St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 27, 1911, Image 2

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Our large as
sortment of fine
Ladies Purs at
I -I off reg. price
Florshcim and
Ncttlcton Shoes.
Cost cuts no figure.
We are compelled to
sell at any price.
Ladies' Heavy Outing
Flannel Night Gowns;
nice, new patterns,
vSpccial for Saturday
only a beautiful assort
ment of ladies' lea rQ
ther Hand Hags at OyK.
Men's Fancy Wool Un
derwear, the soft, smooth
hind, and the one QQn
best bargain at. . . .
Men's Sweater Coats all
patterns. Removal A On
Sale Price 0l
Hoy's Solid Leather
School Shoes, good sturdy
footwear. Re- 1 1C
moval price yl00
All Wool Jerseys and
Sweater Coats, a beauti
ful range of patterns. 5-1
values. Rcmov- (J0 A
al sale price p.iy
Men's White Linen 1 Iem
stitehed Ilandker- T
chiefs. Removal price OL
Men's Winter Weight
(.nod Ribbed t'n- AZn
derwear, ri moal at "
The entire stock must be closed out not one article to be moved
The Store that has always sold Better Goods for the Same Money or the Same Goods for Less
Money than you can buy elsewhere
AH New, High Grade Goods The Cream of the Season
Men, for your purse's
sake, read every line.
Why not grasp the op
portunity? You know
the class of merchandise.
Good Solid Leather
Work Shoes, tan and
black, our guarantee
with each
sewed soles
soles (T "J fl JT
al..4? I D
Fancy tailored and em
broidered Waists with
all the latest effects.
Conic early while as
sortment iscont-'"?Q
plete; removal .
Genuine Pure Silk
Kayser, Dress Gloves,
guaranteed, 16 button,
all the latest shades;
removal sale, QO,
the pair iOL
Exactly same styles
and colors, Kayser Silk
Gloves, all guaranteed,
short length, AKr
removal sale .
Ladies' Fancy Silk
Scarfs, made of pure
Hemmel Silk, come in
ALL colors, fancy, and
plain, Special, A fif p
each e-rsJj
Women's house Wrap
pers in Percale and
fleece lined materials;
pretty designs to select
from. Romov- 4 Q
al price I I c
Follow the crowds that are daily thronging our store. Come and see for yourself
Hoys' and Girls' Rib- jci,is jw.s n()S,. i,, Ladies extra fine pure Men's Fall Hats, the Men's Dress Shirts, Men's fancy all Silk Women's Dress Shoes,
bed Union Suits, extra c"0orsC " nu. lr ,s' Hose, assorted new and latest styles; a large assortment of Neckwear, a beautiful Vici Kid, high velour
good quality; Re- )() '1,u1i ? Lv u 2SC colors, special 2(n removal sale d i plain and pleated 0(n assortment; while 1 nr tops; removal tf A9
moval Sale Oyl mmnl 3 !un 1,11 -u removal, the pr. OyL prjcc $lAy effects; removal; Oyt they last I"t price, the pair Ql.yA
' 1
Sale now in
its fullest
Come if but
to look
! mm m mi mmwmmm mm m mm mm mmm
mr mmmw b m. -h mm mm mm mm 1
Bbiv mm mm mm. mm mm
Being sold at the old stand, 311 South Jersey Street,
$5000 Stock of Men's
fine Work and Dress
Shoes to be sold at
a mere fraction of
their worth.
Get your share.
St. Johns, Oregon
It ts liLjjiiiniu to (lawn, hi fact
ItdK iluwnrd upon the tieople of St.
Johns, that (or some time the conn
tv i-onimiKMoncrti have lieen giving
tlii city it rather snide ileiil.Tlions
amis of dollars uorvurv yer into
ntuitsi mi m mwv i iiif coiintv en er Irom this c tv.
