JllMcrtlcai Society ST. JOHNS REVIEW IT'S NOW UP TO YOU To mbKf Itx fur THIS Paper All Hit ntwi while lllinewtli our moltd, Call In and enroll QGT IN THE HABIT Oridv.fll.ini In THIS Paptf and you'll ntttrrtirtt II. Ilf I In atonctand k.iprUhl at It - - Devoted (o (he Intereitf of (he I'enlniula, the Manufacturing Center ot (he Nortliweit ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 191 1. vol,. 7 NO. .15 Quite a Storm A Chance for the Boys Library Notes Council Proceedings Free Ferry Elusive Thinks It Is Easy Bargains in Real Estate Tliat Oregon 1ms n few surprises up its sleeve nml cmi do tilings out of (lie ordinnry when it ileenis tlie occasion titispiciotis wns fully dem onstrated Monday evening. A thunderstorm such ns the oldest In habitant confesses he never saw be fore In Oregon swooped down upon us. Accompanied by gusts of wind and ruin, the lightning Unshed In termitcntly and the thunder roared during an hour's bombardment. It had nil the car marks of a genuine old Eastern thunderstorm with the agreeable exception that the light ning wns distant and not uucom foitahlv close to the city. It sue cessfullv removed all traces of homesickness from late residents of the Eastern states. A few minutes nfter the fireworks subsided ami the rain ceased the night was beautiful and the atmosphere woudrously clear nnd pure. The electric dis play and the reverberations of thun der were greatly enjoyed by those who had the temerity to stay out In it, but it is said that a few of the "wehfoots" were almost scored to death, and could not be induced to crnwl out from under their beds, where they had sought refuge, un til long nfter the storm had passed. Great Industrial Center Dr. J. R. Wcthcrbee, chairman of the Portland Civic Improvement I.euguc, in discussing Architect Bennett's comprehensive plan for an ideal city in Sunday's Oregonlau bus the following to say that is of special Interest to the people of St. Johns: "One of the most important feat ures in the proposed development is the extensive improvement of Port laud's harbor. Swan Island Is se lected as the first important loca tion for public docks. It is planned to construct slips both on the Island and the main laud, to widen nnd deepen the channel nnd to provide for deep wnter facilities on (he flats bordering the Columbia River north of St. Johns. Here nil (he main railroads entering the city from the east and north will center on easy grades nnd will have easy Inter change with water shipping. This section of the city will become the great industrial center of Port laud." Authorities 011 "the manufacture of furniture assert that Grand Rapids alone sends 5,000,000.00 worth of furniture to the Pacific coast every year, nnd yet we have in Oregon a number of factories which nre manufacturing furniture of the highest grade nt prices us low or lower than those demanded by the Grand Rapids manufactur ers. Oregon has many hard woods capable of being made into good furniture and Portland has a hard wood mill which is dressing Siber ian oak, l'iji mahogany nnd other woods which are lciug manufact ured by Oregon furniture factories Into furniture of the highest grade. If the people of this state would in sist on having "Made in Oregon" furniture, this one industry alone would keen hundreds of thousands of dollars in the stnte which now goes to Hastem furniture manufac turers every year. This Is just one example of what the "Made in Or egon" movement will do for this state, and there are mauy others. Senator Bourne announces he has the appointment of one principal and three alternates to (he United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. Arrangements have been made whereby Dr. V, T, Foster, presi dent of Reed Iustltute, will direct the qualifying examination. Ex inations will be held Saturday, October 14, nt 9 a. m. at the Reed college building, Eleventh nnd Jef ferson streets, Portland. Candi dates must be be(weeu the ages of 16 and aoand will be given a strict physical examination in addition to the men(ul (est. Candidates will be "examined in the following sub jects: English, United States His tory, geography, arithmetic, alge bra and geometry. Dr. Frauk I,oxley Griffin, professor of mathe matics in Reed College, will assist Dr. Foster in the qualifying tests. If you want to see a most pleas ing sight, take a walk down Phila delphia street from Hayes to Edi son. The improvement is almost completed, but few people realize what a splendid and beautiful street it is getting to be. There is not a thoroughfare in Portland that can compare with its rare beauty aud slghtliuess. It is worth anyone's while to take a look at it. For Insurance see F.W.Valentine The small boys of this city will have a way to make their pocket money this fnll by harvesting a new kind of crop. The forest service of the United States department of nurictilture will collect