A Tabor 8tory. Count Boycuta, Muie. Modjeska'a husband, vrai arranging with Senator Tnbor for Moujeskn's tlrst uppeuruuce lu Denver, and the founder of dramat ic art lu Denver naked what parts she. played. "Well." Mid the count, "there ts 'Mary Stuart.' " "Who wrote It?" asked Tuhor, "Scli'Mer," said tlw couut. "Ih he it tlrst class dramatist" nsk ed Talx)r. "Surely, surely," said the count, "He Is tuosf Illustrious." "Humpht Never heard of him," commented Tabor. "What else docs the do?" '"As You I.lko It,' 'Antony and Cle. opatra,' 'Macbeth' " "Who wrote- themV "Shakespeare." "How's he? Oood writer?" "Eicellent, excellent." "Well," said Tabor rumlimtlvely, "those fellows may bu all right iim nil thors, but they ain't well enough known to suit the people nut hero, What we want Is something popular, something that everybody! heard of, I tell you what you do you net her to give us something nf Itoyt's!" Th Change That Was Wrought Tho little man was exptululug to hU audience the benefits of physical cul ture. "Three years ago," be suld, "I was n miserable wreck. Now, whut do you suppose brought about this treat change lu me" "What change" said a voice from the audience. There was a succession of loud smites, and some persons thought to see him collapse. Hut tho little man was not to bu put out. "Will the gentleman who asked 'What chango' kindly step up here?" he asked suavely. "1 shall then be better nblo to explain. "That's right!" Then, grabbing tho witty gentleman by the neck: "When I first took up physical culture I could not even lift a little man. Now (suiting action to word) I can throw one nbout like a bundle of rags." And dually he ilung tho Interrupter half a dozen yards along the Hoar. "I trust, gentlemen, that you will sec tho force of my argu ment and that I have not hurt this gentleman's feelings by my explana tion." Thera were no tuoro Interruptions. Frful Fatt of Ravalllae. In these days when executions. If held at all, ant mostly carried out lu private. It Is dllllcult for in to muter- stand the feelings of savagery with which sn old tltuo mob witnessed a popular exe utlon. Here Is Hlountlelle Hurton's account from "The rale of Henry of Navarre" of the scene when Itavalllac, the assassin of the king. had, after shocking tortures, been lorn asunder by wild horses: "The xivti tinner had begun to dismember him and was about to cast his remains Into the second culdrou when the vast crowd prevented tilni from doing so, They each required a portion of the body of the king's assassin, and most of them obtained one. That night tnauy boutlres blazed lu and around Paris, and lu their midst were con sumed pieces of llnvalllac's frame; on barn doors lu other places were nailed similar scraps of hN body, as hawks and owls and carrion crows were nail ed as a warning lo others of their breed." Two Collars on a Dog. Having bought a dog that ho admir ed, it man undertook to buy a dog col lar. Tho dog had it neck nearly as big as Ids head, and the dealer advised the man to buy lw'o collars. 'What for?" suld tho man. "He's only got one neck, so 1 guess ho can get along with only one collar, can't ho?" 'Maybe so," snld tho man, so the man went away leading tho dog by his new collar and chain. In less than a week lie brought the dog back. 'I'm nfrald I can't keep hint," he said. "1 lo Is too obstreperous. I can't keep him tied up. Ills neck Is tho big gest part of him, and he Is as strong its an ox, therefore It Is u cinch for him to slip his collar off." That was why I wanted you to tnko two collars," said, the denier. 