HNfftilcn) 2oc!flr ST. JOHNS REVIEW IT'S NOW UP TO YOU Toiubtcrlbc for THIS Piper All tht newa while It li ncwi It our motlo. Call In and enroll GET IN THE HABIT f Ot advertising In THIS Paper and you Hotter regret It. lie S Cln at onct and keep right at Devoted to the Interest of the Penlniuta, the Manufacturing Center ot the Northwest VOI,. 8 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 191 1. NO. 8 Woolen Mills Celebrate Who Got the Goose Caused a Commotion Not in Jest The Tax Levy Council Proceedings Evangelical Church Following its usual custom of celebrating Christmas with feasting and other festivities, the Portland Woolen Mills company gave their employes a half holiday Saturday, and extended an invitation to all to bring their whole families and have o jolly time for the balance of the day. Elaborate preparation had been made this year to make the celebration excel any former demon stratioii, and it was conceded by alt present that this result was fully attained. The lower floor of the large mill was dressed in gala attire, a huge tabic occupying a portion of the space and a temporary stage was also erected. The feast was an notinccd to take place at tlic noon hour. The table was loaded down with good things. Cake, pics of all kinds, sandwiches, pickles, cheese, coffee, candy, nuts and oth cr edibles that pleased the eye and tickled the palate were neatly ar rayed in endless quantity, and vari cty, and when the noon hour or rived all were cordially invited to "fall to." It required no second invitation. The tables were soon lined with hungry people, and the way things began to disappear was truly amazing. lint as soon as one platter was emptied ouothcr full one took its place, and in spite of the fact that over 500 people pur tlcipatcd in the feast there was plcu ty left. The youngsters made the best showing at the table. The way some of them got away with the good things one would imagine they would not need anything more in the eating line for a week or so. Each and all had as much as they could very well find room for, and the feast was voted to be a grand success. It could not be otherwise. After the appetites had nil been appeased, the management sprung a big surprise when the curtain of the stage was drawn aside and the University of Oregon Glee club was disclosed. Handsome souvenir firogroms with n holiday greeting rom the mauugement attached were distributed. Frank L. Test, who was master of ceremonies, and who looked after all the details in his usual hustling and beaming manner, made a happy little ad dress, and wound up by introduc ing the Glee Club, which he stated would present its "whole show." The club, which was composed of about 30 members, have splendid voices, and the program through out was a delightful treat and each number was roundly applauded. Nearly two hours were consumed in the reudition of the program, of ter which E. L. Thompson and John Hartog each made neat and appropriate addresses which were warmly received. Mrs. DeWitt Gillam sang a solo in a beautiful tnauuer. Rousing cheers were given the owners, Mr. Test and the employes, The mother of Mr. Test, eighty years of age, was pres ent and alter the glee club had con cluded was conducted by her son to a place of honor on the platform, and amid the rousing cheers of the assemblage he gave his mother a warm kiss of love and affection. Mrs. Test, proud in the knowledge of the high esteem in which her sou Is held and the kindliest feelings which both the owners and em- loyes have toward him, was the lappiest person present. One and all were then given another invita tion to surround the festal board, and, surprising to state, a number accepted the invitation with more or less alacrity. The balance of the afternoon was taken up in merry making and social miugliug to gether. The Woolen Mill management is deserving of unstinted praise for In augurating this annual event, which each year grows more interesting and more elaborate. The glee club was secured at a large expense, and the celebration represented the outlay of a goodly supply of money. The ever, fully justifies the geuerous treatment of the management. A better and more kiudly feeling is engendered between the employes, and in this institution there is no friction between capital and labor. It has ever been the custom of this company to look after the welfare of Us employes to a far greater degree than at present obtains with most any other corporation. And the workmen appreciate this poli cy to its fullest extent. May the celebration of 1912 be on a still grander scale, may the company double Its plant here, and may oth er industrial institutions in the city soon display the same concern for the welfare and happiness of their employes. Moruing and eveuing services at the United Evangelical church the coming Sunday. Sunday school, at 10 a.m., preaching u a, m. and 7:30 p m.