St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 22, 1911, Image 2

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Published Every Frldny
At 117 West Burlington Street.
Tun Rkvirw Is entered nt post office
In Snlnt Johns, Oregon, as mail Jimttcr
of the second clnss under the Act o( Con
gress o( Mnrcli 3, 1879,
Offlciil Kewipaper of the City of Ot Johns,
All siltfrtUIng bills pnyfttU flrit o( ecb
Advertising ratpn, $1.00 per Inch per month.
Subscription prlco $1.00 por year
Hitulitliic is somewhat .slow in
taking hold of Philadelphia street
Rushlight, despite the spiteful
criticism of one or two Portland
clcrtiyiiieii mid would-be moralists,
promises to make one of the best
mayors thnt the city has ever pro
If some men would devote ns
much time mid attention to their
own wife ns they do to some other
fellow's, their own wife would be n
whole lot better off, and so would
the other fellow's wife. J5x. And
the divorce courts would not have
to work so much overtime to clear
the docket.
It hns been suggested thnt the
new ferry bont to lie installed by
the county commissioners in the
near future should appropriately be
named the "K. C. Couch" in hon
or of one who has done more than
any other citizen to secure a free
ferry. This honor is fully deserved
and could not be more worthily be
stowed. While a city heating plant would
no doubt lie a fine thing for the
city of St. Johns, yet upon inves
tigating condition cloudy it is
somewhat doubtful if it would piove
Kirticiilnrly profitable at present on
account of the ruthcr scattered ur
iiiugciuctit of the various residenc
es and places 01 business. The time
will soon lie rlK however, when it
would prove an excellent invest
ment. The ar)earance of the city
will be greatly enhanced when all
the unsightly wood piles that now
adorn the buck yards of homes and
heaped around the public institu
tions and business places have be
come a thing i tlie past, which
would happen when a heating sys
tem has been installed.
It is diilicult to see how President
Tit ft 'h i.VKXJ-inile swing around
the circle can end in anything but
a sorry sectacle for hiimclf. If he
tells the jieople the truth about
how he voted ami vetoed the lion
uM attempt of both brunches of Con
gress to reduce the cost of liv
ing in this country; how upon tak
ing ollice he filled his cabinet with
iiiuii connected with the law break
ing trusts, and how he tried and
nenily succeeded in giving Alaska
nwiiy to the land gmblivrK, he will
dincredit himself. If Mr. Tnft jug
glut! the facts in the slightest degree
thu iuiiiiiueutK. swinging along hi
(mil, will point out his inisrvpreheu
ttttioiiM with such truth mid logic
thnt thu president will In? more dis
ci edited than if he had remained at
home. The record of the Tnft nil
ministration is one that cannot be
dubnted with any credit to the
the piesldcut- Mr. Tnft has him
self to blame, together with such
men as Aldrieh, Penrose, Guggen-
lieini and Lodge, to whose nd vice he
listened exclusively.
Dixie Jubilee Singers
Library Notes
Hughes' Oriktiiml Dixie Jubilee
Siugurs will npiienr in llickuer hall
Saturday evening, Sent. 30, utidei
thu miiutces of the V. P. S. C. It
of thu Chriatiau church. Seats re
sui veil kiuI on me ttt Cidef Hros
Thu singers arc comiHwed of foiu
Indie ami four gentlemen, all it it
inu in music. Dr. J. Whitcouil
Hrougliur lias tlie following to say
ruguuliiig tliem: " 1 lie program
was received with trcmeiious eu
tlmsiasm; completely captivate
thu audience; hic uitists; have rich
nialadiou voices and know how to
use thum; large crowd voted uiinu
moiuly their endoiheuieut and in
vitud them to come again." They
give their entertainments nt the
loading chatitaiupiuK all over the
country and are. invHrinbly received
with euthiisiHsm. 1 hey arc sing
eis of the highest order and will
sing a milliner 01 tlie out songs as
wull us iiiauv new ones. They are
typical witty, fun-loving, mirth
jirovoking darkies. Secure leservet
sent bufore they are all taken.
llnrry Kilkenny was oaru in
Montana in June, iSgo. and was
killud in ruilioud accident near
niiDiiru, wasii., cpi nun, was
ai yunrs, 3 mouths and 3 days old.
