St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 13, 1911, Image 6

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    Library Notes
Proposals lor Street Work
Open Hours: 2yo (05:30 nud 7 to 9:301). m
Tilings yon want iti October:
Thing!! to play nt your Hallow
e'en party.
What plants to choose for sure
results in your winter window gar
den. What must be done In your gar
den this mouth to insure early spring
flowers and vegetables.
Where to find new ideas in fancy
work for Christinas gifts.
What sort of n social yoitrchurdh
can give.
What kind of treatment to give
your chickens in order to have eggs
for winter eating and marketing.
Where to find recitations and
leadings that will "take" at the
winter's social gatherings.
You can find the answer to
these fiuestions at the library.
There arc a number of bright
new bindings on the Husiuess shelf
They are up-to-date books for the
ninii who realizes Unit there is
science of business, and that the
wasteful, hil-or-uiisH methods will
no longex bring succeas. Here are
Husiuess organization Sparling
Principles of advertising Starch
How department stores are car
lied 011 Phillips,
How totrt'tn position and how
to keep it Hall. With special
hints to various clashes of appl
The new salesmanship Mm!
The real salesman obtains
results; the poor salesman looks for
excuses. The New .Salesiiianshii
teaches the correct method of selling
how to win by knowing how
cntial to a school course in Miles
Psychology of Salesmanship At
Some new fiction :
Twisted foot Hideout.
Man higher up Miller.
Rules of the game- -White.
Pa Plickinger's Polks Hoover.
Pive gallons of gasolini. Wells
(Llnirge copy.)
Tinning of Red llutte Western
Red year Tracy.
It U itwnlvvd liv lliv city n( Ml. John
Oti'iiiin: uIiumhik, llir omiik'II 1II1I liv Or
diiiutit'u No. 17K iihdmnI tiy tliu iimiicll
itml improvi'd liv tin- iii.tyir Miiy id. ijii
Milnlil lilt' I'llV flluilH't'l l'lll III till'
imittur of oH'tiliiK "'"I fxlriiilliiK of
Cniwdiiil Mrt't't In imIiI city of Ml. JoIiiih
limn tiiKlt'ilv Kiilc If nt nl Kirinimml
ktti'i't to tilt I'tuti'rly line of Oiitlol "I',
A. I,. Miiit'r'ii AiliUtliin. which mill Or
diimiivv to ht'tL'liv iWtmtl to ami iiiiiiU-m
put of thin itwiftillttii, hiiiI,
UMiiHiim. tin- council of will city did
011 the ifitli ily of Mity, 1911, HpMiint
till CO K?tMIllt HkMHfMltl( lltt' niHT IIIHl
miuimim iti'w'illni ity ciiMilfi mturw
OIM til Vll'W lltlll HMH U'llWiU Mill) ll.llll
iiuim, mill.
W'lll'tt'HU. HMill i'HIl. hIUT ItHVlllg
vU'wwl iwiil iimmi1 ktrvvt, mmlt llim
imih, huh Mtn rrxri umvimk imvii iv
fi'iiwl hmhiii to wtiil it Hcr fur IllftllVI
iHHMritlciMtioii. itml tkvy luiliiiK to rvMirt
further: if iw. tlicivloiv. it i
Uwlnl lv llif city uf Mt. Joluu tint
j. k. 1 1 hut. 1.. 11. UMiiiiwra mm whi
tur Slwcil. Hint- ili".lnlntiil five hold
I'm nl the city of St. John, mi. I mwu
lux lliv iiunlillcitiiiii of Ititom of the i i r
ciiTt tHHiit of Mulliiotimli couiitv, Ik- mill
1 1 icy ami fitch uf thviti m lieieltv ui
lllltNl IW VlVVM'IH til MMMftMl lilt' llfttUMMt-k
mill iHiiiciiU to the ivk:IIv lou.ltltk'ki
mill twit't'U of ImuiI iHoiMNMt to Ik-con
lloilllltll ill 1 1 IC KUMIMH OIICMillK
III Willi klrvt't. II IllUIOtflll, tlk
Willi IW till' lM'llWll Of IKOIK-tlV INtltiCM
hilly Iwilt'lilfd Iht'ft'liy, Mint tliul ritch o(
will vlrwcrk mutli iUHiiiv nt tiit- i
10 O t'HH'K M. III., IH'IOIHT )., lyii.mi.
IIIIK'tHHl ttl HMTM tllC tlMMMHfk '''"
cHl h tiifM'iiUil in Hn'tioiio djsi
mU chtulof.