-rG. R, Stover, pastor. Somewhere and somehow, in this city of ours, a goose of goodly pro portions mysteriously and surrep titiously left the home of its owner one night last week. It was a bird that was full of promise, large, fat and juicy, and Christmas was only a lew snort days away, livery time the owner thought of the goose he was going to have for his Christmas dinner, he smacked his lips in joyful anticipation. There is oftimes many"a slip between the cup and the lip," and this proved to be one of tlic times. One morn lug bright and early the proud pos scssor of the luscious bird made his usual visit to where the goose was confined, and great was his dismay wiicn he discovered that the bird had flown. Whether it was lost, strayed or stolen, tlic owner Had no means of knowing. Sometimes in tlic dark hours that followed he was inclined to the belief that his prize had just "flew the coop;" at other times he concluded that a thief had taken same in the dark of the moon. Again It darted through his mind that it might be the work of some one or two of his friends, who had taken the goose for the purpose of giving the owner a few bad mo incuts, and that it would be return ed to him hale and hearty in time o grace the center of his Christmas table. However, he instituted a a vigorous search. His greatest difficulty, he found, was in not making himself acquainted with any special marks the bird might have for identification purposes. He knew it was large, plumb, and a cure for the sore eyes, but farther than this he was very much in the dark. Therefore in making his search he was at quite a disadvantage, as all geese looked more or less alike to him. Hut he began his tour of investigation systematically. He attempted to secure a list of every person in the city having a goose, and then he made n personal call upon each and all to learn the ped igree of each gocsc and how it came into the possession of its pies ent owner. He knew he would have to conclude his search it a minimum of time, because he real- allzed that after Christmas there would be few, if any, live geese in St. Johns, and the bones would be of no benefit to him. High and High and low he hunted, even Investigating a bird cnged out side of a window in the upjer part of an apartment house. He saw many geese that resembled his, but then he could not be sure, and the owner ever had a plausible reason for being in possession of a fat goose. Finally he was compelled to give up the search. It was of no use. As a consequence there was mourning dire and deep in the heart of the chief of police when he passed through his Christinas din ner with only visions of what might have been. Meanwhile someone somewhere in the city of St. Johns feasted, no doubt, upon the lost, strayed or stolen goose, and possibly enjoyed it the more because it cost so little. Lumber Prospects Bright With nearly all the big mills in operation in the Portland district and mills in other parts of Oregon to resume activity after January 1, the lumber prospects for the coining year are exceedingly bright. The lumber manufacturers seem to be agreed that a big year's business is in store. Better freight rates on special fin ished products which have just be come effective will be a substantial aid to the car trade, while coastwise shipping will be much heavier than it was this year, according to Port laud lumbermen. California will draw heavily upon Columbia river mills and already several large or ders have been placed for early delivery at San Fraucjsco. It is believed, also, that foreign lumber shipments will reach a big total in 1912. A deep sea fishing industry may soon be added to Oregon activities. Owners of the estate of R. D.Hume are likely to carry forward the plans left by Mr. Hume for placing in service a fleet of fishing craft on the banks off the Southern Oregon coast for taking halibut and other valuable food fish. The new railroad from Vail west ward, an extension of the Oregon Short Line, will soon be an accom plished fact, as all arrangements have been made to start construc tion. It is expected work will be continued throughout the winter months. Hear the Willamette Four at lef Bros. New Year's Day. it At almost the conclusion of the Christmas exercises at the Evan gelical church Monday night nu arrangement constructed to repre- I scut an airship caught fire nud caused quite a commotion with very little damage being done. The church was crowded to the limit, and the exercises, which had been unusually interesting, were about to terminate with the spectacular appearance of the air ship. This was run on a pulley from one end of the church to the other, and the framework was cushioned with cot ton batting, the whole resplendent with electric light bulbs ot colored tights, making an ingenious and unique contrivance. Upon a bus kct or appendage below was scat' ed Ruth Stover, the minister's scV' cn-ycar-old daughter. The ship