St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 15, 1911, Image 1

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    ST. Johns review
To mbtcrlbe for THIS Paptf
All the newi while II U newi It
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Of .dv.rtl.lncln THIS l'.pr
anil you'll navarrctrtt It. U
I In aloBcaaadkttprlfbta! II
Devoted to Ibe Interest of tht PenlniuU, (ho Manufacturing Center ot (he Northweit
VOL. 8
NO. 6
Fire at Linnton
Railroads Expensive
A Mail Order Deal
Christmas Proclamation j Council Proceedings
The Library
A Grand Old Man
Burning over an area of five acres
fire destroyed practically the entire
property of the Western Oregon
Lumber Company at Liuntoti, en
tailing a loss of $150,006 with in
surancc probably totaling $75,000.
The null destroyed was one of the
finest of its kind on the coast. AN
though the mill began to operate
in April, 1910, it was not until a
few mouths ago that the plant was
entirely completed. More than 100
men arc thrown out of work.
The fire was discovered by I?, C.
Morris, uightwatchmnu, a few min
utes before 7 o clock, and only 35
minutes after he had been in t lie en
ginc-room, where it originated. At
first he saw a light and thought it
was that of the millwright, but as it
grew larger lie investigated ami
discovered the bluze.
He shouted to the night fireman,
who was the only other occupant o
the mill at the time, instructing
him to blow the whistle, while he
started the pump; How the fire
started is a mysterv, us there was
no debris in the engine room.
While the fireman blew the whis
tli! Morris started the pumps, which
had a capacity of 75,000 gallons of
water per minute. Shortly after
he had started the pumps the mill
crew, startled by the whistle, res
ponded from the buukhousc 11 few
hundred feet away. The fire ap
paratus of the milt was immediately
put in service, but the flames swept
through the null with such severity
that wltliiu live minutes the men
had to leave their posts near the
mill on account of the intense heat.
A minute later the apparatus was
made useless by the bursting of the
large main leading to the pump.
Fire alarms scut in brought res
pouse from the station at 20th
and Qtiimby streets and engine 24
was scut to bt. joints, out it was
impossible to get across the river at
that point. Automobile hose cart
No. 6 later responded with 1000 ft.
of hose, but by the time apparatus
arrived the fire was beyond control
and, there was practically nothing
to do but let the fire burn itself
It was nearly 8 o'clock before the
fircboat George II. Williams reached
the scene of the conflagration. Its
tunny streams aided materially in
putting out the flames which had
crept to the wharf and were rapid
ly eating their way toward the dry
kiln, only a portion of which was
The mill had n capacity of 80000 ft
a day, much of the product ltelug
rail for cargo shipment. The firm
also oterated a yard at Arleta on
the O. W. P., where it had a large
retail trade.
For three hours the fire burned
fiercely before it was brought un
der control.
By 10 o'clock all the structure
work of the plant, with the excep
tion of the boiler room, containing
three boilers, as well as most of the
lumber on the wharf was destroyed.
An attempt was made to save
the boiler room and Captain
Jounson.of the fireboat.sent to Port
land for more hose.
Part of the platform ot the out
skirts of the mill, containing several
thousand feet of lumber, was saved.
The bunkhouse, a planked passage
way leading to the railroad track,
and a few smaller buildings were
also saved. As far as could be as
certained last night all of the ma
chinery was destroyed with the ex
ception of the three boilers, to save
which an attempt was made.
Shortly after the fire broke out
the members of the lumber firm
were on the scene,
"I intend to rebuild immediate
ly," said Mr. Kiugsley Mouday
night, "From the present outlook
I think the mill will be in operation
again within 90 days. Uutil the
ruins are examined I cannot telt
whether the machinery is a total
loss, but I do not think much more
can be recovered than the salvage
of the metal in the machinery."
