St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 09, 1911, Image 1

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    HUtotleM Socltty
ST. Johns review
J t To lubtcrlb for THIS Psjwr
0 All the news whll It li newt li
J 1 our motto. Call In and enroll
Of adrertlilnc In THIS Paper J
and you'll nerer regret It. He "
llaatoacaandkttprlftitat II J
Devoted to (he Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOI,. 7
NO. 31
Jhe Toastmaster
Investigated Landings
The Short Ballot
Herald a New Era 1 Will Build on Peninsula
Looking for Suckers
Memorial Day Thanks
The lads and lassies of the Jntues
I0I111, h h!h school deliahted the!
friends by their clever performance
Saturday evening. The auditor
in in of the new school building
neatly and comfortably furnished
has good stage arrangements ex
cepting the curtain. A good drop
would make a wonderful improve
niciiti The light and acoustics of
the hall are all that could be dc
The play was a surprise to the
audience, not that it was ti brilliant
or masterful production, or one rc
quiring intricate tccuiquc iu stage
Netting and appliances. On the
the contrary, it wa.f merely an in
cidcut in the life of a college stu
dent, requiring no paraphernalia
that might not be picked up iu nl
most any home if we may excludi
the professors's whiskers.
But the simplicity of the play and
modest environments were more
than offset by the inimitable acting
of the different characters. There
wasn't a slip on the part of any
one during the entire performance
and no trace of that lack of case on
the stage so common to nmntetirs.
Their deportment vas that of pro
fessiouals till the way through.
Arkic Anderson, in the double
character of spendthrift schoolboy
lover and hired girl, was a jmkicIi,
and kept the audience laughing as
long as he was in evidence. Curl
son, the nbditctcd, played his part
equally as well. Cecil Mugoiic
was a "bcrcum" as the Freshle ho
"loved and hoped." Miss Couch
well, all she had to do was sim
ply to net "natural" to make her
nil her role implied, the charmer of
both Freshle and Soph, and her
crformaucc was not such a stir
prise when wc consider that the
bright-eyed little Miss has perhaps
already experienced Iu real life
something of that which she so
cleverly delineated. Mrs. Reed
(Ruth Cauright) had nothing to
say, but she said it to the point and
with emphasis, particularly when
she took the "Prof." by the collar
and yanked him into her little deu
to settle with him for his delin
quencies. The long suffering,, dig
I'iflcd, aristocratic, bewhiskercd
professor, labored under a iouder
load of grey matter and whiskers,
mid Jerome Whisler carried his
part well, even to spiking the ene
my's gnus when he learned the
whilom servant girl was the Soph
be had denied the house. Frank
Wright and Byron Poff, Frlshies
who ubducted Hill Morgan the
Soph, executed the job with neat
ness and despatch, but not until
Hill had given the former an ele
gant black eye. Hasil Smith as n
11 friend of Dill did good work.
Then last and least, iu avoirdupois
but not iu action, was "Huzzer,"
the '.'kid brother" of the Reed
family, kept secrets just like a boy,
nud Master Verne Hall performed
liis part in a manner worthy of his
mother, and that is all wc need say
of the son.
The students did not receive the
patronage they really deserved.
Many of our people have gone tp
Portland time and again, paid from
75c to $1.50 and up to see uti en
tertainment not nearly as good. It
is too bad that the auditorium was
tiot packed to the limit instead of be
ing .but three or four hundred
there. We should be more loyal
to our youngsters. They deserve
it when they arc making extra effort
to do something for themselves.
We should at least be as free to
commend and support a worthy
enterprise such as this as we are to
condemn aim puntsu some question
able escapade our youths sometimes
indulge iu, If their laudable un
dertakings were more earnestly sec
onded by their elders there would
be less of that among the young
which we condemn. There are
no brighter or better youug people
as a class on the face of the earth
than we have in St. Johus. There
are a few hoodlums as there are
everywhere, but we believe even
these if given the proper encourage
ment and assistance would develop
into sterliug manhood.