made its appearance in fine style, but soon tongues of flame were seen to shoot about the occupant, A portion of the audience made quick time in getting to the Ilames, and the little girl was at once released from her perilous position by J. E Kilkenny before she was injured, with the exception of some very slight burns. The little lady was one of the calmest and most com posed of the assemblage, and was cool as a cucumber throughout her thrilling experience. Rev. Stover was rather painfully burned on the wrist in helping to beat out tlic flames, which required only a few moments on the part of those who rushed to the rescue to subdue, but which might have assumed grave proportions had it not been for the prompt assistance of the spectators. The fire bell was rung, but the re call was sounded before the firemen got their apparatus to the scene. Outside of an injured carpet, a few slight burns and a few badly fright ened individuals, no actual damage resulted. There was a wild rush for the door at first, but through the efforts of Geo. Hall and one or two others, those who had not made their escape through the door were gradually calmed. The fire Is supposed to have been started by the heat from one of the bulbs Ig niting the cotton, although some claim that a bulb burs ted and caused the conflagration. It was an alarm ing climax to the celebration, yet it is fortunate that no one was serious ly injured. Work to Start Soon With completion of plans for the Schwnrtzchild & Sulzberger plant, it is announced that work on the big packing plant on the Peninsula will be started soon after January 1. The plans were prepared by a Chi cago architect and call for a plant to cost iu excess of $600,000. The North Portland plant will be similar to that which has just been completed at Oklahoma city for Sulzberger & Sons. It will be of reinforced concrete and will be equipped with the latest types of packing house machinery. The site for the proposed plant Is located about 2000 feet east of the Swift packing plant. Central Oregon's opportunity is shown in a recent address of Presi dent Carl R. Gray of the Hill lines in this territory, who pointed to that section as the coming granary of the Pacific Northwest. He said five counties in the interior have four times the area of Maryland, with one thirtieth of its population, and more than one-half of Iowa with one-sixtieth its population. From this great area in the future, he believes, will come large quan tities of wheat. The United States crop is decreasing and here is the chance for Central Oregon to sup ply this much needed commodity. Wheat exports have been cut more than half iu two years, showiug the American surplus to be rapidly di minishing. In President Gray's opinion, Central Oregon's future is brightest as a great wheat growing district. That the Pacific Northwest need not take second place with auy other section of the country in feed ing and fattening livestock is shown by the recent killing of a 2100 pound steer at the Portland stock yards that dressed 72.14 per cent So far as shown this is the best per centage ever shown anywhere. The much boasted corn belt Is surpassed. The champion steer at the recent National Livestock show in Chica go dressed 66.2 per cent. A-Ha! Look out! Right after New Year's Graves, the picture Ca-hnan, 502 South Jersey Is going to give away cabinet photos, Editor Review: When making the suggestions last week to with draw the suit now pending 011 ap peal to supreme court on tlic annex ation question, I was not jesting, but was very much iu earnest. In the first place the only grounds for bringing the suit was the question of some hair splitting possible con stitutional questions that might arise just before the sounding of the final trumpet. And In the second place I charge them with dilatory tact!cs;that they arc not proceeding with the case with vigor. In tlic first place the suit was not started until just the last moment, and when the hearing was finally had and au ndverse judgment given, they took the full count of nine before perfecting the appeal to the supreme court. We were told that tile matter would be rushed along, and an effort made to get the supreme court s decision by October, or not later than Novem ber, 191 1. As u matter of fact the case is not yet set for hearing iu the supreme court, and in my opin ion the autis are iu no hurry to have it set. If the appeal was with drawn the decition of the district judge that the election was legal -would stand, and that would end the matter. This, if accomplished, (withdrawing appeal) is only the first and necessary step iu a well directed plan that can be carried nut within the near future one year or less that will add more to the prosperity of St. Johns than you would believe should I tell you. S. C. Cook. If Mr. Cook had brought forth his argument bctorc the annexa tion case was aptcalcd it might, per haps, have