lUfforlcal Society ST. JOHNS REVIEW 1MI . . t i tr rr A 1AI I . lT'b INUVY Ul IU YUU Toiubicrlbe (or THIS Piper All the ncwi while II li newt It our motto. Call In anJ enroll T MTI ft I M. f f mtw T. 01 admtliinf In THIS Piper mi you'll never retrel II, llr la t once ead keep rltnt l II Devoted to the Intereitt ot the Penlniula, the Manufacturing Center ot the Northwett VOI,. 8 ST. JOHNS, ORKGON, FRIDAY, NOVUM BUR 10, ton. NO. I Industrial Work Active Institute Encampment The Boy Scouts The Library A Worthy Cause Council Proceedings High School Notes The Orcgoniau gave St. Johns quite a boost lost Sunday. Besides publishing a column of matter, sev eral cuts illustrating hard surface Improvement in this city were shown. The contribution bears the "ear marks" of Fd. L,. Stock ton. Following Is the article, in part: More than $50 for each man, wo man and child in St. Johns has been spent in that city for street and sewer work since the first of this year mid the end Is not yet. It Is probable that by the end of the year $10 more per capita will be added, making over $300, 060 spent in this manner on ap proximately 25 miles of new streets and in laying two new sewers and relaying another. Jersey street has been hard sur faced from Catliu to Richmond and Philadelphia from Hayes to Jersey, thus giving hard-surface pavement to practically the entire business section. All streets not hard sur faced have a strip of macadam 10 to t6 feet wide in the center and Philadelphia street from Hayes to Kdisoii is macadamized its full width. This street is the only too foot street in the city and will some time be the main driveway to the city dock and the entire river fro'nt. The water front industries have been working full time, and lately the Portland Woolen Mills have put on a night crew of 150 men making a total of 300 persons employed 111 this place alone and incteariug the payroll from 7500 to $15,000 a month. The St. Johns dumber company employs 225 men and has a payroll of f 14,000 a mouth and is forced to run its planers overtime in order to keep up with the saws. The Portland Manufacturing Co., The St. Johns Shipbuilding Com pany, the Peninsula Iron Works and the Pacific Stove & Range Co. are employing good forces of .skilled mechanics and all help to make up a satisfactory showing on payday. The legislature bus authorized Multnomah county to build and op ciltt.ft free ferry there and the city bus purchased and deeded the slips and necessary approaches to the county at a cost of 1 6000. This Is due largely to the efforts of Muyor K. C. Conch, who secured the pas sage of the act by the legislature, and petitions are being circulated and will be presented to the county court asking that the new boat be named after him. The new boat, which will be in operation after the first of the year, will be pat terned after the one at Sellwood, but will be large enough to carry 12 teams. , The Installation of a free feny will mean much to St. Johns as it means practically another carliue because it makes the West Side line easy of access.also because it means that rock for street Improvement purpose will cost 25 cents a yard jess, saving the property owners from $3 to $5 a lot. A saving of 40,000 two-bit pieces will result, as this number of yards of rock will be used next year. A reduction in the price of farm producealso Is seen with ferry charges eliminated. Tualatin valley farmers will haul much of their crop to St. Johns rather than to Portland five miles farther itway. Building operations, while not on such a large scale as last year, have been In the main satisfactory. The permits issued exceed 100 and they amount to $100,000. The most important building erected this year is the fireproof, reinforced con crete Multnomah theatre, built by Blckner Bros,, at a cost of $16,000. This is strictly modern and equal to the best of the moving picture the atres in Portland. Over 80 new residences have been erected in the past summer as well as several small store buildings. Real estate has been changing hands at the usual rapid rate. Mc Kinney & Davis have made 42 sales since February 1 , the total of which Is $72,000, while J. F. Gillmore is a close second with 33 sales amount ing to $66,550. The total sales of the city will no doubt reach $250, 000 for the year. Will Be Made Right The following bit of "doggerel" has lieen handed us by one of our citizens with the earnest 'request that it te published. We might state that many are born who can and will make it right, aud there is no cause for alarm. A LAMENT (With apologies to Shakespeare) Wbstkumitr Is out