St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 03, 1911, Image 1

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    Miiforlcal SocUty
Of aJurtl.Inf In THIS Piper
nil you'll never reiretlt. He
Ifl it nttm mA ltmw timttt mt II
To subscribe for THIS Paper
All the newi while It It newt li
our motto. Call In and enroll
It M M1 K
Devoted to (he Intertill or the I'cnlniula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. 7
NO. 52
Council Proceedings
The Library
Contracts Closed
Hewitt's Hallowe'en
Threw His Cane Away
The shortest session of the pres
ent city council took place Tuesday
night, Utisincss before the house
wns slight and for the most part un
important. All members were pres
ent with Mayor Couch, fiesh and
triumphant from his recent deer
hunt, presiding. 1 he first matter
to be disposed of was a petition
from the water company asking for
permission to pile wood on the
street opposite their pumping sta
tion, which was granted. A re
monstrance against this permission,
filed by R. li. Mclntirc on behalf
of J. J. Randall, was read and re
ferred to the street committee.
A fire hydnut was ordeied in
stalled at the comer of South Jer
sey and Hurr streets.
A portion of Macrtuu avenue and
South Jersey street from Mohawk
to Huchanau street was accepted by
the council.
Councilman I Iorsmau stated that
he did not believe in removing in
spectors from one street and plac
ing them upon another before the
first contract had been done; that
he knew of instances whete this
had been done; that all street in
spectors should be compelled to
stay on the streets assigned them
' until they had completed them satis
factorily; that it was hatd to keep
track of their time otherwise. Al
derman I'erriue believed that it was
the duty of the engineer and the
various street insccUrs to meet
with the council every evening, so
that any desired information could
be obtained first hand. He made a
motion that they be demanded to
attend every week, which carried
The viewers' reports on the pro
posed oeuing of Crawford and
Hrudford streets were received and
November 14th was designated as
the time for hearing any objections
t hut might be made thereto, on mo
tion ot Alderman 1 1 ill, wlucli car
ried unanimously.
An ordinance prohibiting smok
ing on the city (locks was passed
on -motion of Aldermnu Horsiiau;
nil yes.
A plat of Wilnier addition, lying
letwccu Olympin and Fesseudcu
streets, was accepted 011 motion of
Alderman Valentine. Mr. Hill,
however, vigorously opposed the
acceptance, owing to the fact that
provisions had been made for 40
foot street only; he stated that he
would never favor less than u Go
foot street.
Mr. Hill believed that the city
should have the dirt removed from
the Kdison street sidewalk at Pitts
burg street, and that the bank
should be beveled off. He made
a motion to this effect, which car
ried unanimously.
Complaint having reached the
council that a stngnaut pool had
formed at the rear of the St. Johns
luttudry, matter was referred to the
health committee to have same
Caught Big Ones
Dan Williamson and Lewis Mil
ler sjwiit last week with V. L.Mar
kle on his ranch on the White Sal
mon river, Washington state. Sto
ries of the large trout that had
been captured in that vicinity made
their Izak Walton blood reach a fe
ver heat, and they decided to try
their luck. They spent almost the
entire week with a rod in hand,
and the result was far beyond their
fondest expectations. Dan cap
tured the largest trout of the Rainbow
variety, measuring 30" inches in
length and weighing 73-4 pounds.
Lew succeeded in getting two a tri
fle smaller than this one. Resides
the large trout they captured huu
dmls of smaller ones, ranging in
si from six to 14 inches. They
lth claim that part of the country
to be a veritable sportsman's par
adise, aud say they never enjoyed
themselves so much in their lives.
The large fish was on exhibition at
the Review office Saturday morn
ing, and attracted considerable at
tention. It took the boys half an
hour's hard struggle to land the big
ones, but they do not begrudge the
time it took to get their victims
out of the water
Dan presented I
the editor with a couple of nice
slabs of the large trout, aud we
found it mast delicious.
M. W. Vaughn and family have
returned from a three mouths' stay
at their old home in Redding, Mich.
Mr. Vaughn reports times rather
slow in the Kast, especially so in
Southern Kansas, where he made a
short visit. Here a four years'
drouth has occurred, the oiie of the
past year being the worst of all,
and the corn crop is an utter failure.
They were glad to return to St.
Open Hours: l:oo to 5:30 and 7 to 9:30 p.m.