We do not know whether the
students could be induced to repeat
the program or not, but we believe
they could fill the hall if they should
do so, for we have heard nothing
but praise of their performance Sat
urday eveuing. Veritas.
A kiss is a peculiar proposition.
Of no use to one, yet absolute bliss
to two. The small boy gets it for
nothing, the young man has to steal
it and the oldmaqhas to buy it.The
baby's right, the lover's privilege,
the hypocrite's mask. To a youug
girl faith, to a married woman hope,
and to an old maid charity.
Millinery Sale lwerytuing re
duced. Call and See. Elite Milli-
County Judge Cleeton, aud Com
missiouers Hurt and Lightucr, with
Road Superintendent Chapman,
were in St. Johns I'riday invest!
gating county roads and ferry laud
ings. They agreed that while 1
boat operated upon a cable would
be much more economical aud allow
better service it would be impossi
ble to install It under the law as
passed. They also said that the
architect who designed the Sellwood
ferry was at work on plans for the
St. Johns boat which is to be of
similar construction but longer and
wider to accommodate the large
number of teams hauling rock from
the West Side crushers. It is the
board's intention to immediately
oil Willamette Boulevard aud that
part of Columbia boulevard not tak
en over by the city. Commission
er Hnrt was of the opinion that, if
asked, the board would place
crushed rock on Willamette boule
vard from the North Dunk cut to
Richmond street. It was, however,
explained that as soon as the city
let any contract for improvements
of any nature on a county road,
even if it be only a sidewalk, the
section ol the road so improved be
comes at once a city street aud the
county has no further interest in it.
Many changes are to be made iu
the personel of the St. Johns post
office. Postmaster T. J. Mouahau
has scut in his resignation to take
effect as soon as possible, Miss Ma
bel McLean, his assistant has gone
to her old home in Wisconsin where
she will be married. Mrs. Rex
Dry den. (loiincrly Miss Anna Rob
ertsou) is now temporarily doing
Miss McLean s work.
Mr. Mouahau is retiring to re
sume his position as manager of the
St. Johus office of the electric light
department of the Portland Railway
Light rower Company, which he
teld for some time previous to 11c
cepting the office of postmaster.
1 lie St. Johus postolhce is iu the
third class nud the salary is now
$1700 a year, with $400 allowance
for clerk hire. It is surprising to
the general public to learn that bi
Oregon City aud Albany, both ot
which have smaller population, the
allowance for clerk hire is $4000,
just ten times as much as allowed
for the St. Johns office.
It is expected by iiiuuy that Mr.
Mouahan's successor will le Fred
C. Couch, sou of K. C. Couch, the
present mavor of St. Iu ins. u votint
business man of the town
Acting on a tip quietly
Chief of Police McKinney,
onus, Sunday arrested
ieke, of that place, for
stolen goods iu his possession. Upon
being arrested, Lieke implicated
oe Mnhnuey, a checker at the b.
t a c f -- I , . .1 1 . 1 '
man there, whose name he claimed
not to know, as the thieves, saying
he had gooduaturedly allowed them
to leave their loot at his place un
til they could dispose of it, at the
same time admitting that he knew
it had been stolen and that he and
the unknown man had taken it to
St. Johns in a buggy.
Lieke has hitherto borne a good
reputation in St. Johns. He is a
Wells Fargo driver and has also
worked for the O. R. & N. and the
Union Meat company. When ar
rested he had in his horns a large
amount of velvet of Hue quality,
about which he tells conflicting sto
ries. He was taken to Portland
Sunday by Detective Dryden of the
S. P. S., who says that Lieke
while driver for the Union Meat
company was always reporting a
ham or other piece ot meut short.
Joe Mahoney and Hal Osboru
were arrested Monday morning for
the larceny of a bolt of cloth worth
$120 from the Spokane, Portland
& Seattle Railway company, May
20. The complaint was sworn to by
G. M. Glines. The detective work
leading to the filing of the com
plaint was accomplished by Police
Chief McKinney, Telegram.