The plant of the Western Oregon
Lumber Co. was built in September
1909, and put in operation in April,
1 9 10. In the frame of the work
buildings alone were 1 ,000,000 ieet
of lumber. The roof was of gal
vanized irou. The main building
was 56x249 feet. The mill was di
vided into two main departments,
the sawmill proper and the plauing
mill. The property was insured
for 74,000.
The Nazarene Army of America
will give a Christmas entertainment
at 142 Russell street, Lower Alb
ina, on the evening of December
24th, when the "Passion Play"
will be portrayed. Proceeds go for
benefit of the home for women and
children. The mission of this organ
ization is "to feed tlje hungry, clothe
the naked, shelter the homeless with
out mouey and without price,"
Tickets to" the entertainmeut, 10
cents each.
Oilc-sevcnth of twenty-five and a
quarter millions of railroad tics that
are in the Pacific system of the S.P.
roadbed have to be taken up each
year and replaced with absolutely
new ones. These ties, before be
ittg placed in the roadbed, must
be treated cither by creosote or with
a chemical preparation, known as
the Duructtizing treatment, before
they can be used.
These interesting facts ore taken
directly from a statistical report of
the maintenance of way department
of the bouthcru Pacific Company
They are positively accurate. Besides
this, they arc 0 few truths about
railroad operation that arc seldom
given to the readers of the newspa
There arc 0 little more than twenty
live ami a quarter million ties on
the Pacific system of the Southern
Pacific. At the renewal rate of one
seventh each year, and an average
of 2800 ties to the mile, mote than
240 miles of the Southern Pacific
roadbed is rebuilt earth 12 months.
Dining the last ten years 20,098,
490 ties in the roadbed of this road
were taken up and replaced with
new ones. Pine, fir, oak,ccdar and
redwood arc the woods used by the
Southern Pacific for its ties. With
the single exception of redwood, oil
are subjected to the preservative
The Duructtiziiig process con
sists of forcing chloride of zinc into
the wood cells. A vacuum treat
mem is iirst applied. The tics are
first placed in a cylinder, steamed
for the purpose of softening the
wood cells, then the vacuum is ap
plied to extract the sap and water
from the wood. After this the
chloride of zinc is applied. More
than n half o day is required for
this process after which the tics are
treated to a sun both for several
weeks. The crcosotiug process is
essentially similar to Buruettiziiig,
except that dead oil of coal tar is
used in place of zinc solution.
1 here are four spikes in each tic
and two ticplatcs. Hriug your
mathematical talents into play.
The answer is 101,000,000 spikes
and 50,500,000 tie plates in the Pa
cific System of the Southern Pacific.
The tie plates weigh (3V1 pounds
each, the spike a half pound, max
lug a total of 681,950,000 pounds
of metal attached to these ties, not
counting of course, the rails which
weigh 90 pounds to the yard and
the numerous tie rods,
New Lights Ordered
The following new arc lights
were ordered installed by the city
council at its session last week:
One at the corner of Purr and
Fessenden streets.
One between blocks K and L on
Tyler street.
One at the corner of Willis boul
evard and nitchauau street.
One at the third pole from Rich
mond street on Ivanhoe, south.
Change one at Portland boule
vard and Richmond street to Hast
Charleston and Portland boulevard,
Change One at South Edison
and Pierce to Willamette boulevard
aiid Pierce.
Lights installed this week:
One at corner of 1 acoma and
and Crawford.
One at corner of Charleston and
One at corner of Burr and Daw-
Mrs. Mathews Entertains
Mrs. Emma Mathews entertained
number of her ft lends last Thurs
day evening at the home of her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gill
more, in honor of her cousin, Miss
Ethel Bridges of Ellensburg, Wn.,
who had been visiting her since
Dec, 3, The evening was spent in
playing games, and with music by
umery Gillmore on the trombone,
Those present were: Misses Malete
and Lulu Rushford, Bettlah and
Pearl Titus, Lulu Gillmore, Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Gillmore, Mrs. J.
F. Gillmore, Kmma Mathews, and
Messrs. C. G. Hartman, Oliver La-
fave, Emery Gillmore and J. C.
