NORWAY'S INCOME TAX. It Rsaofiss All Income In Excess of $83.08 Per Year. How should you like to pay nn In come tax on tit-it to nothing? It you were a Norwi-Klan living ut hotuu and vurulUK $VM n year you would be taxed on one-tenth of It If you were unmarried; on about ouo twcntlctb or it If you wero umrrled and had no children. If you had children you still would bo taxed on oue-lirtleth of it With an Income of fMO n year you would bo taxed if unmarried on moro than half of your income, If mnrrled nud IiuvIuk no .children on about 40 ier cent of your Income, having ono child on about 37 per cent, two chil dren on about 31 per cent Unmarried and having nn Incomo of 12.080 a year In Norway your Income tax payment would bo $421.22; mar ried, with one child. KJSO.IM; married, with six children, 3T5.17. All that you would get off your lncotno tax (marrledi for having six children would be tOO; all that you would get off by having Ove mora children would be $44 and six bltsl Married or unmarried in Norway, you could escape paying an Income tax only by having an Income less than 183.03 a year. Think of paying nn In come tax out or earnings of $7 moothl New Vork Press. THEY PLAYED CHESS. Tha Lour Afterward Learned With out Asking Why Ha Loit. Karon llengelmuller. Hit Austrian diplomat, n man fiitiiiius for his cIu-hs ability, one day nt a liousu In Wash Inglott met n young mini whoso imme bo did not rntch when the Introduc tions were made. Chess was the topic of thu conversation by nil those In the company, and presently the young man suggested dllllilently that he would be highly honored If the baron would play n game with him. Thu baron consented. They as down. After n few moves the baron looked up from the table checkmated and found tho young man rending paper. The chessmen wero placed again and. after not so many moves before, the baron looked up to 11ml tho young man rending tho paper and himself checkmated. After his dinner tho baron came back. Ilo wanted another game, being somewhat chagrined at Hie enso with whlrh he bad been bealen As he rame In he found the young man win had played with 111 it) that afternoon blindfolded and playing against six teen onnonents nt the same time. The youug man was Plllsbury.-Hiitunlay Uvoulng Post Our Sleep. As n rnco wo sleep too little. An Infuut's life U nearly nil sleep. Orad ually as tho child grows older the hours of sleep are shortened to half the day or about eight hours. Youth until the nge of twenty Is reached re oulres fully ten hours' sleep. Although nature demands fewer hours' sleep In summer than In winter. It has been proved that eight hours of sleep nre re quired for the average adult In good health. Ily this, explains the I'ltts burg Dispatch, is meaut not simply eight hours In bed. but that amount of good, sound, restful sleep night ufter night. Our power to work is intimate ly related to our ability to sleep, and there is no moro reliable Indication of sound health tbnn tho capacity to sleep uaturnlly. and the moro active and en emetic tho waking Ufa tho deeper the sleep. Hie LlBht Diet. The actor's sense of humor Is al ways uppermost He will Jest about his bard luck, bis III luck or almost iiuythlng that offers an opportunity for u Joke. Generally, too, ho has cour uge-lhe courage to smile when his heart Is heavy. A comedian, who was known to be In desperate straits, was Invited to u social gaiherlug one even Ing. When the poor actor arrived be was seen to be thinly clad, nlthoiiKh the weather was bitter cold, He look ed also as If bo had not bad nny too much nourishment for some time. The hostess greeted him cordially. "I am so glad to see you," she said -Uoxr well you are looking!" "Yes," replied tho comedian; "the wind has been very nutritious of late" Saturday Evening Post A Kicking Deferred. Aunt Clara (to her young nephew, who has Just brought a bucket Into the parlor where she I slttlngi-U"! gracious. Tommy! What are you a Ing with that bucket? Take It down to the kitchen at once. Tommy-1 want you to kick It. Aunt Clara. 