Building Permits
No. 60 To N.J. Bailey, to erect
dwelling on Stafford street between
Ida and Alma; cost $800.
No. 61-To Smith-Wagoner Co.
to erect dwelling on Willis boule
vard between Weyerhaueser avenue
aud Bruce street; cost $500.
No, 62 To L. Nachazel to erect
a dwelling on Ivanhoe street be
tweeu Alma and Ida; cost $300.
John Noce has commenced con
struction of his new business house
on North Jersey street, adjoining
the St. Johns Millinery store.
Councilman George L. Perrine has
the brick work in charge, which
means that it will be done well.
Americans rarely realize that our
custom of electing ten or 20 public
officials at one time is absolutely
unique among the nations.
Of course the people do not really
select each as the ten or 20, they
only elect them. No electorate on
earth ever had iu mind at one time
so many favorites. So the politi
cians do the selecting beforehand by
pasting a trademark label, such as
"Republican" or "Democrat," on
certain men, and the people if they
like some one prominent candidate
who bears it, will vote for every one
else with that same label. 1 hat is
why we get good mayors aud bad
nldcrmcu. And that is why the
politicians, with their strength unit
cd on specific programs for minor
nominations, can elect rascals while
well meaning public is making up
its mind about the head of the
In a village it is easy for theclcc
toratc to choose a host of local offt
ccrs, because the people know the
candidates by hearsay. Hut when
the number becomes large the avc
lines become choked, and the pub
lie, having no definite ideas of its
own, votes blindly by the trade
mark labels, aud the boss wuo at
taches the iudistcusablc labels to
the candidates becomes master.
The number of elective officials
must be reduced tilt it comes with
iu the scope of effective public dis
cussiou. Passing the candidates
through the lime light a few at n
time will make possible real selec
tion nud real government by the
iH-opl -. The cure is .summed up
iu the words "short ballot." "The
long bnllnt is the politician's ballot;
the short ballot is the people's."
Official Notice is Vital
That absence of official notice is
particularly vital to an election has
been demonstrated iu regard to the
ferry bonds voted upon in March.
It seems that the ordinance author
izing and providing the time and
manner of holding the election was
published eight days before the
election, whereas the charter says
teu days are necessary. The bonds
have been held up accordingly,
aud the attorneys who are passing
upon the bonds are seriously debat
ing whether or not to take a chance
upon tlie same, hliice mere was n
notice given, by placurd and by
publication in the shape of an ordl-
, nance, it Is likely they will be ac
t VI' , cepted, even if two days discrcpau-
Ot St. f.. I,II.U,, Aa lln.t
wjr ill I'liuiiiuiiuii wwia miah. iihm
there been no notice whatever the
bonds would not have been looked
at for a minute. It is vexatious
that more speed has not been made
iu the sale of the bonds. The free
,,.,,, rn 1w ,,
money is secured and the sale is
consummated. Then the county
commissioners have six months in
which to construct the boat and
tow her down to St. Johns, They
1 say t)iree mouths will be sufficient
time, however.
Care of Orphan Children
The Supreme officers of the Or
der of Owls at a meeting recently
held resolved that the order is now
in a position to care for aud edu
cate orphan children of deceased
Owls that may require support and
, education from the general order.
A tuviaiuu iiua uvwu iiiuuu tut u
building, attendants and all the
requisites thereto to give such chil
dren proper care, clothing, educa
tion and attention. It is located at
it beautiful point iu St.Joseph coun
ty, Indiana, overlooking the St. Jo
seph river and the St. Joseph val
ley, This is the first step toward
the accomplishment of the three
fold purposes of the order, which
is; Care for the orphans, cure for
the aged and aid the infirm, sick
and disabled.
Miss Mabel McLean, who has
been employed iu the postoffice
since Mr. Mouahau took charge of
it, resigned a few days since and
returned to her old home iu St.
Croix Falls, Wis., the fore part of
the week. Miss McLean leaves
many friends behind who would
greatly enjoy being there to assist
in throwing the rice and old shoes.
