THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW DY A. W. MARKLE Published Every Friday At 117 WVst nurllngton Streut. TilK Rkvihw Is entered t osl office In Snlttl Johns, Oregon, us until mutter of the second clu under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Offlclsl NevarPr of tha City of BU J ohm. A.lfiTlUltiK rtlm. $1.00 jifr Infh per mouth. II sdMtltln Mill trtl flrtt of th nmrrih Subicrlptlon price $1.00 per yenr. We Uiit tlint nit our leaders will Mml h moNt happy Cliri.stnuis. Tlint is Hlioiit nil roine of its lime loft to upend. ReKnHrtK S C. Cook's suRgci lion itt another column rk to witli tlrHwitiK the enmr now ttriuling be fore tlt Supreme Court on the rnti MilitlRtion question, whether Mr. Cook i in ennifst or in j'.st. would seem lnd policy. If there can Ie nny iiuexlioii hs to the IcuhI ily of Ihe aiinexution volt it lintiUl npeiir now, when it milil lie rem mlietl: not niter it is toolntc to rem edv It. If the supreme court de cider tlmt tile election was legal! held there i nothlntf to do hut to ninkc the !)est of a lind. very hat! bargain. Mr. Cook intint remem her that out of totnl of 1000 vot en, only 3(12 voted for nnitexution " 3trniiKe lliinu htippen in this wotld. A womnii kilted her hu ImiiiiI In Colorado, put up Ihe pie of ftdf dcfeimc, wbh nctiuitted, yt the rttnti whmhIioI twice in (lie back Two hIiow xitln nIioI n milliontiire III New Votk, wete itetiiitted, mid now sue their victim for hulf million dollnrN. Wotkmtn nl the Al lib IB hIioim me HHltitt'ttnl to rhmiii iilitt idiiim.' (tally ly striker, yet tl city nlTeiK no pioteclion wlmtevc A f 01 liter l'oitlnnri woiimn sliot IkMself while lalkimt over (lie phone In Iter lover, whom he lotkitl to wel Hint be lefitNitl. Fiction hint no edge over nvlutil mm 1 return of tl iluy. Mrs. Bicknase Entertains Mih. IliekuiiM-eiitt'itaiui'il the Del oimil Cltili and then IiiihImiiiIn ul her beautiful liome on Polk Mice oil IhmI I'liduy evciiiiiK, it Uinx th I till niiiilVfiHun nl lu-i iiumliiee. All eli-xnut luncheon was served roiiHiHtinii of wiudvK'IU'M,milnd.i,iiki' pineapple kt uud i'oKw. Mm. Vi otti Cunmltell HHiiit IwHiitifulh "W'hete the River Sltauiioii Flows' Hint iilwi an eitcoie. Mrc. J. N KeuWr lemleml two very witty m? elections in her nanal happy style Tliuil Mm. Alice l.cutned, pic! dent of the club. In a few wc eliOMii wonts, pretieuled Mr. Mick 1 now with n iiiindMoute brats juiili net. Several pnvcs of hand iwiut wl china weie also nicii her ly other memiK'ih of the cluo. The htMieoM then WKel to cue IwiXMi iHCHt'iit a lyiiewritlen list ol (iUCWioii, the answer to each title tHHNt Immiiv the name ol an okl faahbited flower. The tesult al the contest being a tie between Mi, iioytl ami Ml. MarkU-. Tliey weie (Miliited to cut lor the itrlxe, liumliMjiiie ilk d. Mia. Itoyt warn the lucky one. Jaoint ol the moat iiaiHlMime am Milking uowim ever worn at any 8l. JohiiK function weic in evi deuctf. A very jrieaiMut time wm had ly nil pieiwiit. .Mia. .Markle will en eitain the cltili next on Thuratlay HfteiiKMiu folkm-mit I hi Minn at n CliiUttina luncheon. Selection Not Yet Made The boa nl of ;ovciiitis of th coinineictal clul nu t 111 the city hall MoimIuv at one oYlivk. hut as the election of a publicity man hail not lxcu uiatlf, theie waa little to do. The coiuiuittev 011 ti.uteia an iMHiitced thai the room now occu iieU by the Hachelota hud heeu m ciuwl a lit I would la. leady foi ikxii IMiwy by the chili aftvi the fiiat of the new year. The committee 011 iHiUicity uiau Ulievcd it would Ik iMly to lejHHt 111 a day or two.aixl it waa devitleu to call a special meet iiiK of the lioveruors aa aoou iu this cuuiiuittee aiiuouiavtl its teadiueitf to ieHHt. l.alei siK-cial meetiuK wh hekt