St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 23, 1911, Image 3

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Newly Married
nnd those about to establish homes, will find
it to their advantage to look over our com
plete stock of House Furnishings.
Our stores are filled to the utmost capacity with
good equipment for your new home of the
most elegant and substantial, as well as the
Furnishings in this section.
We know that we arc in a position, not only to
help you materially on the economical side,
but with our easy payment plan, it is easy for
you to acquire all the furniture needed for
you to acquire all the furniture needed for
your home and pay for it as you can.
Be Sure and see
Opposite Postoffice St. Johns, Ore.
Sco window for special sale, Saturday p. m.
Local News.
: lumber:
Slabwood '.
l Rough, Prompt Dry, J
Dressed, Deliveries. Green,
Flooring, Quality
J Finish. Guaranteed.
Jl I 11111111113
Phone Richmond 131
Few Reminders of Spring
r ff .1.1 .
Hose, Garden Tools, Seeds i
and Fencing.' v
You will find our stock of Q
these articles complete and Q
the juices right. Q
St InhnQ rlflrrkflm Pn
.TTXr, -Sr - ui. juiiiiu iiuiuiiuiu uu,
Now is the Time j
To fit your house with Screen Doors at the right prices
from I1.00 to $2.2$
Also I.awn Mowers from $3.50 to $8.90 Garden Hose
50-foot length, from $4.00 to 6.oo
Our prices are RIGHT, and we are glad to show you
s our goods
! Serrurier Hardware Co.
Enamel Ware Sale
Sec Our Window Display
Drop In and Look Over our Grocery
McCabe & Corbett
Frank Hinkle is having a cozy
little home erected on Bank street.
Biugs, Royal Anns and Black
Republican cherries at A. S. Scales.
Sec the new St. Johns Ranges at
Calef Bros. You muy need one
some day.
Bananas now are sold by weight.
Eggs will be next to be sold in this
manner, and should be.
C. C. VVoodhottsc leaves this
week for Republic, Wash., where
lie will remain indefinitely.
inciaciiuai a cemetery is n
dire necessity in St. Johns Is becom
ing more apparent each week.
The Bachelors Club gave their
June dancing party in the rink on
Tuesday evening. As usual it was
a most delightful affair.
Mrs. lf. W. Valentine is the re
cipient of a handsome silver cup as
second prize on six roses at the Rose
Carnival. It Is a beauty in every
seusc of the word.
Peterson Bros, arc authority for
the statement that they will begin
laying Wcstrumitc on Jersey street
inside of two weeks unless some-
thing unforsceu happens.
"The Toastmaster" was render
ed for the second time at the High
School auditorium Tuesday night,
and again was a splendid success,
although the size of the attendance
was not much encouragement.
A meeting of the directors of the
Peninsula Bank will be held next
Monday to elect a successor to the
deceased cashier, C. A. Wood. In
the meantime John N. Kdlcfsen is
acting in that capacity.
"The Home Guard" will be ren
dered in the M. W. A. Hall tomor
row night at 8 o'clock by Gordon
Granger W. R. C. of Woodluwn.
The entertainment is said to be n
delightful one. Admission 15c.
The high school booklet printed
by an Oregon City concern is no
credit to the printer. While the
price was high, a seusc of cheap
nesspoor paper, poor ink and
nrcsswork pervades it throughout.
The contents, however, are inter
esting and reflect credit upon those
responsible for its publication.
Misses I;dua and Bessie I'ouu
lain, granddaughters of Mrs. M.
A. Bitgood, who have been in at
tendance at James John high school
during the year just closed returned
to their home at Walkerville, Ore.
Thursday morning. The young
ladies have won many warm friends
during their stay in St. Johns who
regret exceedingly to lose them.
Blngs, Royal Anns and Black
Republican cherries at A. S. Scales.
C. D. Titus is erecting a neat
little dwelling on South Gresham
OvGlowc has becun the con
struc'tlon of a handsome cottage on
Oswego street, costing .f 1000.
B. Ross of this city is suffering
from .1 broken rib and a few bruis
es oil his anatomy sustained from
coming in comaci wun a street car
at Albiualast week.
Mrs. Harry Mansfield has re
turned from a Portland hospital,
where she underwent a serious op
eration. She is now slowly regain
ing her former health.
Ross Churchill, after a long
siege at the hospital with a badly
injured leg caused by being thrown
as he was attempting to board a
street car, was hobbling along the
streets last week. He lias lost 30
pounds in weight, but there is still
a good bit left.
Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Smith ore
among the list of new arrivals nt
St. Johns this week, coming here
from Fremont, Nebraska. They
have secured a home nt 208 Buch
anan street. Both arc delighted
with St. Johns ami like its appear
ancc immensely.
In looking over our files we note
that the block of ground upon which
the Holbrook block is now situated
was offered to the city for park
purposes about six years ago at a
price of $6000. It was turned
down because the price was con
sidered too high. Isn't it awful?
C. W. Potter, a former popular
business man of this city, but now
of Medford, Is greeting his fricmlt
here today. A reception in his
honor 'will be given by the K. of P.
and Pythian Sisters in their hall to
night. Members, take notice and
ntteud if possible.
Mrs. Snlmoiid, mother of Gus
Salmond and Mrs. W. 1?. Collins,
left Tuesday for Sock Center, Minn,
where she will spend the summer.
