St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 10, 1911, Image 4

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    The Buying Power of $1.75.
A little tnoiicv sometimes buys
n irood tlenl. for instance, take
the stibscrmtion nricc of '1
Youth's Companion for n year
$1.75. If all the good readiiiR in tl
rt iri.i.l'li' icciw.u n( lhi liiltmr U'PI
published in book form, according
to its kind, it would make about
thirty volumes of fiction, science,
cssavs bv famous writers, household
management and economies, sports
nnd nnst hues lor boys, naiura
historv. anecdotes, humor,
The serial stories nlone would
.several volumes. Among these
Knlnli Paine's itrcut story of
lioxer Rebellion in China, "T
OimkmkI the Dratron." Another
by J. W. Salinity., who was adopted
by tlic JJlnckieet wnen a noy. i
is called "The Uuest for the Kisli
Dog Skin." Another is a glorious
girls' story by C. A. Stephens, calle
"Julia Sylvester." It is the Mor
of a "Mercer" girl in the pionee
days of Oregon ami Washington
nnd Hint is onlv imrt of the serin
It will cost vnu nothinir to sent
foi the beautiful Announcement
of The ComiKinion for iyia, and w
will send with it sample copies o
the tinner.
Do not forget that the new sub
soribor for tyta receives a gift o
Tiie Companion Calendar for iyt2
lithmmmheri in ten colors and until
mid all the issue for the remaining
weeks of lot i free from the Unit.
lilt siilisrt ititimi is teceived.
Only $1.75 now, but 011 January
1, 190, the price will be niivancet
to S3.00.
Herkeley Street, lioston, Mass
Mew subscriptions received
this ollice.
Proposals for Street Work
SunltNl tirtilMMwU will Ik- ire? tvtil Ml ttlr
iiffiie of the Ueeonler of tile City of Ht.
John until Nov. I.tli, imii.nI tfoVloek
i. tit., fr tliv linpKiVfitii'iit n Newton
Ktfi'ct front tiie northerly I In of I'ort
houlvvHitl to tlt wMilhrrlv llnu of
lUnk ttwl, ill the iimimcr rovl"lel hy
nriliiiiiiK'e No. .. mihjei't to lliv jiiovln
Inim tif lilt; clmrttT Mini onlhimiee of 1 1 1 '
City of St. John, Mini tiie -tiitmle of
the City tniKiiii't'r, on file.
IHiIh tiitMt lie strictly in iicconlmice
with printed limine, wliieli will Ik turn
1 0 1 i'tl on ntmllcHtloii Ht the ollice o( the
Kirotilcr of the City of Hi. John. And
mIi! linptovuiiiunl imiot he t-om plult-.l on
or lnjfuru oodiiyn front title ol the liml
iniiiioiiiou ol notice 01 prowm 01 mint
No in)xwil or lilU will iKMiHwIileteil
unit iirootiiiiiitfii oy it cuiiiiiimi ruiH'K
ki)iiIi1d to tin ortiur 01 ine .Miiynr 01 tut'
Citv of St. JnhiiH. certified liy it rttxin-
llilc hunk lor an amount eqiml to ten
iHtrt'unt. of tliv HHKrK'e iionmiI, mill
iMitiilii to the Hiuouut ol tin eontnii't
nrloo will liu rtNiuiiiNl.
The right to tejwt miy hiii! mII hiil U
mutiny ittMtrvwi.
Ily nrilurof the City Coiiuril,
I'. A. KICK.
I'ulilUlitil in tin- ,M. Ji'lin-. Ki viow on
Oi'l. 7j, Nov. t mm i". 191 1.
&tilixl hojmmmU will Ik- rtffivt-d hv
Hie inu1trr4MMHl m tin ullu v in tliv ril
li.ill o( .St. Toliim. Ortnoii. until o 11. in.
'J'mwuliy, Nou'inlier 41, lot I. for rwlt ol
nut Ihm tlmn mr nod ntvrmil lutvrvct of
llllirOHHllt IMHKU Ol IIH' I'll) Ol Ml.
Jollim, (Iimkiiii. TUv wtlllv to Ik" lurd
iinilur OiillimiK't' No. .6 lor Ihv whole
or ii i iv iMrt of .' Hnl ImwU to Ih
tUitwf 9ttHt)iiilK-r i, i v I . i"l iuril in
iltmiHiilnutHttM of moo vmtn. iwyitlilf let
ytwm from tUtc, Mitir Ih-iiik imiom
ImmU ImmHhk U )irr i riil lutvlot. my
llhlo Mimi-AHHMttlly HU'I MibjtH t to all llir
CtHllllttOlM lloMHo. illltt'trtl UU kllHI-
liittHl by MH'titwt. i )i ol tin- t'bmtrr ( tliv
eity of St. Mu. All IimU iuut Ik-
owuimhhmI t m 'itiiil I'lirvk (or t wr
emit in ihv Mfcouui, tMitl clMH'k to lx m
utilo to tit city of St. Jollim, tu which it
will rtivtirt tUiU4nr hi t-iur Mity to
W HUIH iHWHr. Mir HVtMlllftl lull lu VVlt
hwI (My lor miiiv williiii i.s iUy (rout
1.1 I l . I. 1 I
uml ImihU Uvtiritl hi St, Juluu. llult
ttgkt it rvMinMl by tUv eouut-il to
iiiwet HMy ttmi an imu.