yeateulay utter noon. Sin name wviv prvseutvd us cuiulidatea fur publicity mail by the commit t Meaara. Ciuwshaw. Utiytea, Wot foul, Jobthiiauu, Harvey uiul Conley. A the tcoveruors wanted more time to iuvektiute the recotds of the candidates, the decision will lie made ut .1 mh-cmI iiiet'tiue; next week. Notice of Annual Adjourned SCHOOL MEETING ifatte U herrby aivrn U the Iraal vo Un 1 Kbuul iiUim-1 No. j of MuIiho- HU eoiuity, Mate ol tv. Mate ol OrvaoM. tbat tu AhhvmI AdJouruol hcbool Mwtiua oi wm uwnct will be iieiu at tbt CtwtraJ Sohool Houae, to begiu at the boar of 8 p. iu. 011 tha foutUi Tnunalay of I2aewbar, beiUK he afcth clay ol Itectg. fjar. Thi weetluR ia elle.l for the purjtut of twv)1ut a wcta1 tax for Keucral aciMWI wrsMtr the trauMU.'ltoa uf IjUaitHM HMWl at UCH UMCllttK. Datad this jilh day of December, iui 1. CVainsaa pmA of IMnciora. AUmt J. U.TA.N' Stories of success ROBERT LaFOLLETID ODtortunltr may knock nt o v e r y man's door, but deter mination opens It. Itobert M. InFollottc. thn flKhtliiK Renntor from WUconiiln, nnd ono or U10 mauler stated men of tlio country, heard tho rap Juat oner, anil tlio tl o o r n w u n a wlilo. From that ono Intense moment, tlio Imrcrool lioy then ptl-lilnit Ills father's plow, threw lilmsclf Into a grim, defiant Krajijilo to wrest from farm llfo that writ nml rnerny that later mi talnod him through college nnd his rmirn Iciml nml tiollttcal career. Tho llfo of this man Is ono shining trail Ulazeil ny muniy numsn in-riii-lrv. I111I It In 11 trail atarllt bir RuecRss. Hvcrywhere the world riVKP. Bllrrrn- ilnmn.tllln RCCUrlty. HavlnB ono's money ilouhlos tho rtiancc for sticress. With a sav ings nccount In somo itood hank tho world Is your foot slool. Harlnir n. dollar make It grow, nnd every dollar invnl linn a future. Your moiipy Is safn Ui'tr. nml thn Inlereat wc tuy iuukc4 wavlnc worth whllo. FIRST NATIONAL BANK St. Johns, Oregon SVI.VKSTKK 1'KTItKSON, 1'reS. A. R. Joiihs, Vice President V. V. Dkinkkk. Cnnhicr C. II. Rf.HfiitM., Ass't Cnshier For Chrlitmni Photos nnd Family Groups glva ua a call McDERMID, Holhrook UlocK St. John The Furniture is hulf the home A home should not look sliuliliy alter a vein s iim-, ordiuiiry uaatic should allow uood furniture to continue indef iniilely. Inspect ours and you will see a vaiiety of ,stles Imilt tilslaiitinlly nnd made to lust. Second Hand Ranges ill hrst clnsa condition, Kood viiIiuk at low priceti St. Johns Furniture Company Cash or Credit Nmtlicrii Pacific Railway iuiinlrtl illWr 17 1 v t I.II.WIKO ST JOIINh SuiOi lul l.lwUrlw NtMlh HtuV J i hi Aliautu l.kuirM w luiit amtHtt MIMfc- l.titir IU Nollh IIuhV I him lilt (Hrla IStl Rtwiul TMiniHl IttlMrx ta NMth HnmI. ixys m I. 1 1 it m )itl w j at l in U HI hiKtrlll ltlrla autlNtl hatlriu I krwvui Ninth taaL Mo Hltri l.iwmtuXuilli Huk hi 7f IH IUiWm IUKC HtHIUlt l.iwiUtl j u i w . i 4 I' W. aai INO AT ST JOHNS NoilS C,M l.iuillril tin Ni.iOiHaul. SoiOi I'unM l.iMtitmi W Cwact kuuuU r i No. ratiSt IUimvU Nutlh I'uhL -Nu fuiic llinn tin lug auaatl fwOU Ktur tia Nuilh Saul. - I'M-iaV lilirMla I'ucrt huuiul 41 1 ll 7 s w 41 1' m 7 p . at s 41 a w 7 4W. in S4 KaiIM l iuiru tHt I'uiwt Su Mu Klttl KlMlUiU Phi is IStitvt htmutl - J J scxltU IUMtw iis l Ih Hw4 nml Oi) IUiI i J l i I HI llUtM (tiswuu Nul Utr rucrt Nuuau i.iwam Catiraan - - 41 p. 111 Vila 111 O M CtMUfll. Acttil. Spokane, Purllaiiii & Seattle Railway, ST. JOHNS fallbiul PasariiMr (or I.) I. OuMradaW Ore gon 1 1 mil sail lutitl tMNHia sua m. uianu r.uiwir r.kuiru una m.. uw caicaiiu, at Caul Omaha l.wiU Wall Malta nutv Kuuwkrll OiaitakiaUs. OoMn tal. V hllr haluiuu. Vuavuuer anil Otegtm Kuith tUuV I iiuitrtl : is 11 hi , or ChU-ai; auu M. Caul iMuana KausasCitt it M l.uais wVaHe. 