St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 27, 1911, Image 3

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    Holds Reception
A reception was held October 24
at tiic iMrst nnpust ciiurcli in lion
or of their pastor and family, Bro
J. n. Ulieney and wife;. The con
...! . t
rcgauou is certainly to ie con
gratulntcd in having secured sue
an able man ns Urother Cheney
A proi'rain was rendered dtirimr
the evening consisting of addresses
ami music. The address of w
come was given by the Methodist
pastor, kcv. j.j. ration, it was
certaitily a fine address, full of lov
and the spirit of unity for his fellow
Christian workers. The second
number on the program was a very
important feature, which was per
formed by Urother Welsle, pastor
ot the IMrst Uermaii Iiaptist entire
and that was "tieing the knot'" or
in other words, the mnrriage
of the pastor to the church. After
the ceremony was performed, w
had some very good remarks from
our new pastor, which was certain
ly well appreciated and which will
be remembered.
ine eiutrcii lias taken til) new
interest in the work in all lines tin
iter our new pastor. The young
men s quintet gave a musical se
lection which was highly appreciat
cil by all present. There was
large representation of the church
present, besides a great many of
of the friends oi the church. There
were between 85 and 00 present.
After the program was rendered
there followed a "social hour,"
which all those present participated,
having a good social time together,
shaking hands and talking. 1 hi
good social time was interrupted by
our good "Baptist sisters," who
had prepared refreshments consist
iug of coffee, cake mid sandwiches.
At a late hour we departed tn our
various homes, thinking of the
pleasant time we had enjoyed to
gelher in this grand gathering. One
A Starving Industry
The Woolen tiuM is the most in
slsteut of all Hints in itsdemuiids for
u liluli tariff. This trust still call;
itself nn "infant industry," and its
agents told tile mcmncts 01 the
Ways and Mentis committee that the
trust would starve to death if the
turlff were taken off of wool.
At Boston, on October 16.
William Wood, president of the
Woolen trust, was n witness in a
suit filed aiiainst him by n man
whom he had knocked down and
run over. The judge asked Wood
liow many automobiles he owned.
'I don't know." Wood replied.
How many chaffeurs do you cm
nlov?" asked the court.
"I never tried to keep track of
them," Wood answered.
Imagine a man .so rich he cannot
keep track of the number of auto
mobiles he owns! Then reflect on
how many of the workingmeu
who purchase Mr. Wood's highly
Iirotectcd products are unable to
:cep track of the number of woolen
.suits they or their children own.
Dante's Inferno-Maybe
There has been considerable
speculation ns to whether or not
Dante's Inferno would 1 shown in
St. Johns. When asked about it
the Multnomah management has
always said: "If we jmssibly can."
The films belong to the People's
Amusement Co. of Portland and
arc leased on a per cent, basis. The
basis is so high that it necessi
tates selling 1000 tickets to "break
even" on the day's run. Will St.
Johns do it? The owners or the
film do not think so and are indis
posed to allow the films come out
iiere. It seems to be a case of
confidence in St. Johns. The Mult
nomah is sure that the jwople here
will support it and will do all in
their power to to get the pictures
here. Every one concedes that it
is the greatest production ever
made and if it is shown iu St.
Johns it will be auother feather in
the Multnomah's cap.
Rebekahs Banquet
The Rebekahs spent a delightful
time at their regular meeting Tues
day evening. President Miss Belle
Belcher of Lafayette and Grand
Warden, Mrs. Charlotte Woodman,
of Portland were present, and both
gave interesting and eutertaiuing
talks. Quite a number were pres
ent from the different lodges of
Portland. The hall was decorated
in a beautiful and tasteful manner in
honor of the guests. An elaborate
and delicious banquet was served.
The work of the order was exem
plified for the benefit of the grand
officers. District Deputy President
Mrs. Hubert Simmons was called
upou to give the secret work, which
she did in a faultless manner, being
declared letter perfect. The eveut
was well planned aud most pleasing
to all.
Mrs. Osgood, formerly of Boston
Restaurant, has leased the Peninsula
Hotel, corner of McKinley ave. and
Willamette boulevard, where she
will conduct the same. Board by
the day or week. Rooms to rent.
