St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 20, 1911, Image 2

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Our large as
sortment of fine
Ladies Purs at
1-4 off rcg. price
Florslicim and
Nettlcton Shoes.
The entire stock must be closed out not one article to be moved
Cost cuts no figure.
We are compelled to
sell at any price.
Ladies' Heavy Outing
Flannel Night Gowns;
nice, new patterns,
Spetinl for Saturday
only a beautiful assort
ment of ladies' lea- CQ
ther Hand Hags at Oyi.
The Store that has always sold Better Goods for the Same Money or the Same Goods for Less
Money than you can buy elsewhere
All New, High Grade Goods The Cream of the Season
Men's Kancy Wool Un
derwear, the soft, smooth
kind, and the one QQ
best bargain at. . . . yO-
Men's Sweater Coats all
patterns. Removal AOr
Sale Price
Hoy's Solid Leather
School Shoes, good sturdy
footwear. Re- j 1 1C
mowil price. . . . f
Men, foryour purse's Good Solid Leather Kancy tailored and em- Genuine Pure Silk r Ladies' Kancy Silk Women's house Wrap
sake, read every line. Work Shoes, tan and broidered Waists with Kay ser, Dress Gloves, Exactly same styles scarfS) niade of pure pcrs in Percale and
Why not grasp the op- black, our guarantee- all the latest effects, guaranteed, 16 button, tjd colors, Kayser Silk Hetnmel Silk, come in fleece lined materials;
portuuity? You know with each pair, hand Come early while as- all the latest shades; Gloves, all guaranteed, ALL colors, fancy and pretty designs to select
the class of merchan- sewed soles T T soitment iscom-'7Qr, removal sale, QQr short length, plain, Special, A fif-, from. Uoniov"fl 4 Q
disc. Removal.. -P plete; removal . the pair COL removal sale ..t Qllch 4Jl n price I I 37
Follow the crowds that are daily thronging our store. Come and see for yourself
Hoys' and Girls' Rib- i).. ,ss ii(S(; :., Ladies extra fine pure Men's Kail Hats, the Men's I)reas Shirts, Men's fancy all Silk Women's Dress Shoes,
bed Union .Suits, extra (1..c s. L . , silk Hose, assorted new and latest styles; a large assortment of Neckwear, a beautiful Viei Kid, high velour
good quality; Re- 9 A '"l " iV,.:,. (Z 25C cl"'-s. special lAp removal sale q in plain and pleated O assorttneut; while ()r tops; removal Oi fXC
movalSale Ml ,,,(nal 3 p."i foi rem0val, tlic pr. OVC price $Ay effects; removal; OVC tiu..y hist price, the jmir dl-VO
All Wool Jerseys and
Sweater Coats, a beauti
ful range of patterns. 5
nines. Remov- iQ
al sale price. . . . pl
Men's White Linen Hem
stitched Handker- Q.t
chiefs. Removal price
Men's Winter Weight
derwear, rcmo
Good Ribbed Un- Kn
al nt T J U
Sale now in
its fullest
Come if but
to look
bh bi m assa sby wfe .ssr"
Being sold at the old stand, 311 South Jersey Street,
$5000 Stock of Men's
fine Work and Dress
Shoes to be sold at
a mere fraction of
their worth.
Get your share.
St. Johns, Oregon
Published Kvory Krlilay
At 117 Wwt Iturllntglnn Htretit.
TiiK Rkvirw U cnieuM Ht twl iiBkv
In JMtit Jitliim, (ftKiit hi limit iimtltti
ol the weothi cImm iimler the Act ol Com
Kit ol Miuoli j, 1H79.
omui Nwipxr or tn cttr of t '
MtMtkUK rl. f 1.01 tr lash tt Mnll
Subioriitlon price $1.00 per your.
To anyone willing to liny lot
on uihy terms I buve n few choice
lot in lyio inlilition itml to cloe
tliem out will tfive Mime heciul
price. Some with niiiuII bunne on
llnvtf uUo ttoini fine tiartet
blocks clote to Post ollke at a Imp
i gum. line Diock cIok' to tlie ler
, ry for Sthxki, onc-thiiil ciub. Foi
infoi million chII on J. !' (iillniore.
