St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 10, 1911, Image 2

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Now Going on in Fullest Blast, Greatly Exceeding Our Expectations in point
of Selling. Don't put off buying any longer, as some of the best bargains
are GOING FAST. $1 8,000 in Merchandise sacrificed for Cash.
New goods arriving daily to replenish our stocks and avoid disappointments
Handkerchiefs Sacrificed
Antiiijititi' otir lioh'las wants.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs:
3s" values for 18c en
i ic values for 7c en
1 ? ! . c value for 6c en
irx- values for 5c en
.1 for 25c value jc en
Children's I Inndkurchief.v
50 values for 2c en
8c values for ac en
Men's Handkerchiefs:
12' c values for (c en
2,sc values for ioc en
Men's 50c Suspenders
Snerifice snle price 29c
Ladies' Scarfs
lfnucy knit and Chiffon nt sacri
fice sale prices:
$ 1 .00 Scarfs for 59c
1.50 to 3.00 Scurfs for. . . .89c
1.2.5 Silk Knit Scnrfs 79c
t.oo Scnrfs for 68c
2.00 Woolen Scnrfs for . . oSc
Semi-Porcelain Dinner Ware
Sacrificed. 35c Vegetable Dishes
sacrifice sale price 19c
4.5c dishes for 24c
Tea and Coffee Pots
Nickel plated. Regular price
$1.2.5. Sacrifice sale price 83c
Ribbons Half Price
New assortment just received,
and they nil go at hnlf price.
Our entire stock included, noth
ing reserved. Widths '4 in. to
71 j inches. Sacrifice sale prices
range from 1c to 40c per yd.
liuy now for holiday fancy wo'rk.
Fleece Lined Underwear
For Men. Regular ,50c values
nt sacrifice sale price 29c
Shinola Polisher and Dauber
Regular 25c value. Sacrifice
snle price 10c
toe Shinola Shoe Polish for 5c
Ladies' Neckwear Sacrificed
Hcautiful lace and embroider
iud effects in Collars, Jabots,
Side Frills, etc. Values up to
50c all go nt sacrifice nt 19c en
Hook and Eyes
Wilson nnd Windsor, card . 3c
Men's Bandana Handkerchiefs
10c value;
24 inch. Regular
Sacrifice sale price
Men's I5c Cotton Socks
In tnu, blnck nnd colors; sacri
fice sale price per pair ... 9c
Jersey Sweaters
For men and young men; regu
larly worth to $4.00; your choice
sacrifice sale price $2.39
Hoys' $1.50 Sweaters, sacrifice
sale price 98c
Ladies' Coat Sweaters
Values to $5.00 at sacrifice sale
price $2.10
$2.00 Comforters
For full size bed. Tnke advan
tage. Sacrifice sale juice $,'29
Way's Mufflers
At sacrifice sale price ... 29c
Rustlings for Neck
Lengths 17 inches . . ,6c a length
These were regularly sold at 25c
to 35c n yd ; your choice of colors.
Darning Cotton
Merrick's and Clark's, in brown,
tan, white and black,. 3 for 5c
Children's 25c & 35c Underwear
Nearly all sizes at sacrifice sale
price I9c per garment.
Ladles' and Children's Hose
And men's Half Hose; regularly
worth to 35c, sacrifice. . 19c pair.
Ladies' Linen Collars
Kmbroidericd ; regularly worth
to 50c, all sizes; sacrifice, ,12c ea.
Brown Oxfords
For Misses ami Children nt..49c
Just the thing to wear about the
house. Regularly worth $1.50.
Entire $4000 stock
of Shoes at 25 per
cent off.
This advertisement reveals but a few of hundreds of the "Money Savers" on Sale. Prizes will be
awarded on last day of sale, Nov. 21st. YOU MUST BE HERE.
$5.00 in Groceries
Wo will tivf to a customer an order for
$5.00 WORTH OF OROCKKIKS, as you
may select from Our Dependable Stock.s.
Given Absolutely FREE to our Customers
Oti every Cash Purchase of $5.00 dm lug this sale you will each one receive a ticket bearing
a number. Number of tickets limite t. ADSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTEED,
Any Pair of Shoes in
the House you wish
Our entire stock of shoes is at your command
for a pair of the best shoes you ever wore.
309 South
Jersey Street
St Johns,
Stories of Success
llnr.l. ni.iinml
I .t I -r w m llirt
I. fn ..t (if
.fin.. Wur
r I I 'I lit) 11 a
i' .us i.r Nil Hi
III. ..l...!tTM
I I 1 HI 4t III
:ir ...I I ik of
ll'l.ll until oil
(I,, iii. 1. 1 . uiml.
