St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 13, 1911, Image 5

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    -Just Drop In-
and get prices on Rockers a line
tnat any store would be proud to
a sample, take our
show. For
No.680-6 a
large, easy
Solid Oak
Rocker. It
sells tor
$9.50 but
Calef Bros.'
price is on
ly $7.00.
And while
looking at
the Rock
ers it will
be worth So,ld ak ,lko cut $7.00
your time to investigate the new
Crescent Range made in St.
ra )
a ej
JSW inrrnirrCHFD V o
nwrnr, t viri LjJJLlldr
-a 3
You Can't Lose
Alveolar Dentistry
Is (limrnntceil for Life It
Does Away Entirely Willi
Plates and Bridge Work.
Our Himrmitep ! iucIi that you cannot
possibly late. Most pntirnls lliut coma to
in hnvn been laid by oilier dentist! tlmt
lliey mut wear a plnlr for llm rent of their
jive. Ai bridge work cannot be clone
where you haven't teeth At holh emU to
anchor the britln to, In iuch cntei ns well
at all casei were hriiliio woik ! possible,
we can uiplv your mining trrth with
beautiful aititic,clrnly.coinfortol)le Alveo
lar terth.and suarantre them tolait for life.
If for any rraon the work prove defective
or unsatisfactory, we repair or make it
over free of charfe. If neither can
be done, which ii SliLDOM.but lomrtimn
the caie, we then make you the belt pUle
possible. Uur uuarantee limply mram that
Instead of destioyinu your natural Irelh
to which we anchor, we prevent their
destruction, thereby nuurin the pa.
tient and ourielvri that the Alveolar
teeth, in 49 cairi out of 50, are noma to
Ust for the remainder of your natural life:
If not, then No. 50 (jell what the other
dentiit told you wn your latt retort
before you came to ui a plate and the
bet that canbemude. Our Alveolar teeth
are the moil beautiful and natural lookinu
teeth imaginable. They cannot be told
from nalure'a product. We ran imitate
nature o nearly that we defy anyone,
dentiit or laymen, to tell them from the
moil perfect natural teeth. Each tooth ii
t in ill own "cket, epirulo
and diilincl, ipaced like natural teeth
. wheiebeit todo o.Upped mother placet.
The cuipi occlude with the opposing teeth
and in lomecaieiwe put them in crooked
purposely to match and occludo with your
other natural teeth, The work it to
remarkable and to perfect that we cannot
do it juiticc by a written description, nor
could you believe it. It toundt too swd to
be true, but we can show you tamplei,
counterpart! of the work, let you tee for
vouiirll what it is. There me 12 Alveolar
l)rntid Co, olficri In the West. About
M,000 people in the United Slntei are
wrniing Alveolar teeth, About 50,000
were supplied by the Alveolar Dental Co,
About 2000 people of thit city and stale
were enuippeil in this office: W percent of
these, if not nil, will tell you that they are
delighted and that it's the best invest
ment that they ever made, if
asked. We will gladly refer you to as
many ai you care to see. Teeth, Where Ilrldgoftork It
If only your front teeth are left, lay three
or four or more, wr enn replace allof those
that have been lost mi both tidei clear
back with perfect Alveolar teeth, whilst
bridgewnrk would be impossible even if
you have eight or ten front teeth to tie to.
If you have only two back teeth on each
side, iay moltrs,w can supply nil the front
teeth that am missing with beautiful, serv
iceable, lifelike Alveolar teeth. This could
not poMibl)' be dona by the bridge route.
Ami where hildgewoik ii possible,
there it no comparison between
the two. A very large percentage of our
work ii taking out hridgrwork put
in by supposedly higlwclast dentislt and
replacing il with the beautiful und nrlislic
Alveolar leelh. And unlike
bridgework in another respect, it it prac
lially painleti. No boring or culling into
the gums, nothing In be dreaded, Now
then prirri being equal, which would you
Curing Pyorrhea (loose teeth) a dis.
ease given up by other 'dentists as in
curable is another of our ipeciallici, We
cure it absolutely. It'a a boastful statement
to make, but we can do anything that Is
possible in dentistry, and what we do it
always of the very highest clan. Our
booklet!, Alveolar Dentistry, are free.
