St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 02, 1912, Image 1

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    HhfOTleal Soeltty
Toaubicrll for THIS Paptr J
All the newt white Kit newt li V
Of ailmtlilm In THIS Paper J
andyon'llnettrretrctlt. He tf
lrt al Raem mnA k.fl Utit A, II V
our motto. Call In and enroll J
Devoted to the Interest ot the Penlmula, the Manufacturing Center ot the Northwest
VOI,. 8
NO. 13
The Political Pot
A Sketch of Opie Read
The Library
Council Proceedings
Register Now.
Editor Review: Plensc print the
following ntul oblige: Loyalty
loyal legis laws. Which is 1st
faithful to the lawful government;
2nd, faithful to a friend or to duty,
and 3d Fidelity fides faith. Ad
herence to right or truth or to
promise given. So, according to
Webster, our word loyal is full of
meaning and is commonly used
' with us, sometimes where we do
. r..i 1 1 1. ..!..,
noi limy uiHicriuim ua iin.umu.
Sometimes we feel strongly in our
loyalty and sometimes not. Take
our own political faith we would
only be of oue party, our loyalty
or duty would not let us be n re
publican and a democrat at the
the same time, although we some
times meet with men who do not
seem to know which they arc, so
we put them down as not loyal to
party; that Is oue extreme. Then
iu old Minnesota, I once knew of a
man who was the only republican
in his township, and at every
county convention he was always
there to represent his township.
He was always greeted with enthu
siasm. Ills sense of duty was
strong, and who knows but what
his example gave heart to others
who were weak in loyalty? Then
take the churches. Who ever
heard of one person belonging to
two churches at one time? We as
a general thing are very loyal to
the church of our choice. The
fundamental principles of all the
churches are the same, but differ
ent roads to the God we worship
have different names and we ore
very loyal to the idea that is Indi
cated by the name. We now come
to our government and we, that is,
those who are old enough, know
more fully what Is to be loyal to
government than the younger
ones of the present day. In the
beginning of the war of the Re
bellion, we could hear disloyal talk
on every baud, and as our loyal
ones answered the call of duty daily,
who of us of that day can ever for
get?. Not you, not I? No. Wc
want to remember our schoolmates
and friends that answered when
"Uncle Abe" called with: "Here
I am." Now, of my own school
mates. The winter before the war
thi-rc ivrre XI llOVS. 'lllOSt IUCII. ill
our couutry school iu our country
neighborhood and by another win
ter they were at the front, where
loyalty, duty, called them. The
first of them to give his life for his
Joyalty to his country was Steve I).,
11 boy who was ever ready to speak
a piece at our old time spelling
school. A bright, happy, friendly
boy, and oue day the heading of our
daily paper said "Killed at Nash
vllle." Among the names was that
of Steve I)., shot and instantly
killed. The first of our 12. Then
shortly came the name--"Died In
hospital at St. Louis, Mo." Daniel
C, the youugest of a neighbor fam
ily, a boy in years but a man in
Joyalty. Soon after, bis brother,
Jim, who came home on sick fur
lough died there. He was color
bearer in one of our Minnesota reg
iments of volunteers and was taken
sick after a severe battle and sent
home on sick leave. In his last
days his mind went back to that
battle aud he suld several times:
"Boys, I never let the old flag
trail in the dust." He was the
only one of my schoolmates who
was buried in our cemetery among
his old uelghbors who had gone
home. And when I was back to
the old home place a few years ago,
I visited the cemetery, as there
were more of my old friends there
thau living. I visited Jim C's.
grave, and there was the little
faded flag of memorial day still
keeping guard. As soon as I saw
it I remembered his words: "Boys,
I never let the old flag trail in the
dust." Poor Jim! Brave Jim I You
have gone to your reward for your
loyality. Loyal Who can doubt
our loyalty; we, who have felt iu
ourhearts what loyalty ,duty has cost
us In our loyalty to government ?