Brooks. Miss Bridges left for El-
leusburg Friday morning.
The quicker a cold is gotten rid
of the less the danger from pneumo
nia and other serious diseases. Mr.
B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va
says: "I nrmiy believe mamDer-
latns Cough Remedy to be absolute
ly the best preparation on the mar
ket for colds. I have recommended
it to my friends and they all agree
with me." For sale by all dealers.
Subicrlbo for the Review and be
Down in Oklahoma the other day
a man went into the store to buy
n saw. He saw the kind he want
cd and asked the price. It was $1.65
the dealer said.
"Good gracious," said the man
"I can get the same thing from
Sears, Roebuck & Co. for $1.35."
"That's less than it cost me,'
saia tlie dealer, "out I'll sell it on
the same terms os the mail order
house, just the same."
"All right," said the man, "You
send it atoitg and charge it to my
"Not 011 your life" the dealer re
plied. "No charge accounts. You
can't do business with the mail
order House that way. rork over
the cash."
The customer complied.
"Now 2 cents for postage
5 cents for a money order."
"What "
"Certainly, you have to send
letter and a money order to n mail
order house, you know."
The customer, inwardly raving,
kept his agreement and paid the
"Now 50 cents cxprcssoge."
"Well, I'll be ," he said, but
he paid it, saying, "Now hand 111c
that saw and I'll take it home my
self and be rid of this foolery."
"Hand it to you? Where do
you think you arc? You're in Ok
lahatna and I'm in Chicago,, and
you'll have to wait two weeks for
that saw."
Whereupon the dealer hung the
saw 011 a peg and put the money in
his cash drawer.
"That makes $1.92," he said.
"It has cost you 27 cents more and
taken you two weeks longer than
if you had paid my price in the
first place." Square Dealer.
An Awful Sick Man
Pat, experiencing sharp pains on
his right side, was advised by his
doctor that he had appendicitis,
and that the appendix would neces
sarily have to be removed before he
could become well. Pat agreed to
have this done and went to the hos
tltal for an operation. Never hav-
ug seen or heard of an appendix,
he wished very much to see the
thing when it had been taken from
his carcass. The physician agreed
to place it upon the window sill
near his cot, so that he could see
it the first thing upon coming out
from under the effects of the ether.
Pat was was operated upon, his ap
pctulix was removed, and he was
placed near a window. In the
meantime a pet monkey climbed
011 the window sill. Upon regain-
ug his senses the first thing Pat
saw was the monkey. The monk
ey began to grin and chatter. Pat
blinked at it hard a couple of times,
his eyes full of sorrow and reproach,
and said: "Don't do it, me son,
don't do it. Yir mither is an
ful sick -111011."
A Merry Party
A merry party of ladies enjoyed
the hospitable home of Mr. and
Mrs. T. D, Condon, Wedtiesday
of last week, when the Rose Leaf
500 club of Portland met there for
au "afternoon,"
Mr. and Mrs. Condon have a
beautifully appointed little home
and Mrs. Condon is a most delight
ful entertainer, so the verdict of
the fair guests: "We had just a
ovely time," was only to be ex
pected. It is the kind of a time
everybody has who visits their
Those present were Mesdames
Beaudetta, Hamilton, Allen, Worth,
Doyle, Singleton, Dohl, McDonald,
Schmale, Reyse, Gordon, of Port-
and; Mrs. Griffith of Kenton, and
Mesdames Valentine, Condon,
Windle and Roberts of St. Johus.
It was the happiest bunch that has
gathered in this pretty Richmoud
street home for many days.
More Than Skin Deep
More than a skin salve is needed
to cure piles permanently.
Don't be disappointed if you fail
to get a lasting cure of piles with
salves. The cause of piles is more
than skin deep. It is sluggish, flab
by veins pockets filled with thick,
iad blood.
HEM-ROID, a tablet tonic rem
edy, is taken inwardly, acts on the
circulation and cures all kinds of
piles thoroughly.
