ORDINANCE NO... Business Men We Can Recommend An Ordinance Authorizing the Oregon-Washington Rail road & Navigation Com pany, Its Successors and Assigns, to Lay a Side Track and Run Cars Over and1 Along the North Side of. Bradford Street, Between a Point on (he Alain Line of: t ii c Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Com pany, One Hundred (100) Feet Westerly Along the Said Alain Line from the West Line of John Street to a Point Fifty (50) Feet East of (he East Line of Burling-1 1 Cl 1 4 11 ll. "Mi.. C ion Direct, nil in inu uuy ui St. John. I The city i if St. Jolini Ihm oidnln us follow: Section i. Tin; nrvjron-U'aidiliiKtoii 1UH rol & N.iviK.itloii Coliiwii) , a cur titration organim-d nnd cUtlii under attd by virtue of the lnw i4 the ttc of Oregon, iU aiirccMura and mmIkwi. la hereby aflthorijted and permitted to lay' a aide track nnd run cam over the same NkinK the worth side of HrmlfonI at reel between a point on the iiihIii line of the Orottoii-WnniiliiKtoii Knllruil fc N'hIk'i tlon Cotntmny ow hundred (luo) feel Wftlerljr along Mid main line front the weH line of John ttrt-cl nnd point flfli (Jit) feet eat of the cant line of lltirliiiK tttti Mreet, nil in the rily of ,st. Jolun, Multnomah rnttnty, OrcKou. uiid truck (o Mend from the pi .tit or mill nf I. until W' Mercantile ( iiinv. incoriMiriitcd. to point of mi' t" t i 1 1 1 1 witti the line of nil rued of tliv Oron-WnthitiKtoti Uml road A Nwvttjatfc.il Cotniniiy. Section t. The durdti in of thli fniti oldee ahall Ik- 3$ eer from mid niter the IkMmk effect of thin onlinanre. Section s. The eompcmiatlon to ! tmM to the city of Hi. Juline for thlit imucbtee hull lie the iitn of three (ft) dollars per minuin, which snid sunt .hull be uald tv tilt- xiid OreKon-WmhiiiKtoii Kaflraad ft Navlitntlon Cotninnv t the Bit UcMMirrr of tlw cllv of St. John on or liefore the Ami dy t July of imh year. Miction t The OrPK"n-VnhiU)iiiii Mailruad ft Navigation 1'oiiikiiiv. tin aueceaaur mul msin. "IihII keep in re Hair that imrtloil of id tr-cl IK.-Clliird by it Mid Hide I rack mithorixml under InUordinauif iih n-iiiit'd by the conn ell, attil the Mid (irettoti-WnnhlMifiou Railroad & Navigation Cotuwiiy. Its mew wow and aMiirwi, idiall wy, prior to (lie time of drlincu ncy, any hjk-cIiiI nwniienl for the repair or liuprove Wtwt of that portion of the at rev t Ik Iwten the ralla o the Mid side track, and fxtetidldu one (i) fool oiitHide of mkIi illa, auritliat wrtion of wid Mreet ly ing UHwet n the two tnu'liiof the wild UrvRVii'WaahliiKton Hitllnxnl ft Nm (jjii lion Company at Miid place, and ill chh nf lailure or rclui.il t toiuply with the Notice to rt ni!r, iniprove or uiHiutiilii Mtch tan l im oi aaiil Htreet, or ol tiinlwt or teraaal to y nnv Ii-kmI atMMMiivnt (or tertaim or improvriiit-iii, the Mid city of Sh. JuhlM may declare hy ordinance the Immediate forfeiture of the fmneliUe Iwrein autborited. Sttrtton S. 8ulil t)iejon.ValiliiKt(iii lUllroad ft Navigation t'nniwny aTwII, wIiIiIh thirty day after the iweaajie Mini tKblHH effect of thia ordinance, lile In the offlfle of the recorder n written accrt a wee of the amue. Iaaed by the council Approved h I tic iii. nut , Mayor. Attest .. it reorder. PHblialinl in the St. JoIhik Kcvicn on Jiae. It and f. Hii. I 1 ( Groceries I I fir if nrnnrlfi UIJ gUUUd Shoes and Furnishings We the sell only very best in these lines and guarantee them in every particular. Special