St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 29, 1911, Image 2

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    Falsely Quoted
Publl8hed Every Friday
Al 117 Wont UuilliiKton Street.
Tint IlHVliiW I entered nt post office
In Snlnt Johns, Oregon, ns innil mnttcr
of the second clnos under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1S79.
Official Ntviptper of lbs City of St John.
Admitting tatu, $1.00 per Inch per month.
All ilfcrtlnlne bill pftjritlf flrit of crcb
Subicrlptlon prion 9:1.00 rer year.
Whether or not hanging shall be
nboliihed 111 Oregon will come up
nt the lrl-xt state election. c cnti-
not view it in nny other light thnn
llmt cnpitnl ptininhiiieiit in nothing
hut a telic of the harlmrous jmst
null should lie boihcu Howev
er, there should he iT imrdon for
murderers. Unit! Inhor, solitary
ennfliicinenUind no hope of release
sntoly is niurr nunlidinient than
.Utcr canvassing the situation
ifiorouglily we have come to the
conclusion that u daily mmr would
not he a sell sustaining proposition
nt thu present time. We would be
ghtd were it otherwise, but n daily
paper, be it ever so small, is a cost
ly affair, the great burden of which
would full upon the business men
Most of them are now spending ns
much for advertising a they enre
to, while those who do not adver
tise would scarcely do so in n daily
HiH!r. As to subscriptions, the
great majority of our citixens
are now Inking the I'orllnud daily
lxrs and cannot afford to my for
another (Inilv, ut least ninny of
them could not do so. Therefore.
for the present we will abandon the could for her
To whom it may concern: Injus
tice to locnl physicians I feci it my
duty to take this means of denying
the erroneous report that was pub
lished by the Telegram recently. I
refer to the account of Mrs. Mabel
Lcyde's death and the coroner's in
vestigation of the same, in which I
was falsely quoted as having furn
ished detective Mnhcr and the cor
oner's oflice with the information
on which they were to base the
charge of manslaughter against Drs.
Graves and Jnyneof bt. Johns.
I have never seen or spoken to
Detective Maher in my life, and ns
to the coroner, I tried my best to
convince him that no crime had
been committed, telling him that
I Jr. lavne. who had signed the
death certificate and Dr. Vincent,
our local health officer, had nd
niittcd that they operated upon the
woman, when it became absolutely
necessary in order to save her life,
nnd that they had the full consent
of the husband and family to do so;
but in spite of their best efforts
three days loter she had died. The
coroner was so unreasonable nnd
uncivil in his answers to me that I
hung tin mv phone. This is nil the
information the coroner's office got
from inc. As to Dr. Oraves I am
informed she was called to see Mrs.
hevde three or four weeks before
her death, made but one call, pre
scribed but n simple remedy for
nausen, from which the woman was
suffering. Litter, when Mrs. I.eyde
became worse Dr. Joynewas called.
Her condition becoming worse, the
doctor told the family it would be
necessary to jierform an operation
to save her life. Dr. niccnt was
called and together they did nil they
I was Informed l
Stories of Success
Alexander A. Cassatt
From roilman
to tlio of
the Krent I'cnn
rylvnnln rail
way yntcm was
the route cover
ed by Ale x
nndcr A. (Jas
milt It was by
shrer Industry
ntil IntcRrlty
Mint ha fought
li In way from
nbeenrlty to the
very front rnnlc
In hid chosen
lino of work.
Mr Cnssatt cave thin, navico 10
youmr men: "Thoroughly Krouml
yotiriinir In the clemnntnrled of your
rhonon business nml then stick to It.
Ily Industry, economy nnd HAVINJJ
you will bo ready for opportuni
ties." . ....
No younrr man who spends oil ha
earns Is ready when opixn tunlty
knocks. HcKln today the eff ilt to
save systcmatlrally ind stlk to U
This bank offers you u snfo lilac
for your surplus and Is Rlud to lend
Its advice to yountf men who "ro
anxious to succeed In the world.
Thore la no time Ilka tho prcscr
Beginning January 1st, this
hank will pay 4 per cent in
terest on Time Deposits.
