St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 11, 1911, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Uurllngton Stroot.
Tllll KttVlKW Is ctitcrcil nt post office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns timll itmttcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
i;rcss of March 3, 1879.
Offlclil Newipapsr of the City of Bt Johns.
Atltertltlnjr rales, $1.00 per Inch par month.
Subscription prlco $1.00 per yoar.
Some Anti-I.nfferty papers of
Portland nte endeavoring to ninke
Itlm out quite a "Indies' man." If
the charge proves true it will menu
n linrd Mow to Mr. I,nfferly politi
cally, not I iconise of what lie done,
lint becouse it wos found out. Mr.
I.ufTerty lenies tile nllenntion, how
The strike of the Mount Hood
Power Co. employes seems to he
dwindling into insignificance. And
no more do we rw some husky
young mail, who ought to he earn
fug his daily In end in tt more com
iiicndnhlc manner, carrying "urn
fair hnnuers through our streets.
Unionism is nil right when conduct
ed in an intelligent manner, and
strike at times umv he nil right.
Hut sometimes tl'iey degenernte into
absurdity and schoolboy tactics that
nails upon the public, ami its scu
tiinunt of sympathy is withdrawn.
Carrying banners with derogatory
inscriptions thereon along the street
is one of the most ridiculous and
senseless artifices unionism has ev
er been guilty of. It removes what'
evur dignity there might he in their
cause, is harmful in n city in which
it is practiced, and shunts public
.sentiment against rather than for
the strikers. If men want to strike
it is their right, but they should
not make their cause ridiculous by
minuting banners on the hacks of
able bodied men through the hie.h'
ways. It hi icucutcd by the pub
lic and it conducive of 110 good
1 lie inicsiioii 01 wiiotu niiiiii re
lower the water mains when they
have been iiiieaiched during the ranged.
prog r cm 01 street improvement is
becoming a very live subject just
now. It worticd a former council
very much, ami the most satisfac
tory course it could see fit to adopt
was to 1 hiss an ordinance allowing
llie water couiHiny ten cents per
foot for re-lowering. Hy virtue of
it franchise it can only be com
pel led to ly the piix. once, unless
it was not laid nccoidiiig to the pro
visions of its franchise in the lit si
Stories of Success
Power ts
never so for
from necessity.
Tho vlKor of
tlio human mind
quickly appears
when there In
no longer any
place for doubt
or hesitation.
In after years,
when tho namu
of Cornelius N.
Ullss was ona
to Insplro ro
utiect from New
Urlpnnn In linn.
ton, no acknowledged that tho no
comity to mako not only his own
nuccess, but to provlilo for a largo
fntnlly of brothers and sisters eava
film tho sense of thrift to which ho
attributed the realization of his
dreams. Whon tho opportunity was
I'lvon him to rnnkfl a nmnll Invent.
incntln his employer's business, thla
oy or eignieen was reauy. con'
slant snvlnir nnd careful DnanclnR
uuveinpcii ino young cicrK into tno
master merchant or liln lnv. Hv.
tern. In saving brings Independence.
I'usn, ihuck anu narseverenco ara
ns strong as nn nrrny when backed
by tho bnttery of thrift, Industry
nnu economy, man a savings no
count today, for It Is what you savn
that counts. A dollar In tho bank
Is wortli two In the pocket, for (tin
merest wanes 11 Kiev,
St. Johns, Oregon
A. K. Joints, Vice President
I-'. 1. Dkinkuu, Cashier
C. H. RUSMUU., Ass't Cashier
The St. Johns Pharmacy nnd St. Johns
I'urnlture store 11 re bcliiy brightened
by the painter's brush.
, . 1. !.. , It is resolved by the city of St. Johns:
Maple street sewer its condition remains t0 i,pr0VL. Tioga street from the south-
like hlierinan sain war was. However, eny lineol I'csscntlen street to the norm-
the bondsmen have gotten busy, and illM litic of Willis boulevard In the city
Is said they are remedying the defects as " ' , "V " - B. "
they nrc being pointed out. to grade or suburnde to be established ,
and by lityltii! n 0 foot cement walk and
12 fiifil rurli nn inrli aliln tif tlii- uitil
1'.. lt. rerKins, rusiicaiiug street, toectlicr with necessary corru-
iti the mountains near Carlton. Ore- gated Iron gutters and cement cross-
Eyesight Restored
I Eyeglasses may be abandoned
lfor Insurance see lf.W. Valentine
The suit of K. '.. Melnlyre vs.
