St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 22, 1911, Image 1

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    '"""tail $flttely
Toiubcrlb for THIS i'tptt
All lh new! while It li newt li
our motto, Call In and enroll
01 advtrtlilnc In THIS Piper J
nj you'll otrerretf tilt. He- y
llmtooceaudkeeprltbtit II
Devoted (o (be Interest! of the Penlniul. the Minuftclurlnjr Center of the Northweit
VOL. 8
NTaKe in Food Show
Owning a Home
The Library
A Good Country
High School Notes
Council Proceedings
Portland's Method
Local boosters to the number of
150 took advantage of an invitation
extended by tlic intinncnictit to at
tend the pure food exposition nt
Nothing is n greater bar to pro
gress nnd prosperity than uncer
tainty. When a radical congress
is in session business waits: when
the Portland auditorium in n body i crops nrc uncertain farmers keep
Ojcm Hours: boo (05:30 niul 7 10 9:30 p.m.
Sundnyt: ItjO to 5:30
last Thursday night. A sprinkling
of ladies was numbered among the
St. Johns boosters, and like the
male element, were all suitably la
beled. It was expected that spe
cial cars would be furnished, but it
seems that negotiations were entered
into too late to accomplish this.
However, the next best thing was
extra cars, which were provided,
but it was necessary to changecars on
Washington street in order to reach
tile auditorium. Good speed was
attained in making the trip to th
A reception committee, compose!
of Councilman Joy and Messrs
Mills and Trcmp, the former ap
pointed by Mayor Rushlight
teprescnt himself, .since he un
able to be present, met the delcga
tiou and received the St. Johusitcs
in a most cordial mid welcome man
tier. I W. Jobelinan assisted
the reception ami made himself
very useful and obliging in looking
after the details nnd making the
guests feel at home. Councilman
Muck also was an active force
getting the delegates together au
arranging for the trip. Messrs
Joy, Trcmp and Mills, rcsectivcly
made neat little addresses ol wel
come, which were replied to by A.
M. Essou in his usual good am
ready style. After these little
courtesies had been disposed of ant
the glad hand extended to nil, 1
tour 01 the spacious building was
uudcrtuken. The extx)sitlon was
found to be arranged upon a more
magnificent scale than was generally
expected. Vaudeville, music and
exhibits of all kinds of food stuffs
furnished entertainment for all.
Every available space in the large
auditorium was taken up, nnd it
wus a most interesting sight to wit
uess the animated demonstrators
attempt to get the people interested
in their various wares. Free sam
ples were given at nearly all the
booths, and the way some of the
St. Johns boosters went -ufter the
same was not at all slow, Had
the samples not been couiosed of
of pure food, the heterogeneous mess
that some handed down to the in
ner man would have required the
services of a dozen physicians to
dissipate the dark brown taste in
the mouths of the sufferers in
the morning, to say nothing of the
colic, cramps and other internal dis
turbances tliut a chaotic array of
inferior foodstuffs generally arouse
The St. Johns delegation was
treated most courteously by the
management ami demonstrators as
well. The smile of welcome wus
extended on every hand and al
made to feel perfectly at home.
The reception committee acquitted
itself well, and made things as
pleasant as possible for the guests.
Every member of the St. Johns
delegation was apparently delighted
with the trip and treatment accord
ed, and other visitors at the exposi
tiou were made fully aware at all
times that St. Johns "was in town."
Where to Go
Sunday is the time of Holy Com
muniou services at the Evangeli
cal church. Dr. C. C. Poling will
preach at 11 a. 111. and the evening
service will be of old songs and
music, short talk by pastor, starts
M 7:30 over at 8:30.
The Christmas program will be
given Monday evening at 7:30
o'clock. This will contain the canta
ta "The Shepherd King," and oth
er special, music, Something new
in the way of decorations never
seeu before in St. Johns has been
arranged. Seats free, but you must
be on time to get one.
Sunday, December 31, is -given
over to Fathers as their day. Prob
ably because they will need conso
lation after all the Christmas drains
on the pockets and patience. The
Sunday school will render a special
program for fathers and the pastor
will preach especially to them.
Every one invited to these servi
ces, welcomed to the Christmas en
tertainment and all fathers urged to
come for their meeting, Reporter.
their cash; when an election is pend
iug financiers withhold loans. Ev
erywhere uncertainty causes n sus
pension of activity. Relieve th
uncertainty and activity is resumed
and business goes ahead.