53 ate
Fair a Success
Good crowds have been attend
ing the St. Clements fair and bazaar
at the St. Johns rink. No adinis
sion is charged. The interior pre
scuts a scene of life and interest
Many things there are to beguil
the long evenings. One of the
most beautiful sights is the school
booth artistically decorated with
pictures, Mexican work and sofa
pillows. Then there is a domestic
booth, fish pond and genuine conn
try store where most niivtliinc from
. pin to a calico wrapper may be
procured at nnces most reasonable
If things don't exactly fit it is net
tne store s tauit, turn with a litt;
patience you may grow into them,
1 lieu there's the wheel of fortune,
where you always stand a chance
ot getting your money back, ami
men some. If feasting your eyes
upou the many interesting sights
makes your stomach jealous, n res
tatiraut is at hand to satisfy the
yearnings of the inner man. But
above all is the many handsome
young ladies who do their best to
entertain nud make you feel at
home. Under the belief that all
mankind- yes, and womankind
are more or less lucky, a smiling
invitation is extended to try your
luck. It would not be a fair were
it otherwise. If you haven't vet
intended, tonight is your last op
portunlty. Go, and if you do not
lave a good time it will your own
limit entirely.
Eight Till One
Pile verv latest social socletv In
organize in St. Johns is the "liight
nil Une Club." The first meet nir
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. 1 A. Rice, 506 Charleston
street, Friday evening of last week.
1 lie house presented a most pleas
ing appearance, being beautifully
lecontted with autumn leaves. The
chief features of the evening's en
tertainment was the popular mime
of 500, First prizes were won by
A. A. Muck and Mrs, P. II. 1-dlef-
sen, while J. i. hdlefsen carried
off the consolation prize. The new
club will meet on the second and
fourth Friday of every month,
while the gentlemen will be enter
tained once a mouth. Many social
vents for the coming winter are
eing planned at which dancing and
card playing will play prominent
arls. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. II. Hick
nase. Those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. P. H. Hdlefsen, Mr. and
Mrs. I'. P. Drinker, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. II.
Bickuase, Mr. and Mrs. U. B. hv-
ans, Mr. and Mrs, Perry C. Stroud,
Air. and airs. a. A. Muck, Mr.
aud Mrs. John N. Hdlefsen. Mr.
lid Mrs. Frank A. Rice, Mr. and
Mrs. Anton Hdlefsen, Mr. aud Mrs.
'.dward McLean of Portland.
Epworth League Notes
B. W. Cooley, district first vice-
resident of Portland district, was
present tit the devotional meeting
of the league last Sunday evening
aud gave a short talk on the work
eiug done in the district. A large
number were present.
Hie next business meeting and
social of the League will be held at
le M. K. parsonage on I.eavitt
street November 7th at 8 o'clock
111. Come out everybody and
get acquainted. Its all free.
Thanksgiving is coming on apace.
Go to M. C Soulc for real estate
argains. 507 No. Jersey. 5op
Mrs. R. W. McKinuey entertain-.
ed State President Miss lielle Belch
er during her stay in St. Johns.
The curfew bell rang for the first
me Wednesday evening at eight
'clock. It is now up to the young
sters 'to heed its warning tones.
Contain Dunbar is renorted to be
lowlv improving, and it is thouirht
now that he will recover with the
loss of one eye.
See McKinney & Davis for Park-
rose, acres and half acres; $1 150 for
acres, $600 half acres. Car line to
center of district, easy terms; come
over and see the plat.
' 0
A junior Baraca club was organ
ized at the Baptist church last Tues-
ay night Oct. 24. Tne following
officers were elected: Kenneth Sim
mons, president; Samuel Maples,
ice-president; harl Kelhher, secre
tary; Henry Jower.treasurer; Oliver
Bacon, I'.ditor. AH boys between
the age of 12 any 15 are invited to
join. O. B.
Rev. Chester Paul Gates of Dal-
as came down tor an over Sunday
lsit aud to meet many of his good
friends Rally Day at the Hvaugeli
cal church last Sunday. Brother
Gates seems to be prosering, is in
the pink of good health, wearing a
smile that would not rub off and
dispensing handshakes among his
friends in keeping with his vigor
ous appearance.
Work (or a QraaUr St, Job&i.
The Stroller Quartet filled 1S0
Stay ton Bureau without a single criticism. They will be here Nov. 1 ith
The Smallest Shop Best Lighted
Will do more business than n large store poorly lighted.
