St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 17, 1911, Image 3

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Try Our
Three Stores
St. Johns
Get Ready for a Thankful Thanksgiving
Get that new Extension Table or a Set of Chairs you have needed so long
Or get a Dining Set, we can show you an excellent assortment of patterns
We have a fine assort
ment of Decorated
China, Salad Sets,
Cake Sets, Berry
Sets, Cups and Sau
cers Vases, Plates,
Nut and Bon Bon
Also Cut Glass and Silverware.
We don't carry the 5, 10
and 15c kind. But
anything you buy
of us you will be
proud to give to a
friend or place on
your own sideboard,
We sell it at a small
price because we
are satisfied with a
small profit.
We have a large line of Morris Chairs and Rockers
Prices $6.75 to $25.00
Get Your Christmas Goods
A small deposit will hold them
Local News.
Wanted Tp rent n sewing
chine. Inquire ut j, 10, unci
W, I.. Markle of White Salmon,
Wash., Is a guest ut the home of
his hrothert A. V. Markle.
Carpet anil rug weaving. Hriug
in your work. Mrs. S. M. Warner,
401 Taeoifla .street. 3P
Wolcott (the rent man) 130 nth
street, Portland, is the man to see
for real estate or mercantile deals.
Chese? Any old kind! Also
strictly fresh eggs aud butter, milk
and cream. St. Johns Dairy and
Produce Co., 306 North Jersey.53-3
Fresh Knglish walnuts for sale
The very finest; 15c and 16c per
pound. W. P. Adams, 134 Hart
man street. tf
I. N. CofTyn is having erected
one of the finest dwellings con
structed this year onUuchanau near
Chandler Huntington of Mil tors
Cal., was in St. Johns Friday and
Saturday of last week, the guest his
nephew, C. H. Thayer.
A Lafollette club was organized
lasf night. A meeting for perma
nent organization will be held in
the firemen's hall next Wednesday
Mr. Arthur I?. Snyder and Miss
Anna C. Shiun of Portland were
married last Wednesday evening at
the7hone of H.F. Cheney, tbe offi
ciating minister. .
Picture framing done ut Portland I .
prices at H. F. Clark's, the fimiMI
Hire man.
Mrs. E. F. Day entertained the
Debonaire club at lunch Tuesday
in a delightful manner, the guests
voting it one of the very finest
events of a like nature that they
bud'ever had the pleasure and gocd
fortune to attend.
The fine big cushion on display
in one of the dowu town store win
dows, was raffled off last week and
theTucky number was held by Mrs.
Viola Campbell. Charley Africa
was the owner of it, aud it is a
beauty well worth the winning,
Rub a sore throat with BAL
Onefor two applications will cure it
completely. Price 25c, 50c and i
pcr'bottle. Sold by St: Johns
Pharmacy, -
We will buy your vacant lots or'
your equity for cash if your price is
right. McKinuey & Davis.
Lost -A brawn Jersey cow, hal
ter and roH! nttuched. Figure "7" (
on back. Phone Woodlawn 1507.
See McKiuney & Davis for Park-1
rose, acres aud half acres; $1 150 fori
acres, I600 half acres. Car line to
center of district, easy terms; come
over aud see the plat.
First Christian Science Society:
Sunday 11 a. in., Wednesday, at
8 ti. 111. Keadim: room oien Tues
day and Saturday from 3 to 4 p. m,
All cordially invited to the services 1
and reading room. Sunday service!
subject: "Soul and iiody." j
We understand that the plans forj
free ferry at St. Johns were com-
pleted yesterday and that bids will
be advertised for its construction!
for the next ten days. Commls-j
siouer Hart has given assurance
that it will be the finest on the river.
During the process of house cleaning at our store,
we unearthed numerous odds and. ends of soap stock,
and also discovered that we had duplicated shipment
of a certain line of soap, which, we concluded, was
more soap that) necessary to have on hand, so we de
cided on this big soap sale, the biggest sale on a single
high-grade line ever offered in St. Johns. To make
the sale as attractive as possible we have included in
the sale list every soap on the market. This soap sale
menus to you "Soap at cost." Don't let the opportun
ity go by stock up with a season's supply.
