ORDINANCE NO. 388 An Ordinance Authorizing the Oregon Railroad and Navi gation Company, Its Succes sors and Assigns, to Lay a Sido Track and Run Cars Over and Along tiie North Side of Bradford Street, Be tween a Point on the Alain Line of the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company, One Hundred (100) Feet Westerly Along the Said Main Lino From the West Line of John Street to a Point Fifty (50) Feet East of the East Line of Burling ton Street, All in the City of bt. Johns. The city of St. Johns docs ordain ns ioiiows: Section t, The Oregon Railroad rind Navigation Coniviny, n corporation or gaulied nnd existing under and ny virtue of the laws ol the State of Oregon, Its successors and assigns, Is hereby author ized and permitted to lay a side track and run cars over the same along the north side of It radio rd street between a point on the mailt line of the Oregon Unilrond and Navigation company one hundred (loo) feet westerly along the said main line front the west line of John street and a point fifty (50) feet east of tltc cast line of Iittrliiigtoii otrect, all In tuc city ot bt. joints, Multnomah county Oregon, said Uncle lo extend from the plant or mills of Lntithcr' Mercantile Company, Incorporated, to a point of connection with the line of railroad of the Oregon Railroad and Navigation company. Section a. The durntlou of this frati chise shall be 35 years from and after the inning cueci ot mis ordinance. .Section 3. The comminution to be paid to the city of St. Johns for this franchise shall be the sum of three (5.1) uotiars per annum, which sam sum sliall be paid by the said Oregon Unilrond and Navigation Company to the citv treasurer of the city of St. Johns on or ociorc me 11 tiny 01 juiy 01 cnclt year. Section 4. The Oregon Unilrond and Navigation Company, its successors mid ORDINANCE NO. 389 Council Proceedings An Ordinance Providing The Time And Manner Of Im- In honor of the electric parade in Portland and because some of the . rr I J. M n .1 nn..l...inM.l .1. ... . . . i,lu"fi uiuuiiu uuuikyuiu I couiicumcii were n bit wistltu to sec From the Northerly Line of the same, council met and adjourn- uiumpson aircci to me , wkuhw uum wtmo Smith I inn nf Rnirn Ct.-nsr uu veiling. ... , uiuww uuwvi All f.. II -!-, fe r.. , I "It lllwmutio Willi SHU II1UVUI ine uty ur bt. Johns, nmsbihier war. nr.c ,.,i,n. uregon. meeting opened Wednesday even ing. i lie lirst matter to engage the attention of the dads was the The cltv of St. Tohns does ordnln n Petition for an arc lirht nt the cor fo'l?ws: , . . tier of Burr and Kcssendcn streets, mc council oi me eiiv 01 mi. inntn. irii i havilur f .Zrl ""eiTCU 10 l,1C "g"1 COmtUIUCC. lug 1'ortland boulevard mm the north. "ill asked for a rebate of $25 erty side line of Thompson street to the which had been collected by the SOUtlierlV S lie line of llruec street In the fit v fnr lntori-t,irr nmhr nlnna 1., officM r0t P 8 PPerty on Willis boul. 9U1 day of Mav. tan. and recorded cvard. Councilman Hill stated that in the oMlcc of the recorder of said cltv. and notice thereof Imvimr been publish- ed in the St. Johns Review, a weekly 1 called lowcrintr of nines waq n farce newspaper of general circulation, on the ' C. ?.! lT.Y Vi"S -JE? istn u ay ami loth day of May, tgu as sliown by the affidavit of the foreman of said naner. which said affidavit Is on file in the office of the city recorder; and legal posting of notices of such Improvement, as shown fi y the alTidavit of the city engineer on le In the office or the cltv recorder, and no remonstrances having been filed, nnd, and nn imposition upon the people. tic claimed that the cost of lower ng pipes was collected when a fill was made instead of n cut. and trave a numucr ot instances where this was done. The ordinance allows the water company ten cents ncr toot tor lowering pipes where tin assigns, shall keep In repair that portion of said street occupied by its said side track authorized tinder this ordinance its required by the council, and the said The uregon kmiiiwiiI 'tun Mirigatlon Loin piny, its successors mid assign, shall jwy, prior to the time of tlciliiipii'iu'y, any special assessment for the rcjulr or ittipiovemciit of that portion of the street liclwccit tile rails ot the sniil side ttnrk, and extending one foot outside of such rails, and that mm!oii of wild street lying between the two tucks of the said The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company at said