Merely to live has its business
aspects; to hedge oneself about wit
uncertainties as to future plans
to shut olT many opportunities for
financial advancement nnd genera
Improvement. In no phase of ex
istencc is tins uncertainty more
powerful in its effects than witl
respect to residence. The man who
tlocs not know where he is to live
from year to year is like the tree
that is constantly replanted -he
does not take root and grow any
wiicrc. nits is so true that own
ersuipot real estate presumes pros
peril y and interest in local affairs
and lack of one presumes the lack
of the other. Resides his own feel
ing of uncertainty todcter him from
making permanent advancement
the renter has to combat the public's
presumption of Ills lack of Interest.
1 he renter not only loses the ad
vaniages already mentioned but he
contributes his labor and money to
the improvement, up keen and
beautifying of another's property
ami is deprived in this way of in
vestments that would be for his own
benefit if he owned the property.
Most persons labor to give a good
appearance to the house and
grounds of their residence whether
they own it or not. A larire nart of
mis labor is txirmnucnt value to the
owner and is in effect u gift made
y the renter. Knowledge of this
fact alone often prevents the renter
from making improvements he oth-
rwise would make.
The home of n family largely re
ects its character and the house
that is planned by the family and
built to order can be made more
early to meet that family's needs
lau any house it may casually
rent, the renter movitur from
louse to house always labors under
tllictiltles in accommodating his
lousehnld furniture to the arrange
ment of the rooms, nnd the careful
woman of the house is "constantly
irritated by the inevitable mlssfits,
which if not endured are oulv
cured nt the expense of frcuuent
Hut the owning of a home carries
Itli It Intangible benefits not ineas
tired in any medium of exchange.
lo the fuuiily reared in the old
homestead every room has a history
and about the whole house cluster
memories too sacred nnd too tender
to be expressed in words, for after
all, the world is governed largely
by sentiment. Where is the per
son who would not gladly if he
could, buy the old homestead to
prevent its destruction by an owner
to whom it is nothing but an old
house to le removed to give place
10 a modern structure r
The habit of moving from place
to place- -and it is largely a habit
is peculiarly American, and it is a
herious fault. For by that habit
Americans deprive themselves of all
home sentiment, a really important
element in the makeup of a well
rounded out character.
Hooks for the Christmas fireside:
A few books for those who like
something Christmasy to read after
the Christmas feasting and jollity
are over. Not all the "latest" nu'd
the "best sellers," but all "best
Hy the Christmas Fire Crothers:
a volume of thoughtful but brightly
written essays on themes suggested
by Christmas. The titles are: The
Hayonet Poker, Christmas and the
age of Disillusion, The Ignomy of
being Grown-Up. Christmas ami
the Spirit of Democracy.
t unnsimas sermon Stevenson:
Hven those Individuals who un
constitutionally opposed to sermons
and sermonlzcrs cannot but listen
when it is the genial R. L. S. who
is in the pulpit. It is short, ns n
Christmas sermon should be, nnd
very keenly to the point.
A Christmas Carol Dickens:
No Christinas day is complete with
out n re-reading of this famous talc
of Tiny Tim.Old Scrooge nnd Mar
ley's ghost. It can never no out I
of fashion so lontr as there ore
hard headed business men who I
. , - a . a V I " UU3P lllMlltlUlll
1 l ink, or pretend mat they think, summer there is some frost.
Everybody welcomes the fact
that there will be no school until
after New Years. Some ol the
students and teachers are planning
10 spenu me vacation out of town.
Grace Stucker will go to her home
in Lebanon: Louise Sterling intends
to spend her time in the country;
Miss Kahley is planning lo go to
Hill Magone will join the basket
To whom it may concern: The
valley of Silver Lake, Lake county
Oregon, is nbout 15 miles east and
west by about 20 miles north and
south and has n lake near its ecu.
ter. The soil is covered with bunch
grass and sagebrush, mid the valley
is almost surrounded with high
land covered with timber.
About twii'thirds of this valley
is very good agricultural land and
is very easily cleared, lies well and
has no rock. The soil is deep and 1
Is what is known as volcanic ash,
1 ... .. . . .