several tons of cones of the Douglas or red fir, from which the seed will be taken. These will be planted in vnrious Nntionnl Forests In Oregon where the timber has been burned. Al bert K. Wiesendanger of the Unit ed States forest service lias exam ined the cone crop about the city and has found n very large quan tity on the trees. The cones will rinen between September 1 and 1 September 20 and during this time It is expected that every fir tree for miles around will be stripped of its new crop of cones. The small boy may earn from $2 to $3 n day pick ing cones. The cones when picked will be deliveted to the O-W R. & N. de pot, where the Forestry department will handle them aud send them to Wycth, Oregon, where there is a eovcrnmcnt dryer. Here heat is applied nnd the cones will open and drop their seeds, hurther purlieu lurs regarding the collection of cones may be obtained from I.outli ers Mercantile Co. Buys in St. Johns James Cole of the firm of Cole & Cole, attorneys, has purchased u 50x100-lot on Jersey street In St. Johns from W. F. Sllne for n con sideration of $10,500. The lot is Improved with n practically new one-story brick building, designed so as to contain three store rooms, nnd wns sold through the agency of the Realty & Trustee Co. The projcrty Is located in the business center of St. Johns nnd is one of the most desirable prop erties in our sister city. It yields 11 fnir return on the purchase price nnd will be held ns nil Investment -Abstract. Some of those who thought to get next to nature's heart and nt same time eat 11 11 few sheckles in the hop fields the past two weeks received rather scurvy treatment from (hat good Dnme nnd Jupiier Pluvius, It rained almost every day nnd (here wns very little pick ing, A number went without tents nnd had no shelter. Two women aud a tin v baby, in cue instance, were obliged to spread their blank ets on a pile of brush aud sleep in in the ruin. A number of families have returned (o St. Johns, E. I.. Perkins, who has been dis pensing hardware on Hurlingtnu stree( for (he past three years, Into ly with the Surrierer Hardware Co, , lias changed his base of operations and is now the obliging and efficient assistant nt the St. Johns Hardware store on Jersey street. This hus tling firm is to be congratulated upon securing his services, ns few in the city lias more friends or know more about the hardware bus iness than E. I.. I. Badger and wife left this week for Lincoln, California, .where they expect to locate permanently. Mr. Badger goes on account of his wife's i health. and in order that she may be with her daughter, who lives at that place, He will likely return soon in the iuterest of his ball bear ing hub. They were very loath to leave St. Johns, for which they have a deep and lasting affection. Mothers who spend the night with a sick baby appreciate the help they get from McGEE'S BA BY ELIXIR especially in hot weather. It quiets the fever aud irritation, soothes the stomach, checks the bowels aud helps both mother and child to obtain sleep aud rest. Price 25c and 50c per bottle.Sold by St. Johns Pharmacy. Mr. J. R. Graden, who is a loco motive engineer, his wife and two daughters, who arrived in St. Johns August 2 1st, for a visit to his fa ther nnd mother, departed for their home in Detroit, Mich., Sept 12th. They were so favorably impressed with St. Johus that they may make it their home before many years. One acre all cleared aud in culti vation on improved street and ce ment sidewalk has water, electric light aud gas; five blocks from postoffice in St. Johns; two blocks from car Hue: Price $2400, $300 cash, balance half yearly paymeuts at 6 per cent. This is better than 80 acres outside. McKinney & Davis, Open Hours: 2:30(03:30 ami 7(09:30 p. in. "You nre worshiping n vision, beautiful only because seen through the haze of ignorance" "When a man is not up on a tiling he s usu ally down on it." Such were the accusations thrown nt each other by two men trying to nrgtie for and against socialism. Neither one would have been applicable if the two men had patronized the library You hnve had your uppetite on the subject whetted by the recent able discussion in the St. Johns Review - remember that the library is the best place to satisfy It. These books nnd others will give you both sides by logicnl thinkers nnd practical doers. Socialism: an examination of Its nature, its s(rcng(h and its weak ness. Richard T. Ely. This Is nn unprejudiced view by n mnii who is not n socinlist, Men vs. The Man Personnl let ters between n socialist and tin In dividualist, ench doing his best to convince the other that his side is the true one. What Is Socialism Kau ffinnn dedicated to John D. Rockefeller and Eugene V. Debs. From the Bottom Up Irvine the story of his own adventurous life, and huw'nnd why he became u socinlist. The Common Sense Socialism Spargo -- a 191 1 book. The