Published livery Frlitny
117 WtMt IlarllHKt4iu Street.
ami s lar we liave tccvlvt'd lint
nullity little in return. Of cone
we shall et the free feny, lint it
is through no uood ollices ol tin.
county coinmissioiiers that it is
coming about. On the contrary
they at the fust techiilcalitv
1 to ieiit Itscll to lilock (lie terry
1 Not so far luick in the dim and
ilusky Nist a iiuuiher of our eitt
.ens reached down in their jiockets
ami Mid for n right of way for n
county riHid through the tun tit end
of the Peuuikiila. The kxmI
rtwdwny was a most Iwautiful one,
' ami oiK'iietl up nil tiuusiinlly inter
eating portion of the lower tieiiin-
sula. The county uiithoiities gave
HHkiirauce mm it me riiii ot way
Tiih Ukvikw
In $inl Julius, ()rrjiu, wll iiwtler
ol the whhiimI Iam under th Act ol Coil
ivm u( Mutch j, 1879.
OlBtltl Ntwtptptr at Iht Oily of BU Johns.
A.U.rtiilnc rlw, II. M r ImIi per iwtulb
Subscription prion $1.00 por yunr.
It ulimild affoid the tKHiple of St.
Johns the kceiicM plensuie ami
gnitiflcntiou to know that this city
will Imve h live wile Cotntneteinl
club, one that will iiilect credit iiniii
St. Johns himI become a Miteiit fHCtoi
In it U(tlfiiikliiiK and further devel
opment. TUeie has lwig Itceii n
crying uuel fur such mii orgaiiiatiou.
The business iiittftets heretufore
Imve not mimlmt muted, have held
nliMif fium all pievioui uttemtkts of was acquired they would construct
ingNiiiiatioii. Now a womleiful Uie rosdway and jilace it in hrst
change has taken place. Themei- class condition. The riht of wa 1
uhuiiW, the city officials, the pro- was purchased ly public sulwrip-1
feiwiouiil men. the uiauufacturers tiou, ami those most iuterestNl have
nml the alert citueii have handed luttieutly awaittsl the building of
thetuaclve togctlicr with the object the roadway. That was several
in view of making the St. Johns years ago, and Wxlay the jieople are
club a power that will be felt tH waiting. Nothing has leen
all over the Pacific Noithwest. done. Why? Only the comuiis-
Uvidence is at haml that funds siouers cnu tell. So coulideiit weie
iiuceiwnry to make it a spleutlid sue-1 the comiuissiouur.s that the free fer-
ces will be forthcoming. M. O. ' ry would be blocked that it is now
Nee, who lias ever leeii a most assertel tliat the funds which
stiuuM nave leen reservwl for its
coiiktructiou were tuel for other'
purpose. Isn't it uhout time that
our people should give more atten
tion to whom are elected to fill the
county oflices? Wouldn't it be,
wise to elect men who show at j
least some leguru (or tne lower pe
ninsula and its wants? We have
about 1000 votes in St. Johns.
us remoiulwr when election day ar
rives. " t
The .McNiuuara trial at I,os
Angeles is progressing in n most te
dious manner. A satisfactory jury
seems hard to obtain. Any excuse
mid every excuse Is enough to keep
a juryman from serving. It is
passing strange that the defense
must spend a million dollars, as is
said to be the case, in order to secure
a fair trial in California. If this be
necessary, what chance would a
poor man have without the aid of
a strong organization ? To a cas
ual observer it must occur that such
uu immense sum is mote likely to
bo apent to defeat justice than to
obtain it. This same olworver
must also realize that the dial may
bo uioro or loss a farce. It would
toiptiru extraordinarily bmve mid
foarlu&i men to render a vurdiot of
guilty, whatever the evidence. Vis
pronounced boaster for St. Julius
and the 1'etiiustila, is entitled to the
credit of lighting the first match.
A sprnk set afire among the right
mateiinl was all that was needed.
Thu teat followed as a matter of
course. Siuce the movement has
Imku properly lattuched, all can
help. Kveu the most abject speci
men of humanity in St. Johns can
do his share. A good word, hoeftil
awl sincere, a little confidence in our
fellow men, absence of disseutiou.
petty nickeling, knocking amldis
jwiaging remarks all help. Iloost,
never knock. If a kind word about
the citv cauuot be spoken, it is best
to Keep sueui. .tteuu lite mass
mooting vvUeu it is If you
it unable to help financially, your
mural support will be highly appre
ciated. St. Johns can he made to
prosper us it never has done before
with insistent, iutclligem effort.