Aud as God has put it into our
hearts to be loval to our country
and to His, let us prove to others
that we are loyal by being true citi
zens of that country. Mrs. C. H.
McCollum, 1320 Willamette boule
vard, Portland, Oregon. Press
Porresoondent of H. B. Compson
W. R. C No. 52 of St. Johns, Or
BARACA means blessing That
is why the young men's class at the
Hantist church is called the Baraca
class. It has proved a blessing to
its members. It will for you it you
come Sunday mommc at 10
T. H. Leader is erecting a tern
porary dwelling on Thompson
Executive office, Salem, Oregon,
January 26, 1912.
Oregon is on the eve of a great
awakening. The morrow will
bring the Panama canal, aud with
it will come unbounded opportuu
ties with their attendant influx of
population and consequent commer
cial and industrial growth, advance
ment and prosperity.
Our Creator in the beginning
moulded our state with kindly
hands. When wc think of her de
lightful climate, her hundreds of
miles of golden beach, her lofty
mountains, aud rushing streams,
crystal lakes aud beautiful harbors,
her magnificent forests and rolling
prairies, fertile valleys aud roaming
herds, ot her waving grain and lus
cious fruits a land dotted with
prosperous cities and productive
farms wit must admit that nature
has fully performed her part. The
federal government, too, has treat
ed us fa rlv in the wav of onnro-
prlations tor the development old
our waterways and even tne rail
roads have awakened to tne realiza
tion of our needs and their oppor
tunities aud arc checkerboarding
the state with bauds of steel.
In view of these things we are
prompted to ask ourselves what
should wc do Iu the way of co-otK-r-atiou
with these several agencies
for the development of the state?
It is true that we nave given good
laws, good government and good
schools aud many other desirable
things to those who have come
within our borders, but much of
tills good has been nullified by some
of the things we have failed to do,
aud chief among these is our neg
lect iu the matter of the construc
tion of good roads.
Without good roads there can be
no great development and no great
progress. What we need most Is
more people more people in tne
rural districts. Aud iu order to at
tract them to the rural districts we
must make rural life pleasant aud
attractive. You cannot maroon a
a settler aud his family 011 a farm
iu an ocean of mud, 110 matter how
beautiful the spot, aud expect to
find him happy aud content, lie
demands good roads leading to the
church and schools, aud good roads
laid in 1: to market, aud he is going
to locate iu tltose sections where
these are to be found.
It is not only our duty, but it is
n keeping with good business to
build good roads. Money spent for
good roads is money well spent.
When we speak of spending sever
al millions of dollars during the
next few years iu road construction
many are staggered by the propos
al and the figures. They appar
ently are not aware that the several
counties iu the state spent over ten
millions of dollars during tne past
six years for road work, much of
wliicn was lost through lacK 01 sys
tem and knowledge as to scientific
road building.
The question of good roads has
been fairly well discussed of late,
and we have learned more about
road building during past few years
than we ever knew before, but we
still have much to learn and still
have much to do before we under
take on a large scale the construc
tion of a system of highways in the
We need first: The passage of
model good road laws. Second;
A competent man at the head ot the
highway department. Third: Funds
sufficient to carry on the work.
These things will come only thru
united effort, aud united effort will
come only through a clear under
standing of the whole question by
the whole people of the state, i his
understanding will come only thru
the study by, aud education of, the
whole people.
Numerous bills are about to be
. . . . . a
initiated or presented to the legisla
ture by the frieuds ot good roads
in dmerent parts ot the state; and
Whereas, it is most important
that the people of Oregon should
give deep and thoughtful attention
to the consideration, study and dis
cussion of these measures.
Now, Therefore, I Oswald West,
Governor of the State of Oregou,
by virtue of the power and author
ity in me vested, do hereby pro
claim the week beginning the fourth
day of February, and ending the
tenth day ot February, as uuuu
ROADS WEEK, and I do hereby
earnestly recotnmeud to the people
of this state that during this period
the question of good roads legisla
tion be given careful thought and
study through public aud private
discussion and through the columns
of the order that knowledge
pertaining thereto may be increased,
public sentiment crystalized and
effective legislation secured.