Prices still to be had Muck Mercantile Co. 301 R. JfiVRGV NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Proposals lor Streel Work Healed lirolMNUla m ofKce of the tet i.nlcr of will at I received the iltv of Ht.JobM until Jan. t, 191, at H o'clock u m, tor tile impniveuiciii oi uieaiiaiii itrwt Irotii the riutniv kide line of Iktcbanau atreet to the wi-ierly aide HlW of Ida it 1 id, in the man ner pfOVWtal hy ordiiiiiucc No. 446, Mlb act to the piovuiou of the charter awl onliMMcea of the cm ui m. Johiia. awl Ibe eatintate of thci ih eiiKim-er. on Ale. Mda niuat he tricl 111 conUnce w ith printed hlanka which will be furn labrd on application at tbe nfiice of the MKunier of lite ciu Ht. lohua. And mid iwprovemvut niuat le ctHMpletol oh or before 60 da liuiu the laat iubiica lion of notice of propoMla foi Miid Hoik, Ko JopOMl or hid will be coiiaidereil MMMMi aniiauied by u certified cheek pvabte to the mayor of the city of lit. lonna, certified hy a rcpuaihle bauk Mr n anniniit rual to ten per cent, of Lae am reu ate mpMl . The right to reject any awl ail bitla ia brbv rearrved. " "Amx of the c-ily council, I' A RICH, city KvconUr. .Mikhal tu tbe St. John Keview Dec ij. Maui 1411. Ilrlaf in your Job priollttg wkllu fw Uiluk of It. Itout wait until yuu re entirely out. Wu are iuliiKl b) turn out neut and tunty prliitluy Mfonintbjr at I'ortlttiul prlca or lean. No, mid 1. TltltASURV IHd'AltTMItNT-oniic of Couiptroller of the Currency, Windi fuglon, I). C, N'ovcmlwr ji, 1911. WhuroH. hy wtUfuctorv eviilvuce inc. nettled to the umlcraiimed. it hint I ice 11 made toMtiieiir that "l'eiiiuiila Nut Ion al Hank of HI. Juliiin," in the city of tit JoIhk, in IlieiiHinty of Miiltiiiiiniili ami Stale ol Oregon lw cottii4ied with nil the proviaioiu of the iHiitutea of the Culled HUten, retiirel lo he complied Hitll heloiv all MkWH'lallou alliill Ih mi- thoiieil lo comnieiH'v the hiialuem of HankiiiK; now, Thciefore I. Thiiuiaa 1. Kline. Detmtv ami ActuiK Ctniiptioller ol the Currency, lo heiehy ceilffy tlmt "IVnlnmla Na tional ll.ink of tit. Jolum," in the city of St. lohua. In the county ol .Multiioiiiah and Slate of Oicoii, is uuthorltxl to iSMiiuieiice the IhihIiiiiw of Ikiukiut! n troviilii in Section i'lftv-one hundred and mxty-iiinii of the KeviMal titututeaof the I'uitml Stilt iw, t-oiiveralou of the I'ciilnnilu lUuk of St. John. In leatiiiHHiy uherettf hIIiiuiw tuv Imtid and aeal of office thia tniity-llrt day of .Vovemlier. 1911. T. I'. KAN It, l'ewty mul Acting Comptroller of the Currency. I'irat laibiicatiou ike. IK. ion: laat M4Iiiciiihiii I'vli. 2, 1911. When yott Imvun cold nUt a bottle of Cttnmhurlniit's Cotili Kutit etly. It will soon fix you tip nil rihl nml will wnnl off any tendency toward pnettitioniu. This remedy contain' no opium or other narcotic ami may he given iik confidently to a baby ni to an adult. Hold' by all dealers. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS, In order to limire a change of ad vertlientcnt the copy for such chanae ihould reach this office not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m, Pleaic 'cmemhor thia and aave the printer I H. HENDERSON McDonnltlBltlg.,208 Jersey St. S I Real Estate, Loans, Insurance J AUstiui t.x oi Tuli ru)..iad- Accurate Work Gtinrnnteed a it OF A. II. HKMVTlK'h. CKU. II IIKMSTOCK HEMSTOCK BROS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Full line of Robei. Catketa, ato , kapt