Tlie, new MAZDA Hcoiinmy DilTusers make it possible to
Hood s'mall business places with electric light af n very
small cost. The light fiom these new lamps is so brilliant
nud is so perfectly diffused that often only one cluster is
needed. The turn down switch gives just the degree of
light desired. Yon will be interested iu the terms we can
offer yoti 011 these lights. Ask about them.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
7II1 and Alder Street
A ftfof your Stove Fixtures
u B B I J S for your Doors 811(1 Willtlows
vuu uu for yur sanded Finish
5X Panel Doors 2 II, 8 In, 1 6 II, 8 In. i I 3-8 In,, $1.35
$6.oo delivered 55.00 delivered
Trimmings $3.00 Block Wood $4.00 load
With only one change of train, and that is the same station, Oma
ha, Kansas City, St. I.ouis, Denver and other ceiittul western points
are reached. '
Tickets aud baggage arranged
tails will be furnished on request.
W, H. COMAN, O. V. & l A.
1 H. HENDERSON McDonald Bldg.,208JcrscySt.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
Undertaker and Funeral Director
Representing Portland Marble Works, Intimates furnished for all kimW
of monuments, vaults ami roping work. If you are thinking o( having
anything done iu this line, cull at my office an! talk It over.
Phone Columbia 283 East Burlington Street, St. Johns, Oregon
Jackson & Thompson states that
much appendicitis in St. Johns is
caused by constipation, gas on the
stomach or sour stomach. These
troubles are almost INSTANTLY
relieved aud appendicitis guarded
agaiust by takiug a SINGMv DOSH
of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.,
as compounded in Adler-l-ka, the
new German appendicitis remedy.
dates last year for the Redpath
NG.. .
The trains of the North Bank Road run
through to Spokane, Butte, Helena, Minneapo
lis, St. Paul nud Chicago without change,
None is faster or Iwtter appointed. Hvcry
tucderii feature of equipment is supplied.
through to all eastern points,
0. M. CORNHIJo Agent
To Improvement Iloiul Holders;
Notice is hereby Kiven that Improve
ment HontU, Noh. 31 to to, liiahuive,
will he redreiued at my oflice Novumhur
I, 191 1. Above bond will cwue to ilruvv
interest after this date.
City T rnttsurwr.
I'ublkliutUfi the St.Johwi Kvitw on
October 20 and 27, jgn.
The Buying Power of $1.75.
A little money .sometimes buys
a good deal. For instance, take
the .subscription price of The
Youth's Companion for a year
1.75. If all the good leading in the
52 weekly issues oi the paper were
pulilislicd in hook form, according
to its Kind, it would make about
thirty volumes of fiction, science,
essays by famous writers, hotisehol
management and economies, sports
and pastimes for hoys, nattira
history, nnecdotts, humor, etc.
I he serial .stories alone would fill
several volumes. Among these is
Ralph Paine's gieat story of the
Boxer Rebellion iu China. "The
Crossand the Dragon." Another is
by J W. Sehuitz. who was adopted
by the Blaekfeet when a bov. It
is called "The Quest for the Hish
Dog Skin." Another is n glorious
girls story by C. A. Stephens, called
"Julia Sylvester." It is the story
01 a ".Mercer girl in the pioneer
days oi Uregou and Washington
and that is only part of the serials.
It will cost you nothing to send
for the beautiful Announcement
of The Companion for 1012. and we
will send witli it sample copies of
the paper.
Do not forget that the new sub
senber for iyt2 receives a gift of
1 he Companion Calendar for 1912,
lithographed iu ten colors and cold,
and all the issue for the remaining
weeks of 101 1 free from the time
the subscription is received.
Only fi.75 ow, but 011 January
t, 1912, the price will be advanced
to $2.00.
144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass.
New subscriptions received nt
this ollice.
Proposals lor Street Work
Sealed proKsals will he received nt the
ollice of the Kecorder of the Cltv of .St.
John until Nov, 14th, 1911, at S o'clock
ji. 111., (or the iinpioveinent of Newton
sIutI from the northerly line of Port
lam! boulevard to the southerly line of
II. ink Htrcet. In the manner provided hv
ordinance No. 438, mihjccl to the ptovls.
iouk oiine cnartvr nun oniiimticet 01 tut
City of St. John, and the I'lttiniale oi
the City engineer, 011 file.