Write for one if you cannot call, We
have samples of our woak to show at all
Portland -Ablution llldj., 106 Third St.
Seattle lialglil IIIJi',, Second and Tine.
Terms to Reliable People.
To take your order for that
stove you need.
Our line is complete. See
us before you buy.
We are taking orders for
Fireless Cookers. Our second
shipment will arrive in the
course o a week. Step in and
we will explain how they save
75 per cent in fuel alone.
Local News.
For Insurance see F.VV. Valentine
Hallowe'en, Tuesday Oct. 31,
501 North Hayes.
Roy Inledtte has begun work on
a fine home on the comer of Tyler
and Jersey streets.
Organ for Sale
its cost, new at II,
furniture man. '
-for one third of
I Clark's, the
M. C. Soule has a number of
good bargains in real estate this
week. Better look them up. 507
North Jersey street. 5op
Dr. A. V, Vincent is having a
concrete basement placed under his
handsome resilience on the corner
of L,cavitt and Ivauhoe streets.
G. H. Campbell of Spangle, Wn.,
is a guest of his brother, h. II.. of
thin city. He has made several
trips to St. Johns in the past few
years, and likes it better every time
he comes.
Kpworth league Hollowe'en,
social, Oct. 31, 501 No. Hayes.
George W.Kord and family have
returned iroin tueir rancn near
Castle Rock, Wash.
New Heaters now in at a low
price at H. F. Clark's, the furni
Hire man. 49H
Charley Anderson, the locial So
sialistic spell binder, has departed
from bt. Johns
Wanted To exchange a lot at
Cliffs, Wash., for a small motor
boat or launch. 49 tf
Matt Rank has purchased a lot
on Dawson street through the
agency of McKinney & Davis.
Bargains in endless variety at
The Toggery. Get in line anil get
your share. Read the large ad. on
opposite page.
William Marcy has purchased a
lot on South Ivauhoe in the St,
Johns Heights addition, through
the agency of Mckiuncy & Davis.
Mr. Marcy will erect a flue modern
bungalow thereon in the spring.
Karl Wilson of Portland has
leased the McKinney building near
the postoilice formerly occupied by
John rsocc at Co., and will open
therein Novemler ist a first class
grocery and confectionery store.
a large, handsome clock which is a
convenience to their patrons. A
savings deposit window has also
been added to its equipment, which
facilitates service considerably tlur
ng rush Hours.
Wcstrumite street paving was
held up a day or two last week on
account of the company's engineer's
presence being required at the Ken
ton plant. The stoppage of work
gave rise to many strange and
wierd conjectures on the part of
those who did not know the reason
' 0
Mrs. Alice Stuckcr came up
Tuesday evening to look over the
latest in millinery for her store in
Lebanon. After wrestling with the
wholesalers through the day she
came out evenings to shake hands
with old tillicums and visit her
daughter Grace. Mrs. Stuckcr re
turned to her home last evening.
I,. H. Campbell presented this
office with the finest box of I,ate
Crawford eaches we have seen in
a long time. They were grown at
his home, 423 Hast I.eavitt street,
where he has eight or ten trees of
them, all loaded " to the muzzle."
St. Johns soil is certainly ideal for
growing peaches, likewise chenies
and prunes.
Kveu if a woman is sorry that
she ever married a man, she
finds some consolation in the belief
that she kept some other woman
from getting him. Kx. And it
may also lc some satisfaction to
icr to know that as long as she is
attatched to him she prevents him
from capturing a nicer, better wo
Ladies interested in, or who
would contribute to a Ladies' hx
change in St. Johns, please send
name and address to Mrs. T. M.
Hiatt, St. Johns. 49P
W. A. Dennett, president of the
Peninsula Iron Works, who has
been confined to his bed with t licit'
nudism, is slowly improving and
hopes to soon be in the harness
Two so-foot lots on Willamette
boulevard between Mohawk mid
Polk streets nicely marked with
fir trees at $450 each, half cash.
Can't be beaten in St. Johns. Mc
Kinney & Davis. 49tf.