Hu had been woi king 011 the Mt.
Hood pipe Hue all summer and
was on his way to Seattle to work
on n pipe Hue there, lie leaves a
mother, four brothers and one sister.
Funeral was held in Blackburn's
chapel Thursday nt 3 p.m. nnd in
turiuent mnde in Columbia cetue
tury. o
The M. W. of A. will give a
competitive (Irill at Columbia Uni
versity, Columbia Pnrk, this (Fri
day) evening. All tlie Uegrca
Utoms of Multnomah county will
partiaipato. The public cordially
invited to attend. Admission free.
Open 1 lours: 2:30 105:30 nnd 7 to 9:30 p. in
Atkinson's Sign Painting Up to
Now A complete maimul ot the
art of sign painting, containing 06
designs or layouts and accompany
ing color notes, 75 ulphabets em
bracim: all standard styles, the Ir
modifications and alternates, com
prehensivc text covering all prac
tical phases of the nrt for every day
reference in the shop.
We have had some difficulty in
securing satisfactory books for sign
naiuters. The above nnined book
is now in the reading room tempo
rarity, for inspection. If it metis
with approval it will be purchased
especially for St. Johns. As it is
an expensive book, the library docs
not wish to purchase It unless it
will be used. If you are interest
ed come and look it over.
About 80 new juvenile books
were received the first of the week.
Arthur I.curs is acting as nies-
senuer. at present, netweeii me
rending loom and the main liutury
The reading room is proud of its
new neighbors, the Roy Scouts,
The Scouts arc among the most ap
preclative and considerate users of
the librnry.
The new furniture in now com
pleted and adds much to the con
venience of the room. Hereafter
look for back numbers of magazines
in the window corner cupboards.
They will be kept out of sight for
the sake of ncatuess.but still at your
service for the reading room, or for
circulation. Watch the table under
the shelves for. new books, for the
monthly library bulletins and for
lists of books on various subjects,
book marks, etc. They are for
free distribution to any one inter
The more adveiituioua spnits
in the aiuiaritim are now kept 111
bounds by a wirescreeii top. 1 Ills
was considered advcableafteroueol
the turtles and n cruyli-di were fount'
ttrolllug about the Miliary.
The Three Musketeets is soon ti
oe presented at the
l'lieatre. Call for
piepare youiself to
the piettucs.
the book and
undeistand the
The Boy Scouts
The past week hits been it led
letter in the history of the St. Johns
Hoy Scouts. The public as it be
comes better acquainted with the
beiieliceut nature of the scouts win k
is taking a deeper interest in the
The rainy season opening up so
early seriously interfered with out-
loor work nnd necessitated winter
piarters for the boys. A commit
tee united upon Dr. McChesney to
iscertuiu what the two nortli imse-
meiit rooms under his brick block
u Jersey could be rented for. Af
ter it moment's thought the doctor
gave the boys the use of these two
rooms rent free. It fairly took the
committee's breath nnd the boys
think if the doctor had 11 bigger
heurt he would have to went" a ling
er overcout.They did not know how
to better express then grntllicntlou
thnn to elect Dr. McUiesuey phy-
icinu and surgeon of the St. Johns
troop, which they did by n miaul-
inons vote nt their Wednesday
night meeting.
The mutter of lights wns the next
consideration and they turned to
city fathers for reliel and were very
promptly and cheerfully met and
granted the lights. A vote of thnnks
was extended the city law milkers
and the boys are determined to be
worthy of these kindnesses.
The scouts nre having the rooms
wiretl nuil lighted and will build
their own furniture mid fixtures
which will be n part of their winter
work. A number of lite scouts
have been hopping the hops, but
are returning nnd taking up tliei
school word. Scoutmnster.
Genuine bargains In hotues nut
lots. M. C. Sotile, 507 No. Jersey
R. H. Mclutire has been 011 the
sick list for the past ten days, an
injured leg giving him much trouble
Misti Corn I.auiar of Hustings,
Mich., is n guest nt the home of her
old time friends, Mr. and Mrs. A,
C. 0 ussier,
Undies nnd Gents, when in
need of up-to-date footwenr do not
forget that we huve what you want
Johnstone s toggery.
