St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 27, 1911, Image 5

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INUW lb int. I IfflL I
To buy your HOT WATER BOTTLES for the winter. To induce early buying
on Rubber Goods we are making great reductions in our line.
501-03 JERSEY sr.
fj.oo ltnl Wuter Dottles It.98
3.75 " ' " 1.78
1.50 " " 1.68
3.00 " " " , 1.38
1.00 " " " 71
$3.00 Combination ft.98
i.75 " 1.78
2.50 .68
t.5 " 98
1.50 Pcmiitnhi Syringes 98
These Are Home Products
The St. Johns Stove Works are building a better
stove for the money than any factory we
know of.
They are built especially for
, the coast trade.
We can show you a long list
of satisfied users who
will verify these states
Price - - $12.15
You should see us for All Wool Blankets
also bedding of all kinds, Comforts, Cotton B
Blankets, Pillows, etc., etc., etc. Price - - $9.90
THREE STORES Portland St. Johns Vancouver
f 1.00 ltnnlciis Mnlk'il Milk 69c
.50 " " " 39C
1.00 Swiini) U(x)t 63c
t.ix) Vinktmuis CoiiiiH)iinil 690
1 .00 Dliiiiioml Kye (iIiiwm 59c
t.oo Alarm Clocks 6ye
.50 ln)C9 Dlnpcpslu ,. ., 390
.25 Successful Ointment ,, loc
1.00 Mirror;) 69c
3.75 llor.len.i Ilospltnl Sie Sliilted Milk fj.75
fi.ooSnfety Ku.or 69c
Oct n KODAK ft, 00 up. I.ct u dcvelopc your films
107 m
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined nt the Pcninsu
Title, Abstract nntl Realty Co'
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H. Hender.sou, Manager, 208 North
Jersey street, McDonald Bldg.
Local News.
Organ for Sale for one third of
its cost, new ut II. Clurk's, the
furniture man. 4)tf
For Rent Furnished Flat three
rooms leside.s hall nnd bathFur
nished At. See Calef Bros, nppo
site postoflice.
The man who gets mad nt what
the newspaper says nlwut him
should return thanks three timus a
duy for what the newspajKirs knew
about him and suppressed.
Lame back is one of the most
common forms of muscular rheu
matism. A few applications of
Chumberlain's Liniment will give
relief. For sale by all dealers.
I.akeview will add agriculture to
its high school course as soon as its
new building is finished. This is n
new and important feature of the
course of study and one Unit prog
ressive communities are adopting.
The joint line of the Oregon
Trunk and the Deschutes Railroad
will be ojened to passengers and
freight traffic to Bend trout Colum
bia River on November 1. The
new lines are now operating to Opal
The building occupied by the
Portland Railway, Light & I'ower
' Co. office, and McKiuuey & Davis,
realty office, on North Jersey street,
is being thoroughly remodeled and
embellished. When completed
these rooms will be the handsomest
, office rooms in St. Johns.
For Insurance see F.W. Valentine
The days ate growing mighty
For Rent Four room cottage.
See K. C. Couch.
Wanted -Spinners and wravers
nt the l'oitlaud Woolen Mills, St.
Johns. Apply nt once.
Wo will buy your vacant lots or
your equity for cash if your price is
right. McKinucy & Davis.
For Rent Furnished Flat three
rooms besides hull and hath. Fur
nished At. See Calef Bros., oppo
site I'ostoffice.
Wanted Young men to join the I
Young Men's Daraca class of the J
HiiDtist Sniulav school. It meets
from 10 to 11 a. 111. Sunday. All
young men most cordially invited
to come.Sec.
For Sale 18 acres of laud, house
barn, and other out buildings, fruit
and berry land, 1 too cords of wood
on the place, half mile from the de
ot and river, 32 minutes ride from
St. Johns. $600 down and balance
in nine years. II. S. Hewitt, 1124
South Gresham street. tf
The first quarterly conference of
' the for the present pas
. torate was held on last Thursday
evening. Rev. J.W. McDougall.the
jt' district superintendent, presiding.
Much interesting business was
nnd the superintendent
was highly pleased with the bright
outlook for a prosperous year.
I- The M. E. church was filled to
the limit Sunday night. The
i.laBe audience showed their highest
appreciation of the singing by the
Redouble male quartet made up ot
A Portland aud local (aleut. Rev. J.
Taj, Pattou held the close attention
iir. of the congregation from the theme
t Watching at the Cross."
The best plaster. A piece of
flannel dampened with Chamber-
Iain's Liniment and bound over the
parts is superior to a plaster aud
. costs one-teuth ns much. For sale
by all dealers.
Dressmaking 603 Gilbert street.