'cause I beard papa saying when you kick the bucket we'd get at the very least 123.000. file Objection. Mrs. Iticbqutck-John, I to buy a new parlor suit quick-Maria. I've been want you Mr Rich agreeable enough so far to get different clothes (or morning, noon, afternoon and night but I'm consarned if I'll change 'em every time I go Into a different room. Brooklyn Life. Her Qln. Mrs. Jones Does your husband re member your wedding anniversary? Mrs. Smith No; so I remind blm of it in January and June and get two presents. Harper's Hazar. Feminine Ideate. I look for tbe day when women will cease to bo Imitative, copying men, but will become completely, perfectly and proudly women. A Woman's Let tar In London Times. REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The following list of legal blanks are kept for sale at this office and others will be added as the demand arises: Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages, Coutracts for Sale of Realty, Bills of Sale, Leases. All these blanks at the uniform price of 30c per dozen. ORDINANCE NO. 423 An Ordinance Declaring the Cost of Improving Buchnn an Street, Between tiic Nor tlicrly Line of St. Johns Heights Addition and the Southerly Side Line of Fes- senden Street, and Assess lug the Property Bcnfitcd Thereby, Declaring Such Assessment and Directing the bntry or the Same in the Docket of City Liens. The city of St. Johns docs ordain as follows: That the council has considered the proposed assessment for ImnrovliiL' llu- clianan street between the northerly line ol St. Johns Heights Addition ami the southerly side of I'cssemlen street, and all objections made thereto, hereby as certains, determines nud declares the whole cost of said improvement In man ner provided by Ordinance No. 374 to be tile sum of f9.085.73, and that the special and peculiar benefits accru ing to each lot or part there of or parcel of land within the as sessment district, by reason of said Im provement nud in just proportion to such iHMiefils, arc in the respective amounts set opposite the number or description of each lot or part thereof or parcel of land In the following annexed assess ment rnll.and said assessment roll, which Is numbered 57, is hereby adopted and approved ns the assessment lor said Im provement, nud the recorder of the cltv of St. Johns Is directed to enter a state ment ot tlic assessment Hereby made In the docket of city liens, nud cause notice thereof to be published ns provided by charter, which assessment is as ioiioms: Lot I.... Illock Addition Amt 33 Point View 11.13 ' 353 2 3.... 4.... .38.83 .39.77 43.93 5. 6 50.83 7 56.37 8 9 59.61 M ......60.46 63.63 61.89 lo II 13 13 .... 63 63.77 63.43 l. .... 15 Id 17 01.07 64,30 67.05 65 39 32,70 36.66 IS 36 .... 35 31 31. 39.93 33 41.4 .V 44.81 31 50.41 3" 51.5 39 8 27 5693 5-73 (il.OJ 61.49 36 .... 35 34 33 33 31 .... 30 61.64 61.17 63,4 1 C1.66 6t.3 67.10 19. I . . 65,31 34 49-5 49.35 2.. 45.31 4.. I57 44.15 44.01 44.3J 45.7 43.7 10 a 375 1 37.51 37-54 1 3 13 14 3S.03 38.4' 1 38.59 37.0 37.31 36.31 36. 35 .31. 49.13 4V.35 34. 33. 33. 31. 45-3 457 44.34 43 79 43.09 43.IJ 43.70 .... 38.39 3. HP 37.. 36.. 35.. 34.. 3-5.S 3S.9 37.5" 37.5" 37.03 37.34 36.40 33.. 33.. 31., 30., 9.. .35. 3.I5 37." 37.4 39.3o ..... .43.01 45.79 5.74 55.11 57.76 o. oi.yj 60.04 58.63 56.68 57-3 53-38 51.58 51.96 50,30 49-09 51.61 5.57 .... 54.13 57.39 56.07 57.30 58.87 61.83 58.64 56.00 51.59 46.33 40.97 36.94 36.91 36.9 36.53 53.7 53.34 59.64 60.75 63.64 !!!!!!64.4? 65.59 64.79 67.30 34.41 54.33 55.49 5.53 53-09 53.96 54-57 34.4 70.71 68.04 67.80 65.34 64.08 63.63 :::::fi 54.66 54.33 55.89 53-69 53-70 3 3 14 1 16. 19 30 it tt 11 ! 33.. 33.. 34.. 25-. 36.. 39. 30 3f. 34 35. 36. 1 , , 36 ....f. 10. IJ.. 14.. 15.. 16.. 17.. 18., ...29...... 19. 30. 33. 34. 35. 26. 37 28. 39. 30. 3. S3.o3 53.63 54.61 Johns.... 126.41 78.45 56.67 113.35 69,67 5".33 3.85 64.47 6.56 106.49 66.10 33. 34. 1.. 3.. 3-. M- 13. 12 1.. a. . 3. 14. 13. 