St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 13, 1911, Image 2

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    Tremendous Crowds and Fast and Furious Selling
Marked the Opening of this
Of The Johnstone
Toggery Sale
All Wool Jerseys and
Sweater Coats, a beauti
ful range of patterns. $d
values. Ueinov- fry A
al sale price. . . . piy
Hoy's Solid Leather
School Shoes, good sturdy
footwear. Clos-
ing out price. . .y
Men's White Linen Hem
stitched Handker- 5
chiefs. Closing out at 5L
Men's Dress Hose in all
colors. Closing OCp
out at 3 pair for. . ,Ow
Men's Winter Weight
Clood Ribbed 1'n
derwear, closing at "
Hoys' mid C.iriV Ribbed
I'liion Suits, extra good
(mulity; Removal ()
Don't wait un
til the stock is all
picked OVer
Buy now while the
assortment is complete.
We expected crowds, but never dreamed of such a jam as this. Those of you who were
unable to get waited upon, don't be discouraged. Come again tomorrow Saturday.
Men, for your purse's sake, read every line. Why not grasp
the opportunity? You know the class of merchandise.
Good Solid Leather Work Shoes, tan and black, our (0 tZ
guarantee) with each pair,hand sewed soles; closing price 4wt I J
Others at prices even cheaper. Why not investigate? Might as
well SAVE A DOLLAR or two. We both Lose if you don't.
Kancy tailored and embroidered Waists with all the latest 'JCkr
effects. Come earl' while assortment is complete; closing at
Genuine Pure Silk Kayser, guaranteed, Dress Gloves, 16 QQ(T
button, all the latest shades; closing out sale price, tne pair, f OL
Exactly same styles and colors, Kayser Silk Gloves, guarau- j CJ
anteed, short length, closing out tOv
Ladies' Fancy Silk Scarfs, made of pure Hemmel Silk, come AtZf
in ALL colors, fancy and plain, SPECIAL, each HhvJd
Women's house Wrappers in Percale and fleece lined ma- i j Q
terials; pretty designs to choose from. Closing out price, I 3
Just come and see for yourself.
We move to our new location soon.
You know
(his firm,
its dealings
in the past
Always was
(lie safest
place (o
Your mon
ey hack for
(lie asking.
k taW v m
mm h u aa jv fe h:
w iHur. . -m -m nm. .m. lhh h av m am.
-JW M.'m M W VI 1 1
Will LI;
Being sold at the old stand, 311 South Jersey Street, St. Johns, Oregon
Extrn good quality Houck
Towels; special for -In
Saturday selling. ...
Ladies' Heavy Outing
Planuel Night Gowns;
nice, new patterns,
Special for Saturday
only a beautiful assort
ment of ladies' lea- CQ
ther Hand Bags at dy
Men's Sweater Coats all
patterns. Closing AOn
Out Sale Price.... 401
Men's Fancy Wool Un
derwear, the soft, smooth
kind, and the one QOp
best bargain at. . . . yOv
Men's Twill Work Shirts
in black and tan the
kind you have been pay
ing 65c for Re- AQC
moval Sale Lt.
"Come just to
look," but come
in the morning if
you can.
Published ICvory KrliUy
At 117 West IIurlliiKtnn Btrcot.
Tint ItKVIKW I enteied Hi !t oHiee
In jfclHt JotllM, OrtgH, tw mall matter
u the xuMmd elat under lb Act nl Con
gnu n( Miueli 3, 1H79.
omlal Nwipr of Ilia Wtj of MU John
A.ImIW ralM. tl.M r' In wt ewi'it
Subscription prloo 'Jit. 00 per yunr,
AllUtllCI' CUHO of llcittittltUMI llllilii
IIIIHIt jNlillfltl cilCtlllllitUIKVH COIIICO
to our notice ill the death of
Foitttiu'. Some of UK H-llll
know that Lev wan mi iinliislrioii.
hind-winking man, and while cm
iug for an invalid tnuviit About u
yr hihI h liulf. who died about
tlllW WWfk gO, lit WIS Hi till'
Mime time doing night work, mid
NiyiiiK hx little home on which
vu tilMMit $J5.ik mortgage iikdml
iug ircl utM-Mtiitviith. Mis work
ami anxiety were evidently too
mush for hit stuugth, hm hImmu
tlirw Uy befoie lim tleuth he U
C111110 iiiMtiie- Hi tiieiuUuttetnjH
imI to itMtoic him with u few iImvk
riikt at h ttuiiituriiiiii.Uit while theie
liu Impute mi violent lie won com
jHillttl to be taken to Salem wheiv
ultliln two or three iluy he tliel,
IwivltiK n wife uuil two children,
one niul two yeur old rvHectively.