Judge K, P. Wicker, of Knlnmn,
directed the funeral of Walter Hi
nas on Tuesday in the absence of
Undertaker Hlackburn.
Por Rent Cozy, furnished home,
4 rooms, i.arge kttcneu wtut range
Inquire at house, 633 North Port
hind boulevard W.C.Wulker. 46tf
The real estnte firm of Mclutire
& Soule hns been dissolved, the
alter taking over the business. Mr.
Mclutire retires 011 account of ill
The death by drowning of Walter
Riuas wns it particularly snd one.
Out of n family of tun children, but
two nre now left to the griuf .strick
en paruiiU.who have thu sympathy
the whole community.
Stories of Success
A 1 1 through
life, whether at
sixteen or sixty,
l'hlllp V. Arm
our was up with
the sun, and the
linblt was never
nuntnd. At sev
enteen ho sot
out for Califor
nia, walklnu
nearly all tho
way, nnd when
ho arrived his
money was prac
tically exhaust
ed, llo studied
the ooDortunlttes. and Inntcaa or
illKRln for Kold ho dint illtclies ror
men who had mines, hut no water.
Ho worked hard, lived carefully,
snd wasted not a poiiny. Vh',n
ready to return homo ho had Inlil
jy a snup; sum. Once, when nskod
what was tho turning point In hln
enreer. ho replied: "The tlmo when
I hoKan to savo what I earned at
tho ttold lloldBj thrift and economy
hud much to do with my success."
Tho Htronrj point Is ho saved. Hav
ing Is what counts. You can open
nn account nt tills hank with a dol
lar or more, nnd ndil to It as much
or an little an you can. When onco
you havo started an nccount. you
trill takg jrldo In scclnu' It irrow.
St. Johns, Oregon
A. K. Joints, Vice President
P. P. Dhinkhk, Cashier
C. U. IU'SSHl.i., Ass't Cashier
Mir, I
A Quartered Table nnd six
Solid Oak Chairs to mutch, for only
A Quartered Oak, serpentine front
Dresser with 2.jx,i,o lievel plate inir
ror, only f 18.00.
1 1 cater
The Opal Healer lias
both' of Wellsville polisliet
steel, is cast lined, tucl
trimmed, lias large square
door and swing top.
St. Johns Furniture
"Cash or Credit"
More Tliau Skin Deep
More thnn 11 skin snlve is ucedet
to cure piles permanently.
Don't be disappointed if you fail
to get a lasting cure of piles with
salves. The cause of piles is more
than skin tleep. It is sluggish flab
by veins pockets filled with bat!
llein-Roid, n tablet tonic remedy
is taken iuwnrdly, nets on the cir
dilation mid cures nil kinds of pile
5i for 2.1 (lays' .supply at St
Johns Pharmacy and nil druggists
Dr. I.eonlinrdt Co,, Station U, nulla
lo, N.Y., mail 11 free booklet.
Mow Is Your Title?
llnve your iiDstnicts made, con
tinned or examined at the Peniusu
In Title, Abstract nnd Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H. Henderson, Manager, 120 Nortli
Jersey street.
Classy, snappy, up-tO'date fall
hats, caps, neckwear, to be had at
the Toggery.
You eet full weight and first
quality ut tho Central market, Just
try awhllo.
Undertaker A. II. Hlackburn re
turned from Seattle Wednesday
morning with the remains of llnrry
Kilkenny, killed in a railroad acci
dent nt Auburn, Wash., Sunday,
While in Seattle, Mr. Hlackburn
purchased 11 handsome black funer
al car for use In lits imsiuess here.
Yellow complexion, pimples und
disfiguring blemishes 011 the fnce or
body can be got rid of by doctoring
the liver, which is torpid. llhKH
INK is a jK)werful liver correctant.
It purifies the system, stimulates
the vital organs uud puts the body
in fine, vigorous condition. Price
50c. bout uy bt. Johns I'harinncy.
Girls' nnd Roys' school shoes
(the bast of the good ones) the
loggury hns them.
Note the label on your, paper.
Two Offices
Holbrook Block St. Johns
t'hutie Culiiinbla 1 ,
142 Killingworth Avenue
Wooillawn tiii
First National Hank building.
Physician and Surgeon.
Day & Night Ofllco In McChcsnoy blk.