1 1 j Juiey atieet, where car tow.
Dlitrict Attorney Chiimmoii iys!
lie iIoim not know gambling wlwn "
liu K'l it. Uutliet a Hlrwnae con- J. It. Williams ami wife lift yes
ftNMion for a iioaecntiiiK officer to tsnlay for Sintk'o, ChI. .wht rc thc
miike. e.H!Ct to luniain for the winter
It my W Unit not evy wmntr) , y,m m m wtsUi uml flrm
IntK jH)ken. Uit mt Uw mk IiwmI ,,,mm). Hl ,l0 u,,irn murkut. Juhi
fioin, Cnnnilu i tlt cnly nlncc ,ry, uwltllu.
where the iiurtenttetl cimI m llvinn '
i Mpnlar.
- u 0( joxioo on Noith
It i Ritttifyinit to iute that thor jww). Mlwt fn xw UW1K.,.
who have UiMt mot triiiunt in ,(c M. Wilhehn. CoiiivUiik Oie-
kn(M.kinx St. JoIiun mul continually m, K. lf. 1). t. 47 .t
liiKmkiiiit ill of it. are, wte by one. u ,
leaviiiK for oilier uiui more venUnt
fluWis. No teuri re luring hl Myr K. C. Conch has been
over their ilejwi tme. wily wwve of cleanhm tip his elephant e,nn anil
sytnimthy for the other ioiuU thev H(Jiem for a ten la' httntiiiK
mp, ami win leave uumirrow lor uie
happy httnthiK utoumU .somcwhcic
Iwtween here and the Pacific ocean.
ductile to ItKnte in.
Wo very much favor Unenforce
incut of the cnifew onliniince. It
has Ueeu in fotce in niMuy of the
cititK throughout the country for
yiMirn, ami in every cmitt hiu been
foniHl to lie nuxit beneficial. The
curfew U prolnctive of better men
ami lietter wuuieu. Ithmi the
streets after tlail: ii 110 place to raine
chihlren. Let the curfew riiiK out,
ami let it be heeded.
Any society i uiukiujj u mis
take when it pa relution
ni;aiukt the loy acont movement.
Pachal Hill left Wedueilay
moruiuK for the wiULs of Nclmlcui
country. It in hi avowed intention
to briny; a deer or two home with
him. Venison will no doubt be
plentiful in Ht. Johns when the
doughty councilman returns.
Stories of Success
When Albert
A. l'oi uvnt l
tliu ('. iilfiini il
eijioiltloii in
Ibid nul kuw a
crude Itloj In
t once r'Alli I
tin- i . 1 It 1 1 1 1 1 1
of tha inaoiunx.
What mot 1
tO till! M)lit. Ill
hail bcin h fru--itul
youth mi I
had the money
tu lelia tlu op
Horn or n ior
arenti In noiton 30 year lnt .u,
e wai forced to leave ii-hool ui 11
rarly At 10 ho peitillt'ii (nut
un the (tree! Ilia rul- tlu'ii wan t
I'ay every ilcbt when It wn tint- and
ieei hie iieni .. thuii hn
rarnlnK. Ily adherliiK l ) title pl.111
he wai ready when hi lun rami
Th name of Albert A. I'otw will
live forever In American hutory a
the Kreateit Ititure In the bi.jou
Kvery yomiK man ee opportuni
tie tu advance, hut few have had
the (oreilKht to he ready A av
Intra account in till bank will help
you A dollar atari an account and
you will he Interested In wutchintr
(ho urowth.