I.ut tii get together. men of St. Johns,
mid shoulder to shoulder ami by
tiuitwl purpose (dace this city
among the foremost on the Pacific
count. It can be doue. No other
city in the United States has n better
chnuco. It Is up to all of us.
You gt)t full wylght "ml first
quulUy at thu Central tuurktit, Jut
try uwtilio.
Stories of Success
Ptr Cooper
vr4i Aiimrlca
nrit irri'ut iiuii
mi niiin ana
nlway in buil
nvii ho madi
1110 Unliln Ituln
iy Thu city or
Nw York owea
a ilicp ilebt or
Kratltuils to thU
uontl nmn, (or tin
KAVe 3D Ot
1111 lira io plan
ning anil dxvel
oplnir the Coop,
er Initltute. a
Rrrnt free unlvrrilty ileilnea to
tilvo poor liayn nil iluratlan,
IVIr Cooper's rhlldliooit woi ona
of toll nml vmlravor Juit ona year
tlltl ho k to clionl, Juit one year In
nil hla Ufa nml then (or only halt
n day Ht 11 tlmn.
Tli i'pr Imtltuto today, on tha
dpot whfrn Dm Krorary alnre of It
founder once atoml, I tha mott rom
Plata free school of Its kind In
Tha nat-aBir or ins nnarwards
rant forluiiH was thu monay savvd
It la ramarknlilo how savlnRl
nddad In (rum 1 1 1110 to time will no.
Hvn I'ater Cooper liml to make a
Tha start t the thlnfr.
Jual one dollur will onan a sav
tnas ncrnunt (or you In thl hank.
Isn't today a good, time to tievlnT
St. Johns, Oregon
A. R Joiiks. Vice President
K. P. Dkinkhr, Cashier
C. H. Ri ssitM., Ass't Cashier
ions ol bombs and "gas-pipe" ex
plosions would no doubt hover very
near in the days to come. Ami it
seems that bravery and heroism
are not among the requisites ex.
acted of a juryman iu this cele
brated case.
Health Officer Wheeler is forcing
employes of the Portland Railway.
Light & Power Co. to be vaccinat
ed. Vet this is sometimes called
u fiee country. Asa result of this
autocratic order more deaths and
illness is likely to result from vacci
nation thnu from smallpox. The
world do move backwards some
An Htistem correspondent wonts
to know what we do iu Oregon
when it ruins. So far we have found
about the only thing to do is to let
it rain.
Woleott (the rent man) 130 nth
street, Portland, is the miiu to see
for rout ostute or morouutile deals.
To take your order for that
stove you need.
Our Hue is complete. See
us before you buy.
We ure taking orders for
b'ireless Cookers, Our second
shipment will arrive iu the
course o a week. Step iu und
we will explain how they save
75 per cent iu fuel alone.
To Open an Account
The first step to be taken preliminary to opening a bank ac
count is to cull at the Hunk ami make yourself known to some of the
officials. Vour account will be welcome for we appreciate and solic
it accounts of reputable firms ami individuals,
The officer who receives your deposit will issue a pass book,
the credit entries are always made by one iu authority to do so, and
will be your receipt for the various sums deposited.
This book should be left at the bank monthly to be balanced,
and will be returned on application a day or two later with your
cancelled checks. Von should examine same at once und report
any possible errors.
At the time of opening an account, your signature will be
taken on a curd kept for that purpose, and all subsequent signatures
and endorsements by you should be written precisely the same to
uvoid confusion. This is very important, as otherwise it is almost
impossible for the Hunk to determine a genuine signature or a
forged one.
The Peninsula Bank
Capital, and Surplus - $57,000.00
United States Depository for Postal Savings Funds
FRlil) C. KN4PP, Vice President
STANTON I,. nOHIH, Assistant Cashier
You Can't Lose
Alveolar Dentistry
Is Gimnintccil for Life It
Does A way Entirely With
Plates ami Bridjje Work.