In Testimony Hereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and caused
the Great Seal of the State to be
affixed, on this, the 26th day of
January, 1912. Oswald West.
Politics ill St. Johns is beginning
to simmer. With the primaries
less than a mouth away, would-be
candidates have their cars to the
'ground iu an endeavor to hear
their names mentioned for city office.
Timidity iu announcing themselves
as candidates is one of the strange
things iu St. Johns politics. Not
that there is a dearth of persons
willing to make the run, but they
hate to take the initiative. Some
hold back until they are sure no one
else is announcing himself for the
position desired, or until the would-
be candidate has a chance to meas
ure the strength of his opponent.
Occasionally a person is found
who has no hesitancy in declaring
his intention of becoming a candi
date, but they are scarce. Nearly
all want their friends to suggest the
matter first, aud if they fail to do
so, the willing ones feci that they
have been slighted, aud the city
affairs arc "going to the dogs." The
cause of this hesitancy is difficult to
understand. The field is an open
one, and the candidates for each
office is unlimited at the primaries.
If a man desires an office and be
lieves be is capable of filling it in
a suitable manner, the best way is
to announce the fact, aud cuter the
race to win. Defeat is not disgrace
ful, nor is the best man iu the race
always elected. The public makes
as many mistakes as the individual.
There is plenty of good timber iu
St Johns for conducting city nfTairs.
It is possible that with the excep
tion of W. S. Kellogg (who is in
eligible,) that all present officials
may be candidates. Paschal Hill
says he will not likely get In the
race agaln,but with the good record
he has made his friends will hard
ly permit him to abandon the field.
We believe that K. C. Kouch may
be induced to run again for mayor
ship, although he is somewhat
averse to doing so. Frank A. Rice,
who has made a most capable, faith
ful aud obliging recorder, has stat
ed that he will run for re-election.
A better choice could not be made.
With the exception of G. L. Per
due, who may become socialist can
didate for mayor, all the other
couucllmcn, since they have been
fully initiated into city allalrs and
familiar with conditions, will very
likely give the voters a chance to
approve or disapprove of their rec
ords. The names of Messrs. Bon-
ham, Geslcr, Bricc, Hiller, King,
Perrine, Couch aud McChesuey
have been mentioned for mayor.
Messrs. Essou, Gatzmyer aud
Stroud may all enter the race ior
city attorney.
J. ! Tauch may have no oppo
sition for treasurer, nor F. A.
Rice have a competitor for record
er. Besides the present councilmcu
W. F. Stadelman, P. A. Bredeen,
D. C. Lewis, I. B. Martin, Walter
Speed and Chas, Anderson have
been mentioned for councllmeii.
The socialists will also likely have
a full ticket iu the field.
The following is the way Ed. L.
Stockton, iu Sunday's Oregonlan,
has the thing partly doped out:
Registration books for the
city election of April 1, were
opened this morning and will be
open continuously until voting time
except for five days before the pri
mary election, March 2,
It Is believed that Mayor Couch
has his eye 011 some stute office aud
will not be a candidate for re-elec-tiou.
The socialists are grooming
George L. Perrine for the mayor
alty, while II. W. Bonham, H. W.
Brice. J. E. Hiller and A. C, Ges-
ler also are ambitious to hold the
city's highest office.
F. A. Rice, recorder will be a
candidate to succeed himself and A,
W. Markle, editor of the St. Johns
Review, is the only other candi
date mentioned for that office. W."
S. Kellocg, treasurer, has served
two consecutive terms in the office
and is therefore unavailable. J. E.
Tanch, ex-treasurer, is expected to
have no opposition.
Mr. Gatzmyer and l'erry C
Stroud may be candidates to suc
ceed City Attorney Ussoti, who
will not be a candidate.
J. W. Davis, D. F. Horsraan
and A. A. Muck, councilmen, are
expected to be candidates to suc
ceed themselves. r. mil says he
will not run because city business
interferes with his summer fishing
aud hunting.