13. , South St, 1 47.73 Caples Tract 374 .30 Osoorn Tract 44S9 Jones Tract 134.71 1 3...Subd. ht. Johns Ills... 7.70 2. " 4.81 3 " 3.84 4 " 2.89 Passed by the council tills 5th day of Ki-titi-iiilii-r. lull. Approved by the mayor this stli day 01 September, 1911, K. L CUUCII, Mayor. Attest: P. A. RICH, Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Review on Sept. s, igtt ORDINANCE NO. 422 An Ordinance Providing (lie Aianncr of Sale and Re demption of Property Sold for Delinquent City Assess ments. The city of SI. Johns does onlniu as loiiows: Section t. That from and after the takinu effect of this ordinance when any property in the city of St, Johns has been duly advertised for sale for dclln (Weill assessment or assessments, ns pro vlded in sections lit and 133 ol the city charter of said city, anil nt such sale when any lot, niece or parcel of laud lias nceii tuny auctioned uy tuc city ircns urer and no bid has been received by shall then be Ids duty at that time to cull "No bid, once; no bid, twice; no bid, thtce times," and should no bid lie then made for sucli proiierty to announce "Sold to the City." The suld treasurer shall then note on Ills sale list as provided In Section 121 of the city charter opKslte the description of tue property so sold mat same 11.1s ueeu sold to City, and nt the close of such sale he shall prepare a duplicate of such sale list in full detail, showing deeil- tlon ol proerty, last known owner, ami present purchaser, or when sold to City (o enter such fact, and any other Item necessary to uc siiowu. ami uic such mi plicate list with the city recorder, who shall extend the same 011 the city lieu dockets. Section a. No certificate of ilcllu niiciicy shall be reuuired from the city treasurer on any nroperty soiii to uuy. ss in mis ordinance provided, mil such certificate shall In all cases be nt once and at the close of Mich side made out and delivered by said tteasurer to the iiersoii or iwrsons entitled thereto, which certuicatc man near interest nun penal ty In accordance with the hid at the time of suit. Kfrtion 1. Tlii- rllv rirmiltr ahull, nt tuc time 01 extending tue sale list 111 tue lien docket, as decrlbcd ill section I of this ordinance: draw scihiratc wurrunts siMliiki the neutral luuiis 01 tite city not otherwise appropriated and III favor of uic rctcciivc street or sewer accounts in amount sullicicnt to redeem nil warrants Issued aunlust protwrty sold to City us In this ordinance provided, lucludiut! costs 01 uiivrriuiug anil sine, logciner wiiii interest on such warrant or warrants at the rate of six per cent ter annum from iiatt 01 warrants to date 01 saic. rro vlded that no property shall be sold for a greater amount than required to pay (IstiiiK Hens against the same, Includ ex ing Interest ami costs of sale, which provision shall extend to all delinquent procny sow, as 111 tins ordinance pro vided. Section .1. After such sale of dcliu- incut iironerlv to the city as herein pro vided, there shall accrue to and for the Use of and benefit of the general funds of Uic city, on the total cost 01 the city 01 such projierty, including costs of ndver tUlug and Side, interest at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum, In udditlou to a penalty of teu (10) per cent calcu lated in like manner, provided that jliould nny such property sold as in this odIuauce provided be redeemed by any owner or agent therefor within three months after dale of such sale, the eual- ty snail nc 5 per cent, Section s. That on the sale of hu v de linquent property as herein provided the owner or ugent therefor may redeem the same at any lime wituiii turee years irom date of sale by paving to the recorder the amount of the original Hen plus all com, penalty ami interest, in accordance Willi original bid. or as provided in Section 4 of this ordinance. On rcccltx of such redemption fund the recorder shall Usue an official receipt therefor and credit the tout sum 01 principal, interest, penalty and co.ts to the general funds of the city. Section 6. All the provisions of this ordinance shall apply with equal force and etfect to collections of iunalliueiitJ and interest on bonded proertv when the same is 30 days past due, except that the amount taken from the general funds of the city to meet cost thereof shall be credited in amounts required to the