A farewell party was given her nt
the home ol Mrs. A. W. Matklc
last Thursday afternoon. She,too,
thinks there Is no place like St.
Johns in America.
The Central school litis reason
to feel proud of its work during the
Rose carnival. The students and
friends of thin school collected and
furnished for the carnival commit
tee 15,000 first class roses in com
petition with all other schools 011
the Peninsula, mid winning the $15
photograph of Oregon's mo.t fam
ous resort, Crater hake. It will be
prized the more highly because of
the manlier in which the picture
was secured.
The Truth
I A man cAttidlitft our store last week and asked for a dollar bottle
of n certain medicine. He received it, threw down the dollar ami
started out. He was called back and given thirty-three cents in change.
He remarked he was better off than he thought lie was, and nsked the
reason of the change back. He was told that the article which he had
purchased was Included in our list of weekly cut rates nt sixty-seven
cents. The man was very much pleased. 1 ins Incident, 110 (loiuit,
will make him n regular customer at our store. Can you appreciate
the force of the foregoing? Would he or anybody else have received
any change, had they gone to some other stoie for their purchase? The
worst that can happen If you trade with us is to be charged what
others charge, but even this don't happen very often.
Try our Cut Rates The "Change" will do you good
a. Cutlcura Soan. ..... loc
50c Chamberlain' Diarrhoea Hem,.. 36c
asc Smith' a llllc Ileum J be
fi.oo Mes-Ca 50c
35c Troy I'oImjh Oalc Salve ,.I7C
50c DcWitt'i Kidney and I.iver l'UU.jSc
JjcSal Hepatica 19c
50c Kxtroctol Heel,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,., 37c
35c Continental Ointment 16c
50c Sloan' Liniment 39
JSC Allen'il'oot Hae. IHC
50c Welch' Grape Juice,,,,, 39c
33c New bkln 17c
1,00 Ramleriue 81c
33c Hlue Jay Corn Plaster 19c
50c Javne's Hxnectorunt .....33C
35c Uigesto Mult Itxtract ,6c
30c liorilen'a Malted Milk 34c
35c Tuoro, tue I'owilereu boaj tec
1,00 wine Larilut ....77c
10c J'alni Olive Soap , 60
loo Package ol Sulphur. .6c
33c Dottle Denatured Alcohol 14c
10 Ounces of Moth IlalU 3c
10c lUbhltt' 7
10 lutect Powder Oiitm 6c
13c Piece Pure Castile Soap ,10c
loc Steamboat Playing Card. ,6c
10c Grandpa's Tur Soap , 7c
35c Shaving Itnuh,.,. 16c
loc Haarlem Oil, two for 13c
loc Jet Oil Shoe Dreeing , 70
33c llox Writing Paper 14c
13c Package I.incu Iiuvclopcs oc
loc Cake Camphor Gum 6c
35c Pint Witch Ilael 18c
10c Toilet Paper, 4 rolls for 33c
100 Can Chloride I.imc , 7C
33c Pint Turpentine 16c
3c Nipples, 4 for ....13c
For Headache, Neuralgia,
Rheumatic and Periodical
Pains, Gout, etc,
We can safely recommend
these pills to all sufferers of
Headache. Money Back,
A 25 cent Hair Brush and a 25c Comb
Why not buy Winter Fuel
Now? Save 25 percent
PITCHLESS LUMBER CO. will deliver to any address
between Columbia Park and Hayes street, St. Johns,
Cull Ties direct from Cars for $4.75 per cord; Block
Wood $4.50 per cord. .
Orders must be placed at least one week in advance,
We have One Hundred Samples of
Which during Coronation Week will be the biggest
selling toilet article in the world, You know It Is
made in London. These samples will be given to
the first 100 ladies viiting our store.
We will carry the only stock of
FIREWORKS in the town
St. Johns Pharmacy
Our Second Annual
will be held this year on Friday, July 14th. The suc
cess attending our initial effort along this line has led
us to believe that this year's exhibition will far ex
ceed in volume and beauty that of last year.
Owing to lateness of the season the date of
the Sweet Pea Show has been changed to
t one week later than formerly announced.
wit DHMvijR livimvwinmii vrkk
l'HONli COM'MMA m;
St. Johns Hardware Co., St. Johns Milliner)', II. F. Cltirk Furniture Co., A. 11.
Liudboe Grocery Co., St. Johns Pharmacy, L. H. Milton Meat Market, W. M.
Tower, Jeweler and Johnstone's Toggery have combined to refund the
entire purchase price of this sanitary metal cabinet to the first Fifty
purchasers during the Introductory Period. On exhibit at
A d I : - 1 1
m. d. Linuuue varocery uo. i
111 W. Burlington Street I
CUE IT mirl Vmvp if. pvnlmnpfl in vnn with mil:
I LL ' obligation on your part.
Ji &4 rib iT ? &4 rib Y iSU &4 ti iT T ift ? ? iT ? Ti ? tT hT ii
This store is (he only one in St. Johns (hat sells groceries exclusively.
Therefore, we arc in a position (o keep our stock fresh and (he best
(hat can be secured. No stale or poor quality of anything is kept on
hand. Fair and courteous treatment and prompt delivery arc at
your command. Give us a trial, if not already a patron.
111 West Burlington Street