Si for 24 hours treatment at jack-
son & Thompson and all druggists.
Dr. Leonhardt Co., Station B, Buf
falo, N, Y,, mail free booklet.
For Insurance see F.W.Valentine
has broadened. It includes nil Or
egon. The fund obtained from the '
sale of Red Cross Seals will lie
spent this year where it is contrib
uted. This may mean new life to
some victim of the Great White
Plague within your own acquaint
ance. Suppose some one you knew was j
stricken with tuberculosis and that'
one became no longer useful, but 0,
menace. Would you he willing to
contribute a lew cents to help the
sufferer back to health?
There ore thousands of iinhclpcd
victims of tuberculosis in Oregon.
utner thousands tire exposed to in
fection. We must not only help
the sick, but we must protect the
well. Rcil Cross seals sold at a
cent each will provide a fund with
which to finance the campaign to
keep the Great White Plague tiway
irotn your out ot your Home as
well os seek out those whom o little
core tuny save. tt
Buy the Red Cross Seals! Have
a part in a splendid fight. Every
Seal is a bullet. Fire bullets ouaiiist
disease. Buy Red Cross Seals
NOW I Paste one on the back of
every letter you mail. Each is a
message of hope. Yotmvill never
have a larger, nobler opportunity
to do real good ot so liltle cost.-'-Public
Health Committee. Oreuon
State Federation of Woineu'tf Clubs,
Association for the Study and Pre
vention of Tuberculosis!
The Labor ifnions
As it seems to us thebbor unions
ore standing nt the patting of the
l'or a long time in Jie Western
Federation of Miners, ithe violent
and conscienceless meiim the or-'
ganlzotion were the lexers ami til
rectors, and they ertf( rated many
outrages ir. several stavi.
A bail lot have bectJn control of
the Iron men. L W. vV'k we do
not Include in any legitimate or-
gouization. It was organized by
men who were not only determined
to have something for nothing, but
to have the lion's share.
But the great majority of men in
aber unions in our country arc os
good men os live in any country and
only demand a square deal. When
we soy tne unions are at the pari
ng of the ways, we mean that since
the uumuskiiiir in Los Auireles. the
unions will have to decide whether
they will elect their wisest and most
conservative men to fill their offices
or whether they will elect the loud
mouthed ami vicious element which
ias crept into their Associations.
H the former, they will crow n
strength, usefulness and standing
right along; if the hitter, then the
time will come, and come soon,
when no man known to bclowr to
a union can obtain employment, for
tne public will not long live
with the feel inn that there is a
owless force in the country which
they must cater to and obey, or be
treated as the ordinary hold-up or
assassin treats his victim.
1 he men tried for the murder of
the governor of Idaho were acquit
ted and that ends the case with
theui.btit the whole West knows lie
was killed because, as the execu
tive of the state, he performed what
le believed to be his duty.
The whole West knows that kill-
ng of men in the two or three vears
of violence that ruled in Colorado,
was all due to a determination of
the Federation there to rule or ruin.
All that will have to stop or the
unions will have to go. It is up to
them to decide. Goodwin's Week
ly. Still Improving
Manager Brokaw of the Multno
mah is further increasing the at
tractions of that popular resort.
Four reels instead of three are shown
with a complete change each day.
The quality of the pictures, in
spite of the increase iu quantity, has
uot been lowered iu the least. Few
picture houses iu the United States
show four reels with a daily change
of program. The increased at
tendance is ample proof that the
public fully appreciates the enter
prise of the management. If a
person thinks he does not get his
money's worth every day iu the
week at the Multnomah, it would
be hard to imagine what he would
expect. St. Johns should feel
proud of the fact that it has one of
the finest and most enterprising
moving picture shows on the con
tinent. For uptodate news read the Re
viewer uptodate meals visit Dan's,
The fight ogainst
WItli the exception of Council-
man rerrine, 011 members were
present at the regular meeting of
the city council Tuesday evening.