place, nd In case of failure or refusal to comply with the notice to rcilr, improve or maintain such portion of said street, or of neglect or refusal to pay any legal assessment for repair or Improvements, the said city of St. Johns may declare by ordi nance the immediate forfeiture of the franchise herein nuthoriicd. Section 5. Said The Oregon Kail road and Navigation Company shall, within thirty days after the passage and taking effect of this ordinance, fife in the office of the recorder its written mci cptiincc of the same. raited by the council June 7, 1911. Approved by the mayor June 7, 191 1. k. c. couch. Mayor. Attest: V. A. RICH, Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Review 011 June 9, 1911. nsprevldedbysald rcs6lutIon. tltc eng.: Z i 7f .X . 1. tiecr'a preliminary estimate of the cost of rt,"?J,n stet improvement, but said improvement Isf 11,201.98, but shall Mr. Hill could not sec why the 1... ..... .. :. , t. ... ... inure uccuraiciy determined ny sam same stiouiu uc allowed wilcrc no "'ft .. ,... . . cut was made. He said the bills Uii;i .tt S lml.1i U U I !ays O. KM. by the cngin- lor tltc cotni) et 011 of said mnrovemont ccr ami rccorucu against tile nron is Hereby fixed nt sixty days from the erty by thc city 'recorder. He iasipu.,1 cation 01 notice 01 proposals ot I wanted to know if the engineer was said work, which said propoals must be 1.!,, ,nn, ..,1,1. .1 ,-"""-,-' "" filed With the recorder 'of 11.1 rltv on .n CallOOtS With tllC Water COII1- before the J7th day of June, 1911, nt Pa"'i aJ charged Mr.Kssou was cigiit o'clock p. in. of said day. elected by the management of the foil lish sit ewallcliii! foot cement sidewalks, 11 toot curbs en- with the mayor. mi.- iciiKui! logcwicr w i i.su ucccswry lien Hoover. ro inaii. reoitestf, wooden cross walks anil bor guttcrs, nnd rntc ' ,.,, 1, t.. .... placing n strip of niacadainViO feet wide " rn.Is p i5 lcr month in salary in the ccntct ot said street, sld uiacsdam Socialist rcrriuc stated that he fnv ... A t 1 ..... I ... ... 10 uc o incucs ( cet 1 1 ine ccnicr ami oreti Tiiaciiirr 111111 011 n i n v wnnn t. 1. ...1 i ..1.1 . . . . r . . : f- ,,,t.,v, net,, uu cimcr MUG, Mill wbik SCIIIC, 1)111 tllC CtlglllCCr ObjCCtCd tO reci.1 b; the cii7 engK 'lC n,ade m0t That said street shall I Improved as Water company for a purpose. Mat Hows! Ilv fmtlltitr uiiii. In tin. ...lull. I . J . J i shed L.m.le bv n.i ..wK'r.ii u,i i.v lcr wns referred by the mayor to dewalklng same on cither side with 6 the water committee ill conjunction boulevard from Thompson street to Urttce street was passed on motion of Aid. Davis; all yes. Ordinances providing the time and manner oi improving Philadcl phia street from Hayes to Kdison and Kdison from Kesseiulcn to llur liugton reached third reading and were held over one week. Ordinances assessing the cost of Philadelphia street walk and North Ivanhoe improvement were passed on motions of Aids. Hill and Yal entitle respectively; all yes. An ordinance prohibiting hard- surfacing until connections with water mains Una Dccn made was held over one week for "repairs." Alderman Drcdcson wanted the city engineer placed under $5000 bonds, as per ordinance in effect but not enforced. Recorder direct ed to attend to this by the mayor. Alderman Horstnau wanted the ordinance in regard to dirt falling down upon the sidewalks and not removed by the property owners en forced. He also made n motion that council meet in n body P'riday afternoon and proceed to measure the distance from the school ground to the nearest saloons to ascertain if they are less than 500 feet from each other. Motion seconded by Soc. Perrinc, but on vote these two were the only two favoring the proposition. The city attorney wus ustructcd to search his law books with reference as to just what the ORDINANCE NO. 390 An Ordinance Declaring the Cost of Improving Phil delphia Street From Jersey Street to Ivanhoe Street In the City of St. Johns, Oregon, and Assessing the Property Benefited There by, Declaring Such Assess ment and Dlrcctine the Entry or the Same in Docket of City Liens. the The Cltv of St. Inline b.ra i " ioiiows: That the council has eonslderpil ilm proposed nssebSllltlltfor lliltmivlnif I'lilln ... . .. .. , ........... .iciiiiiiii Hirvci. nun nn nntprtintia tmnii thereto, and hcrcbvnscertnlim.iii'ii-rniltir aim Hectares me wiiole cost of said Im provement In the mnnticr provided uy Unlinniicc No. i6t In l tln mini nt