St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 06, 1911, Image 1

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    Historical Stetety
I Totuburlbe lor THIS t'apcr S
3 All Ihcnewi white llli ntwili 5
our mullo. Call In and enroll J-
01 admllilnc In THIS Paptr
1 and you'll nmrrrirct It. Ilr- 5'
tlnatooctaadkttprUhtat II I,
Devoted (o (be Intereiti ol the Penlniula, (lie Manufacturing Center of the Northweit
vol. 7
The Boy Scouts
Postal Savings System
Singers Did Not Appear
Council Proceedings
Great Power Project
Library Notes
High School Notes
Tlie Hoy Scouts were foraging
for tnnterlul for seats for tlielr tend
ing room ntid called on N. J. Bailey
For tlie benefit of tlic public wlio
nre tiiifainlliiir with tlie postal sav
ins system, which will he inaiigu
expecting to get some cull sticks to rated at the local postolficc October
build Into mission chairs. He, 25th, we give the following inform-
heard their tale of woe.of how they ntion, supplied by Frank II. Hitch
were obliged to sit standing until cock, Postmaster General:
they could manufacture their seats. Tlie Postal Savings System is es
Brother Bailey's heart was stirred , toblished for the purpose of provid
within him and he remarked: "1 1 ing facilities for depositing savings
think I can fix you fellows." He J at interest with the security of the
usked the lads up into his factory j United States Government for re
and pointed to a bunch of well made j payment.
neatly stained folding seais, built I Accounts may be opened bv auv
like tlie young lady s rocking cnair,
Hughes' Original Jubilee Singers,
who made n contract with the Y.
P. S. C. Ii. of the Christian church
to appear at Blckner hall Saturday
evening.fallcd to keep their appoint
ment. The hall was well filled,
and the audience waited an hour or
so for the singers to appear, but
they were disappointed. Just why
these colored artists failed to keep
their appointment is still unknown.
but it was a most shabby trick, and
All the members were present
at .the regular meeting of the city
council Tuesday evening. The
meeting was devoid of sensational
features and passed off in a smooth
and pleasant way.
The first matter taken up was a
request from assistant engineer C.
A. Vincent for a to-days' vacation.
Alderman Muck moved that leave
of absence be granted without imv.
since he was employed by the day
t I !... I.. ..., . ..
nun nun previously stated ui 11 e
just right for two, and told the tads
they might have them If they
would carry them off. The
seats faded away like a w.iterinclou
ut a coon picnic. Mr. Bailey cau
tioned the boys not to tell where
they got their seats, so please don't
ask them; but if von want to know
what kind of a man Mr. B.iiley is,
just usk the beouts. rlieic was
no table In the Scouts' hull and one
was required that would seat about
30 boys The Scoutmaster called
011 Mr. Ayer, nnnagcr of the St.
Johns Lumber C , who, with the
(iiiick intuition of a keen business
am (iPSoriMtlir of tlu inntl
scathiuir denunciation. Had thov, council that he would neither ask
one 10 years old or older in his or telephoned the fact that they could ot expect pay for any time he was
her own name and by a married wo- not fill the date, or cave some intl- off Socialist Perrine stated that
mation that their coming might be , "olie the officials were entitled to
doubtful, there would have been during vacation, whether they
some excuse for them. As it Is
there Is none. Any party making
arrangements with them to appear
anywhere in the country should de
mand n deposit as a forfeit for
non-appearance, as they have prov
en themselves to be wholly unreli
able. Kxctiauges please note.
. I. 1 , .
iiimi 111 hit wwm ami iree iroui tne
, interference or control bv her hits
1 liaiui. o person can nave more
than due account, mid cannot open
tin account lu uu office where he is
not a p.itrou. Alt accounts must
be opened in net son by the depos
tor or authorized representative.
Alter opening an account the de
positor may forward subsequent de
posits by mail. Deposits will be
accepted from individuals only, not
in the name of a corporation, firm,
association, society or partnership,
or 111 me names 01 two or more
certificates properly
the amount desired.
endorsed, for
were paid by the day or mouth;
tliat it was just through the gen
erosity of council that they had
been paid; that since they had al
lowed pay in several Instances, fav
ored allowing in (his Instance. Al
derman Hill stated that Mr. Per
rine was now favoring what he
had not long ago disfavored; that
when Mr. Vincent usked for a raise
man grasped the situation before persons jointly, or in the name of
the story was half told, led the one person in trust for or on behalf
scoutmaster to the order clerk tell-. of another person or persons. When
lug that important functionary to a icrsoii has opened an account
fill the order and m ike no charge, and cannot appear in person to
It would have done Mr. Ayer's . make an additional deposit, because
. ..... ...... ........1. .