. . ; . V . V ",cr, will be in gotxl sh
".1 V. 1 1 7",V' sc,1(o1 work resumed.
n ZZr ', ."' n 'rt . ' i claims
uitjiuui I liv lll.-M lllIIILMt.'illl WUS
located here fotir years ago this
summer. Since that time between
250 nnd 300 people have come in.
I here are four good schools, ami
roads on most every section Hue.
We have two daily mails and gotxl
nuto passenger service.
1 his town, Iort Rock, has two
genernl stores, meat market, feed
barn, postofiiee. small hotels.a nub-
lie hall, blacksmith shop. The
climate here is somewhat colder
than nt the const. The mercury
gocsns low ns 12 below zero some
times, but the low temperature is
In the
but it
All members were present nt the
regular meeting of the city council
Tuesday evening. The first matter
taken up was n petition from J.
Hugos nsklug for an exclusive.
franchise to run n ferry boat be
tween St. Johns and Whitwood.
Portland hns n method of getting
nt payment of improvement some
whnt different from St. Johns. A
resident of that city stntcd that he
I owns n lot there assessed nt $800.
He received n .statement that bin
street assessment thereon was $1200,
The Portland charter n I lows for
As negotiations with the eotmtv
officials to operate a free ferry hoat I slrct;t nssessmeiit up to the full n
here until the new one is complet- scssctl valuation. When he we:
cd have not been declared off, on ! t0 sc,tlc for il he found that lie
In!. . i- af,cr.N' "Is motion of Alderman Hill the peti- col,1( Mb' ,,0,ul ,,is lol,or
H IlL't? VVtlS ill III., 'I'lin.1ti- ., ... .. .. .. ' I - !..!...- . I . 1 .
remaining S.joo having to be
in cash, and before he could
. . wreucucd in the Thanks- iim,.rtc t,.u ti 1.1... n ... .
t.iltl... .I-.. 1 .1 ft 1 '" ll.T IIIHI ! ftMV. lltlIV till lt.ll
" "' y.'omoan g'im.'. mil lltll M, rwi. slnit., ,i,nt ,,.
l,e .w"u,; commissioners were very loath, indvntitnge of the lmndiug net ou
It IS yet,fnrt liml n.fuc.wl r mmnh, tt. I tltC $80O. Of COtlfSO lie fnillfl lint'w
!, w. t v vr,'v I. It. IIIV. ,11 W.V 1 . . "-' . i.iiv
AM II ..... r . . . . .
em icrry uoai, yei judge ieuion
had told him that if a
m. . . . . ------ v. iiuii.
L.1111NI111 m ih n niimii itr hiiii irn iihiv i . . .
. , , . , . h," ,W"K I noes 1101 seem 10 injure t ne grain
iiiiiiu ui iihiv nil- we trniv tiirnirw ivililiiu
r-" mi imi'ifi 1,111,11111.
mietlcal jwople who think other
The Hire s' Chr stums Carol
Wiggin: It is doubted if ever before
so small n book had so b ir n nor
parsnips, potatoes, in some places.
Several farmers have threshed some
wheat and oats, but the grain crop
at present is mostly rye. Alfalfa
s doing well nnd it is the coming
., f , . , . " 1 . 1 .i" ..iiik w,i mill 11 1.1 1111: Vl'llllllu
on of both fun nnd pathos. The crop for liny, I think.nA soon ns the
fun comes in the uoimr into society
of the small Ruggleses, of whom
icre were nine; the pathos in the
story of the little crippled bird who
first lenrnnd to fly ou Christmas
ay. A story for any age
.1 I V . ..
iviiim- kci 'ie 0111 01 me
ground no it can have : chaiicc to
1 here are still several homesteads
ox:u for filing, but it fs very hard
to find them unless one is acquaint
tt w
not prevent him from making the
I tcini neither will itoffect hisjuinj)ing
: Hill intends to break the state high
jump record next spring.
Today, Friday, Rhetorical divi
sion II will attempt to outshine
the Thanksgiving program given
by Rhetorical division I. They
will have to work hard to beat Lu
lu Day's recitation, "Jericho Hob,"
or wiiimr iielliugcr s monologue
wc iiiidcrsinuu uiai n good debate
on "Woman's Suffrage" Is being
1 ne idea ol rhcloricnls seems to
1- t a a
imvc nrouseu u great tical ol en
thusiasm in the school.