St. Johns, Oregon
A. K. Joints, Vice President
If. 1'. Dkinkkk, Cashier
C. II. Rt'ssuu., Ass't Cashier
idea of getting out a daily uaiwr in
St. Johns. We expect, however,
to make the Review n newsier ami
moie interesting weekly the coming
year than it lias hecu in the mat
Hie Otegoninii seems in one to
give St. Johns all the undesirable
publicity possible, even making n
mountain out of a mole hill in oi
der to do so. It contained n front
tMge, many litwled article of the
mall blaze at the Kvaugclical
church Monday evening, and sen
Mitioually told how a wild mnic en
sued, now tue ailrlglited one-
Hiiiiinwl ami fought their way to
the windows and scrambled out,
and how Rev. Stover and daughter
Ruth were sevctelv injured. 1 Ik
picture was grossly inisreptcaeuteil
nnd the facts horribly distorted
Anything that might have u u-ihI
ency to iretiem nt Jonus is invar
iably withheld from the Oregouinu
the commerciul club liampu-t and
booster delegation to the Portland
puni food show, fur instance. What
the family that Dr. Javue did not
leave the bedside of his patient all
while this young mother s un
timely death was a great misfortune
to her family and friends and to the
community in fact, for no commit-
nil v has any young wives ami mo
thers to lose, no homes or fireside
(o be broken up, yet aside from
those hound lo her by ties of lovi
ml kinship, I doubt it any one st
much tegtets her death as the sur
geons who tried with all the skill
known to them to save her,
and it is unfortunate, indeed.
that thev should be falsely accused
of being in any way responsible for
her death.
As to Dr. Oraves, had n crime
la-en committed she could not iios-
ibly have been a party to it, hnv
iug seen the imlient but once mid
that several weeks before the
oiK-iatiou was performed.
While I am well aware that the
coroner s oiuce is a vaiuaiile ami
necessary institution, I do feel that
in this instance the coroner presum
ed on ins autiioriiy wueii no caused
Aii Ordinance Fixing the Rate
Per Cent of the Tax Levy
of the City of St. Johns,
Multnomah County, Oregon
An Ordinance Declaring the
Cost of Improving Jersey
Street, Between West Cat
lin Street and the Westerly
Line of Richmond Street by
Connecting Water Pipes
Therein to the Curb in the
Al miner Provided by Ordi
nance No. 403, and Assess
ing the Property Benefited
Thereby, Declaring Such
Assessment and Directing
the Entry of the Same in
the Docket of City Liens.
The city of St. Johns docs ordala as
That the council lias considered the
projxMed assessment for improving Jer
sey street between West Cnllin street nml
the westerly line of Richmond street by
connecting water pltws therein to the
curb, in the ninnner provided by Onli
nance Number 403, and nil objection
thereto, niul hereby ascertains, determines
mid declares the whole cost of wild im
provement in manner provided by Ordi
nance No. 403 to be the sum of ftfj.oo,
and that the hjm.-cI.-i1 nml peculiar benefits
accruing to each lot or tmrt there
of or parcel of laud within the as
xessmeut district, by reason of said Im
provement nml In just proportion to such
benefits, are in the respective nmouiits
set opiwMte the number or description
of each l-it or part thereof or parcel of
laud in the following nanexeil assess
ment roll.auil said assessment toll, which
is numbered 68, Is hereby adopted ami
approved as the ase.nneiit for wild im
provement, nml the u-corilcr o! the citj
of St. Johns is directed lo enter a state
ment of the assessment hereby made in
the docket of city liens, and cause notice
thereof to be published ns provided by
charter, which assessment is as follows:'
block l,ot Addition Ami.
.1 i. Mill's 13.5"
5 H Chlimau's 7.00
Campbell Tract 27.00
The eltv id
That the rale per cent ol
Johns does ordain at
the tax lev
3 7 Court Place
i ')
i K
.1 IH
.1 U
Van Dyne 35
Von Dyne 15 '
for the city of St. Johns, Multnomah
roiintv, OrcKon, is hereby fixed at six
and lUe-lentlis mills on the dollar of the
eined valuation of the motierty with
in the mii city of St. Johns, Ori-uon, ns
1 i-rtineii, or to in? ccrtiiicu, nv the conn-
clerk nf the county of Multnomah,
-13 .
. . I.V50
. 13-50
. . IA.SO
James Johns 7.00
I A&fji How About Your jj!
This store is the only one in St. Johns that sells groceries exclusively.
Therefore, we arc in a position to keep our stock fresh and the best
that can be secured. No stale or poor quality of anything is kept on
hand. Fair and courteous treatment and prompt delivery are at
your command. Give us a trial, if not already a patron.
111 West Burlington Street
Notice of Cost of Improvement
Notice Is hetebv given that the assess-
ler pipe connections on Jersey street
111 Catlin street lo Richmond street,
Slate ol Oregon. And the city recorder -I I
A said eltv of St. Johns be, and he Is, 1 40
hereby (ink-red anil directed to at once lo.
notify the coiiutv clerk of said county I
and Mate ol the above levy. 1 7
I'as-.cil by (lie council tills jfilli iluy ol I J S
December, 1011. I J 6.