'Tut both on and fasten tho chain to tho back collar, and ho can tug uwuy all night without getting loose. He may commit suicide, but he won't get loose." Now York Sun. Great Northern Exhibits Oregon Products At Northwest Land Products Show HmMpa the official exhibit of this stale which is to be made under the direction of the governor at the Twin City l.nnd Show, the efforts of the state otllclals will lie supplemented by good exhibits to lie made of our products by tho rail road companies. The (Jrent Northern has just bought live sections at tho Twin City show, special part of it will bp shown for tl lirst time at the big show In St, ra the (treat Northern will a o show New York City, in Omaha and at several other shows during thy fall and wlitt front all of these llihivs our stn will real) a benellt ami the railroad com pany divides its space up and places the name of tho state over that part of the Qrant and Plekttt. New evidence that the great met are the true men true to themselves, to their country and to their friends appears In u story told In Colonel Nlch olas Kmlth's book, "(Irani. I lie Matt of Mystery." While ('rant was president (leueral (1. K. Pickett, who led the fatal charge against the Union forces the hist day at (Mtysuurg, called at the While House to pay his respects. (Irant knew that his olil comrade nt West I'olut had been made n iMior man by the war mid offered him the murshtilshlp of Virginia. While sorely needing help, (iuiierul Pickett knew the heavy draft made upon thu president by nlHeo seek ers. "You can't niTord to do this for me," he said, "unit 1 can't afford to take It. "I can ufford to do anything I please that Is right," Grant replied ipilctly, Disappointed In Hsr. "And so your father refuses to con scut to our union." "Ho does, Itodolphus." Thu sad youth swallowed n nob. "Is there nothing left for us, then, but nn elopement?" snld he. "Nothing." The girl was fond, but linn. "Do you think, Clementine, that you could abandon this luxurious homo, forget all the enjoyment of great wealth, banish yourself forever from your devoted parents' hearts and go west with n poor young man to enter a noinu or nreioug itovcrty aim soir denial?" "I could, Itodolphus." The sad youth roue wearily and reached for his hat. Then," said lie, "you nre fur from being the practical girl I have all nlong taken you to be." And with one last look nrouml on the siimptuousuess. that some day he had hoped to sharo hu sobbed and said farewell. Ilrownlng'u Magatlne. Psppsrsd lc Crssm. "There's pepper lu that." said n re tauraut waiter, iiolutlng to n small silver shaker ho hud placed beside tl heaping dish of !co cream he was ear ring to ii guest. "Sure, It's to put on the Ice cream, too," he replied when au Inquirer failed to see the connec tion between the two. "Lots of folks want to put pepper ou their Ices, ou see, If n mans stomach Is sensitive the cold cream hurts him. but pepper Is stimulating enough to overcome the effects of the cold. And the funny thing Is that you dou't taste the pepper nt nil. The Ice cream I uo cold that It kills tho oth er. If you dou't believe It I'll give you soma with pepper, and you'll tlud that there's uo taste- of pepper there at all." There wusn't. New York Hun. Had to Tak HU Own Msdlelnt. Oeorge Horr McCutcheon was wait lug for n train In Chicago, and its ho passed through thu station ho saw one of his latest best Kellers displayed on the newsstand counter. Hu picked It up, wrote Ids name on the fly leaf and handed It to the boy behind the counter. Ho was moving away when tho boy called excitedly! "Hey, mister, comolmck here. You've got to buy this book 'cause you vo spoiled It by writing your iiamu In It "Yes, hut did yoiiinvu the imuior' th author asked. "That dou't inuko uo difference," the hid Insisted; "uobody'll want to buy It now." And, hearing his drain culled, Mr. McCulcheoii was forced to pay reul money for one of bis own bo iks. Suc cess Magazine. Mll.t' Orav. "Which U the deepest, the longest, the broadest a ml the smallest grave lu the churchyard?" suld u ltcdc-strlun to hi companion while meditating among the tombs In tho burying ground at Rsber. "Why," replied his companion. "It U that lu which poor Miles Ihitton lies burled, for it contulns Miles below the sod, Miles In length mid Miles