F. C. Carlson of Portland is now
a permanent fixture at Johnstone's
Toggery. Mr. Carlson isanexm-it
salesman, courteous and obliging,
and is proving a most efficient help
during these busy days.
First Christian Science Society:
Sunday 11 a. in., Wednesday, at
8 p. in. Reading room open Tues
day and Saturday from a to 4 p. in.
All cordially invited to the services
and reading room. Sunday service
subject: "Doctrine of atonement."
You are not cxcritucuting on
yourself when you take Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy for a cold, as
that preparation has won its great
reputation and extensive sale by its
remarkable cure of colds, and can
always be depended upon. It is
equally valuuble for adults and
children and maybe given to young
children with implicit confidence as
it contains no harmful drug. Sold
by alt dealers.
The Multnomah County Teach
ers' Institute will be held in the
St. Johns High School building
November 27, 28 and 29. This the
first time the institute has been
held elsewhere than In Portland in
the recollections of the oldest in
habitant, and is quite a bouquet the
illuminators of infantile intellects
are passing up to our city. The
aggregation of gray matter will be
notable, as 150 or more instructors
from the county are expected, be
sides others of note from the out
side. It is presumed this honor is
attained through the pursuasive el
oquence and attractive ersouality
of our able city superintendent. It
is a valuable accomplishment in any
event, no matter who is guilty.
Cut Rates
RaPfiainc' We have a part left of a buy of
DaryainSi five-hundred boxes of writing paper
and one thousand writiug tablets which we are selling at
cost. The stock includes every variety of writing material,
x lumber:
J Rough, Prompt
Dressed, Deliveries.
X Flooring, Quality
bin ish. Guaranteed.
Slabwood !
Dry, ;
Phoue Richmond 131
, . . , . 1 iiiiXJ.J.J.XJ.iAA4.4-4-4-4-4.-i-4.
-r - " " ; - )
10c llromo Seltzer 7c
15c Dent' Toothache Rum lie
35c Nyul'a Talcum Powder 14c
35c Fletchers Caitorla 31c
40c Robinsons 1'atent Itarley ...,38c
50c Nytdi Liniment 31c
60c Waluutta Hair Stain .46c
75c Green August Flower 53c
ii.ooNyal'g Rheumatism Kent, 6jc
1.50 Kennedys Discovery. . ... .96c
3,00 Success Alteram.,., fi.38
3.50 Ncstlet I'ood-Hospital 1,96
3.00 Sychiue for Consumption,. 3.1S
3.75 HortlcVs Malted Milk .... 3."
1 .00 Wine Cardui. 59c
1.00 Pierce's favorite Pres.,.., 39c
1,00 Scotts Hmulslon 59c
1.00 S. S. S 59c
5ocNyal's Kidney Pills ,..3c
35c Nyal's Wver Pills 13c
Take Back Your Money i
We can't concienciously keep it,
if the following remedies do not
do what we tell you they will do;
Cyclone Cold Tablets, C. Q. D.
Kidney and Jiladder Remedy,
Velvet CandyLaxatives, Presto
Headache Relief. Early-Bird
Worm Wafers, Vigorous Liver
Toners. We are the proprietors
of each one of the formulae of
these remedies. We have de
voted the best part of our pro
fessional lives in the perfect com
pletion of same and consequent
ly have left no room for im
provement. In short-Results
or Money Back. i
"The Home of Progressive Pharmacy"
Full Una of Rabat, Catkata, ato., kapt In atook
mmjm inwriMisi Mtaa ajMH tas mum ta M aa aattaTaMa a w
ICut Ratesl
superior quality, Knees, service
Discfininating buyers who consider price, quality and service will buy at the
North 13ank Pharmacy, the store that raised the standard of drug quality
in St. Johns and lowered the prices on the same.
50c Ooans Kidney Pills. . .39c
(livery day)
25c Natures Remedy 15c
$1 Diamond Kyc Glasses. .50c
f 1 Piiikhams Compound . .Ggc
50c Natures Remedy 33c
25c Dromo Quinine 15c
25c Hroino Seltzer 15c
A substantial rcductioh on
all other patents.