Curtains Washed For jo cents
a pair, extra large 50c, ut Ladigcs,
723 No. Fillmore. ap
Mr. Iltiukius has about com
pleted excavation for a handsome
home on Jersey street, near Tyler.
Hullowe'en social next Tucsduy
evening, Oct. 31, at the home of
S. W. Cliilder, 501 North Hayes
street. Come.
HAHY DAY At Graves, the
Picture Man's studio, Nov. 3rd.
He will make one picture FREE of (
every baby under one year of age
that comes to the studio on this
date between the hours of 1 p. 111. .
and 3 p. 111. Iking out the babies, j
M. C. Soule has a .number of
good bargains In renl estate this
week. Better look them up. 507
North Jersey street. 5op
Two 50-foot lots on Willamette
boulevard between Mohawk and
Polk streets nicely marked with
fir trees at -1450 each, half cash.
Can't be beaten in St. Johns, Mc
Kinucy & Davis. 49tf,
You are not experimenting on
yourself when you take Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy for n cold, ns
that preparation has won its great
reputation aud extensive sale by its
remarkable cure of colds, nnd can
always be depended upon. It is
equally valuable for adults and
children and maybe given to young
children with implicit confidence as
it contains no harmful drug. Sold
by all dealers.
Next Tuesday evening at the
home of S. W. Childers, the Kp
worth League will hold its Hallow
e'en social. Everybody come.
Wear a costume or come- without
one. Fortune telling 5c; refresh
ments toe. 501 North Hayes.
When your food does not digest
U-M1 nnil vnn feel 4'blue." tired and
discouraged, you should use a little
HERBINE at Bedtime. It opeus
the bowels, purifies the system and
restores a fine feeling of health and
energy. Price 50c. bom ny si.
Johns Pharmacy.
First Christian Science Society:
Sunday it a. m., Wednesday, at
8 p. in. Reading room open Tues
day and Saturday from 2 to 4 p. 111.
All cordially invited to the services
and reading room. Sunday service
October 29, subject: Everlasting
Commencing Oct. 30, Mrs. G.
H. Fletcher will give instructions
in shorthand and typewriting at
her 1 evidence, evenings from 7 to
to. Those wishing to take up the
study should enroll on or before
the above date and receive two
weeks' tuition free. For full par
ticulars apply at residence No. 8 to
No. Hayes street. 5
O I A 1 L IV! L 1 I IN U. I
Having learned from a wide experience in handling high
grade drugs that extensively advertised patent medicines nre
sometimes low grade recies, cheaply combined, and knowing
that the big patent medicine concerns are compelled to spend so
much money advertising their articles that the quality of their
prescriptions is frequently reduced to make them profitable, we
have endeavored to do justice to our patrons by selecting u few
special prescriptions for general use. Each of these is prepated
from the highest grade drugs, aud meets our ideals of really mer
itorious medicine. It takes good drugs to produce good results,
just as it takes good workmanship and good materials to build a
first-class house, aud as a really fine house requires an experienc
ed architect to draw the plans and supervise, so does a good pre
scription require extensive trial aud a wide medical knowledge,
Each preparation listed below as "money-back" goods we know
have been tried out aud proven for years in the hands of physi
cians and patients, aud we assure the users that good results may
be expected;
$100.00 Cash for a Home
That is the first nayment on n
I good home, two lots, corner Am
I hurst and Wall. Street improve
! incuts to be paid by owner. Price
$1500. Phone Woodhiwu 1419, or
call nt No, 97ft Michigan nvenue.
John Lessing has purchased the
Jacob Rents property in the North
L. M. Oihus of Yuncouver, Wu..
Sent a day or two witli his relatives
and friends in this city.
Wonted To exchange a lot at
Cliffs, Wash., for n small motor
boat or launch. 49 tf
Furnished light housekeeping
rooms for rent. See owner 204
West Chicago street. 3fitf
For Rent 124x1 00 lot and three
roomed house, fenced, fruit trees.
928 South Jersey. 5op.
William Hey of Portland hns tok
en up his residence in St. Johns ut
the corner of Willis boulevard and
Fcsseiiduu street.
Mrs. Schelker of Pottlaud has
purchased a property nt the comer
of Cutliu and Hayes and now occu
pies same.
For Rent Six room house on
cai line, close in, $12, or will sell ot
u Imigniu. Sec Henderson of
Abstract Company, McDonald buil
ding, 2oS N. Jersey Street. ,y-2tc
Don't triile with n cold is good
advice for prudent men nnd women.
It may be vital in cose of a child.
There is nothing better than Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy for coughs
aud colds in children. It is safe nnd
sure. For sale by all dualurs.
The next commercial club meet
ing has been held off partly on ac
count of the Catholic fair this week,
and partly on account of the absence
from Portland of Tom Richardson,
The proposed booster meeting will
be arranged for and announced
when Mr. Richardson returns from
Wanted By Mrs. Fox, work by.
the duy. Phone Col. 281, St.