In iHihalf of the widow and child
run, mid in rehiwct to the meinon
of an iiHltihtrioiu iiiun and fuithful
son, liU frieiid are trying to coin
plute the wymeut on the little hoine
mid turn tt over to the mother and
childruii jointly to ituure iU heiiiK
liuld for that purio!ie. Mr. 11ml
hurt, who hak ulrcady Helil the
family in many way, when a
prgnchiNl on the subject, agreed
to (lUconnt the note I too, and an
other of our citicn ha subkcribed
$100, and duplicate itiilwcriptiou
lltit have lieen left at thetwolwuks
in St. John, where any one iire
ciatin at) opioi luuity can call and
jjtiliiwriltu Kiich anion nl a they ate
willing to give towaid the iwytnent
nf the balnnce, which i now only
uhotit 3J5. The Review recom
inuuds this a a tuot worthy cunso.
Thu titltt to the proiaerly luis been
oxnmiiiL'd mid found free of cncnin
lininco except the balance tatud. It
is an opportunity to do a good deed
and at thu right time.
Stories of Success
V i
carefully aavvd
From the very
milmit or hU
rnrccr, vrliwn liu
MlllOll on llriKlll-
way wnippcil lit
III wliltu npron,
III! Mlilrl lnvil
rolli'il Imck, lliu
futuro o unity
klnir utiilnrituoil
Ilia Strut art uC
coiiKirvlmr n
rrKy towantorv
ilolliilta action,
Inntonil of Ulp
plnu Into a hun
ilrol Nclirmw. rn
vvi'ry Incomliiit
ipnny until a itooil bank account
nalkil lum lo rriulo a tmiinein in
ivlilrli tlin nanin "lluylvr" l onti to
ronluro with, Tliu rartr of John
X. lluyler la a personal inos.aKe to
ri'Krynne who wnuta In iiu-oel.
'I'hU mail wan a navnr, ami a lavlnmt
I mil It Mt-lvook wai lliu latfh kiy
to ih nu.'.-omi. It In tha kry that
tinlM'kB thu futuro for alt who havo
'HKrKV Hint tlnirrmlnallon, It wilt
kcrp yon ever ready for whatever
liooi fortuiiM may uwalt you. A
hIiihh n.'iount, ajilril to only In u
niinll way, wilt urirU you with
I I'd Krowtli, lt' very exUtanee la a
pt'rnniiu'iit Invltntlon to nave what
ever you pun. It will enable you to
look tliu worlil miuarely In tUo fact)
ii rut ilemuna your own.
St. Johns, Oregon
Sm.i:stkk Pi-.thkson, Pres.
A. U. Joints, Vice President
V. P. Pkinkkk, Cai-hicr
O. U. Kt'ssni.1., Ass't Cashier
Revival Services
lJaraca! llnraca!! Harca!!! All
young men who arc not interested
in any other clasn aie cordially wul
comu to comu mid join the llnraca
tilass at the llnptiat Sunday jwIiooI
at IQ a. in. We WtiU! JtUt.
Warning to Parents
All patents are hereby warned to
keep their children off the .streets
after eight o'clock p. in. till March
1st. The curfew ordinance will be
enforced by order of the council,
All children under the age of id
years found upon the streets after
the above hour will be arrested, tiu
Icitf accompanied by guardian or
parent. 'I ho minimum fine is $5
and the maximum $25, This govs
into effect at once. One and all
will be treated alike. A wonl to
the wise is sufficient. U. McKiu
ney, Chief of Police.
For Sale or Trade
lfor St Johns property, 40 acres of
good laud 3 ty miles ftoni Castle
Rock Wash., 2 acres cleared, 15
acres slashed, new 4 -room house,
best of water, W-inile to eratled
school, berries of all kinds, on tt.
