THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW BY A. W. MARKLE Publhhsd Evarjr Friday At 117 West Burlington Street. Tn Rrvirw is entered nt post office In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns mail innttcr of the second clnss under the Act of Con gress of Mnrcli 3, 1879, Offlalal Htwipaper of the City of St John. Adtertlilnie ratta, 91.00 par Inch per month. Job Printing axecuted In Arat-elaia atria. Bills tor Job rrlntlnf eaab on dallTery. Subscription price $1.00 por yonr. The sewer question is still a live issue. The contract calls for set tlement when each lateral is finished, but no pay has yet been applied for. Wonder why. 1 Had the "No scat, no fare" fal lacy carried in Portland Mondny, many of the populace would likely be seen carrying camp stools under their arms when they went to Port land so that they would be assured of a seat coining back. Rushlight put it all over Mayor Simon Monday in spite of the strong am of the Orcgoniaii, which even departed from its rule of supporting primary nominees. Whether the change of mayor will be beneficial or not, remains to be proven. 1 Don't complain about the cool weather we have been having late ly when the people in the far Ktist would give considerable just to en joy it for awhile. Think of the ice bills and the sprinkling bills you arc saving. Stories of Success Jol 6 & CO, J. M. STUDEBAKER From tho very lira i mi) budjoci of this Rkittch understood tho tllnorcnco lio- twecn nplnff a rierK and a cap italist. Towatil tho roiU of suc cess this sturdy blacks in Ith ntrufrKlod on and on until lio ntandn forth to day one of tho world's groat, cnntnlnn nf In dustry. In a wnffon built by hid own li funis lie traveled overland to California as a forty-iilner, and on his return Invested every penny of Ills savlnus In tho umnufnetum nf tvoRons; and today the Utudebakor wagon is Known Wherever wnnons nro used. Ha was always saving for noma now Investment. Ho ra- nllxed that wnnllh liillnt hnvn nnw vitality. Tho small Bums no many ppenn nnn novor romcmuer woro naved by Mr. Btudcbakor and woro tho foundation nf tils fortune. Money creates monoy, nnd without rnpiini you win nn sinw to rise. Tim tnnni'V flimuirh a savings nrcount In this bank may oiio uuy rnauu yuu u cajiliaiisu FIRST NATIONAL BANK St. Johns, Oregon Svi.vitsTim PitTHHSON, Pres. A. R. Jonus, Vice President P. P. Duinkkk, Cashier C. H. Uussiti.i., Ass' I Cashier TAILORS have moved to the north room of the McChesney Block pending the erection of the new building. W. R. C, Memorial St. Johns is still pushing her way steadily forward. While new industries have been mighty scarce, also mean the Mount sula with the Hill Hue. The more impediments Portland places in the way of its water traffic the better it will be for St. Johns. The comple tion of the Hroadway bridge will Hood Rail- new residences have been built with pleasing regularity, mid a num ber of business structures in various parts of the city have been or are being erected. The free ferry will no doubt be n great help to the city, adding more life and more business. The hand of destiny is guiding this city of ours, and there is no stay ing its progress. Complaints have been uttered e i ... .f f. .1 iruui nine ui time coiiccriiiui! uie way line in St. Johns or another and more direct line of the present trol ley system perhaps both. 1 Isn't it about time that some con sideration was being paid to the new cily dock? Why not expend $2,5,000 or $30,000 more and have suitable sidetracks constructed to connect with it? As it is, it is al most worthless and the interest of $3600 jkt year keeps drawing rigid along. Willi proper comico Kditor Review: Our Memorial Day has come and gone, and with a full attendance, our W. R. C. with our Post attended the pre Memorial Day services at the St. Johns M. 15. church. The preach er, who is the son of an old soldier, talked to us with the spirit and un derstanding. As next to being at the front comes our loved ones tell ing us of the times that tried men's souls, and women's too, (as I never shall forget when in my 16th year, I watched for the static to come from the front, as my brother in Co. A of the Old Minnesota ist was tosting his first real trouble at the battle of ist Hull Run. The remembrance is very