The basement of the Woodhottse
building is being converted into a
pool hall.
Subscilbo (or tho Tolograui boat
uvuiiliic pmier on tliu coant. Boo
Kit Stockton.
Y. C. Suvder nnd wife of Butler
Creek, Midi., visited A. C. Gesler
nnd family the past week.
CarHt mid Rug weaving. Bring
in your work. Mis. S.M. Warner,
401 Tncoina street St. Johns. 2
Win. F. Peyser will open n 5c to
ft. 00 store at 304 North Jersey in
the near future. New goods com
ing from the East.
A fine pinuo, good ns if from the
shop today, cost $400, will sell for
$300 cash to save shipping East, if
taken before November 20. See
Byerlee, this office.
Congregational church, comer of
Richmond streets: all the regular
services will be held buuday,
preaching by the pastor. All invit
ed. O. W. Nelson.
The steamer Washington from
Sou Francisco arrived nt the city
dock yesterday morning laden with
a etirgo of cement consigned to the
Lumbers Mercantile Co. This is,
we believe, the first deep wnter ves
sel to discharge nt the locnl dock.
We nre in receipt of a communi
cation bearing on the curfew ord
inance and its enforcement next
Tuesday night or Hullowe'en. If
the author will kindly forward his
name ns an evidence of good faith,
same will be published next week.
When the chest feels 011 fire and
the throat burns, you hnve indi
gestion, and you need HERBINE
to get rid of the disagreeable feel
ing. It drive out badly digested
food, strengthens the stomach nnd
purifies the bowels. Price 50 cents,
Sold by St. Johns Phnrmucy.
Revivnl services continue nt the
Christian Church, near postofilce.
Interesting sermons by Evangelist
McWhirter, good singing. Every
body cordially invited. The meet-
! ings nre held for YOU, e.sjecinlly
j mid particularly. Please come uud
enjoy them while you may. Every
evening except Saturduy. J, R.
Johnson, pastor.
The city dads surely did right
when they passed n resolution re
quiring contractors to secure crush
ed rock for streets front Whitwood
quarry. Thnt was the very purpose
the city rock crusher wns purchased
for iu the first place. The price is
mnde as low as good rock can be
mined nnd quarried for. Why
shouldn't contractors patronize the
municipal quarry? All bids tire
based on the price set at quarry. If
rock could be secured cheaper else
where thccugiuccr's estimate would
be based 011 a cheaper price uud
contractors would not be the gain
ers. A comparison of prices before
the city purchased an outfit and the
price paid now is sufficient proof
thnt it wns n wise nud economic
move on the part of the city. Rock
of n hcttcrqtiutity for street purpose)
does not ''grow," iu spite ofcoui
petiug companies' claims tothe con
trary. Christian Church Sunday school
ton. m., Preaching 11 11. m. nud
7:30 p. in., C. E. 6:30 p. in. Jun
ior Endeavor 3 p. m. Everybody
invited to nil these service. Tuber
uncle comer New York uud Leon
nrd streets. A cordinl invitation is
extended to nil. J. R. Johnson,
Carry that Bed up stairs
nud put thnt pine table in
the kitchen. That's how
it goes.
Furniture for all tho
is what you find when you
come here to buy. You
hnve n plenty to select
from uud everything you
purchase is durable uud
reasonably priced.
Special Bargains
iu Library Table thi
St. Johns Furniture
"Cash or Credit"
25c Bucklin's Salv.e 16c
50c Japanese Oil 34c
$1.00 Hetpicide. 68c
50c De Witt's Kidney Pills 36c
25c Pierce's Lotion Tab,. 14c
$1.00 Balsam Myrrh 63c
50c Bosanko's Pile Rem. .31c
25c Nyals Talcum Powder 13c
$1.00 Mothers' Friend.. .67c
25c Chamberlain's Tooth . 13c
50c Bull's Cough Syrup ,36c
$1.00 Manalin 72c
35c Rocky Mountain Tea 2tc
$1.50 Taft's Asthmaline $1.19
50c Oregon Kidney Tea 29c
$1.00 Wine of Cardui . . .57c
35c Hazeline Snow 21c
$1.00 Steam's Cod L Oil .66c
25c Nyals Corn Remover .14c
50c Palmolive Cream . . . 29c
50c Borden's Malted Milk 34c
"Aloney Back" Goods
C. Q. D.
i St. Johns Pharmacy !
fV V J
This store is the only one in St. Johns that sells groceries exclusively.
Therefore, we arc in a position to keep our stock fresh and the best
that can he secured. No stale or poor quality of anything is kept on
hand. Fair and courteous treatment and prompt delivery are ut
your command, (live us a trial, if not already a patron.
111 West Burlington Street