St. Johns Oregon.
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. I)
Residence, G97 Dawson Street
Onicc, Plltor Hlock.
University Purk, Portland, Oregon.
First Notional Hank UulldlnR
McDonald Huilding
Transfer and Storage
Wo dollver your Kooda to nnd from
all pnrta of Portland, Vancouver. Linn
tun, Portland and Suburban Exproua
Co., city dock nnd all tralnta accessible
by wagon. Pluno and. furniture moving
It It tvoolved liy tlie city ol .St. Johns,
Thill u'licicn, piitMi.iut In n plan to
slaiillull mill Have K.t titi'il by Mliltno.
mil county. Orfgon, u tree ferry on tin?
A il ii'ih He river, opixMite the eity ol
-.t . Jo in-. iIih l..Kii..itvc A-nciiilily ol
i. Htiitt- 01 Oregon did ut tin nguliir
hmuii lii I lu' yi-nr 1911 ww Hoime Hill
i 13I, ilii'li r I j, K'ltloii 1, lawn of
I'll 1. nutlioiuiiig mill directing wild
.Miiltnoiiiiili comity to eoimtrui't mid op
erate Mich it ferry, prnvldi d the city of
St. Johns did acquire mid tliereilfter
trmixfcr to Mill Multnomah county, Die
gnu, the ferry ulliis, (xmtouun mid np
lim.iehos tlietuto, then owned by (he .St.
Johns TraiiKrtntlou Company, u private
coiMiriitloii, mid,
Whereas, pumuitnt to Hit plan of per
forming all acts required of It in the
prcjiiiscH, the wild city of St. Johns, Ore
gnu, did cull it H-ciat election, us pro
vided by Oidliiauce No, 357, mid nt Mich
election the Issuance of umulclul bonds
was duly authorized fur the iurKisc of
.icquiritiK the property mentioned in will
IIoiim! Hill No. lyH, chapter 1 5, ncctlon 1,
lawn of 1911. That s lid ImxiiU having
now been Mild, and tlie mild city of St.
loluiH liavlue heretofore acquired title to
the nforetwilil property of the St. Johns
Transportation Compinv; therefore be it
KeNolvcd, Thai the mayor and record
r of the wild city of St. Johns, Oregon,
he, ami they arc hereby, authorized, di
rected mid requited to at once enter into
mid Mu.11 any mid all contracts (or mid in
behalf of Mild city, at shall he required
to convey to the said Multnomah coun
ty, Oregon, any and all the properly for
merly owned by tlie Mid ht. Johns
TrnnHirlatlm eoiu)auy, ns shall be uev
esry and requisite to" carry into effect
the miixvm.h of the wild Mouse Hill No.
I S, Chapter 15, Section i.I.uwsof 1911,
and of the Mid Ordinance No. 337 of the
city of St. Johns, Oregon.
Adopted by the council September 19,
1911. 1'. A. KICK,
Published in the St. Johns Review on
Sept, tt mid 39, 1911.
Christian Church Sunday school
10 n. in., I'renchiiiK 11 rt. 111. and
7:30 p. in., C. H. 6:30 p. in. Jun
ior ICndenvor 3 p. in. Kverybody
invited to nil service. Taber
nacle corner New York nnd Leon
ard streets. A cordial invitation is
extended to all, J. R, Johnson,
I jnUWMUUUL I uui z
This store is the only one in St. Johns that sells groceries exclusively.
Therefore, we arc in a position to keep our stock fresh and the best
that can be secured. No stale or poor quality of anything is kept on
hand. Fair and courteous treatment and prompt delivery are at
your command. Give us a trial, if not already a patron.
AAA AI J. I If 1 fA A
- 111 vvesi ouriinqion CDireei v
CAMP 773 VV. 0. VV.
Meets uv.
cry Wed
11 o s d a y
ev o n I n a
I n Hick
tier's Hall
Mrrts vrrr Krlsy nlaht t
0 I, W II 1 1(1. K Al I, W, U. 11
r. ,,ti ., ... .
c mi..
w. c. Aiont ov. r. c.
A.W.IICKIC, k. n.
No. 18G I. O. 0. r".