The Telegram, in order to stim
ulate greater activity among its en
ergetlc, hustling carriers, lias opened
a Christmas prize contest, figured
on the basis of $1.00 for every 5
orders. Give your carrier your or
der, he will be sure to appreciate it.
Irregular bowel movements lead
to chronic constipation and a con
stipated habit fills the system with
impurities. HF.RIJINI5 is a great
bowel regulator. It purifies the
system, vitalizes the blood and puts
the digestive organs in fine vigorous
conditio!!. Price 50c. Sold by
St. Johns Pharmacy.
Capt. F. F.. Smith of the Saca
jawea is having a ueat garage built
at his home on New York street.
The Captain is now running an
auto express business which is be
ciiuiiiK' to flourish in eood shape.
and a garage for his two autos has
become a uecessity.
The Klite Daucing club will give
a box social and dauce in Dickner
Hull tonight for the benefit of Mrs.
Fortune and family. All the pro
ceeds derived from the affair will
go for this laudable purpose. Man
ager Sutton donates the hall and
use of the lights, and the advertis
ing matter was furnished free.
Therefore, all who can should be
sure to attend.
For Insurance,, PkMalentine
Medicated Soap
10c Germicidal Soap 70, 3 for 30c
15c Raymonds Cuticle 7c
15c Liquozouc Soap 7c
loc Rainier Mineral 7c, 3 for soc
10c Phys. & Sur. 7c, 3 for 300
35c Lees Kgg-Tar Shampoo 15c
835c llerpichle soap ioc
-k ix t
35c u. u. u. ooap 17c
35c Woodburys Facial Soap 18c
35c Cuticura Soap 19c
35c Packers Tar Soap 17c
25c Oriental Tar Soap 13c
35c Dauderiue Soap 15c
35c Resinol Soap 16c
35c Synol Soap . 17c
35c Dine Ribbon Stable
and Kennel 18c
. Fancy Toilet Soap
35c Cashmere Iioquet 17c
35c Thoro (powder) 16c
35047-11 Glycerine per cake 15c
35c Colgates Dactylis 15c
35c 44 Peau D Kspagne 15c
35c 44 Monad Violet . . 15c
35c La France ..... 15c
Scouring and Polishing Soap
ioc Sapolio. . 7c, 3 for 30c
ioc Hand Sapolio 7c, 3 for soc
10c Bon Ami 7c, 3 for 20c
15c Colgates Silverware. ... 9c
Tooth Soap
15c Raymond Tooth Soap
35c Arnica Tooth Soap...
Mechanic's Soap
10c I.ava Soap . 7c or 3 for 30c
ioc Grandpa's Tar 7c 3 for 30c
ioc Flash ,7c 3 for soc
ioc Scat 7c 3 for 30c
ioc Pumice Soap .... 7c 3 for 30c
Shaving Soap
35c Colgates Shaving Sticks 16c Williams Shaving Sticks 17c
ioc colgates narhers nar, ... 5c
ioc Williams Harber Bar. ... 6c
35c Colgates Shaving Powder 16c
Toilet and Bath Soap
ioc Colgates Floating Bath
Soap 7c 3 for 30c
15c Pure Castile (imported
Turkish) ioc
35c Pure Castile (Imported
Turkish) 15c
25c Box Cocoa Butter Soap. . 15c
35c " Savon Violet Imported 15c
35c " Savon Lilac Imported 15c
35c " Savon Rose Imported 15c
25c " Savon Fleurde lis Imp 15c
35c " Ramona Toilet Soap. 31c
35c 44 Clavel Toilet Soap. . . .3ic
35c 4' Purity Olive Oil Soap 3ic
40c 44 La Paloma ........ 37c
40c 44 Colgate's Oatmeal. ., .37c
40c 44 Coronado Toilet. . . . J. 37c
ioc Cake Jergen's Violet
Glycerine. 7c 3 for soc
toe Cake Palmolive 7c 3 for 20c
15c Cake Pears Unscen'd Gly 1 ic
30C Cake Pears Scented Glyc 14c
toe Cake Pure Klder Flower