If. I). Price ?2KX). See O. V.
l'onl, S37, Nmth I.yonard street.
People In St. Johns who hnv
The meeting owns nicely in the
yurisuaii wnurcii, iiiisciiy.vecon-!Coi,Miitioii, sour stomach or gas
tliitie a series 01 weeks ami Invite t,t. stomach, should use simp!
tun 111111 your menus, we nave buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as
exceptionally good singing for so compounded in Adler-i-ka, the new
mhiii in the meeting. Mr. Hen C. (leiniau aiiiiendicitis lentedy. A
Crow of Spokane, Vnh., has DUSK brinns relief al
charge of the choi us and is soloist ,st INSTANTLY because til
for the meetings, A good interest
is manifest and the punching is
tolerable good, for I do that my
self! Please come when you can;
we will be glad to welcome you.
J. II. McWhirter.
Room for ttenl Suitable for con
pie of gentlemen, first lloor, furn
ished including stove. 502 North
Ivaiihoe. ,5tlc
sliunle mixture nntiseiitlcizes the
digestive orguns and drains iinpur
ities. Jackson cc Tlionipson, ilrug
The best ulaster. A piece of
flannel daniDcneil with Chamber
Iain's Liniment and bound over the
lurlx is suiterior to n plaster am!
costs oiie-teutlt as much. For sa
1 by nil dealers.
This Hunk has just icccivcd the approval from the United
State government to become l)eiiitoiy for Postal Saving Piiuds.
This menus that any funds placed with the local postal sav
ings Imnk, will be deposited with this lunik iu whatever proportion
it i entitled to muc.
We feel, this now venture of the government Is a good one,
iu as much as it will bring out any money which might be iu hoard-
tug and Hint ol a ceitniu foreign element.
To the business man, the professional man. the man with a
checking or saving account, it means nothing.
The business man could not ami would not patronize a postal
savings bank, the man who needs financial assistance will not have
the bank, because lie cannot get any accommodation from Uncle Sam.
The savings depositors is also going to stay with the Hank, because
he receives more interest ami can get his money at any time without
sacrificing all of his interest.
This bank will iu the futtiie, as it has iu the past, take care
of its customcis.
The Peninsula Bank
Capital, paid up - - - $50,000.00
Surplus Fund - - - - 7,000.00
PRUD C. KNAPP, Vice President
JOHN N. UDLUFSl-N, Cashier -
STANTON I.. DQHIK, Assistant Qas.hier
It U rctolveil by the city nf St. Jolum,
That wluTiMi, for the tmrxe of pro.
tciHlng the City ol St. John and the
IhliubilaiiU thereof from extortionate
charge for lock to heiued In the impro
vement nf ktieeW, Htlileity h.u heretofore
iiicti4cii, ami now t. u rock ipiarry
It lit rrxihed by the City of St. Jolum:
That it (K-riiin It ncceuury uml txKtll
cut to Improve Newton ktrcet from the
northerly line of 1'ortlaml Unilcvurtl to
the kotilherly Hue nf lUnk Mreet,in the
city of St. Jolum iu thu following milli
ner, to wit: lly gruiliiig Mid jHirtlou of
titievl to grime to Do eotiiDiioiieil ureonl
uml eruiihliig plant, ltimte Iu Wliitwood Ing to prolile tiled in the ollii'e nf Die
l.....t u .1.1 ..f... Tl.... .1.1..... ,.1... .....,.-.1... ,.f .1. ..I... 42.
Court. oi)K).te n.iii city. That mIi! eitv
did for u time ocrute Mid (iiarry und
rock crtutier u a mmilcltul euterprie,
1 1 nit In KooK'nttlug Mid (pi,trryaml cru.l,
er, huge kiuutof money were uxpemletl,
the Mine being ureatly iu excox of till
revenue teri veil thcrefruiu.
