PLATINIZED GLASS. It Produoes an Odd and a Trlckv Kind of Mirror. riatlntzed Klnns consists of n piece of glass con toil with nu exceedingly thin layer of u lliinlil clunked with plati num nnd then raised to u red bent. The plntluum becomes united to tliu Klass hi niich u way as to form an odd kind of mirror. The kIhs luiH not really lost Itx transparency, and yet If one places It agnliist a wall and look at It lie nee his ImnKe ns In nil ordinary looking gloss. Hut when light Is nllowed to rotne throtiKh the kIhsm from the other side, ns when It It phi cod In n window, It appears perfectly transparent, like ordlnnry glass. lly constructing n window of plati nized glass one could stand close behind the panes In an milllnmlnated room and behold clearly everything going on outside, while pnwiersby looking at the window would behold only n line mirror or set of mirrors In which their own figures would be reflected while (he person Inside remained Invisible. In France various tricks have been contrived with the aid of this glass. In one a person seeing what appears to be an ordinary mirror approaches It to gaze upon himself. A midden change In the mechanism Heads light through the glass from the back, where upon It Instiaiitly becomes trauxpareut, and the startled spectator llndx him aclf confronted by koiiiu grotesque fig. ure that had been hidden behind the glass. Harper's Weekly. ORIGIN OF LLOYD'S. Humble Beginning of Europe's Qreat Maritime Agency. Two centuries ago a mini w ho had a cargo to send to the Mediterranean contrived to get rid of some of the risk by Inducing a friend to lake an Interest with him. It was Mwtntry to write out a statement of contract to which the guarantors sulHerlbed, This was the first underwriting These two men happened to be fro iicnters of Lloyd's coiToe house In lindoti. which was n favorite plact for the iiieiihiiiits of the town It gnthrr to iINciihs business or to gostp Others Immediately saw the ailviiu Inge of the scheme which their col leagues had devised, and on the next voyage the risk was parceled out among a larger number of the patrons of the coffee house. Out of this small beginning has grown the great Kiiropeiin innrllline geney, still bearing the name of the humble Coffee house proprietor, and which not only writes risks on vessels, but rates them and publishes their ar rival nt every port the world over, no matter how small or how remote. ly rdttirtted.-"AnimU of the American Academy." Where Abraham Fished. Mrs. Victoria de Hunseii In "The Foul of ii Turk" relates n legend com turning Abraham which will be new to many readers. Khe learned of It while at IMcsmi, the traditional Ur o,' the Chaldct', Shu was shown there large oblong tank of water ho tilled with lUlies resting Just below the sur fs ce of the water that their tins and backs seemed almost wedged together so as to form "an utmost solid layer of silvery life." "The guardian of the mosque throws tome meal Into the water, and the llsh Jump high to catch It, n great living pyramid, of which those which Jump the highest form the pinnacle. The tradition Is that Abraham as a child fished In the tank; hence the llsh wco considered sncred. No single one Iuih been caught or killed to this day. In deed, death would overtake tlm man who trttiisgressed this law." Proteotlon From Lightning. Sir Oliver Lodge stated that the problem of securing protection from lightning consisted In finding the bout method of dissipating the enormous energy of the flash, but that It wui no) wise to get rid of the enerjry too quickly. A thin Iron wire Is cousld red the best lightning conductor from the electrical point of view, but It U almost Impossible to protect n building from lightning unless It Is completely enveloped in n metal cage. It Is by no means true that a building Is safe when provided with a conductor reach log up to the highest part of the building. The Origin of Grocer. Urocer appears In Holln,shed's Chron icle, 1580, ua "grosser," uud lu other mediaeval records It Is sometimes writ ten "engrosser" uud was applied to the splier and pepperera who were wholesale dealers lu various spices that is, who dealt eu gros-In large quantities, as distinguished from "re grators," who were retail dealers. Tho Grocers company first adopted the word grocer in 1373, when the spleen aud pepperera allied themselves Into a single corporation. London