McKinuev it Davis, tried last Ifrl
day before Judge Hell of Portland,
resulted in a verdict for tbe detenu
Portland will entertain the annual
convention of the National Assocla
tiou of Notary clubs of America,
August 2'2. beci.u trains will
bring delegates from the Hast and
an elaborate program has been ar-
Constipation Is the starting point
for many serious diseases. To be
healthy keep the bowels active and
regular I lei bine will remove all
accumulation in the bowels and put
the system in pi line condition,
Price joe. Sold by .St. Johns I'linrm
gon, winded a bear the other dny
and concluded a 22 short was too
light a enliber. He came home
and secured a young caution to use
on bruin.
Christian Church Sunday school
ion. m., Preaching 11 a. m. nnd
71.10 t). in., C. iv. (:.v l m. Jim
ior htidenvor 3 p. in. lvverybocly
invited to all these service 1 nber
nacle comer New York and Leon
ard streets. A cordial invitation is
extended to nil. J. U. Johnson,
The ladles aid of the Congregu
tiounl church annual picnic will he
held at the manse and church
grounds Wednesday, August tOth,
from 2 to 8 t. tn. All members
with their families and friends are
cordially invited to attend, hntcr
la iniiient in way ot sports, ah
come and let ns "innice merry,
iiring lunch. Mrs. Chambers and
Mrs. Valentine, Committee.
There was a iollv hunch at Hy
erlee's Sunday, the occasion being
Mrs. Lvinrs birthday. Hesides
tile home folks, there were present
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn and daughter,
Georgia, Mrs. Carlson and daugh
ter Hester, Mr. and Mrs. Wade
McLaue (and the pup) and Mr. M.
I). Ackley, nil of Portland except
the Lynns, who live at Hood Kiv
er. it good lectl prepared by .Mrs.
Lynn's mother, Mrs, Byerlee, with
Rhode Island Reds, home grown
walks, nnd bvt)lnchii!nstrii) of tnacad
nm 16 feet wide in the center of the said
street the entire length of said Improve.
incut, said macadam to he H inches deep
in center and G Inches dceii at each cdee.
iiicoiilliii! to the iilau nnd specifications
01 tilt: city engineer on me 111 llie oince ot
the city recorder relative thereto, widen
Xiiil plans nud specifications and est!
males are satisfactory nud nrc hereby
nppmvcit. S11I1I improvements to Ik?
made in accordance with the charter and
ordinances of the city of St. Johns, uud
under the supervision nud direction of
the city engineer.
mat llie cost of said Improvement to
ne assessed ns provided uy tne city cnar
ter upon the promt V cslKX'lally and tmr-
lii'iilnrly benefiteil thereby, uud which
is hereby declared to he nil of lots, parts
of lots, blocks nnd parcels of land be
tween the termini of such Improvements
abutting iiK)ii, adjacent or proximate to
mid Tioga street from the marginal
lines of said street back to the center of
the block or blocks or tracts of laud
abutting thereon or proximate thereto.
i lint nu uic property incitnicii 111 sum
improvement district aforesaid Is hereby
declared to be Local Improvement l)ts
trict No. 70.
That the city cmrlneer's assessment of
Uic probable total cost oi said improve'
lilelll 01 said street is fg.4.7.4o.
That the cost of said Improvement Is to
oe nsscsscil ngnliist the proctiy 111 said
local assessment district ns provided by
the city charter of the city of St. Johns.
Adopted uic Htli day oi August, 191 1,
l'. A. KICK,
City Recorder.
Published In the St. Johns Review on
Angina 11 nun in, 1911.