Menace of Socialism. Sociulism and Christianity Grant. The Experiment in Milwaukee t What socialism has accomplished nnd where it has failed after a year's triul in Wisconsin's chief city John Collier, civic secretary of the H.'opIe's institute, New York an niticle in Harper's Weekly for Au gust 13. I.IUKAKIAN', Death of Mrs. Cormany Mrs. Myrn Corinany, wife of S. A. Cormany, died nt iter home, 937 Stnfford street, Thursday night of Inst week, and was buried in the Rivervlew cemetery Saturday after noon. Mrs. Cormany wns born in Manchester, Ohio, in 1843,0ml was the daughter of Rev. Foster Web ster, the first Baptist minister to hold services west of the Rocky Mountains. She came with her husband nnd children to St. Johns in August, 1907, residing here ever since. Mrs. Cormany was a great reader, aud while prevented from taking an active part in locnl affairs by deafness in late years, was un usually well posted 011 educational aud political matters. A loving wtfe and kind friend nnd neighbor, she will be sadly missed in her home circle. She leaves n husband, n sou, Cormativ, aud daughter, Mary, nt St, Johns, aud two daugh tersMrs. A. V. Betts uud Mrs. Daisy Thorson, of Belolt, Wis., to mourn the loss of one whose place can never be refilled - mother. Work every Monday night this month, ODD FEIJ.OWS. We put 011 the Degree of Truth in I.nurel now. New regalia, All members in St. Johns in good standing in the or der are invited to come to lodge ev- 1 erv uiulit, wuetlier a member ot I.aurel or not. There is n hearty welcome awaiting you. Two hus ky victims are making the dubious journey this mouth. Come nud help to cheer them on their way, Misery loves company, let's uot neglect them. Secretary. When the bowels feel uncomfort able aud you miss the exhileratiug feeling that always follows a co pious morning operation, a dose of HERBINE will set you right in a couple of hours. If taken at bed time you get its beneficial effect nfter breakfast the next day. Price 50c. Sold by St. Johns Pharmacy. 0 During the height of the electric storm Monday ulght the residence of W. E. Ashby was reported on fire. The fire department made quick tine to the rescue, but the small blaze was extinguished before their efficient help was needed. The damage done, which was occasioned by a defective flue, was practically nil. For Sale 18 acres of land, house, barn, aud other out buildings, fruit and berry land, 1000 cords of wood on the place, half mile from the de pot and river, 32 minutes ride from St. Johns. $600 down and balance in nine years. II, S. Hewitt, 11 24 South Gresham street. Special prices on enamel ware McCabe& Corbet ts. at All members reported for duty Tuesday evening at the regular meeting of the city council with the exception of Aldermen Davis nud Perriue. A communication from ! the county commissioners relative to the free ferry had a most damp cuing effect upon nil. It conveyed tlie distressing intelligence Hint ne cording to the law passed in Feb' ruary, 1911, the time limit hnd ex pired in August, nud thev eoult! not, therefore, see their wov clear to do nnytliinir in the way of a free ferry. The law reads: "That if the city of St. Johns shall within six months nfter the passuge of this net, purchase nnd cause to be trans ferred to Multnomah county, Ore gon, tlie terry slips, etc. 1 lie law passed 011 February 8, ton, nud the six mouths expired August 8, 1911. While the council realized that the time had expired since the passage of the act, yet they had hoped that the county commission ers might construe the wording ol the act to mean six mouths from the time the act became n which was nnoiu 90 unys nuer us passage. Mayor Coucli, who litis done more to secure the free ferry here than any other citizen, believed the only hope or remedy possible before the legislature met in regu lar session wns that ptospects were somewhat bright for holding a spe cial session of the legislature tills full, nccordiug to the dally papers, and if this occur ml the matter could be taken up, uud he believed the time readily extended, nfter the egislntors had been made familinr with the circumstances. A petition for the improvement of Newton street from Portland ooulcvnrd to Hunk street, nn im provement badly needed the coin ing winter, was re id nud n reso lution directing the city engineer to prepare the necessary data for its improvement was adopted on mo tion of Alderman Valentine; nil yes. W. S. I.nutliers nsked for per mission to ky steps 011 the sidewalk lending into his place of busiuesson Burlington street. Referred to the street committee by the mayor. A communication from President F. I. Fuller of the Portland Rail way, Light nnd Power Co. Muted that the construction department had been notified to remove all sur plus dirt aud to place any cross wnlks aud box gutters attached to their share of the Fessendeu street