o' joint: O cursed spite That uone were ever born To make it right I Macbeth, Golden Rule and Klllson encamp ments "chartered" the steamer Kellogg Saturday and went to St. Helens tojissist in Instituting an encampment at that place. There were 105 members of these two en campments and visitors took the boat at the foot of Salmon street and at 6:30 p.m. left down the river. TJic weather was fine, the air brac ing, and the "patriarchs" enjoyed the ride to the limit. At St. Hel ens, where the boat arrived at nine o'clock, it was raining one of those nice, soft, easy, gentle rains found only in Oregon: as if nature was just that tickled she was stooping down and patting you on the back while she chuckles into your car, "good fellow, you're all right, "and that is the way the patriarchs in terpreted the weather conditions, as they filed Into the fine new Odd Fellows building smiling as a St. Johns maiden witli her first beau. Immediately on the arrival of the Portland contingent the encamp ment was opened In form, Grand Chief Patriarch O. P. Miller presid int. The foltowimr officers were duly elected from the nine charter members: Cuiet rntrlarcu lapi. Chas. Spinner C. W. Fmerson, high priest: Grant C. Roby, senior warden; C. W. HIakesley, scribe: K. M. McCauley, treasurer; Frank Gliniecki. junior warden. The charter was issued granting them the power and authority to transact iinittT thi inline and title of Colum bia Kncampmcnt No. 77, I.O.O.F., and Captain Spinner at once began the work of initiating the 43 out of 47 initiates who had made applica tion, the other four were not pres ent for some reason. The work was put on in a splendid manner by a split team from the two en campments. The Oild Fellows have a fine hall, the lower story being occupied by a drug store, the second floor by the lodge hall and accessories and the third floor by the'dfuer, kitchen and pantry. They deserve the best going, for there's no finer bunch on the coast than the one mat lias, their home at St. Helens. Their hosnltalitv is known all over the jurisdiction. They susl y sustained tueir rcnutatiou on this occasion and fed the more than 200 visitors from the outside with ease and a celerity that was a surprise to all comers. One could not remember all the menu, but they had the genuine St. Helens clam chowder, the only original, all other clam chowders are base imitations; they had three or four different kinds of meats, all kinds of vegetables, beans baked in about five different languages, and each one better than the rest, so that you wished at each successive helping, that you had been helped to that dish first. Then the jellies, cakes, pics, cookies and other de lectable destroyers of the appetite and so tempting one just wanted to eat and then die. Some of the fel lows absorbed so many of the good things they thought their time had come, but their strenuous exertions on the Desert later relieved them and the boat started 011 the return trip about 5 o'clock in the morning without the loss of a simile man. This little storv would not be 1 complete without a mention of the splendid little vessel that carried us on the trip, The Kellogg is a favorite with the Odd Fellows aud carries them on nearly all of their excursions. She is a well appoint ed craft, as safe as Noah's ark and Is manned by a dandy set of fellows who simply turned the boat over to the passengers aud told them to help themselves, aud they did. It was a trip that will be classed with and remembered alongside that tak en by I.aurel Lodge to the same nlace about three vears auo, wheu they went to assist their brothers at an installation, All who visited on that occatiou voted it the time of their life, and those present 011 that occasion aud again this time, say this is another of the same kind. A Patriarch. Sharlow-Merrill Mr. Herman R. Shadow and Miss Frances M. Merrill were unjt ed in marriage Monday evening, Nov. 6, by Rev. G. W. Nelson, at his home at 607 Hudson street, St. Johns, Oregon. They are worthy aud highly esteemed young people. The groom holds a responsible po sition with the Westiughouse Klec tric aud Manufacturing Company in San Francisco. The happy couple will make Oakland.Cal. .their home. "Foul Play" at the Multnomah Tuesday night was far above the average aud was most interesting throughout. Something specially good is on the boards every night. The Scouts are slowly getting their quarters in shape aud the in terest is growing among the lads. The moving pictures and the ac companying bunch of "calico" is proving too strong a temptation aud is causing some unwarranted ab sences. Tile