If you nre looking for per
fume quality and variety, we
have them ranging in price
from 25c o to $3.00 the oz.
The following area few of our
Thelma the Queen of Odors
Dlocki's Sauroma
" Ktnprcss Unique
' ' lilks Pavorite
Orange Petals
and nil of lilocki's (lower in
the bottle perfumes and toilet
Reigor's Auto Queen
" Plower Drops
And many other makes with
hundreds of odors.
Your prescription left with
us will get the same careful
attention n faithful physician
gives his patient. It will be
filled by a graduate in pharm
acy and with pure drugs,
"7 ft
How About Your
This store is (lie only one in St. Johns (lint sells groceries exclusively.
Therefore, we nre In n position to keep our stock fresh mul the best
tlmt can be secured. No stale or poor quality of anything is kept on
band. Pair and courteous treatment and prompt delivery arc at
your command, (live us a trial, if not already a patron.
111 West Burlington Street
IV tA A 5 A A A A A I A A A A A A I A M sX. A !! A A
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinned or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H. Henderson, Manager, 120 North
Jersey street.
$100.00 Cash for a Home
That is the first payment on n
good home, two lots, corner Am-
hurst ami Wall, street inipiovo-
ments to be paid by owner. Price
sfisoo. Phone woodlawn 1.1 in, or
call at No. 976 Michigan n venue.
Subucrlbo lor tlio Toloijruiii bout
uvttulug paper oil tliu count. 8uo
E4 Stockton.
Furnished light housekeeping
rooms for rent. See owner aat
West Chicago street. 30tf
A full line of moldim? now in and
picture framing done reasonably at
II K, Clark's, the furniture man.
Wolcott ( the rent man) no nth
street, Portland, is the man to see
tor real estate or mercmiuie ticni.
J.auic back is one of the most
common forms of muscular rheu
matism. A few applications of
Chamberlain's I.luiment will give
relief, Kor sale by all dealers.
Por Rent 5-rooiu cottage, with-'
in two blocks of schools. Rent
reasonable. Inquire of Mrs. H. J.
Simmons, 628 Tioga. 49P
Charlie Hailey has returned from
an extended visit in Southern Ore
gon, He looks as it the trip agreed
with him.
Por Rent Cozy, furnished home,
4 rooms. Large kitchen with range.
Inquire at house, 633 North Port
land boulevard W.C.Walker. 4Uf
Johnstone's Toggery is a verita
ble bee hive of industry those days.
The removal sale is continuing
with unabated vigor, and the store
is thronged with bargain seekers.
Hiliousucss is due to a disordered
condition of the stomach. Cham
berlain's Tablets are essentially a j
stomach medicine, intended espe-'
daily to act on that organ ;to cleanse
it, strengthen it, tone ana iuvigor-1
nte it, to regulate the liver and to
banish biliousness positively nud 1
effectually. Por sale by all dwtlurs.
Reaching Out
For Business
Hvery effort to attract trmlu helps, even if it only ilmwtt child'
wish for otiudy. Klcctrio light for window nud hIkim
should be given 11 eliauce to be useful. livery
merchant enn now gut double ulcctrio
light at no increase in cost for elect lie current by
using MA'.DA Iiiiiih. Made in nil km. We Iimvo
thoin and will be glad to tell you about them. -f
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
7II1 and Alder Street
0 for your Stove Fixtures
PP II V for your Doors and Windows
uuu uufor y0ljr sanded Finish
5X Panel Doors 2 (1, 8 In, i G (1, 8 in, i I 3-8 in,, $1,35
$o.oo delivered $5.00 delivered
Trimmings $3.00 Block Wood $4.00 load
5 H. HENDERSON 122 Jersey st. I
I Real Estate. Loans. Insurance
Abstracts of I itle Prepared, Accurate Work Guaranteed.
Undertaker and Funeral Director
Kuprt-fci'iitlMK l''rtlaiul MurMe Works, ICstlin.itcs fitritts.lii.-tl lor all kiiiila
n( monuments, vault ami roping work. If you arc thinking o( having
anything ilonv In this line, call at inv oflicc ami talk it over.
Phone Columbia 263 East Hutlinlon Stiecl, St. Johns, Oregon