These questions fully answered in n booklet mailed free by Dr. I.eouhurdt, Co., Station B., Buffa lo, N. Y or by St. Johns Pharma cy who sells IIHM-KOII), the suc cessful remedy at 5i tier large bot tle, under guarantee. At nil drug stores. For Sale Three Fosscudan street corners 100x115 comer ''ast Tyler nnd Fesseudeu si 2 so. 00 95x100 coruu! of Hiut Mohawk and FesKuuden, 51500.00 100x100 comer East Charleston f 2000.00. These prices include street iui provements. Terms: $500 cash on either tract, balance to suit. We expect St. Johns to become n part of greater Portland nelore April ist, then wntch land values ndvnnce. See S. C. Cook, 308 I?. Fewiendeii. The Rose Leaf Five Hundred Club of Portland held a meeting at the pretty home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Condon, 305 Wet Richmond street, this city, Jauuary 31st. Mrs. Condon was hostess and every one present had a "Dee-lightful" time, because they just couldn't help it. Its just that way always when friends gather there, for Mrs. Condon is a royal entertainer. Prizes were awarded,of which Mrs. T. II. Cochran captured first, while the second was carried off by by Mrs. Howard Windle, both of St, Johns. This makes a clean vic tory for our city again. Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exercise, insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, arc the most common cause of stomach troubles. Correct your habits nnd take Cham berlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets nnd you will soon be well again. For sale by all dealers. Calef Bros, enrry n good line of Trunks and Suit Cases. tl.. -Iv . V t' v i " , . , . r i .iiti M . r ,! i.. III. I W II 'i ltd I P I .1 1( .. I I., I . IV, I lit ' r 1 I. I I I'iium m, . w REVIEW'S LEGAL DUNKS The following lit of legal blank nre kept for mle nt this office nu.. others will lw added an the ttahnnu arises: Wnrrnntv deed. Quit Claim Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mutt gages, Satisfaction of Mortgage Contracts for Snlc of Realty. Bill of Sale, Leanes. All the? blanks Mt the unttotitt price of 30c per iloxen. Christian Church Sunday achon! ion. in., Preaching 11 a. m. an! 7:30 p. in., C. H. 6:30 p. m. Jim ior Endeavor 3 p. 111. Rveryltodv invited to all these aervicc. Tain t uncle corner New York awl Leon nid street. A cordial invitation 1 extended to all. J. R. Jotattaoti. Pastor. Trench the opl of L Jchaa. (Offirinlo uf . 3Jnlii. (Drcmi nwiCKa My.rtK.C. Cuch Htvunkr-irraafc A. Ukm TrlrW. Nrutt Krllou Altumry-A M Ham KmI"''' K. AoJrrw Itivak-ten A. W. Vtamat Vkkl ill lulkK. McKteovy . CMMttann at Lara: V. W. VnUmttmr Ctan. artdraun II. rnuk HarmM CuMttftlMTK Vlrat Want A. A. Mm J.W. Havl. CunMcilmra tocond Want 0. 1.. IVrriaa f Hill COMMtTTKKtt MrvHaaml Uock -J. W. Il, ValvMlN. A. AMttt k IJnraar P. Hill. A. A. Mark. V. Cha- Walr ami l.lMhl Ch. amlnoM. J nSavl. f. Hill PlHakxv A. A. Muck. J. W Havl.. n. I hrtria NnUdbig aad IimmuI4V I. IVittm- Oka HrnlMoa. It. Prank HmM Liquor lTr P. W ValralliH-. i I tvirlkw. It Hraak llunaiaa llrallband folk-r U. Flunk Hut-man V W. ValmllMc I Hill Quartered Oak Dressers and Chif foniers with larv French plate mir rors, $22 to $26 values for OO Nearly Now Second Hand Ranges in first class condi tion for sale very cheap. St. Johns Furniture Company For Children' I'liotu. Group awl Ln laruementi give ui n call. McDERMID'S Holbrook Blook St. Johns, Dr.- Dressers! $15