I he American history class is
preparing a debate on the tariff
question to be given in the near fu
The pupils in English nre having
nu opportunity to show their liter
ary abilities in n new way. A uum
her of pajwrs nre to be contributed
by each member of the clnss to n
modern Spectator.
On Christmas Gifts-Dunne: In U w, the country mil the entries
Mr. Ilnnii'i' in Ponnn nn.l U'ni. " I i. ., . .
ay ny tiuy, unless lie ts
ineu 11 ts no easy job
Western governors will be given
a banquet by the Progressive Busi
ness Men's CInb of Portland at the
Commercial Club ou the night of
December 25. They will have re
turned from the trip through the
East on Hoard the Governor's spe
cial and are expected to give an ac
count of this trip that opened the
eyes of the East to the resources
and possibilities of the West,
For Insurance see F.W.Valentine
Have You Heard?
Have you heatd of the city Itsuo-
good, 011 the banks of the lake I in-
slow? Where the Imgoiugtodoif
scents the air, and the sweet goslow
lys grow. It is south of the rtgion
of Whatstheuse.near Nothinglooks-
goodtome; that they have very few
visitors there, for 'tis said there's No-
thiugtosee. The town is old aud
dirty aud dull, not a bit of life in
the place; it can't go ahead, nor
can it stand still, so it keeps drop
ping back in the race. It's paved
with many discarded hotx;s, and
sidewalked with countless fears;
assessments are made ou the know
nothing plan, and paid by the poor
mail's tears, it is not like the
town of Dandyplace, on the banks
ol Pushmcaloug, where the Seeus-
doit and the Herewecomes are sing
ing a low, sweet song. It lies tu the
'Mr. Dooley in Peace urn! War,
I ntver got what I wanted, an' I
t , . . . . ..
iver ixpici 10, no wan diiz." savs
air. uooiey. Those who nre (lis
uppuiiucu wiiu uie contents ot ttielr
Christmas stocking may find conso
taiion in tlic remarks of n fellow
11. . . - .1 tVt a a
1 ne umer wiso-.Mao-v'VaniJykcr
T he story of the fourth wise man
how he did not reach the intended
end of his journey, but how he
reached one that was ns gotxl. Suit
ed for rending aloud.
Decetnlxjr 23d is the 100th mini
versary of the birth of Thackery.
w . f a..
11 is a good tune to renew and fur
ther one's acquaintance with his
world-famous novels. Watch
the Thackery posters.
being made da
a Iocator.and
1 here nre some who nre ninkimr
a business to locate settlers aud the
charges nre reasonable, I think.
ours, us ever, J. T. King.
Fort Rock, Oregon
Modifies His Offer
A Few Suggestions
Editor Review: I wish lo thank
you for the prominence you gav
iiiyieuer, ami tor your remarks re
gnrding the paved street, whlc
were to the point. I hope this w
not be the end of the matter, but
that something will come of it.
As to my offer of $100, I wish to
modify same aud make it easier to
further the project, I will with
draw my former offer aud make it
to read that I will donate .fioo to
ward paying for pavement on cither
uawsou or J-.dison streets, when
either of said streets is paved con
uectlng present pavement on Edi
Editor Review:
Hclow find a few suggestions that
perhajis might be followed by the
St. TohllS Pntlllliprrlnl rllili In Mm
material advantage of this part of c-'t to tlie pavement on I.oni
the peninsula. bard street.
I feel sure n larce donation conlt
tain lKtitlous which were started '"" "" J r such un
some time ago asking for free mail
delivery. They can find the tx;ti.
tions at the oflice of W. II. King.
211U, uevtse ways and means to
secure a county road from East St.