express. Agreed With Her. Tramp (at the door)-If you please, lady Mrs. Mugga (sternly) There, that will do. I am tired of this ever lasting whine of "Lady, lady." I am Just a plalu woman, and Tramp You are, madam, ono of the plainest women I've ever seen an' oue of the bouestest to own up to it. Cruel. Mrs. Benbain Every time I slug to the baby be cries, ltenham lie gets his ability as a musical critic from my aide of the house. New York Tress. Prosperity demands of us more prudence and moderation than adver-ally. Swellings of the flesh caused by inflamation, cold, fractures of the bone, toothache, neuralgia or rheu matism can be relieved by apply ing BALLARD'S SNOW UNI MENT. It should be well rubbed in over the part affected. Its great healing and penetrating power eas es the pain, reduces swelling and restores natural conditions. Price 25c, ,50c and 1 1 per bottle. Sold by St. Johns Pharmacy, Work (or a Qrsatsr St Jeb&i, ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance Authorizing the Uregon-Washington Kali road & Navigation Com pany, Its Successors and Assigns, to Lay a Side Track and Ktin Cars Over and Along the North Side of Bradford Street, Between a Point on the Alain Line of t h c Oregon-Washington Kaiiroad & Navigation Com pany, One Hundred (100) Feet Westerly Along the baiu Alain Line from tho West Line of John Street to a Point Fifty (50) Feet East or the bast Line of Burling ton Street, All In the City of bt. Johns. The city of St. Johns docs ordnln as louows: Section i, The Oregon-Washington Railroad & Nnvlirntion Comtuinv. n cor. rntlon organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the slnlc of Oregon, its successors and assigns, Is ucrcuy nuiimriicii-nnii txjnnilletl to lay n side track and rati cars over the same along the north side of Ilradford street between a point on the main Hue of the uregon-WnMilngtoii Kailroml St Naviga tion Company one hundred (loo) feci westerly along said main line from the west line of John street and a point fifty (50) feet east of the cast line of Hurling ton street, all in the city of St. Johns, Multnomah county, Oregon, wild track to extend from the plant or mills of Laulh ers' Mercantile Company, lncorKratcd, to a point of connection with the line of railroad of the Oregon-Washington Hall road h Navigation Company. Section 1. The duration of this fran chise shall be 35 years from and after the taking ettect ni tins ordinance. Section 1. The compensation to be paid to the city of St. Johns for this franchise shall be the sum of three dollars per annum, which wild sum shall be iwid by the wild Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company to the i'Iiv treiitnrer of I In- rllv nf SI. fiilm mi orlefore the first day of July of each year. .Section 4. The Oregon-Washington Kallrosd & Navigation Cnmpiuy, its Mieeeiwors and assigns, shall keep in re iMir that Million of wild street occupied by its wild side track authorized under this otiliuaiice niti-qultcd by the conn ed, and the wild Oregon-Vahingon Railroad & Navigation Company, Its micccmois and astlgus, idiall pay, prior to the time of delliiiiieuey, any special imscmiuciiI for the repiir or 'improve ment of that portion of the street be. taicn the rails of the said side tritck,aud extending oue 1,1) foot outside of such rails, and that ortioti of wild street ly ing between the two tracks of the wild Orcgou-Wnnhlngtou Railroad & Naviga tion ComiMiiy at said nhice. and lu cum? of failure or refusal to comply with the notice to rctMlr, improve or maintain such iMirtlou of said street, or of neglect or refusal to pay any legal attcsMiiciit for rctwlra or Improvements, the said city of St. Johns may declare by ordinance the immeiiiau lorictiure ol tlie traiicuuc herein authorised. Section s. Said .Orcgoii-Washinutou Railroad it Navigation Comviuy shall, within thirty da alter the iMiKsage and taking effect of this oriliuuiicc. file lu the ollicc of the recorder its written accept ance 01 me Mine. I'usscd by the council,,., Approved by the mayor . , . , Mayor. Mtest , Recorder, Published in the St. Johns Review on Dec. 23 and V), 191 1. Proposals for Street Work Sealed nroDotals will Ik received at the ollicc of the recorder of the citv of St. Johns until Jan. 1, 1913, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the Improvement of Qreshum street from the easterly side