A. wonderful discovery Mat cor
rects afflictions of the eye
without cutting or drugs
Tlifrr U 1111 uppil ut ruttltnr . ilriieulni? nr litoli-
Ing Hit i'jc lor tcllel ol moil lornm oi illu-nie. as
11 new inrlliiKl uic Actina irrnitlirtu -nn4 iirrii
lUKUtcrrd, wlikh eliminates the iit-vewlty 11I loi-
Itirr tntlilollt lllft lixli
There 110 tlsk or nrcem'ty
ol espernuriil. 11 many
lieotilp relioll linvitlL! Iwrtl
lilted ol lullllin ci'llil,
cnlntnct", Kmtmliiteil li'l'.
ami othir nfllktiiiiK ol thi
eve nller lielng ioiiimmTil
Cm II. I'nlrhrnil. Ne York Mill". N. Y.
wtllm A noted ociilUtcxniiiliitd in v Hllr M"
ami Mid cnlnrnct ua ninmuni 111 ihhii uiksii".
Ily Die tle til Aitllin tier nllit lin lieeiniie ileHt-
r .ml d,i.llu.r ttll.l lll l,u lif ArlllUI I II llill
tnnt ciinifort to her ee and cars. Wc Mould
imt v uilhoiit If
Kcv. I. Will laiLxitLSrilnlln. Mo., wrltcWTlie
Actina tienlmeiil lia lielneil Uic oniltl fully. I
tient liuniltriUol dollar on tiiveies, tmt Acti
na went farther In teototlnit my IkIiI than any
other treatment.
Mev. I S. llail,Conileiiny. N. II . tlle: "The
ue ut the Acllim' ha titoimht my ees toa vrty
ntUliiclory nnd ctimlortaliie rumlulon I can
rrml nil ilttv mill nil lllullt II IINiiirv IttlOilt
dincomliitt. Actina Ij1oikiI head iiiiI'-s.hiiiI
relieved cowmr
tfuiiilrrdu nl nlher lellmonlal Mill he wilt i II
niillciUlun. Ailliin' U tmrtly a home triiilmnil
and l mrll mimlnUlrrnl. It lll In.' eiil mi trial.
IKMtpald. II joiiwIM neinl your name ami mi
ilrestnthe Actina Appliance Co., Ieil fs S11
Walnut street. Kaiiwii City, Ma. you Mill ic
crlve nholulelv Ircc, n vutuahle hook I'rol
WIIkiii's Trealinent ol l)lcac.
Astoria Centennial
August 10 to September 9th
The ureat event of the year. It
celebrates the coming of white set
tlers in i8ti. A splendid program
for thirty days. Historic buildings
and collections, hydro-arcoplancs,
army and navy cvolutions.concerts,
onera, fireworks, airriculttirnl ex
hibits ami Pacific regatta,
Cuinlnl lirAnrnlM ll, r (liullf. 1 ml
. i... -I ... ...I I J.wim iiuKHiiH I""'"""'
11 is resoivcu oy inc v.iir oi oi, lonnsii.. - - .'n.. i .-!..
Ti.,.1 It .1 .it .w-..,.rv. n,l n.i,Mll. on rcqticsi. uaiiy rouini in i lures
cut to ImtiroVL-South trrscv street fmui to CatSOP Iicacll Oil the Pacific III'
tne uoriiicriy line oi .MoiiawK street to low stops at Astora.
the northerly line of Ida street, in the
for the piece (Ic resistance occupied city of St. Johns in the following inan- mj cn nunn Dnnnh nnA Dnlnrn
the time devoted to sumptuary "". ' KroK "hi irtioit ui H-.UU UldldUU DCQUII QIIU MCIUIII
exertions. Mrs. Lvuii says she
noes not aiiucipnte a nappier mrin
day before her next iCth one comes,
Whll you wait. VUw work a specialty
214 N. JERSEY ST., St. Johns, Or.
instance. The matter is worthy of
more consideration lliiin apears at
fust glance. It is claimed by many
that in cents per fool is an exothi-
taut price. I ei hut wit is we do
not know. Hut to give the "devil
his tine" the water comixiny does
i willy get less than ten cents pel
loot, i iiKing a iiiik'k ol st i eel 2oo
fuel lung and adding on feet more
forcioM fttrutl, makes a total of
30O leet. llie coiiiNiuy gets no
pay for ie-layiiig on the cros
A fue iilarm was tinned in about
o'clock Sunday afternoon. I'pon
iiivestiualion It was found that some
grass adjacent to a residence on
tiiesliain ami Murliiigtnn stteeth
had caiutht hie, transmitting it to
a wooden fence. The Ihitnes were
extinguished hefoie any actual
diimaiie hud done.