.sr. ioiiss. oitrr.ON
Meets each Mund.iy umjiiIi.k in Odd Fill
lows' 1 nil, ut B:oO. Viuiturs welcomed.
OOHir lODliC NO. 132
I', and A. M.
Iti'jruhir ci)iuiniinlcatloni
C 011 Arst mid third Wed-
uusdiivit of each month
in Odd follows' hall
Vlrltorn widrorni'.
Central Market!
Sec us for I lie Choirrst Cuts o!
the Hcst Mttnts Obliiinnblo.
Order TIIUil nnd r.milly Trniic .Snlxllrit
T. P. WARD. Proprietor.
St.Johns Laundry
Thoroughly equipped for all kinds
of laundry work nnd
Up-to-date in every respect,
Prompt and efficient service uuttr-
atiteed. Your patronage solicited.
Ilrlug In your job prlnlliiK while
you think or It. Don't wnlt until you
arc entirely out. Wn nro equlppttd
to turn out neat nnd tasty jirlntlny
promptly nt Portland prlcos or less.
Even Children Can Operate It With
Perfect Safety
The Klectric Radiant Toaster is such u simple device that
even children can operate it with perfect safety. This toaster is
ns Scientific us it is Safe and Simple. It makes Scientific Toast
becntise its radiant heat forces the i.lxolulcly necessary chemical
change in the bread. This menus Pet feet Toast in any degree
thnt pleases Your individual taste Toast indigestible as it is de
licious. Time retpiiied; Ions than two minutes. Cost per slice:
the uiettst fraction of a nut.
lu addition to'its utility nnd economy, the Klectric Radiant
Toaster is distinctly unique and orniiinenial. Yon can operate it
any wheie in the house while there is an ordinary lighting socket;
just attach the plug, turn the switch, and almost Instantly the
coils become radiant with a cheerful glow on the shining porce
lain base.
After you hove used the Hiectiio Radiant Toaster one time,
you will follow thousands of others in saving, "Why haven't I
had this Toaster before?"
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
7th and Alder Street
fnr vnnr Slnvn F.Ytnms
H Ha for your Doors and Windows
U UU fnr H iir Qnnrinri ttmnlt
iui )(,ui oniiurju i inioii
5X Panel Doors 2 ft, 8 in, x 6 II, 8 In. x I 3-8 ln $1,35
So.oo delivered $5.00 delivered
Trimmings $3.00 Block Wood $4.00 load
tJlSf" & (uioc num nlfimijft Itfrus it little in ilje Imult
A Wealth in Training
While the plan of putting aside a dollar n week will not of
itself make you a matt of wealth, it is nevertheless true that there
is no better training for the young mutt or woman just forming
life habits.
If carried 011 for several years, the plan of banking a part of
the earnings becomes ait excellent habit, for it means you have
mastered your expenses and expenditures and are living on less
than you earn.'
Any business man will tell you the value of this habit as well
as the value of having a reserve set aside for emergencies.
With money in the bank there comes a feeling of independ
ence, life is more enjoyable and your business success is not mere
ly a possibility, but a probability.
We would not urge you to start an account with this bank
were we not positive that the advantages of such an account are
greatly in your favor.
The Peninsula Bank
Capital, paid up' - - - $50,000.00
Surplus Fund - - - - 7,000.00
l'RUn Q, KNAl'P, Vice President
STANTON I,. nOWK, Assistant Cashier
: lumber:
Slabwood I
I Rough, Prompt Drj,
Dressed, Deliveries. Green,
t Flooring, Quality Blocks,
t t?:..:i. n...m,Wii,i 'p.
L'luiati. viiuwuiiivcu.
Phone Richmond 131
I H. HENDERSON 122 jccyst.
I Real Estate, Loans, insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
Undertaker and Funeral Director
Representing Portland Marble Work, Estimates furnished for all kinds
of monuments, vaults and coping work. If you are thinking of having
anything done in this line, cull at mv office and talk it over.
Phone Columbia 283 Eutt Burlington Street, St. Johns, Oregon
Mid-summer CUT PRICK sale on wall paper to make room for
new patterns.
Not wishing to carry any mowers over 'til next season we have
reduced the price. Buy now and save money.
Get our prices on garden hose before buying as we have the
right price. 54.00, 55.00, $5.50
Serrurier Hardware Co.