THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW BY A. W. MARKLE Publlahod Evry Friday At 117 Woat Darlington Street. Tirs RRVIXW is entered at post office In Saint Johns, Oregon, na mail matter of the second class under the Act of Con grats of March 3, 1879. Official Nnrspsper of Uia City of Bt. John Advertising rales, 91.00 per Inch ir month. Job Prlntln assented In Aril-class stjls. tUItt tor Job rrlntlot easb on dsllter. Subscription prlco $1,00 per year. Carrie Nation, of national fame as a hatchet wieldcr against the sa loons, passed to the other world last week. Having the courage of her convictions, she adopted a pe culiar method of attempting to de stroy the saloons. She was arrest ed so often that it grew rather mon otonous. However misguided and futile her efforts were, she never theless made a unique place in his tory for herself for the havoc she wrotitiht and the odd things that she did. The just punishment of crime is getting to be very conspicuous by its absence. A man's life is spared only because of n harmonica inter cepting the murderous bullet, yet the assassin not but 00 days nnd -100 fine. Another man is found with stolen goods in his possession and even confessed that he had stolen them: vet he is sentenced to one year in the iwiiitentliiry, but left out on rnrole. ate two cases with which the people of St Johns arc familiar, happening with in the past week. How many like cases there are every week in Port laud is bevoud estimate almost. No wander crime is rampant. 1 Yet another obstruction has been placed in the pathway of the on ward progress of Wcstrumitc. At the adjourned meeting of the city council Wednesday evening a vol uminous document occupying many typo-written pages in the nature of n complaint against Wcstrumitc and proposed cujoiument against its be ing laid on jersey street and signed by half n dozen presumably prop erty owners was inflicted tipaii the city fathers. It alleged many irreg ularities in the proceedings and the charges so frequent and devious that no attempt was made to digest them all. Mr. Mud promptly de clared that he would assume the additional burden and go right ahead. Isn't it preposterous to sup pose that (bene procrty owners would go the c.cusc of keeping out n hard surface that they have reason to believe is better than any laid in the Northwest, and which personally they know nothing to Its detriment? Docs it require great imagination to discern the dark and foreboding shadow of an octopus behind it all? Think you, which has the greatest object to at tain the handful of procrty own urs who never saw Westrtiunte, or the paving trust to whom a bvtte pavement would mean it death blow? It may be that the so-called proicrty owners are acting in good faith, that they be lleve Wcstrumitc is no good, that they are spending their good dollars lor attorney Hire that might bette be used in laying hard surface, that they believe the so-called facts pro (lucetl by the trusts against the evt deuce of our own citizens who hav seen Wcstrumitc and pronounced it best it may be. Hut if the al leged property owners are ucting in good fuith, their philanthropy is so maguluccnt ami so entirely out ot the ordinary tliut they must expect their motives to be questional. That this will be the biggest year that Oregon has ever known with the biggest crop total in it history, is the prediction mude by Stories of Success JAMES OLIVER It was the Itroat Franklin who said "Plow doep whlln slug gards sleep," but It was left to a fioor boy born n bonny Scot land to bring ths plow up to Its highest effi ciency. Jnmcs Oliver fared forth to fams and for tuno In America when ho was 11 years old. nifl nrst jon -farm ncdr Geneva. New York, at fifty cents week and board. Tho call of tha West caused the ffirr.lly to remove to Mlshawaka. In .llanaT where In a log "hooK house James attended school Just one wln- teiils rlso from a cooper shop at two dollars a day to the great Oliver Chilled I'low Works, giving employ ment to thousands, proclaims n. etory of great success. He always knew the value of ft dollar, ond acquired the savings habit early. , A savings account gives a sense of security for the future. Make a deposit With us today. FIRST NATIONAL BANK St. Johns, Oregon Svi.VKSTKK I'l'.THKSON, Pres. A. U. Joints, Vice President I''. P. Dkinkkk, Cashier C. U. Rt'.ssHM., Ass't Cashier Do You Want in on it? Dr. James Withycouibe, director o the United States Kxpuriiiient Stu tion at Corvallis, He estimates that the total value of Oregon crop lor 101 1 will he more tliun $125, 000,000, Loggers of the Columbia River basin will go to Vancouver, H. C to attend the third annual I.oggiug congress t be held there in June 22 uud 23. The conditions that obtain in this industry will be dis cussed thoroughly and all matters of interest to timbermeii will be tak en up. It is expected this will be one of the most important meetings ever held in the history of the Northwest logging and there prom ises to be a large attendance. German-speaking societies of Portland have raised a fund to be used in connection with a sum pro- video by the Commercial club to be expended in attracting German immigration to Oregon. It is planned to devote the money to the publication ot German booklets, telhug 01 the advantages Oregon offers to the settler and in answer ing letters of inquiry iu the German language. 