The Loyal Temperance Legion
was reorganized last Tuesday at
the home of Mrs. A. Plattuer.Thir
ty-four boys and girls enlisted for
the study of scientific temperance.
The first lesson was given by the
leaders, also the salute was learned
Officers were elected and special
music given. The next meeting
will be held at the home of J. R.
Weimer, John street, across from
the Central school, Tuesday, Feb.
6th, at 3:30 p. m.
Opie Read, who comes to St.
Tnlms on Motldav. cvenintr. Feb. c.
has well been called the Charles
Dickens of America." He was one
of the first American novelists to
write about commonplace lite of
evcry-day folks, whose struggles,
with their comedy and tragedy, he
has drawn with a master hand.
No other present day writer is so
widely enjoyed as Mr. Read. Since
lie established the world-famous
Arkansas Traveler in 1883, his
name has been d household word.
Thousands have read with delight
"A Kentucky Colonel." Many
more have made the acquaintance
of a "Tennessee Judge" and thus
become familiar with the good
folks of Mr. Read's native state.
Iu his entertainment, Mr. Read
presents n delightful evening of
stories from his own works, aud
these arc told in his own (plaint
and happy way. His entertain
ments, while designed to entertain,
and white Invariably furnishing
plenty of good, wholesome humor,
arc more thau mere entertainment.
Everybody, young aud old, enjoys
an evening with "Opie," as he Is
affectionately called by his friends,
aud everybody has something left
over to remember aud to think
about after the entertainment.
The Home Merchant
A portion of our (iconic seem dis
inclined to patronize the home mer
chant except when they can't help
it. They will nsk n grocer to de
liver a yeast cake to their back
door. But when it comes to order
ing a winter's supply of canned
goods, they write to some distant
department store.
It should be needless to say, that
if every oue did thus, we should
have stores to rent, fewer opportu
nities for people to earn a living at
On the contraryjf wc all bought
everything possible at home, our
stores could keep even better stocks
of goods. It is a great convenience
to be able to make a selection from
a line of goods at home. This be
comes possible where everyone loy
ally supports the home merchants.
Under such circumstances exist
ing stores could do a larger busi
ness, employ more people, aud new
concerns would start. Every per
son owning real estate or a business
here would see it grow more val
Even the man with nothing
would gain. There would be more
property to tax, hence more public
improvements, With more money
iu circulation our fraternal societies,
churches, aud clubs could serve the
community more efficiently. Ex.
A Favorable Report
Representative Lafferty last week
appeared before the house commit
tee on merchant marine aud usher
ies and secured a favorable report
upon the Bourne bill, which re
cently passed the Senate, appropri
ating $50,000 for additional fish
cultural stations on the Columbia
river in Oregon. Lafferty exhib
ited a telegram from Secretary of
State Olcott showing that the last
Oregon legislature appropriated
$40,000 for fish-cultural stations.
It is believed by the Department of
Commerce and Labor that these
hatcheries will in four years dou
ble the salmon pack of Oregon,
which now amounts to 500,000
annually, of the value of $2,500,
000, Notice
In accordance with the recent
rule of the Portland Clearing House
through which the undersigned also
clear, prohibiting over-drafts, we
hereby serve notice to our ueposi
tors that after February 15th, 1912,
no overdrafts will be allowed.
We sincerely hope our patrons
will approve of and assist us iu
our effort to correct an old evil,
which is entirely contrary to sound
and conservative banking principles.
Peninsula National Bank.
First National Bank.
Oregon Coast Artillery compau
ies will hold the annual maneuvers
at Fort Stevens for ten days next
summer, beginning August istu
Both the regular troops stationed at
the fortifications on the coast and
the National Guard forces will par
ttcijwte. Coast defense will natur
ally be the object of the maneuvers,
For Iusurance see P.W.ValeiUti
Open Hours: boo 105:30 ntul 7 to 9:30 p. m.