I'. A. KICK.
Citv Kteontrr.
1'HlJWnf.l iii thr St. Joluu Krtirw on
uot. tj, ttow .t, in unit 17, 1 ji 1.
Proposals lor Streel Work
JmhiIwI ifuHuU will Ih- rt't-rucil ut
tlio oftk of vue uvonlrr l tin- citv ol
it. John uutit Nov 1 1. 1911, .ti KoVloi-k
11. ui. fur tbv iuiitroveuifiit ut tuiuiiuuv
trvtit frtWH the nnulhrrU uW hue of
Jorwy ktrvut tu the iiorthrrly
liu of lttliaou ktrvvt, 111 tin- nun
iHir iHiiviiUd by onliiuiici- No. 437. ml
wt Ui tbe MUvuioUk itiv luirlt-r ul
iirdiiuiiH'M of the city of St. Johun, ttml
thw tmtluwt of tberity i imiiu-rr. ou Mr.
IliiW mutt bv utrictly 111 urconUuce w itli
jiriutud bbtukit which will U- fuiu
Iktiwl (Hi Wlictiou at tin- otliie ol the
rtyriWr f the city of St. John. Ami
ituMOveuieut unut lu- couili-tetl tin
or tntfurc 6u tlu bum the ll tublic
tiuu of HOtice of iuouimiU (or viiil wuik.
No )iro)iMtlk or lil w ill be coutulcrvtl
UHhfe oluunicil by a 111 titleil check
tuyuWe Ui the iu)ur of tin- city of St.
JuhiHlt cnttifil by rouoiwible bauk
fur kh uiwiiut tul to tcu per cent. 0
the ujjgrcKUte ptuiMMtl.
Tin) right to reject uy nuil nil unit i
uurciuy rQMirvtNi.
Ily urilur of the city couucil.
lf. A. KICK,
City Kvcoitter.
I'ublUluHl iii the St. John Ktvivu
Ui't. 7i Nuv. 3 and 10. lyit.
Stop coughing! you rnek your
lungs and worry the laxly. HAI.
With each bottle there tsfiee Utttt
lIf ASTltR for the cheat. Oct tiie
dollar sle. Sold by St. Joints
Solicit proixisiiln will he received hy
the uuilerslfjneil ut his ollice in the city
hall of St. Johns, Orceon, until Tues
day, Nov. 14, 1911, nt nix o'clock ). 111.
for the wile of not less thnn Jwr value
unci accrued Interest of improvement
bonds of the city of St. Johns, OreKUii,
the same to be issued by authority of
Ordinance No. 431 for the whole or any
mrt of fj5.500.1xj. Said bonds to be
dated Sept. 1, loti.uiid Issued ill denom
inations of ,500.00 each, xiyablu tell
years front ilate,sme being coupon Ixinils
bcurinx six ier cent Interest payable
scml-suiiUBlly.Hnil subject to all thecou
ilitions ilill-oseil, directed ami stipulated
by Section 131 of the charter of the city
of St. Johns.
All bids must heaccomMiiiled by a cer
tified check of two jer cent of the uc
itiiittt, shIiI check to lie myable to the
city of St. Johns, to which it will revert
as liquidated ilitniBKes in case Jxirty to
to w hum bonds are awarded falls to ac
cept anil pay for same within 15 days
from acceptance of bid. Money to he
jwlil mid ImiihIs delivered at St. Johns,
Oregon. ,
The riiiht l reserved to reject any anil
all bids. 1'. A. RICH,
City Recorder,
Published lu the St. Julius Review ou
Oct. ao, 7uiul Nov. 3, 10. 1911.
CArYi' 773 W. 0. W.
Meets ev.
cry Wed
n o i d t y
ev o n I n (r
in Dick
nar's Hall
Mwln yrrr Orl-lsy hUht t
7 Mo-cLk-Ii st I, O, O. Ft
7j Hall vmltora sIkst Wl-
W.C. AtntllSON. f . c.
a. w.ritKtr, k. r.
No. 186 I. O. O. f
sr. joiins, oitrcoN
Meets each Monday evening In Odd Kol
Iowa' hnll, at 8:(HJ. VUitoro welcomed.