The woman of today has good
health, good sense, good temper,
bright eyes and a lovely complex
ion, the result of correct living
and good digestion, wins the ad
miration of the world. If our di
gestion is faulty Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets will
correct it. For sale by all dealers,
ior tuc pasi inrec years inc
Southern Pncilic company lias had
a crew ot engineers encamped live,
miles south and east of Lstacada,
which is 011 me v-nznuern irnucu 01
the Oregon Water Power company.
utiring itircc years surveyors
and their assistants have plodded
over every square mile of southern
.Miiiinoiimn aim uoriiicru cincKn-
mas counties, have platted every'
inch of ground and have worked
out the rough details of n hydro-
electric power statloti.ntid have stir-
vcyed lines for transmission cables
that will supply current or railroad
industrial and family uses through
out northern Oregon and southern
In the near future the Southern
Pacific company will make an an
nouncement of its plans. These
plans will include the construction
of one of the largest power houses
in the world, fitted with powerful
turbines that will be driven by n
number of streams that flow from
the glaciers of Mount Hood. These
streams will be tapped at appropri
ate points, aud much of their water
drawn by flumes to a vast reservoir
which will be constructed by d tin
tiling one of the upper volleys and
so turning it into a great artificial
lake. From this lake penstocks
and flumes will lead to the power
house, there operating the turbines
to be directly connected with the
giant generators. Seven miles of
flume have already been built.
F.lcctricnl energy thus obtained
from the power of the mountain
torrents, will be conveyed over
heavy copper cables to sub-stations
lu the uctglihorliood of Uuckitmns.
Here the tremendous voltage will
be transformed into reduced cur
rents, nud carried over other trans
mission lines to Portland and other
central points, where it will be
marketed for industrial aud other
purposes. A part oi the current
will be used to electtirally operate
the suburban lines of the Hnrriuiau
system iu the Portland district,
while sections of the main line will
also be equipped witli the same
subtle and owerful motive foice.
The construction and develop
ment of these electric plants herald
n new era for the Pacific slope par
ticularly for the Pacific Northwest.
These plants mean that power will
be furnished Seattle, Tacoma, Ccn
tralia, Chehalls, Vancouver, St.
Johns, Portland, Oregon City, Su
lcin, Roscbttrg and other towns, its
well as their iiidciH'tidcut territory,
at much cheaper rates and iu much
greater quantity than ever before;
and that there will be n rush of
industries to the coast, bringing a
new prosperity iu their wake, aud
swelling the payrolls of the section
to undreamed ot proportions. Aim
it will mean further that Portland,
as a logical center of this vast zone,
will become the greatest metropolis
of the West aud that the city will
rise to her destiny aud become the
financial, business aud industrial
capital of the Northwest. Peoples'
Vacation Reading
If you are going out of town for
the summer or a part of the sum
mer, take your reading with you.
At the library vacation cards will be
furnished you 011 which teu books
may be taken out at one time and
kept until October 1st without re
newal. In order to meet more satisfactor
ily the demands of the increasing
number of readers over 300 books
were added to the library the first
of the week. Suggestions as to
titles for future additions will be
Iu spite of the attractions ot the
Rose Carnival week the circulation
of books has maintained an aver
age of 108. Lihkakian.
The Pvthian Sisters will eive a
lawn social, Thursday eveuingjune
15, at Dr. A. W. Vincent's. Ad-
mission ioc. Ice cream, straw
berries and cake will beserved.The
capital prizes will be awarded to
the winners of the recent series 01
card parties. These card parties
will be continued after October 1,
The postmaster and the banker
sit up nights searching the almanac
for a holiday, to rest; but W. C.
Roe will write you a Wells Fargo
Express Money Order 365 days a
year and 15 hours a day! Will
turn out and accept express, sell
cigars, candy, fruit and ice cream
to boot.
Mrs. Nancy Caples and daugh
ter, Elizabeth, returned last week
from an extended trip through the
Southern States.