Report for the month of October:
Number of books circulated 2462
Per cent of fiction . ,
Attendance ndult . ,
Total '
Attnlicationi for new
i i i
Cnrdl -aillllti
Total number of applications
The report shows n larger adult
attendance than during any pre
vinus mouth There wus also a ma
terial Increase in the per cent, o
tion- fiction books circulated, giv
Uig evidence of a tendency to more
serious reading as cooler weather
sets in,
It has been said that the best ed
ucated man is not the one who
knows the most facts, but lie who
knows where aud how he can se
cure those facts promptly when
needed. The twrson who prides
himself on his good memory often
makes a storehouse or garret of his
mind, stullmg it with all kinds of
curious and unwieldy pieces of
knowledge, painfully acquired nud
rarely used. Set your mind nt
work at more useful pursuits and
let the library be your storehouse
of facts and figures. Its reference
collection has this week been
strengthened by the addition of
Nelson s hucyclopcdia in 12 vol
times. It is an up to date work,
unusually well illustrated, with
manv colored plates, aud will give ex
celleul service both to the student
ami the inuti of affairs. Other books
in the reading room which will be
found useful for reference are:
World's Almanac aud encyclo
pedia for 101 1.
Dictionary ot plirase ntid lame
Hrewer. Giving the derivation,
source, or origin of the common
phrases, allusions, aud words that
have u tale to tell.
Curiosities of popular customs
Walsh. Describing rites, ccremo
uies, observances aud miscellane
ous antiquities. .
New reference ntlas of the world.
A. new series of physical, political
aud historical maps compiled from
government sources.
Booster Meeting
Monday evening, November 13
has been designated as the time for
holding a booster meeting for fur
thering the promotion of 11 live
commercial club iu St. Johns. The
meeting will lc held iu the auditori
um of t lie High school buildiug.C.C.
Chapman of the Portland commer
cial club will be present, besides
several other good speakers from
that organization. All are invited
to attend aud aid in the movement.
The ministers of St Johns are re
quested to announce the meeting
from their pulpits. Arrangements
are being perfected to make this
meeting a lively one, Plans are
not nil completed yet, but there
will be something doing Monday
evening, Novcinlrer 13th, is as
sured. W. R. C. Inspection
Kditor Review: At the time of
theH. H. Compsou W. R, a
No. 52 meeting, Saturday, Oct. 20,
ton, at 3 p. m., they assembled iu
due form for inspection. Our in
spector, a lady in the lull sense of
the word, was present witli a num
ber of other visitors; among them
the lady who organized ourW.R.C.
So, of course, we were on our good
Iwltavior. Kverything passed off
pleasantly and after the session was
over we enjoyed a lunch prepared
by the W. U. Ct, cousistiug of cof
fee, cake, etc. After partaking
of which we wended our way to
our several homes smiling aud con
tented to meet at our next meeting.
-Press Cor.
A big stock show will be held at
the Portland Union stock yards
next March, the dates being 18, 19
and 20. It will take $6000 to pay
the premiums. Considering there
are no entry charges aud no gate
fees, this is a very liberal prize list.
The event is the second annual Pa-
. - . . . ' r
and is strictly educational in char
acter. J. J. Hill aud R. S. Lovett
have consented to act as vice-presidents
and M. K. Parsons, of Salt
Lake City. Utah, is president. The
show will be broader in its scope
than heretofore, so as to include
the 'breeding classes of cattle, sheep
and hogs.
For pains in the side aud chest
dampen a piece of flannel with
Chamberlain's Liniment aud bind
it over the seat of the pain. There
is nothing better. For sale by all
The Stroller Quartet filled 180
Stnyton Hureatt without a single criticism. They will be here Nov. nth,
Lively Musical Program
The Strollers Male Quartette will
present a lively program of music,
both vocal aud instrumental, aud
when this company has come and
gone it u ill be remembered as one
of the most popular musicals that
has ever been heard iu this .section.
The Strollers filled tSo dates last 1
year for the Redpath-Slayton Ly
ceum Hitieuu without n single crit-1
icism. They have been out for
four years aud have grown better
with each year. Their work, both
iu solos nud ensemble, is excellent. capitalist, who sent $75,000 in the
Iu several renditions they appeur , attempt to be elected to the icuate.
iu special costumes. Iu one nuin- .Senator Gore with 110 other assist
her they nre dressed iu sailor mil- iiuce than that given by his faithful
form aud iu another they uppear in , wife, who traveled with him thro'-
Scots' dress. Mr. Longstreet, the
elocutionist, adds still further to the
evening s program, m me iiigiiiwori: was overwhelmingly elect
school assembly room, Nov. 11.