l reels. Thus for j(hj feet ol piiH-
le-Ioweietl tbe coiiiNtuy leceiven
Sallow complexion comes from
bilious impurities in the blood and
the fault lies with the liver and
bowels they are toipitl. The
medicine that gives lestilts in such
tjo. or slkhtlv lens than uiultt cunU ww i Herbine. It is a Hue livei
. ' I .i t . i l
Iter loot. If t ie tirotierlv owner, siuiiiiiniii ami nowei regulator.
to-laid the piiic tliuiiiitvlvctt thev 1 "w 5t)C- St),,, ' Jius
would have to imy for re-loweriuu hatinaey.
on the cross streets as well. And
this would have to be imid for in
catjh, ami ten yeais1 time for txiy-
muni as now obtains would not he
in lorce. A councilman stated at
Tuesday night's uietting that the
city engineer had iufoimed him that
tbieo cents tier loot was stilhcieut
for re-loweriiig. Now, if the eu
giuuer or any one vhw, will tell us
--Low Colonist Fares--
September 15
to October 15
I,ow one way
fares to all
points on the
$33; St. I.ouis, $32; St. Paul, Min
neapolis, Kansas City, Omaha,
Denver, 25. I-rom other points
in proportion.
Mr. Lincoln I'assett is visiting
friends at Mohawk, Oiegon, and
reports a flue time fishing and hunt'
ing on llie .Mackenzie. lie says
that even it deer be out ol season
he would not stand still and let one
bite him.
Odd Pieces of Furniture
Slightly Used
And many of them at tides that
you could use, have hern gathered
here for a special sale.
If you have some spot in your
home that looks barren,
Come Hero and Choose
something to fill it.
Good second hand ranges at a
haigaiti for cash or will trade for
your old stove or other old furni
Por trade Oklahoma City prop-
wueie we can gel a man who wt
dig a trench two feet deep, fit tlu erty for St. Johns proK-rty. Okla- Cf InhnC FlirnitllTD
pie, lefill the trench, tamping the homa is a city of 6.1,000 cople.The Jl. JUllliJ 1 Ul llllUl C
tun us is required ior tniee cents property lor trade ts listed at $8000,
profile thereof, which plan mitl profile!
ins been filed in the ollice of the citv re
corder August Htli, lyii, nml by laying
6 foot cement sidewalks with 11 foot
cement curbs oil each shle of said im
provement us shown 011 said profile, nud
I iy also tihirlui! n strip of macadam 16
feet wide In center of said street, the
Mine to be extended to connect with ma
cadam opposite the westerly line of Mo.
uawk street, same to lie Indies nceti 111
center mid 6 Inches at each eilee; nil
enix wnlhs to be of cement, nil gutter
to lie nt corrugated iron.
Wot k to he done nrciitilliie to the
plans nud iH.'cificatinus of the city en-
elucer 011 llie III the ollice of the city
recorder relative thereto, which said
plans mid siK.-cilU'allou mid estimates
are satisfactory muliire lierehv npproved.
Said Improvements to be made in lie-
L....1..t.. ...1,1. ll.H ..l.n.lM I1...I .IV.ltl.,
Vlflll.l.llt. mill till 11,11111, HMinillHHMIIIk. 1 , M . M . .
of llie elty of St, Johns, ami miller the II nm U n 1 1 n ri I rino kQOt
supervision mm iiircctioii 01 tne city en 1 iuil IIUUIIU lliuu UUUI
Kiurcr. 1
llili kliw ,l n.,,., ii,ii'i.,,vini.iii, ' 1 v Hirtllif it ic III 1 1 ft f -ff
iisseMiM ns Piovliled by the city cluir l '7' " '.
teruiNiii the nrotwrlv cstK-elnllv and h 3. nepiemoer 1.2,,5.
tsirtleuhirly bi-m-ntteil thereby, mid 6, 7. btop overs and clioice of
which is hereby declared to be nil of lots I routes in each direction,
ixiits of lots, blocks mid parcels of land
oawecn me teriiiiiii 01 sucu improve- senilis will DC IlirillSlied oil lip-
....l. l,.,llt U,i, n.Un,M.i ..V nlv. .. ..
iiiviiii. iiiiiiitiiiK ni'ii, Mi.iMvviik I nllmitlin,. In until . li.rn-v klrriit from the ,v "
iii.irnliiiil lltii'A.if &:ilil itri.Ht lulfl; til 111
center of the lilitck or blocks or tnu-tu of I W. 0. Coilian,
ntiiii miiiiuug tiicriHiu or proximute
That nil the property Included in said
Improvciiicut illstrlct iiiorcsntii 1 iiereuy
iH-ciniiit to tie local iniprovciiieni ui
ttict No. 6 j.