The first matters to be token up
were petitions for arc lights at the
corner of Hayes and Alma, and
Allegheny mid Hendricks nveituc.
Both were referred to the water and
light committee.
The contractors on South Kdison
asked that the city pay lor the use
n ""' " c niiitig ot lower
Htirllunton street with the earth
( taken from Edison, claiming that
,,lev nrc ,,ow l"yiK it man $ 2.50
Ier day for this purpose, while the
city was getting the benefit. Coun
cil decided that the city could not
bear any of this expense, but as
the projwrty owners were sjcclally
benefitted by this fill, they would
be the proper parties to collect pay
from by the contractors if nny pay
was forthcoming.
The following bills wcic allowed
on motion of Alderman Hnrsmau;
all yes:
C. C. Olhus, $6; B. J. Simmons,
?2.! iiiurstou Johnson, 5527. 50;
11. A. llarrcr, $33; I). A. Anson,
$2-, E. O. Magoon, t..So: P. W
Hiniiian, $2; J. I. Shtirts, $2; Win.
Skans, 15; 1). J. Horsman, $25;
11. C. Stevens, $5. Total, .fi.15.
I hiii recommeudiitiou of the
water mid light committee the
following additional arc lights
were ortlered installed, on motion
of Alderman Horsmou: At Burr
and Dawson, Tacomo and Crawford
and Charleston and bessenden.
T. I). Condon applied for 0 li
quor license, to run from January
1st to July tst, 1912. Grouted 011
motion of Alderman Hill: nil yes
The special election canvassing
board, composed of Messrs. 1 1 tit
man, Slums uud Rice, reported the
vote os follows: First wartl, 107 for
ratification of the fcrrv boudstb no.
iH'coud ward, 95 for: 4 against
Total vote 212; 202 for, 10 against.
Report was ordered hied.
I lie improvement of Dawson
street was discussed to some ex
tent, and fear was expressed by one
or two of the members that it would
be next to impossible to have this
street hard surfaced iu the near fu
ture, owing to anticipated objec
tions. However, Alderman Hill
volunteered to interview Mr. Fuller
of the Portland Railway, Light uud
rower wo. in regard to tlie compa
ny s attitude relative to this pro
posetl improvement, If found im
practicable to improve Dawson
Street in the spring, it wits decided
to make on attempt 011 either Jersey
or Willis boulevard, as the necessi
ty of on improved thoroughfare to
Portland is fully appreciated by the
city dads.
Complaint as to the poor condi
tion of Portland boulevard near the
Catholic church having reached the
council the chairman of the street
committee was authorized to rem
edy same
L. L. Cooper was desirous that
Hayes street be otKiied up between
Mohawk and Tyler streets, and he
was advised to get the property
owners interested together and mu
tually agree os to what they were
willing to do, There Is 0 dwelling
in the center of the proposed street
that would have to be removed.
Daniel Brecht wonted a franchise
to operate a ferryboat between St.
Johns ami Whitwood Court uutil
the new ferry is completed. Mat
ter was held over a week for fur
ther consideration.
Mayor Couch stated that the St.
Johns Transportation Co, placed a
value of $8 per day for the use of
the ferry boat, provided the city
wanted to lease it, which was more
than the aldermen seemed willing
to give. The county has the prop
osition of operating and maintain
ing the ferry free until the new one
is constructed under advisement.
But utiless a better rate than $8 ikt
day for the use of the boat can be
secured, it is likely that a free ferry
for the present will be out of. the
An invitation was extended to
council to attend the Food Expo
sition in the Gypsy Smith auditor
ium m Portland Thursday evening.
Accepted on motion of Alderman
Hill; all yes.
All penalties incurred by exceed
ing the time limit 011 the improve
ment of Macrtini avenue were re
mitted on motion of Alderman
Bredesou; all yes,
Ordinances declaring the cost of
improving Edison street between
Burlington and Fessenden, and Phil
adelphia street between Jersey and
Hayes were passed on motions of
Aldermen Valentine and Horsman,
respectively; all yes.