Hallowe'en Party
A Hallowe'en party was given
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
IJyers, 402 Mast Mohawk, Monday
evening, which was a very enjoyn
ble event. The rooms were pret
tily decorated with yellow crepe
aper streamers extending from
the chandeliers to och corner.
The .streamers were uniquely 1
trimmed with black cats, owls and
witches, suggestive of Hallowe'en.
Old fashioned games, fortune tel
ling, songs and readings were en
joyed until about 10:30, when sup-
er was announced. A oouutifiil
repast was served, consisting of
sandwiches, doughnuts, pumpkin
lie, apples, grains and coffee, Kach
guest received n napkin ring made
of crepe paper as n souvenir of the
occasion. Those present were: Dr.
and Mrs. Olive, Mr. and Mrs. Ska
dun, Miss Marjorie Skadau, Miss
Frances Duncan, Miss May Hugh-
ey, Mr. Hutchison, Mr, aud Mrs.
Corwin IJyers, Master Wendall Hy
ers, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Silas
Call,Mrs.Lillith Call, Miss Florence
Call, Master Clyde Call. Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. IJyers, Mrs. Inez Hoff
man.St Johns. One of the "tribe."
Guy L. Dollarhide and Miss Vi
olet Simouson were united iu mar
riage Monday evening, Oct. 30, at
the home of Rev. G. W. Nelson,
the officiating minister. Frank Dol- of the groom.served
as groomsman and his sister, Miss
'earl, as bridesmaid. The groom
is the sou of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Dollarhide of this citv. and the
bride is the daughter of Mrs. Fred
erick Simouson of Portland. The
worthy and happy young couple
will make their home in Portland.
Irregular bowel movements lead
to chronic constipation aud a con
stipated habit fills the system with
impurities. HhKHlNh is a great
bowel regulator. It purifies the
system, vitalizes the blood and puts
the digestive organs in fine vigorous
condition. Price 50c. Sold by
St. Johns Pharmacy,
dotes last year for the Redpath-
A Splendid Orator
Senator Thomas P. Onre, "the
blind man eloquent" of Oklahoma,
Is booked as one number on the
High school Lyceum course.
Senator Gore is undoubtedly the
most interesting figure in American
public Hie. His position is unique.
When he first ran for senator iu
Oklahoma, he was very little known
and had less thuu $io0 on which
, to
make his campaign. Pitted
1 against him iu the preliminaries
1 was a wide v known nol it eian. a
out the state, made n canipaiun.and
j by straight-forward, systematic
ed. He is, with one exception, the
youngest man iu the senate, but no
man on the democratic side ranks
higher iu influence. A great many
people are of the opinion that should
a deadlock occur iu the national
convention, Senator Gore will be
the democratic nominee for the
As orator, Senator Gore ranks
liilClt. His fcpeecfi in the butt dm
timial convention aroused such en
tiiUKM.iu tht it CRiiw-d a demon
hi ration lasting more than nn hour.
Sc-iiHtor Cor k dtalnctiwly 1 mult
eloquence" in iu bwfjiiMt high
1 mmii. He tk a practical ami
scholarly student of xliticl prob
Iems and a man of courage and
of effective sjeech. As 11 result
of these qualities, lie stimulates
thought aud arouses the sleeping
conscience aud molds an audience
as .one man iu their faith iu high
The coming of Senator Gore to
this city is an honor which should
be appreciated. The committee
having charge of the lycetim are to
be congratulated 011 their enter
prise iu securing this distinguished
statesman as n visitor iu our
Big Apple Show
One of the finest locations iu
Portland has been secured for the
Oregon apple show, Nov. 15-18, It
will be housed iu the new Yeou
building, comer of Fifth and Aldei
streets, and there is every indica
tion that it will be a big success.
The premium list has just been is
sued aud is attracting a great deal
of attention. Requests for space
have come from far away British
Columbia aud well known fruit sec
tions of the Northwest will be rep
resented finite generally, Iu addi
tion to prizes offered for the most
perfect apples iu almost any sized
exhibit, is a special premium for
ioo-box lots, and another for 50
box lots, open to commercial or
ganizations of fruit growers' unions
in the Northwest. Cash amount
ing to $500 is offered "in the first
class and $275 in the second.