Bring' inyour printing NOW
Our guarantee U uch lliat you cannot
poitibly lone. Moil palirnl lliat come lo
lit have been laid by oilier dentitti lliat
they limit wear a plate for llic retlof llirir
livei. A bridge work cannol be done
where you haven t teeth ot both ends to
anchor the bridge lo, in such caiet at well
at all case were bridg work it pouible,
' we can supply your nibiing teeth with
beautiful artKtlccleanly.comforUble Alveo.
1 Ut leeth.nil guarantee them tolas! for life.
If for any reason the work proves defective
or unsatisfactory, we repair or make it
over free of charge. If neither can
be done, which it .bbLUOM.bul sometimet
the cate, we then moke you the best plate
possible. Our guarantee simply meant that
instead of destroying your natural teeth
to which we anchor, we prevent their
destruction, thereby assuring the pa.
tient and ourselves that the Alveolar
teeth, in -49 cases out of 50, ae going to
last for the remainder of your natural life:
If not, then No. 50 gelt what the other
dentists told you was your last retort
before you came lo ut a plate- and the
best that can be made. Our Alveolar teeth
. I .1 .T.l .
are ine most eauiuui anu natural looking
teeth imaginable. They cannot be told
from nature's product. We can imitate
nature so nearly that we defy anyone,
. i . ii . i .
uenuti or laymen, io leu mem Jrom the
mott perfect natural leeth. Each tooth it
tet in itt own socket, separate
and distinct, spaced like natural leeth
where bett to do to, lapped in other placet.
The cutpt occlude with the opposing teeth
and in somecatetwe put them in crooked
purposely to match and occlude with your
other natural teeth. The work it to
remarkable and so perfect that we cannot
do it justice by a written description, nor
could you believe it. It sounds loo good lo
be true, but we can show you samples.
counterparts of the work, let you tee for
vouiaell what it it, Them am 12 Alveolar
Denial Co, ollices in the West. About
PO.001) people iu lha United Stales are
wealing Alveolar teeth. About 50,000
were supplied by the Alveolar Dental Co,
About 2000 people of this city und state
were eumpped in litis office: ') percent of
e. if ""I a I. will lell you thai ihey are
delighted and ia the best Invest.
asled, We will gUdly refrr you to at
many at you cam lo tee.
Abeolar Teeth, Where l)rlJj(eoik It
If only your front teelh m Ufi tU...
or four or more, we can replace allot ihote
that have been lost on both tides clear
1 back with perfect Alveolar teelh, whilst
bndgework would be impossible even if
' you have eight or ten front teelh lo tie to.
I If you have only two back teeth on each
, tide, tay molart,wn can supply nil the front
teeth that are missing with beautiful, terv.
iceablr, lifelike Alveolar leeth. This could
!. m....l.l.. I. .1 I... .1 , . I
, m uuiio uy ma nriuge route.
tmi wnero unagawork it
i mere it no comparison Lriwn
the two, A very large percentage of our
work it taking out bridgework put
in by tupposedly high.clast dentists and
replacing it with the beautiful and artistic
Alveolar leeth. And unlike
bridgework in another respect, it it prac.
tially painless. No boiing or cutting into
the gumt, nothing to be dreaded. Now
then prices being equal, which would you
Curing Pyorrhea (loose teeth) a dit
ease given up by other dentists at in.
curable it another of our specialties. We
cure it absolutely. It's a boastful statement
to make, but we can do anything that it
pottible in dentistry, and what we do it
always of the very highest class. Our
booklets, Alveolar Dentistry, are free.
Write for one if you cannot call, We
have samples of our woak to thow at all
Portland Ablngton Hide., 106) Third St.
Seattle Halght llldg., Second and Pine.
Terms to Reliable People.
t LUMBER.' Slabwood :
Prompt Dry,
Deliveries. Greeu.
4- Flooring, Quality
t Fiuish. Guaranteed.
Phone Richmoud 131
A.X-A.XXAX-i.iiJ.J.J.J. 1 i i 1 1 1 1 , , , , , ,
S' A. B. ilKMSTOCK CKO 11. imusTooif 2
Full Una of Rob.t, Catk.ts, .to., kept In stock
Omce fbttne Woodttwn
Residence rojoe wooaunnjia tniYAKailV rAKK, UKKQUJS