A depositor V. ' !V. ' " . , . KT " m "' MT:
presenting a certificate for payment lJ"Z i , ' i t .
in full with all interest 'payable "? " , 2y,"K W h ,?i,K'r VV
must Indorse It on the back 'in the h,v v,ns.1 - "-'. would
presence of the postmaster and sur-' , " " T 0 ' !
held if one wits for paid vo-
heart irooil to have seen tlieui when
their officer made his report. Their
1.. I- f . - . .
01 nnmiiity or oilier good anil sum
cicul reason, the nmoiint mnv !.
hats went Into the air with a hurrah Kent by a representative or by mail.
for Mr. Ayer. This is tne second i lie postmaster will then send to
time he helped the boys, the oilier the depositor a duplicate certificate
being the wood for the iuiii ir- of each savings certificate to be Is
in in. The Scouts arc mil;hi a I micd, when this has been signed by
.. . I I ...!,l I - '.I.. 1. 1 .
roil 01 uouor which win iniiig hi me uepo-mor aim returned to uie
their hall and the names of these , office, the postmaster will send him
,n.t f !... 1 .1 ill. IklfJ II fll firtllillfll farttfit,llaaiJ AAI,.,rtt,i 1 a . .
nnornl dciuwit. Xew neem,,,!- ..i I, .. or. ,ltf . ' ' ,01,,,t. . ' ' "
!1m.' ... .....i, . i... I., ii.. .nun i... .... credit will he paid to the executor
i ui; iiini nini'un iiniMiiii ,,. inw '.""I i.j muni ii inn uu imiimilli; ,l...l..i..,-, f ..... .... ..
mnksnf tlienv Scouts oce irre.l last depositor Is unable to ..,m,r.r t.. ,,-r (r "(l " ; " M astute upon
week. Scout O'N'iel and some oth- sou he may forward the money bv
a representative, who wilt h
reililur It. YV iiimi n iiifinltnr rnn
I .. -ci,
............... .. , .,,. . ,, , .ru ui, , i. i
will lie furnished for his use upon " .V '.
muti-ii in llllll'llll .UI. .MUCK S
request of his representative; when
such otder has been projierly signed
by thedciiositor in the presence of
and attested by a disinterested per
son and has been returned to tlie
postmaster, together with the certi
ficate to be paid proerly endorsed,
payment will be made to the de
positor's representative.
in case ol the deatli or a depos
A great project Is that just
launched by the Deschutes Rim
rock Power Co., which plans the
expenditure of $0,000,000 in devel
oping electric energy on the I.ower
uescnutes and operating pumping
plants with It to lift water out to
scnii-arld lands lying near the Col
umbia river. This concern capital
ized for $1,000,000, has Interested
lvnglisli capitalists in the t.lnn mid
British money will he available
within yo days to start the work. It
is expected to be Irrigating 15,000
litres wiuiiu i inontns nud more
land wilt be added later. This Is
thought to be the biggest invest
ment of foreign capital on the Pac
ific coast, exclusive ol the trans
I continental railroads. It Is also
I the greatest individual power pro
1 icri In tin. i,i..:r;,. v.,-11 n...
j ' iiviiii. iiui iiiiivnk. jiui
it is nevertheless essentially an irri
gating scheme, which can be car
ried out only by pumping water
from one liver onto thirstv lands
thtough the power furnished by
the swiftly (lowing waters of an
other stream. The company just
r... 1 1. .. . .
in nun win Harness tne ueschtites
near its mouth and tlie project con
templates tne development of
000 norse power.
0cn Hours: 2:30 105:30 ntut 7 logyop. m
I'licrc is no more charming writ-
At a mectimr of the athletic nunr
ciation held this week the following .
ft? 1
er than Robert Lou s Stevenson, officers were elected:
Ho you know him? Come in and Arkie Anderson, president; I,u
look over the Stevenson bulletin j cile Whelan, vice-president; Myrtle. 1
and ask for the books named there. , Dickie, secretaryjBasil Sniltli.tten.