Soap . .7c 3 for 20c
AH 5 cent Soaps, 7 Cakes for 25c
St Johns Pharmacy
You will find Us ever sitting on the High Price Lid"
When you want your prescriptions filled right with the best drugs, by the man
that knows but one quality The Best
Graduate of 0. A. C 1905
Uses only one quallty-The Best
Nyal Quality
Nyal Pool Tnlrtets for Pore lYet a;c
NyaU Stone Root for Kidneys. 500 fi
Nnts ugctnlilt Prescription . . f I
NyaU Nylotls Perfume, pcro.. . ji
Nyuls Corn Stlx eets the corn aje
NyaU Yellow Pill for the I.iver 250
NyaU Cherry Cough Uenieily 350, 51a
NyaU Catarrh llaltn. ajc
NyaU Hye Lotion JSC
NynU Salve J50
NvaU rU'ema Lotion 151'
A. D. S. Quality
A. 1). S. ColdTalileU JSC
A. 1). S. Quinine Hair Tonic 75c
A. 1). S. III00.I Purifier .... .ft
A. 1). S. Violet Majestic Talcum! 251
A. I). S. Peroxide Cream 251'
A. I). S. Poot Powder 25c
A. 1). S, Peroxide 25c
A. 1), S. Aiitumllamatus 25c, 50c
A. I). S. Cough Syrup 25c
A. 1). S, Daliy Syrup . . JSC
A I). S. Catarrh Remedy t
A. t). I). Soothing Syrup
Not a native of but believer In St. Johns
Registered In Oregon
New Heaters now in nt it low
price ut II. 1 Clatk's, the fund
line man. 49U
Wanted To exchange n lot nt
Cliffs, Wusli , for n siiiull motor
limit or lutiiieli. 40 tf
Morning iiimI evening services nt
the fulled Kvnngelictil cliiuoli the
coming Sunday. Sniuluy school,
at 10 11. m., pleaching 1 1 a. 111.
anil 7 30 p 111. (t. R. Stover, pas
tor. For p.iins in the side ami chest
ilaniH'ii 11 phce of llniiiiel with
Cliiiinliiil tin's I.iniment ami him!
it ovei Ihe seat of the pain. Theie
is nothing better. For sale by all
For Sale or Trade 18 acres of
land, liiais '.biirn ami other out build
lugs, fruit and berry land, 1 100 cords
of wood 011 the place, half mile from
the !cHt and river, 32 minutes ride
from St. Johns. $600 down and bal
ance in nine years. H. S. Hewitt,
1 1 24 South Oresliam street. tf
Otis Shepardson and U.S. Wright
accompanied Mrs. Shepardson to
her home near Cntlin, Wash., Sat
urday. The two gentlemen will
eudenvorto round up n few Chinese
pheasants before returning to this
citv. The birds are said to be
quite plentiful in that part of the
First Haptist Church Sunday
school ion. 111.; Moiiiiug worship
11 n. 111.; 11. Y. I. V 6:30 p. in.;
evening worship nt 7:30 p. 111. Sub
ject morning: 4 'The Sleeper in time
of Storm " Our evening service
will be omitted 011 account oi the
Gypsy Smith meetings. H. F.
Cheney, pastor.
K IC. Coon brought to this office
last Friday n sack of strawberries
which he had just picked iroin ills
vines at 516 West Cntlin street.
They were large, plump ami juicy,
and beautifully colored. The incon
gruity of rie strawberries and fall
ing snow was quite remarkable.
Ston concliimi! volt rack vour
lungs and worry the body. HAL-
With each bottle there is free H ICR
I'L-ASTliR for the chest. Oct the
dollar size. Sold by St. Johns
- 0
Modern .t-rooms with range con
nected. Fine for two old jieople,
or young couple, $8; also 8 room
house 8 near car line. Kamloipii
Gratleu, 710 Kast Mohawk.