Sundnya: 1:30 to 5:30
At 8 o'clock on next Friday even
ing, Feb. 9, Dr. Emma J. Wclty,
secretary of the Portland Audubon
society, will give a talk iu the St.
Johns library on "The Migration
of Birds in Oregon." Although
the talk is addressed to boys aud
girls, any older people who are in
terested will be welcome.
Of more than special interest is
the collection of books found on oue
of the bulletin shelves this week un
der the subject "The Trail of the
Immigrant.' borne of the most
attractive titles are:
The Slavic Fellow Citizens Dutch.
Irish Iu America MaGuirc.
Spirit of the Ghetto Hapgood.
The Futute of America Welts.
Imported Americans Hraudclbeig.
Undistinguished Americans
Newer Ideals of Peace Addams
Little Aliens Kelley.
The Mediator Steiner.
The Immigrant Tide Steiner.
On the Trail of the Emigrant
Edward A Steiner, now n pro
fessor iu an Iowa college, and au
thor of three books last named, was
once an immigrant himself, for he
was born an Austrian Tew ntul
came to America by steerage. Since
then he has crossed the ocean with
the immigrants many times, mixing
with them as their friend aud com
rade. His books are intimate per
sonal revelations of the immigrant
as an individual, his life at home,
his influence on America and the
uflucucc of America on him, and
what he carries back witii him to
his old home. "The Mediator"
s the romance of oue Russian Jew.
One Way Out Corleton- A
middle-class New Euglandcr emi
grates to America. This is a new
book, an emigrant book of a differ
ent sort, aud oue every oue will
want to read whether or not inter
ested in the usual kind of emigrant.
Carletou is not the author s real
name. He says that will serve a
well ns any to- cover his identity,
for his only purpose iu writing this
book is the "hope that it will help
some other poor devil out of the
same hole ' iu which he found him
self mired. A few skeptical people
say it was written by a reporter
with his feet on the table, but to
most leaders the stirring yet simple
tale rings true.
The "hole" iu which the nuthor
found himself was what he calls
the decest of all hells the, middle
class hell. There was nothing the
atrical about it, no fireworks or red
lights, It was plain, dull, sodden.
"God pity the poor?" he says.
"Hah I the poor are all right, if by
the poor you mean the tenement
dwellers, When you pray again
pray lor the middle class American
on a salary. Pray that he may not
lose his job; pray that it he does it
shall be when he is very young:
pray that he may find the route to
America. Pruy aud pray hard for
the dwellers iu the trim little hous
es iu the suburbs,"
Carlton was oue who lost his job
and found himself, an American
whose ancestors fought iu the Rev
olution, on the verge of starvation,
while the Italian who blacked his
shoes was clearing $25 a week and
the Irishman who emptied his ash
es was erecting tenements.
The story tells how he and the
woman who wasn't afraid aud the
boy "threw their middle class caste
to the winds, took upon themselves
the adventurous spirit of the emi
grant, rented the top floor
of the ashman's new tenement
aud lived happily nud contentedly
on $9 a week with some to spare
for the savings bank. Moreover,
they found time and opportunity
for more real recreation and self
cultivation than they had ever
dreamed of iu the old days.
Iu Spite of the many practical de
tails, including'' menus and the
price of clothiug, the book is fasci
nating as a romance. The reader
follows eagerly the fortunes of
Michael s baby aud of Cafferty, the
big Irishman, as well as those of
Billy, Ruth and the, boy.
James J. Hill has been invited to
attend Portland s official Rose
planting on Washington's birthday,
as the chief guest of honor. The
rose planting will take place in one
of the parks of the city and the
boys and girls will set the rose
bushes iu the ground, while some
church dignitary will conduct the
ceremonial of blessing the roses.
The Callaway. Under new man
agement. All rooms newly furn
ished. Free bath, phone aud elec
tric lights. Hot aud cold water.
Rooms reasonable. --Mrs. Edna E.
Callaway, proprietor, 202 West
Leavitt street St. John, Ore. totf.