picture show Is all right at times, and the "calico" is all right nearly all the time, but four or five nights a week should he enough for the combination and leave two nights a week for our meetings, Ik-sides, if "she" finds you are not man enough to attend to business first aud pleasure after, If she is the bright, sensible, little bunch of loveliness the most ot them arc, she will someday give you your conjc aud take the lad that has improved his time, made a man of himself, learned to be re sourceful, to make the best of every situation in life. That is the work of the Scouts and the "calico" that Is wise will take note of these things and if she isn't wise enough to give you credit for your efforts along this line, she isn't worth fooling with. Drop her like you would n hot potato. No hoy can nfford to "Jim" around with a girl who has no thought except for having n good time today. If she has all her good times now, wasting the time she should have used in learn ing to make one penny do the work of two, when the time comes for her to step onto the throne of the queen of the home she will find she is in reality hut n scullery maid, a shiftless, burden 011 the hands of the one to whom she is supposed to be a helpmeet. Think of these, kidlcts, for they are fucts. The Scouts do not want to lose a mem ber, but there is a limit to the num ber the quarters will hold, and they will have no "dog in the muuger" business, either they must be punct ual In attendance or give place to one who will, and the boys have an unwritten law that a deserter and those dropped for cause may not come In again, because they are not trustworthy. The Scouts are indebted to Mrs. Julia Parketfor 11 very prttty Star fish, Sea Dollar, a baby Razor clam with sea moss attached, a rattle snake's rattle aud two very pretty pieces of sea moss. They are very much appreciated by the boys, Scout John O' Neil, who had his left arm broken last summer by a fall from a barnloft, sustained a fracture of one of the bones of his right forearm in a football scrim mage last week. He stands it like a veteran, was out at the next scout meeting with his arm in a sling. Scoutmaster. Rudolph Koerner Dead Rudolph Kcerner died at his home in this city Tuesday morning Nov. 7, 1911, of diabetes, aged al most 62 years. He was born in Jessuitz, Germany, Jan. 21, 1850, aud came to America in 1865, He was married Sept. 22, 1883, to Mary Kcehnlein of Utica, N. V. The same year he moved to Oregon City, where he resided un til 1007, when he moved to St. Johns to take charge of the Port- laud Woolen Mills. Mr. Kcerner had been active in textile work since a boy, having run mills both Fast and West. He was a quiet, unassuming man, well liked by all who knew him, and a model citizen. He had been unable to attend to his duties at the mill for the past five or six months, aud the end was not unexpected. Besides a widow, Mrs. Mary H. Kcerner, five children survive him, viz: Martha Test of St, Johns; William Kcerner, Arizona; Clara Meyers, Portland; and Bertha and Andrew of St. Johns. Funeral will be in charge of Multnomah lodge A. F, & A. M., of which he was a member, He was also a member of German Lutheran church. Fun eral announcement later. Free Book on Piles Tells how cures are made with an internal remedy, Do you know the cause of piles? Is it inward or external? Is it a skin disease? Will salves or cutting cure for good? Do you know how Dr. J. S. Leonhardt found the long sought internal cure? These questions fully answered in a booklet mailed free by Dr. Leonhardt Co., Station B, Buffalo, N. Y., or by St. Johns Pharmacy, who sell HF.M-ROID, the new German remedy at $1 per large bottle, under guarantee. At all drug stores. Work lor Qratw UL J oka. Open IIoiir: liootosoiuiil 7 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday opening: The reading toom is now open for three hours on Sunday, ft 0111 2:30 to 5:30 p. in. This is'for the accommodation o'' those who wish to read in thcroUiti during that time. No books will Ik' taken in or given out over the desk on Sunday. The Bulletin Board: The attention of the library pat ron is called to the bulletin board to the right of the desk. You will find it a place worth watching, Thereon are posted lists of books on special subjects, ami also various programs, notices, announcements of interest to the people of St. Johns. For example, the board at the pres ent moment holds an announcement of the Reed Hxtensinn Course of 12 lectures on Modern Fnglish prose writers to be given during the win ter, notices of Keith memorial exhi bition at the Portland