flit.WlS.ntld that the stieelnl nml iirrii. thereof or twreel of fAii.i utitii.. ttm n.. ko ciioato'n confhicnco in Hid own KNEW DE QUINCEY'S WORKS. Chosts Was Dstttr Postsd en Thsm Than the Author Hlmsslf. Many years ago James T. Fields, tho publisher, was waking a collection of tho writings of l)i Qulnccy. Tho CS' Rnyn wore widely tcattcrvd In various periodicals nnd wers often hard to Identify. Mr. Fields knew Itttfus Cltoato as n devoted student of Do (Julticoy nnd wroto hint ono day nsk' lug his opinion as to a certain article. Was It by Do Qulnccy or not? Mr. Chonto replied thnt It certainly was. There- could bo no mistaking tho stylo of tho piece. A fow weeks later Mr. Clioato received through Mr. Fields a letter from Do Qulnccy deny. Ing absolutely nnd somewhat lndlg nnntly tho authorship of the article nut Chonto was not of tho stuff to yield his opinion for a trlflo llko that. Ho wroto to Mr. Fields; "I still bollovo thnt Do Qulncry wroto tho essay, Do Qulnccy to tho contrary notwithstanding." Dotibtlcs. Mr. Fields read tho nolo with a smiling comtnont, "That's Just ORDINANCE NO. 386 An Ordinance Adopting The Report of The City Engineer in The Alattcr of Opening of Decatur Street from Rich mond Street to the Easter ly Line of Outlot "I," A. L. Miner's Addition To The City of St. Johns. scssmeiit district, bv reason ol said lin- jirovcnient and in just proportion to such benefits, ate in the respective amounts set optwslte the number or description of each lot or part thereof or parcel of mini in tuc following annexed assess ment roll,iind said assessment roll.whlch Is numbered 48. is herebv adopted and approved as the assessment for said im provement, and tho reconlernf the cltv of St. Johns Is directed to cuter n state ment 01 tlic assessment hereby made in the docket of city Ileus, and cause notice provisions are in regard' to distance. ,W,nl ?i I';"!?'1 hy A Mi.rmi.il Mill n.1 Unr.umi. J C""l-T, Which assessment Is as follows! """- v w . m 1 I nt 1 I. t I 11.1 .ll.lrl In n Kill n,tl..,.,ln,.. ",OCK AUUIllOIt ,nu. Vtt4LLlt til il lltllV. (I IIV.S-lil If I IISIV II IU tf . t . . cmtversallnn ivlille the tnnlter wnSY .? J'J'' r90.a, - - - - - . . 1 .1.11. 1 111 .1 111 11. 4 f Jtidgmentl" Months ctnpucd. Ono day there enmo a lottor from Do Qulnccy containing n humhlo apology for his previous blun der. Uy chnnco ho hnd found In his desk the manuscript of tho very nrtlclo In question. Written ns It had boon years before, It had pnsscd entirely from his mind, "nnd you tnny tell your young Uoston lawyer," ho concluded, "thnt lit knows my stylo better than I know It myself.' OUT FOR THE FEES. discussed. The mayor stated that tho par S.I. 1-2 of 4. &.!. i-aor 1. to w.w.i-joi 1.39 89.3 .101.93 have four-Inch drain tile everv fiftv feet: iittcu rings 10 dc placed lit curl) as til reeled by the city cuciticer. The city recorder shall give notice by nuDiicatiuu tor not less malt lllrec 111 sertions in the St. Johns Kcvicw, the of' ficial ucwstMticr, inviting protKiols for iikiiiu sam improvement. Said Improvement shall in till respect be done mid completed in coiifortnlti with the provisions ol Ordinances Noh 160 and l') J except as otherw W' tirovliled 111 mis ordinance; an work 10 110 iiuue tiudci the direction and supervision t.l the city eiiuiueer. That the cost of said itiiprovcmcit shall be assessed against the. property In the local Imtirovciiicut district asdes tcrllteil In Mild resolution and designate I ns nun declared to te locai Improve mciii iJistrtci ro, 00, 1'assed by the council,: June 7th, 1911. Approved Dy tlie tuav-or June 7th, lyu. K. GvCOUCII, ' Mayor. Attest: V. ARICH, CltriKeconler. rubllihed In the St. Jolmsf Kcvicw 011 jinn, y, l-yil, NOTICE TO ADVKRTI8ER8. order to Insure a chano of ad In vertlsement the copy forjauch chang should reach this office net later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock ..m. Pleas" 'mimbir this and aavath orlnU Delmonico Rooming House --JOWER BLOCK-- Uuder new management. Nicely furnished suites of HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Also single rooms by duy, week or mouth. MRS. I( HARDING, Prop. t ff f Htt tftft t f tIt)t lumber: 4- 4- f f f f f f 4 Rough, Dressed, Flooring, Finish. Prompt Deliveries. Quality Guaranteed. Slabwoofi ! Dry, Greeu,r ' Blocks) Trimniings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO.. Phone Richmond 131 BARGAINS!! Are really bargains if they come from the Model 5, 1 0 and 1 5c Store Come and see our new stock of Dishes. 