Johns to the stockyards, packing
plant aim Monarch Lumber Co..
along the south side of the N. P
provement. It probably would not
be amiss for St. Johns ns n cltv to
ueip pay tbe necessary amount.
as the whole community will benefit
by tt. ours respectfully,
A. S. Henson.
Possibly Mr. Henson 'means Jer
1 ..if . a . t 1 1
scy sircci instead 01 udison street
Ed. J
R. R. right of way.
3rd. And most important. Hrincr
sufheieut pressure to bear upon Hill Mrs. II. N. Crockett of Henry
iwcK.eon, ueo, j, Perkins et al. to county, unio, wuo is visiting her
cause them to immediately w th- soi J-"". U. r. Crockett of 52.5
draw their appeal to the supreme Ainsworth avenue, Portland, is
court of the annexation case to the delighted with our Orceon winter.
end that this territory shall become The lady ia 83 years of age, but is
a part of Portland, as directed
by the vote of .the majority of the
voters, that the 1000 or more voters
of St. Johns may have a voice in
the selection of the new charter pro
viding for a commission form of
government for the united cities;
that we may be in a position to
seek to place one of our favorite
sous ou the board of commissioners
(the Hon. K. C. Couch, for in
stance); to the final end that we
may be relieved of the several han
dicaps under which we are now
working. Yours truly
S. C. Cook.
Native black marble in great
country of Seeusgrow.that isc toseto Wallowa County. This promises to
Ge together, and the Makinghomes : a valuable asset of that section of
the state. Present supplies of black
marble come from Belgium and Al
aska and the new find will undoubt
edly supplant the product of these
two places, since freight is such a
big item in the handling of this
heavy stone.
Thousands of Christmas trees
have been sent south from various
points in this state to California.
The little fir trees that are so com
mon here are much appreciated by
the people of the Bear state. '
nnd ItivifriCTrrtfwIc o. r tint ltnnlai1 '
out by the weather. The Slowgo
crowd aud the Idontknows have
moved aud taken their luck, and
the people who have the right of
of way are the Hustlers and Push
ers aud Pluck.
A new girl baby arrived at the
home of C. W. Ford last week in
time for Christmas. James Latham
also reports that the stork visited
his home last week and left a young
lady therein.
quite vigorous. ioriy years ngo
slie was a close neighbor of Mayor
uoucn, uack in uenry county, in
his callow youth, aud the other day
sue came 10 at. jonns to renew the
acquaintance and learn what kind
of a man "Kasey" had developed
into, lo take a car at Portland she
walked 14 blocks, a feat that would
bring a sigh from many of the
younger generation. Mrs.Crockett's
mind is bright aud just as vigor
ous as uer body and "Hi,' oner"
enjoyed the visit from his old neigh
bor most heartily,
t'ortland will tie called upon to
entertain $60,000 visitors at the
time of the Elk's convention next
July, it is estimated. Advices re
ceived froai several li 11 nil red lodges
uirougiiout tlie country indicate
that the railroads will be red ui red
to provide parkiug space for fully
1000 Pullman sleepere during that
week. More than 100 special trains
are already being arranged to bring
delegates and visitors,
Every family hits need of a good,
reliable liniment. For sprains,
bruises, soreness of the muscles and
rheumatic pains there is none better
than Chamberlain's. Sold by all
'inese papers ut,., u
!.. I.,.- .. , .. I iv-i. 1,1.
are 111 imitation 01 uie great specin- v p iirhntu
nr 1... A. I. II I 15. ....I .'"" '
but written in modern form. Some
very good satires on the present tlav
faults are cxiwctcd. Some of these
may be published later.
1 lie library recently opened to
pupils during study periods, is fast
becoming popular. Here they have
the use of .some of the best refer
ence books to be had for High
school use. Librarians are appoint
eti lor eacu period. These nu:
cupse.i y,mertii oniyi,Uiosc nycJ could be deluded tin to do its
agjng above 90 per cent.are eligible: LIItrC( mt wol,d like a few days
. i.c iHimiN may vtMi uie 1 urary n investigate the matter thorough
when they have time through the jy.
day, and they are placed 011 their
1 ouor. lor no teac uer is present, un Hredcson took part in n discussion
the whole, so far it lias been very nf ,.vr,w ..,.r ti... ,...r -....
. . ... - -- 1
stromr net!
tiou was presented to them the mat
ter would be reconsidered. The St
Johns Transportation Co. offeted to
lease their boat to the city for s
dollars per diem. It was decidet
to circulate petitions aud present
uie matter to the county conunis
sioners tu the strongest maimer
1). N. Hyerlee, in n written com
iiiuuicntiou, asked that nrc light
allowed 011 comer of Willis boul
vnru nun xsew ork streets scvern
ngo, nutl which it wns prom
iscd should be one of the first in
stalled thereafter, should be put
at once. Referred to the witter
nnd light committee.