vivid after these long years J May Memorial Day last as long as we have it free country. We can well say: livery year our numbers lessen, Dentil is thinning out our ranks, And we're marching to the river liven now we're on its banks. Soon we'll cross the swelling current i.aud upon the other shore- 'rotten" service of the trolley line, lions there is but little question that Grccl OIir'comrntlc.s KOtlc bcforc U8 Hut is it rotten ? On the contrary, it could be leased to good adyan- And be parted nevermore, isn't it one of the greatest coiiveu- tage and enough money secured in ' icuccs we have In some respects it is not first class, but isn't it us much as can be expected of suburban service? It is true the cars are generally crowded by tin time they reach Piedmont from St. Johns, yet it is seldom that (bl ears are uncomfortably filled when they leave St. Johns. More often can only n or less passengers be found in the cms as ,wy leavt here. Is that sufiicicnt,' reason fm better service than now obtains? In dollars anil cents, no. It will be noticed that cars on other lines are crowded as badly at certain timet, of the day s on the St. Johns line. The city is expanding all the time, more cars are Iwiug added, more liueH laid, more power being provided for.antl u tliouwiud and out expenses that the general publU seldom realize. The time no doubt will shortly arrive when the Port laud Railway company will con struct another line to St. Johns which will be more tlirect and with less stops. Hut until then there is really no reason to complain. II we had no service at all there would be something to murmur about. Hut since it is possible to reach Portland in less than an hour, leave every 20 minutes or le and have a seal when we leave here at leant, it is not so bad as it is sometime, painted. We have noticed the ser vice in Chicago, Pittsburg, I.os Angeles, and other cities, and this way to pay the interest 011 the dock bonds and also 011 the addi tional bonds for construction of switches. Prom a business stand point it would- surely be the best thing to do. It makes a difference of one mill in the tax of every prop erty owner in the cily whether the tlock is leased or not. Appar ently there is no chance whatever to lease it in its present condition, mid it would be very easy to as certain if it could be leased after the sidetracks had been provided for, by advertising for bids of lease with the proviso attached that the city would provide the same. It is a shame to allow the splendid dock to remain idle when by theexcudi Hue of a little more money it might -remember. he a scene of hustle and activity Another Memorial Day has come and gone, reminding us while scat tering flowers on the graves of loved ones that they died tiiat we might live in pence and plenty. Our W. R. C. had a busy day. Pirst came the presentation of a beautiful flag by the school children ol St. Johns which leads us to know that their loyalty to their country is true ami uieir love tor the out soldier who can doubt it? 1 ue long wan tor uie street car at our station gave us only time to gain our ranks at the Hill grove tuod's tirst temples.) We feel as if we should give a vote of thanks to the owner, another kindness to TheW. R. Hy action of the council the city attorney has been tlirected to look into the state law which specifies the least distance allowed between saloons and public schools. It would be too bad if it became nec essary to remove the fine new school building if it be found that it is closer to n saloon than the law cruiits. A billions, of energy, and can be relieved Pioiuntuuss hv tisiuir we The first dose brings improvement, C. went through (heir ceremouv and then they and their Post returned to the 0. A. R. hall where lunch was served to eight long tables ot Post and friends after which we listened to a program suitable for the occa sion. Thanks to those who served food for the body as well as food for the mind. We were pleased to se how tit. Johns observed Decora tion Day. They have our thanks. and also the satisfaction that comes to all tit observing a day that has come llirougii many -1 ...i. .. .... 