In breadth, and yet, after till, It Is but n Button-hole." Pearson's Weekly, Effct of Tight Lacing. "Is tight lacing unwise)" u teacher asked a young lady lu a physiology lessou. "Yea, It Is very unwise," was the re ply. "Why Is It unwise?" the teacher pursued. "Uecauso It busts the corset," suld the youug lady, Exchange. Maniacs. Not all the luuutlca are behind tho ban. Charleston (S. C.) News and Courier. Quite o. There are yet a few men at Urge who try to do business with out advertising. New York Herald, Outdont. Teacher Now, boys, I want to see If any of you can make n complete sen tence out of two words, both having tho sa mo sound to tho car. First Iloy-I cuu, Miss Smith. Teacher Very well, Itobert, Let us hear your sentence. I'lrst Hoy-Wrlto right. Teacher Very good. Second Hoy Hay,. Miss Smith, I can beat that. I can make three words of It-wrtght, write right. Third Hoy (excitedly)-Gco! Hear this wrlght, wrltu rite right. Teacher (thrown off her guard) Whow! Topeka Journal. Wanted It to Show, A rich old farmer once had his por trait painted. When the ixirtrnlt was finished tho old farmer !ookoLnt It, shook his head and snld to tho artist: "Very good. Very good, Indeed. But there Is one fuult that you must rem edy. Please make the right side of tho chest bulge out. That U where I carry my wallet." Dlitlnguishlng Marks, Willie How do you manuge to tell those twlu aUtera apart? Cecil When you kUs one of them she threatens to tell her ma, while the oth f when kissed says she will tell pa. Th Sad Part. "Doesu't It mako you sad," exclaimed the member of the Audubon society, "to see women wearing on their bats tho feathers of tho poor little birds?" "It Uu't the feathers that mako me lad," replied the practical married loan. "It's their bIlls."-Phlladelphla Itecord. Going Too Far. Baldheaded Man (In the witness box) The violent disorder was so ter rible that It made my hair stand ou and. Judge (severely)-Be good enough to remember that you are on oath! Collected Soma Alimony Also. She This Is Maud's third husband, ind they all bore the name of William. He You don't say so! Why, the wo man Is a regular BUI collector. New York Times. It to not so much being exempt from faults as having overcome them that U an advantage to us. It Is a great evil as well as a mis fortune to be unable to utter a prompt and decided no. Simmons. Diarrbaa Is always more or less REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS prevalent uunne septemoer. ue prepared for it. Chamberlain's Colic, Cbolera and Dtarrbxa reme dy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by all druggists. Nearly new restaurant range for sale cheap. uiarfce furniture uo. You get full weight and quality at tht Centra) market, try awUU. The following list of legal blanks are kept for sale at tbis office aud others will be added as the demand arises.- Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort gages, batistacttoti oi Mortgages, Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills first j of Sale, peases. Just All these blanks at the uniform price of 30c per dozeu, which Is to bo given from December 12 to ii.l uiiiler the uiivpicc or tho isorth western Development League. Tills means Unit railroad cntmuinv will have nbout I.tKHl siplare feet of exhibit snare to llll from the slates along its lines. Being the first railroad company to buy snare, the Omit Northern has secured the pick of tho sp.tec after tho reserva tions were made for olllelui exhibits, lleprcscntutlvcs of the railroad are now twork collecting Die exhibit. While it exhibit which Is collwled from here. Speaking of tho advantage of making Ihi-ii exhibits, I're-Iilent I.. W. Mill say 'Troin expel leneo wo flint that we gi belter results from our exhibits at Inn shows than from any other single form or nilvcrimng which we do." It follows that If the railroads get such good results from the bind show exhibits, the slates which Ihey