408 N. JERSEY ST. ST. JOHNS. Northern Pacific Railway LEAVING ST. JOHNS North Coa.t Limited via Pugtt Sound. 10.30 a. m North Cut! Limited rU North Bank 7.1s P- m; Atlantic Ktprcu via Pugct Sound ll'JS p.m. AUsatlc Kiprcs via North Bank io-jo a, m. Twin City Kxprcu via Pugtt 6ouud :J0 p. m. Twin CT Kiprcu via North Bank 7:15 p. m, XatUrn Kxprcu via pugtt Sound I J J3 p. m. lUtUrn XxprcssTia North Bank..- iKa. m. Uo. Ultcr Kxprcu via North Bank 75 P- m. rot tlaad, Tacoma & Seattle Kxprcu. 7:05 a. m.. lor Grays Harbor, Olympia and South Bend Branches. rvftt Bound Limited, j:y p. m., Grays Harbor and South Bend Branches. Vacolt paasengcr .... - j.-jo p, m. AKKIVINO AT ST JOHNS North Coast Limited via North Bank - - too p. m 1 . oos a. m Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway. LKAVI.NO ST. JOHNS. Lyle Fatsengcr for Lylc, Goldendale and lot poluta - 8ui a, 1 nana umpire Kxprcu, io:jo a. m.; lor Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha. KanuiCUy.St. Louts. Walla - Hip- North Coast Limited via Pugtt Sound No. ractac xpreu via noiio uii No. raribc Xxpreu via Pugtt Sound --6:4 raciac sixprcu via nonn wdk - j v rad&c Kxprcu via Puget Sound 6.33 a. m Wcitcra Kxprcu via North Bank ).p. m 10S05 p. m 7:37 a. m 3f P. rortlaad, racoma & Seattle Kxprcu - 3:3s p. n Walla, Paico, KoomtcU. GrandJalles. Coldcn- dale, White Salmon, and Vancouver. North Bank Limited, 7135 p. m.; lor Chicago St. Paul, Omaha, Kanua City, SI. Louli, Spokane, Sprague. Kitxville, Llnd, Pawo, Kooscvclt, and Vancouver. Columbia River Local, 5:33 p. m., lor Vancouver, motion thnt the remtest he not ernntci! which carried unanimously. 1 he lidlefsen Inel Co. asked for permission to discharge wootl from uarKcs.nt thCtCityudock at a com pciisatioii to be -uititttnlly oRrcct1 upon AKicrtiiHu valentine movct that the request bcgmtitcd; amend nitiil itntdc by Alderman Hill that it be referred to theMock committee, I twit vote on amendment nnd mo tion as nincndcd Vnlentitie. llrctle I . I a sun ana .muck voted "no, niiti the other four "yes," in both in stances. beven proimrtv owners nrotest etl nguiust improveinent of Willam ette boulevard' (or various reasons chief of which- wus the street good enough as it stands. Protest filed 011 motion of Aid. Valentine. All the properly owners interest ed in the proposed opening of Ivtii sou street between Richmond and Tyler remonstrated on the irrountls mat it wasitinuecessarv and treiiN uiciai to some ol tlie,nrorx:rtv, Gruiited mid proceedings" stayed on motion ot Aid. iwucK; all yes. Mayor Couch asked that the en gitiecr be directed to ascertain the distance from the dock to the rail road and other data relating to the the dock for the information of the railroad commission. So orderct: 011 motion of Alderman Hill: al yes. Villi- w . .a runs amounting to 5117.3.S were allowed on motion of Aid. Muck. Socialist rcrrine stated that schedule of fixed clmrces should be drawn up governing rates for the use of the city vock. On motion of Alderman Muck the buildings and grounds' committee was instructed to do so. A resolution nppointing T, H. Cochran, 11. T. Legeett and T. I, Shurtz as viewers 011 the .opening of Decatur street was adopted on motion of Alderman Muck. A directory resolution for the improvement of South Decatur from Richmond to Salem was adopted on motion of Alderman Hill, as was a resolution for the improvement of Baltimore street from Jersey to Edison on motion of Alderman Muck; all yes in botli instances. An ordinance nmemlittrr n sir. jj tjowiothciljqiior regulation ,ordir Mumc uiiii Jiuviuing iiiui an li cences granted hereafter terminate on December 31st of each year was passed on motion of Aid. Muck; all yes. An ordinance giving the O. R. & N. a franchise to connect with the Lauthers warehouse was passed on motion of Alderraau Valentine: Bredeson, Perrine and Horsmau voting iu the negative, however. Socialist Perrine stated that he fav ored inserting the clause that pro vided the city should take over the franchise whenever the street was needed by the city. W. ii. Asliby. on behalf of the fire department, asked that a hy drant be placed at the comer of Hayes and Burlington streets. So ordered on motion of Alderman Bredeson; all yes. Socialist Perrine urged that a map of the various arc lights and hydrants be secured in order that the council could act more intelli gently when a petition for the same Camas. White Salmon. Lyle.Oranddallet.Cllfls .., ,.t..l itioni. I v iw-tivcu iium uuic iu tunc. and all Intermediate atat AKKIVINO AT ST. JOHNS Inland Umpire Kxprcu, y.