Improvement. This company has ever shown n disposition to meet the demands of the council readily nud promptly. C. E. Whcelock wns granted, on motion of Alderman Valentine, nn extension of 30 days time on the improvement of Edison street, ow ing to the fact that it was impos sible to do the work satisfactorily within the time originally specified by the council; nil yes. The Inconvenience caused by the slow progress on (he improvement of Jersey street was discussed to some extent. Wet weather nml n difficulty in securing proper ma terial when it was most needed has been ascribed ns the cnuse of the delay, Alderman Horsmau moved that the street committee see that contractors provide u crossing over crushed wulk wherever needed for the use of pedestrians and passen gers in alighting from the street cars; all yes. An opinion from the city attor ney reladve (o (he D. J. Horsmau claim for reba(e of $78 by reason of the foct that he had leen assessed for sewer assessment in two differ ent districts, u-hich Mr. Horsmau contends is contrary to the provis ions of tlie charter, was read aud ordered filed. The attorney decid ed that nothing could be done in the matter, that a ruling of tlie su dreuie court permitted of double assessments for sewer purposes, that it was done in nlmost every city of any consequence. Several of the council men aud the mayor admitted that it appeared quite unjust, nud if it were uot for the fact that quite a number of others were in the "same boat" as Mr. Horsmau, would be willing to refund the money. An ordinance providing the time and manner of improving Baltimore street from Edison to Bradford was passed on motion of Alderman Horsmau; nil yes. Ordinances declaring the cost of improviug Chicago street from Jer sey street to Portland boulevard and Fessendeu from Portland boul evard to east city limits were passed on motions of Aldermen Muck aud Valentine; all yes. Mayor Couch spoke of the neces sity of corrugated iron garbage cans being placed at different points along the business district to take care of the waste paper, etc., that now usually finds its way to the streets. Alderman Hill made n mo tion that the street committee Ik: Just when the city authorities imagined they had the ferry propo sition cornered nnd were nbotit to pounce upon it with both feet it eluded their grasp with n gasp of delight. A merry chase it lias been leading the city fathers during the past seven mouths, nnd many at tempts were made to ensnare it, yet it is farther off today than it has been since tlie bonds were voted. The first difficulty nrose when a bonding company witli its leading attorneys in Boston was nwnrded the bonds through the agency of hirst National Bank. These legal lights in the "city of beans" became suspicious of Oregon laws apparently too deep for them to comprehend, after fiddling nwny u lot of precious time, nud refused to accept the bonds on technicalities uot altogether clear to many laymen minds. Almost the entire time allowed by lnw to effect the purchase of the ferry slips nud transfer them to the coun ty authorities wns wasted in at tempting to effect n sale with (his company, which nlwnys wauled just n few days more. I'ourdays before the six month s time limit had expired, Geo. J. Perkins, attorney for the ferry com pany, met with the council nud stnted that he had arranged for the sale of the bonds through the Pe ninsula bank provided the council would pass 11 certain ordinance. This was done, but too many tire- clous minutes weiu lost by the company in taking over the bonds, and (he (hue expired. The word ing ot (lie ferry law gave six montus from the "passage" of the act, yet it wns advised by the bonding attor neys Unit the law would he con strued to mean from the time the act became n law, uud negotiations continued in such a successful man tier thai everything was in readi ness to complete the deal, when the commissioners notified the council Hint they would stick to the exact wording of tlie law, aud could do nothing in the matter without the intervention of the legislature. Therefore, for the present nt least. there is nothing doing in the free ferry Hue. However, there is one small glimmer of hoe. Prospects are nssiimiug n somewhat rosy hue in regnrd to the necessity of culling n special session of the legislature next mouth 011 important business. If this is effected, there is good grounds to expect that the legisla tors will extend the time n few months longer. If the special ses sion is uot called, the free ferry troject will lie dormant for another year. Bents i,l 'Of all Mid word of lonviiie or mi. The Miililin-t itrt- iIim: 'It uiluht have Iweu.' " Later. -Further investigation dis closes the fact that the county com missioners were probably in error in their decision. While the bill rends "from the iKissnge" of the net, it does uot state passage by whom legislators or the