represent must gel a large share or the benellt. THE LAW OF PROVISION Alveolar Dentistry Provides for Teeth Satisfaction in the Years to Come IT DOES AWAY ENTIRELY .WITH PLATES AND I5RII)(1I: WORK TEETIIi AI) PINEA1 The Improvident Life 'would not k- so bad were there no dny to morrow. It is the cold assurance of dawn that keeps humanity balanced. tomorrow is the vital fact that today must reckon with. The same impulse is to provide for the expectant period of our ex pectancy ou this planet Karth. Provide for the span of years aud you have Peace, Poise, l'ower and Plenty. I'nll to provide, aud. you have Poverty, Perversion, Pauperism and Penalty. Nature s one immutable hco- iioni c t.aw makes it uecossnrv to prepare for Winter in its Sumiuur. Nature makes Kquirrols of nil of us. The Alveolar System is the method by which man makes his provision for an annuity that most of us enjoy more than any one more than any one other thing in this life a provision that will ena- alile him to eat. Alvcolnr teeth say tnree or lour or more, we can replace nil those that have been lost on both sides clear back will perfect Alveolar teeth, whilst bridge work would be impossible, own if you had eight or ten front teeth to tie to. If you have only two back teetli ou each side, say molars, we can supply nil the front teeth that are missing with beautiful, service able, lifelike Alveolar teeth. This could not possibly be done bv the bridge route. Suppose you hav lost your last (back) teeth, two or more upper or lower on either side We can replace them with Alveo lar teetli. ilie Dridgs speeialut would have to advise a pnitial plate, wliloli would (wauiuber the mouth as well ns to htilp .dwUtoy your other teeth. Where you have lost u few teeth there are dentist who would extract all the rest to make loom for n plate. (Where people have no teeth we make plates, too. and when we do thuy look like they gruw there. They are sclentllicnlly and nrt st en v are beautiful, comfortable, life ev-1 built for service aud comfort as asttug mid are guaranteed to the , well as beauty.) liven where etui. loruigoworK is possioie. mere is uo HRIDQUWOfdC WON'T DO, comparison butween the two. A The ordinary "bridgework" very large percentage of our work- Is taking out bridgework put in by supposedly higlrclass dentists and ! replacing it with thu bountiful and I artistic Alveolar teuth. And, un like bridgework in another respect, 11 is practically painless. No bor which dentists set in between teeth is a poor substitute for missing teeth. It makes the two ptur teeth do the work of supporting AIJ, those that are fastened to the bridge, leliirdi it: crnm If the wearer of this bridge bites K r cimiug into me gums, iiotn- on the bridge teeth he puts a ter-; "K 10 irwwiu. Now. then, rific strain on the two piers, cans- prices being equal, which would ing them to become loose in time '" choose? aud the gums to become sore and; Luring Pyorrhea (loose teeth), a inflamed, aud in the end OU T disease given up by other dentists COMHS TIIIv HRIDGIS. ! ns incurable, is another of our spe lt is a painful piece of work cialttcs. We cure It absolutely. from beginning to end. IV n boastful stntemijut to mnke, then, again, tt ts unsanitary, 'but we can do nuything that is pos- Heiug higher in the middle than at either end, it permits food becom ing lodged under it, which soon causes fermentation to set in, ringing more inflammation, not infrequently Pyorrhea. UridKework is as tnticli ot a makeshift as the partial plate. The bridge won't do. Alveolar Teeth Where Hrldjcowerk it Impossible. If only your front teeth are left, ble in dentistry, and what we do is always of the very highest class. Our booklets, Alveolar Dentistry, are free. Write for one if you can not call. We have samples of our work to show at all times, ALVUOI.AU DUNTAI. CO., DENTISTS I'ortUnd-Ablnrton llldf., 106 Third St, Scattle-Haluhl Hldg., Second and Pine, Terms to