St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 15, 1911, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Burlington Street.
Trn Rkvikw Is entered nt post office
In Snlnt Jolms, Oregon, ns mail mutter
of the second clnss tinder the Act of Con
gress of Mnrch 3, 1879.
OfflcUl Nswipsper of the Ottr of Bt Jehm.
AclferlUIng rstes, $1.00 pr Inch pr month.
Alt ilrtlilnc bills psjslU flrsl of oteh
Subicrlptlan price $1.00 per yenr.
Champ Clark's prcsitluiititil boom
Is being pushed by n press bureau
thnt Is working overtime seeking
publicity through the press for the
"bit? fi"01" J'e county, Mis
souri." 1
Thnt woman's sulfraue will ob
tain in Oreuon in the very near fu
lure seems to be certain. And why
not? If the women want to vote
we believe they should be nccord'
ed the nrivilcne. It has been prov
en in Washington and California
that they vole just as intelligently
nnd with ns much antitude as the
male clement.
Labor nt prewmt in St. Johns
seems much more plentiful than eni'
ployment. While all the industries
are riinnintr riktht aloni:, idle labor
is daily seeking work. More indus
tries arc needed to take care of our
unemployed. We know of at least
three ciluens, ahlchodied men, wil
ling and indiiNtrious, who have been
tumble tosccute work except lor a
couple of days duriiiK the mst ten
weeks. This condition should not
exist. Home labor should have
first chance In local industries, es-
racially where they have families to
support. Vet do.ens of out of town
laborer find work here while home
labor often goes unemployed.
Hold High Jinks
Stories of Success
it o n w 0 1 1 r.
Flower ilrovo
oxen, taUKht
school and later
ticenrno rtover
nor of tlio Km
plro HtaDi. (II
..untie ntrliletr.
twi'on I ho farm
nrid tlio capital
of a Krent ntnto.
It took Gover
nor Flower
tienrty half n
century to mako
tt. nml nflAf.
nucii n mo-timo or experience In
rioiiiicn nnu finance, a man lias a
rlisnt to npcnk of tlio laws of sue
cms. He owed nothing to luck, anil
nVerythlni? to rtxergy and dcterml-
tiatlon, Ills watrhwnnl was "Knlr
Imy nnu noir-rcimncc," Hut rell
nncn ltnpllis nerurlty, nnd without
thn nceurlly of tinvcil.tip money
olery fatm-iipriinit kln of nnanco
iyihiiu nun nc wniciuni; tlio mil niulu
I-'lotrlit-rlzn Its thistles HuvltiiK
liiMiros success. Tim rnivlnirn Imnk
tmss lionlt Htunds for ncrurlly In Itn
HiirnHl form. The motley you now
eprml .hi trill -h, If mivtl, with Its
Interest rolling iii, would sumo day
St. Johns, Oregon
A. U. Joints, Vice President
I'. I'. Dkinkuk. Cashier
C. H. Kt'ssitM., Ass't Cashier
An Ordinance Declaring the
Cost of Improving Edison
Street, or that Portion
Tiiercof, Lying and Being
Between Burlington Street
and Fesscndcn Street, in
the City of St. Johns and As
sessing the Property Ben-
efitcd Thereby, Declaring
Such Assessment and Di
recting the Entry of the
Same in the Docket of City
The city of St. John docs ordain as
That the council halt considered the
nroiMiscd insesstiicnt for Improving Kdi
sou strict or that ixmioit thereof lyitiK
nml being between Hiirliiiton street anil
l'cs.'cndcii street in the city of
St. Johns, Oregon, nnd all objections
thereto, and hereliy imccrtaius.ilcterinincs
nnd ileclnres the wiiole cost ot sniu tin
tirovcineut in manner provided by Ordi-
nance No, tot to be the sum of f3.404.8t. I
nnd that the special nnd )ecullar benefits I
nccrtintK to encn 101 or pari there
of or iMircel of laud within the as-
scsiiueut district, by reason of said Im
provement ntul in justprojiortioii to sucli
licncfits, are in the respective amounts
set optxisile the number or description
ol eaeit lot or part liicrcoi or lu
liiuil In the lollowini; nunexeil assess-
eul. He told how Kugenc gained
fame and publicity, and he believed
St. jonns mm an opportunity 10 ex
tiiitid and develop sucli as lew plac
es possessed. He strongly favoied
a ladies' auxiliary lu connection
with any club: that they ever
proved efficient and willing helpers,
especially in civic improvement.