had more weight. We believe It had never been the inten tion of the autis to hasten a decision in the supreme court, and. therefore, Mr. Cook's understanding or ours in this connection is at fault. flic autis believe If It Is a good thing to keep out of Portland for a long while, it is also a good thing for a short while: hence the delay. The district judge advised taking the matter to tlic supreme court. What better advice could be follow ed? It may be that better things would come to St. Johns through annexation at this time, but few cases are recorded iu history where it has proven a successfor the smaller territory -unless it possess ed no city government of its own. If the following questions could be answered satisfactorily, however, we would favor withdrawing the suit at once. They are things that should be learned to some extent at least before annexation: Would our taxes be less? Would the price of water be re duced at once, and stay reduced, and would we got the same abund ance of it? Would we get n pahf fire de partment? would we get better car serv ice? Would the city dock at once be occupied? Would we get better police pro tection? Would we have saloons on Jer sey street and more of them? Would we get a road to the Swift packing plant? Would we get a public park? Would the assessed valuation of our properties lc less, and if so could we sell them at a higher price? Would the high school be oper ated? Would we have a ward of our own in St. Johns. Would we get the same quality of gas at a reduced price? Would insurance rates be lower Would we get more industries? If so, how? Would we get better streets? Would busiuess be better, and why? Would the red light district be allowed to extend this far? Would we get more street lights? Would building permits cost more? Would it cost more to build an ordinary residence, under the reg ulations of Portland, than it uow does in St. Johns? Would rent be cheaper? Would a representative from the peninsula on the city council or on a commission do as much for St. Johns as the present representa tive on the board of county com missioners? If these questions can be answer ed in an assured manner we will quickly become au ardent booster tor annexation, it must be remem !ered that Portland has promised absolutely nothing. For Rent. Furnished housekeep ing rooms, 109 West Burr street 24 blocks to Burr station. Phone Col. 184, 5-tf. Owing to the fact that the former council was rather penurious iu making up its tax levy last year, a heavier tax was necessitated by the present council iu making Its levy Tuesday night. The skinny allowance made for It to carry on the busiuess during the present year ptoved very much deficient, and as a result indebtedness to the amount of $10,000 or more has piled up. rue dads believe 111 cleaning this up and having enough I hums to run the city government I for the next year free from indebt edness. This really is the only way. it is 11 tact tuat tor one rea son and another the last two or three councils made the levy too low, as there was always a deficit nt the cud of the year. In spite of the large Indebtedness this council has managed to stall off the credit ors without borrowing money. The two former councils were not so successful, although no interest was exacted by the banks leiu'ing tlic money. Wlitle a low levy one year and a higher one the next year has practically the same result on the taxpayer, yet soma might infer that the higher levy thb year was occasioned by extravagance on the part of the present council. This, however, Is not the case. There has been slight raises iu salaries in several instances, but the alder men believed that they were justi fiable. Keeping the streets iu re pair has been costlier than was ex pected. The improvement of the streets adjoining the city hall has cost quitea little; the bell lower, auditing the books, cost of several special elections, street in spection, fire apparatus, and other Incidentals has taken money that was not anticipated by the former council. The levy of 6.5 mills may seem heavy to some, yet it Is below tlic rorllaud levy ly .3 mills, and there is something to show for our taxation. Few cities are as well lighted, have more public buildings, better police protection and more public improvement, all taking place within a few short years. Scout's Reception The Bov Scouts held nu informal reception nt their barracks in the McCliesucy building Tuesday even ing, under the guidance of Scout muster Hvcrlee. Invitations were extended to those good friends of the boys Had wlio materially assisted them iu establishing their quarters. IlesiMitidliii? to an invitation the city council and representatives of the press attended in n body, and spent n pleasant hour in watching tlic maneuvers aim evolutions 01 the Scouts. That the lads have learned many things that will be useful iu after life was fully demon strated. They