Aininivcd by the mavor Ibis 26th dav
111 iieeemner, 1911.
Attest: P. A. Rice.
I'uMlnlied in the Si. Joluw Review
December 29, pui.
, 7.00
.IIJ6....1'. T, Smith's
, ti
thu OrugoiihiH e.NiiecU to gain hi
Midi a policy ia Imrtl to iuuigiue, ,,topsy to be lield.nud the body
mile it ia to leaaeu its milMciiptiou f t,jK innocent woman to be mull-
Proposed Assessment
3 7
3 S
5 1
K 3
. 13.50
list in St. Johns, which would seem
Imivitublc if this policy is iHirsued
All the St. Johns merchants did
tt In 1 ne business the week Ixfote
ChiUtiims. There was upixueutly
iikmc btiying st home dune this yeai
tlmii in Hiiy previous ear, and hk n
iiMUlt deiiveiy wiiuous weic in ser
vice all night Satuidsy. The
utoiesi weiu more attractive than in
thu ycttiti kiic by, which aided in
a laruu measure in keeping the
shoiiiKiis nt home. Home of the
stui e wete lileiully cleaned out of
ChiUtiims kihhIk k-loie the shop
m were thiwigti with their buy
hlk. Chiistiuus d.iy uus enjoyed
ipiitly at home on the pait of uiuot
uf lite St. Johns inhabitants, and
the day was oik- ol clit-ei and kmmI
fellowship. 1 he churclics all helil
thelrcustuuiaty Chi istm.ise.seicises,
audnll wereeapecully iiiterestiiinand
wull ouiril out. I.ittle teal desti
union wis found to exist in the city
by a UiuU uf ludics who made tc
rwl nJTurts to locate destitute fain
iliw. So the Christmas ol 1911 iu
St. John will go down in history
lifi a vwy kmmI Christinas all round
I -
llu-ir uiimiul ir-
I My 1-5 . in.
lated as it was, nsteustlily to prove
a fact that both surueous had ad
niittcd, but denied it had been done
illettally or with criminal intent.
Could not the ends of justice have
iK-eu as well served by tryine the
point out in court as to put the tax-
payt-is to the expense of a costly
uutoiv as well as the family to
this distressing exK-rieuce? As it
was the court prcctliiie was uout-
throueli anyway ami the doctors
exoueiated from all blame. A. II
lllackburu, undertaker.
1 hereby uiven that aiiMiitiu
N tt'
meat of the ct ol imiirnviuii
tun street from Mayes street to Olyumia
street, total cost of which is ftj,i66.o,
lias IK-eu apKiiiionNl and U 011 flit- hi Hie
omceoi ine iinilerlKiiel. Milijeci to ex
AwtNimcnt district t-xteads Isick to
the ri'iiter of lulu, bhx-ks or Irselsof
la, id bnttiiiu on mhIiI id 1 net as provldeil
ny Hi-- city cnarter ami let-oliillous.
KeiiKiiistrHiun- HtiHlitst sHlil aiMxirllon
nitint may ! ui.iilo in writhiK ami Uttsl
Willi the iiuiicrkiKUeo until 5 o'cipck
I'. M. January 15. 1912.
riilillslud in the St, Jluu Review
Dec 2j ami laa 5 ijw,
3 o Jersey Street 31.40
3 10 dL 33.00
3 13 14.50
1 tl.fw)l mm
w. : ; .1 ::::::
7 " 1350
10 "
Pawed by the council this 26th duv of
December, iqii,
Atmrovtsl by Hie mayor this 26th dav
ol December, mil.
Allot: I'. A. KICK,
Published (a the St. Johns Review on
Dec, 3). 1911.
Proposed Assessment
the total cost of which is f473-oo, was
declared by Oriliuai ce No. 449, entitled
"An ordinance declariiiK Die cost ot 1111
proving Jersey street between West Cat
(in street and'the westerly line ol Rich
iiiond street by counecllnx water pies
therein to tbe curb ia Hie manner tiro
vlded by Ordinance No. 403,and asscsslnj;
tbe property benefited thereby, declaring
such itHsessmcut mid illrcctlnn tlic entry
..I il... ........ 1.. it,- .l.l. .. ..( Mlf II. ,w
if, .lie mimv ill , , vjv v v 11 w..
The co.t of said luiprovemciit is levied
upon all the lots, puts of lots and par
cels of laud within the boundaries of the
district described as foltows: between
West Catlin street and the westerly Hue
of Richmond street.