An ordinance providing the time
and manner of improving Gresham
street from Buchanan to Ida passed
on motion of Alderman Valentine;
all yes.
Au ordinance granting a fran
chise to the O-W. R. & N, Co. to
Otx-ti Hours: l:oo 105:0 mid 7 to 9:30 p.m.
Sundays: 1:30 to 5:30
The library year closes witli Oc
tober. The half year since the
opening, May t , shows 011 attend
ance of 174.10 nnd n circulation of
The Literary Digest has been ad
ded to the magazine list, liaviiitr
been especially requested. Mr.
Perrine lias presented the library
with it year's subscription to the
Coming Nation. Charles Edward
Russell, the well known magazine
writer is one of the editors.
The following works on the lex
tile industry have been loaned to
St. Johns bv the Sellwood bronclt
WeavingNelson; Textile De
sign Umpleby; Woolen and Wor
sled Finishing Tiuiiiiertnann.
1 ncse volumes ore put out by
the American school of correspond
ence ot Uitcago and nie especially
ndaptcd to the purposes of selt in
struction and home study, filtet
not only to meet the requirements
ot on instruction manual for the be
gintier iu the work but also to serve
os 0 complete reference work for
the most advanced and experienced
textile worker. It is hoped that
those who ore interested iu litis iu
dtistry will make constant use of
the books for the time they ore
1 he books arriving during the
past week show on unusual mini
her of attractive titles. Among
them are: The Royal Family iu
tlie Temple Prison Clery.
There is 110 period in history
more productive of thrills, of dra
matic .situations ami of tragedy in
its most striking setting than that
of the French revolution. This
book shows us yet a new phase of
it and iu the most intimate fashion
-that of onrbyate diary. Jean
Baptlsfc Cant-Nonet, called Clery,
was personal attendant of the king
oud his family during tlie five
mouths that they were held in the
1 cmple prison, and when tliif tut
hoppy Louis ascended the scaffold
lie did so leaning upon the arm of
this faithful servant. Clery's
graphic account of trying
days is unit of the most fervent loy
oust, whose heart is bleeding for
his beloved king, and 110 one can
read his book without feeling to
some degree his pity if not admira
tion, for the deposed ruler.
Mark Enderby, engineer Hoff
Strenuous Is a mild word to de
scribe this book. How could it
well be otherwise when it is n story
ot once of New Mexico nnd of the
roilroad? Iu the words of one of
the characters "Things are hap
pening oil the time you know.bovs,
and will always be, more or less."
Not even with the ending do things
stop hapiKMiiug for the last words
are; " There seems to be 0 lively
time not very for abend," with tlie
reply by the hero: "It seems
mighty likely." The book isdcdi-
cated to
"Men who know the cunning of
the desert.
Men who meet the sun upon the
Men wlio tide in thunder-tones of
storm winds;
Men who know the voices of the
of the night."
If you are iu need of readings,
stories, dialogues, essays or sugges
tions of any sort for the holiday
season come iu oud look over the
Christmas shelf.
A first class job for any
man, wlio lias a contract
Found that it pays to be
Dead sure that his work is
In good hands, as shoeing is
A special feature; or makea wagon
Box, or any other repair work
Found that needs to be done
By a first class workman.
J. T, Harbin with 20 years' ex-
Tho principal thing for a good
Smith. Call, you will hud him
In- Give us a trial and see
The class of work new and
Old, and be convinced.
Latham shop at St. Johns.
lay a sidetrack to connect witli
Latithcrs' warehouse on Bradford
street passed to third reading. A
franchise for this purpose had been
previously granted to the O R. &
N. Co., but the change in the title
of the company made a new fran
chise necessary.