Wherefore, a u m&uu to uo'tintlili
the eml for which Mid tuiarry uml
city recorder of the city of St. Jolum
Mpt. ao, iyii, uml placing u ix ioot
It U reMihed by the city of St. JoIium:
That it ilt'i'iim li exittheul .mil meeoMty
to improve Itallimore Si. fioiu tlic south
erly line of Jemev Mreet t. the north
erly line "I i:diu xirt-et Iu the city
of St. John- iu the lollotilug manner, to
wit: lly i r.i.liim mi oillouo( klreet
toMil)!iHile,eorilliiK t profile filed Iu
iu the olliec ! the eitv recorder of the
city of S . i lulv Jinl. lyio, ami hy
nluiilltf it loot leinelil wulLt. uilli la (oi.'l
i-eiueui wane will! twelve tool cum on 1 curl) on IhUIi ile or tulil Mieel the en
IkiUi klileii of Mid ktrect the entire ; the length nf Mid improieiuetit, lite de
length of Mid improvement, together kigu nf till work behiK to pln.-e the cu
with all cement cro walk uml eorru-, tiie ktrcet from curb lo rtuh iu luie for
tjfttcd Iron gutter, n nhowu on Mid pro-! hard ktirfaee fuibh. and n.l work klmll
file. be tluUhed hi conformity with Mich Plan.
Work to he done accordlne to the accordlne to the iihtim and sueclilctttioim
crtmher were purcluuod, the Council of plan ami pciificutiouii of the city eu.iof the city engineer on file hi the otlkcnf
uie uie ni m. joiumiiiii enter giueer nn me m me omce 01 me cuy ; ine city recorder relative thereto, which
into a contract to uml
"Whitwoixl (Jimrry and
ComiMiiy,, a cormratiou, by
of which contract, the mIiI
(Juarry S: Cuutroct Company
itkelf to furuikh ull criuhed inck which
may lc reiuilred for Mrecl iuipn)vement
purple iu the said City of St. Jolum,
and ut u price fair ami reaMiuiihle tot
to nuy utul all ktieet contractors, and
to all property owners paying for
such ktreet improvements, which price
being greatly reduced from any price
Mliicli the m!iI city could make und yet1
0crute said quarry and criuher in a
maimer to pay operating expenses, under
municipal upcrviion. That the nrice
made on ktreet rock hy the Mid
Whitwooi! Ouarrv & Contract Comnauv
having by Uie City of St. Jolum been
m.ule the of calculation of the cost
ol all rock work on streets.
with the recorder ivlatiie thereto, which Mid Mid plans uml kiM-cificatious and rsti-
Contract plans ami specification ami cxtimates i mutes are Mtfkfuctry ami ure hereby
the terms are Mtikfactory umlarc hcrchv approved. uppivl. S.ild luiprovemeiUs to I
WhitwiMul Said improvements to Ix- inaile in ac- inade iu accordance w ith the charter and
loos bind cordauie with the charter ami ordiuaiu'en , orditiauces of the city of St. Johns, and
of the city of St. Johns, and under the
supervision and direction of the city en
gineer. That the cot of Mid Improvement to
In; iikkeked piovided hy the city char
ter niton the ruicrty ciccially uml
uirllcularly beui-htted thereby, and
which Is hereby declared to be all o
tvirts of lots, block and turcels of laud
under the ktiponulou and direction of
me city engineer.
That the cost of Mid improvement to
be aeed us piovided by the city char
ter upon the property esecl.illy ami jwr-tli-ularly
benefited thereby, and which
is hereby declared to In- all of lots, putts
ol lots, blocks uml turcels nf Inud Iv-
twceii the termini of such Improvements
between the termini of such improve- ahuttiue unou. adiuceiil or nroxluiaie to
ineiils abutting iion, adjacent or prox- uid Ilaltimore ktreet in etpiul proportion
imate to vaiil Newton street from the to each lot abutting thereon from (lie
marginal lines of saiil street !ack to the marginal lines of Mtd ktreet back to the
center of the block or blocks or tracw of center of the block or blocks or tracts
laud abutting thereon or proximate of laud abutting thereon or proximate
thereto. (hereto.
That all the iroperty Included in Mid . That all the property Iucludrd iu said
Therefore be it further resolved, that : improvement district aforesaid is herebv improvement diktrict uforesaiil In herrhv
for the reasons and purposeshereinlcforc declared to be local improvement ilis-1 declared to he I.ocal Improvement
set out, any ami all contractors now
holilitiL' coutruci with the Citv of St.