A statement of said assessment has
been entered ia the docket ol city liens
December 27, 191 1, and said assessment
is now due ami payable at the oflice of
the recorder ol the city of St. Johns, Or
ckoii, ami will be deflmpieiil and bear
Interest after Jan. 7th, 1912, and If not
pild on or before January 271I1, 1912, pro
ccedhs will be taken for the collection
of the same by sale of projicrty as pro
vided by the city charter.
Published hi the St. Johns Review on
Dec. 29 nml Jan. 5, 1912.
New Undertaking Firm
CaW Hrtw. have
cHk)li New Year's
VtHi MTV invited.
Dr. Leouluirdt's Discovery
lltuiwoki will iutereat evrybuiy
who hnii tbe iile.
The Hiblic is iiulebled to Dr. J.
S. l.ooulnudt of Lincoln, Kebr., for
yoHj-ii of stiuly oi the treatment
of liilw, aud for his discovery of
u aiioOMUsful teiucdy, taken inward
ly. which enlivens up the stauaut
blood circulation uud reduces the
Mwolieu vessels. Dr. l.eouhardt's
prescription U MKM-KU1D. sold by
St. Johns lMiarmucy mid all dmjj
uUtii at f 1 for 3.1 davs' treatment.
Quanuitued to give aalisfacliun. Dr.
l.uonhanlt Co., Slaliou It. liuffalo.
V. Wilte for booklet.
For Rant
l'urnisHed two aud thrte-roow
(Int. alw ou uiifuruuhed two-room
flat; furuiahed aud uufuruiaUed sin
ga rooms aud eusiiite iu 1'miclt
block. liftiipH.Hl with jns or
wocxl nitiges ami all uiotleru con-
vunmnceti. l'ree phone. lk-st
ecpiippod aud Jiiiiiniest Hats in St
Johns for the money. Must hu
seen to be appreciated. Sec Alex
ander Ots, iu bmldiug, or call up
Maui i'S.;. S-Uo
Hlat-kburu. CliamtM-rs l.nwiv is the
n.iinr ol tbe Mew lir nt ol niidnt iker
who uri- iiii-iirtHiratiUK lor the 1 uri
l eoiiiloctiiiif a uriieral iiiidril ikuiv
itiisiiit-ks on the K-iiuikiilA.
I lie main lmlue oltice will Ih al
Kilni(worlli avenue and Kerhv htrcet
flu- iiortlt risnii in the .Mel liccticv build
oi has been m-ciiiwI him! the St. J.luis
iHuluekk win ut moved into it a mi.mi
as the biilliliuj; eaa lie Motten ready. It
will le Altvtl with oftk-e, svkrom.
HHiruHe ami elmi! room, j'he eluia l
will Iwve a Mallni; capacity of i.v per
uii. Hrsiiclivs iwve been established
at l.Oiiilou mid Kcntou. The new firm
is u klmim one, ami will U- Mire to con
irol ilir business 111 the termor) it co
ri. Mr. HMfkburil 110 iutrliu
lion m St. Johns iietiple. a 111.111 lie
is Hell known situ mcII liked. A an
undertaker he is second to uoiie. Mr.
J. P. Chambers csme here lecrolK from
Indiaiw. He lias had 25 vmis evperi-
eitce ami is inoroutlliiv couiiirient 111
this ork, mm lK-iiie nresideilt of the
4hI Imm rd ol eiHlHhuersof Indiana, and
a Hiemlmr ol the emUdmurM hoard of
North America. Mr. Chambeis u a
Uraud Army 111011, havine run aivav
from bis home al the age of 16 to llehl
loruie awrs ami Mrlx.-s. lie has lor
)DMih neu a pnmiiMeut nieiulK-r ol A. O.
liaciuuau Tost ol JIiiiliMiii, I111I. Mr.
II. K. l..iwr is it dsuuhter uf Mr. and
Mrs. Oiaiubt-rs and learned the business
vk ith tier latln-r ht-litre her man iajje lo
AU. lAl). .She will U- the lad assist
ant to the new lirui. Mrs. liluckbiirn
who bus so ably oskisled her busUnid lor
so uiaii) years, is couielled by ill health
iXiveup te work. .Mr. i.owry is an
euteririsiii- vouue busiueM man
I'ortlmid, now bolduie the oliice of as-
sutaut superintendent of trHiisxrtatiou
i x tue r. k. 1,. r. ui. .Mr. ami .Mrs.