line of lliichniiau street to the westerly side line of Ida street, lu the man ner provided by ordinance No. st, sub ject to the provisions of the charter and ordinances of the citv of St. Johns, and the estimate of the city engineer, on file. Hid must be strictly In accordance with printed blanks which will be furn ished 011 application at the office of the recorder of the city of St, Johns. And said improvement must be completed 011 or before 60 days from the last publica tion 01 nonce 01 proposals lor sain worx. No proposals or bids will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check mj aiiie to tue mayor ot tlie city 01 at. lofiiis, certified by a responsible liauk or an amount eoual to ten per cent, of the aggregate proposal, The right to reject any ami all bids is hereby reserved. lly order of the city council. I'. A. RICH, City Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review Dec. 15, 32 aud 39, 191 1, (Officials of 3JnIne, (Oregon owpickkh MayorK. C. Couch Kreoriler frank A. Klce Treasurer W. Scott Kellogx Attorney A. M- luon KuKiuecr.-C. K. Andrew rhy.tcisiv A. W. Vinccul Chlct ot PoliceIt. McKlmity Councilmrn at Large: P. V. Valentine Chas. Ilredtson I), frank llortmaii 7T Councilmen First Ward A. A. Muck wn- - j. w. Davis Couiicituicu Second Ward O. I,. J'errine f. Hill COMMITTKKS Streets ami Dock-J. W. DavU. F W. Vatcutine, A. A Muck License--!1. Hill, A. A. Muck. Chas. limit ton Water aud Mght-Chat. Brcdcson. I. W. DavU, I'. Hill Flnance-A. A. Muck, J. W. Davit, G. I,, ftrriue Building and Grounds O. I,. Ftrrlne, Cbas, liredcton, I). I'rank llorsman Liquor License F. W. Valentine. G. L- 1'errlnc. V. Frank Horsmau Health and Police D. Frank Hor.mau. V. W. Valentine. P. Hill Morning and evening services at the United Kvangelical church the coming Sunday. Sunday school, at 10 a.m., preaching 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. ni. G, R. Stover, pas tor. o Subscribe for the St. Johns Review aud keep posted oa the doings of the city. Preach Urn gospel ot St. Jokaa. He Obeyed Orders. Oenernl Dabnoy U. Maury in his "Incident of General T. J. Jackson" says that. "when the war between the states broke out Jackson was the pro fessor of mathematics at the Military Collego of tho South. Ho wished strongly to take command of h cadet corps, but the hands of the Institu tion were dcslrouB to have him cou tlnuo his teaching. Governor Wise called out the Htato troops mid ordered that a corps of cadets be held ready for lmmedlato service. Jackson, then major, reported nt once nt the guard room ns ready for duty. General Smith said: "Major Jackson, you will remain as you nre until further orders." Jackson nt that moment was sitting on a camp Btool lu the gunrdroom with his aaber across his knees. At reveille the next morning he was found In the snmo position. "Why, major, why arc you here?" ex claimed General Smith. "Hecntiso Inst night you ordered me to remain where I was," was the reply. Royal Jawsts In Pawn. The ex-Sultan Abdul Ail pawned all his crown Jewels for n million francs nt tho Mont do I'lcte nt Paris, and they wero only Just redeemed by the Moorish government In time to pre vent their being sold among other un redeemed goods. Tho sword of state, which Is regard ed lu Servln as a sacred relic, was also pawned by n former king, while one well known European monarch found himself In such straitened circum stances that the famous house of At teuborough ouco temiwrnrlly had pos session of nil his old silver. Queen Isabella was, however, the most famous royalty who made no secret of tho fact that bIio raised mon ey upon the security of the portraits of her nnceatoni, which hung on the walls at the palaco Catllc, her Pari sian home. Tho royal lady often de clared how deeply sho was Indebted to her royal forbears for coming to her rescue nnd helping her out of her tluan clal predicaments. London M. A. P. The Road to Success. Just tack this up Bomcwhcro where you can see It: Success consists lu getting out of yourself everything that's lu you. It does not consist In doing almost quite us much or a llttlo more than the oth er fellow. What tho other fellow docf doesn't amount to n dent lu 11 door knob so far as you nro concerned. The fact that he succeeds by laying an Atlantic cable, building an I'.lfTel tower, Inventing wireless telegraphy or cornering the world's supply of