-Mp.m.; Irom Chica go, 6t, Paul. Omaha, Kanua City. St. LouU, bpokane. Sprague, Kltsville Llnd, paeco, Kooacvclt,Graaddalet,- White Salmonnd Van couver w.aura Kxorcu via Pugct Sound Uo. Jtlvrr Kxprcu via North Bank jm Klver Miuft.i via Pugct Sound bom oiympU, South Bend and Crayt Harbor runt Sound Limited TaeaH Pautnger &49 p. m ......... ioj. m O.U. CoracU, Agent. p. m 1 North Bank Limited, 7:37 a. m., from Chicago, bt. raui. umiu, Kanua city. Si. LouU, Walla Watta, Pxko, Boouvclt, and Vancouver Columbia River Local 10.03 . m.; Irom Clifla, Granddallei, Goldendale, Lyle White Salmoa, unui, vsucouver ana an miermeaiaic eta tlona. Lyle raueagct 7M9 p. m. Irom Lyle, Goldendale idu local poinix. AU trains atop lor paueagera. Ticket oa ulc lor all points. O. II. CorntU, Agent. Alderman Horsman wanted the fire plug at Bonhara & Currier's corner which was bowled over by the street car last week replaced and the mayor advanced the infor-jand keep potted oa tho dolngi of tint absence of public notice regard- b. P.T.Sinltli'a 133.94 mootlnif a fow tlnyn ago. ing the fciry bond election was I J.3 log wa conitag to a clc causing undue delay in the sale of J:::::::;":;; .'.fsl iXXtlKl the bonds, and whether the bidder 1 W by the council Itn.e 7. ion. .?JS .i--..?' .1 a . .4 a a a I a "a a - ' I I1U L'lllaJtCU IUU U1UU1 U UULlUlfl ni'lU I " "J ......... -.... w . -M'1'mvv.t ..y tuc umyor , Jiuic 7,101 1. mak,MK lhclp , nT(, 10 nnrtforj 14.79 feet to tl.c pl.iee of Ih-rIiiiiImk. chii K. (., COUOIf, Courant. Itnliihig In alt 1003,5 nquarc fet, iitorvm would accept them or not would be known by baturday. Debonair Club Spread Corporation Dlreetora Want Their Rlflhta and Uiually Qet Them. A Inrno corporntlou held a tllrcctom' As tho meet- ClODO 0110 ot tlio worth 10.000,- breath. Just nn ho entered thn other director" were Tho City of St. .Tolms tlooa ordain at follow! That, wlicrena, the city council, hy resolution ndoptcd oil tltc m:cmh1 tUy of Mnv. tan. illrrclril t f l rltv iiilnar lii make a survey of extension of I)eentur street oi the antne would npnenr, fmui the easterly line of Richmond stret to the easterly aide line of Outlot "I," A. I.. Miner's Addition to the citv of St. Johns, nnd to make n pint of the samo, and n written nml cotntilcte ilencrlnllon of the tiroiKJScd clmnuc uml extension thereof, which suld rvttolutlon l here by referred to and mnde n tmrt hare- nnd. whereas, the cltv uuifliintr within twclttv ditvs thereafter did mulce nnd flic said tilnt nml written descrltittoH of the lauds to he rcuuired in tho pro posed chaiiKc nnd extension of until atrwst with the cltv recorder of mild ckv. whlek tlcscrlptloit Is ns follows, to wit: lteloiiftii(,' ,0 Lafayette Cnplea. Hcultltllm! nt n txiiut In the raiattirlv liue of Kicltmotid street, which Is north it decrees to minutes, cast 87S feel from the southwest corner of the WIIIIriii.Cm tiles donation Inud claim In Section 11, T. 1, N. K. t, W. Willamette Meridian, which marks the southwest corner of the plot of ground deeded to Utfuyutli! en tries, recorded in Hook 186, tmc 183 of Multnomah cottntr record: thence wuith 71 decrees eat 135,7 feet to n point In the northerly Hue of Deentttr Mitel; thence north 6i deercca .11 miitiittM. wal along the northerly Hue of wild DetHttur street 136.51 feet to a point In the utt erly line of Richmond street; tlieue south 75 degree 30 mlnuti, weal along the easterly line of said Itichmuml atram 1 lie mciiiiicrs ot tlie Uciionnir Club entertained their husbands nt dinner Wednesday night nt the beautiful home of Mrs. K I. Day on lacoina street. Mnvor. Aiieaw v, A. KICK, lteoorili-r. 1'lllilislicd III the St. tohns Review mi June?, 191 1, Proposals lor Street Work I.nttd belonging to Anna I,. Capl. Ileeintilmr nt n nohit in the tw.tarlv Hue of Richmond sttect, which nwrka the soiithwcsterlv corner of the idol of 1 uon 1 Know, 1110 cnnir- roum, ,cc,c,, Wn iUm Notices wcro sent to nil Cnplca (a-conlcd In Iknik jiq paKCidr) nun ts 5 lect, uoitli 35 ilt'urwm 30 inlti tttcs, cast from the soiitlnstut corner of present It vns 011c of the finest spreads the club has ever given nnd those present did full justice to it. 'IM... ..... I... .!..!. I.. .1. ......... ...I nu iitiiini; l.