Johns for the improvement of any street
or streets, as well as all contractors who
may hereafter secure such contracts.
are hereby directed and required to secure
the rock required for such contracts, at
the City rock quarry, unless Mid
contractors would be thereby unreason
ably delayed, owinj; to mUI ouarrv beine
operated to its capacity on existing
contracts with the city of St. Johns.
Adopted by the council this A dav of
October, 1911.
f . A. RICH.
Published in the St. lolms Review on
Oct. 13 and 30, 1911,
To anyone wishing to buy lots
on easy terms I have a few choice
lots 111 1910 addition and to close
them out will give some special
prices, borne with small houses on
Jtave also some tine quarter
blocks close to I'ost omce at a bar
gain, A fine block close to the fer
ry for $6000, one-third cash. For
information call on J. F. Gillmore,
1 13 Jersey street .where car stops.
$500 buys a lot 50x100 on North
Jersey street from the owner. Ad
dress M. Wilbelm, Cornelius Ore
gou, R. F. D. 1. .7 41
trict No. 74
That the city engineer's assessment of
the probable cost of Mid improvement
of said street i 5,517 3S.
That the cot of Mid Newton Street
improvement istoe assessed against the
property in sani local assessment (lis
trict as provided by the city charter of
luectiyoi ht. jouns.
Adopted the 3d day of October, 1911.
Publish eil In the St. Johns Review
Oct. 6 and 13, 1911.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court in the sUte ol Orrgon (or
tht county ol Multnomth.
In the matter ol the tUte ol James lilatt, dc
ccatnl, Notice l hereby given by the uudcriignetl, Peter
Autien, adminUlrator of the c.talc ol lames
lliatt. decratctl, tothe creditors ol and all r.
wn having claims agalntt uUt drcraaed, or
against hi ettate lo present them uiththenrc-
Okary voucher, m Unto tlx month alter the date
ol thf notice lo aald administrator at the othce
ol t'ortUnd Manufacturing Company. St. Johns,
Multuomahcouuty, Oregou.the same being the
place lor the transaction ol the busiue of si id
estate iu the county ol Multnomah, state ol Ore
gon. And notice I herebv-giten that the under
signed ha been appointed administrator of said
Dated October 6th,
Administrator ol the estate ol Jame
UUtt. deceased.
When the chest feels on fire aud
the throat burns, you have indi
gestion, aud you need HERBINE
to get rid of the disagreeable feel
ing. It drives out badly digested
food, strengthens the stomach and
purifies the bowels. Price so cents.
Sold by St. Johns Pharmacy.
trict No. 75.
That the city engineer's assessment of
the probable total cost of said improve
ment of Mid street is f 1,910.24.
That the cost of Mid improvement is to
be assessed against the property iu Mill
local assessment dlMrict as provided by
the city charter of the city of St. Johns.
Adopted the 3d day of Octotier, 1911,
I'. A. RICH,
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review on
Oat, 6 ami 13, 191 1,
In the Circuit Court ol the State ol Oregon lor
Multnomah county
Jessie J. ITatl, plaintiff, vs. Guy A. Pratt, de
fendant To A. Pratt In the name ol ihe state ol
Oregon ou are hereby required to appear and
ansucrthe complaint tiled airalnst .on In ik
abote entitled court aud cause before the iota
day ol November, lyu six week from the day
ol the first publication ol this summons.
II yon fail 10 appear and answer the ulaiutitl
will take judgment against you lor want Iherrol
aud for the rcliel a praed lor in her complaint
on file herclnlo which reference I hereby made
and more particularly a follows:
For judgment against you and a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now- existing
between you aud the plaintiff. Jessie J. Pratt,
and lor the custody ol your child. Dick Alteu
Pratt, and lor such lurther relief a the court
may deem meet in the premise.
This summon is served by publication by vir
tue of an order made by the lion. Win. Oaten,
judge ol the aboe entitled court, and dated Oc
tober 3rd. I9l. to be published in the St. John
Review, a newspaper ol general circulation iu
said county and state.
Attorney lor Plalntia.
Corn r Albina and Killlngworth Ate ,
Portland. Oregon.
Date ol first publication. Oct. 6. 1911.
Date of last publication, Nov. la, 1911.
for tha Review ud be