P. C. Kuapp ol the rentustiia
Lumber Co.olfercd some most sound
and logical advice that wns well re
ceived and will likely be followed
out by the club later on. As well
incut roll.and said assessment roll, which
is uuinliercil 05, is hereby adopted and
approveii as the nssuvithetii lor wild nil
proveiueut,aud the recorder of the clie
nt St, Johns Is directed to cuter a state
ment of the assessment hereby made in
the docket of city Ileus, nnd cause notice
thereof to be published as ptovided by
charter, which avsesstneut is as follows:
Lot lllook Addition Amt.l
71. Jaiiies Johns . . ..fibO.js
i'lic St. Johns Commercial club jus a logical and practical talker.Mr.
had a most interesting time Wed
nusday evening, the dale of its reg
tilar moiithlv meeting. A business
meuting was first held in the city
hall, after which all rewired to
the I. O. O. 1?. building and made
merry with and story.
The attendance was Urge, the
speeches, impromptu though most
of them were, were witty, the inns
le furnished by Sueed's orchestra
KniiDi) showed that he had it fine
sense of humor.
C. C. Woodhotise, Jr. was the
last speaker. Hesides telling how
and why he came to choose St.
lohus as a location for investment,
he gave several incidents connected
with his life s history, from the
time he wns a barefooted boy un
til he reached man's estate.
Intermingled with the program
J 19
NWJi i.h....;
SI'. 4.1
J J5
2 26
Nit J 1
SU'i 1
M'.ii .17
SW .
J 27
I 2
J I"--
.1 I J.
and a couple of songsters, excellent Sliced' orcliestni rendered some of sv'
their best and most pleasing selec
tions which added greatly to the
A spirit ol entliusiasm ami earn
est put pose .seemed to rrcrvadc the
aMi-iubiage, ami that the St. Johns
Commercial Club will piove a po
tent factor in the further develop
ment of St. Johns has become tip-
iwrent to all.
The next regular meeting ol the
club will be held Wednesday even
ing, January 10th. It is cxiwctcd
that permanent quarters will have
been engaged by that time, and the
publicity or promotion man secured
mid at work. 1 he Imam ol gov
ernors meet again next Monday nt
12:15 P- ui., when it is believed the
selection of publicity man will la-
friichk 2,
and the occasion was a most
iiii: one to all.
The meetiiH! at the city hall was
soon disposed of. The only new
proposition advanced was the issu
mice ol it Dooklel continuing a
wrlleiip of conditions hi general in
St. Johns. A Mr, Howe offered to
gut out 11 5000 edition and picscnt
the wiiue free lo the club. 1 he
only icfe'rvntiou he made wns the
ad vci lining portion, fiom which he
exited to dttive the e.ieuc ol
publication and imy for his time
and tumble. It was decided to put
it up to the IkmuiI of governors at
their meeting Monday for Hccvpt
mice or rejection
The chili wlM) aceepteil an luvlta
lion to attend the I'uie rood expo
sitioti at Portland in 11 body Thurs
day evening, after which adjourn
incut look place to meet at the
Udd l'ellow s litiildlug, where a
feast had been pieiwred nnd pro
gramme arranged. More than 100
surrounded the festal Imaid, and all
did full justice to tht-spieml. which
was preimrtHl princiimlly by High
Chef II. C. hcliHtle, whose culiimr
efforts gave ptndul Mitisfiu-tiou
While the apietite were Mug ap
iKMised Sueed's orchcutru rcndeied
some of its sweetest strain. Toast
imistur Tent ktitrted the piogram
with a few happy remarks, nftei
which he culled uihiii Mr. Hartog,
the booster who iiiHde l'.tiuriie uni
ons for n time. Mr. Iliutoj; hc
tiuttled liltiikell well, innking some
instructive tu well at humerous re
marks. He dwelt principally uikjii
civic impiovemeuU. contending
that they were of alM)lute ucceMity
liotorc puiMWity wurk luhiIii he ex
jHtctml to be of material lieuefit.