In atock 1 Mi AiMnt'ANT ktetldriHf t lu uc , silaw l N1VHKSITY PARK, ORIJOOV A. H. BLACKBURN Undertaker and Funeral Director UepreM-ntiiiK lVriUml Marlde Worku, l'.limates furnished for nil kind of momiuu nu, viiiill-. and isi,in work. If yon nte thiukiiiK of ImviliK auytbuiK done 111 this tin , call at my office and tulk it over. Phone Coluuilua 2i Ea.j Duilingtou Street, St. Joluu. Oregon DR. RAM BO DENTIST First National Dunk building. ST. JOHNS, ORCGON. JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D Physician and Surgeon. Day & Night Office In McChcsney blk. St. Johns - Oregon. Daniel O. Webster. A. B. M. D Residence, C97 Dawson Strcot Ofllce, Plltor Dlock. University Park, Portland, Oregon. PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER First National Dank DuiMing ST. JOI INS ... ORECON 0. J. GATZAIYER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonnld Building ST. JOHNS . . OREGON J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage Wo dollvor your Roods to nnd from all pnrts of Portland. Vancouver. Linn ton. Portlnnd nml Suburban Lxnress Co., city dock nnd all jiolnts accessible hy wnifon. riano ana lurnnure moving Oflicc I'lione Columbia 24 Ristdcticc l'lionc Columbia 198 St. Johns Express, Transfer find Storage Co. Piano Moving n Spccinlty. I inu iiig done to nnd from Portlnnd Residence 400 Knst Riclimoud Oflice 103 North Jersey Street CAMP 773 W. O. W. Meet ev. cry Wed n a s d n y cv 0 11 1 11 e in Rick ner's Hall aa--t tlOLMLS lODGC NO. 101 KNir.MIS Or I'YTIIIAS MH rry I tUUy nlxht at 7.WuI.kI( at I. O. O. K lj Unit. Vlltir atwan W.U nmii. w. c. AtnriKON. r. c. A.VV. MCKIC. K. R. S 1 ai ir?ri innr.r- rWIll a, w V k ST. JOHNS. OHCGON Meets each Monday evening In Odd Pol limi hull nt 7 , to. A rnrdiiil welcome to nil vlnltluK brothers. nOltIC LODGC NO. 132 T. nnd A. M. fKyrV Keuuinr communications ViVlflfcy on first and third Wed- uoiulnys of each month In Odd Fellows' hull Vlnltora wolcotne. Central Market! HOlUftOOK DLOCK Sec tis for the Choicest Cuts ol the (lest Meats Obtainable. Ordrr fitted und Tumlly Trade Solicited T. P. WARD, Proprietor. St. Johns Laundry Thoroughly equipped for nit kinds of laundry work nnd Up-to-date In every respect Prompt nnd efficient service Knr indeed. Your patronage solicited. If you have any Plumbing you want done just call us up, Columbia 92 EDMONDSON CO. 203 S. Jersey Street EL CO. Successor to St. Johns Sand nnd Grovel CotujMtiy I, U. JACKSON, Prop. General Contractor We tire prepared to do any and all kinds of excavating for street work and other purposes. We also handle sidewalk und build in); material. Newton and Pcsseuden Streets St. Johns, Oregon Phone Columbia AT HOME New Year's Day from 2 to 5 p. m Our business started six years ago with fifty custom ers. We have now 550 live accounts on our books. Every day our stores have been open we have expected to sell you something each time you come in. But on New Year's day we invite you to come in, shake hands with us and with others whom you may meet, enjoy the music we shall have. A souvenir will be handed you and an ad vertising scheme started at that time. It is our desire to start the new year with a feeling of . good will toward all. No sales will be made. Bonham & Currier We wish Everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year r' COUCH & COMPANY PIONEER MERCHANTS Opposite City Hall Phone Columbia 137 Bring in your printing NOW