street bond sinking fund, the street bond in terest fund or general fund, rcsiiectivcly, as the same may require. Passed the council this the 5U1 day of Sept., 191 1. Approved by tue mayor tuts 5111 day f Sept., 1911. IUUI.II, Mayor, Attest; Prank A. Rice, Recorder, Published in the St, Johns Review on cpt. 8, 1911. NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment Notice Is hereby given that apportion ment of the cost oi improving ktllouL' street from Pesseuden street to St, Johns avenue, the total cost of which is 14,131.05, lias been apportioned and is on file in the office of the undersigned, sub- ect to examination. Assessment district extends back to the center of lots, blocks or tracts of land abutting on said street as provided by the city charter and resolutions. Remonstrances against said apportion ment may be made in writing and filed with the undersigned until 5 o'clock p. m. September 3b, 191 1. 1'RANK A. KIUK, City Recorder. Published In tbe St, Johns Review Sept. 8 and 15, 19U. - You get full weight aud first quality at tbe Central market. Just try awhile. RESOLUTION It is resolved by the city of St. Johns urci;oii: 1 lint It deems tl expedient nud neces sary to improve Crawford street from tlie easterly line ol llalttuiore street to the westerly liueol Pittsburg street in the city oi si. jonns tn tuu loiiouing umti uer, to wit: ily urmlini! said txirtion of street nc coming to plan and profile filed with the city recorder oil the 39th day of Au gust, I911, placing a 6 fool cement walk Willi 13 loot curb between liaiumorcmid Tacoma streets on both sides of suld street, and a strip of macadam in center thereof to be 16 feet wide, to he 10 Inches deep in center and 7 Inches nt eachedue iielweell lacoma anil rillsiiurg streets cemeiil walk and curb to occupy 8 feet iroin property line nun laid on southerly side only, and macadam same as be tween Tncoina and Hnltluiorc streets ex- cept that same be laid on southerly side of said street. Cement cross walks to be used, mncadam to be continuous be tueen outside termini of improvement. Work to be done uceordliiK t" the plans nud specifications of the city cngi cer 011 11 e 11 l ie o ice 01 l ie e iv re. conler relative thereto, which said plans ami speciiicniions nun estimates nre sat isiactory and arc Hereby approved. Said Improvements to be made in accordance with the chatter and ordinances of the city of St. Johns, nud under the super vision and direction of the city engineer. That the cost of said improvement to be assessed as provided by the city char ter iiixmi the property cstK-cially nud turticularly benefited thereby, nud which Is hereby declared to be all of lots, parts of lots, blocks and parcels of laud between the termini of such im provements abiittliiL' iiiHtn, ndi.tceut or proximate to said Crawford street, from the marginal Hues of said street back to the center of the block or blocks or tracts of land abutting thereon or proxi mate thereto. That all the property included In said improvement district aforesaid is hereby declared to be Local Improvement Dis trict No. 73. That the city engineer's assessment of the probable total cost of wild lmpioe uicnt of said street is Vzutf. That the cost of said street improve ment Is to he assessed iilm list the prop erty In said local assessment district as provided by tin-cltv charter ot l ie cltv ... - - Ol M. JOIIUS. Adopted lite 39111 flay ut August, 1911 ir. A. Kim, Recorder. Published In the Si. Johns Review on hept. 1 anil 8, 1911. RESOLUTION It Is resolved by the City of St. Johns mat 11 deems it necessary and expedi cut to Improve Kdlsoii street from the easteily Hue of llurllugtou street to the westerly line ol Richmond street. In the city ol ht, jonns 111 tile billowing man uer, to wit: 11 v grading said iNirilou o street to grade as shown on profile 111 ed in the olllce of the city recorder Alt gust 34th, 1911, nud placing a six-foot eemcni walk Willi twelve loot curb on both sides of said street the entire length; also by laying n strip of macad am in center of said street the entire length, same to be ten inches deep