Kov. Ketteiiholeu win. the next
speaker culled tiiwu, and he made
an energetic addre full of vom
ami helpful fcUggentluiu.. Petty
jwiloiuie and difference miut be
relogntuil far to the rear, he said,
mid a get together spiril manifested
nt all times to make a ktuvt-Miof the
club. He cIomnI hi remuks in pre
dicting a futuie full of lor
St. Johns.
Mr. Hoot then miik a couple of
songs that delighted the audience
lutermtteiitiy with the piogram
t.'lm.mtiii: r.w-i.iv-ml .it..r tliM
......... ..... . .Ky. ,V Hill
phone and rend by Hurley. St. John's Nplprt Ynill XmnQ cityengia
best and most iKipular comedy art- - r- iicc.',y
ist, inhiscleur, mellow voice. The rrCSCntS CarlV
so-called telegrums furuuhed much
ntnusemeiit. We have a lurge stock of useful
A. M. liatfou, St. Johns' best aft- merchandise of superior quality and
er dinner speaker, nave a llow of w price, suitable lor holiday gifts.
rhetoric that had Mark Anthony Kocters, i.tnrary tables, writing
for eloquence, Socrates for leurtiinu. Desks, Couches, Utics, etc., Dinner
Solomon for wisdom and Dickens Sets, Decorated China, Salad Sets,
for humor backed off the boards. Cake and lea Sets.bilverware.Carv
It flowed in a bright and rippliiiir lug .Sets, Knife and Forks Sets. All
.stream nnd at times with a rush these on easy payment terms if you
like the waters of I.odorc. His n- wish
5i, juiiiis ruiiwuiu uumpaiiy
Caslt or Credit
" H7.(h
. " 4W.J7
" ... .25.I9
" 3't.2l
" 46J.2
" .... tJl.J
" 290. i I
" IM-91
" ...
" 116.38
" .... 152.93
" ... I2S.02
.... 212.15
" jyo.Wi
" 232.07
" 191.69
" lSb.H0
" i'i-ii
" 239.63
" 257.6H
" i.t.3
" 101.13
" 51-45
" 51H.2I
council this nth day ol
"O PURCHASE the best grade of nierehrtiulisc next week ns tins will positively be the
very last week of the Johnstone's Toggery's closing out sule of two stores, which Will
discontinue Saturday, December 23.
If you have not taken advantage of this Greatest of all Sacrifice of Goods, you have
only a few days left to do so. So you will have to make haste and he here ere it is too late.
We are going to make every day of this week the greatest week of bargain days this
town has ever known. You can buy cheaper now than you ever could before or ever can
again. We must clean out these entire stocks by Saturday night, Dec. 23. To do this,
we are offering you our whole line of new goods at a lower price than you would have to
pay for the inferior.
$300 Worth of Merchandise Being Given Away During This Sale.
TWO STORES-107 and 311 South Jersey Street, St. Johns
1'iiKnoil hy the
Deecinlier. Kill.
Ainirovrtl liv the nuyor thin 12II1 d.iy
01 iioerinorr, 1911.
K. C. I'Ol'UI,
Attext: I'. A. KICK,
I'lihlinheil in the St. John Itevicw on
Dee. is, 1911.
An Ordinance Providing The
Time And Aliinuer Of Im
proving S. (Ircsltnm Street
from Hucluinnn Street to
hid Street in the City of
St. Johns, Oregon.