- liivi.1111 iii.iiii.hvii lor tlic occasion wllli pluk roses nnd festoons of pink nud gccu the Hose Carnival colors. After tinnier Mr. Boyd, brother of Prof. Boyd, sang several sekc tious. He has n sp'ciidid voice ertICll nroDOMls will be rrn-Ivol nt tin iifiii... ur Him Mfir.tM .r ii.m mIi.. ..r ttiioui mu were St. Jolin until June 17, igit.At 8 o'clock 11. 111. for the itiiptovetiicnt of l'oitlntid (Kitilevard front the northerly Hue of ThompMiii street to the southerly iiiic 01 urticc street lit tlie limn tier provided bv ordinance So. tKo. still. jeet to the ptovlalon nf tho charter nod orniiiaiicca 01 111c city ot St. Johns, nml the estimate of the citv eiielncer. 011 file. The eneiiicer'a estimate of the cost la J t ,701.9s. Ilids mutt he strictly lit accordance with printed tiiaiika which "book hero," the Incoming director shouted to tbo chnlrinnn, "I want to know why t haven't received notice of this nicotine." "1 am iiuro I don't know," tho clinlr runti unld. dlreetora. You mircly must lutvo re celvt'd one." Tlio director fltilslietl up nn excited llrado hy Raying, "I want my rhdiU." Just thou tho nocrctary wn hrouaht Into conference, who Iu turn handed tho Into director nn envelope. Uo do purled with n BinllliiB cotiutoiiniicr. Tula recnlla tbo nlory of n Nuw York corporation wliero I'M for each director wna Inld on tho tit bio and those who attended divided tho wbolo pile. If half eamo each got 110. Tho member were men fnr odvnticcd In yearn nud In rlclip. Ono day It Mortncd violently when n tncctlDg wns to be held, Tbo oxectitlro offlcern did not bollcvo will be fur n 1T1 r 1 ' T t T bihed un application at the ufnee o the "W"1 ora"rn did not Uellevo 11 and his siiiRing wns much enjoyed. woriiCrot tUecitv -of 8t. jXm. Ani "'l0 dlre-,'or wol11 liur. but (He nud his bride nrc here oil their wild Improvement must bo completed 011 "very man of ttioin wan on bnnd, ench or before 60 days f mm the date of ncccpt lUK inns. No liroiKiuils or bids will bo considered uulcm nccouipaiiled by 11 certified check txiyiiDlc to the mayor of the city of St. Johns, certified by a rcstioiislble bank for uii amount equal to ten per cent ine iiKKrcKatc proposal. iionevniooii;. joint Kinder snug n couple of selections iu his usual pleasing style that brought forth appreciative applause. Mrs. J. N. Keelcr convulsed -her listeners when she recited Biddy's 'Crip to the Dentist" and Bessie Shall Not Stand Tonight," a parody on the "Curfew Shall Not Ring Tonight." A number of old time favorites were snug, nil joining in singing them. At n late hour all ndiourii cd to their homes, tired but happy. having IlKiired out that nobody else would nppunr nnd that bo Might ttwlpo tbo entire allowance, On a Qraln of Whtat. Prayer bnvo been written nnd on itrared on iniiuy mnull objects, hut The rlfjlit to reject ntiy ami nil bids Is I only 0110 tcron over linn been patient The versatile editor, tlie iutelli gent compositor, the artistic job printer nud his sntnuic nibs, "the devil" of the Review force arc tin der lasting obligations to the ladies of the V. C. T. U. The two first named for beautiful baskets of fine roses and violets, and the two lat ter for the loveliest, great, big bou qtiets of roses, left iu this office by Mesdamcs Kelley and l.ldberg yes terday. The gifts were beauties such ns only Oregon can bcicby reserved. uy order or the city council. 1'. A. RICH, City Recorder, Published III the St. lolius Review June 9, 16 and 33, ton. NOTICE OP Proposed Assessment Notice is hereby riven that apxirtlou ment of the cost of Improving New York street between Hayes stmt uml Willis boulevard, nt 11 total cost of i4.liH.8o, has been amxirtioiied und Is 011 me 111 tue omce 01 tlie uttilerslKned, stiDtuci 10 examination, Asjr.aient dUtrict cxtenda liack to the center of lots, blocks and tracts of produce land aiiultliie 011 Mid street as provided nuu pnitiNinking ciioukii to inscribo n comploto prnyer on a Krnln of whent. Ono day Hlr Moses Monlelloro received a Bninll tin box In tho mall. On tho cover of tlio liox wns written, "A prayer for Mr Mosci Moiitotlore. by much MordccM, hoii of cbl I Uracil Hchchitminiut ot Jorusnlum." Tbo box contained n ttnglo grain of wheat, 011 which woro Inscribed In clinrnctern no iimall (hoy could only Imi rend with tho aid of 11 powerful mlcroscopo tho 080 Hebrew lottora of the pruycr and tho ditto of tbo year (Ilobrow rockonlitR), mils. Hlr Mowea kept tbo prnyer In his prlvnto desk until ho died, nud It ts prescrvod with rullk'loua caro by 0110 of bis friends. n.,,1 r.,n 1,1 