The engineer' estimate o( the proh.i
hie total cost is f5.5i7.jS.
Mils must be strictly hi accordance
with printed blanks, which will be f 11 r 11 -Uhcd
on application at the oflice of the
Kecorder 01 the Cltv of St. lohus. And
Mid Improvement mint be completed on
or before 00 day from date ol the last
implication 01 notice ot ol mild
No proposals or bids will he considered
unless accoitiMiilcd by a certllied check
uiyable to the order of the Mayor of the
City of St. Johns, certified by a resism.
ilc hank lor an amount eiiual to ten
Percent, of the ne.Krvgutc proposal, and
bonds to the amount ol the contract
price will be required.
The right to reject any and all bids is
hereby reserved,
iiy tinier ot the city council,
I'. A, KlUll,
Published Iu the St, Johns Review 011
wet. 27, .Nov. j ami 10, 1011.
Proposed Assessment
Notice is hereby iiven that itpiMii tiou-
iiient of the cost of Improving Phil
adelphia street from llayin street to
Wilson street, a total cost ol wlilch is
3,061.87, ln.s heeu upMirtionet and Is
on nie in tne ollice 01 the undersigned,
subject to examination.
Assessment district extends I sick to
the center of lots, blocks nud tracts of
laud abutting on wild street as provided
by the city charter and resolution.
Uemouktrnuce uK"hist said ortion.
mem may ne mane in writing anil Moil
wllh the undersigned until 5 o'clock p.
111, November 6, 1911,
Published ill the St. Johns Review 011
Oct. 3 uud 37, Mill.
Proposed Assessment
Notice is hereby eiveu that apiKirtiou-
meut of the. cost of improviui! .Mucrum
avenue from Columbia SIoiiljIi to the ().
W. K. v N. tracks, total tml ol f t..Ui.WS
lias Ik-cii upisirtioutNl and Is 011 lilv In the
oflice of the undersigned, subject to ex
amination. AsMMsmeut district extends Mck to
the center of lots, blocks or tracts of
land abuttini! on Mid street as provided
by the city charter and resolutions.
Kemnnstruuce uealust wild HPiMirtiou-
iiient may he made in writing uud lilts I
with the undersigned until 5 o'clock
i M. November?, 1'JII.
Published hi the St. Julius Review
Oct. jound 27, I'jll.
III the Circuit Cuutt ol IU Mate ol lliuu lor
Multnomah vounly
Im.lrJ I'rsll. lUlHlill. v.. (iuv A. 1'iull .lc
ToliuyA I'rslt In the' nam ol IlinUlrul
OirKOU you sic licrtliy rriiiUn! lo ixur noil
nwcrtlir ciiiilaliil tiled ualn.t juu lit llir
above riilltlnl couil ami rauw !r(uir llu- iuih
lUy ol NotciuUcr. IQH. l rrk fium tlic day
ol the fi rt lmltl teat ion ol IhU sumuiuiu
II ou IjiI toaiKur and aiuwer the !alntiil
will take iuilicmeiit aulurt you lor Mailt Iheirol
ami lur the teliel ai praed lor iu lurr complaint
m file hereliilu. which rclcrcuic it lieieby aiub
ami more particularly as loltown
Kiiullic bomW ol matrimony now ril.Uu,
I'c.r judgment agaiHti you ami a unreeut.
between you and the plulliUtf, leule
ami lr Ihou.loily o your chili!
IlkL Allen
I'ratt and lor uch lurther relief a the court
may urcm meet In the preiuUe.
Tilt umiuoiia U acrted by publaattou by vir
tue ol an order made by the f lull U'm (ialu,
judge ol the almte entitle! court, and dated lie
toiler jrd to be uhlllicd In the SI John.
Kevtew.a newiuer ot general ciiculallou Iu
.id county and Ult.
Attorney lor 1'UlnllU
tormr Albiaa ami KilllHgwottli Ave .
PoilUud, Oregon.
Date ol firt publication. Oct- 6, 1911.
Hate ol Utl publication, Nov. 10. lyll.
Subscribe (or the St. Johns Ituvluw
uud keep posted ou Uiu dolutss of
tbu citr.
Nott th Ubil on your pp,r.