Furnished light housekeeping
rooms for rent. See owner 204
West Chicago street. 36tf
HutiBcrlbo tor ttio Tologrum bent
uvuiiIiik imper oil tliti count. 800
Kd Htorktou.
Reniimliei the I alien' aid of the
Christian chinch will M'lve chickeii
dinneis during the tcacheis' itisti
tlile. I'.iiliculaiH next week. 1
If you want a picluiv of your
home or wheie you live, step in
and see Graves, the Picture Map,
502 S. Ji rsey stieet. 2 2tp
Some very ir.leiesting school
note and equally iuteiestitig Libra
ry comments were etowded out this
week, both being a trille late. They
will appear next week. j
. ., ( . .1. - - - ..! I
AUiuir i.ewis, 1 ne iz-year-uni
sou of 1). I.ewis, of St. John,
died suddenly Monday morning at
St. Vincent hosnltal, nfter appar
ently recovered from an operation
for appendicitis a week ago. He
was buried Wednesday in Mt. Calva
ry cemetery. He was a good student
and well liked by both his iusruct
ors ami his .schoolmates.
II . 1?. Harris, proprietor of the
ice uliint. has our thanks for a
brace of ducks Wednesday. He
had just returned from n hunting
trip to San vie' s island with about
twenty hue clucks, and in passing
the Review ollice stopjied long
enough to hand us a brace. Mr.
Harris' heart is almost as large as
himself, and that's .some.
Hon. A. W. Lafferty
Tickling in the throat, hoarse
ness, loss of voice, indicate the
HOUND SYRIM'. It eases the
lungs, quiets the cough and restores
health in the biouchial tubes, Price
25c, 50c and ft jer bottle. Sold
by St. Johns Pharmacy.
The Adler-i-ka book telling hovvto
KASILY guard against apeudicit
is, and get instant relief from stom
ach and bowel trouble, is being read
with much interest by St. Johns
jieople. It is given away free by
Jackson &. Thompson, druggists,
livery ,sth sitting, 1 dozen abso
lutely FUF.J-,
Graves Picture
502 South Jersey N,a1'
Who made a stirring aldress 111
lUekuer Hall last night and refut
ed in a most convincing manner the
malicious and vicious charges of
his political enemies.
Ten acres of orchard land, all
planted to Newtown and Spilzun
berg apples, neatly fenced, abun
dant spring water, small house 011
land, 3j miles from the Columbia
and U "I''1-' fr()l" t,lc White Salmon
rivers; without doubt the finest soil
aud best located orchard in th
famous ami fertile White Salmon
Wash. valley. Price $7500. For
further particular, cnll nt or ad
dress this office.
The llachelor club will give it
Wu'i'inlior daucini' nartv in the St.
Johns rink next Thuisday evening.
It will lie good to ne mere.
A special election to ratify thu
ferry bonds will be held Dec. 5H1.
St. Johns manages to hold SHtcil
elections as often as nny other city.
Organ for Sale for one third of
its cost, new at H. F. Clark's, tint
furniture mail. 4jtf
Curtains Washed For 40 cent
u pair, extra large 50c, at Ladtgeji,
723 No. Fillmore. ap
Christian Church Sunday school
10 a. in., Preaching n a. 111. and
7:30 p. ui C. H. 6:30 p. 111. Jun
ior lindeavor 3 I. Kverybody
invited to all these service. Tabor
nude comer New York and Leon
ard streets. A cordial invitation in
extended to all. J. R. Johnson,
Puy your nubncrltlon,
tik tTiriW&rib 7 i?4 1?4 T tTi T tSf 7 tft i& tit 7tT4i?ii3i iSW ii i74 1T4 tft
I How About Your
This store is the only one In St. Johns that sells groceries exclusively.
Therefore, we arc in a position to keep our stock fresh and the best
that can be secured. No stale or poor quality of anything is kept on
hand. Pair and courteous treatment and prompt delivery are at
your command. Give us a trial, if not already a patron.
111 West Burlington Street