0 Oregon's newly formed naval reserve will have a flagship before the end of the mouth for the United States Cruiser Dostou has been or dered transferred to duty at Port land and will be prougut here dur ing the coming week by the officers of this organization. It will there after be headquarters of the Reserve and will participate in practice cruises to train the officers and men In naval mauauivers. Portland faces the greatest water famine it has ever known, says Tuesday's Journal. The first really hot day of the year fell Saturday, and since then the reservoirs that ordinarily hold 66,000,000 gallons have been steadily falling every day. Ofiicials of both the water aad health departments have been buried under a continuous. stream of complaints by letter, telephone and in person. The clamor of tlie peo ple from all quarters of the city is incessant and the thermometer has not gone anywhere near the sum mer limit. The water board will meet this ifter noon and consider ways and mcius of relieving the situation. It may be found necessary to discon tinue the sprinkling of streets and lawns, "There is a shortage of water now at the high ix)iiits in the city and there will be an unusual shortage before the middle ot the summer," declared Superintendent Dodge of the water department to- lay. "The cause ot It is, as usual, the approach of hot weather and the almost invariable accompani ment of that season with the waste of millions of gallons daily." liven if both the new reservoirs were available however they would probably not ailed the present sit nation as the city is now using every drop of the 22,800,000 gallons poured into the old reservoirs by the old pipe line and the reservoirs continue to fall day by day. The city council and the engiu eer measured the distance between the saloons and the school grounds Wednesday evening and found a safely outside of the limit prescribe by charter. It was discovered im possible to sell liquor iu the Wood house building, only 12 feet ot being outside the limit, Afte measurement the body adjourned to the city hall, where a represent alive ot the bond buying company which was awarded the ferry bond asked for eight days more time which was grunted, A lengthy document, signed by six alleged projerly owners against laying Westiumite on Jersey, was read ant placed with the city attorney. Mr Mud .stated that he would shoulder all costs that might ensue by rea sou of the latest move to impede Wcstrumitc, and that work would proceed on the street. 0 Postmasters of the state, who were in convention at Portland dur iug the past week, endorsed the postal savings bank system am! urged its extension throughout Or egou, Postmasters where these iu stitutious have been tried were earn est advocates for them elsewhere Next June postmasters of Oregon and Washington will meet iu Poit laud, Children that are affected by worms are paie ana sicKiy ami are liable to contract some fatal disease WHITIv'S CRKA.M VKRMI FUG 15 expels worms promptly am puts tue child 011 the toad to health Price 25c per bottle, Sold by St. Johns Pharmacy. Portland now claims to have the fastest motor boat in the world, the Oregon Wolf having just been launched, and it made its first ap pearance at the races run during inc nose 1'csuvai. 1 111s crait was build solely for speed purposes and it is expected to race her through out the country. She runs at the rate of 41 miles au hour, o A billions, half-sick feelinc, loss of energy, and constipated bowels can be relieved with surnris 1111 promptness by usinir HI5RHIN15. The first dose brings improvement, tew doses puts the system iu fine, igorous condition. Price 5,0c. Sold by St. Johns Pharmacy. John None & Co. TAILORS have moved to the north room of the McChesney BIocK pending the erection of the new building. All the Comforts of Home depend largely upon the charac ter of its furniture. We think you will be interested in our itiea of what constitutes A Well furnished House. We shall be glad to illustrate our idea if you will honor us with call. We are always pleased to Show Goods and give Prices whether you buy or not. St. Johns Furniture Company "Cash or Credit" ORDINANCE NO. 396 An Ordinance -Declaring- the Cost for Improvement of Columbia Boulevard in (he City of St. Johns, Oregon, From Portland Boulevard to the City Limits, and As sessing the Property Bene fited Thereby, Declaring Such Assessment nnd Di rccting the Entry of the Sam in the Docket of City Liens. The city of St. Johns docs onUiu as lot low: Tluit the council tins conslilcral til nroK)tcil assessment (or improving Co limiDi.i ixmicvunl, ami mi objection made thcivto, mill hereby asccrtuins, tie termine unit declares the whole rot of wild improvement in the nmntier nruviit