Chambers ami Mr. and Mrs. I.owry will
reiil ut th Killiiiukworth avenue tilace
Ike UcHuliful borne ami grounds of Osci r
iKtnlau, hMvtog ueen leasoil furateim
of year. A clmt! u to be erected at
once 011 the gioinuU adjoiHiug the resi
dence. Mr. and Mrs. llluckburn will re
inain in St. Johns.
Notice Is hereby eiven that iinisortlntt-
uient of the cost of South Jersey street
from Mohawk to Ida street, total cost Is
O.Oij.yi.hus lieeu niKrtioued ami Is on
Ale iu the nllb-e of the inulersiuaed. sub-
jivl lo examination.
Assessment district extend Kick to
the center of lots, blocks or tract of
laud alaittiiiK on wild streeta provided
l-v the city charlcrnud resolutions,
Remonstrance aeuiusl s.iiil aniiortion-
uient mav bo made in writing and tiled
with the mult rsiKiicd until 5 o'clock p.
111 9. 1912.
City Recorder.
I'liMi.hc.l 111 the St. lohiis Review
Dec J2 and 29. mil. I
Get Yotir Holiday Supply of
Wines and Liquors
The Owl Saloon
I1ASEV CLOVER. Proprietors
Phone Columbia 276
Old I'oit Wine from f I lo il per unllon
Claret, f I per unllon
Wye or bourdon from )).50 to $5 a
bottled Whiskey in bonds from $1.25
to 1.7$ per cprort.
All standard brands of whiskey at 1
onable prices.
fcfti gear's (Srccttnij
t tlir close nf uuillier near, ounim fuliicl?
fne Ijnde cujnticii our full oliaee nt the nnoo
iliuts iu our business life, nje tahe llis menus nf
.lumhiiuj ynu fur fuljat unu Ijafie cimtrilmleb tn uur
material prnsperit auh fisl unu all tlje jnus aub
prnsueritu fin the cnmiui near.
Walch our windows for our January Sale
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts tnade, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co'
Accurate work. Reasonable fees,
II. Henderson, manager, 208 North
Jersey, McDonald building.
We buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
List your property with us if you
desire to sell mitckly
20j N. Jersey St, St. Johns
We wish you a
Happy New Year
and thank you for your patronnnc
111 the past v promise you good
vhiui's i..r our money and our
usual fairtreatmcntin 1912.
Stote open from 1 to 5 p. 111,
Music!! Premiums!!!
SI, Johns Furniture Company
Cash or Credit
1 he trains of the INortli Hank Road run
through to Spokane, Hutte, Helena, Minneapo
lis, St. Paul and Chicago without change.
None is faster or better appointed. Kvery
modern feature of equipment is supplied.
With onl one change of train, aud that is the same station, Oma
ha, Kansas Lit , St. I,outs, Denver and other ceutiul western points
,m- reached.
Tickets and baggage arranged through to all eastern points, De
tails will be furnished on reouest.
W. H. COMAN, G. l & P. A. O. M. CORNI&J. Agent
How Small Stores
Can Draw Trade
By Electric Light
Using MAZDA lamps iu show whitlows anil electric
signs outside will draw trade from larger stores not
so well equipped. We will be glad to tell you how
th is can be done with these lamps which give more
light for less money than any other illuminaut.
Portland Railway, Jjght & . Power Cfipany
7th and Alder Street
Deep-seated coughs that rebut or
dinary remedies requite both exter
nal ami interim! treatment. If you
buy a dollar bottle of MALLARD'S
HOARHOl'ND SYRl'P you get
the two remedies you need for the
price of one. There is the IIKR-
PLASTIiR for the chost free with
W$ bottle. Sold by the St. Johns I
A Conservative Costodian of Funds
Peninsula National Bank
Successor to
The Peninsula Bank
Established in
Capital and Surplus
Additional S'ockholders Liabilities
for Christmas Photos and Family
uroups giv us call
Holbrook Block
st. John
won't 11111 to net a souvenir at
Calef llros, Now Year's Djv. tt
Phone Richmond 131
Slabwopd !
O. A. C. Short Courses
Begin Jan. 3, Continue Four Weeks
Everv cuuen of Oregon U cordially invited to attend
the hort courses of the Oregon Agriculture College,
beginning January 3. Eleven distinctive courses will
be offered in Agriculture, Mechanic Arts, Domestic
Science and Art. Commerce. Forestry and Music
Every course is designed to HELP the student in
his daily work. Make this a nleasant and profitable
winter outing. No tuition. Rsasonable accommo
dations. Fo'b"ifuIillust t.d bulletin, address
H. M. TENNANT, R gt itrar. Corvallis, Ore.
Bring in your printing NOW