Reliable People. Three Musketeers ORDINANCE NO. 428 An Ordinance Declaring the Cost of Improving Portland lionlcvard Uetwcen 1 lionip son Street and Bruce Street in the City of St. Johns, and Assessing the Property Hen cfited Thereby, Declaring Such Assessment and Di recting the Entry of the Same in the Docket of City Liens. ORDINANCE NO. 430 An Ordinance Providing the nine ami manner ot im proving Crawford Street l-rom the Easterly Side Line of Baltimore Street to Westerly Side Line of Pitts burg Street in the City of St. Johns, Oregon. The city nf St. Johns docs (inlain ns ioi lows: That the council has considered the protKiscil nsfcssincnt for liniirovitiu Port land Ixmlcvanl between the westerlv side line of Thompson street ami the The city of St. Johns docs ordain ns follows: The council of the cltv of St. !i.Im, having ascertained the cost of improving Crawford street from the easterly side line of lla timorc street In wikIit v l.t.. lillc of PittsliurL' street In the eltv of St. Johns, as shown by the resolii tioti of the council of said city, dated ou ywi iiy oi minim, 191 1, nun rccorcleil in easterly side line of llrucc Mrecl in the the office of therccordcr of said city, and city of St. Johns, and all objections nmile notice thereof having heen iiuhllshcil in thereto, and hcrehy asccttains.ilctcrniines the St. lohns itevlew. anil declares the whole cost of wild Im- tier of general circulation, mi tin- iinivcnieiu in milliner proviueii ny unit- 1st nay anil ou the Stli day of Sept nance mi. asg to lie llie sum ot fS.jro.JO. I lui I. ns shown lie i i mh;,!-(i r ii. unit that the sH.'Clal ami peculiar lieiichts foreman of said paper, which s.ihl ullidn accruing to each lot or ivirt there- vlt Is ou tile in the office of the cltv re ot or parcel of laud within the as- corner; and legal posting of notices of sessuicni nisirici, uy reason oi mm nn- Mtcn improvement, as Mtown hy the nffi lirovemciH nun in jum projioriion in sucii mi.h u oi tne city engineer on file in Hi iiitius, iii nit- n-nivi iivi- iiiikmiiiis i unite in me ciiy recorder; ami no re- set op si.siie me milliner or i escr union in o strances inviiu. 1hiii ni.-.i . i l . . . . I .. -------r, ...m., oi encu un or pari increoi or ixircci oi provided nv m a resolution, tin ..m.in laud lit the followltiL' annexed assess- ccrs tircllinlnarv estimate of .i!,tl.ni.r... .. incut rolI,nml mid assessment roll.whleh incut is 2,990,03, hut shall Im more is ttumocrcil til. is nerc iv nilontei nml acctiratclv ileterm ueil livil,l ,.m,i approved as the assessment for mid ini- Now, therefore, it Is hcrehy ordered provcmeill.atld t ie recorder oi tlie cltv lliat m il street lie lniiirrui.il n,l id nl M, Jolitif Is directed to enter a state- time for the completion of mid im tiicuiui tne asessntcnt nereiiy made In provemeiil is hcrehy fixed at sixty davi the docket of city Ileus, and cause notice from the last publication of proisisals of increoi to lie ptiiiiisiieit 11s provided liv mid work, iv i c i m il iiroiMisa I mini . courier, which nseiucui is as lonows: men wun me recorder ot mid city ou o RESOLUTION Lot Illoek 5NJ...3.... HI 51 1 2, . ..31. Addition Onu Park 11 11 11 liollintnk's ns Anil, before the 17th day of October, 191 1, at i ir. o'1"'1! "I. f said day. ' That mid street shall be Improved t ' I IIIIIIIUH! Ill' lirtlMllltf Mtlllllt III flu olrtlt ' ii'" llslied Krnde hy cut and fill and by side ,n.27 I .....II. I.... M : til..... .1.1 t.,s . ttS I t I """""K i"" tuner sine wuil u 1001 'S'li cement sidewalks, 12 foot curbs between liaitimore anil Tacoma streets: remain 011 the plan 3 1 ' I t.: :::::: " 7 9 , " 10 11 22 ....30...... " i3....... ...... H '7 m,'T A i v m '5 v,".2ti :v -flF ij 13 " I 2H " 2 J M I 9 ;; 11 " 13 " 13 39 " 14 15 iu Jn1 399.53 iMi'ii.i... ,.r ....11. .... i Hfilil ' n",K snow 11 i . "'Kctuur wun an uie m-cesmrv ce 1 tin. nt ('nvMunlk innl irrm.ul...l I-.... cutters, and hy pIucIiil' a strip of ma cadatti lb feet wide, ns shown ou Plan , .122.04 .134.07 . .41 .....II. 1.141 1 . ,11.. ........ Ill Jt I'ninic, stun iniiciuiaui 10 nc 10 incites ,. ';: deep In the center mid 7 Inches deep 011 ft," either side; hitch rlus to be placed In , the curb as dlreetcl by the city eimiuecr. V'?' The city iivorder shall Klve notice . iij.ai 1.., ,lilttlv,ii,.l, r... ,.,,1 i.j ,i.v... .1...... 1.. II I UK I ' -.. . .1... . .111.1, uni'V in f.;';K ,,'ft'iis lu the St. Johns Kevlew.the olll dI ncwtwiH.-r, luvitiiii; proisimls foi 1 1 11S I " 1,1 si . iiiviiiiik IHU1KIS.IIS ior ' I I I IIIIIV llll. H'llll il.ll I. .............. '"'"!h6i Siilirituprovciiient shall in all respects 5. 111 12 "one nun cxiiupieien 111 coniormiiy .Vu w un uie provisions 01 oriiiuances Mis 1 V" ;'; '160 and 192. except as otlierwisc tim V vlded lu this onlliiance: nil work to ho 11 , 5 doneundei the direction ami supervision iw 'ii "f t'u'cily ctiKlncer. 'V'I That die i-ost of mid Improvement sYiifi "ball lie iesiil aalust the procrty in "111 Si "Ie 'IH;n' 'miiroveiiient district as de ...f.".'J H?rllied lu mid resolution ami deslijiiat- 10(1.32 100.89 91,00 95.0S 100.62 90.3s H7.97 W.35 .....107,0(1 95.'3 I33.ni (s,37 .,,,,121.09 - M975, 20 " 95.90 ed as and declared to he local improve incut district No, 75, rassud the council this the ifitli due of September, mil. Approved by the mayor this the 36th nay 01 M'ptcunicr, 1911, K. C, UIUCII, Mayor. Attestt I', A. HICK, Recorder. rublUhcd In the St. lohns Itevlew 011 nept. 39, 1911, ORDINANCE NO. 429 22.. 33.. tlt( t f E:::1!S?J o , , ,34 ..... II K An Ordinance Providing The iimuAiui manner ui im proving Edison Street from Btirllngton Street (0 Rich mond Street in the City of M. (Johns, Oregon. 20. Q t 3 t 9471 10J.S2 75 ... ..I37-I u.i I IIK.73 lo9.75 .fvi JJ"3 ...... .Sr. 30 4.-. -71. 07 77 100.37 t.M The city of St. Johns doc ordain as lonows) i he council of the city of St. lohns. uaviiiK im ertiiiueii tne cost oi improv ini; l(dIoii struct (mm the enkturlv ...... I 13 1 M (. U . tl (I Septembn 1 1 1 Approved Itv the mayor this 3O1I1 day 1 fiuptumuur, 1911. K. C. COUCH, Mayor, AlttM.t: 1'. A. KICK, Kvcorilcir. PiihlishiHl in the St. Johns Review on .Sept. 39, 1911, "i I iil' 157-9 I slil.. linn nf Itiirtlm.tiiii ktr.'i.l In ii'ilnrli' 1 tS side Hue of Itirhmoml street in the eltv 105 "3 lniSt. lobtis. us shown hv the ruMilutioii "J'7S of the youucll of mid city dated ou the jf "M Jtii any nf August, 1911, and msirdisl 7,,b in the office of the reiHinler of mid citv, 'J'"1 una notice thereof haviUK liven pulilWli- ed in the St. Johns Review, a weekly uewsuip 1) llewuiier 01 L'enerul circulation. 00 l'iiw.is liy the wmiiJI this jfith day of lirst mid clhth days of September, 1911, Proposals lor Street Work Sealed proisias will lie trcelved at e oincc ui tne recorneroi iiiecuy 01 t. Johns, until Oct. 17th, 1911, at KoVlork 1. 111, lor the improvement 01 Craw ord street from the easterly side line f liaitimore street to the westerlv hide line of lituburi! street in the manner provided liy ordnwnee No 430, subject to the provisions of the charter and ordi nances of the city of St. Johns and the estimate of the city engineer on (lie. IdiKiiivcr's estimate ts J j ,. 03. lima inuai iv Biutiii III uitwillllllic I ,i,-kii.irv I'l.im.iil pniuu'ii bi nml rnr with the printed blanks, which will be nl,.al iron KUtters. ami by i.lmiiiKa furnished on application at the ; office of klr,, ( macadm 16 feet wide in tlie ms khuwii liy the iiihilavlt of the foreman of mid iwixt, which wld affidavit Is ou file in the office of tlie city recorder; nml leal stlu of iiutlces. of kiicli improvuiueiit, us khowii liv the uffidavit of the city cnxineer ou tile in the office of the city risNirdvr, and 110 remuuttrHUCiHi liuvlui! Iieeu lileti. mlius,pinvuled hy mid rcMilutloii, engi neer s tirelluiliMry eluwteoi llieciwt ot mid improvement is 7.317.23, but shall e more ncciirMieiy