An Ordinance Providing The
Time And Alnnner Of Im
proving Baltimore Street
from Jersey Street to Edi
son Street in the City of
St. Johns, Oregon.
The city of St. Johns does ordain as
101 lows:
The council of the city of St. Johns
havlni' ascertained the cost of iuuirov-
int; llaltiimirc street from the wiuthcrly
side line of Jersey street to the northerly
side line of KiIImiu street in the cltv
of St. Johns, as shown by the resolution
ol the council ot said city dated on the
.Vl day of October, 1911, and recorded
In the ollice of the recorder of said city,
and notice thereof having been publish-
etl in tlte hi. lo ins Rev cw. a week v
newspaper 01 ucuerai circulation, ou
6th and nth days of October, loll.
as suowii ny tne nimiavil ol tlte
foreman of said paper, which said
alliilavlt is ou file iu the ollice of
the cily recorder; and leeal (Mistlne of
notices of such improvement, as shown
nv tlte alliilavlt ol tlte city engineer tin
tile iu the ollice of the city recorder, and
no temoustrauces havim.' been lllnl.
ami. as proviileil ny said resolution, enei
lit er's preliminary estimate of the cost of
siini iniproveiucnt Is fi.9io.24, but shall
be more accurately determined by said
Now, therefore. It is hereby ordered
that said street lie improved and the time
lor the completion of saitl Improvement
is hereby ftxetl at sixty ilnvs fmiu tlu
last publication of notice of proKisals of
said work, which said proNisals must be
filed with the recorder tif said cltv on or
Peforethe 14II1 tlay of October, 191 . lit
eight o'clock 11. m. of said day.
'J hat said street shalt he Improved as
ioiiows: nv (ratiiui; Sitme to tne estali
llshcd entile by cut and till and by
slilewalkliijj the Mine ou either side
with (1 ftMit eeineut sidewalks. 12 fool
curlis, entire lenelli; thai hitch rliies
to oe puiceti eurii as 11 recteii hv 1 ie
city engineer.
1 he cily tecorder shall if ve notice by
publication for not less than three in
sertions In the Si. Johns Review, the of-
liclal ncwspacr, fitvilliig proHistls for
maKing satii ttuprovemeiii.
Said Improvement slntll iu all resm-cls
ne none nun compieteil III couiortllliy
with the provisions ol Oriliuaitces Not.
tfsi except as otherwise
, . , . . .
Proviileil iu this onlinauce; all work to
be done under the direction ami stier
vision of I lie cil engineer.
That the cost of said Improvement
shall be assensed against the properly In
the local Improvement district as-des.
scribed In said resolution nud designated
as and tleclated to be In-al Improve
ment District No. 75
rasseti ny uie council Octoher Jith,
Approvetl Iiy Hie itiinttr Octolier 26th,
Acting Mayor.
Attest: V. A. RICK,
Cily Recorder.
Published III the St. Julius Review on
Oct. 27, 1911.
n Ordinance Providing the
Time and Manner of Im
proving Newton Street
From the Northerly Side
Line of Portland Boulevard
to Southerly Side Line of
Hank Street in the City of
M. Joints. Oregon.
The city of St. Johns docs ordain as
The council of the city of St. Julius,
having ascertained the cost of improving
Newton street from the northerly side
line of Portland boulevard to southerly
side line of ll.tuk street In the city
of St, Johns, as shown by the resolu
tion of the council of sttld cily, tinted ou
jddayof Octoher, 1911,11111! recorded Iu
the ollice of the recorder of said city, ami
notice thereof having been published in
tile St. Johns Review, a weekly new spa
tier of general circulation, oil the
(ith day and ou (he ijtli day of Octolier,
1911, as shown by the affidavit of the
foreman of saitl IMicr, which Haiti ullida
vit is 011 tile 111 the ollk'v of the cltv re
corder; ami legal justing of notices of
such improvement, as mown hy the alli
ilavlt of the cily engineer oil file in the
ollice of the city recorder, remonstrance
having been tiled by proiwrty owners
containing 271 per cent oi total front
age, which is liisulllc lent Iu law to pro
hibit tin- said Improvement, ami, as
provided Uy Mid resolution, the engin
eers piuliminary estimate of saitl Improve
ment is fs.5i7.Jf. hut shall Ik.- more
accurately determined hy tid engineer.
Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered
that said street be improved and the
time fur the completion of said im
provement is hereby fixed al sixty days
from the last publication of propisals of
sttld work, which suit) proxlk must be
filed wllh the recorder of said city 011 or
before the idtli luv u( November, loll.
at H o'clock, p. til. of said day.
1 hat Mid street shall be Unproved as
follows: Uy grading same to the estab
lished grade by cut ami fill and by side,
walkiue same on either side with 6 foot
cement sidewalks, 12 foot cement curbs
entile length, togetbur with all neceafciry
cement cnwswniks ami corrugated iron
gutters; that hltcli rings to lie placed In
the curb as directed hy the city engineer.
The city recorder slmll give notice
by implication for not less than three in
sertions iu the St. Johns Review, the offi
cial newsK.'r, inviting proptsals for
mating shui improvement.
Said improvement shall in all respects
lie done and oompluted in conformity
with the provisions of ordinances No.
Ibo except us otherwise: pro
vided ill this ordinance, all work to he
done under the direction ami supervision
of tlie city engineer.
That the coat ol Mitt Improvement
shall be utsvsted against the proerty iu
the local iiuprovemtiut district as tie-
K'rilwd iu Mid resolution ami designat
ed us uud declared to be local improve
ment district No. 74-
l'wsMsd the council this the 24th day
of October, 19H'
Appruvwd hy the mayor this the 2.1 til
day of October, 191 1.
A. A. .MlLrv,
Acting Mayor.
Attest: P. A. KICK,
Published iu the St. Johns Review tin
Oct. 27, 1911.
ilrlng In your Job printing while
you think of It. Don't watt until you
are uiitlruly out. Wu aro equipped
to turn out neat uud Uty prlntluK
promptly ut Portland prlcwt or lM.
Sealed prox)silM will he received by
the undersigned ul his ollice In lite city
hall of St. Johns, Oregon, until Tues
day, Nov. i,, 1911, al six o'clock p. in.
for the sale of not less than jsir value
and accrued interest of improvement
bonds of the cily of St. Johns, Oregon,
the same to he Issued by authority of
Ordinance No. 43.) for the whole or any
tstrl of 2S.soo.tH). Said bonds lo he
dated Sept. t, 1911,11111! issued iu denoin
Inatlons of f5(si.oo each, siyithle ten
years from date.same being coujsin Ismd'.
hearing six per cent luteiest istyahle
semi-annually, aud subject to all the con
tlitlolis imposed, directed and stltmliiteil
bv Section Ijt of the charter of Hie eit
of St. Johns,
All bitls must henccomixililed bv a cer
tified check of two per cent of the uc
count, saitl check to be tKiyable to the
city of St. Johns, to which It will 1 evert
as liquidated damages In case pttty lo
to whom lxiuils are awarded fails lone
cepl and jiay for same within I5ilas
Irum acceptance of bid. Money lo In?
utitl and bonds tleliveied at St. Johns,
The riehl is reserved lo relect attv and
all bills. V. A. RICK.
Cily Recorder.
Published iu the St. Johns Review ou
Oct. 20, 27 uud Nov. J, 1911
CAMP 773 W. 0. W.
Meet ev.
cry Wed
n e s d b y
ov c n I n if
In Hick
n.r'i li.ll
Mtvtaaverr lrslr liltrht at
7 30 o'clock at I. (), (), V:
nail, VUlturs alwari VU
W. t. AlDtllSON. c. c.
A.W.tlCKlt, K. K. S
No. 1 86 I. 0. O. P.
sr. juiims, onrc.oN
Meets each Monday evening In Odd Fel
lows' linll, nt 8:00. Visitor welcomed.
P. and A. M.
Regular communications
011 llrst mid third Wed
nosdnvM of uiich month
In Oil, I K.dlowa' hull
Visitor welcome.
Central Market!
Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of
the Bust Mtuits Obtainable.
Ordw rilleil and famlls- Trade Sollclled.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
Si. Johns Laundry
Thoroughly for all
of laundry work ninl
Up-to-date In every respeel,
Prompt ti ml cfliciciit .service p,uar
nutml. Votir patronugc solicited.