Art associa tion, and of the classes aud lectures offered by the same organization in painting, architecture, and sculpt uring, lists of books 011 city gov ernment by commission, on moun tain climbing, mid notices of the first number of the St. Johns Lyce um course and of the booster meet ing in the city hall Nov. 13. The Orcgoniau will hereafter be found In the reading room In nddi-1 tlon to the Telegram aud Journal, j Watch the .small shelf near the I magazine rack. It holds books up- j propriate to the subject of the bul letin which is kept posted above it. The Hallowe'en bulletin with its books on magic, witches and ghosts has proved so popular that it has been left up for some time after the day that called it forth, but a new one will appear this week. A box of about 50 books was re ceived recently. TURN . , To the Booster Meeting in the High School Auditorium Monday even ing, November 13th, held for the purpose of inaugurating a live wire Commercial Club in St. Johns. Good speakers will address the meeting. The band will play on the streets at 7:30, and a local or chestra will furnish music at the auditorium. All desirous of hav ing St. Johns grow attend and aid with your presence and counsel. Failures Return East The manner in which J. F. Sher iff and his family, consisting of a wife and eight children, returned from Oregon to his old home at Coudersport, Pa., may explain why he failed after five years' residence in this state, They traveled by wauon with three teams of horses ami spent five mouths on the jour ney of 3000 miles, since aneriit wastes so much time on a journey which might have been nude in five days and prefers modes of trav el fifty years behind the times, it is safe to assume that he is titty years behind the times at farming. It is therefore no surprise that he told the Oil City Derrick that sto ries of this country were much over drawn and that, while there may be one good crop.there is every possibil ity that one will starve through two. The Hast, Sheriff says is good enough for him aud has come back to stay. Stories of this country's great op portuuities are not told for men like Sheriff, who waste their time on a transcontinental picnic after making a failure. They are told for men who are up-to-date in their methods of farming and are willing to work. They can get a crop every year, and when they go Fast, they go in a sleeping car, and then only to pay a visit to their old friends, not to remain. They do not "knock" the country, but persuade their friends to return with them. Only the failures return Fast as Sheriff did, with a "knock" for the country, which is a greater "knock" for themselves. Let the Couders port people remember this when they hear Sheriff's tale ol woe. Oregonian. Pott's Sad Irons on sale at Calef Bros. 75c a set, tto The subscription paper at the two banks to raise n fund to clear Mrs. Lee Fortune's home from in debtedness is growing to some ex tent but not as rapidly as it was hoped. If each one would help, be it ever so little, the indebtedness could be liquidated in almost 110 time. l'.veu 25c subscriptions will help. If you cannot afford to give more aud are loath to sign your name to so small an amount, hand it in as cash. Subscriptions received up to Nov. 6th are: K. C.Hurlbert f 100.00 A. M. Steams 100.00 J. J.Hurlbeit 20.00 First Natio.nal Bank 15.00 St. Johns Water Wotks... 10.00 Peter Autzeii 10.00 H. F.Day The Peninsula Bank Cash 10.00 to. 00 1. 00 T. I). Condon t.oo C. li. Bailey t.oo Geo. Miinson 1.00 St. Johns Review 2.00 Total $281.00 Besides these contributions Bon hanuS: Currier have receipted a grocery bill of $41.07. Building Permits No. 90 Louis Riehl to erect a dwelling 011 Leonard street between Holhrook and St. Johns avenues; cost 5700, , No. 05. To Win. Mtircy to erect a dwelling 011 South Ivauhoe be tween Polk and Buchanan streets; cost $ 1 500. Good second hand safe for sale cheap at II. F. Clark's, the furni ture man. tf OUT Epworth League Notes About twenty orsous attended the business meeting and social held at the xirsonoge last Tuesday evening. The icports given by the cabinet officers show that the League is in a prosperous condition. Four new names were voted in and plans were made to have another sosial in a week or so. After the business was transacted those pres ent were entertained by the 4th vice piesident and committee with games aud refreshments. The League voted to discontinue the devotional meetings until the Gypsy Smith meetings are over, also the regular Sunday evening services will be discontinued until the same date. Announcement will be made