AiWilrtiil by the council Oclohei ith
lyil. I'. A. KICK,
1'ilhlkJltil in the Jit. John KevltH
Oft. 1 J mill ,
An Ordinance Accepting Deed
from A. 1., Ilolbniolv am
May Y. Uollirook, Ilnsliaiu
and Wife, to Hie City of St
Johns, Conveying Certain
Property in Said City for
street Purposes, and Direct
inti that a Plat 1 hereof he
Piled in the County Record
of Multnomah County.
The city of St. Jhuk 1h' okUiii
Suction i. That cvrtuin ileetl from
M. 1.. KolbruuV hiiiI May V. llolbnwk,
imtiMUii ami uiie, to tue cuy oi M
John, lUitvtt the ijth tluv of (feitiulr,
IUII, ami nek tMv kilned Itefme S.
.Vaoitiiu, itotuiy public for Orvuou, on
the Siniil ijtlt iUy of SeUeiuher, 1911,
coitvcyiiiK lo will city for ntii't lmr
lti the (otUmiutf iteactibeit tiuct ol
Minl.MtuMlc 111 the county of Multuoiiwli
itml ktnte ol Drejjoii, to wit:
All uf "Outlot A" 111 Chester l'lace
Addition to the city uf St. Jolou, ue-
conllug to the iivoriliU plat lliereol uu
file in the office of the couutv clerk of
MtiltiKHituh conniy. Or(ou." lk mid
the kmiie ik heieby nrceKel by the will
any 01 &t. jouuk.
hcctuin 2. The City Mutineer of the
City of St. Johiw he, mid he u heieh) ,
iliiecttMl to uiuke mid tile. Uk by Ihu rv
iiiirNl, u I'lut of thti iortiou mul tract of
Krouinl ilcrilivl iu tctioii oiib of this
ordinance, 11 ml Hint mi oil plat be filed
within thirty ilnyi liom the ;mwis of
th oriliminco.
I'.iikwl by tliu iMMtucll October id,
191 U
Appruvwl by tli nnyvr OtUiler il.
191 1 .
AttMiii I'. A. Ukc.
l'ublUUwl by tli Ik. Ji4MM Uvkv
Oct, 13, 1911.
Scnlcil protKisnls will he rrcelvcd at
llie omcu 01 me recurueroi inucuy ui 01.
Jolins, until Oct. 17th, 1911, nt 8o'clock
t). in. for the Improvement of Cniw-
lord stieet from the easterly Mile line
of lliiltlmore street to the westerly side
line of rittshurK street iu the manner
provided by ordinance No 430, subject
to the provisions of the charter nii'l ordi
nances of the city of St. Johns ami the
estimate of the city eiiKlneer on file
HiiL'ineer'fl estimate Is Ji'oyo.o.i.
lliils must be strictly In accordance
with the printed blanks, which will be
furnished on ntmlicntiou at the oflice of
the recorder of the city of St. Johns
Anil said Inmrovcinell t must be colli'
ntnli'it mi or lii'fnri' rVi iluvs from the last
publication of notice of proosils for
ssiil work.
No tirotKiwiUorblils will be considered
utile iiccomKinleil by a certified check
pityuble to the order of the mayor of the
city of St. Johns, certified by a resousP
hie Imnk for nil amount equal lo ten per
cent, of the aggregate proK)snl.
The right to reject any ami nil bids is
Hereby leserveii.
Hy order of the council.
1'. A. RICH,
Recorder of the city of Si. Johns
Published iu the St. Johns Review
Sept. i'), Oct. 6 anil l.V 1911.