Rub a sore throat with HAL
One or two applications will cure it
completely. Price 25c, 50c aud $1
per bottle. Sold by St: Johns
Closing nil contracts preparatory
for the commencement of construc
tion on the Portland factory of the
Ilerlin Machine Works, iu Notth
Portland, President P. H. Yates
sent a busy day iu Portland Mon
thly. While Yates was at Puget
Sound the many documents required
to put the ti acre site iu condition
for the plant were prepared, and
he signed aud accepted them Mon
day The Lewis-Wiley Hydraulic Co.
has the contract lor mttking the
necessary fill on the piopertv. The
entire site is to be brought up to a
level safeguarding against floods.
This will mean tip to the grade of
the r.imiton highway on which the
first unit of the factory will face.
The railway switch connections for
the plant will be made from the
rear so that the nltrnctive bnule-
' 1, " ;ll not be nun red iu any
triietiiiiit material nud
r I In k-k fin lugs, which nre
' nu'eritli President Yates says
'I,! hi? ttscU, are di-iviwd to make
f't Hint fire ptnoi and also orua
tin. nud in Appearii w r Kuch of the
hines employed u the factory
t- k motor-lrivi.ii, which will
remove the smoke nuisance com
mon among big factories, so far nt
least as power development is con
cerned. Kverything about the
plant is to be strictly model 11 and
sanitary, making the big factory a
show place as well as a great unit
in the community wealth.
Epworth League Notes
Those who missed the Hallowe'en
social given by the Kpworth at the
home of S. W. Childers last Tues
day evening missed one more good
time. There were songs, instru
mental music recitations, readings,
fortune telling, contests of different
kinds mul refreshments.
This mouth there Is another so
cial scheduled. Announcement
will be made later ns to its nature.
Next Tuesday evening, Nov. 7,
the regular monthly business meet
ing of the Kpworth League will be
held at the M. K. Parsonage nt 8
o'clock. This will be n business
meeting and social combined. Come
on and enjoy yourselves.
The League is inking on new
life and new members aud iu the
near future will put on n mission
study class once a mouth at the de
votional meeting on Sunday even
ing at 6:30. Good leaders nud
good meetings, Come.
Better Car Service
It i reported on what is con
sidered goal authority that the xiy
aa you mlr earn will be put on the
I St. Johua run in a few days. Single
1 corn take the plmt of the pres
lent tmiUr system and the service
made every 10 untunes, witli n 40
minute schedule.
Color Is given to the rejwrt by
the facts that the pruseut St.
Jonns cars are badly 1 e ded for
the Vancouver service, and that
many new St. Johns signs are be
ing made iu the shops. If true the
change will be very acceptable to
St. Johns residents, especially those
who have to take the cars early and
late because of being employed in
Portland, A io-minute service
will give these people a much
better chance to get to work
011 time. Credence is ulso given to
the report because improvements
have been made 011 practically every
line iu the city except St. Johns
It's "back to nature" with Geo.
Simmons. You can no more keep
him off the farm than you can keep
the chickens from scratching, The
place where George caught it this
time is over iu Washington, about
18 miles from Vancouver, four
miles from Ridgefield aud about
three blocks from the boat lauding 1
where there is a daily boat. He
has a peach of a little ranch, he I
says. This year, from five acres of I
spuds they took 784 sacks of fine '
tubers. And tlie l.ewts Kiver 011
which his ranch is located is a ver
itable sportsman's paradise. If Geo.
doesn't become iuocculated with the
fever of the sports aud go hunting
and fishing every day he will be
coming back to St. Johns in a few
years for an occasional visit, trav
eling iu his own whiz wagon. He
will take possession of his new
home at once.
For Rent Furnishud Flat three
rooms besidos hall and bath Fur
nished At. See Caluf IJroj. oppo
site postofiice.
That there was a jolly Hallow
e'en party where the following
bunch congregated Tuesday even
ing goes without saying, because
they constitute that kind of a bunch.
If any one tells you he can ntteud
n social function with this bunch at
II. S. Hewitt's home and not have
a jolly time, tell him he is a past
master iu the Auuaiiias club, for
he can't and that's the truth.
The piece de resistance of the
evening was the classical game of
500 ami p-pu-pumpkiu pie. Who
carried off the honors and the most
pie deponent sayeth not; but they
shti tiled the pasteboards until the
witching hour and then each took
the witch that had charmed him
most aud hiked to his home with n
warm spot in his heart for Ilr'ernnd
Sis Hewitt, because of the happy
evening's entertainment they had
Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Thompson, Mr. nud Mrs.
