Local News. r 1 $50 Range for $34.20 MADE IN ST. First class m every re s p e c t. A perfect bak er, fuel sav er; quick in service,easy to keep nickel parts absolutely plain, boiler riveted, tri ple wall body. flt H These are Some of the St. Johns Users. JOHNS Asbestos lin ing full one quarter inch thick, besides other special featurers. Greatest Range Value Ever Offered Compare it with any other $50.00 ranges and you will agree with us. Ask Them. Mrt. L. E. York Mile. McAlliiter C. U. tlrluK Cut ManRUiun n. m. ii.jjow J. S. Surr A. I I. Barney Nick Lockovlck John i'eler.un Ct I'. Jenni.on D. N. Hyetlce II. J. Uijlow Louti 1 rcber W. W. Windle R. 1 1. Kunno These Ranges are sold and guranteed by V. EL Ctifll. JuJur I lulcoinli Andrew O.lrutn O. C. Could I. M, Salleilee Frnnk LewrritiK C. Ettcrmnmi 1). Iny Mill, C. C I lull T. Wnite O. M. I Imvlnml V. M, Uuiley Tliut. Nelton Mn. A. Evert J. O, Emmcnon Mr.. Van De Urooki ); H'yer L O. Hender J. J. McGinn A..W. Markle A. C Ciin. Frnnk I leek I). McFern Mr.. V. U. Shaw Daniel Fcrnuioti Charlie Muy F. L Uabcock Roy Wilcox L 1'. Malhewi At a low price and on easy terms A substantial city hall" is Hearing I completion nt Umitoii. Nearly new restaurant range for sale cheap. Clarke Furniture Co. Cheapest and best screen doors and windows nt McCnbe & Corbetts Tony Huliss is having n tempo rary dwelling erected on Hank street. K. S. Wright is treating his Hayes street home to a new dress of paint. Miss Idn Fassett is spending the week with Miss Laura Ross of Lat-ourcll. Oucda IMaskct is spending her summer vnction of two weeks nt Newport. For Rent Four-room house.close in. $3 per mouth. Call nt 501 Mo hawk street. 3Qtf F. L. Hinerson has moved into his new home just completed on Stewart street. Furnished light housekeeping rooms for rent. See owner 204 West Chicago street. 36! f Some of the dresses we see now adays remind us of an umbrella cover that is too small for the urn brella. Brushes, Combs, Buffers Brooms and Powders SI. 00 finishes 69c .50 finishes 35c .35 finishes 25c 50c Puffers 25c 50c Face Powdur 25c SI Swamp Root Occ $1 Pierces Favorite Prescription 60c SI I'inknms Compound 66c 75c Combs .8c 50c Combs 3 25c Combs i5t. 35c Whisk firooms 20c 50c Whisk firooms 25c Si Kodnl . 66c Si Wine Curdui frc $1 S. S. S 66c NORTH BANK PHARMACY Three Storers Portland, St. Johns and Vancouver The ferry .after being out of coin- mission on account of repairs for several days, is ngniu doing duty between this city and Whitwood. The fire department desires to publicly thank J.K. Jennings, II.lv. Harris and the at. Johns planing Mill Co. for favors rendered to waul making their barbecue the success it proved to be. I'uschnt Hill left his fishing hole on the Nchnleui long enough to bring home a fine basket of the speckled beauties, nttend council meeting Tuesday night, ami turn hiked back for fear some one would usurp his lucky fishing hole. An ntrto party consisting of Miss es Laura Ross, Hazel Theburg, Ida Passctt and Chester Vincent nud Hurry Fassett, spent Sunday nt Larch mountain. They had it fine trip nud returned Sunday evening tired but very enthusiastic over the beautiful scenery. Since the St. Johns Progressive nssociutiou is digging into fran chises granted by the city, it might be welt to call attention to the Pa Icific States Telephone C0.fra11ehi.se. it is understood that the rates charged are higher thuii their fran chise allows. - - "Caloric" - - It Bakes, Stews, Roasts, Steams and Bolls. The Modern Firelets Cookstove See our window display We are sole agents for the 'Caloric' ST. JOHNS HARDWARE COMPANY i LUMBER! Slabwood : Rough, Prompt Dry, Dressed, Deliveries. Green, Flooring, Quality Blocks, Finish. Guaranteed. Trimmings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Richmond 131 1 WALL PAPER Mid-summer CUT PRICK sale on wall paper to make roou, for new patterns. LAWN MOWERS Not wishing to carry any mowers over 'til next season we have reduced the price. Buy now and save money. GARDEN HOSE Get our prices on garden hose before buying as we have the right price.