That the city eughiccr' assessment of
llie pioiMiiie cost 01 saiil luiprovemeiit
of s-ild street is 6.751 8S.
Iliat llie cot 01 saiil .i, jersey Mrrt l
iiuprovcmeiit is to uv nssessitl iieuiiut the
proiiertv in Mid local iikseuuucut dis
trict ns provided by the city charter of
llie city nl M, pilnu.
aiiimiu'ii me 0111 imy ui ,ukiii, lyn
Piiblishiil in the St. Julius Review
Augiikt 11 mihI IS, iijii.
G. F. & P. A.
0. M. Cornell,
St. Johns, Or.
Proposals for Street Work
jHtr loot, we will be eternally.
obliged. We will put him to die
King four such tieuche for us, one
light 011 top of the other, and then
wc will connect our abiding place
Willi uie sewer, un seventl bid.
the bedt price we obtained wits 50c
iwr foot, but if we can get it done
for 12 cents icr foot, with hut one
land of Hpe to fit instead of four, n
big reduction of tabor, we want to
know it. Then water pipes are
not connected like the Maple street
sower. They must hold water
Hut don't nodi off with the idea
that thutie remarks are made in the
iutcrukU of the water eomiiauy, for rou
ttv nu iiui 1H.-11CV1: u euien who inyk
llie water pipes at the price allowed.
1 xillod
jHitise, which, by the way, is a que
11011 ior uie legal department to ex
ercifio us Drains upon, i lie price
is ouiy an nucleating side iskiie.
A historical institute will he held
at Astoria m connection with the
is 011 an asphalt paved street, lot is
75x1.10 feet. See McKiuuey it
Davis. .to-it
Cuts and bruises may he healed
111 one-third (lie time icuuircd hy
the usual treatment hy anplvine
v.-iaiuneiiaurs i.uumeni. it is an
antiseptic and causes such injuries
to heal without maturation. This
liniment also relieves soreness of
the muscles and rheumatic naius.
For sale hy St. Johns Pharmacy.
"Cash or Credit"
Northern Pacific Kally
NtH III Cwt I.lmltnl U Yagtl Souinl
un 11 cmui i.imumvM .vuiiii nmik
AIUhiIc lltmrx U 1M t tSwml -
AlUiilk- litiKf U Notlli llmik
Twill CM) IIipii'xiU IMiitl IHHllHl
Twin Criy lMtrU Nuith Honk
W-lrlll iuilvtu inurl hwiuil
ItMtlriii H1ii:mI Not III llank
I4.JJB. Ill
7 i - III.
1 1 ii4 1 11
Ji. 111
? ! 111
liniaa in
T Sl. m.
It is reMilveil by the city of St, Johns,
1 hat It ileeuu it exiteilieiit and neccs
s.try to improve Crtiwloni street from
tlie eusterlv line of S-ilem street to the
wetcrly hue of Richmond street in the
I city in . st. Johns 111 tno loiiowing man
I1VI, IU nil. I nil
Uy grading Mid jwrtiou of street toJ0j
gruiUMissiiimiioii pronie inercot, which ?r mi umount emml lo ten oer cent.
liea Diossonis nave been
mi 10 oe one 01 me nest means
to exterminate tlies from the home.
I A ftu- hnmilttiti: nl tluiiit tiltir-.ul In
t is only a statement of fact and i' 1" . " f T. , ' . .T " '."
for thought. The real point 11 B: M,on VtiUl'
is.ue fa. not piice. but whether or 1 "L , " ?J. ... 1 e
the water company can he com r.r," . Y..'?' " ? '
,,. ...1 ... !, iihiuii iikai y eu 1 1 111111 iiiuic icusoil
III IL-(ri III (.- (IVI L'.N-
Mt KUrr Itkiuru U Noilli lunk
IvilUinl Tminu k hmltl litnirM. m . in
ur i.iy iistwH. ij mi fHwm imw
runt I Smnul l.linllcil, 3 yi i. tit., Or llsilwr
ml iwutii uvihI ursiii'lio.