4. Vaavu. Kull. ami (M(UC Kilixillc. UiuU. Vaitcouxr. uluiulaj Kivtr (.oral vvi ti w . fur Vamtiuirr. Camas W lutr aalatoN. , lli.UUII CliHi raiiMkigr aau ail iulnm4wlr Mataws. AKKIVIKO ,T ST JOIINM lulaud h.uilMir IUuip. 7 . m (iuhi Chics ku M Caul tiuak iiu. Kiiiui vtly M. I.ouii MHkanr hpiuijur KilUk l.lnj, 'H-o. KuxMkrlt.Oiauudale.- While Van ucr hh i.iiuiwd. 7 17a. im . uum cnicaiio. M I'uul OMtaha. KaHMS Cit) it l.ouis. Wslla walla imkii KuUMtu. ami Vaucuutrr 4uaibw KOtr Lval y ji a hi Iiimu Clltls. itiauouaiir wohtetulalr .) w Mile imIhioh, Camas VaaSMtvi awl all ifllnmnliatc l Ouas allbrklgr rHusragvi p w lium I.)tt. Oul.l- sasaaw a hki ihmuib- All liaiusslui tut uatMMgtts. Tttkats on aaW for all paints. O. M Cwnrll. Agtut. Hrlug Iu your Job priutlnc while yuu think of It. Don't wait until you ire entirely out. Wo uro equipped turn out neat aud tasty printing urouiptly ut I'ortland price ur Ion. I'he tnx levy for the city of St. ohuti, wliigh will he itjadu mik, will likely be ns hih nfi iu I'orUntid frym the iKUicnt outlook. M. A Long Crtdlt. Tho motto of the lilghlntul host (tint baftlru for the Stunrt cutise, which bonny Prince Charlie huiuleil, nimr ently WflB that heuvvn lielps tlioso who help themselves liberally. They levied toll ou the henroost, stable nml, nc eonlliiK to th uutlior of "The I.ond of ltuinancc," even on the pockets of tht Covpiiuiiters. At Stvnrthholm n purty of these mn rHtidcii overhuuled the homo of u till' tor, nnd when ono of them wits nboui to cut up n web of homespun Unit hnd tnkeu his fiiney the ko1 wife earnest ly remonstrated, "A dny'll come when yu'll lm ta .pny for tlint," sue solemnly nssureo him, Kclssors In hn.nd,' Donald pnused. "An' when will she pu hnflnjc to do Hint V" Iip sskfd. "At tho Inst day," snld she. "An' that will pa a fcry coot Iomk credit," the robber coolly returned ".She wiiii koIiik to pu only tnkliiK a coiit. hut now kIh; will po tnklni; 11 wnlstenst 11s well," A Mountain In th Sky, .Somewhere mniiy miles nwny from this eiirlli nn enormous mountain twenty miles IiIkIi Is HyhiK through splice, 'I'll i) iiiouiiImIu U kmiwii nslro unmlcntly ns the pin mt Krus. The or dluury inn 11 hus Ionic titken It for KninliMl Hint nil the iihinets nru more or less roiiuii in sinipe. run stnnii jilntiet Kros, however, N nn eTeeptlon Id this rule. Aeeoriltin; to Mm Intest iislronomlenl Informntloii, It Is n mere mounlnln In spnee, "wllhoiil form mid void," and ns It turns upon lis axis (lrl on rorner nnd then nuolher Is lireseiilml lo view. These snmll worlds (few nre over ten or twenty mllei ncross) nre not In mo eiioui;h to have suilli'leul Kruvlly to draw their struc ture Into symmetry and remnln as when hltinrhed Into npiiee -mnmmnlL tneleorlles, A tMiiliillrliu: fuel for n tronotners Is Hint Kros pnsed ver rloe lo us iiIkiuI .Inn. 'Jl, 1 JH befori the pin net was reriifiil.c'il and I lint rpitlti so near 11 11 npproneh Is not duf nnlii till II)?.. "Th Mln' Dlown Up." 1 wits mIi Una- on Ihe edge of my bed tnotenlui; Hie heel of one of my riihhel I100H Willi Ihe toe of the other, when fiuldenly Ihroiinh the stllluesi of thi sleeplni; town, from the power house hnlf a mile nwny, enme a low and ris ing mile, the h reit siren whistle In the power house, Almost fnscl 1111 till, I listened ns the krent note rose hluhrr and more shrill mid died away iiunlu Ono hlnst turn lit a llro In the town, two blnsls llro lu tho buildings at the mine and Ihreti blnsls, the immt terrible of all, a dlsnsler or trouble In the mine. Oiu'o more, after an Intermlunble imiise, tbe sound came nenln nml onre morn roN and died away. I did no! move, but there was a sudden cold ness Hint enmn nvrr me ns onre more for the third time, Ihe deep note broke out 011 