C. nnil A. M.
Itrgulnr communications
on nnd third Wed
iiosiImvh of each month
in Odd Follows1 hid
Visitors wolcomii.
Central Market!
Sec iis Tor liu. Choicest Gils o
(he Hcst Mc.its Ohtainubtu.
Orilrr lllliil und r'uinlly Trade Solicited.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
St. Johns Laundry
Thoroughly equipped for nil kind
if laundry work and
Up-to-date In every respect
Prompt and eflieicut service? guar
inteed. Your mtronage solicited.
Notice of Cost of Improvement
Notice U liciebv uiveit Hint the iism-m
went fr tin- IiiiproM-iiivut iii I'lillmli-I
4i la Mreet Irtiui iinyea Mrcvt to
iI1miii ktrevt, the whole cot of which l
1 t.6l Mi, was ileclMrtNl bv Ordinance No.
ito. eutilled "Ah onlhtmuv tleclarint!
the cMt of ituHovitiK I'ldlailclphia streel
or tlwt irtioii thereof Iyiu unit Ih-iiik
between the northerly line of ItdlMin
t reel und t lie MHithvrly line of llavis
stieet In tiie city ul ht. Johns, ami
seMiiiK the trtijierly U'lii'littHi tht-rcbv,
Im-IHUUK sui-n awcsMiicnt ami iitrtTltug
Hit- entrv ol tiie name lit tut- iiockcl ol
cil lieiik."
The cot of saitl iiiiiot-iin-iit is It vied
iisu all tiie lot, part ol lots ami
-eia ol mini wilUlli tile ixminwiu-k n nit
listrici ilescrdietl as follow: Ht-twccn
the iiortlierls lute of Ivdimai sirri'l
ml the wiiitlieily line of Have sticrt
A ttlaleineui of saul akM-teiuent lias
been eitleied ill the docket of citv lieu
November K, 1911, ami aabl akeiiucut
is now due nnil im t able at the otlu-e ul
llH- tccortler ol the city of lit. Johns. Or
t'lttiii, ami will be delinquent and bi-itr
iiiieit-M alter .Nov. IMU, lull, ami 11 not
Mitt ou or tmlote I tec. Mill. mil. im
ceetliuKs will be taken for the collection
of the same hy alv oi pltqicity s pio-
v.iiiii in nit- fity riturier.
I'. A. KICK.
Published 111 the St. bibn Review ou
Nov. i aiul 17, 1911.
Notice of Cost of Improvement
Notice i beicliy iicu that the .iwicss-
iiieut lor the liuiitoveuirut of M.ti ium
axt-iiue from O.W.U.& N.nchtof w.iv to
1.:.. 1. 11. . . - 1
l.iv vwiMllllltll Ollillll, iiv ttuai eot 01
which is Ss.4AS.SS. whs declared bv Or
iiuuiice -o. .jtt. enuueu -.n onlinance
leclantiK tlio cost of imtmmue Macruiu
avenue from the O. V. R. S: N. rielit of
..u.. ,1... 1.:.. 01 1 1 .v. . .
1. ii, v wiMtmtiu oiuiiuili illllt IIM.CN'
uig the pmpt-rty licucHtetl tbcicby, tie
clariiic such ascsiucut and diiet-iiiiL-
the entry of the same in the docket of
city lieu."
l lie ctkt of Mid improvement U levied
Uaui all the bits, paits of lots aud par
cels ol land within the liouinhirii- of liu-
district, as follows: between the O. YV.
K. & N. riKht of way and the Columbia
A ktatemcut of Mid iicmcnt luii
tiet-n eliteietl in the docket of city lioiii
November Sth, 1911, and naid ,ivst.siiieiit
U now due and Myublc ut the ollice of
the recorder of the eilv of St. lohns. Or.
KOH, autl will he dulnumeut aud bear in.
ieirt utier .-sovemncr im. 1911, ami if
uol UMidouur before Decembers. 1911.
tuocewliuitk will be taken for tbu ctillw.
fuw ul the wine by Mile of irourty u
urovklwl by the city charter.
1'. A. KICK,
City Recorder.
lhllUUbatl iu tlm St. ulim liiivl,,w
An Ordinance Dcclarimr thei
Cost of Improviii"; Pliilndcl-
phia Street, or that Portion
Lying and Iieing between
the Northerly Line of Edi
son and the Southerly Line
of Hayes Street in the
City of St. Johns, and
Assessing the Property Ben
efited Thereby, Declaring
Such Assessment aud Di
recting the Entry of the
Same in the Docket of City
The city of St. Johns iloi-s ordain as
That the council has connidi-rcd the
trotio4i-t1 iivicMucut for imtirovlue l'lill-
uili'lpliiti street, or that Mirtioii thereof
lyitiK between the northerly line of Hd
ison Htrcct and the .stiutlicrly line of
Ilnyi-s street, in the city of St.