oil doesn't make you n failure because you haven't got enough ready money to buy nil uutomoblle. You're successful when you put to some useful purpose every ounce of energy, every grain of gray matter, every mite of muscle that you'vu got. You're Hucvessful when you've developed nil there Is to you and have given that to the world. Plttsbtirg Giixette-Times. A Hard Htartad Paoptt. Filial piety finds no place lu Tibetan character. It Is no uncommon thing for n son to turn his father, when too old for work, out of doors and to leave him to perish In tho cold. Tho supersti tion that the souls of the dead can, If they will, haunt tho living drives their hardened natures (o gain by tho exercise of cruelty the promise of the dying that they will not return to earth. Ah death approaches the dying person Is asked, "Will you come back or will you not?" If he replies that ho will they pull a leather bag over his head aud smother him, If he says he will not ho Is nllowed to die lu peace. A Lightning Changa Artist. Tho rapidity with which chameleons change their color Is marvelous. You gather one from an outdoor shrub and It Immediately become dark... almost black, hissing aud with Its mouth wide open, threatening to bite. Meanwhile It Is never still, but continues to crawl upward whenever possible up you, up your sleeve, always upward. Ity de grees the augry black change Into whatever color Is nearest. If one's dress Is of n brownish color so Is the chameleon's. Th Rial Thing. "This," said tho young benedict who was Just realising that he had caught a tartar, "Is what I call real married life." "I'm glad you're satisfied with some thing," she snapped. "Oh, I'm not! I merely meant to lu form you that It Is not Ideal." Phils delphlu Ledger. His Oood Action. A little Cuuadlau boy went to bed and then suddenly recollected that he hadn't done one good action that day. Ills conscience was gnawing at him. He heard a little squeal lu the corner of his room, and be got up nnd re leased u mouse that had been caught In the trap. Then he gave it to the cat. Exptnilvo Fiction. "Is that picture really u work of artr "I don't know," replied Mr. Cumrox, "but the story the dealer told me about it surely was." Washington Btar. Enough Bald. 'Thrifty, is sher "Thrifty! I won't go Into a long discourse. I merely tell you that she banks money In December." Wash ington Herald. His Dilemma. "For 1200 I'll fix rour teeth so you can chew without difficulty," "If I was to give you 00 I couldn't get anything to chew on." Life. REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The following list of legal blanks are kept for sale at this office and others will be added as the demand arises. Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages, Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills of Sale, Leases. All these blanks ut the uniform price of 30c per dozen, RETURNED HER HAT. 6h Didn't, but Ha Did. and H Must Have Dn a Brave Man. The bravest man in New York tund, his nppearance lu a Hroadwuy store ono day last week. He carried an enurmous bandbox, which contained an enormous hat, on which the man wanted what ho considered nu enor mous nmount of money refunded, The tnnu was pretty mad, end while look lug for souio ono who hnd tho author ity to negotlnto tho transaction he talked loud enough for everybody to hear. "My wlfo bought this lint," ho said, "She doesn't need It, Stic tins already bought thrco hats this season. She paid ?:15 for this one. Sho has never worn It. It Just came homo Inst night. I can't afford to throw all that money nwny, nnd 1 wntit you to take the lint back. She wouldn't bring It down, so I undertook tho Job myself," "lly tho sldo of that man Napoleon wns a cringing coward," said the young woman who hnd inndn the sale. "Imngliio him flouncing Into n Parisian millinery shop with n hat that he didn't want Josephine to buy! lie couldn't have done It. Very few men can. Once lu .11 long while some pom Now Yorker with the courage of ties pcrntlon In his heart returns nierchan dlso which he cannot nfTord to buy fot his wife, and his audacity upsets the wholo store for n month." New York Sun. THEY LIKE SHARP FOOD. Lloni Gobble Up Porcupines, and Cpm al Eat Spiny Caetut. A nolo lu tho Loudon Field draws at tention to Hons that eat porcupines. It would nppcnr that nn nnlinnl protect ed by such powerful spines should