1 here is one for every mood. Do ' rcr.
you want fascinating tales of piracy ! The following vacancies were
and adventure without a trace of , filled in the teams: Manager of ban
moral? Here thev are on the Stev- ket ball. Forest Hill: M
enson shelf, for those he most de- baseball, Basil Smith; Manager of
lighted in writing. Listen to what track team, Arkie Anderson; Cap
he said in a letter at the time he tain of girls'basket ball team, Clam
was writing "Treasure Island:" ' Nelson; Manager of girls' basket
"i am on another lay now, scc'umi, Myrtle Dicki
here 'The Sea-Cook or Treasure Is-,1 I'rof. Boyd turn
land, a story for boys.' If this hgement of
don't fetch the kids, why they have
rouen since my tiay. it's awful
fti 11, boys' stories;
motion, that the request be granted
with pay. Vote on the amendment
er youngsters were playing in .Mr
Obcrg's barn at the east end of
New York street, when to esciie
the playful teasing of some of them
John ran up to the loft, when he
cannot explain how it happened he
lost his balance and fell to the
ground, He Instinctively threw
liis hands forward, breaking the
fill, else the result might have been
even more serious. As it was his
left arm was broken just above the
wrist, that joint dislocated, his
right hand badly sprained, his
head ami face painfully bruised
und suffering some slight lacerations !
e it 1 ven
an application form which must be
prosily filled out by the depositor
aim icturucti.
No charge or fee is collected for
oeiiIng an account or withdrawal
of money deposited.
No person connected with the
Postlhce Department or the postal
service is penult liil to disclose the
r .
name 01 any depositor or give uny
iiiloruiatiou concerning an account
except to the depodtor himself, uu
less directed to do so by the Postmas
ter General.
I VI. a
wueii a person applies to oik-ii
.t . ,.1.. . 1 ...1. rm. .. .... .... i i .
uiwui 111s iucv nun iiiuiuii. i in-! uu ui-vmim ue must iiiruisu tne
boys were fortunute in being near : necessary information for the post
a physician so that their first aid master or his representative to fill
to the injured was not required, as out uu application, which he will
the case was a severe one for the ' then be required to sign. If the ap
young practitioners to begin with. , plicaut signs by a mark his siguu
Scout O'Neil Is doing nicely and ; ture must be witnessed bv a disiu-
hopes to be able to get back to the
"barracks" by next week. He is
a gritty lad und the comrades will
all wish him a speedy release
from the hospital and return to the
ranks. Scoutmaster.
Sueed Brothers have taken over
the management of the St. Johns
rink and are conducting dances
therein every Saturday night,
While the management is in the
hands of these young gentlemen the
best of music and order Is absolute
ly assured. No rowdyism or mis
conduct will Ik? tolerated. They
have held two dances so far, and
lwth were splendid successes. The
floor is one of the very finest in the
Northwest, and every one Is made
to eel quite at Dome, it you care
for dancing, go to the rink any
Saturday night, and it is your own
fault if you do not have a good
Swengel & Son have just added
some needful furniture and recepta
cles for taking care of the various
articles that are used in the sad
dlery business and harness work.
Everything has been made much
more convenient and more easy to
display their wares to the best pos
sible advantage. It is now a first
class harness shop in every particular.
Messrs. Cobb & Dillingham pur
chased the Serrurier Hardware
store on Philadelphia street, taking
possession the first of the week.
Mr, Cobb is a brother of M. S.
Cobb, well known to most of our
citizens. Mr. Serrurier will re
main in St. Johns for the present
at least, where he has made many
friends by his gentlemanly conduct
and courteous business methods.
compliance with the necessary re
A woman who opens an account
and afterwards marries must pre
sent her certificates at the office in
order to have made payable in he
new name. The postmaster w
receive 110 further deposits from
depositor who talis to comply wit
this requirement.
A depositor will be permitted to
exchange the whole or any part
01 ills deposits in sums of $20. $40
$6o, $80, $100, or multiples of Jioo
up to and Including soo,iuto Unit
eti states registered or coupon
bonds bearing interest at the rate
of 2'u per cent per annum, payable
.semi-annually und redeemable at th
pleasure 01 tne united Mates aite
one year, both interest and priucl
pal payalile 20 years Irom date
United btates gold coin. Applica
tiou must be made at least 1 davs
. . . - .
ueiore the 1st day ot January and
July if a depositor desires to con
vert his certificates into bonds.