1 .. t : uu not see wueie wiey nave "tut- ievv noses puis uie system 111 line, cuge over roruaiui service, i ney vigorous condition. rrice 50c, are ail crowded, nil make frequent pout uy m. jolius I'liarmacy. stops witu tew exceptions, and the sitted is no greater unless it be be tween I.os Angeles and Long Heaeh where a good grade and right of way is assured. The next time one feels inclined to kick at the car ser vice he should put hiuikvlf in the compnuy's position and considei bow he would remedy the evil and at the same time keep up all the in cidental exeiiseri. Man is prone to growl at corporations, yet with out them there would have been no Portland, 110 St. Johns, unless the government owned the railroads. It requires the combination of cap ital to do big things. Corporations, like individuals, will take as much as they can get and 110 more. And strange as it may seem, they ate sometimes worthy of credit for the things they do, but never get it. The acts of a corporation are never commended, always condemned. That seems to be human nature. 1 tpiirH in ilnvu liiilf-slek feeling, loss long gone by, while we remember euiisiqiuieu dowuis 1 those; With SUrprislim "Whose dnvs of strife nro nvnr HliRHINIi. Where the weary rest for ave: Where earth's shadows never enter, 'IM..... I. .!..... lit llil IlillllO da v." ol endless The new Hroadway bridge prom ises to be of no small benefit to St. Johns. A well known sea captain who plys his vessel regularly be tween California and Portland reg ularly states that after it is con- a .a . sirucieu uie great majority of sea going vessels will tie up at St. Johns. The Portland bridges arc becom ing a source of much inconvenience to maritime traflic, and if the gov ernment heeds the largest petitiou of its nature ever presented, the draws will remain closed during certain hours of the day. This will inure to St Johns' benefit as a shipping point. As a .result large warehous es and wharves will make their ap pearance along the water front, and will mean the belting of the peiiiu. St. Clements Catholic church. Portland boulevard between Hurr and Newton streets. Masses on btiudays at 8 and 10:30 a. in. and Sunday evenings sermon and bene diction at 8 o'clock. K. J. Kettenhofeu, Pastor. Children that are affected by worms are mie aim sieKiy and are liable to contract some fatal disease. WHITli'S CRIiAM V15RMI- buOli expels worms promptly and puts the child 011 the road to health. Price 25c per bottle. Sold by St. Johns Pharmacy. Mrs. 1 W, Valentine won the second prize on Kaiseriu Augusta Victoria roses Wednesday, The contest was one in which six roses were called for, and Mrs. Valentine secured all of her six from one bush. 1 hey were surely beauties. Mrs. II. C. McCullom Press Correspondent. 1320 wiiiatuetie uouievard, Portland, Oregon, June 6, 1911. REFRIGERATORS Preil Davis, brother of Mrs. W. M. lower, is spending a few davs with his sister here. He resides at Madras, where he has been post master for the past eight years. N UTILIS l hereby given that Katlt II. Ilol comb. mliuliiUuutil r.tatc ol Wanc tiled tUtcmenl ot her tonal acvouut auchatl luiiiUlratrU with the cleikol the county court Aiuiiiiuman wuniy- megon Honorable T J Clrtloii. county lutlgrol wkl couutv. haa de. Ignaleil Monday, luly J. itt g o'clock . m. In Uie ilcirtturiitollriccouuty court h the court uuuxriui iu vouuiy 111 me envoi roiiund, Oregon, aa the time and lilacc lor the arltlciueut ui hw aivouut aim lor neanug auy objtctloua to aauie Ohjectlona to Mid aixouut or adiuinia tfaljou. 11 any, ate reuuiied to he filed with the clejk ol aald court 011 or heloie the day amuilnt. rl (of llic hearing and KUltuitnt thereof. -ub-Itthed pursuant to older ol ulj v-wuuty ludue. dated June 1. KAT1K II. 1 101.COM U. Ceerge 1. 1'ciUua. AdmluitWatiU, AltiMuey lr .AdiuiuUtrattla. I'ikldy. June . tint iiiblUtlu. t'rlJay, Juue ju, lat iuLllcutIou. A nice family size WHITE ENAMEL lined refrigerator for only $13.30. HAMMOCKS Afull line of the fam ous Patterson Ham mocks in all the lat est shades and de signs. Prices from $2.0O up. CROCKERY A new lot of decor ated Dinner Sets, just received. See window display. St. Johns Furniture Company "Cash or Credit" Every Little Girl will soon be saying, "Oh, mother! its warm enough to leave off my coat" which means that mother must start working on new dresses for the Summer play days. We've been anticipating just such a move and our stocks of sturdy fabrics for the little girls' clothes are more complete than heretofore. Ginghams 12 l-2c Foulards 5c Calicos 5. 