St. Johns, Oregon
A. U. Johkk. Vice Piesident
Dkinkkk, Cathier
Kt'MKKl.1., Ass't Cashier
V. P.
O. n.
When the chet feels on fire and
the throat burns, you have indi
KeMion, and you need 1IUK1UN1C
to uet rid of the disagreeable fceb
' lug. It drives out
A liappy Surprise
) any legitimate fo(X!( stteiiR hens the stoii
oe it to train the Cu,r,.T Llc ,0lwcls;1 , 1 r,cc
wvMwrv brauche. s bold by St. Johns Pharina
No stamliUaiariuy thought ia behind
it, no menace to
tiling- The purpose
uoys to master iieceaMi
which will make them perfect men;
how to bear theuiaelvea; how to cook 'rhe Uachelor club unve its
for theniHflvea if ever iieceaaary ; ; Oi,or aciB party in the
how to handle aruu- how to niakei Tmlnv .v..i,iiu. 0,1.. nf id.
tlltl nl I II I 1 1 tilft Uiillltklvoil Inf !!'. -
... ...v.... ,mt, v.,m.,.,. i.iv , Kctil crowds ot the season was in at
dutie. It u what .houhl be m- balance and the usual jovous time
cludoil in the education of every f,,iiv..,i ti... iinMudnrJ .r.,,i..i..
boy after he iwaiie 1.U twelfth year kll0W how ,0 .,roville nK00ti timc
in the public school. Continued for their friends,
in our schools for ten years and the I
knowledge of it told in foreign
Members and friends of the K.
I.. C. K. of the I'uitcd Uvannelical
church pleasantly surprised Mr.
and Mrs. J. 1C. Kilkenny in their
badly digested new home, at iojo Dawson street,
stomacli and Mondav even ntr.
They were the recipients of a
beautiful silver coffee and tea set,
presented by the society of which
both are active members. Lively
Karnes were played after which de
licious refreshments were served.
After bidding the happy couple
Kocxl night, all departed, declaring
they had spent one of the best even
ings of the year. Cor. Sec.
50 cents,
countries would be the greatest
safeguard agaiiist war that our
country could provide. It is ex
actly the discipline needed, and
opposition to it can only count from
such iKiople as do not uudgrajjud
the purpose behind it.
Petitions are being circulated re
uuestiug the county authorities to
name the now free ferry boat "K.
C. Couch," in recognition of that
flntluiimu's untiring efforts in ho.
mlf of a free ferry. The iNtitious
are being numerously signed.
Hiliousuess is due to a disordered
condition of the stomach. Cham
berlaiu's Tablets are essentially a
stomach medicine, intended espe
cially to act 011 that organ; to cleanse
it, strengthen it, tone and invigor
ate it, to regulate the liver and to
1.,. ..lot. 1. ....... ...,.!. 1
lumen uiiiuiiaiii-oo Viinuij ttiiu 1
effectually. Hor sale by all donlyrs.
To take your order for that
sto e you need
Our line is complete, Sic
us before you buy.
We are taking orders for
lf ireles Cookers. Our second
.shipment will arrive in the
course 0 a week. Step in and
we will explain how they save
75 per ant In fuel alone.
This Hank has just received the approval from the United
State; goveruiiiu'ut to become I)eosltory for Postal Saving Kniuls,
This menus that any funds placed with the local poMal sav
iugs bunk, will be deposited with this Ixiuk in whatever proportion
it in entitled to same.
We feel, this new venture of the government is n good one,
in as much as it will bring out any money which might be in hoard
ing ami that of a certain fou-igu element.
To the business man, the professional man, the man with n
checking or saving account, it means nothing,
The business man could not and would not patronize a postal
savings hank, the man who needs financial assistance will not have
the bank, because he cannot get any accommodation from Uncle Sam.
The savings depositors is also going to stay with the Hank, because
he receives mote interest and can get his money at any time without
saeiifieiug all of his interest.
This bank will in the futuic, as it has in the past, take care
of its customers.
The Peninsula Bank
Designated as the
United States Depository for the Postal Savings Funds
Capital, paid up - - - $50,000.00
Surplus Fund - - - - 7,000.00
U011URT TRKAT PI,ATT, President
lfRlil) C KNA1T, Vice President
STANTON I. DOHIK, Assistant Cashier
You Can't Lose
Alveolar Dentistry
Is Qtinranlecd for Life It
Does Awvty Kntirely With
Plates and Bridge Work.