Christmas Photos and Family
Groups Qlv us m call
Holbrook lllook
St John
The city of St. Johns doe orditin iu
Tin council of the city of St. John
hitvlnu iiM'crtiilncil the cost of Imyrov
liij; l.renlum htrcet Iroiu the catrtly
siile line ol lliicliunnn utreel to tile et
crlyxide line of Idu Mtcitin the city
ul hi. Juliiu, a kiiown lie 1110 reMiiniiim
of the council of slid city 1I11U1I 011 the
ilkl iiay 01 Mivi-iiiotir, lyi 1, nml n-eoniiii
hi tht tiflirp of the recorder nf Liid ell v.
mid notice thereof haviiik' oeeu luililUh
ed In the St, Johns Review, a week I
iievtiMjK)r of neneriil circuliitlon, oil
oveinlKir 24111 ami Ucceintier int. loll,
us hlinwn liv tlio iillidfivll 01 Hit-
foreman nf said iwiiier. which said
allidavit i 011 tile in the othce of
the city recorder; mid 1ckI iHistinj; of
nut lew 01 Mien improvement, as known
liv the allidavit ol tlie city engineer 011
tile in the ollice of the city rmuiler, und
110 reiiioiiktraiuvs liuvini; oeeu tiled
mid. iu iinvidel hy Mid rokolutioii, euul
nvcr k iHelimliiarv eollinateoi tiu-ctw.1 01 lr.x r. i-li. .1
1 1. . . . - 1 1. .i,i" ...
wmi iiiiii.if-iiit-iii i"i i,u kii-in
ne more iiccur.ileiy ileteriuinet liv mi
Now, llierefore. It is hereby ordered
that Mid ktrect he Improved and the tune
for the coini'lt'timi of Mid improvement
U lu-rt liv lixtMl at kixtv davs frntn the
hikt puliliCHti.iii of notice of propo.viUof
villi worK. wineii mm jiroixisars miut le
IiUhI with ihe reirder of wid city 011 or
Ivcforc the id ibv of January, 1911, nt
elelil o'cIock p in. or kiim ilav. Mid ktuel nall lc Improved us
Electric Christmas
Gifts Are Popular
TlijJ.Still possess the spli it nf novelty dear to .tin jnteii
mil lion ft uhil thus solve the irolileiu of I'jviiiR Clnistiiias (lifts
Unit lire "different."
Illumine w pleased most men would he to receive nn
elttMiie shriving cup or 1111 electric ciur lighter, itistenil of neel;
ties, socks and handkerchiefs "us usual. "
A tiiikettle for irnindnioihcri n fnmover for Mndam's five
o'clock tcns.n ehafiiie; dish for the college girl or bachelor maid,
a disc stove for the Imeliclor, a Hat iron or sewing machine mo
tor for the practical housewife- nil these novel and useful gifts
will lie appreciated ly whoever receives them,
It should not lie forgotten that these electric Chrictimisgifts,
are all useful gifts, Kach of these devices is designed to do
some one thing better than it can he done any other way.wheth
er it is to percolate coffee, toast bread or furnish the power for
running a sewing machine.
The Hue of eliclric Christinas gifts is so complete that iu it
will be found a suitable gift for every member of the family.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
7th ami Alder Street
1 he trains of the North Hank Koad run
through to Spokane, Hutte, Helena, Minueapo
lis, rt, raul and Chicago without change.
None js faster or better appointed. livery
incderu feature of equipment is supplied.
With only one change of train, and that is the same station, Oma
h.i, Kaunas City, St. I.ouis, Denver and other central western points
Tickets and baggage arranged through to all eastern points. l)e
tails will be furnished on request..