1 uiil I m l iiuriiuli
iii- nr.- "I m in -
l'ln..l IrtllliitltC
win. 111 linn Tim
V t t ilM.
I .1 1 I . .1 1 HI...IIIM.I
mil) 10 inuunir. .n. 1.1. .u ..1..1
t( mill l. liW I . . v uf
nluily. My iiihMi.m Dim iiiohI of hid
lima nnti hi iii.uMi.' "iii.iiiiiiiiliti
for mcIiimiIIiik, lu . .ulr. . autTIWvnt
iMliirulluii lo limit in iiim country
wIhhiIb. raiufully kuvIiik liU in. iimy
imnblnj lit hi In cnirr William ci.
lag. whtt. h t.M.k rlrat rank N li
MudaHl ami yrmliMli'il with I bo
lilgkwat liuuura uf hla ikit
Tim tralilvnt uf lint rolia
rmxiMiiUfil Ilia MIIy Mini iit.rllnic
tvnrtli uf llilu young man ami m.utu
lilin uiim of lli Inatrm lura That Im
wan latar i I01I0.I to fill tlia lilHhaat
iiffltn wltlilii Ilia gift uf (ha Alliarl.
can HoiU waa nut tnnrn luck Wo
uuiiiut all Im I'rwaUlwit, hut wt ran
ull Itv imivlilvnt Thla bank ufTura
ymi vrv liiiiucriiiuiit to optm a
avlnna and will muku tho
way wy fur you,
St. Johns, Oregon
i5vi.VK8Ti:K I'iri ksn, l'tcs.
A. R. Juhks. Vice PnMdcnt
F. P. !) Ciuhier
C. H. Ki'HKKU., Aaa't Cashier
All good citizens of .St. Joints
should remember the fact tliat 11
inrcting i called for Monday even
ing next ill the I Huh school audi,
toriuiu for the iurM)sv of or;iuiix
ing a commercial club. It Ik iiuier-!
1 utive thnt a strong reprvkcutatlnii !
Ik? picMMit. Not n luiNiiietw iiniu,
nor h tirou.'rty owner in St. John
should nlHtunt hiniM'If. A large
oouitneicml chili nhIIk advance
iiieut. ptmh and progrw. It i
needed in St. John. all nt
tend who cull.
With tliU ItMiie begins the uilitli
year of the Review's existence. .
With the beginning of the new year!
mi 2 u in proimmc tnni the Review
will Ik? transformed into it daily w
K?r. It will depend ontiiely upon
what Mti)Hrt will he KtianiiitutH
k-fote it in laiinclied. Solicitors
will cover the field here thoroughly
and if we can see our way dear to
net out a daily puKr the first of
the new enr It will snrcl hi' done.
Many St. Johns people have
.stomach or howel troiihh which is
likely to turn into upeiidicills If
you have coustiMtiou, sour stou -Hche,
or pis on the stom.ich, try
sniuiple huckthoru hark, Hhivnii'-,
etc., ns compounded in Adler i ka,
the new (Urman nppuiultcitis rem
edy. J icksou kS: Thompson, drun
Hiats. state tlmt A SINOI.K DOSH
of this fciuiplc remetly will relieve
bowel double aliuont INSTANT-I.Y.
To tnke your order for that
stove you need.
Our line is complete. See
11s before you buy.
We are taking orders for
V ireless Cookers. Our .second
shipment will arrive in the
course o a week. Step in and
we will explain how they save
75 per cent in fuel alone.
HuliHorllni fur tho Rovlaw ami be
hntii j
Tun st. johns ucvinw
I'ubl lalied Kvory KrUuy
At 117 Vat llurllimtoa Street.
Tint Kkvikw u iiiliivil ut iMtatollice
hi Satnt JuUua, Orctimi, aa uiall muttor
ol the avctiuil elaaa uulr the Act ill Con.
KtcM of March 3, 1879.
OmcUl Ntwipipir of tta Cltjf of St. John.
Ailrtliln( rtM, 11.00 par lath pr uwnth.
Subscription price $1.00 per yonr.
Some raical or st of rim-al tiel
thu fi rebel 1 m that it cotild not be
used for curfew, fireinau'n meeting
or fire alarm iHirjio., Monday and
Tmisidny tiiliU. TliU u n niot
serious offence, ami the party ret
poiialblu for the dastardly act
.should b apprehended if pottiiblc
and punished in a befittiug manner,
liecause some people object to Maine;
the fireball fur curfew puipo or
ure detirou. of deleatiujj the object
nud purpojo of the curfew bell is
no reason that the city should be
jeoj)ardiel by fire. The act U ttM)
terious to be (utSMxl ovur lightly. I
How to Draw Checks
The cluck s the simplest of all bank tonus, In inj; incicK
an older for the bank to pax a ceitaiu sum to the ikimmi designated
otit of the fluids to the civdit of the diawei ol the check.