Voill t'iiKiii:vr y-y l. 111
Noun eoi i.imum i noiiii imnk 7ijo . 111
Not III Cit l.liiiltnl ill IMcrt Soiiiut ijii in
Nl), ri'lhc Hkao l Norlll ink 1 ST III
iiicti i-ouiui ft 4511. Ill
th Hank 10 i. 111
ricini- iiii'icn i ruiitiiHiuiiu ous
Wr.lciu Hiut i Notlh Umik - 7 Nv m
for every resident to cultivate them.
Cuutuiuiial celebration on Septem
her 5, 6 and 7. Lectures will he
given ut the various ixjiuts of in
teres! so numerous about the mouth
1 here is one individual in St
Joints who makes a practice of put'
.: 1.: . 1 .1 1 .,
img him no&c uuwii oeiweeu uie
rows of potatoes uud allows the wa
ter to run along at any hour of
the day or night. It is out of reach
of the eagle eye of Mr. Webster
and the individual possibly chuck'
les gleefully as he thinks how he is
lium iihiiuiU. South Hen J ami Uinta llaitwr
ukti niMimi 1.111111m ma 1,, 111
Yamll I'aMcuKrr - - luva. hi
11. i. v-orncii, Akjtm.
Spokane, PorllanJ Seattle Railway.
t,lc IMkKiiiicr lor Ujlc, OolJfmlutc auj local
profile has U-vu preinrcd by llie city cn
giucer uud tiled in the ollice of the city
recorder of mU city Auuust Htli, ion,
and hy placine cement sidewalks 6 feet
wide with u fiHit cement curbs as shown
oil Mid plan and profile, nil cro wulkn
10 oe 01 cement, all gutters 01 corrugat
ed iron, roadway to be uiacaduiiied from
curb to curb the entire leuetli, Mid 111a. to Ih.- Pi niches deep 111 center and
7 iiu'lieaiK'ep at each curb.
Work to be done according to the
plans mul sccificatiotis of the city engi
neer 011 tile 111 tne oince 01 tne city re
corder relative thereto, which Mid plans
uud siK-cilieutious and estimates nrc sat- Sealed tiroooMls will be received nt the
tsfactory and ure hereby approved. Said I office of the Recorder of the City of St,
improvements to be made in accordance I Johns until August 15, 1911, at 8 o'clock
witii ine cuarter ami onunatices 01 uie in. ui lor llie improvement of Char-
city ol M. Johns, and under the super- lestou street from Uie center line of
Sealed nronoMls will lie riTelvisl nl I
the ollice of llie rmirder of the citv of
St. Johns until Aug. 15, 1911, nt Ho'clock
p. in, lor llie Iiuprovcmeiit of riiilmlel
phia street with standard llitulilhieiMve-
meiit from the northerly side line of
Hayes street to the southerly side
Hue of jersey street in the man.
tier provided by ordinance No. ,106. sub
ject to the pmvUlous of the charter ami
ordinances of the city of St. Johns, uud
the enllmate of the city eneineer, 011 file.
The cnelneer's cutiinute of the cost is I
bids must lie strictly in accordance with
printed nianks wiiicli will be turn-
Mied 011 uppllcutioii nt the ollice of the I
recorder of the city of St. Johns, Ami
Mid improvement must be completed 011
or oeiore 00 nays ironi me lust puuuca-
tlou ot notice ol protiosals lor Mid work.
No proposuls or bids will be considered
unless uccompaiiicil by u certifieil check
ayuoie 10 uie mayor ot uie city ot St.
ohus, certified by u responsible lunk
ten ier cent, ol
the ueereeute iinnxiMl,
The right to reject any and all bids is I
iiereuy reserveo.
Hy order of the city council,
City Recorder,
Published in the St. Johns Review-
July 38, AugUkt4 mid II, 1911,
Proposals tor Street Work
Lean not upon others; rely upon your own strength;
earn your own dollars; save and deposit as many
of these dollars as you can; deposit them with
this bank.