- $4.00, $5.00, S5.50 Serrurier Hardware Co. A. B. HRUSTOCK CKO. II. II RM STOCK HEMSTOCK BROS. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Full Una of Robaa, CaskaU, ato., kapt In alook LADY ASSISTANT S?.idn"u?aTwSS5.wy5,. UNIVERSITY PARK, OREGON An ordinary cases of diarrhoea cap, as a rule, be cured by a single dose of Chatnberlaiu's Colic, era and Diarrhoea Remedy. fendy has no superior for A well known DesMoines woman after suffering miserably for two Choi-! days from bowel complaint, was This cured by one dose of Chamberlain's bowel Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea complaints. For sale by St. Johns Remedy. For sale by St. Johns The Modern Store that has every comfort, con veiileuce and accommodation for most satisfactory trading There's never a thing missing to to make this stoic 11 most pleas, iug, satisfactory and safe place to trade. BOTH PHONKS Pacific, Col. 138; Home, A 5815 Orders by phone filled promptly and to your entire satisfaction. Our delivery service is at your service we will send anything anywhere and no extra churge. It's a pleasure and an ad vantage to trade here. The Complete Store with the Complete Service Some stores' service claims arc exaggerated and failute to please you is bound to follow. We are always at your ser vice without (nibble or re striction. We want your business ami we are willing to go after it by offering nud giving you absolute satisfaction in every deal. Come to our storeor order goods by telephone, We select the right goods and nud deliver ttieui "rush" at no extra cost. You are always treated right here politely, pleasingly, rapidly. Use us, use our store, insist on being satisfied by using our superior service methods. FOR THE WEEK Forty Wallops-each landing hard fl Coke Dandruff Cure. ,59c f 1 Hoods Sarsatabs . . 66c fl WJne Canlul , ..63c $l Hydroleluev . 61c fl Piukliama Vegetable CouijkhiiuI . . 68c fl Kuscls Emulsion 67c ft Shoops Rheumatic Tab 66c fl S. II. Catarrh Cure 63c $1 Kickapoo Indian Saliva .......... 6ic fl Hardens Malted Milk 69c 50c Matchetts Tobacco Cure 38c 50c Welches Grape Juice 37c 50c Porters Antiseptic Healing Oil... 39c 50c Hoods i'eptiron , ..36c 50c Kennedys favorite Remedy 32c 50c Meutliolatum 38c 50c I'eruna Tablets .,37c 50c Kodol Dypepsia Tabs 36c 50c Murine Eye Remedy 33c 50c AntiphloKistiue 35c 23c Kid-Ne-Old Plasters 16c 35c llaby Castile Soap ,...I5C 25c Tlioro Soap Powder 17c 35c Lemon Extract 14c 33c Vanilla Extract He 33c S. II. Shampoo ,,, ..13c 33 S. I). Dandruff Pomade 13c 35c Thedfords Hlack Draught 14c 33c Ponds Antiseptic Tooth Powder. .13c 35c Digcsto Malt Extract , 17c 5c Vasoline 3c locTryalax 06c 15c Dents Tooth ache Oum ... , , 09c 35c Chamberlains Tooth powilur .. 14c 33c Rocky Mountain Tea 34c 40c I'rasks Ointment.,., 39c 50c I.ees Idee Killer 38c 60c Walnutta Hair Stain 49c 75c Therox 61c fl Alarm Clocks 89c WORTH KNOWING Destroying Ants To kill ants aud keep them out of the house and away from lawns, plants, etc., the following methods are effective: ' For the House or Fountain' Moisten a sponge with a weak solution of syrup. Place this where the ants con gregate. They will become etitangled in it, when the sponge may be put in hot water, cleaned of dead ants and the "trap" set agaiu. Another remedy is powdered borax, which should be sprin kled on the shelves, etc., and also into crevices, corners aud open ings. Balsam of Peru is also an efficient exterminator, as is cam phor, sulphur, alum, oil of cedar and tartar emetic, HOME OF THE PAAIOUS NYALS and A. D. S. REMEDIES. VH DHMVHR EVERYWHERE l'REE "CURRIN SAYS SO.' rnu.Niv 1:01,1 MHI J07 fif St Johns Pharmacy Fruit Jars at McCabe & Corbett's. l'urniturc just as good ns new, at half price. Clark's l'urniturc Store. Mrs. llcnham has moved into Mrs. A. V. Learned residence on John street. N. J. llailcy has been confined to his home for n day or two with a severe attack of lumbago. Dr. McChesuey is brightening up the exterior of his Pine brick block with a fresh coat of paint. Fishing on the river is fine just now, and long .strings of croppies nud bass are in evidence on the streets every day. For Sale House, furniture ond lot 