in center ami eigni incites deep 111 edges. work 10 ne done according to tue plans and stiecificatious of the city en glnccr on flic in the office of the city recorder relative thereto, which said plans and specifications and estimates are satisfactory nudarc Jicrchy approved Said improvements to lie made In nc cordauce with the charter anil ordinances of the city of St. Johns, nud under th siqiervlslou and direction of the city en gineer. That the cost of said Improvement to lie assessed as provided by the city char teruiioii the proiierty eoiK-cially and iMrtlcularlv benefitted thereby, nud which Is hereby declared to be all of lot istrts of lots, blocks and parcels of laud nciweeii uie termini 01 sucu improve ments abutting iiimiii. ndlaeeut or prox imate to said ltdikou street from the marginal Hues of said street back to the center of the block or blocks or tracts of laud abutting thereon or proximate inereio. That all the nroicrtv included In said improvement insula niorcsain is Hereby declared to be local Improvement ills- trict No. 73, That the city engineer's assessment of uie proiuDie coi 01 said improvement of said street is f 7.A17 33. inui 111c 01 kiiii ikiimiii nircci Improvement Is to Le as&utsod aguiiut the promty in said local asement dis trict us provided by the city charter of inecityoi m. jonns. Adopted tue 39111 nay 01 August, 1911, PRANK A. RICH, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review Sept, 1 and ti, 1911. Proposals tor Street Work Sealed proposals will be received nt the ntlire of tha L'itv lteconlur of the City of St, Johns until Sept. 19, 1911, at 8 o'clock, p. in. for the improvement of lLiltimore street from the westerly Hue of Jersey street to the easterly 1'ue of IMIsou street, in the manner pro vided by Ordinance No, 403, according to the plans aud specifications of the city engineer on file at the office of the city recorder anil subject to the provisions ol the charter and ordinances of the city of St, Johns, and the estimate of the city engineer, on file, The engineer's estimated cost of same is U .3 1 3. 70, llids must be strictly in accordance with printed blanks which will be furn ished on application at the office of the Recorder of the cltv of St. Johns, And said improvement must be completed on or before 60 days from the last publi cation of notice of pro(iosals for said worK, No proposals or bids will becousidcred unless accomauied by a certified check payable to the order of the mayor of the city of St. Johns, certified by a responsi ble name lor an amount equal to teu per cent, of the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited as fixed aud liquidated dam ages in case the bidder neglects or re fuses to enter into contract aud provide a suitable bond for the faithful perform ance of said work in the event the con tract is awarded him. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. ily order of the City Council, P. A. RICK. Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Review Sept. 1, 8 and 15, 191 1 . NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Insure a change of ad vertisement the copy for such change should reach this office not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please remember this and eave the printer RESOLUTION It Is resolved by the city of St. Johns, ureon; That whereas, the council of said city .lid on the atli day of lulv. mil. dtilv adopt a i-erlaiii n-wiliitintt iWlmiiig its iiiieuiion 111 improve Columbia boule vard , or that purl thcmif lying and be Suit between the westerly side line of Richmond strict anil the westerly side line of Mohawk street in the cltv of St Johns; nud, Whereas. It appearing to said council nt this time that by authority heretofore Kranled to It by the county court of Multnomah county. Oregon, prior to the dale of incorporation of the said city of m. jonns. tlic rortlnml Knilway, Llht & Power company Is liiaiiitainiiiK nud uslui! Us railway track on the northerly side of said Columbia Ixmlcvnrd between Richmond street and Oswego street In said city of St. Johns; that to properly Improve said txirtion of street