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for euch 'change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. ni. Please
'member thla and eave the printer
Northern Pacific Kallwa)
lollr Id Kratruilir 17 1911
N 01 Ih t'M.1 l.lmMclna Nuiilt mini. t as tt. hi
Atlantic Kixr vis fuitrl huumt - - llij) fi Mi
AlUnliv Kitnm U Nuiilt Uatik hii u. w
Twin City ifiMraiU I'uiirl Kuuml 1:11 u. M
Twin Cily IUnr U Ninth IStnk ?:M ii. hi
lU.lrru KtrMU I'HK't XsHiud II.JJ ft. w
IU.Icih tlr via Nollh HkhV - -- Iwli a. Mi
Mu Klr Kniirraa vU Nurth IUihU - Titjti. w
I'Hltst Kouml l.lmltnl, j 4 H ui . tlru llailiui
Mini kuulh lllnl lliauihra.
Vatult I'a.wMK.r - ... jj4j m w,
Nurlli toart Uwltrd tin NutthHsHk .
pmyi. iu
4 41 4. HI
7 ui
n P hi
1 tU jl HI
4i a hi
' T aM. hi
tfii K I'l
lii UI
fjtV. HI
Nwth l'ua( l.iMiltnt vu l"ut I
No, fat tlic l'.iirM via NoilU Haiti.
Nu IShiN. Kmh w ISiaH Muuhu
I'.iiIk IUMraa vU NurlM Uawk - - -INttllH
Itiiaru, via I'Mij. t fcVwlHt - -
Wrttrrii Itiiuru via Kurlh Haul
Wdrrn ltiin via l"UMt Mwuil -Mu
Klver lUinraa lU Nailh HaaL -'
IHtitlarui. I'aiuiua stt(
Mu. Klvrr llittMia -Hat NaM
K lt
t 1H t.
I turn Olyiuiut houlli Ucntl ami (lia llaltwi
li u
V 4 cull l'a..Mnrl
i4 HI
M. Coiwll, Amml.
Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway.
I.I'.AVINO hT. jlillNK.
I'alllirklKr l'akMii;r lur l.vlr, OuUrtuUle, Oir-
ituit Truus uiMl luval Uiliit. a. ui.
I11U11U l(niilic ltirrM. 10 u a. 111,; tot
SI l-aul. Iliuatia. KauMtVlly.HI. I.uwla, Watla
Walla. I'aKti, UuuMrvrlt. lUauuuall., (t4jWU'
italr White Slmou, 'u(ouvcr jhJ 0 logon
Tiuiik KiiiHstliaus.
N ui th lUul MihIUmI.7 n !' hi lur Cbkaw M
I'aul. tdwaaa. smut city. M l.oula. twiiuw.
hiuaKUr Hilivillc. l.lml, I'awu, HuuMtvett. au.l
CuluMiula Kivcr t.ocal s u i ui lur VanmMvri .
lanua While halHiuu. l.ylr lilaluMallf .CHM.
I'allliiulc auil all intcrmcUialc rtalkwa.
Inlauil Hiuilrc ItipieM, 7 ui. ui. Irwu Clik'4
tu. HI I'aul. 1 1 ma 114 Huuta. city. M. UHii
nuuLaiit. hiiruuur. KiUvllie I. IhU. lWu.
Kuuaevirtt.tiruudiUlta.- While kialwuH.sutl Vuu
Nuitii Ittiik Limited 7 47 a. ui . hum CbtMu
M. I'aul llmalut, K jum. City M. l.uuU. Wall
Walla, i'awu. Kuuveit and Vauaatuvat.
ColuHtWU Mlvcr l.wal uji a. ui . Iiutsi Otlfl.
(.raiHtdalhra, (iuklaiuUI. l.jW WkU SalHjea
Cawa, Vaiitwtvcr au4 all iutcruwilUu
I low.
I'sllUiUuc Pautugct 7 ta p. m. Iiom byte. IWd
ulalc ainllvoit ulHls.
All tralatoi lor uatMNKtia.
Tk'kt4 UH sale lur all twlMll.
O. M. CurinU, AKfut.
Tickling iu the throat, honre
uu.SK, loss of voice, iutlicntu the
need of HAU.ARirS HOAR
HOUND SYRUP. It etui the
IttiiKS, tpiicts the eolith nud rutitoreN
health in the bronchial tulie. Price
25c, 50c mid ill per bottle. Sold
by St. Johns l'huruiiicy.
Work fur artt HU Johus,