The following bills were nllowet
ou motion of Aidermau Davis; al
yes: v
M. Hathaway, sn.7! M. F.
I.oy. $2.1: Geo. W. Warner. j8
I-.. W. McLean. S.tS: C. A. Vincent.
MS. W. S. Shanks, f 15; 0. C.
F. Davis, $3.75;
fi.25; A. Sefert.
51.50; W. G. Morton, $17: L. I)
Jackson, .ft O.35; J. I. Shurts, ft;
' A. Kice, Sto:S. W. Huiibee.
t9.S.i5! Cochran,
Knowles oc kiiouse, $72.
Aidermau Hill rciKHted nu in
ter view with Mr. Fuller of the
Portland Railway, Light & Power
Co. in regard to the improvement
01 iJnwson street, lu-'vlilcii Mr.
t'uiier statctu tliut the coniimuy
successful. Electrolysis.
Oh Tariff, creator of discord!
Thou blot ou America's page!
Thou Hydra headed misery!
Thou source of political rage!
In the "good old times" of our
Thou beganst thy troubled career.
Ami thy tangled
Has harrassed the nation to steer.
At the close of the war with Hritain.
' 1 was then the people said:
11 ill 1,12 lin.i.. Ilw. In.Ifl t!..?l.....
.v i ..u.v iiiv ihimi
To protect our daily bread,"
the improvement of North Edison
street. The former two held that
it ought to be paid by the city,
while Mr. Hredcson contended thnl
l a a
1 1 ne people 111 large were 110 more
benefited by this improvement than
of tiny other street; he did favor,
however, the improvement of Hur-
lington street with the city's aid fi
nancially. Ou motion of Aidermau
Muck it was decided that the ex
cess be paid out of the general fund,
.Mr. Hredoson uttering the only ills-
taken the matter to the com tu, but
if the courts decided Mint his prop
erty was benefited to the extent of
St 200 there would be nothing elk?
to do but pay the S1200 nnd the
costs of the suit. There wn n
chance thnl the courts would hold
that the assessment could not ex
ceed that preset ibed by clinrtur, but
it would be risky to trust to this.
If 11 property is benefited to the ex
tent of the improvement in front of cannot be held just that 11 city or
nuy individual other thiin the own
er should be couix;llcd to help jmy
nuy part of the aHsewiimmt. Neith
er can it be held just to imnrove
beyond what the property can lie
bonded for unless the owners nie
willing. While the whole eitv
might lie benefitted mote or leux by
the improvement, yet over and
nbove the actual cost of the im
provement the property in qtttMtiuu
s ucuciitcd ns much ns uiiv oilier
property in the cltv. When n txittv
sells his city lot. the cost of im
provement is always ndded thurelo,
whether it has all been lxiitl by th
owner or partially by the citv. In
St. Johns the city duds hulinvc in
coping within the iictunl wordiuit
of the charter, which is no Dor cent.
of the nshcssed valuation for
nuy single improvement, ttuleiw the '
iroixirty owueis iutcteMcd wnivn
with their signatures nuy e.xew ,
cost. Au attempt nt one time wim
miulc to raise it to ion ihm' cent bv
charter iimuiidment, but it wux de
feated nt the polls.
Epworth League Notes
and blundering SC ,, ,,'.. nye- nm, .... ;ote
themselves Thee,
first thou wert
So they took to
Like Rumor, at
And walked in silence, fearing
lo lilt thy head aud speak.
Hut the years S)ed by ami slowly,
through murmuriugs ami com
Thy opulent hearing was strength
1 ill thy proud head reached the
The dwelling of David Davis,
at 72.1 Huchuiiau street, in the
southwestern txirt of the city,
was destroyed utmost entirely Mon
day forenoon aud only the contents
were sa veil, ami these were badly
damaged by water. The fire is be-
lieved to have started from n de
fective Hue, as it was first discov
ered near the chimney ou the sec
ond floor and nearly the entire up
per portion of the house was ablaze
at tlie time. 1 he department hast
ened to the scene nnd .succeeded in
confining the fire to the one build
ing but the home wns practically
destroyed before the blaze could be
brought under control, and the fur
niture badly damaged. The dam-
i-i.... .
age is annul -t 1500, wniie the in
KUW, not only the mass of voters
Is absorbed in thy dominant rule, surance is but T700
nut -crowning outrage of the ties
The innocent children at school 1 llu United Evangelical Sunday
I school will bold its Christmas un.