Certificates converted into these
11 the max!
mum of $500 allowed one depositor,
and there is 110 limitation upon the
amount of available postal savings
ponds which may be acquired bv
t . a w
depositor, iiiese bonus are ex
empt from all taxes or duties of
any nature whatsoever. These
bonds are only issued in exchange
lor postal savings deposits, but when
received by the depositor may be
sold or assigned at any time to any
person desired.
Further information tnav be ob
tallied by addressing Postmaster
General (Postal Savings System),
wasiimgtou, u. u.
Cut this out and study it closely
and it will save you the trouble of
bothering our Nasby with a lot of
fool questions when you go to
the office to start your savings ac
Hood River's annual apple fair,
an event of wide interest, will be
held this year on October 9, 10 and
11, The management of the show
is now erecting a suitable building
to house the exhibits. They are
always exceedingly attractive and
weliworth going a long way to sec,
(crested person.
I)cKsits ore evidenced by certifi
cates of 1, fs, ?5, 110,20,550
..l. I.. ..!.. I . t
7 "r!i.:. 1 S. . "'bonds are not counted
UIC tltJW.-llHJ , me UUIIHKI UI lll ui--
count, etc., in duplicate the dupli
tate to be retained in the records of
the office.
No account can be opened for less
than $1 nor any fractious of a dollar
received for dejwsit.
No person Is permitted to deposit
more than 100 in any one calen
dar mouth nor to have a balance to
his credit of more thou $500 at one
time exclusive of accumulated
interest. Savings deposit certifi
cates cannot be transferred or ne
gotiated and will be paid only to
the depositor to whom issued. In
case a savings certificate is lost or
destroyed the depositor should noti
fy the postmaster. Postmasters are
not permitted to receive savings
certificates for safe keeping.
Amounts less than $1 may be
saved for deposit by the purchase
of io-cent postal savings cards and
adhesive 10c postal-savings stamps.
A card returned with nine 10c sav
ings-stamps affixed will be accept
ed as a deposit of $i cither in open
ing an account or as a deposit on
same. These stamps and cards are
not good for postage and will be
redeemed only by tlie issue of sav
iugs certificate, neither will postage
stamps be received in payment for
savings stamps or cards.
Interest will be allowed on all
deposits at 2 per cent per annum,
computed 011 each deposit separate
ly, and payable annually, iso in
terest will be p3id on money which
remains 011 deposit for a fraction of
a year only. Deposits will bear
date from the first of the month fol
lowing that in which deposit is
made. Interest will continue to
acfiruc on certificates as long as it
remains outstanding, certificates be
ing valid until paid without limita
tion as to time. Compound inter
est is not allowed on an outstand
ing certificate, but depositor may
draw the interest and include same
iu a new deposit, which will bear
interest at the same rate.
A depositor may withdraw any
or all of his deposits with accrued
interest by 'surrendering savings
The first knock is yet to be heard
on the Pendleton Roundup. For
an affair that attracted the atten
tion this unique celebration eujoyed
this is Indeed an enviable record,
The Northwest press gave wide
publicity to the round up and in not
a single instance so far found after
careful search, has there been an
adverse criticism of either the en
tertainment features, the eveut as a
whole, or the treatment of visitors
by Pendleton people.
The State Land Board will pro
bably try to secure some title
within a short time to Summer and
Albert lakes iu Southern Oregon.
It has been recommended that
this be dotie because of the val
ue of the salts in the waters of the
two lakes. Reports show that
there are 40,000,000 tons of salt in
the two bodies of water and the
state may claim them, from the fed
eral goverumetit. A plant to ex
tract the salt will then probably
be built.
No excuse to wipe your nose on
your sleeve when haudkerchiefs cau
be bought for three cents.-
Aldermen Valentine and Perriue.
yes; others 110. Original motion
carried strongly, there being only
one audible dissenting voice.
Alderman Hill asked permission
to luy sidewalk iu front of his prop
erty with Westrninite, Referred
to the street committee to asceitaiu
If same would conflict with ordi
nance that had been passed rela
tive to sldewulks.