people. By virtue of the initiative nud ref erendum nfter n bill passes the leg- slature the wople have three months, we believe, in which to to recall the snme. Until that time ins expired it cannot legally be termed to have "passed." If this f correct, the act s real passage oc curred in May instead of February, which would give plenty of time to complete tlie transfer within tlie time speciiied by the law. 1 he at tention of the county commission- ers will be strongly called to this mint, and we may get n free ferry nfter nil. empowered to secure ten cans nud have them installed where they will do the most good; nil yes. The at torney was directed to look the or dinance up relative to keeping the side walks clean, so that it could be enforced after the cans were pro vided. Complaint had been made that the Sacajawen was occupying too much (lock room too much of the time, making it difficult for other boats to effect a lauding, aud the matter was referred to the street committee for investigation and report on motion of Alderman Muck. A huge electric sign now adorns the front of the Mount Hood Rail way, Light & Power company's office on Jersey street. It reaches clear across the i2-foot sidewalk, contains 290 lights and is highly attractive, especially when lit up at ulght. Sick children need WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE. It not only destroys worms, if there be any, but it acts as u tonic in tlie stomach strengthening nud bowels. Sold by St. Price 25c pur bottle,. Johns Pharmac-y, Editor Review: In last week's paper you begin your leading edi torial with my name nnd follow with n quotation from tlie Appeal to Reason to the effect that "the 1 way for the government to take possession of the railroads is just to take them aud that is nil there is to it." Then you shout "confis cation" and deride my 20 years of I rending in socialism. Now, Mr. Editor, I forbear to use the qualifying adjective which properly applies to the ancient trick of quoting half of n passage to give n meaning directly opposite to what the whole conveys. The sentence following the one you quote says "the amount to be paid for the railroads can be settled later" nud suggests the supreme court ns the nrbiter. Showing that confisca tion is not thought of by this rad ical correspondent. The idea he proposes is not tlie editorial opinion of tlie Appeal. In the number just previous, iu reply to the question ns to how the gov ernment is to obtain possession of the industrial plants, the editor re plies that each case will be decided 011 its merits, and gives three meth ods that may be considered: (1) Purchase, (2) Duplication by build ing new plants. (3) Where there has been fraud nud violation oi law iu acquiring title, confiscation. Personally, I would confiscate some of the millions of acres of land claimed by the S. P. Co., nud pro bably some Guggenheim holdings, nud so would some thousands of go'xl republicans aud democrats. 1 lie next quotation you make is: "There can be 110 absolute title to land." And then you crow:" How ; can a man own a Home without a title?" Verily, a little reading is n dan gerous thing. If you read n little more nloug sociological lines you would understand that statement, which did not originate among the socialists, docs uot refer to condi tions under socialism, but is n state ment of n fact ns it exists right now. Do you own a home? Yesi Have you nn absolute title to it? No I The very government which guarantees your title retains tlie right to tux nud the right of eminent domain oyer the whole, the right to take It when public necessity demands. Spring something that isn't so easy. A. W. Vincent. We did not intend to "deride" the doctor's 20 years of study. In stead, we respect it. Any man who has studied 11 score of years on any proposition is entitled to respect. But the doctor was so positive that Appeal to Reason would uot print anything iu favor of confiscation that the opportunity was too good to be lost. We are charged witli being an "artful dodger." We didn't finish tlie paragraph because it .seemed unnecessary. Tlie writer Muted: "When the (iconic want the rail roads they will just take them and THAT' hlt BE AM, THERE WIU, BE TO IT." If that will be all there will be to it, a qualifi cation farther 011 is unavailing. Doesn't the doctor do 11 little "artful dodging" himself? Theiwrngraph complete reads: "When the jwople wants the railroads they will just take them aud that'll be nil there is to it; the question of compensation CAN be tuken up later, AS IT IS THE LEAST IMPORTANT FEATURE OF THE TRANSAC TION." Confiscate first; perhaps attend to the least important matter of comiKiiisatiou at the convenience of the takers. Yes, least important to confiscatory but most important to the owners, But let us finish tlie article with tlie next uud lust paragraph: "The matter of compensation