be quite secure from nttnek. Yet. If we may trust tho account given, It np pears to bo n habit on the part of the lion nnd not nu Isolated occurrence. Captain Dumbcll had been told by n native hunter that the Hon was lu the habit of eating porcupines, Ami this has been continued by two Cngllsh sportsmen. V. Klrby. for example, has taken n porcupine's head from the stomach of n lioness. Others relate that It Is not uncommon to find lions with porcupine quills nllcklng nil over their noses, fares nnd paws. It seem to nrguo some Indifference lo pain on the part of the linn, ns well ns n fancy for porcupine's flesh. Compare this with tho case of the camel, which n distinguished traveler describes ns calmly chewing up n very spiny plant with the blood dripping from Its mouth! The cnitle in some of the nrld parts of America, again, browso on that spiny cactus. And In some parts of the Ihigllsh coast the horses browse on the prickly sen holly, while tho donkey's partiality for thl' ties Is well known. Incidentally such cases seem to show that spines In mi turn nro not such clllilent protectors as somo have supposed. Slalght of Hand Poisoning. A very curious Item lu tnxlcolpglcnl lore I chained to light upon, wrote George Augustus Sain In ono of his letters, may be called tho fent of poi soning by sleight nf hand. You were Jealous of 11 lady, uud you wished to kill her. Well, you nuked her to lunch, and yoli caused n very nlco pencil to be served at dessert. You cut the fruit with a golden knife, 0110 side of the blade of which wns endued with n deadly polxoii. You presented tho pot soued half of tho peach to tho lady, who ate It with much relish and then dropped down dead. The whnlesiune half you nto yourself and laughed In your sleeve nnd went on slicing more peaches for tho ladles of whom you wero Jealous till you wero found nut nuil broken on tho wheel. Aye, there's tho vuh! What high old times we might havo, to bo sure, but for that plaguy contingency of being found out I Har Drawing Powtri, Pat nud his little brown uiaro wero fumlllur sights to tho people of tho towu of Gurry. The mnro was lean, blind nud Ituuo, but by dint of much coaxing Pat kept hor to tho hnrue. One day while lending her to water ho had to pass a corner where n crowd ot would bo .sports had congregated. Thinking to havo some nmusctuent at Pitt's expouse, oue called out: "Hello there, Pat! I'm looking for tho real goods. How much is that mare of yours able to drawl" "Hegorra," said Pat, "I enn't nay exactly, but she seems to bo nble to drawh the nttenshuii of Ivery fool In town." Housekeeper, Sleep and Dreams. The brain U more active while en gaged In dreaming than when not thus engaged. The only perfect sleep Is that whlci Is dreamless. The moment the sleeper begins to dream he begins to work, and the moro vivid nnd pro tracted the dream tho more Ititeiise, naturally, becomes tho work. It is possible that at no time during the waking hours of life Is tho bruin so active hs It U lu tho strange business of dreaming. A Treasure of a Cook. Mr. Newedd-Whatl No cook stove In tho house? I gavo you money to iuy 0110. Mrs. Nowedd Yes, my lovo, but I found I hadn't enough to buy a stove and hire a cook, too, so I let the stove go. Itut the cook Is here, and she's a treasure. She has Just gono uttoget us some crackers and cheese. His Idea For Thaorltt. Tommy Pop, what Is a theorist! Tommy's Pop A theorist, my son, is a man who thinks he is learning to swim by sitting on the bank and watching a frog. Philadelphia Record. Wheezing in the lungs indicates that phlegm is obstructing the air passages. IJAIJ.ARD'S IIOAK HOUND SYRUP loosens the phlegm so that it can be coughed up and ej'ected. Price 25c, 50c and It per bottle. Sold St. Johns Phar macy. For ttptodate news read the Re view ;f or uptodate meals visit Dan's. Subscribe for tht Review and be CAMELS IN A RAGE. Whan Routed Theia Utually Patient Animals Fight Like Fury. The usually pntlent nud submissive camel, like the proverbial worm, will sometimes resent nn overdose of abuse. Too dense to think of a way In which he eiin outwit his driver nud so take him unawares, when roused to the pitch ot fury he rushes nt the tyrant open mouthed, and his formi dable teeth nnd powerful Jaws do seri ous damage. Of this vlndlctlvencss tho enmel driver Is aware nnd of the certainty that sooner or Inter the camel will