next week where the next business meet ing aud social will be held. Watch for it. There are good times com ing. Blue J's wilt be announced in these notes next week. Something new. Cor. Entertainment and Dance Holmes Lodge 101, K. of P. will ( give an entertainment, dance and contest on the evening of December ' 8th in the rink. The Spanish Students, of world wide reputation and coming at a rather heavy ex-, pense, will provide the entertain ment. Good dancing is promised, I and in addition to a good floor, the finest music has been secured. The ' affair promises to be a most inter-1 estiug and entertaining one, of which more complete announcement will be made later. Not th label on your paper. All members were present at the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday night with the exception of Alderman Perrine. As the great bulk of red tape entwined around street improvement has been pretty well unwound for the year, the ses sion was short and devoid of any features of special interest. I lie first matter to receive atten tion was a petition for an arc light at the corner of Charleston and Fesseudeu streets. Referred to the water and light committee by the mayor. The following bills were allowed 011 motion of Alderman Davis; all yes: F. A. Rice, $10: Geo. Warner, S37.60; Postal Telegraph Cable Co. $2; L. Caples, Sto; C. A. Vincent, $70; Win. S. Skans, $42.50; Chas. Foss, $18.75; C. Flitcraft, $5; B. J. Simmons, $59; P. D. Cunningham Co., 20c; Thurston Johnson, $30; lid. McLean, $39; Portland Railway Light and Power Co.; $3.75: Jos. McChesuey, $20; total $337-55' The Improvement of Kdisou street from Fesseudeu to Burlington was accepted uu motion of Alderman HorsutJii; all voting yes. Philadel phia street from Jersey to Hayes was also accepted on motion of Al derman Muck. An initiative petition demanding a special election be called to ratify the ferry bonds was read, and it was decided to adopt a resolution next week calling same. Ordinances assessing the cost of improving Philadelphia street from Hayes to Kdisoii, and Macrum avenue from Columbia slough to O-W. R. & N. Co. tracks were passed unanimously. Barney Nonuati of the Fire De partment stated that the fircbell would not ring on Monday night, neither would it ring 011 Tuesday; thought it ought to be looked into and the reason thereof ascertained. Chief of police McKiuiicy stated that he had made investigation and discovered that some miscreant had tied the bell so that it could not be rung, and that he had untied the knots so that it was all right again. Fred Coming Back We understand Fred Brokaw will succeed Ole M. Nelson as manager of the Multnomah theatre. Fred has numerous friends in this city who will be glad to welcome him back, It will be remembered that Fred had charge of the Klectrle for Mrs. Dudley, and was responsible for a higher grade of pictures com ing to hi. Johns. He Is 11 hustler from the word go, knows the kind of pictures that appeal to the public uud knows how to get them. Of a genial and sunny disposition, his coming will please patrons of the .Multnomah, and the proprietor, Mr. Salmnud, is to be congratu lated upon securing his services. Winter cannot stop the onward march of the luterurbaii trolleys. The Oregon Flectric is pushing its line up the Willamette valley from Salum to Huge no and construction work will proceed steadily until next summer, when it is exacted to complete the road. This road will ojk'ii up various sections of the valley now at a distance trout rail roads and will help in increasing population 011 farms by bringing about more intensive cultivation and the cutting up of large holdings there. The best goat show ever held in the state is promised for January 3, 4, and 5 at Dallas when the North west Angora Goat Association will hold its annual meet. Breeders from all over the West expect to have prize animals 011 display, A feature of the convention will be an Angora venison banquet, when roasted kids will be served. It is thought this will be the first feast of this kind ever held hi the North west. Bankers of the state are taking a part in the back-to-the-soil move ment aud at a recent meeting of the officers and directors of the state association, a committee was named to devise ways and means to make country life more attractive. Lit erature will be issued and steps taken to educate the young to the attractions of farm life, Gipsy Smith is holding forth at Portland. A tabernacle with a seating cajmcity of 8000 people has been provided, uud a choir of 1000 voices will furnish the music. That Rev. Smith's efforts will be