V. li COMAN, G. F. & I'. A. O. M. COKXKM,, Agent
follows: Hy grading same to the estuh-
Itsitetl eraile uy cut anil till mm hy
sldewalkine the same on either side
with 6 foot cement sidewalks, 11 foot
cement cnrbi entire length; together
Willi all necevKiry corruKated Iron gut
ters and cement crosswalks: hltcli noes
to lie plucetl in curb as directed hy the
ly recorder sliall uive notice tiy
publication lor not less uiuii tliree tu
sertious iu the St. Johns Review, the of
liclul uewktMer, uiviting propwds tor
making salt! improvement
Said improvement shall iu all respectk
ne none ami completed tu coniortulty
with the provisions of Ordinances Nos.
160, 30 j, and 400, except as otherwise
provided lu ttiis ordinance', all work to
he done under the direction and suiH.-r
vision of the city engineer.
That the cot of said improvement
kliall he asM-kned against the pmperty lu
trie local improvement uistrici us ties-
scrihed in said resolution mid dekhniutul
as aim iieciaretl to De l.ocal improve
uieut District No. 76.
l'awcd hy the council December 11,
Ajiprovetl hy the nurjor iweuilier 11,
Attestt 1. A. KICK,
City Recorder.
1'iiljlikhetl hi the St. Johns Review on
Dec, 15, 1911,
Christmas Money
Chas. A. l'ry of the St. Johns
High school then favored Mm audi
ence with a few apt remarks with a
htory or two woven therein that
pleased his auditors.
M. J. Dtiiuyca, pretidunt of the
IviiRone Coinmeicial club, dellvorwl
a fine nddresti that was most praeti
llrlng In your Job printing while
you think of It. Don't wait until you
uro outlroly out. Wu aro equipped
to turn out neat and tasty prlntlu
promptly at I'orlluud prices or lsss,
You can change your money into crisp new bills or gold for
gift purposes without charge at this bank.
Or you can open a savings account here for friend or relative,
and make a present of the pass book,
Or, if you prefer, you can put your gift in the form of an in
terest-bearftiK Certificate of Deposit.
Peninsula National Bank
Successors to
THH PENINSULA BANK, Established iu 1905
$57 ,000.00
Bcgining January 1, 1912, this Bank will pay 4 per
cent interest on Savings Deposits.
Capital and Surplus
Additional Stockholders Liabilities
Practical Gift Suggestions
Make your ;if t n practical one, the kind that are
most appreciated. Helow we mention a few that make
very acceptable gifts.
Suggestions for Father
Pocket Knife
Safety Razor
Razor Strop
Shaving Drush
A New Razor
Hand Saw
Tool Grinder
Suggestions for Mother or Sister
Flreless Cooker
Reed Roaster
Coffee Percolator
Set of Silver Knivts and Forks
Chafln Dish
Carving Set
Hand Painted China
Aluminum Tea Kettle
Suggestions for Brother
Overland Wagon Foot Ball
Pocket Knife Air Gun
Velocipede Hand Car
Many others, too numerous to mention.
Come in. No trouble to snow goods.
ltt Ttlf f f f If
I'rompt Dry,
Deliveries. Green,
Quality Blocks,
Phone Rtchmoud 131
Heartburn is a symptom of nidi. Wolcott (the rent man) 130 nth
Kestiou. Take u dose of II hKUIXh' street, Portland, is the man to see
in such cases. The pain disappears
instantly. The trowels operate
sieedily and you feel fine, vigorous
and cheerful. Price 50c. Sold by
St. Johns IMi'aruiacy.
for real estate or mercantile deals
We will buy your vacant lots or
your equity for cash if your price is
right. MeKimiey & Dayis.
O. A. C. Short Courses
Begin Jan. 3, Continue Four Weeks
Everv citizen of Oregon ii cordially invited to attend
the thort coures of the Oregon Agriculture College,
beginning January 3. Eleven diitmctive coure will
be offered in Agriculture. Mechanic Art. Domettic
Science and Art, Commerce. Forestry and Music
Every course is designed lo HELP the student in
his daily work. Make this a pleasant and profitable
winter outing. No tuition. Reasonable accommo.
dations. For beautiful illustrated bulletin, address
H. M. TENNANT. Registrar. CorvallU. Ore.