i. n,o.,i-f,.i t i.n y uie city ciiari er nnu reaolut Ions ie uvea wiierc uie poorest m uie went may be made In wrlllnK uml filet! uuii iimy iivciy en oy .micii iruuruiu i u me umionifiicu until t o'clock i oeauues, wnen Ue rememuers tueiwjM"c 3 191 lltllilttrfl IIAwlo tlllm illliaalt llfltrs I I I A Jvlwlka IMIIIMIVI Ss,tW aiWlaJ II ItU Vt II VII IlllVlta I a' a 1 un.uiiicr. only millionaires may nojw to revel Published In the St. Johns Review on 11 inciruciiiMitiiii iicniimc, iiiuiiks, iiuticqamt it, lyu, ladles, come again, the latchstriug s out to you. Three carloads of roses was the contribution to the carnival this morning. St. Johns is ahead of any other, section in the supply of tuenoveiyjaiiowers, atiu we couiu easily send twice ns many tomorrow as we did this morning. The soil lerc is ideal for the growth of fine roses and with a little care iu selec- on and cultivation will enable one to go to his garden almost any day in the year and guther such a bou quet of roses as would cost from $25 to $100 lu any of tlie great cities of the East. A number of dog owners have tiot paid their dog license. After Monday uext warrants will be is sued for the delinquents and the cense will tuns prove more ex pensive. Come iu at once and save unnecessary expense and trouble. R. McKiuuey, Chief of Police. Notice Of Annual School Meeting Notice Is hereby elvcn to the leeal voters of School District No. 2 of Mult nomah county, state of Oregon, that the Annual School Meeting of wid district will be held at the Central School An nex, to Iwxln at the hour of 2 o'clock i. 111, and close at 6 o'clock n. 111. on the .... . . tlilnl .Monday 01 June, lelug the I'jtli day of June, A, I), 1911, Tins iiicetfui! Is called for the ntirnose 01 electing tJiie director. Dated this sth day of June, 191 1, S. U. OKI'KNH. Chairman Hoard of Directors, Attest: J. I. Tunch, District Clerk, Published in the St, Johns Review oil june 9 ami 10, 191 1, Marry-ao-round, Coming ncroM tho Ituvero Ileach fer ry wont two men whoso nntlcn at tracted counjdarablo attention. Tito youiiuer would atep uroiiiid to tho r In lit alilo of bta companion, nnd with' In a minute (bo elder would make a orresiiKJiidlnr shift. At Inst tbo eldor bocauio Irritated. "Hay, what aro you trying to do, ihlfttiJK nround llko thlaV bp.douiaiid ed. "I'm deaf in my left car and was trying to get wbero I'd hear well," tho youiifior replied. "And I'm blind In my loft oyo and wantod to teo what woa doing," said tlio other, Boston Journal. 8attltd. Old Qontletuau (ut Un daughter's weddltig) My dear, I don't boo bow I am to net along without you, Ilrlile- Oh, that's all right, pa. Hlnco tho cere mony was performed my busbnnd Iiiih confessed that ho hasn't enough saved to start housekeeping, so you won't lose me after all. wanted 500 boys and girls to buy uustcr Brown Blue Ribbon Shoes.The Toggery, 311 South ersey street, bt. Jolins. I?or Rent Iight housekeeping rooms. 205 N. I'.dison St. 27tfc. o Subscribe for the St. Johns Review al ti a m matiou mat 11 wouia De piaceu on the Holbrook corner instead soon, this location having been deemed more advisable. An ordinance providing the time and manner of improving Portland tho city. You get full weight and quality at the Central market, try awhile. first Just (Offtciiib of t. 3JoIub, (Dmjou Ol'l'lCHKB Mayor K. C. Couch Kccorilcr I'rauk A. Rlre Treasurer W. Scot! Xcllogi: Attorney A. II. Ksnou liuglntcr C. Ji. Andrew rhy.lcUil-A. W. Vincent Chlclol Police K. McKinney Day rotlccKobcrl Joliusou Councllmeii at Large: 1'. W. Valentine Chan. llttJtsou 1). I'rauk Horsman Councllmeii I'lrst Ward A. A. Muck J. W. Davis Couucilmcu Second Ward O. I,. I'errlue I'. Hill COMMITTKIiS Streets and Docks I. W. Davis, 1'. V. Valentine, A. A. Muck License--P. Hill. A. A. Muck. Clias. llredesou Water and LlgM-Chas. Bredeson. I. W. Davis, r. Hill finance A. A. Muck, J. W. Davis, (). L. I'errlne Iluilding and Grounds O. L- fcrriue. Cbas. IJrcdesou, D. I'rauk Horsmau Liquor License Y. Vf. Valentine, (1. L. I'errlue. D. I'rauk Horsmau Health and folice D. I'rauk Horsmau, Y. W. Valentine, V. Hill Causa and effaet. Thoro aro many dollghttul dishes to Jy mndo from loft over food." That's nice," responded tho young brldo. '1 bores a great deal of food loft over slnco I began doing the cook Ing." Washington Herald. Qlvlna Him a Tip. Hlm-I don't know bow to tell you how I love you. Her Don't worry about that. I'll tako It as It coincs. What you want to got nervous