hugely successful in Portland is a foregone Qpuglusioij. On returning to school Wednes day morning after the eventful eve before, we were confronted by the large black-lettered sign: "Beware, keep out." Any pupil would have very readily have obeyed the warn ing of the Hallowe'euers, had not duty beckoned so sternly. l-nday afternoon at 2:30, seats were reserved at the High school building, by the holders of season tickets, for the series of entertain ments to appear here this winter. The first number will be given Sat urday evening. It is to be u varied program presented by a quartette of young men. We are anticipating a splendid entertainment. The High school items failed to appear in Inst week's paper owing to the overwhelming rush of busi ness on the part of correspondent. Mr. Ralph Carlson and his cous in Miss Margaret McGinuis were Visitors of the James John High last Friday. The former was n member of the school last year. The Glee Club is spending extra time in preparing special songs for the teachers' institute which is to be held hi the High school building Thanksgiving week. The rhetorical divisions of the school met last week and elected the following officers: Division 1 Basil Smith, presi dent; Frank Wright, vice president; Catherine Geusmaii, secretary. Division 2 Theodore Bugbeej president; Johnson Cheney, vice president; Marcella Richards, sec retary. The first program will be given by division 1, at Thanksgiving time. The announcement of Miss Jau ney's marriage to Mr. Henry John Ramsay, Saturday, Oct. 20, ol Central Point, Oregon, was received last week. The High extends the most cordial good wishes for the, happiness of their friend in hut new home iu Washington, D. C. The present rainy weather has proved an obstacle to the Freshmen girls, preventing them from taking their "eight abreast" stroll. The picture taken of the Fresh men girls Thursday was a miccuss, aud the boys are waiting anxiously for their turn. Senoritn. The public Is cordially invited to hear Rev. Paul Rood preach at the Congregational church Sunday at 1 1 a. 111. This worthy and tnluiit ed young man has recently com pleted a three years course in Chi cago Theological seminary and is now pastor of a church in Chicago, Ills. He is here 011 a short visit with his people nud Sunday be the only chance his friends have of hearing him preach, er services as usual. G. W. sou, pastor. will will In renewing his subscription to the Review, C.R, Organ of Buuvur ton takes occasion to state; "I have been very busy this season getting my young ten-acre orchard up and coming; also bringing to maturity 6' j acres of June planted potatoes which are now beginning to ripen and ready for digging." Mr. Or gan's many friends nud acquaint auces here will be glad to learn he is dojug well nud kept busy. Paschal Hill brought to this office Saturday a twig taken from one of his almond trees 011 the fumou Hill farm 011 North Jersey. Thuiv were about three dozen of the ma tured nuts on the branch. Pasuhnl has two trees from which ho ex pects to garner five bushuls of al monds this fall. St. Johns soil grow most anything. The St. Johns Dairy Produce Co. at 206 North Jersey, is now butter able than ever to supply the wmiU of their patrons. Come nud we. Telephone Col. 194. 52-3 - -o - Experienced weavers wanted the Portland Woolen Mills. 53. at ic SUA1M0NS In Ih Circuit Cuutt ol Hi Mate ol OtNl lor Multnomah county Jrle J. Pratt, plalutiM. v.. Ouy A. fruit. av IriiiUiit ToCuyA I'rutl In thr name ul (battel at Oirifoa you at hereby lrtuiied U aptaMf and aawcr the complaint filed agaitM you iu Ike above entitled court aud cuuac beiuit la lata day ol November yii. u week (row Ike day ul Hit lira lHlbliCUlioll ol IUI MtWIUUU. II you lull to apptar and auawer In plauHilt will take luilttiiiKiit agvlu.! you lor wuut Ihtfrol uud lor the relit! ai prad lor Iu ktr mhUI 011 file lierelnto. which reference L ueftby uuUc and more particularly aa follow. I'or judgment aifalual you autl a ilrctariil aolvinti the boniL ol matrimony how ablhui between you ami the iUiutilt, . I'ralC anil lor ol our child. tlk'K Allan I'ratt. ami lor audi further relief a. tbecoutt may ilreiu meet Iu the remUe. Till, auiumon it kivciI by uublicatkw by vir tue ol an onler by the lion. Win. JutH. luilue ol the aUe entitled cuurL aud dtttl Oc tober jnl. 1911. lo be IHiblLnad IH lb SI. jokua Kctiew.a ncwMer ol general elicuMtWU iu said vouuty ami tate. JAS. S. STKICKLUK, Attorney for ITiIiilltl. Corner AlWiu and Kllllugwinlli At . Portland. OrcBaH. !at ol firt publication, (kt. 6, AIU Date el latt publication, Nov. 10,!!. 7