MIGHT be left to the supreme court after a a socialist president has first up appointed sociulist judges. No one could object to it being left to such uu august body us the supreme court. Sure not." Of course it would be nice to tnke things when we want them nud defer payment until we get ready to pay for them if ever. Nice, but uot right. According to the doctor's letter even the editor of tlie Appeal to Reason is at sea regarding how the government shall take possession of industrial plants under socialism, us lie offers three methods to be con sidered. If the socialists cannot de cide themselves, how can they ex pect those opposed to socialism to decide for them? Docs the editor of the Appeal really know, aud is using three different kinds of bait to catch voters? If he does not, what a wonderful uncertainty the socialists are trying to enmesh the public into! Tlie doctor's idea and ours do not agree upon title to laud, We would sooner have u piece of laud Every one of them you can ".pee ulote 011, ns they nre n few of the undervalues. One ncre. Comer close to Pc- nlnsuln mill, nil iu n fine fir grove, regular picnic grounds.nll clean nud clear from underbrush. Street im provements in and part paid; for1 a short time this can be bought for $2000, $200 cash, balance ns easy ns you want it with 7 per cent in terest. This Is n line piece of land nnd it is worth more money. Some day it will make you ricli if you buy it. Two fine lots on Hayes street, nil street improvements iu and paid. Each 50x100 nnd iu clover, lay high and fine, nu Ideal building spot for two houses or the best of garden laud. For a short time these lots can go for $400 each, $100 down balance easy. If you want n lot Iu St. Johns you won't turn these down. Two lots on car line iu South St. Johns at 11 bargain. Prices 011 ap plication. Two 50-foot lots on Willamette boulevard, 450 each, half wish; lo cated between Mohawk nud Polk. If you nre acquainted with values, you will know these nre bargains. We have two of the best lots iu St. Johns suitable for Hats or apartment houses, These two lots join the postoffice nud can be had for n few dnys for $2300. Street mprovemeuts nil paid for. Terms very easy. About 5550 will Handle. 100x100 on Cm wlord t lint s go- lug to be warehouse property $1575. All kinds of nouses for sale iu all parts of town, on nil kinds of terms. Come nud see us when you wnnt to buy.sell or trade, we can do the business. McKINNEV & DAVIS. subject to taxation than have a piece that belongs to the govern ment subject to removnl therefrom ut the instance of tlie people. It is nil a matter of taste, nuywny, no matter where it originated. es, the government (uud railroads) can now take any laud that public ne cessity demands with this differ ence: The owner receives full com pensation, knows just what he Is going to receive therefor before he is dispossessed. The souialist..wjIt cr says: Take first, pay to suit the taker nfterwnrd. If the editor of Appeal doe tint favor the socinlist writer's view, it is passing strange that iu this Ihiii tier edition of possibly two million copies, going to all jmrts of the country uud among jwople who know little concerning socialism, that iu the same issue lie would not refute the utterances of this "radical" writer. Perhaps he for got to do so jierhnps. Worth Many Dollars The rnlus of Sunday uud Mouduy have been worth thousands of dol lars to this section, and huve pioved of no damage whatever. True hup picking has been somewhat leturd ed and inconvenience has been caused to the piekers who wfie brought to the yards too early, but the outlook now is 11 butter crop by reason of the rain. All vegetation, which was suffering from the long dry spell, has been lieled wonder fully, the ground having received 11 thorough soaking, and bumper fnll crops will be the result. The for est fires have been effectively quenched for this year, and ptolm bly millions of feet of our flue tim ber saved. The Oregon wetUr man can be depended upon to do the right tiling at the right time. Polk County Iteinier. Why Women Suffer Witli piles nud how to find n lasting cure. Constipation is a uio.t frequent cause of the piles. That Is why women suffer more often from pile than men. Indoor work and lack of exercise brings 011 the attacks. St, Johns Phurmucy nud druggists everywhere sell I lem-Roid, nn in ternal tablet remedy lor pile, on the understanding that you cnu have the money back if diswituifiud. $1 for a large bottle. Dr. I.eon hardt Co., Station B. Buffalo, N.Y, mails booklet on request. Aoney to Loan A good thing to know if you iiwhI it to where you can gut money fit nu liuur'a time, 011 uusy iMyineiitH iu amounts of 5 up, 011 nil IduiUof proiHirty. All lnw inew confidential, l'riviitt-olUvu. room 1 llolbrook block ovur Uuvlow gftloe, 43K S. II. Sfitturhm. Wntoli our windows for low prig us. McCnbe & Corbett.