Ihe unlet nlr. Almost Install tnneously the loud Jlucle of my tele phone bnuiuht me to my feel. I took down the receiver. "The mine's blown up," snld n woman's voice. A linn Ho. Saying No. Tho author of "Pat Mel'nrty," a Isiok of verso wllli a seitlnp or prone, snows how naturally some of Hie Irishmen o Aulrlm dilute Hie wine of mirratlv with the water of verbis ue. In Ihe in ccrpt below -"Tho Way We Tell Blorv" the diluent Is used with a par th'iilnrly free liimd: Hsya I lo Mm, I iwya, any I, H.i I to til 111. I nay. Tlio llllnii, n I, I aaya lo Mm, la but. I, ilila May. I lie, ay I. a ara'l ruifk Vnr you a in! for yeur brl, Ami nnytlilna I rail, I snya, I'd ilo. I wial Indeed. I 'Iihi'i ktMiw any man, I ssya, I'd do II fer, ) I, As fiat. I )', si fur ynurael. That's telltn' a no II. Thi' natidil, ) I, I wihtn't da To plana your feyilM'r's n, Hut IMi, I ), y M, aaya I, I , It ran'l be tlnn. Th Rpelacld Dar, Thn spis'lacltil bear of Kcundor so culled been ue of a patch of white around each eye, which makes the anlmsl look as thoiiKh he was peerliu; HiMUKh a Kilr of Krent Npectacles. lit alio and t'ciicnit color tho spec ta-led bear looks not unlike tho Amort can Pluck bear, nut It hair Is very sliHKKy. At each side of the baud U while liar, which Klve tho animal tint appistriiuca of wearlui; a halter Hut the most distinctive foil tu re Is th while around Ihe ryes. Attachment. Tho schiMiltoacher was Iryluw lo It liiHtrata the dlffcreiice between pliiuts nod aulmals. 'Thiols," alio explained, "ure not u ceptltilo uf attachment to man as aiil mala nre." How about burs, leaeherf" Piped a mall hoy who hnd passed tho sum mer In the country. Chicago New. Mak Children Happy, The rlrst duty toward children U to make them happy. If you have not made thorn luippy you have wnmw'ed I hem, No suitor trood they may net ran muko up for that Charles Ilux. ton, HI Reward, Lawyer Urowu 80 I calUM the Judfio u liar, lawyer Jones-And then what did you do? Lawyer Hrowu Thirty day, Toledo HI ado. And th around. Ijidy Customer I)o you keep coffee Iu tho bean? New Clerk I'pitalrs madam. Tht U the cuud door. I'rlnceton Tltjer. Which Wat Far War. Williamson Does your wife always have the last word? Ileuderaou Well, If she doesu't, old fellow, she looks It, Smart 8et. How is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con- tinned or examined at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co Accurate work. Reasonable fees. II. Henderson, manager, 20S North Jersey, McDonald building. We buy or sell St, Johns Property AlcKlNNGY & DAVIS Real Estate List your property witli us if you desire to sell quickly 303 N. Jersey St. S$t. Johns THE 1 . 1 Saturday Dec. 23 is the Last Day The hist summons to one of the most uuicjue and remarkable "Money Saving" opportunities ever offered the shrewd and conservative shoppers of this community. FINE BIG LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS AT CUT PRICES Come and get it now at a big discount. Only a few more big golden bargain days, Op portunity is knocking at your door. Will you allow it to enter? $300 Worth of Merchandise Being Given Away During This Sale TWO STORES-I07 and 311 Electric Christmas Gifts Are Popular They still pos!es the spit it of novelty dear to the Aineri cun hciirtiituil thus solve the problem of Hiving Chiistiuiis (lifts that tiro inHercnt.' IiiuikIiiu hiv pleased most men would be to receive an electric shaving cup or nu electric ciiir lighter, iustejnil of neck ties, sock nnd hundkercliiufs "ns usual." A teakettle for uniiidiiioUier, n eninover for Mndniu's five o'clock teas, a chafing dish for the college girl or bachelor maid, h dine stove for the Imchelor, n tint iron or sewing machine mo tor for the practical housewife