Cltevkii may Ih? niatK eitlver ixtyable to oider or bearer, in
the foimer cne the imyue uuist Ik- known to be the proper person
and must endorse the check befoie the money will be paid; in the
latter ease, any one holding the check is entitled to present it and
receive imyuient without endorsement or identification.
Wlyle a lmuk cannot be held ivuponjiible ftir tho payment of
beutor check to the wrong poison, if suspicious ciixMimstiiuces war
rant such action, the paying teller may tefiwe to cash it until ait
in estimation is made.
In writing a check, the maker should take every care to pro
tect himself against the dishonest intentions of any future holder
of his jMpcr. Never write a check with a lead pencil, always
H.'ti and ink, Commence to wtite the amount (both figures and
the body) as far to the left as possible, so that nothing can be in
set ted before it; fill up the remainder of the space intended for the
amount with a heavy line, so that uolhiug can be added after the
amount . Write your figures plainly and see that the amount in
figures cortespouds with the written amount.
Unlets you take ordinary iiiecatttions to gttuid against
fraud, you ate in it measure responsible for the consequences aris
ing therefrom.
The Peninsula Bank
Capital, and Surplus - $57,000.00
United States Depository for Postal Savings Funds
Undertaker and Funeral Director
Ui-prt'kViitliiK l'ortlaml Murhlc Work. Intimate (arnUhrd for ull kind
of monument, vaults ami roping work, If you arc thinking ol having
nu thing done hi till Hue, cull ut my office uud talk it over.
Phone Columlim 283 Eait Dutlington Sticet, St. John, Oregon
f- eeereee
J H. HENDERSON McDonald Bldg., 208 Jersey St.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
j: Abstracts of Title Prepared, Accurate Work Guaranteed,
If your Neighbor Has Electric
Lights o
And you have not, just step into his house some evening after dark
and compare its light with your own. Study inch point of con
venicHce, cleanliness, clearness, mid beauty carefully and then
figure out for yourself if it would not pay you well to have your
house wired for electric light at once. Hlcctric light is cheaper
and better than ever before.
lf your house Is located on any of our distributing Hues wc
shall be glad to advise you about having it wired and will give you
more facts about the efficient electric lighting of your home.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
7th and Alder Street
full Una of Roba, CaakaU, ato , kept In alook
lc I'lioiie .Hxllawn 8; iiumoncinti tnni.
Krikiue I'lwiie WooJIawn 5l I'NIVKRSITY l'ARK, ORKGOV
lit modern house Hest and Cheapest board and rooms in the citv
I $4.50 Per Week 508 N. Jersey St.
The trains of the North Hank Road run
through to Spokane, Utitte, Helena, Minneapo
lis, St. Paul and Chicago without change.
None is faster or better appointed. Every
mcderti feature of equipment is supplied,
With only one change of train, and that is the same station, Oma
ha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Denver and other central western points
are reached.
Tickets and baggage arranged through to all eastern points, De
'tails will be furnished on request.
Subscribe fur tho Telegram boat
wvmiiIub papr on tba coast. See
KM Stockton.
A suit for damages sustained by
reason of her small sou beinir bitten
by a dog owned by Mr. Cormany,
was brought before Judge Downs
court List Kriiluv. The iurv ren
dered a verdict. after quite a lengthy
.1.. i;i. ..i:..i..i.. :.. f.. f .1.
(ivuuviiiiiuu, iiiiKiuiy in unui in iut
planum, toe neiuiiqam ocuig as
svaafetl one dollar damauus nud cost
of prosecution.
Furnished light housekeeping
rooms tor rent, bee owner 204
West Chicago street. 36tf
tS . wa
v.uamoeriaius Motnacuaiui utver
tablets do not sicken or gripe, and
may be taken with perfect safety
by the most delicate woman or the
youngest child. The old and fee
ble will also find them a most suit
able remedy for aiding and strength
ening their weakened digestion and
for regulating the bowels. For
sale by all dealers.
W. E. COMAN, G. F, & P. A.
O. M. CORNELL, Agent
: LU M BER: Slabwood I
I Rough, Prompt Dry,
Dressed, Deliveries
4- Flooring, Quality
Trimmings t
Phone Richmond 131
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