told how to take care of injured iktsous--broken limbs, severed arteries and veins and many other kinds of injuries were covered taken at random from a long list the boys are required to tliorougiuy learn, iney niso ioiu what was required of them as scouts of the different decrees, and gave their drill and their method of constructing quickly an Improvised stretcher. An elegant, lunch was served bv the bovs iu retrular catni) style that was heartily enjoyed. nie ctty uaus secured pieuiy 01 evidence that the Boy Scouts is a useful and helpful organization, and that if they follow the precepts of . w at r .. tueir order as laid down lor iiiem by the Scoutmaster.their after lives will be much the better for it. The boys wish us to express their grat itude anu obligations 10 wniei nros, mid Boiiham & Currier for favors shown on this occasion, and espe cially to the good mothers (the boys' best friends on earth) for the delicious, juicy pies and the cakes that just melted iu their mouths. And last, but not least, to Miss Alda Overstreet is due the thanks of every one present for the most fruit punch. It was the best ever, was the verdict of all. The report of the fire at the resi dence of David Davis on Buchanan street last week was incorrect. It did not start from a defective flue, and outside of some bedding and clothing damaged by water the fur niture was all saved. The damage to the building and all will not exceed $400. The proximity to the fire station Hear the Catholic church, and the fact that a number of citi zens were working near at hand who made quick time iu gettiug the hose in position was responsible for the small amount of damage. How the fire started is still a mystery. Meet your friends and have a good time New Year's at Calef Bros. Perrine's Orchestra and Willamette Four. it All members were present at the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday night with Mayor Couch presiding as usual. Scoutmaster D. N. Byerlee ex tended au invitation for the body to attend an informal reception at the barracks of the Boy Scouts in the McChcsucy building later In the evening. Accepted, provided the business before the meeting was finished iu time. The police department petitioned council to provide iu Its levy budg et for raising salaries of each mem ber of the force. A petition from the Business Men's Association nud Board of Governors of the Com niercial club asking that this be done was offered in connection. Socialist Pcrrinc disfavored the ap propriatiou, believing that there were plenty of men who would be glad to get the jobs at the same old price; that if it was n question of petitions from the public, he would like the names ot the wage earners thereon as well ns the bust ness men. Other members of the council also seemed ndverse to granting the tictition, nud on mo lion of Alderman Valentine, the matter was ordered filed. Bills to the amount of ?7,V. 60 were allowed on motion of Alder man Davis; nil yes. It coming to the notice of council that the contrnctois on Edison street side walk were not employ ing local men, 011 motion of Alder man Muck the iccorder was in structed to notify the contractors to correct this Inegularity; all yes. The improvement of Crawford street from Pittsburg to Tacoma and Crawford from Richmond to Salem was accepted 011 motion of Alderman Valentine; all yes. Attorney Esson rendered a writ ten opinion to the effect that prop erty may be assessed up to its full valuation where more than one im provement is involved, Until brought to light by Recorder Rice it was generally understood that no property could be asssessed more than 50 per cent. of its assessed val uation for public improvement. Au ordinance assessing the coht of laying water pics 011 Jersey street from Catllu to Richmond was passed on motion oi Alderman Muck. Au ordinance placing n tax levy for 191 1 nt six and one-half mills was passed on motion of Alderman Muck; nil yes. Aldeimau Hill took occasion to score the previous council for making levy so light last year, thus forcing a higher mill rate at this time to take care of de ficiencies. The water and light committee recommended that the arc light nt the corner of Willis Boulevard and New York street be not granted at present, owing to the low state of exchequer and tht fact that there arc now four lights within a radius of two blocks of this K!ut; accept ed by council; nil yes. I lie attorney was directed by the mayor to render au opinion upon advisability of drafting an ordi nance making it n misdemeanor to drive on the sidewalks where unim proved streets extat. Adjournment then took place to accept the invitation of the Boy Scouts. Baby Show A baby show will be held by the Multnomah Theatre beginning on next Monday. All persons in St. Johns having babies are invited to send iu their pictures to the man agement nud be entered iu the con test. Pictures must be presented not