ml by Ordinance No. U4 to be the mini of f1.6yj.B7, nail that the siieeiul anil tw culliir benefits nccniiug to each lot or part thereof or jxirccl oi lml within the assessment district, ny reason 01 sain im movement nml in just proportion tostch tjcut'tits, are in me respective amount Set opposite the number or description of vach lot or mt thereof or parcel of html in tlie following auuexeii assessment roll, ami said assessment roll, which is numbered i, is hereby adopted and approved as the assessment for Mid im ptovemeut, uud tlie recorder of the city of St. Johns is directed to enter a state ment of the assessment hereby made in the docket of city liens, ami cause notice thereof to lie published us provided by emitter, which assessment is its loiiows Lot t... J... 3... 4-.. t: 7... y. 14.. is.. lb., 17.- H 19 jo 31 22 15 U 16, Mock t MIM Addition O IS., 9-- 30. . 21.. 22., 23 - 24 - . 8. II N ti u II K Aiut f42-73 J4-9 3406 33. 16 33-34 35.07 95.66 52.86 35.5S 49.9A 47-2 43.83 36.7S ...... 38,80 39.80 43-jI 52.5J 17.54 loS, 37.50 35-45 33.7S 28.4S 38,68 29,76 30.HI IOI.9S 26,89 29.57 2S.06 29.07 32.3S 33-34 127.74 June 13H1, 10 " 1 " ...... I'issed by the, council 1911. Approval oy the mayor June ijtlt, 1911, K. V.OUL'11, Mayor, Attest! l,A. Ulee, Recorder. Published by the St, Johns Review une 16, 1911. Preach the Koapol ot St. Johns. Every Little Girl will soon be saying, "Oh, iiiotlierl its warm enough to leave off my coat" which means that i mother must start working on new dresses for the Summer play days. We've been anticipating just such a move and our stocks of sturdy fabrics for the little girls' clothes are more complete than heretofore. Ginghams 12 l-2c Foulards 5c Calicos ,. 5, 6, and 7c Percales 10 and 12 l-2c Choose the needs for the little girls summer wardrobe at this store. When the Girl grad uates the dress will be the all-important thing. Nothing weighs greater upon the girl'.H mind 011 this great day iu her life than the correctness of her graduating gown. With a dress of our pretty UIQII OP I.AWN at 35c or KODU SILVL at 30c made with the aid of a Ladies Home Journal Pattern, girlish heads will rest easy under the commencement crown. Wc invite you to this timely showing of fabrics for graduation lime. TREADING ON THE HEELS OF SPRING Comes the demand for cool, dressy suits. We have secured a special showing of snappy suits for men and priced them nt a moderate figure $15 Now is the time to buy, while our stock is complete. A full line of men'sU Negligee Shirts for summer wear at 75c, $1, $1.50 and $2.00. Just received. Owing to existing circumstances relative to our street improvements it has put us somewhat above the sidewalk - but our exceedingly low prices in groceries still remain on the leveK consistent witli legiti mate business. A SPECIAL PRICK of 4c per yard on a large assortment cr Im itation TORCHON I.ACICS, this week and next. If you have never tried the LADIES' HOMK JOURNAL Pat terns, try one now for that new Waist, we have several designs that insures comfort and style. Then select your material from our showing of stiberb waistings. All widths, all colors of RIHHON K KM N A NTS at one fourth off COUCH & COMPANY PIONEER MERCHANTS OppositejCity Hall Phone Columbia 1 37 One Half Price Everything in Hats and Flowers, also some Plumes. Come early while you still have a large selec tion to choose from. St. Johns Millinery 207 N. JERSEY Mrs. C J. MARTIN, Prop. Comfort In warm weather is assured iu the office, factory aud home by using ELECTRIC FANS See the large variety in stock at the Electric Store P. S. Dou't forget the la bor saving Electric Iron Always Ready. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company 7th aud Alder Street Keep your business before the. public advertise in the Review. Parents." No matter what heritage you leave, your child will some clay be dependent on SELF. If left with a fortune already earned, the habits formqd in early years will determine how wisely that fortune will be ad ministered. The best object lesson your child can have in the care of money and its earning power, is a sav ings account at this bank. A dollar will start an account. The Peninsula Bank St. Johns, Oregon Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $7,000.00 Resources over $200,000.00 R. T. Piatt. Prcsideut C. A. Wood, Cashier F. C Knapp, Vice President S. h. Dobie, Assistaut Cash. Excursions East-Low Round Trip Fares May 22 lo 25, 27 to 29; June 5, 7. 9. 10. 12. 16. 17. 21.22.28, 29. 30; July I to 6. 19, 20, 26. 27 28; Augu.t 3, 4, 5, 14 lo 17. 21 to 23,28 to 30; September I, 2. 4 to 7. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Kanui City, Omaha, Duluth, Winne- pe.t $ 60.00 Chicago and Milwaukee 7230 St. Louia 70.00 Denver, Colorado Springs 55.00 New York and Philadelphia..... 108.50 Wathington and Baltimore 107.50 Boston 110.00 A rsrlcty of routes going and returning U opto (or selection. Ketutn limit October jut. Stop- orets are allowed In each direction. 0. M. CORNELL, Agent. W. E Coman, C. F. & f. A. Bring in your printing NOW