100x126, all improved; terms to suit. W. C. Walker, 633 North Portland boulevard. ,Vtf M. K. Church Sunday school at 9:50; preaching, 1 1 11. in. liven ing worship nt 8 p.m. Junior League at 3 p.m. I'.pwortli League at 7 p.m. A new photograph gallery has located on North Jersey street near the Jower block. Postcard photos made while you wait. See ml in this issue. If you sit in n cool draft when you are heated and get 11 stiff neck or 11 lame back, you will be looking for something that will ease the pain. Fix your mind on Dullard's Snow Liniment and don't be talked out of it because it is the best pain relieving liniment you can get any where Price 35c, 50c and Si, 00 per bottle, Sold by St. JohiisPharmacy. Screen Doors .ft. 00 at McCabe & Corbett's. Cleaning mid pressing at reason able prices. Clark Furniture Co. Subscrlbo for tlio Telegram best uvuiilng pntiur on thu conBt. Suo I'M Stockton. J. DcLyscr is having a small res idence erected on New York street near Fessendeii. Large tent for rent or Male; furn ished or unfurnished; rent moderate "Tenter," enre of Review. Hop-pickers Wanted Families preferred. For information apply at 719 Willamette boulevard or phone Columbia 168. stp The Kcbekahs gave a delightful 500 party in the Odd Fellows' hall Wednesday evening. The attend ance was large and the time pleas antly spent. Ice cream aud cake were served. The Pacific Paving Co. is a lo cal organization recently incorporat ed. J. S. Downey is president, P. J. Peterson, vice president and J. T. Peterson secretary and treasurer. It is incorporated for -f 10,000. Street improvement and cxcnvatini? of all kinds will be their specialties. ! live one. W UU'PO i A child that linn inteatinnl worm lAKUI U8 handicapped in its growth. A few Will speak Sunday, August 13, dose of White's Crenm Vermifuge S p. 111, at the home of Mr. (i. II. destroys and vxpcht worniHj the McKce, 1 isi South (iresham street ! child immediately improved mid St. Johns, Oregon. Subject: The j thrives wonderfully. Price 35c per Second Advent of Christ. livery bottle. Sold by St. John Punrm body invited. ncy. The hop fields are beginning to absorb idle laborers and other who desire n change of employment. The St. Johim Progressive Amo ciatiou held an interesting sMlrm last night -too late fur detail thin week. Dr. J.Corbett will move bin office to the Holbrook lltiilding AuRtifit 15th, 191 1, until then nt ,.o ltnstt Chicago street. itc The Linnton rrwd in now im proved with macadam and oil to Inf low Ilnrhortoii, tanking the finest rond in Multnomah county. Mrs. F. N. lJrnnM.li leave this week for her home in New York state, after an extended vMlniuottg her relatives nud friend in this ec Hon. Mrs. A.V. Learned, Otis Learned nud family, Mm. J. P. Wrinkle tnd son and daughter, nud Rev. Sand I fer nud family are on nil wttiiig (0 Cannon bench. K. L. C. K. held their monthly meeting at the home of John Poo Friday evening and wns well attend ed. A most jolly time wan enjoyed by all as usual with this bunch of Do You Cook With Gas? II? not, why not? Nothing is nicer this warm weather than a gas range or plate for cooking. No heated kitchen to contend with, no wood to chop. After using one for a few days yon would wonder how yon ever got along without it. Ask those 106 who are now cooking with gas in St. Johni. Why not order one now? The price is low and the terms easy. CliCMixr than wood and infinitely better. Place your order now and make the life of the housewife more bearable these mid-summer days. St Johns Gas Co. XLa E9b 3l l7l ?4 &4 t3f ?4 frT t?4 ?4 T T ?4 ST4 S-T S?4 ?4 ?4 l&f 8 t& 4 I I I I : : 1 1 1 mi a. How About Your t WW. . 5. CiKOULKILo? This store is (he only one in St. Johns that sells groceries exclusively. Therefore, we are in a position to keep our stock fresli and the best that can be secured. No stale or poor quality of anything is kept 011 hand. Fair and courteous treatment and prompt delivery are at your command. Give us a trial, if not already a patron. NORWEGIAN PATRONAGE SOLICITED A. B. LINDBOE 111 West Burlington Street 1 fel&l7ll?lll?l?lll&?lT4l?47l?lll? rjtannacy. 1 rnarmacy.