The following bills wete allowed
on motion of Alderman Muck, all
yes; H. S. Wright, to.05', I.- Co
pies, $10: A. Wymore, $9.50; Bon
ham & Currier, 15; K, W. Me
Lane, $39.oo;T. Hathaway, 522.00;
City Recorder, 50c; J. II. Canrlght,
f.P.50; T. Joiison, 5.15 ooi A Bish
op, ?9-35i, .f 3. 75; M. Da
vis, lit 00; Public Library $12.45. 1
The improvement of Jersey street
with Westrninite from Catlin to
Chicago street, endorsed bv the
city engineer und street committee,
was accepted 011 motion of Alder
man Hill. 1
A resolution to improve Newton
street from Portland boulevard to
Bank street was adopted on motion
01 Alderman Valentine; all yes.
A resolution to improve Balti
more street from Jersey to Kdison
with six foot cement sidewalks and
grade for hard surfacing was unan
imously adopted on motion of Aid.
A resolution requiring contract
ors to secure rock from the citv
criisuer whenever possible
I I'.. Wickens of Hood River
was 11 caller at this office Monday
mm man
has 1
controversy here look like to cents. sucl1 sentences as these:
1. I I ' ... r 1 . V . 'I 1.1 ....I .1 ..(I .
mil made a good icport of the Apple . r." ,5enrcl
-'lly. That city has acquired the c1""" rhymes lu
;itv water worts m-.n- .ii,.i. it.,,.-., den of Verse." 1
i IMt.ll iiivi v. 1 . . . 1
s been a scrap that would make wu nm wcanin his "Apology to
1 sewer fight and Westrninite ,(,Icrs." In the last named we find
von tust
1.. i... ..- . .
HHiuige tne pleasure of your heart,
uiai s 1111; no trouble, no strain.
I he only stiff thing is to gel it
cnded--thttt I dont see, but I look
to a volcano."
n it
ji 11 you preier a storv everv
whit as exciting while still carrying
a striking moral lesson, you have
".MarKheim" and "Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde." Ior the lovers of
travel there arc the accounts of his
wanderings and adventures iu the
South Sea islands and his "Travels
with a Donkey." There is the
truest gentlest philosophy iu his
"Christmas Sermon" and "The
Luutern Bearers." the merriest
his "Child's Gar-
and the quaintest of
11s 11 nas ocen iiirnisiiiug hrst page
iieatiimes tor the last decade. The
transfer was made to the city tlie
day Mr. Wlckens was here and
. l.t f.l I . .
ii-iu irouoie win ne tine 111 the very
near itiiute. .Mr. Wlckens reports
a iignter apple crop this year than
usual, because of several Innnsnl.
clous periods of weather conditions
during the growing season,
tT.. . a a a
u is not at an certain that a
man's business is the most import
ant thing he has to attend to."
"Kxtrejuc busyness, whether iu
kirk or market, school or shop, is
a sign of deficient vitality."
But it is iu his letters we come
to know best the man himself, to
appreciate his life-loni:. valiant
struggle against weakness and dis
ease, to enjoy his fascinating con
vcrsaiions and his ready
tell !
T t .,. . , .. . ..... . I . ' " ' ..... .
nine ciilld Starts it lis sleen. ilenv." lw u-rli,..; "tlmi i.,
grinds its teeth, picks ot its nose, should contain news (I mean mine;
has a bad breath, fickle appetite, .those of other people should), but
pale complexion, and tlark rines mine' sli mild rmitiilii nfiiirniiriiilii
under tne eyes; it Has worms: and sentiments nmt Immnmiiu
as mug as they remain iu the in- or nonsense without humor." A
testuies, that child will be sickly, la result his letters are Interi-stlou- to
Will I'P.'bCKHAM VKRMiriJGK us todnv iw Hi,.n iv..r,. in ii... (r w
cieurs out tne worms, strengthens to whom he addressed them.
uie stomacn and bowels and puts
the little one on the road to liimlili
X 1 l,e Sunday School
turned over the man-
the Lvcetim Lecture
t-ourse to the athletic association. A
committee was appointed to have
charge of this matter and they are
arranging for the first number of
the course which will be given ear
ly in November.