The poor man's dime is as much to him ns the rich
mail's dollar. It is our pleosuie to assist the for
mur in his struggle to gain the dollar,
We make no discrimination whatever between large
and small depositors; all are treated exactly alike.
Almost anybody can make- money, hut few know how
to save it. A Savings or Checking account with
this hank is mi efficient helper.
The Peninsula Bank
Capital, paid up - - - $50,000.00
Surplus Fund - - - - 7,000.00
UOni-RT TRKAT PI.ATT, President
I-'UUIJ C. KNAl'P, Vice President
JOHN N. KDUJl-'SKN, Cashier
STANTON I.. DOIIIK, Assistant Cashier
Wc Give Service
We Give Service
IClcctric Toast to the charred, or brittle, or soggy kind made
in the tedious old-fashioned way is relatively the same as the
superiority of grilled steak to fried steak.
I'or the merest fraction of a cent per slice the Radiant
To.ister makes Perfect Toast faster than you can eat it. It is Per
feet Toast ht-c itis ? tlu Radiant licit forces tin; necessary chem
ical change in the bread. T.iis i.isures delicious golden Toast
that fairly melts in your mouth.
V01 1 can operate the R idiant To.iMcr on the finest damask
t ibl i cloth. Its neat porcelain hisv and cheerfully glowing coils 1
add grace and charm to any table. 1
Portland Railway, Liglit & Power Company
7th ami Alder Sticet
We Give Service
Wo Give Service
I H. HENDERSON 122 Jmey St. j
I Real Estate, Loans, insurance f
K Abstracts of Title Prepared, Accurate Work OuoranUeil.
Leltrr heads, note head, bill heads, envelopes,
statements, invitations, cards, announcements or
ob punting of any kind ting or send it to us, wo
ran please you.
I I sT-sHr-T III
TWf i ,b Uxi ot t"utlful e-psf 0 book, wblch
w m show 11 y boy or gtrl bow to SUCCEED, Drop a
jiostsl In Ihi mall TODAY and ll will ts nt FREE,
TU aim of tbe College Is to dlgnlfjr nd popularls
tbe Industries, and to serve ALL tbe people. It offers
courses In Agriculture. Civil Engineering. Electrltal
Euglneerlnc MeeUanlcal Engineering, Mining Engin
eering, Forestry, Domestto.8clnce and Art. Com.
merce, Vba.inacy and Music, 'sue College opens
September s:a. Cat.-Jogfree.
OOLLEQE, Cirrallts, Oregon.
vision uml direction of the city engineer. I Uuycs street to southerly line of Olyui-1 1
Tlint the cost of Mid iiiiproveiiieut tol pin ktreet, in the manner provided by 1 1
ImluU S.11 a.
iimiiu niiiiiiic lopicM. 10 m a. ui., ior enkuwo.
St IVul, Onuhs. KsnusCily.St. l.ouU, Walla
be assesMst us proviiled by tlie city char
ter upon the property esjvcially ami
pirticularlv beuefitetl thereby, ami
which is hereby declared to be all of
lots, luits of lots, blocks and parcels of
laud between the termini of such im
provements ahuttitik! upon, adjacent or
proximate to s.ini uruioni street, troui
of the Coluiithia river, and muuv KcttmK ahead of the water company
prominent iieoiile of the state who "or cver siops 10 uiuik now lie is
ure fully informed on these subjects lowering the water pressure ut his
will deliver addressee. This iusti- uuinhbors' fuueets and would pos
tute will he of interest particularly pihly be nnejy if his neiehlior
to teachers of the Pacific North- suoum tell Him lie is a thief. Hut
west. really lie is, just a plain thief. It
don't look eood in print but it looks
just like that to the man's ueieh
bors who saw him. Veritas.