All members reported for duty
nt the regular meeting of the city
council Tuesday evening, with
Mayor Couch presiding.
Brazee & Heck made application
for saloon license to do business at
112 Philadelphia street, which was
referred to the liquor license com
mittee for report. A. W. Davis,
iu the interest of the owner of the
building, C, C. Woodhottse, Jr.,
urged that the petition be granted,
stating that the probabilities were
that annexation with Portland
would soon be accomplished, that
as lessor of the property he was
most desirous of having it occupied,
that this city might as well have
the $600 license money ns the city
of Portland, aud that after annexa
tion this city would be entitled to
a couple more saloons, nud we
might as well get one of them now
and have the use of six months'
license money. Alderman Bredcsou
stated that it was impossible
to grant the petition under
existing ordinances, that the
scenting of $600 license money
was 110 temptation to him to break
an ordinance, that he favored re
pealing the ordinance ntul giving all
decent parties that applied a license
to do business on any of the busi
ness streets, that saloon licenses
should not be restricted any more
than grocery stoics, that if it was a
good thing all have should license,
and if it is n bad thing none should
have license. Alderman Horsmaii
also favored this view of the propo
sition, Socialist Pcrrine stated that
he would vote to reduce licenses
rather than to increase them, that
the saloon is an evil, and the more
they are restricted the better for the
community, that It would be 11
crime to make St. Johns a wide
open town, that he would not sac
rifice principle for Goo and break
an ordinance nt the same time.
riie license committee then report
ed that it tlid not believe that St,
Johns had the required number of
inhabitants to grant the petition,
and therefore, disfavored allowing
another saloon. This was signed
by F. W. Valentine and G. L. Pcr
rine, Mr. Horsmaii, the other mem
ber of the committee refusing to
sign because he believed we have
the required population. On mo
tion the report was accepted with
out further demur.
A petition to Improve Myers
between Feenden and Thompson
street with six-foot cement walk
aud by grading wax referred to the
street committee and engineer to
investigate conditions.
Mrs. Nancy Copies objected to
what she claimed was excessive
cost 011 the improvement of Colum
bia boulevard. Referred to the
street committee nud engineer.
II. F. Noouau, chief of the fire
department, asked, in behalf of de
partment, 11 ruisc of $50 a month
from the city, making a total of $75
per month. He gave good reasons
for asking the enlarged amount,
which appeared most feasible ami
just to the council. Alderman
Hill utated that the company had
fully demonstrated its worth at
the two fires last week, that we
had oue of the very bent aud most
efficient volunteer fire detriments
iu the united Mutes, and that he
wus perfectly willing to allow more
money. Alderman Peiriue stated
that he would favor giving $100
per month instead of $75, that the
firemen were not appreciated ns they
should be, that the department
was ever faithful .nid crumble, and
had saved the city money that
could not be estimated- Alderman
Horseman believed the lads were
entitled to more money and should
have it, as did Aldermen Muck,
Valentine, Bredesou aud Davis, the
latter, however, favored changing
the liquor ordinance so as to per
mit another license nud turning the
money over to the fire department.
Mr. Horsmaii finally made a motion
that the fire department be allowed
$ 1000 per year; all yes.
Frank Merrill claimed to be as
sessed too heavily on lot 4 block 19,
and the complaint was referred to
the city attorney to digest.
The Severance estate objected to
paying tor lowering water pipes on
Crawford street, claiming that the
profile showed u fill instead of a cut
in front of their property. The
engineer stated that it was a mis
take, that a cut was made. Matter
filed on motion of Alderman Muck.
Fire Chief Noonau asked that
an ordinance be drafted and passed
providing for chimney inspection,
stating that he had been unable to
find uu ordinance relating to this
matter, aud that the Raymond
rooming house was being repaired
in a manner that made it very sus
ceptible to causing another fire. Mr.