For Sale or Trade 18 acres of
land, house.barn and other out build
ings, fruit and berry land, 1 100 cords
of wood 011 the place, half mile from
the depot and river, 32 minutes ride
from St. Johns. 1 600 down and bal
ance iu nine years. II. S. Hewitt,
1 12. .South Grusham street. tf
Allen Hickey of Belliiighatn is
visiting his daughter, Mr. Byeilec,
at 315 West Richmond. Mr. Hick
ey is 0 veteran pteucher, having
been iu tlie ministry for half a centu
ry. He is 85 years young nnd jhjh
sesses 0 most wonderfully retentive
memory. It is better than any
show 011 earth to lUten to hi
reminiscences of tlie xtst, which
bubble up in his memory like wa
ter from 0 never foiling spring, it ml
cover every department of life, po
litical, religious, eommeiciiil it ltd
social, giving name and dates io
almost every instance, lie has mii
his native land grow from n poor.un
certain, struggling young tuition to
the first place among the nation In
all that goes to make nation great.
He helped to teop hi father'
grain on the Ohio hills with the
same kind of ti reaping luacliiiH
that had been used Hi nee at leant the
days of Boaz, for whom Ruth, the
grandmother of David. King of la
roel, gleaned, oud him lived In are
the wonderful combined hiirveairr
cut more groin in 10 minutes limit
o mini would cut iu hii entire day
with lite old time hand oickle. uud
deliver it threshed oud ancked ready
for market, instead of it taking
weeks of hotd work with the Hall
and winnowing shovel to complete
the 15 minutes' work of the modem
harvester. When a lHy, the ttimt
rapid melius of commuuicntiou wan
the Indian runner. or the pony mail
rider. while now we have the font
mail, the air ship, the telephone
and the telegraph. Thene are n
few of the wonderful thing he has
seen oud token 0 keen interest iu,
but it is not these thing that huh
the greatest interest for him. Like
on old soldier recounting his Imttles,
he loves to think of the muiiy titiiM
he Iioh lead the fight to victory ovtr
the world, the llexlt nud the devil;
of the thousands he un tnkeit by
the hand and heard to confe. their
Lord; of the thotiMiiuU he hn bur
ied with their Lord in baptism; of
the scores of his converts who wvt
gone out themselves pleaching tin
Word. It is over thwe UiIuQUJh
loves best to think and to talk. To
be such n man, to tlo Mich n work
is truly to be greater tlmn a king.
Epworth League Notes
At the btiNineiMi meeting heM at
the ptinfoiioge the 5th, the fol
lowing odicotx were elected: I'm.
J. C. Brooks: tst Vice Pre. Ital
ian Titus; 2nd Vice I'm, Kdtw
Hollenbeck; 3d Vice Pre. Lulu
Magouc-; 4th Vice Pi.. Kimum
.Mathews; Secretory. C. G. Ilml
man; Treasurer, Cindy Nolo 11:
Organist, II. O. Brown; An4twt
Organist, Edna Uolleubeck. Tlie
devotional meeting hereafter will
lie conducted by two leader iitied
of one, the president being cUateu
to open and cloe the meeting.
I he next biuine meeting will
e held tit the home of w. 8.
Childers and wife 011 Twely,
January 2, ot & o'clock p. hi. Tlie
attendance at the last one wn ftlitti
but the cutliiuiaMiu wtt there.
A number of f.engiter ate pte
xuing to ait the Sunday ncnaal
11 the Chrihtuia euterUimihMil.
Devotional meeting Sunday even
iug at 6:30. We have a good limn.
Come. RetKirter.
The Booster
That iHMXter uoot,
Vou bet your life!
Hi town come that
And then hi wife.
I Iu hooKta and lwoat
With word of clieet :
Willi words of praise
Hu start thing here.
The booiter booau,
He make tiling glow
The working man
Now ha a show.
The hammer sing
And Imsinuwi hums.
The booster boot
And succu coiuws.
The boomer booat,
List to hi song!
As on life's way
He sprints along.
His open hand,
His faith and smile,
Add much to make
This world worth while. -Kg
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