seek revenge. Accordingly It Is customary for the person who fears his malice to throw his clothes before the camel, meanwhile hiding himself until the animal's fury has been expended In tossing and trumping on them, when the Injury, real or supposed, Is nt once forgotten The camel will not Identify himself with his driver or rider in tho Binnllcst way whntever Ho steadily declines all ndvnnees His eye never lights up with love or even Interest nt the np proneh of his master Should you at tempt to pat or caress him he will ob ject In n very decided manner Good treatment or bad makes no dlf ferenee to tho enmet Llfo and Its hard conditions nre taken for granted Ills view of things Is far too serious. He Is nonbsorbod nud preoccupied that he has no time to waste In the gaim bols Indulged In by nil other young animals.-1 turner's Weekly. A PLEASANJMEETING. It Is Nice to Find a Friend Who 8oat ttrs 8unthlne. "I don't like people who are always coming to me for sympathy." "They do get tiresome, but I prefer them to the ones who come boasting of their successes nnd trying to make mo dlssntlsflcd with my lot" "Oh, I don't mind that ktnd. They never worry mo nny, I am always so successful myself that 1 never havo causo to envy them. And, speaking ot success, I made $500 last week In a llttlo real estate deal, nnd my boy tins been malting a great record lu school. He's nway ahead of nil tho other boys of his ago, nnd my wife has n mnld now who la (ho best girl we tin vd ever been able to Ond-the best one lu our neighborhood, In fact How Is your boy doing now? I heard some time ago that he wns Inclined to be rather wild." "Please don't mention him. I'm afraid he Is going to bring sorrow uhiii us You nlways were lucky I rfuess I'll Havo to lose tho little homo I've been paying on during the past eight years, all on the boy's account. My wife has hnd to quit keeping help, although her health Is very poornnd"- "Well. goodby I've got to be going Cheer up What's the use of being grumpy? Look at me. You'll tlnd. If you try It, Hint It pays to scatter sun shine." Chicago Record Herald. Story of a Nail Keg. A hundred years ngo Jeremiah At water was n lending New llitven tiier .limit, buying his supplies lu Huston aud receiving them by vessel. Among other goods received were several casks of nails, one of which on open lug It under n layer of nnlls nt each end wns found to be tilled with silver dollars. Mr Atwnter, who was neon scleutlous man, Immediately wrote to the Huston merchant that them must he some mlstnko In tho Invoice of mills, ns one nf tho casks contained other article besides nails. Ho was promptly Informed Hint the mills were bought for mills, sold for nnlls nud mills they must be. Forthwith Mr. At witter had a basin made or the all ver and presented It to the Center church, where It has been used lu the baptismal servlco from Hint time to the present. Art and Nature, Art Is tho revelation of mnn, nud out merely that, but IlkewUc the reve lation of nature speaking through man Art pre exists lu nature, and nature Is reproduced In art. As vapors from tho ocemi floating landward and dis solved In ruin nre curried back In rivers to the ocean, no thoughts nnd tho semblances of thing Hint fall upon the soul of mill) lu showers flow out gain in living streams of nrt and lose themselves lu the great ocean, which Is nature Art aud nature nro not. then discordant, but ever harmonious ly working in each other. Longfel low's "Hyjierlon." Illuminating. Whllo touring abroad a certain cltl ten of New York found HiU Item lu a list of police regulations posted up on s highway lu Ireland: "Until further notice every vehicle must carry a light when darkness be gins. Darkness begtus when tho lights nre lit," Saturday livening Post, The Family Orchard. "Could I Interest you lu our ornngo irove proposition?" "Nopo; 1 havo already put all my money Into a fruit orchard. "Where?" "On my wlfe'a hat," Houston Post Next Dttt Thing. "Yes; I have Just douo Kurope." "Can you give me u list of hotels to go to?" "No; the best 1 can do Li to give you list of hotels to keep nwny from." (.ouUvllle Courier-Journal Handuess of heart Is a dreadful quality, but It Is doubtful whether In the long run It works more damage than softness of heud. Itoosovelt The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumo nia aud other serious diaenses. Mr. Ii. V. I.. Hall, of Waverly, Vn., says: "I firmly believe Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to be absolute ly the best preparation on the mar ket for colds. I have recommended it to my friends ami they all agree with me." For sale by all dealers. 