later than the middle of next week. Valuable and handsome prizes will be given the winners by popular vote. The first prize will be a beautiful child's bed and mat tress worth $15.50 given by the St. Johns Furniture Co. and which is on display at their store. The sec ond prize will be a large doll and cart worth f 12 by Johnstone's Tog gery. Tnird prize, child s sulky by the St, Johns Hardware Co. Fourth pnze.a chemical crying doll by the St. Johns Pharmacy. The contest promises to be n most in teresting one. Get the baby s picture taken and give it a chance to win a prize. A small blaze occurred at the Con gregational church during Christ mas exercises Saturday night. Some tissue paper caught fire on the Christmas tree, but was extin guished before auy damage was done. Good tiling the Oregouiau did not get hold of the item, or it would likely have had half a dozen badly injured, the audience frantic with fear, women fainting, children crushed under foot and the windows torn out iu making a wild escape. Christmas has come nud gone. Everything did not work out ns nicely wt we had planned. We put n great deal or work into our pro gram and decorations and thought we were rewnrded until the accident happened which burneoNty our air ship. I But then who ever lu-nrd vf mi Inlr ship excursion witldart ahtr : cidcut of some kind ? ' I Next Sunday will be "tven over to fathers as their day. All (.hifd ren are invited to biiug thvir fa thers to Sunday school at ten o'clock where n special program lias ueeu arranged iu their honor. An ex-Rcnntor will give nu nil dress to the fathers and the ptnr has prepared n sermon for them. "Now, what's the matter with dad? He gets up early mid lights the fire, boils au egg. ami wipe off the dew of the dawn with bta bootr while many a mothei is slecpiug. He makes 11 weekly handtHit to the butcher, the grocer, the milkman and baker, and his little pile Ik bad ly worn before he hns liven home nu hour. "If there Is a noise during the night, dad is kicked in the back and goes down stairs to find the bur glar and kill him. Mother damn the socks, but dud bought the socks, in the first place, ami the needles and yam afterward. , Mother docs up the fruit; well dad'liottgbt it all, and jars ond sugar cot. like the mischief. "Dad buys chickens for the Sun day dinner, carves them himself and draws the neck from the rulna after every one else is served. "Dad, hero s to you; you ve got your faults you may huve lota of 'cm -but you' to nil right, nud we'll miss you when you're gone." Reporter. Epworth League Notes The busiuess meeting which wan to have been held nt the Home of W. S. Childcrsou January ad will be postpottttd one woek, OMMtttf 90 January tli. The !( rjT'lWfr lug will be changed nlao. Announce ment later. On December 31, a watch night meeting will lie held Iu which the regular church service, Women, Home Missionary society aud Kp worth I.cHgue will be represented iu the order named. Scr vices at K to 9 by the pastor; from 9 to 10 by the W. H. M. S.; 10 to 11 the Hp- worth League, and at 1 1 o'clock letters to the pastor will be reed, which were written by the church nud societies. The Christum exercises given by the Sunday School iu which norae of the Leaguers assisted were u pronounced success. The church was filled to overflowing and every body present enjoyed themselves. The olitcers elected laat mouth to serve six month will nerve from January 1 to July 1. ThU prom ise to be one of the Iwst 6 mouth iu the record of the League. Come out and help us make it ho. Owing to luck ot time trie tun program lor the devotional meeting on last Sunday evening ww not carried out. However good meeting resulted under the leader ship of Mrs. II. O. Browu. Come to the watcuiueeuug Item Sunday evening, Dei'. It Cor e aud stay through it all r part. Yon will be benefited by it r rom to 12:00. Will Hold Reception The members of the business men's association named below will hold New Year's receptions at theti respective places of busiuess uext Monday alteruoon oeiweeu tut- hours of 1 and 5 o'clock. Business will be dispensed with and the pro prietors will devote their time to entertaining jHitrous and friends. Special entertainment iu the way of music and other diversions will be provided, The idea is a spleu did one, as it affords an opportuni ty for the busiuess men and their friends to mingle together aud con verse upon different topics, aiwl a feeling of better fellowship will be engendered one toward another. It is hoped uext year more busi ness men will join the movement. Following are the busiuess concern that will have the latch string out aud who extend a hearty invita tion to one nud all to pay them social visit betweeu the hours men tioned: Calef Bros., John Noce, St. Johns Pharmacy, Johnstone's Toggery. Muck & Co.. Currln Soys So, St. Johns Furniture Co., 5'iQ'iS, SUM. Bouhaui & Curriur. For IiisuraiiQC see F.W.ValiUlUlW