Perrine stated that he was glad the
report came iu, that flue aud wire
inspection in St. Johns was badly
needed. The mayor directed the
attorney to draft an ordinance cov
Thirty-three voters responded to
the call to register nt the city hull
for city and county last Saturday,
when the books were opened. It
seems hard for voters to realise that
they must register this year again
if they desire to vote. Coming
from some of the Ivnstern states
where oue registration iu n lifetime is
sufficient, they cannot understand
that it is necessary to register shout
every new moon here. There is 110
doubt that the registration law iu
Oregon is weird, to say the least,
but it must be complied with ns lotur
ns iu effect. It seems strange that
nit affidavit has to be supported by
six property owners and the voter
must write his name three times In
succession, nud then again for good
measure, to register, but that is the
law. It is best to register nt once.
It doesn't tnkenny longer oue time
thau another, aud it is n good thing
to get of! your tniud. Then don't
fail to kick about having to register
so often when you appear before the
registering official. They nil do
it, aud the official appreciate it very
much; iu fact, he expect it of you.
But the chief thing is to register.
There will be no opportunity af
forded to swear in voters at the jwi
mary election, so to be on the safe
side, register. Pascal Hill has been
assisting in the registration for the
county until Recorder Rice receives
his notarial. seal. Mr. Hill has been
a notary public for the (Hist twenty
eriug the matter in rendittestt for
passage next week.
A communication from Attoruoy
George J. Perkins advised the
council that he had placed hit! ar
gument iu the annexation case l
fore the supreme court some time
ago, nud was more than willing to
try it out as soon as it could lie
placed 011 the docket.
The following bills were allowed
on motion of Ajdcrmau HorMiuati;
all yes:
R. W. Gilliam, street repair,
$2.50; R. Orr; street repair; $1.35:
v, A. Rice, hliug tMitrars in I'otlajN
suit, $5.50; Myrtle Brodnhl, dep
uty recorder for January, 1912,150;
Kilhaiu Stationery 'Wiir Printing
Co., engineer's supplies, $0; M.
L. Davis, street rtjmir, $3; It.
W. McLean, work on street 13
days, $30; I). J. Ilorstttan, janitor.
January 15 to 31, 1912, $13; C. A.
Vincent, Asst. Eugr. 12 days, $.18;
J. II. Anson street repair, $2.50; D.
A. Anson, killing one dog, $1; F.
S. Fields, filing, ai of Willam
ette boulevard, $1.50; Jo. McChes
uey, rent, public library, $30; To
tal, $199-35.
Permission for the ereetiou of a
large sign iu front of the public li
brary was granted on motion of Mr.
Mr. Horsmaii stated that com
plaint had been made concerning a
pool of stagnant water near the
home of W. E. Knight 011 ltaat
Burlington street. Referral to the
street committee for alHitemeitt.
On motion of Alderiimu Valen
tine the Peninsula Sand & Gravel
Co, was grunted w) days' extension
of time on the improvement of New
ton street, ntul on motion ot Coun
cilman Bredesou Mr. Mason was
granted 30 days more time on the
improvement of Charleston street.
Ordinances assessing the cost of
improving Crawford street from
Uultimorc to Pittsburg, and from
Salem to Richmond streets were
passed on motion of Aid. Valentiue:
nil yes.
Epworth League Notes
The regular business meeting
nud social of the Epworth League
will be held at the M. h. lMrsottage
on next Tuesday evening, Feb. 6th.
There will be n short business
meeting aud immediately following
will be a social. Everybody come
and have a good time.
Plans are under way for a basket
supper and Valentine social, which
is to be held in the I. 0. O. F.
building down stairs. The 10
ceeds will go towards an Qrgsu
Fund. The choir will tie assisted
by the Epworth League. The
date is Feb. 14.
Building Permits
No. 4 --To J. II. Leader to erect
a dwelling on Thompson street be
tween Willis boulevard ami Port
laud boulevard; cost $120,
No. 5 -To Jock Lnhani to tract
a dwelling on Hayes street between
Maple street aud St. Johns avenue;
cost $800.
Regular meetings of the. Ifeitiru
Star will be held the first and Ullnl
Tuesday evenings of eaqh wuek,