Hoyd, Mr. anil Mrs. Learned, Mr.
aud Mrs. Day, Mr. nud Mrs. Hit
ler, Mr. nud 'Mrs. Hill, Mr. and
Mrs. Gaiumel, Mr, and Mrs. Hick
uase, Mr. aud Mrs. Derrle, Mr. and
Mrs. 1',. Mouahau, Mr. and Mrs.
Hall, Mr. nud Mrs. Rnmbo, Mr.
ami Mrs. Gillmore, Mr. nud Mrs.
Gray, Mr. and Mrs. C.Hewitt, Mr.
nud Mis. II. S. Hewitt, Mr. nud
Mrs. Haines; Mesdames Robinson,
Downey, Learned; Misses Gauituel;
Hewitt nud llicktiasc. -One who
heard nil about it.
Transferred to Marshfield
Iiltlt-r C. J. Cole, who has had
charge of the Atlventist work iu
St. Johns for the past two years,
has been transferred to Marshfield,
nud will leave for his new home to
morrow. A farewell party was ten
dered the elder and his wife nt their
home on North Fillmore street
C? I t . , 1, II . 1
ouiiuay evening, r,. iinrioeri, on
behalf of the congregation, present
en tiic couple witli n lauicclolli nut
set of napkins, Those present were
lv, V. nurllicrt and wife, D. J.
Sellard, wife aud Miss Sellard, hit
gene O'Hara and wife, A. A, Als
bcrge, wife nud daughter, James
Ilrooks and wife, J. H. Fletcher
and wife, Mrs. Thornton, Mrs.
Uenke, Mrs. K. C. Couch, Miss
Louise Couch, Mrs. J, Mortenson
and Miss Kliza Cole.
Things to Work For
A few suggestions for the tiew
commercial club that is about to
take on n lease of life things to
work tor:
More industries.
A roadway aud trolley line to
hwilt territory.
The Philadelphia street dock tin
tier lease and occupancy.
A cemetery iu St. Johns.
The Mount Hood trolley Hue iu
this city.
A public park.
The Inwardness of Piles
The cause is inside. Use Hem
Rnid,the inward medicine.
Inward treatment is the secret of
the successful cure of the piles,
HKM-KOID, sold by St. Johns
Pharmacy aud nil druggists under
n strict money back guarantee of
HKM-ROID (Sugar-coated tab
lets) acts inwardly, and enlivens up
circulation of blood in the flabby
swollen parts, curing criuaneutl'y
where salves, etc., only give relief.
HKM-ROID costs but $1 for 24
days' medicine. Dr. Leonhardt
Co., Station II. Hulhilo, N. Y.
Write for booklet.
If you can't boost, don't knock.
He either a "btiinp-oii-a-log" or a
booster. A bump on a log is good
to hang 011 to if you can't swim,
but a knocker isn't worth n tinker's
dam anywhere for anything. The
devil won't have him, because he's
so green he won't burn, and he
can't get into the other place, be
cause nothing that is evil may enter
there. Darn a knocker anyway, he
always will be u maverick Dad.
"Him," one of the jolly llache
lor boys.writes to "Foxy" from his
old home in Iron wood, Mich., send
ing greetings to his friends here.
"Him," otherwise A. K, Johnson,
played "Mephisto" at the Penin
sula Iron Works until a few weeks
ago, when he treked for home and
mother. "Him" is a good, quiet
lad and there is a big bunch iu St.
Johns will be glad to welcome him
back, they hope, in the near future.
R. K. Mclntirc, after carrying n
cane for the past six years, and du
ring that time had never been free
from mill, vestordnv tlm-u- lit
j walking stick away as a useless np-
penuage. i ne iransiorinatioii was
wrought through the ministrations
of Dr. A. S, Douglass, whose efforts
.iroiu ineurst, wncn .Mr. Mclntirc
! was about to be conveyed to n Port-
mini uospitai, nut was iinaity in
. dliced to try this Hit rnnrni'lnr'
I treatment in which he had no faith,
were eminently successful. Mr.
Mclntirc says he feels no pain what
evcr ami his cane is a nuisance.
His friends were surprised to see
him stepping around as lively ns n
young man, many of whom 'hardly
expected him to get on his feet
ngnin. Tltls is not n medicnl ad
vertisement, but n statement of fact.