lohtiH, and all objections made
thereto, and hereby inccrtiiln, determines
nuil ilecinrcN llie whole cost 01 until tin-
nrovemeut iu maiiuer tirovided by Ordi
nance No. .tot to be the sum of f,)l.H7,
and that the sjiccial and peculiar benefits
accruing to eucli lot or mrl lucre
of or jKireel of land within the im
sessineiit district, by reason of auid im
tirovement and in lust iiriiixirtloii to nuch
iienelits, arc In the rcniective amounts
set opposite the nuiulicr or ilcscrlptlou
of eiir 1 1 lot or Kirt thereof or xircel ol
land in the follow-ill; annexed iis.esi
ineiit roll.aiul Mild iiMessiueut roll.which
Is uumliercil 'ij, is hereby adopted and
iiiiiirnveil as the asfciwiuciit for wild im-
ptoteiueut, and the recorder of the city
of .St. Jolnif Is directed to enter a state
ment of the aAeAiiicul hereby made in
the docket of city liens, and cause notice
thereof to be published as provided by
emitter, which akM?sineui is as ioiiows:
Lot lllock Addition Ami.
1 .V.I..J9 Jaiucs John'.... fyoi.jS
i M " .... 53.S
i " I9.5
3 -.-7 " sni
. 37 " U..
I NHJ.iO " ... .i5'i(
I.SWJ " ajH.oj
I " 5V"-JI
rioted by llie council this ;th day of
Mivcmiier, 1911.
Approved by the timvor this 7th dity
..1 I.... -
,11 .iiit einicr, 1 f 1 1
k. e. corun,
Attest: I'. A. RICH.
I'ublished III the St. Johns Review oil
Nov. 10, 1911.
Finit National Hank bulldlnc
Physician and Surgeon.
Dy & Nlcht Ollice In McChcaney blk.
SI. Johns, Oregon.
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D
Itealdunco, CJ7 Duwaon Street
Ollice, Pliter lllock.
Unlvrnlly 1'ivl., Cortland, Orecon.
l-'irtt.Nnliiiivnl Dank lliiililiiiu
0. J. (1ATZA1YER
McDonald IluildiiiK
Transfer and Storage
We deliver your itooda to and from
all parU of i'ortland, Vancouver, l.lnn
ton. I'ortland and Suburban Kxnrem
Co., city dock ami all pointa accessible
uy waon. I lano anu lurimure niounf
Star Brand
Bros. Shoes
Not a lustiry lmt a necessity,
souietliiUK every lioire oujjlit to
have. ntisinctory estnuat.s on
new or repair work.
33 S, Jcrey St, Phone Columbia 91
SuccesMirs to
St. Joluu S.tud aud C, ravel Company
h. . JACKSON, Prop.
General Contractor
We are prepared to do anv ami
all kinds of excavating for street
work and other tntrposes. We
also handle sidewalk aud build
iug material,
Newtoti and Pcvsendeu Stieets
St. Johns, Oregon
Phone Columbia. . . .
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
hould reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock u, nt. Please
The Best Dressers
Wear "PecR" Clothes
The Reason:
They are clean-cut and
crisp, giving men a solid,
successful appenrauce. If
you want to feel sure a
bout style and fit, we are
sure that we have the Ts'
clothes here that will win
your confidence and will
hold your good opinion
through their good wear
ing qualities.
The prices range from $15
to $25, but correctness is a
fixed characteristic of these
Peck clothes, no matter
what the price may be.
Hats and the other furnish
inns for men of the right
1 i 1 HytTry j
Rust Proof
for Women
Grocery Department
Is kept right up to the minute in all the seasonable products. We
are increasing our lines of Dishes, Glass and Graniteware.
A dollar spent in our store is spent right. Each dollar you
spend with us helps St. Johns to have a larger and better store.
Ladies' Home
Journal Patterns
Kabo Corsets
Last Forever Hosiery
Business Honesty
The time was not so long ago when men differentiated between hon
esty in private life and honesty in business.
But the wave of modern merchandising has swept out "Obvious
Trickery" has washed away false standards and made "Business Honesty"
a living force. Nowadays all good stores are honest all the way througE
honest in Merchandise, Price and Service.
Whatever success has been this store's portion has resulted from an
unwritten policy of "Business Honesty." We have tried to make it a
store where even a child could purchase with safety.
Of course we make mistakes sometimes we err in our judgement
of merchandise but we stand back of our goods and when things go
wrong we are always ready to make them right.
Get the Habit of Purchasing at this Safe Store
We arc exceptionally strong on Men's Suits and Overcoats at $15.00
Opposite City Hall Phone Columbia 137
I'uy your nubuurliitlim,
Nov. 10 mid 17, 1911.
rememoer this and save the printer