0 You get full weight and first luallty ut the Ceutral market, Just try awhile. DISTRICT ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT To the lloanl of Diiectors and Citizens of School District No. a of .Multnomah Cotiulv, Slate of Oregon: Gentlemen: I herewith transmit to you as requited by law the Annual Report of the Schools III District No. a, for the year ending the third Monday tit June, 1911: GKNUR A L STAT I ST I CS. Mule PeitMte Total Number of persons between four ami twenty yenrs ot aj(e residing in the district November as, 191 1 yjj 85! t,3 Number of teachers employed during the year st it tfl Number holding stale certificates or diplomas t is Number holding first grade certificates j 0 , N'Minber holding second grade certificates 1 Number holding third grade certificates 1 1 Number holding primary grade certificates t 1 Number holding jieriults 1 1 Number holding certificates of institute nltenduuce dur ing the past year t as Number of teachers employed hi this district utkiHg H educational journal 1 ,15 MiSCltl.LANHOt'S. Number of chool house lu the district Number of mouths public school taught during the year i Number of legal voters for school puroses in ilistrlct ill Hill at Ukikiug ihl i- port (estimated) v LIllRARIItS. Total number of library Ixioks oil hand , - Total number of library books purchased during the year (not dlstrilrtUed PRIVATIt SCIIOOUS. Number of teachers employed, female 3; total 3 Number of pupils eniolled", male .l, female ny, lotnl ;u Number of private schools 1 l'INANCIAL STATIIM HNT. Cah 011 hand al the time of making Inst annua! rcpott, Jun Jo, 1910.... 40440.14 HHCHtlT. Received from County Treasurer from district tax Received from the Comity Treasurer from county sohwil fund ttiWLJo Received from the County Tremurer from Mate whortl fund. , ..... . ... sVs,t4 Received from all other Miurces, . , if Total , i- t.7&i7 IU,smlKK.lltNT. Paid for teachets' wago i 1 ;,Jj b'or full '.fi l'or school supplies . I'or rctxiirs i."u.iG l'or Improving gtouuds, . . ,o'i.y l'or Janitor work i.iif.$i Paid on new school houe.. , , ).oij.uO I'or furniture 4 j.v, t.$U I'or heittlng plant ,,, i ;',fjl Paid 011 priuclMl ami Interest (if bom),,,., 1. ,',o On warrants l'or Insurance n-i 10 l'or clerk's salary .' I'or library books ,., ... mi (o l'ot car fare .. (a l'or publishing bills .... - I'or publishing notice i.m l'or publishing annual tcMirl ' l'or Judge and Clerk of meetiiiff 1 ; a I'or lllgli School CnmmeiH'enuttl .. 1 15 I'or trtinul olfieer - 1 - l'or freight uud cartage . l'or WHter ' 7 l'or tioucr 1 " il.l l'or lights . I'or telephone s i'or slteet Improvement 1 "i j l'or fewer Improvement j'-i,ft4 l'ortaxostm illook it), Jnuie John AddllWjH i 'f.?5 Total '4.$ CltXItKAl,. lUtitmtled value of school lnme ,...)ftaMMk fUtlmateil value of KtoumU 40.1mo.oo estimated value of school furniture and sppMrntiw. ...... aoAfAWi Amount ol liwutunceou scltool hmite snd uthvt ptttpetly 69400,011 Average monthly wiluty of male teachets ; tju.on Average monthly salary of female leacheia 70.9M6 j. . TANCII, Clerk K. II. OKItltXK, CtwImHtl. CURTIl'ICATK Ol' DISTRICT Ol'I'ICURH. We hereby cuitlfy that we have candidly examined the hooka sttd scrauulsol the DUttlel Cleik, as icpilred by m-liou 11, jwv 5$, of SfcUoot Uwsof lyoa, and that we have found the tme to Iw true and correct to the I wet of owr knowl edge ami belief. We further certify tlwt this reiHt la nn exact ctyty ot Ik ftNNaal report III the DMrlct Cleik's Record Hook, and we IwlUtv the asm to bt tall ami rsirrvct. S. II. C.KICUNK. A. M. HTKARNtt, (!. C.OODIIPH. IM. TH8T. J. It. TANCII, Cleik. Ddeciora You Can't Losc- Alveolar Dentistry Is aiiHrniiteeil for Life -It Does Away Entirely With Plates anil Bridge Work. DIGEST THIS PLEASE Our uunranlrc la audi that you cannot pimlbly loir. Mo.t NlinU that come lu us hnvn bren told by oilier drnti.U lhal ihey imut wihir a pUte for the reatnf tliair livo. Ae bridge wink cMiutut ba iIua wlmro yuu Iwvrn't Irrlh at Ixrtli cade lu anchor the bridni 1 1 such caaat at wdl all cams wr bridip woik 1 puaubla, we can aupply your iiuwhiiii taetli