Are compelled on the week before tertaiuineiit Sutidav nit-lit. Dee. 2.1.
01. .(........ . . .... , ' . "
v-iuiaiiiiu3 ill 7 to. inecuo rwi t render n
I o banish their holiday dreams. Christmas cantata entitled "Tin.
And wrestle Instead w th thee. Shcnlierd Kimr. " Them will nUn
And thresh thy political schemes
A Debater.
A really great apple show, to be
collection of exhibits from thru
IV . a a
out uie west is being planned as
au annual event at Portland. Com
m it tees are at work 011 tlie project
lie class exercises and music by the
little ones; all are invited. We
wish to call special attention to
"Father's Day," which will be
given the last Sunday in December.
Special tribute will be given to the
bread winner of the household.
A gigantic water
CUClltlM 1st L'llit
and it is expected tlie plans will be ply Willamette Valley cities from
perfected in a short time. I lie iiu- clear Lake, in the Cascade Mouu
portance of the fruit industry to the tains. 1ms i.ihi nmiini u. ..
state is tlie basic idea of the show, iinnnl nf n,.nin, if i, ci 1.
is to encourage apple growing minit..,l ti,.. .r...r ...tu 1.,. i.,....i..
aud horticulture generally that
ortlaud business men and tlie of the CnwmlH . mui ,ikrii.i,...,i
commercial interests have joined in t,e Valley towns from Springfieltl
talking the subject over to deter- t0 Salem. A committee will iu-
nntie if suflicient supjiort can be vestigate tlie proposition.
had for au annual exhibition. It
is believed that such an annual ex- 0
ibit will not only do much to en- Commercial club subscri OtlOMK
courage the apple grower already and dues for Decumber should be
tere mt will attract many others to paid soon us possible to thesecrutnrv
this state. ' at tlie Review oflice.
Come to the Epwoith tautu
lirlhdny jmrty of 11 "KittK," Sum
ay evening, DecemlMfi a.i. t
.entler Mrs. H. 0. Ilrown.
Everyone is requnited to bring n
rthdayolferltiK nf their fHvorite
scripture verse, written on n lip of
pax.'r; these verse will Ixt x
clmugwl during the evening atul
ACIiristmns story will l rend
liy Mr. Little. Solo, "Stnr tif tbe
East," will be sung by Alice Htown
aud extracts pertaining to (lie lm
sou will be rend by Mrs. Pattou.
Meeting ojieuetl and cltwed by th
president, Mr. J. C. ItrtMika.
The following is the program for
ClirintmuK exercises of tht M. It.
Sunday school Monday evuiiiuf,
Decemler25th, at 8 o'clock:
Organ voluntary, Mis Kilun 1 lot
lenbvck. Song by the school.
Prayer by the pator, Rev. J.J.
Recitation and song by elm of
girls, Mrs. Weeks, teacher.
Recitation by claw of Ixiyis.
Recitation by Sunie Roiteuiitoek.
Song "SluinlHiring Kinii" by
infant claks, Mii Magoue tencher,
Recitation by Carol Hurllwrt.
Song "Christum. Hells." hy
class of girls Mrs. Murray teweiier.
Exercise by Leslie and Dnneil
Recitation by Everett Pulton.
Song "Fairy Laud" - by clitsu
of girls Mrs. II.O. Hrown tencUer.
Recitntion "Stnr of Hethlehem"
by Florence Childer.
Remarks and offertory.
Cantata "Christmas Hve ni
Grand Pa's." Characters will in
elude: GriiudMi, Grandma, eliiltl
reii nutl graiidchildreu.
Piles Defy (he Knife
The cause of their formation still
One place where surgery fails to
bring permanent relief u in tlie
treatment of Piles, becHiiiM evu
when the evil tumors tire cut Rwny,
the cause of their formation still
remains. That cause is mmt circu
lation. Dr. Leoulinrdt's HUM
ROID is the tablet remedy that i
taken internally and gets right to
the inside cause.
IIEM-ROIDis sold for i by
St. Johns Pharmacy and nil drug
gists. Money back if it fails. Dr.
Leotihardt Co., Station II, buffalo,
N. Y. Write for booklet.
For Rent CUtmp TUrtf
dwellings. Sue N. A. Qw.