In nccord- mice with the resolution nlwe referred lo It Is necessary that said railway track oe moveii 10 me center 01 sain Columbia boulevard or that portion thereof over which said tracks now run: 1 lierefore, be it resolved Hint the salt! Portland Railway. I. c it & Power coin- jMiiy he and the same Is hereby milled the rlj-ht and privilege to move its said railway track front the northerly side ot Columbia iKJiilevanl to the center of sold boulevard between the westerly side of v.oiiimuia Dotiicvarn 10 tue center ol said boulevard between the westerly side Hue 01 Kiciinionti street and tlic easterly side line 01 wswcuo sireci in sain c tv 01 Hi Johns, without cost or expense to it. ex cepi ine cost 01 sucli removal and relay- "K. I'liat utMin the removal nud rclaviiU! of its track or tracks as herein provided, the said railway company shall have nud enjoy in such new location all the rights and privileges which it has heretofore cujovcd in us present location. Adopted by the council this 22ml day 01 aiiiisi, iyi 1. P. A. RICH, Recorder. Published In' Uic St. Iohus Review on M-pi 1 ami m, 1911. RESOLUTION It Is resolved by the cltv of St. Indus: That It deems It e.vdlenl nud necessary 10 improve lianiuiorc st Hum the south erly Hue of IMIson street tothe north erly line ol llnidford street in the city of St. Julius in the billowing manner, to wit: Ily grading suld pottlou of street to grade or subgrade as shown on profile filed Aug. 33, 1911 and by laying 11 6 foot cemeiil wiiik ami 13 loot curb 011 south ensi sine 01 ine said street, lo use cor rugated iron utiltersaudccment crosswalk according to the plans and specifications of the city engineer on file In the ofilce of me city recorder relative thereto, which said piaus nun sH-cilicatlous and esti mates nre satisfactory nud are hereby approved. Said Improvements to lie made In accordance w ith the charter and ordinances ol the city of St. Johns, and under the supervision nud direction of the city engineer. That the cost of said improvement to ne assessed as provided ny lliecity char tcruiMiu the proiierty csiiecially and wr ticularly benefited thereby, ami which Is hereby declared to be all of lots, parts of lots, blocks and Uircels of laud be tweeu the termini of such Improvements lllllllllllli main. nr iirovliiml.. I,. said llaltlmore street III equal pronrllon 10 cue 1 1 101 Hiiuiuug incrcou irom the marginal Hues of said street Kick to the center of the block or blocks or tracts of land abutting thereon or pioxlmale thereto, That all the Proper tv included lit said improvement district aforesaid Is hereby declared to lie Local Improvement Dis trict No. 71. That the city engineer's assessment of tue proisuiie total cost 01 said Improve mem of Mid street is f 1,1,74, i list the cost of said Improvement Is to tie iiMestcn ngaini tue proiierty In said local asM-M-menl district as pmvided by the city charter of the city of St. Johns. AiioiuiNi ine 33ii nay 01 August, 1911, P. A. KICK, Cltv Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review 011 August 35 ami txipi.i, 1911. RESOLUTION It is resolved by the city of St. Johns. Oregon: That, whereas: I he owners of I Jits I uumbcrssl 5 and f in Illock No. jo in allies Johns Second Addition to the cltv of St. Johns have itllionml this council or iiermiskiou to improve mat iKirt 01 llurllugtou street abutting on said prop crtyas private work, said work to lie done nl the same time and In the same manner and with the same bitullthic lMvcmcut as shall be laid on Phlladel ilila street under tlie proceedings now icing nan lor 11. e improvement 01 said last named street. That said ltetltsni for said private work be and same Is hereby granted, to be exercised under the direction and su Iiervisiou of the city engineer. That said city engineer ne, ami lie is iiereuy, lur- tller tllreclLNi anil rwiuiruil to prvisirc nil necessary plans, sHincatious ami profile iiccetary for the doing of said work, aud In connection therewith such plans I to cover nil mat portion oi said llurllug tou street, which shall be chargeable to the city of St. Johns. Adopted ny tlie council iMiplemberstli. 