Southern Oregon coast country
has a unique sport found nowhere
else in the state. This is hunting
wild hogs, the season for which is
now beginning. Curry county
iwople go back into the hills some
distance trout the coast and shoot
enough hogs to furnish a season's
supply of bacon nud hams. The
hogs get fat 111 the fall of the your
on acorns from oak trees iu the
Curry county forests. The animal
nre fierce enough to furnish rortl
sport for the hunters. '
C'rntor I. tiki. nim lu tiinliut.wl In
a big national park, similar to the
ciiowstoue or Mount Rainier
parks, A movement has been start
ed to set aside the lands surround
ing the lake iu a national reserve
and Secretary Fisher of the Inter
ior department, is said to be favor
uble to the proposal aud will incor
porate it in his recommendations to
the next session of congress.
0 v
First Christian Science Society.
Sunday j t a. in., Wslnef41i?ttn
8 p. in. Reading room opeiiiTiie'i
day aud Saturday from 2 la) p. in.
All cordially invited to the services
aud reading room. Sunday service
November 5, subject: "Atlniii and
Fnllen Mail."
There is little danger from n cold
or from an attack of grip except
when followed by pneumonia, ami
this never hapeus when Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy is ukimI. This
remedy has won a great reputation
aud extensive sale by its rcmai ho
me cures or colds aud grin and etui
be relied upon with implicit confi
dence. For sale by nil dealers.
First Baptist Church Sunday
school 10 a. in.; Morning worship
11 a. 111.; H. V. P. II i:io p. in.;
evening worship at 7:30 p. 111, Sub
ject of sermon morning service:
"The King's Highway." Oliorv-
auce of the Lord's sitpKir. levell
ing "A Harvest Lament. " The
Ilarucn quartet will sing. Kvury-
body invited. H. F. Cheney, juts-
Mayor K. C. Couch succeeded iu
killing three tleer near Forust Grovu
during the past week, aud brought
Home Willi nun two of the liuutit
prongs seen in n long while. The
mayor proved that his aim is still
good as it used to be as he killuil
all he saw. On account of the
warm weather he was unable in
iriug as much veuisou home with
1 i 111 us he desired.
The ladies aid of the ChrlKtinii
church will serve dinner during the
Teachers' convention hurt Momlnv.
-.. - . ---
Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. so
22. Place will be stated later. Ho
sure to work up a good appetite, for
they will have a good feed,
The St. Johns Dairy Produce Co.
at 206 North Jersey, is now butter
able than ever to supply the wnuti
of their patrons. Come nud see,
telephone Col. 194. ,5a3
Iu the Circuit tout I ul tlw SUI ot Omvqm lam
Mullnumali county, I l'rutl. lOjIntllf. va. fluv A i'ruu.O.
TuliuvA I'rjtt; In lint ujuir .J IU iim ot
Oirguu you aic hcrruy ir.uUl to Auwtr Ma
bote rnlitlr.1 routt nud i'uur WLuv ikr uth
.Uv ot November. 1011 ix uccU fiuju tkuiJuv
ul llir tint imtllcultoii of tliU HiwiuoHk.
II vou ml to auiKiir uu.l iu tli ululuiM
will tukt iudumetil auiiiutt oo lur uaul iluMMki
and lor the relict ut ru! (or in Iter ciwiliMnt
011 file hereinto. which iclrrtiav U Imeby muuW
and more particularly u lollowa
MiniiiKllie uoiuu ol luatrliuuny how cifeihtM
between you ami the l.lallitill, (rak j. IriH.
anil lor theoutotly o our child. I Met Atttu
i-ui juujciiiciii naum you ami a arete uiav
I'ratt ami lor uch tuttlur reiki aa the court
iiiuy urciu mrvi hi me i,eiuic
Tina uiiimioii i aertetl by iuulk-atki by vir
tue ol an oriler made hy lite lion Win dauina,
JutUe ul the abote entitled court, ami ilatwIOv'
lobcrjrd. wn.tu be tmblithrd iu the St. Jufcua
Kctlcw. o newMr ol neutral circtUut&i
111 IM
am cutiuiy aim twit
'r rlBJ
coriur Aiwua ami kiuiiiwmih Av
lute ol tint pubktitl4i. (K't , tigii.
Date ut iJ.t puUkattsH: Kgy. (ft, leu.
Htutlaiul. llrou.