iieteriiiiuen ny mm engineer. Now, tlierelore, It is hereby ordered that mid street lie improved ami the time for tlie completion of mid improvement is hereby fixed at slxtv davs from the hut implication of notice of jiropomlsof mill work, which mid promU miisi hv filed with the recorder of mid cltv ou or before the 17th day of October, 1911. at eight o'clock p. in. of mid day. j pat mlil street mall lie improveii as follows: II v nrat;'iK mine to the estab lished uriiile by cut and fill and bv sidewalkiliK the mine on cither side with (t fool cement sidewalks, 12 foot curltf, entire length, together with all ami It is resolved by the city of St. Johns, Oregon: That whereas, the council did by Or dinance No. 37S passed hy the council nml approved by the mayor May 10, 191 1, adopt tlie city engineer's rexrt in the matter of opening nml extenilln); of Ilradford street iu mild city of St. Johns from easterly side line of Richmond street to the westerly line of Outiot "It," A. 1 Miner's Addition, which said Or dinance is hereby referred to ami made a piri 01 tuts resolution, ami, Whereas, the council of said citv did on the idtli day of May. mi 1. appoint three persons possessing tlie pnier tpisl ilicatlotis prescribed bv charter as view ers to view ami assess benefits and dam ages, and. Whereas, said viewers, nfler liavitix viewed said promised street, made their report, and said rejKjrt having been re ferred njraiii to said viewers for further consideration, and they falling to rcisirt further; now. therefore. It is Resolved by the city of St. Johns that A. V. Davis, I 11. Chambers ami Wul terhpeed, three disinterested freehold ers of the city of St. Johns, and jHissess- nie uie iuaiiucniionst! jurors 01 tne cir cuit court of Multnomah county, be ami they ami each of them are hereby ap Kiinteil as viewers to assess the damages and benefits to the respective lots.bloekH and parcels of laud prowscd to be con detuned in the promised opening ami widening of said street, ns aforesaid, as well as the benefits of proierly jmrtlcu larlv benefited thereby, and that inch of said viewers shall iiuallfy as provided bi section 83 of the charter of the city of St. Johns nt the hour of to o'clock n. in.. October 10, 1911,11111! proceed toussei the damages ami benefits ns prescribed in Sections H2-S3 of said charter. Adopted by the council September 36, I9H. 1'. A. RICH, Recorder. rubllshcd In the St. Johns Review 011 Sept. 39 nml Oct. 6, 1911. Notice of Cost of Improvement Notice Is hereby given that the assess ment for the improvement ol Portland Isiulcvanl from Thoinisoii street lo Hruce street, the whole cost of which is fS,.7o.to, was declared by OiillnanceNn. UN, entitled "An ordinance dec ar nv the cost of Improving Portland IkiuIc vurd from Thompson street to lliucc street, and assessing the proicrty Ikjiic filed thereby, declaring such assessment ami directing the entry of the same in the docket of city liens." The coil of said Improvement Is levied llisin all the lots, parts of lots and uir- eels of land within the Ixmndarle of the district described us follows: lletweeu the westerly side line of TIiouiikoii street and the easterly side line of lliuce street In the city of St. Johns. A statement of wild nsftcMiicul has been entered ill the docket of city Ileus nepiciuocr 37, 1911, ami sain assciwuicni Is now due and Payable ut the office of the iccordernl the cltv of St. lohns. Or egon, mid will be deliiiipieut ami bear iiiieresi niter wanner 7, 1911,111111 II not pild on or before October 27, 1911, pro ceeiliuus will be taken for the collection of the same by Nile of proctty as pin- vnicn uy uie cny dinner. 1'. A. KICK, Recorder. Published hi the St. lohns Review on September 39 nml Oct. 6, 1911. Proposals for Street Work Sealed proixttals will lie received at the office of the Recorder of the City of St. Julius until Oct. 17th, 1911, at ti o'clock p. 111., for the Impioveiiieut of Idlison street from the easterly Hue of Purling ton street to westerly line of Richmond street, III the manner piovideil bv oriliitance No, .