Bring irj your printing NOW
Our gunranlrp it mrli that you cannot
pomlily lop. Mott palirnti that come to
ii liavo been Ibid by other denlitti that
thry muil wear n plate for the rcMof their
live. A bridge work cannot be ilonr
where you haven't teeth at both ends to
anchor the bridge to, in such cases as well
as all cases were bridge work is possible,
we can supply your misting teeth with
beautiful uitittic.clranly.comioi table Alveo.
Iir teeth.and guarantee them tolatt for life.
If for any reason the work proves defective
or unsatisfactory, we repair or make it
over free of charge. If neither can
be done, which is .SfU.DOM.but sometimes
the case, we then make you the best plate
possible. Our guarantee simply means that
instead of destroying your natural trelh
to which we anchor, wo prevent their
destruction, thereby assuring the pa-1
tient and ourselves that the Alveolai i
teeth, in 49 case out of 50, are going to
last for the remainder of your natural life:
If not, then No. SO gets what the other
dentists told you was your last resort
i -f . i . , ..
ucioie you came 10 us a piaie ana the
best that can be made. Our Alveolar teeth
are the mott beautiful and natural looking
teeth imaginable. They cannot be told
from nature's product. We can imitate
nature so nearly that we defy anyone,
dentist or laymen, to tell them from the
most pcifect natural teeth. Each tooth is
set in its own socket, separate
and distinct, spaced like natural teeth
where best to do so, lapped in other places,
The cusps occlude with the opposing teeth
and in some cases we put them in crooked
purposely to match and occlude with your
other natural teeth. The work is so ,
remarkable and so perfect that we cannot
do it justice bv a written descrintion. nor
could you believe it. It sounds too good to ,
be true, but we can show you samples,
counleriMiiU of the work. I t you see for
I vouiself whet it it, heie air Alveolar
I Dental Co. ollios in the Wet. About
, KO.000 .vl ' in the Umle.1 Slates are
wearing AlvoUr lerth. About 50,000
weie siipIiihI by the Dental G.
I About AAX) people of this city and slate
wore f.iinpod jn this oflice: ' per cent of
lhes. if t . !'. will tell you thi.l they are
delighted .nd I hut it' the Invest,
ment that they ever made. If
asked. Wo will gladly refr yju to as
many as jou care to see.
AUeolar Teeth, Wlicre lrldKeotk l
If only your front teeth are left, say three
or four or more, we can replace all of those
' that have been lost on both sides clear
back with perfect Alveolar teeth, whil.t
bridgework would be impossible even if
you have eight or ten front teeth to tie to.
If you have only two back teeth on each
'de. say molar.wn can supply all the front
' teeth that are missing with beautiful, serv.
iceable, lifelike Alv!ar teelh. This could
not possibly be done by the bridge route.
And where bridgework is possible,
there is no comparison between
the two. A very large percentage of our
woik is taking out bridgework put
in by supposedly highclass dentists and
replacing it with the beautiful and artistic
Alveolar teeth. And unlike
bridgework in another respect, it is prac.
tially painless. No boring or cutting into
the gums, nothing to be dreaded. Now
ihen prices being equal, which would you
choose ?
Curing Pyorrhea (loose teeth) a dis
ease given up by other dentists as in.
curable is another of our specialties. We
cure it absolutely. It' a boastful statement
to make, but we can do anything that is
possible in dentistry, and what we do is
always of the very highest class. Our
booklets. Alveolar Dentistry, are free.
Write for one if you cannot call. We
have samples ofourwoakto show at all
Portland Ablnglon Hldg., 106 Third St.
Seattle llalght Uldg., Second and I'lne.
Terms to Reliable People.
: lumber: siabwood: :
ivuiiJJ", 11 UIIIJJl ut
Dressed, Deliveries. Green,
i'joonng, quality lilocks,
Fimsh. Guaranteed.
Phone Richmond 131
Full Una of Rob... CaskeU, ate, In stock
Office Phone WoodUwn 1SJ4
Residence Phone WooJItwn 510