Indications arc favorable for a
good basket ball, as plenty of ma
terial is in sight. A few of the
men are out running across coun
try to get iu condition.
I he association voted an ex-
prcssiou of thanks to the school
board for furulshini: a hammer.
shot, discus, and basket ball for the
use of the athletic teams.
Epworth League Notes
And the Library
in. ncott uas returned Irom an
extended trip to Seattle and British 1 he fresh impetus given to
Columbia with the finest bunch of looal Sunday school work by
whiskers that ever came .down the series of iuterdeiioininatioiia! Sun
pike. They are beyond the power ' school institutes now iu pro
01 pen to depict or poet to describe, gress, September 2,vUct 20, is lie
1 ney must be seen to be fully op- nig made evident at the reading
adopted; all yes but Mr. Perrine.
An ordinance providing for keep-
ug the streets clear of rubbish and
itter passed to third readiug, und
then held over one week for alterations.
I'he street committee was author
ized to secure more garbane cans
on motion of Mr. Hill: all yes,
Alderman Perrine advocated a
public lavatory for ladies, and it
was decided to utilize a tortiou of
the basement of the city hall for
this very useful purpose, provided
the street committee deemed it ad
visable for the purpose,
An ordinance accepting deed for
for a portion of Chicago street from
M. L. Hotbrook and wife was
passed on motion of Mr. Valentine:
all yes.
Bids 011 the improvement of Bal
timore street from Kdisou to Brad
ford were presented by Hilliard &
.Magttmts at $1423 and wheelock
& Co. at 1(535 53. On motion of
Alderman Bredesou the contract
was awarded to the lowest bidder;
all yes.
predated. The Dr. refuses to di
was , vulge where he got them. Later
I He mild weather proved too much
for the Alaska-bred hirsute adorn-
,1110111 and it dried up und blew
away on the evening bree.e
Garbage cans have been placed
011 a number of the street comers
and ore being used to n greater or
less dogroe. If signs were placed
011 each with the inscription:
" 1 nrow no paper or litter in this
i..i ... . .. ....
can uiey would no doubt till up
111 a miraculous manner with the
same. 1 hey are proving a sue,
IHreless cooking demonstrations
were given at the St. Johns Hard
ware store the first of the week,
Firclews cookers are surely a great
convenience and fuel saving. Those
who missed the demonstrations
missed something worth while. It
is not too late to investigate the
cookers, however.
Daniel Calkins, who has been
spending the past couple of years
iu the Southern Oregon mining
Hems, returned to bt. Johns last
week. 1 lie report had become cur
rent at one time that Uncle Dan
loom by the call for books nlouu
tliu line of work. Here are n few
of the many which can be furu
billed. No .Sunday school suiHiriu
Undent or teacher who has at heart
the movement for the "bigger and
better Sunday school" can afford
to miss the ideas and experiences
ol these Miccvsstul workers
How to conduct a Sunday school,
or 20 years a superintendent.
How to moke the Sunday school
go. -
Modurihtiuday school. Vincent
Graded Sunday school iu priuci
pie ami practice. Muyer.
(Tactical primary plans for pri
mary teachers iu the Sunday school.
Principles and Ideas for Sunday
schools. Burton and Mathews.
Sunday school teuchers' manual.
Introduction to the Bible for
teachers of children. Chamberlain.
Sunday school and church enter
Modern Readers' IJible. Moulton.
An old, old story book. Tappan,
Wanted To borrow -tiooo for
five years at eight jer cent interest,
jayable monthly. Have about
three acres of rich soil at Whltwood , c"1 " U"B 1 . l".a.1 C1L. "a" The Adler-i-ka book tellinir how
n . 1 .!.... -t - nan "nan casneii 111 niK nintw in ...r,.... . . .
v-ouii, which 1 uinucsiroii.1 01 ciear-, ..... 1 , V, V. ' . eon r.nnu.Y guard auainst ap-
ug, fencing and setting to peach I " Vt . Kii to Know pemiicitis, and net instant relief fro n
trees.aiiderectiuglogbutigalow from 1 l,u '" "Ul Bl u,ni " " stomach and bowel trouble, is being
iimoeron tneianu, 1 lie money to, b " read with much interest bv St
Johns people. It is given away free
A couple of representatives from Jnksou & Thoinpson.druggists.