1'reparations for early construe
tion of the monster packing plant
which will be built on the Peninsti
la by Schwartzchild & Sulzberger
, 01 urceon arc uclmr rushed.
Work on the foundation plans
, nave already started. The main
building of the new plant will be
four stories after the first portion is
The contracts calling for the con
struction of the plant have already
been signed in Chicago by Sulzbcr-
ger & Son, owners of Schwartz
child & Sulzberger of Oregon, and
the head officials of Swift & Co,
The papers arc now enroute to this
city and will be signed by President
L U. Colt of the Union Meat com
pany and J. L. Sterrctt, president
of Schwartzchild & Sulzberger of
The fact that the plant must be
iu operation within a year calls for
very quick work of construction
forces and for that reason it is tin
deistood that a large number of
men ore engaged iu drawing plans
for the machinery, which will be
installed as the building construe
tion work progresses, instead of
waiting until the plant is complet
ed. The lormal entry of Schwartz
child & Sulzberger into Portland
has created much comment among
the livestock trade. For awhile it
was feared that the plant would be
constructed elsewhere 011 account oi
the difficulties of arriving at a site
selection here. It was generally
understood that the big independent
packing coticcrti had taken au op
tion 011 the plant of a Tacoma meat
packer, which would probably have
been taken up had the negotiations
here for a site fallen through.
The Schwartzchild & Sulzberger
company purchased a lege packing
house at Los Angeles and with the
addition of the modern equipment
at Portland will be able to circle
the entire country with its product.
The company has always been
known as the biggest Independent
meat packing concern iu the United
States nud for that reason it has
assured Portland of being a com
peting point for the sale of livestock.
Swat the Fly
Witli the approaching hot weath
er comas the urgent request from
all health officers for cleanliness and
care of garbage. Decay of refuse
matter is one of the worst disease
breeders. Continually comes the
call for more care.
Now with the hot weather comes
the fly, one of the greatest Instru
ments iu the disease spreading that
is known. Why not get rid of the
fly? All disease germs cannot be
killed, but the germ carrier can be
kept from the home. A few fly
killers iu the house aud a little care
about the screens will do wonders.
When yon see the flies crawl around
the sugar bowl or cream pitcher,
did it ever strike you that he may
have come from some ones open
garbage can? Do you realize that
the fly crawling on your baby's
bottle nipple may have come from
some cuspidor? Are you willing
to allow that to go on unmolested f
Does the thought of the millions of
tuberculosis germs from that cuspi
dor and the fly's foot worry you iu
connection with yourbaby's health
aud happiness? It should. SWAT
THE FLY I Manager Nelson of
the Electric lias conceived the
unique idea of giving a 10c flykiller
with each 10c admission at any
matinee next week. Don't you
think it a good idea? Every citi
zen iu St. Johns should co-operate
with the Electric iu this plan to
equip every St. Johns home with
plenty of "swatters." mere are
six of those matinees noue too
many fly-killers for any home.
The Review joins iu wishing
great success to these "swatter
matinees at the Electric June 12-17
There is one medicine that every
family should be provided with and
especially during the summer
months, viz: Chamuerlatn's colic,
Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. It
is almost certain to be needed. It
costs but a quarter. Can you afford
to be without it? For sale by all
dealers. -f-
W, J. Chaney, formerly with A.
B. Lhidboc, is now the hustling
assistant of McCabe & Corbett, the
hardware and grocery men. A
better selection could not be made
by this firm.
Wanted Girl for general house
work by Mrs. L. Holbrook, East
St. Johus. 3otfc
Special to the News-Palladium.
Berrien Sprintrs, Mich., Mav 27.
The West is looking for suckers,
says a former Berrien resident, Er-
vin Morgan, who is now iu Kent,
Wash., working for G. L. Parcc.
another former resident. Here is
Morgan's opinion, written to a
friend, of that part of the great
Northwest which he is In:
"If you want to see where thev
sting you for property come to the
coast. There arc any amount of
people who arc stunc who would
be glad to get out of here, some
mat nave occn Here tor 20 years
who have not been lucky enough
to find n sucker. Every other man
you meet is selling real estate. If
he thinks you wuiittobuvniivthinc
lie is a uttliy uood fellow. If vott
don't the next time you meet him
and speak to him he grunts like an
Indian hit with a pumpkin.