6. and 7c Percales: 10 and 12 l-2c Choose the needs for the little girls summer wardrobe at this store. TREADING ON THE HEELS OF SPRING Comes the demand for cool, dressy suits. We have secured a special showing of snappy suits for men and priced them at a moderate figure When the Girl grad uates the dress will be the all-important thing. Nothing weighs greater upon the girl's mind on this great day in her life than the correctness of her graduating gown. With n dress of our pretty BISH OP LAWN at 35c or K0I3E SILK at 30c made with the aid of n Ladles Home Journal Pattern, girlish heads will rest easy under the commencement crown. We invite you to this timely showing of fabrics for graduation time. $15 Now is the time to buy, while our stock is complete. A full Hue of men's Negligee Shirts for summer wear at 75c, $1, SI. 50 and $2.00. Just received. Owing to existing circumstances relative to our street improvements it has put us somewhat above the sidewalk but our exceedingly low prices in groceries still remain on the level, consistent with legiti mate business. - A SPKCIA'I PRICU of 4c per yard on n large assortment cr Im itation TORCHON LACKS, this week and next. mm & imttz aim mm fc.i"afrV STYLE BOOK Pax t Km n TtVENTT CENTS If you have never tried the LADIES' IIOMI5 JOURNAL Pat terns, try one now for that new Waist, we have several designs that insures comfort and style, Then select your material from our showing of subcrb waistings. All widths, all colors of RIDIION RHMNANTS at one fourth off COUCH & COMPANY PIONEER MERCHANTS Opposite City Hall Phone Columbia 137 Orie Half Price Everything in Hats and Flowers, also some Plumes. Come early while you still have a large selec tion to choose from. St. Johns Millinery 207 N. JERSEY Mrs. E. J. MARTIN, Prop. Mr. Manufacturer We call vour attention to the RELIABILITY of our twenty four hour ELECTRIC SERVICE for both light and power and advance the following reasons: Because we have three hydro-electric generating stations in operation developing 30,000 horse power. Because we have ready for emergencies SEVEN steam gen erating stations ready to produce on short notice 34,000 horse power. Because we will have in operation October ist another hydro electric station which will develop 16,000 horse power. Because we are doing preliminary work on still another hydro-electric statiou which will develop .15,000 horsepower to take care of your future needs. Because our facilities for furnishing everything ELECTRIC are unsurpassed and our organization in point of skill, experience and familiarity with electrical problems is second to uoue. - Because our experts are at your service. Phone Main 66S or A6t3i. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company 7th and Alder Street Keep your business before the public advertise in the Review. DOUBLE YOUR DOLLARS Every dollar you earn Is capable of doubling Itself in time, without any effort on your part except to hang on to it. The dollar that slips away will eventually get Into the hands of some one who will set it at work for tune building for himself. The dollars you save whose earning power you ap propriate, will make the sum of your fortune. The sooner you begin to save at this bank, the sooner you will see your fortune expressed in large figures. We receive savings deposits from one dollar up. The Peninsula Bank St. Johns, Oregon Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $7,000.00 Resources over $200,000.00 R. T. Piatt, President F, C Ktiapp, Vice President C. A. Wood, Cashier Excursions East-Low Round Trip Fares May 22 to 25. 27 to 29; June 5, 7. 9. 10, 12. 16. 17, 21.22.28. 29. 30; July I to 6. 19. 20. 26. 27 28; Augual 3. 4. 5. 14 to 17, 21 to 23.28 to 30; September I, 2, 4 to 7. St. Paul. Minneapolia, Kanaa Gty, Omaha, Duluth. Winne. P. $ 60.00 Chicago and Milwaukee 7230 St. Louia , 70.00 Denver. Colorado Spring. ...... 55.00 New York and Philadelphia 10830 Washington and Baltimore...... 10730 Boston , 110.00 A atktyolroute going audnturnlngU opto for election. Return limit October jut. Stop. orcra arc aUowrd In each direction. 0. N. CORNELL, Agent. W. E Coman, G. F. & P. A. Bring in your printing NOW