Martinez county, Cab, were iu St.
Johns Monday to gather data rela- It is reported that Ben Swan,
tive to securing 11 free ferry at ai?cd 10, hlba Cowles, 18 and Ar
.-Martinez. .Mayor Loucii nave them intir iiorsmau, 14, nave run away
be used for this purpose and for
cultivating and maintaining same
for the period of five years. First
mortgage security given and a
guarantee that the money will be
used lor the purpose stated, The
and is now worth at least S1000.
Address B, this office.
For Sale 18 acres of laud, house,
barn, and other out buildings, fruit
and berry laud, 1 100 cords of wood
on the place, half mile from the de
pot and river32 minutes ride from
St. Johns. $600 down and balance
iu uiue years, II. S. Hewitt. 1124
South Gresham street. tf
the right kind of "dope," ami they from home, ostensibly to grow up
now have a good idea how -to go in the wilds of Texas. Anxious
about it.
Don't trifle with a cold is good
advice for prudent men and women.
It may be vital iu case of a child.
There is nothing better than Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy for coughs
and coldg iu children. It is safe, and
sure. For sale by all dealers,
parents and the police of a number
of our neighboring cities are doing
the Sherlock Holmes act iu an ef
fort to locate them. It Is hoped
they may succeed before one or
more of the lads come to grief.
ifor Sale Hmidan eogkurds. 501
Kngt Mohawk streets
The regular monthly biiHiuewt
meeting of the M. K. Church wos
icld last 1 hursday evening at th"
ionic of W. S. Oillinore. 51S So. f
Jersey street, jt was a very inter
esting session, as the league miido
plans for 11 still more prospeioui
year than the last. One of tliu
Mints is to have a Hallowe'en social.
Ifurther particulars will be given
next week, J. C. Stuart, ptesi-
dent since last June, resigned, and
J. C Brooks was elected to seive
the balance of unexpired term. Mr.
Stuart leaves soon for his home iu
Oklahoma. By his leaving, thu
league loses a most faithful woik.
er. The new minister, Rev. J, J
Pattou, was present and wlthlongiiar
outlined further work to be curried
011 through thu winter.
A cabinet meeting was held at
the home of C. Rawsou on Wed
nesday evening and committor
were appointed to have charge of
the social to be held thu last of thu
Thu next biisluciM mvutiug will
be held at the parsouaitu thu fliit
Tuesday evening iu Novomlmr,
Everybody is invited to comu and
get acquainted with us. Keep thlii
in mind.
Back in the Limelight
Mr, and Mrs. Billy Nixon,
for many years ployed the
vaudeville line iu the ICost
along the Pacific coast under
name of Nixon it Morau are koIiik
ichiud the footlights again.
Hurley," as lie is bettur known
iu St. Johns, has settled down lwu.
and is conducting a sign glinting
establishment. His many frluuds
mve persuaded him to put 011 his
Gurmaii comedy singing and done-
ug sketch again. Arraiiuemeutfi
have been made for the act to bu
at the Multnomah theatre next
Wediiusday, Octobur 11. whur
they appear as Mr. and Mrs. Bur-
Hurley" does some mighty clev-
ur wooden shoe dancing and Is soiu
Dutchman. The act is bound to
ploase. The management Myg
there will be no advance iu adiuw
siou price.
First Christian Science Society:
Sunday 11 a. in., Wednesday, ot
p. 111. Reading room oH!ii Tues
ay and Saturday from 2 to 4 p. m.
All cordially invited to the survicud
and reading room. Sunday survico
Oct 8 Subject: "Are sin. dimi
and deatli real?" Wudnusdnv
evening: Testimonial servicu.
When your food does not dinost.
well and you feel "blue," tired (inil
iscouraged, you should use n ittln
IIF.RDINH ot Bedtime. It oihuiji
tlie bowels, purifies the systoin and.
restores u fine feeling of health mill
energy. Price 50c. Sold by St. -
ohns Pharmacy.
Ladies interested in, or wlie-.
would contribute to a Lodius' ltx
change iu St. Johns, please sunip
name and address to Mrs. T. M. '
Hiatt, St. Johns. .100
- 1 1
Mrs. Allan Blackburn, who ImsSu
been so very ill, is slowly recover!
iug, This will be irood now trtf
her many friends, r " '