all these novel and useful gifts will be appreciated by whoever receives them. It should tint be forgotten that these electric ChrirtmnHgifts, nre all utcful gifts. Ivach of these devices is designed to do Mime nue thing better than it can be done any other wny.wheth' er it in to percolate coffee, tonst bread or furnish the power for running a sewing machine. The line of elictric Christmas gifts is so comptute that in It will be found a suitable gift for every member of the family. Portland Railway, Liglit & Power Company 7th aud Alder Street THE DIRECT through to lis, St. l'aul None is With only one change of train, ha, Kansas Citv. St. Louts, Denver .ire reached. Tickets nnd baggage arranged tails will be furnished on request. V. K COMAN, G. V. S IV A, Christmas Money You can change your money into crisp new bills or gold for gift purposes without charge nt this bank. Or you can ojkii a savings account here for friend or relative, and make a present of the pass book. Or, if you prefer, you can put your gift iu the form of nn in tereM-bcaung Certificate of Deposit. Peninsula National Bank Successors to THIi PUNINSn.A HANK, Kstablished iu Capital and Surplus Additional Stockholders Bcgining January 1, 1912, cent interest on Heartburn is a symptom of indi gestion. Take a dose of HhKHl.U iu such cases. The pain disappeats instantly. The oowels operate speedily and yuu feel fine, vigorous and cheerful. Price 50c. Sold liy St. Johns Pharmacy. LIST CALL 1 at k I 1 1 To St Johns' Greatest and Grandest Bar gaining Event LINE EAST the trains of the xsorth Hank Komi run Spokane, Butte, Helena, Miiiucnpo and Chicago without change, faster or better appointed. Kvery uicderu feature of equipment is supplied. aud that is the samu station, Oma and other ceutial western points through to all eastern points. De O. M. COUNKIJ,, Agent 1905 $57,000.00 Liabilities ?5o, this Bank will pay 4 Savings Deposits. per Wolcott (the rent man) 130 1 1 th street, Portland, is the man to see for real estate or mercantile deals. 46tf. We will buy your vacant lots or your equity for cash If your price is right. McKinney & Dayis, 1 mb" nm -m m m South Jersey Street, St. Johns Practical Gift Suggestions Make your gift a practical one, the kind that are most appreciated. Below wc mention a few that make very acceptable gifts. Suggestions Pocket Knife Safety Razor Razor Strop Shaving Brush Suggestions for Fireless Cooker Reed Roaster Coffee Percolator Set of Silver Knives and forks Suggestions for Brother Overland Wagon Foot Ball Pocket Knife Air Gun Velocipede Hand Car Many others, too numerous to mention, Come in. No trouble to suow goods. ST. JOHNS HARDWARE COMPANY lumber: f - 4- Rough, Dressed, Flooring, Finish. Prompt Deliveries. Quality Guaranteed. f ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Richmond 131 4- O. A. C. Short Courses Begin Jan. 3, Continue Four Weeks YOU ARE INVITED Saturday ; Dec. 23 is I 'the Last Day: m im wd Fireless Cooker for Father A New Razor Hand Saw Tool Grinder Plane Mother or Sister Chafin Dish Carving Set Hand Painted China Aluminum Tea Kettle M4 44 t 4 tt 4t 4 Slabwood 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Dry, Green, Blocks, Trimmiugs 4 4 Everv citizen of Oregon i cordially invited lo attend the hort coure of the Oregon Agriculture College, beginning January 3. Eleven distinctive course will be offered in Agriculture, Mechanic Art, Dometic Science and Ait. Commerce. Foretry and Muic tvery coure w designed to HELP the student in his daily work. Make this a -leasant and profitable winter outing. No tuition. R asonable accommo. dations. For beautiful illu.t alid bulletin, address H. M. TENNANT. R g, trar. Corvallis, Ore. rARMeR'SBusiNesscouRsr it correspondence