wilh UiitifiilitttK,,rUiily,cumfiHtbli Alveo Ur Irclli.snil uunrnntee tliem tolatt for lib. If for any rnawin the work provaa dfrliva or iinMtUfactQiy, we ieMir or nwk it over fire of chatyo. If nrillirr can be. done, which la SI.LDOM.but wmieliiiies the cr, we then maka you the beat plle iMiiiblr. Our uuarnnleeimplyHiMiMlhttt iimImiI of deploying your natural taath to which wo anchur. wo prevent lltair destruction, t'lereby umiiiiiik the pa tient ami ounelvrt that the Alveelsl trrlh, in -I') caise out of M). are uainu to M fur the remainder of your natural life. If not, then No. 50 nU what the oilier dentitte lild you wae your latt reHt before you came to u a pUle and the beil that can lie made. Our Alveolar teeth are the iiiimI beautiful nnd natural loukinii teeth imaifiiMhln. cannot be told from nature's ptwluct. We can imitate nature ao neatly that we defy anyone, ilentitt ur laymen, lo tell them fiom the mot perfoct natural teeth. I'lach tooth is set in it own ackel, epatate unci dutiiifl, ipuced like natural teeth where best lodo so, lappod mother place. The cutpe occlude with the opposing teeth and 111 ome case we put them in crooked purposely to match and occlude with your other natural teeth. The work i ea remaikable and o perfect that we caniwt do it justice by a written description, nor sould you believe it. It eounde too good to be true, but we can show you tainplee, NOTICE OP Proposed Assessment Notice is hereby given that uportion meilt of the coal of Soulh Jerat-y ttrct-t from Mohawk to Ida street, tutul cost i fi.OlJ.yi.ha been apportioned and is 011 file ill the oAice of the uuderalKUed, tul ject lo examination. Asaeaauieut district extends hack to the center of lots, blocks or tracts of laud HhultiuK 011 an Id street as provided by the citv charter aud resolutions. Kemousirauce against said apportion ment may be made 1 11 writittK and filed with the uiultraigued uutil J o'clock p. m. January 9, 1911- I'KANK A. RICH, City Recorder. Published in Hut St. Johns Review Due. 23 and 19, 191 Note th Isbsl on your paper. CLERK'S coiihlriitail of the woik. Ut you see (in ' v. mi ell what it 1. Their ate 12 Alveolai Dental Co. ntfitee in the WW. About m,m) people 111 the United States m wealing Alveolar teeth. About MMW0 were Mipphml by the Alveolai Denial Co About 2000 iMwple of this rUy ami etaie were Mimppml iiuiiiihhI in I hi office: V9 ner cent of , tlieae, it not all, will tell you tlt they ate dehalitwl ami tltat it a the timi inent that Ihey ever hum, il atknd. We will uUdly refer you to aa many ae you care lo see. AUeohr Teeth, Where llrhiffemntk I lmpltl. If only your front teeth at left, eay thtee ur (our or imi. we ran replace all ol tkua that have been loet on both atdea ileal back with, uetfect Alveolar teeth, wkilat blMluewoik would Ue iMituaetbb even it you Imv eiht or ten front teeth to tie to. If you have only two back teeth on eath tide, say molars. w can eupoly all the front teeth that aie mieutuj with beautiful, netv keable, lifelike Alveolar teeth. This COU Ui not noaaibly be done by the bridae route Ami wltere bndtewoik la uotetble. there ie no compafMon between tlie two A very laiue percentage of our woik ie lakinu out britbjewotk put in by supposedly high-c laes tjentiale Mid replacinu U with the beautiful and artieti Alveolar teeth. And uoltke bridtiewotk in another respect, k ie pla Iwliy Minleae. No botiiu Ol utliruuslo the tiUtiM. nothing to be dreaded. Now then price UelHV equal, which would yuu choooe Curinn I'jnrrhivi (looee toath) a ilia ease uiven up by other dentiati aa in curable is amtther f our epeciaMoa. We cure it absolutely. It's a boastful statement to make, but wr can do anything that ie MMilde in dentwtry, and what we do w always of the very highest ilea. Out booklets. Alveolar Dentiatty. ale free. Write for oue if you cannot call. we have samples of our woak to show at all timet. ! AI.VH0I.Ak DHNTAl. CO.. DHNTI.T-I'ortland-Ablnjton Ithhj.. I Mi Third ft. i Seattle -Knight HUk.. beml ami Wale. Terms t Reliable People. Get Your Holiday Supply of Wines and Liquors at The Owl Saloon sr jours BASEY & GLOVLK, I'ropnetoia Phone Culuinbia 27l Old Pott Wine fiom fl lofl per gallon Claret, fl per gallon Rye or Bourdon from $3.W to $1 Bal. Bottled Whiskey in bond front $1.2) lo 1.73 per nuart. All standard brands of whlske- at If, tenable price. Vuy your aubuyrlutlQj.,