1911. 1'. A, KICK, Recorder. 'uhlishcd in the St. Johns Review oil bept. a anil 15, 1911, Proposals lor Street Work Sealed protmsals will be received ot the oflice of the Recorder of the Citv of St. ohus until Sept. 19th, 1911, at a o'clock p. in., lor tlie improvement ot Jersey street from the northerly line of Mo- hiwk street to the northerly Hue of Ida street, III the manner provided by ordinance No. 430, subject to the provis ions of the charter and ordinances of the City of St. Johns, and the e.timate of the City engineer, on lile. The engineer's estimate of the proba ble total cost is f6.733.88. Ilids must be strictly in accordance with printed blanks, which will le furn ished 011 application at the oflice of the Recorder of the City of St. Johns. Aud said improvement must be completed on or before 60 days from date of the last publication ot nonce ot proposals ol said work. No tiroiiowds or bids will be considered unless accompanied by 11 certified check tiayanie 10 uie order 01 tue .Mayor ot tlie City of St. Johns, certified by a respon sible bank for an amount euual to ten iHirceui. 01 ine aggregate proposal, and bonds to the amount ol the contract price will be required. The right to rujuet any and all bids is nercoy ruservud. uy order ot ine city council. P. A. RICH, Recorder, Published lu the St. Johns Ruvlow on bept, 1, H aud 15, 191 1, Not ti luxury but n necessity. .sometiuii", every Home oui;it to have. Satisfactory estimates on new or repair work. EDMONDSON CO. 303 S. Jersey St. Phone Columbia 91 11 . I AlOTIs) lUlVI III Centennial August 10 to September 9th I he ureal event of the yenr. It celebrates the coiiiinir of white set tiers in t.Sn. A splendid pror-rnm for thirty days. Historic btiildiims ntui collections, liydro-nrcoplaucs, army and navy evolutious,coucerts, opera, lireworks, agricultural ex hibits and Pacific regatta. Special program furnished on on request. Daily round trip fares to Catsop iicacli 011 the Pacific al low stops at Aslora. $4.60 Clatsop Beach and Return --Low Colonist Fares-- September 15 lo October 15 I,ow one way fares to nil points on the VfiMlfltll ts . s-k s e ll.ltN K KUAIJ, UlllCaui) $.135 St- Louis, $32; St. Paul, Min neapolis, Kansas City, Oiunlia, Denver, $25. Kroin other points in proportion. Low Round Trips East August 1.1, I.S, IC, 17, 21, September 1, 28, 29, ,io. H Ol 0, 7. Stop overs nud choice of routes in each direction. Details will be (umished on ap plication. W P Coman I 0. M. Cornell, St. Johns, r.O I (1. I. iv l A. ST. GRAVEL CO. I.. I). JACKSON, liop. Generiil Contractor We nre prepared to do nny nud nil kinds of c.xeiivntiiii' for street work nnd oilier purposes. We also bundle .sidewalk and btiild iiiK ninleriul. Newton nnd l'assendun Streets St. Johns, Oregon l'hone Columbia. . , . CAMP 773 W. 0. YY. Meets ev ery Wed n o s d a y evening I n Dick nsr's Hall HOLMfS lOnGE NO. lot KNIfillfS Or I'VIIIIAS Mrctavvvry 1-rkUy nlvht t '. muclurk t I O. O. K: Hall Vultors lw. W.U e.nni. W.C, AtlllltSON. r. c. A.W.riCKir, K, R. i LAUREL LODGE No. 1 86 I. O. 0. r. ST. JOHNS, 0HCG0N Meets each Monday evening In Odd Feb Iowb' hall, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 r, and A. M. Itcirular communications on first aud third Wed nesdays of each month in Odd Follows' hall Visitors welcomo. Central Market! II0U1H00K HIOCK See us for tlic Choicest Cuts of the Best Meats Obtninuble. Order Tilled and family Trade Solicited. T. P. WARD, Proprietor. St. Johns Laundry Thoroughly equipped for all kinds of laundry work and Up-to-date In every respect, Prompt and efficient service guar anteed, Your patronage solicited. -.Jsk. E. HARTI3L Dentist Two Oflices Holbrook Illock St. Johns Avenue Phone Columbia 1 14: KilliiiKWorth Wuwlltiwti jfijg DR. RAMBO DENTIST First Nntlonnl Rank bulMInf?. ST. JOHNS, OREGON. JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Day & NIKht Ofilce In McChcsnoy Wk. St. Johns, . Orccon. Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D Residence, C97 Dawson Street Olllce, Plitor Hlock. University Park, Portland, Oregon. PERRY C. STROUD LAWYEU First National Hnnk Uuilding ST. JOi INS ... ORECON 0. J. QATZAIYER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald HuiKlinti ST. JOI INS . . OREGON J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage Wo dolivcr your roods to nnd from all parts of Portland. Vancouver. Linn ton. Portland nnd Suburban Express Co., city dock nnd nil ttolnta nccossiblo uy wagon, riano ana lurniture moving CASWELL & FOSS Contractors for Plastering and Lathing Contract Work Ksliinntes Solicited . Giiantnteed All Work 816 N. Ivttnhoe Si. Johns NORTH BEACH is the pleasure haunt in this part of the country this summer. Its levolees rejoice to learn that they can now go ""l eome on a regular sccdtilc, independent of tides. The popular excursion steamer, "T. J. POTTER" leaves Portland, Ash street dock Daily, except Saturday and Sunday, 8:30 a. m. Saturdays only, 1:00 p. m. Mso the stenmer "llassalo" lenvinif Portland daily, except Sunday, at 8:00 p.m. (Saturday nt 10:00 p.m.) Reduced Fares Prevail Prom nil points in Northwest via the Oregon-Washlnglon Railroad & Navigation Co, Ideal cottage and camp life, a mag nificent beach that is not suriMistcd anywhere, genial and beneficial climate, nnd all the comforts of home without costing any more than if yon lemained nt home. Call on or write to any 0- R. & N. agent for complete information: also for copy of our summer book, Outings in Urcgon." WM. AtcAlURRAY General Passenger Agent, O-W. K. S: N. Co., Pottland, Ore. Northern Pacific Unllway MMViNi) sr. jniiN Kuilli Cua.l Limited lU 'ui fcuwuJ tm.Ma.rn Nuilli Cim.I MmMwIvIa Nuilk HMk J 4 is uu AlUnllc ItaixrM via I'unrt buuml - - IHJf p.m AlUntlc KmrMlit NtU U.tiL --iwws. ui, Twin City llaixrM vU MuhmI - J ki w. Twin fSy liil-lrmU Nutlh HsmL - .S) i. m. KatUlii ltiicuvk l'Hnl Iiomiu) - - - ii.jf f). w. na.irrn KiruM mim miik - -- . w. Mo Kivrr KHra via K'tMlb HsmL . m, I-uiIUihI. TW.-WWI Si swill lMVM, s. Ml., lor limy, luibur. iiyHtMS auu mmmii lliaut.-luril l'uii Kuwml l.lmitt.l j yi v w . (irsy llnWr ml Stmlli llJ IliHHi'H. Vmult l'aMHKr It. uu AHKIVlMi AT ST JOHNS Noilli Caattl.lHiltn tta Nuithllank - - Toap. w riMilii wh i.iwurM vim rtiurt hwwi -vss m No, -llhc IUIM'M VU SiiHIM Uak 7 . Nu I'aclU IUirk vl ISiil.l tiuutnl Ml)), m 1-iKlia iuiirui vu noun uhi. IStcllVc Itimrxvlu I'ujjrt Skiwuil - - Wrkttru ItiHCM vU Kurlli ItaxU Wr.lrrn lUitirM VM ISlctt liuuwt - ' i j) u. m - 7 SUM. m jm . m Mu. Kivrr Ktiiirx vi Noilli IkiuL - Mu Ulvtr lupin. vU I'UMct SuumI yjl u. m 1'oiIWimI. Tumi K hcsllk lUmcak Jlllmitl Tiu-uhui K SUK Idlicak- j j)S ft. w Iruiu Olviuitu. Suutli licnil uwl (irat Itsttidr I'ustl Suuuil I.liiiitnl 6:4s n. m Yct)lt I'UMtntirr - wasfu. m O. SI. UiiutU. Akm(. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway. I.KAV1NC. ST. JOHNS. Lylc I'a.MiiKtr lur I.ylc. OoMiHbl ami local imiiiiu m . w. IiiUimI Itiuplrc 1siicmi, io w g. hi tor G11 it in. hi Huul. 111111113. Kan...Lllv. bl. Louis. Walla W1U, l'HX). KuuMevvtt. rimuiUlt( . fiO,u- ilale. While saliiKMi.and Vancuuvvr Nurtli lUnk Limitnl.TMS l- hi ; tor CbW-stnt St. inui. iiiuanu. Kauwt (.uy. m. loumi. siwwaiM-. hpraKUc, UiUvlllc. I.luJ, I'txo, KooMvalt. suit Vaucuuvcr. Columbia Kivrr l.aeal. 5 V) !' w.; lor Vancouver, Camait, While Kaluiou. I.ylc. t.raniMWHi.CW ami all iiilcrnmlUtc .lalCum. AKKIVINI, AT ST. JOHNS InlanJ Hiiil'lic Kaprtwi, ;.wi.ui.; Irotu Chlss. go. bt l-aul Omaha. Kauua City. SI. uNSi hixikaue, bjiragu KuuMvelt.Orauuil. ;ut. kikviiic l.imi. iwfti. UUa.- White iialiuoiiHil Van router. North Hank l.lmitstl, 7 J7S. tu. (torn Clikswt. M l'aul. Omalu, KauwaCity. bl. Louia, Watta Walla. I'ltcu. Kuuwvell. atul VuuouuvrT. CuluiiiblaKiirr Local 1004 a. hi.; (row Cilia, t.ramlilallra, liulOtuOaW. I.ylc While M1MUSH, Camai, Vancouver ami alt iHturuinllat ta- Huil. Lyte fanveugri 7.49 p. m. Iiem Lytv. C.oUH4a auu local iwinia. All train atop lor latuMiiatia. Ttckcia oil aale lor all uiiU. O. M.Cutr.ll. Atrul, Hrlng In your Job prlutlng wbllo you think of It. Don't wait until you are entirely out. Wo uro equipped to turn out ueat aud tasty printing promptly at Portland prices or loss, DR. VV.