Proposals for Street Work
Scaled projiovils will he received at the
olhce 01 tne itecorucr 01 tue titv 01 m,
Johns until Oct. 17th, 8 o'clock
ji. 111., for the improvement of Kiiisou
street from the easterly line of llurllng
tou street to westerly line of Richmond
itreet, In the manner provided hy
ordinance No. .3), subject to the provis
ions of the charter nud ordinances of the
City of St. Johns, and the estimate of
the City engineer, 011 inc.
The engineer's fstiiuale of the prob;
ble total cost is .7.tl7.Jt.
lliils must be strictly fu accordant'
with minted blanks, which will be fiirn
islleil oil application nt the ollicc of the
Recorder of the City of St. Johns. And
said impiovcmcnt must be completed 011
or before b days from date of the last
publication of notice of ptoKsats of Mild
No proxHitls or bids will lieconslilcictl
utiles aceoiiiiwnled hy 11 certified check
pHynhle to the order of the Mayor of the
Uly 01 M. louiis. certineii ny 11 resMiii.
si hie bank for mi amount eipial to ten
per rent, of the HHKrcgitte proniil, and
ImuiU to the amount ol the contract
mice will be remilred.
The right to reject any and all bids Is
hereliy reserveii.
Ily order or llic City Council.
I'. A. RICH.
Puhlisheil in the St. Johns Review 011
Sept. 3j, Oct. 6 ami 13, 1911.
Notice of Cost of Improvemen
Notice is liuiehy eiveu that the iismmi
ineiit for the Improvement ol Kellogg
street Iroill I'esscuilcu street to St
foliiiH jveiiue. the whole cost of which is
Al.117n.07. was declared liv Ordinance .No
III. euiititu "Ail ordinance iicciiimiil:
1 1 10 col of iiiiinoviuu KcIIocl' street
Imm Peftseuileii street to St, Johns
ivcnuc. mul iimeMiue the property lieue
lileil thereby, dcclarlnu such iiskeuient
mil ilirecllui! Ihu entry ol the same lit
Hit ilockcl of cltv lieu. '
I lie co.t ol Nilil liuiirou'iueiit Is leviei
iiism nil the lots, ikirts of lots mid uir
els of land w ithin the liouiiilnrles of the
llktrict iIix'mIkmI us follovts: llctwecli
the westerly hide tine of I'c.kenileu
lieet ami the ensterlv side line of St
Minn nteiiuc ill the city of St. Johns.
A MMlemt'iit ol Mini iiMH'kiueiit lias
Ihh'U euteieil In the ihk'kt't of city liens
Ocloiwr 11, ton, mm Mtiii ae-iiucni
U iMiw ibif mul iMvahle at the otlice of
th iwoider ol Ihe cilv of St. John. Or
I'Hon, and will b ilufluipieiit mid bear
uuviem liner (let. ilst. 1011. ami 11 1101
iwlil on or I hi fore Nov nth. lijil.nro
'evtliiiKk will lw taken lor the collection
i the unmt' liv Mle ol imiin'ilv us put
vuleil liy tne oily cii.irier.
I'. A. KICK,
I'uhlikheil in the St. Johns Review on
Oct. i. iimi jo, ii'ii.
Daily Until
Clucigo ?.U.oo
Cincinnati 37 00
Milwaukee 31.50
St 1 ,011 Ik .1.' 00
New Voik 51HX)
Detroit. 3S.00
St. l'.ml. A J5-tx
Kansas City 25 00
Oiniilm . 25 00
DesMoinwi 2,Ss
indiiintip. 35. 65
Denver 25.00
l'roni utlicr Kasturn points in pro
Tell your friends in the east of
tltik- opportunity of moving west at
low iates. Direct train .service via
lliirlinnton Route, Northern Pacific
Cirent Northern and "North Rank"
linutf. You can deposit with me
and tickets will he furnished people
iu the eiii-t. Details will be fiun-
itihed on request.