(29, subject lo the piovls ions oiiue cuarter ami oMiumiices 01 tin City of St. Johns, mid the estimate of the City engineer, 011 file. The engineer's estimate of the proUi ble total cost Is f 7.347.23. Illds must be strictly lu accordance with printed blanks, which will lie furu ishiHl 011 application at tlie officii of the Recorder of the City of St. Johns. And said improvement must be completed on or before 60 days from date of the hist taihlicatloii of notice of kohmmU of hhM work. No proiMMthi or bids will be wm4drd iiuIism aeH)inwnleil by m certlfle.1 chwk myaiiie to tlie ornor ot tne .Mayor 04 tlw Citv of St. lohns, certilUNl y h rpH sibfe Isiuk for an amiHint Miual to Inn ir cent, of tlie Hucnuato pnnssHl. nml Minds to the amount ol the eoulmel price will m rtNpiirtsl. The right to rejsH't any mid all I4il is hereby ruMirvwl. liy ordsr im tlie City Couuctl, I'. A. RICH, ResiirilW. I'lildinlieil In the St. Joints Review oh Sept, 39, Oct. 0 and 13. 191 1. LOW ONE WAY FARES TO AM, POINTS ON Daily Until October 15th !mlfflili Alexandre Dumas, famous novel. Greatest multiple reel story since the Tale of Two Cities. Two Full Reels 2000 Feet TODAY FRIDAY Multnomah Theatre e recorder of the city nf St. lohns. nd said improvement mtut lie coui leted on or before 60 days from the last jiuhllratiou of notice 01 projiosaU for in worK, No proosalsorbids will be coiiiidered iless uccouipinled bv u certified check yable to the order of the mayor of the itv of St. Johns, certified by a rustsmsi- ble hank for an amount equal to ten jier cent, of the aggregate proxta. The right to reject any mid all bids is hereby reserved. Jly order of the council. V. A. RICH, Recorder of the city of St. Johns. Publislitsl iu the St. Johns Review Sept. 29, Oct. 6 and 13, 1911. center ol sain street, s-ilil iiiHcuuam to lie ten inches deep iu the center and eight incites deep ou either side; hitch riuus to lie placed iu curb us directed by the city engineer. Tlie city recorder sliull ive notice by publication for not lew than three in kcrtions iu tlie St. lohns Review, tlie of ficial uewi.iwiH.-r, inviting proposal for loaning sain improvement. NUU improvement sliull in all resisjcts 1-KOM be done and completed iu conformity with the provisions of Ordinances No. 160 and 192 except as otherwise provided ill tills ordinance; all work to be done under the direction and mis.t visiou of thecitj engineer. That the cost of said improvement klwlt be uteMed auuliut the property iu Yellow coninlexion. niiiinlas ami I the local improveuiuiit district as dos- disriKitritiK bleuiishes ou the face or 8cri,HMJ M,M T.'lut.io" I""1 ,i,"iU,,, . , . , ... f 1 .. , ...-. as aud declared to be laical Improve- uusiy tun ut rui im ui uy uuuiuiiiiK MB,t )ttriet ,V the liver, which is torpid. HJvRH- INIv is a powerful liver correctatit. It purifies the .system, stimulates the vital organs ami puts the body in fine, vigorous condition. Price 50c. Sold by St. Johns Pharmacy. O " Not the label on your paper, by , 74- the council the prov Sept. 36th, mayor Sept. 26th, Tasked lot 1 Approved liy 19(1. k. c. couch, Mayor. V. A. RICir, City Recorder. I'uljllihwl iu the St, Juhug Review un Kept. 39, 19H. Attet: Chicago ?33.oo Ciiiciiuinti 37. yo Milwaukee 31.50 St. I,oui.s. .33.00 New York 50. 00 Detroit . . . 38. 00 From other luistoru points portion. St. I'ntil. f 23.00 KnusnsCity 23. o Uiutihn . . 35.0X) Dcs.Moiiu 37,85 Inditinap. 35.65 Denver. . . 25,00 in pro Tell your friends iu the ast of this opportunity of moving wotd fit low rules. Direct train scrvicu vui Hurlitigtoii Route, Nortlturn I'nciflc Great Northern and "North Hank" lilies. You can deposit with ma and tickets will be furnished coplo in the cast. Details will be furn ished on reiptust. 0. M. CORNIHJ,, Agent V. Jv. COMAN, O. K. & P. A,