Jiuy it now. Now is the time to
buy a bottle of Chamburluiu's Co
lic, Cholura ami Diarrhoea Remedy.
lt is almost curtain to be needed
Wall. I'inv. KixM;rlt. OimuUUUcs. Ooldcn-
lUir. wiiiie iiuun.ana vaucoucr
Nuilh IU11L I.lmltril.7iJS l. Ill . lor Cliknto St.
raul, Omana. Kanus Citv. M. Louis, tmokaur
Spiaiiut. Kiltvillr, Liuil, Vatcu. Kooxell. auc
CotumMa Kivcr Local. I .U l in., lor Vaucouvcr
i.iaiiias, nunc Nimou, i.muiiajut.eiiti
and all liilcitunlutc ltiiii.
lulaiul Hmi'lic Hl'ir. rwii, in ; from Clilca
wo, m -uui, 11 111 a ns, muui viiy, M. louis,
KlkIlt, Apratiue, KuiMiie i.ina, 1-000
KooMvtlt.Rraiidtl4ls,- White Salniou.and Van
Nuilh IU11L Limited, jj; a. m . Ironi Chicago.
M I'aul. Omaha. Kansas. City. SI Louis. Walla
Walla. I'ihu Koocvelt. and Vaucouvcr
Columbia Kier Local isaji. in.. Ironi CI ids.
ordinance No. 404, subject to tlie provis
ions of the charter uud ordinances of the
City of St. Johns, and the estimate of
the City eiiKiueer, on file.
1 he eiiL'lueer s estimate ol the cost is
t I3.454.oo.
Iiiits must be strictly in uccordauce 1 1
with printed blanks, which will be fum-1 1
the marginal Hues of said street back to I ished on application at tbe ollice of the
uie center 01 me uiock or oiocus or 1 Kecomer 01 tne ctty ot at. joiitis. Anil
tracts of laud abuttiui! thereon or proxi-l said improvement unlit be completed on
mate thereto. I or before 60 days from date of the last
4 hat all the property tncliuletl in said I publicaMon of notice of i)roiosals of said
1 - 1 f. t.- Ill.t .!,
niiiuiiveiiieiii msiriei hiuii-s.uu i uereuv i wors:.
declared to be l.ocal luiprovemeiit His-1 No proposals or bids will be considered
trict No. 63. I unless uccoiniuuied by a certilied check
That the city engineer's assessment of I imvable to the order of the Mavor of the
.1. .1.1... .V . .-., 1 II... . .. -
uic pruoiiuic loiai cost 01 sum improve-1 tiiy oi at. lonus. ceruueii uva
uieni ui sain street is 1-10,037.10, siuic txinic 11
Undertaker and Funeral Director
Phone Columbia 283
East Burlington Stseet. St. Johns, Oregon
sibfc bank for an amount equal to ten others will be added as the demand
res pun
The following list of lejial blanks
are kept for sale at this office and
Cor. Ivanhoe and W, John St
That the cost of said street improve-1 per cent, of the aggregate projioiail, ami arises
ent is to be assessed against the prop-1 bonds to the auioiint ot the contract t'
ty in Mid local assessment district as I price will be required,
prtivideil by the city charter of the city
O. I.. I'erriuu made u biisluuMi trip to I Hons.'
Oiamldalks. OoUlcudalr, I.ylc While Salmon, of hi. Johns
Camas. Vaucour aud all lutcruiedUtc sia Adopted the 8th day of August, 19U.
licfbre the Slimiliur is OVur. This McMinuvillu ViHlneilav. whore several Ll easUii p. ui. Iioui Lle. Ooldeudale 1 Al,:i.V.5'
remedy lias no superior. Ugr Sjilo of his fuumus llreplaciMi are lieiue hi. All naiua siP lor uiii, . i.i,im,h.i 1.. ui-u-.-i..
ttalUHl, I O, M.Cvructl.AiteBt. 1 Aueut ll and l8. igii.
by St. Johns I'harmagy.
The rieht to reject any and all bids is
nereoy rvserveii.
uy onter ot tne vzuy council.
v. A. KltH,
Publislietl in the St. lolins Review- 011
July 3, August 4 and 1 1, 1911,
arranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, bo,tisfactton of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realtv. UIlls
of Sale, Leases.
All these blanks nt the uniform
price of 30c per dozeu,
Holda its regular sevicea each Sabbatii
Preaching II a. m. and 8 p. in.
Sabbath School 10 a. m.
K. U of C. E. 7 p. m.
Not only come yourself but double
your usefulness by bringing a friend.
Guy R. Stover, pastor.