0. M. CORNUIJ,, Aueut
V. U. COM AN, O. K. tS: 1 A.
Neuralgia of the face, shoulder,
hands or feet requires a iMiwerful
remedy that will penetrate the
etili. KAI4IwRD SHtNOW UN-
I MUNT posses that tiower. Rubbed
iu where the pain is felt is nil that
U necessary lo relieve suffering niul
1 us tote the normal conditions. Price
25c, 50c and it ier botlle Sold by
St. Johns Pharnincy.
N'uorly now rutitauiutit rntiiie for
Kile, oliynji, Cluiko Htiruiture Co.
CAifrl(bl ) b Oultiull A4rtnlll C.,Ckf
Dear friend :
Which day is wash day nt
your house?
Hcforc wash day comes ninnia
always scuds me out to ct the
things you wash with.
The washerwoman says she
wouldn't use any but the kind of
soap and bluing kept at Muck's.
Your friend,
P. S. I just won't go to
anybody to buy groceries nnd
things but
Muck Mercantile
Phone, Columbia lib
Two Ollices
Uollirook block St. Johns
I'hiHic OjIuiiiIU I
1 j 2 ' j Killiiigwotth Avenue
WimmIIiiwii lAvi
Firnt National Hank bulMlntr.
Open Kveuiugs and Sundays by
Office Phone Columbia i.o
Residence Phone Col. 3S
Physician mid Surgeon.
Dy & Nlk'ht Olllco In McChoanoy blk.
St. Johns, Off gon.
Daniel 0. Webster, A. IJ. M. D
Residence., 007 Dawson Street
Olllco, I'litur block.
UnWmlty P.ul., Portbiul, Oregon.
I'inl National Hank lluililint;
McDonnKI lluililint
Transfer and Storage
We ddlivur vour l'ikxIk to mul from
II imrtn of Port Intnl. Vnncouver. I.lnn-
ton. Portliuul and Suburban hxiru
uo,, city hock mul nil oinia nccooiute
by WkXon. I'Unu and furnitum niovlnf
Not a luxury but a necessity,
something every home ought to
nave. batislactory estimates on
new or repair work.
S. Jem-y St,
riionc Coluuibu 9
I,. 1). JACKSON, Prop.
General Contractor
We are prepared to do any and
all kh.uls of excavating for street
work and other purposes. We
also bundle sidewalk mid build
ing material.
Newton and Kesseuden Streets
St. Johns, Oregon
Phone Columbia
Star Brand
Bros. Shoes
The Best Dressers
Wear "Peck" Clothes
The Reason:
They are clean-cut and
crisp, giving men a solid,
successful appearance. If
von want to feel sure a-
bout stvle and fit. we are vc.
sure that we have the
clothes here that will win
your confidence and will
hold your good opinion
through their good wear
ing qualities.
The prices range from S15
to $25, but correctness is a
fixed characteristic of these
Peck clothes, no matter
what the price may be.
Hats and the other furnish
ings for men of the right
Rust Proof
for Women
Our Grocery Department
Is kept right up to the minute in all the seasonable products. We
are increasing our lines of Dishes, Glass and Graniteware.
A dollar spent in our store is spent right. Each dollar you
spend with us helps St. Johns to have a larger and better store.
Bonham & Currier
Ladies' Home
Journal Patterns
Kaljo Corsets
Last Forever Hosiery
Business Honesty
The time was not so long ago when men differentiated between hon
esty in private life and honesty in business.
But the wave of modern merchandising has swept out "Obvious
Trickery" has washed away false standards and made "Business Honesty"
a living force. Nowadays all good stores are honest all the way through
honest in Merchandise, Price and Service.
Whatever success has been this store's portion has resulted from an
unwritten policy of "Business Honesty." We have tried to make it a
store where even a child could purchase with safety.
Of course we make mistakes sometimes we err in our judgement
of merchandise but we stand back of our goods and when things go
wrong we are always rEady to make them right.
Get the Habit of Purchasing at this Safe Store
Wc arc exceptionally strong on Men's Suits and Overcoats at $15.00
Opposite City Hall Phone Columbia 137