about Is how to tell papa about It. Toledo I'lade. Qod bless the good natured, for they bloss everybody else. Henry Ward ueochcr. the Win. Cnnlea I), u. C, In Sretlou 12. T. 1, N. R. 1, W. W. M.; iheuc awtth 71 (leg. 4IIU, east 278.70 feet toil alut ill the northerly Hue of Decatur attt; thence north 6) tlcKrees ,)i itittiutsM, 140.0Q feet to the soiilhoHsterlv corner of the I.ufnycttc Ciiiles tract; thence north 71 degrees, west along the wiutlmily Hue of said Lafayette Cnnlea trnet llfi.SJ feel to the eattcrlv line of Richmond street; thence south 33 ilegrrva joihIh tttcs, west iilongAhe entterly llimof Ukh moiid street 30 feet to the tilurtt of Imu gltiiihiK, containing jS6j.11 iwpursr (mK, more or less. Laud bclotiKlug to J. C. Kolxrla. Uceiiiiihii! nt 11 ikiIiiI in thn MuMarlv line of Rlclimoiid street, which murks the northwesterly comer of the trial itf grotiud deeded to J. C. Roberta (Ikwk 340 luige 201) mm i uorlii 25 ilegr, y talutitcs, cast 85H feet from the aotilu. west corner ot Wiii.ChiiIm: lliuueti amitti 64 degrees 42 minutes, east ukNig thn iiorllicrly Hue of said Decatur ltt JiH.oj feet to a ixilnt In the MMttrtf line of Mid J. C, Roberts tract; tlH'ttce south 35 degtces y mluutin, went along the easterly Hue of Mild J. C. Roberts tract to feet to 11 point in the aotitlsarty Hue of Decatur atreot: Iheiu-e north Li degrees 4a miuutea, weat 41470 fwt to a H)lnt, thence north 25 ilvgrta n win tttes, east 51 feet to u ilnt; tlwitctr north 71 degree 52 minute, west 42 fwart to a (oliit; thence north 61 ileuteva 4t min utes, west H8.S4 feet to a tMtiiit m lb easterly Hue of Rlchmoiiil atreH; then north 25 degrcea jo minute, t-oat nIomk the easterly lluu of Rlcliimiud stnsat 35.31 feet to place of beginning, twuslw lug lit nil 30737,42 sminre fet, ur .701 acres, more or los, Laud IlelougiiiK to KIlMtxith Ctlt. Itcuiiuiliitr at 11 ixiliit tn the atwlhurti' Hue of Decatur street, Miitth 71 ilMtteaw 52 minutes, east 119,48 fuel front the northwesterly corner of th HltaaUitU Cnples truct ill Section 13, T. I, N. of K. 1, w, 01 w. .11.; titmice south t tie- grees 42 tiiiiiiites, east Hbiiis! Ih soMth- erly Hue of Mild Dtn-atur 43 fiwt; tbHC norm 25 degrees 30 iiiinultrs, mum Mm the easterly line of il! lCliMUlh Ca- pics tract s.3 fret to the uurtueaalvrh' corner of said tract; thence nurth 71 grces 32 minutes, west along Uh twrth- erly Uiutulury Hue ol mui tnu t 42,32 feet to tha plucc of begluiiiug, eoHUiu lug in all 109.2 ariuare feet, uior or Um. Iiud llelonging to O'Rourke and (irwut. IleKlnului' at n noiiit ot the luicrMe- tlon of the projected Decatur streut with the easterly line of the 1'rnuk C. O'Rourke uml Poster Orunt tract in Section 12, T. 1, N, R. W, W. M.. which ixjlnt Is Mtith 25 ileeretts M liilHUtiaa. west 47,55 feet from the iiottlnmlMly corner of wild O'Rourke and Orttut tract; thence south 35 degrees 30 wiH tites; west 53.45 feet to the koulkrwsterly corner of said tract; thence north 71 de grees 53 minutes, vvust 00 feat to Out southeasterly comer of sold tract; them nortu 35 degrees 30 minutes, east t leal to the iutersvetiou of the westerly Him of said tract with the southerly liu of said Decatur street, thence south 64 de- firecs 43 minutes, east along the souther, y Hue of said Decatur street 39.53 feel to the place of beginning, containing 3345-3 square feet, mure or leaa. Also all of Outlot of A. U. Miner's Addition to St. Johns. Which suld dee. criptioit, plat and survey have been ex amined by the council anil fouiul satis factory, ami that said description, pMl and survey be, nud the same is, hereby approved and adopted. Passed by the Council this 31st Uy uf May, 1911, Approved by the Mayor, this lat day of May, 1911, K.C. .UUI.1I, Mayur. Attest: Prank A. Rice, Recorder. Published iu the St, Johns Review oh June 9, 1911. Look for the Name REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS 1 The following list of legal blanks I are kept for sale at this omce and others will be added as the demand arises; Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort- gages, batislactlou ot Mortgages, Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills of Sale, Leases. All these blanks nt the uniform I price of 30c per dozen. Patent Finger-Tipped Silk Gloves 50c up Look out for silk gloves that don't fit and don't wear. All genuine Kaysers the kind you've always worn-havo "Kaystir" iu the hew. We sell them-any shade or style at the price of Inferior makes.