"Everyone here has lock-jaw.
Rain continuously, not a nice day
this mouth. To show volt how
wet it is here, they have to fight
the moss off the lawns, and ferns
come up through the cracks iu the
plank walks. Now this is the truth.
There is some laud here that isn't
over two Inches of soil. Under
that you get a very coarse gravel,
ike eggs. The laud will dry out in
a week after the rain stops. The
valley land between Seattle and
lacotna is good, rich land, and it
iritigs from $500 to $ 1000 or f 1500
au acre. 1 he taxes arc $7 to $io
au acre and they ciiarge $.o au
acre cash rent. So you sec every
thing is not pie iu the coldeu west.
Now this is river bottom laud, nud
while one man has three or four
feet of soil his neighbor has all
sand. This time of year crass is
)lcnfy, but iu August, the only
111011 tli iu the year Hint it does not
rain, even thinc dries tin. They
mve two 1 i mates, winter nud Fourth
of July.
"Dmvn around Portland thev
will ,isie yuii trout -7400 to Shoo for
a lot 50x11x1 feet five miles from
the ciiy, iud the lot stands on edge.
You hv c to build like n chimney
swallow Spuds arc $2 a bushel,
egg 93 cents, butter 45 cents, milk
10 centM a ntiart. Fuel is out of
sight for the kind you get. I
inv l)Ui mtl coril of wood a week
since I cani 10 Kent. Houses arc
not pU-t I because it is so damp
t won 1 vi' k, not because the ell-
niati; . mild. I have suffered
as much from cold here as iu dear
old Michigan.
"Am going to leave here as soon
as GrifT sells out; may go south.
They raise the biggest trees, apples
and liars iu this country of nuy
place iu the world, barring none."
The poor, homesick individual.
Coming west 110 doubt with the ex-
lectatiou of fairly picking gold off
the trees, the illusion is dissipated
when he found he had to word for
it instead. 1 11 the last paroxysms
of homesickness, he rebels against
everything; nothing looks good,
everything bad. And in order to
vent his discontent he resorts to
gross exaggeration, distorted facts
aud prevarications that would be
enough to cause Ananias to turn
green with envy. Of course the
conditions as he states are without
the slightest foundation, and are
ravings of a diseased mind caused
by homesickness mid disappointed
lopes. The west is made up of
sterner stuff men and women with
pluck and determination. "Dear
old Michigan" is his wail waking
and sleeping, aud he will never be
satisfied until he hides behind his
mother's apron strings once more.
Then, perhaps, he will realize what
consummate ass he has made of
limself and be sorry he ever wrote
such veritable rot. The disease is
not new; it is old as the hills, but
seldom sets iu so viciously as iu
tills instance. Many of the people
coming west get it aud either live
it down or return cast. Most of
tiie people living out here have set
tled definitely only after their sec
ond visit. The assertions made in
the letter ure so absurd aud self-
contradictory that it is a waste of
time to refute them in order. The
real sucker is the man who comes
west with the expectation of beami
ng rich iu a year or two without
aboring for it. His chances for
becoming independent are teu iu
the west to one in the east but he
must work, not blubber.
It is worse than useless to take
any medicines internally for mus
cular or chronic rheumatism, All
that is needed is a free application of
Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale
by all dealers,
The Fraternal Brotherly ' base
ball team defeated Oak Grove Sun
day at McKeuna park by n score
of 9 to 3.
Wc take tills tnenna tn nvloml
our hcartv thanks to the ritlrctw of
St. Johns for their cordial and pat
riotic elforts in the proper celebra
tion of Memorial D.iv; fnr ttn!r1il.
cral aid in a financial way; for clos
ing their places of business and ren
dering aid in every way possible.
Your Post is now third in point of
numbers iu this department and we
hope by the deportment of its mem
bers to be n credit to the city.
The followimr resolutions wok
adopted at their last regular meet
ing, juuc 3, 191 1 :
R. II. Miller, Commander,
Gordon, Adjutant.
St. Johns, Oregon, June 3, 1911.
Headquarters H. B. Coinpsoit Post
No 22, Department of Oregon,
G. A. R.
We hereby tender our
cere thanks to the (cachets
and pupils of the public schools
their lame attendance mid for
beautiful flag which they presented
to the Post of old veterans, and we
will keep this flog as long as the
Post exists, and it is to be rcturiiMjl
then to the public schools of St.
Also many thanks to Pascal Hill
for the Use of his move for decora
tion services, and last but not leant,
wc wish to thank the general pub
lic for their liberal offering to thePoit
and to the business men for cloxiiu-
their places of business during the
Aud many thanks to nil nthuis
who helped to make a sticcutH of
Decoration day.
Geo. II. Adams,
O. R. Downs, Committee
A regular morning otcriition of
the bowels puts you iu fine sham
for the day's work. If you mitt it
you feel uncomfortable and cniiuot
put vim into your movements. For
nil bowel irregularities IIUKIIIN'lt
is the remedy. It purifics.sticuglli
ens and regulates. Price 50c. Sold
by St. Johns Pharmacy.
Christian Church Sunday school
10 a. in., Preaching 1 1 n. 111. nml
7:30 p. 111., C. E. 6:30 p. 111. Jun
ior Endeavor 3 p. 111. Everybody
invited to all these service. Ttthar
nacle corner New York nud I.tow
ard streets, A cordial invitation Is
extended to nil. -J. R. Johnwii,
J. E. Touch and J. F. Hendrlekii
attended the school board conven
tion at Greshnui Inst Friday nud im
port very interesting sessions.
Preach tuo uoapol of IU. JohUH.
Scaled proiiosuW will Ihj rwiml br
the untie ralucil ut hid office in the city
Imll at it, Joint. Orrnun, until TrnmlMj',
June 30,1911, at 6 o'clock p. w. for
Hale ot not less than ur vulue uwl ac
crued Interest of Improvumuiit Howls ui
the city of Ht. Joints, Oivgun, (the win
beiiiK usucil by authority of Oriliuuiw
No. 3H4) for the whole or any mn of
tweutv lliousauil ( dollar.
Halil louili will be iuml iu iUwmhI
nations of isooeacli. navahlv tea veer
from date, mid bearing lnterM tk
rate of 6 per cent (xir annum, (wvabla
suml.aiiouiillv, uiul subject to all the
conditions ImjioMMl, directed ami UM
lalcil by what is known us "The ram
croft Ilomliiig Act," tuitler which ct, at
amended, saw bonds ure IsmwI.
The rik'lit is reserved to reet nuy Ntl
all bids.
Published iu the .St. John HviW
May 36 anil June 3 ami 9, 1911.
Proposals for Street Work
Sealed tuonosals will be received at
the office of the recorder of the city of
St. Johns until June 13, 1911, ut S o'alook
p, m. for the improvement of Maorum
avenue from the O, K. & N. trucks to
the southeasterly city limits in the limit
tier provided by ordinance No. 383, sub
ject to the provisions of the charter ami
ordinances of the city of St. Johns, ami
the estimate of the city engineer, on fiW.
ItiiKinecr's estimate is $6,494.91,
HUls must be strictly itt accordance with
printed blanks which will be furu
ished 011 application at the office of tlt
recorder of the city of St, Johns. Aui
said improvement must he completed ou
or before 60 days from the date of accept
ing outs.
No proposals or bids will be considered
unless accompanied by a certified check
payable to the mayor of the city of St.
johus, certified by a responsible Imuk
tor an amount cmiai to ten pur cent, w
me aggregate proposal.
The right to refect any and all bid W
hereby reserved,
iiy order of the city council.
City Recorder.
Published iu the St. Johns Review
May 36 aud June 3 aud 9, 1911.