St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 19, 1911, Image 4

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    Get Your Money Back
It is the custom of most success
ful newspapers to periodically make
special efforts to increase its list of
subscribers and induce old ones to
pay up. The Review is going to do
the same thing only in a different
wav. Instead of sending out of
town for premiums, this paper will
keep the money at home by giving
it to the advertising patronage of
It Is resolved by the City of St. Johns:
Tlmt It deems It necessary and expedi
ent to improve Portland boulevard from
the northerly line of Thompson street to
the southerly line of llrnce street, in the
city of St. Johns in the following man
ner, to wit: Ily grnriltiK said portion of
street to fjrntle or stibgrntlc to he estab
lished nnd by laying a 6 foot cement
walk nnd 12 foot curl) on both sides of
said street with necessary wood cross
walks and box gutters and by placing n
tlm Tfunrv nlrl stihsrrilior 8lrl P 01 macniiam in center uicreoi 10
the Review. hvcry old subscriber fccl' w,dc the cllrc ,c)),tll) M,(, nacml.
mm tvtiy irew uuu bauhiji mil to be 8 Inclics deep in center and
same treatment, we want tnose in
arrears to nay up and one year in
Kvcry new subscriber wno pays
one year in advance will receive an
order for goods for 25 cents on any
regular advertising patron of
the Review, nayable in trade. The
subscriber gets the goods free sav
ing 2 a cents. Old subscribers re
ccivc the same treatment.
This proposition holds good only
with advertisers having an ad in
the Review in the issue nearest the
time the subscription is paid. The
subscriber must specify the odver
liser on whom the order is to be
given, as the Review has no favor
ites. No regular advertiser is cx-
ccptcd, whether it is furniture,
drugs, dry goods, groceries, physi
clan, attorney, laundry, sand and
gravel, or any other advertiser it
is all one to us. This opportunity
to get vour money back will hold
good until June 1st. A penu
saved is a penny earned, so now
your chance.
At the Stock Yard
Receipts for the week ending to
day have been 13.18 cnltlc.38 calves,
1.1 17 hogs. 4733 sheep, .10 horse
and mules. Light receipts in each
division nave accounted lor a high
range of prices. The cattle market
showed a pheiiomiiial line of high
averages and the cattle shipper of
the Northwest has in the Portland
market a greater assuraiicuof profit
than applies to any other livestock
center in the United States. The
hog market stayed high. There
was no limit to the demand and lo
cal offerings brought a higher price
than the Missouri markets warrant
ed. The sheet) market remained
firm nnd strong. The mutton up
petite of the meat consumers tribtt
tary to this market has created a tie
maud which the present supply of
fat sheep does not meet. There
was a considerable amount of in
ntilry lor horses but not much trad
ing resulted. One team of good
drafters soul for $850.
Inches decti an Ixith sides
Work to be done nccordlng to the
titans and specifications of the city en
gineer 011 file in the office of the city
recorder relative thereto, which said
plans and specifications and estimates
arc satisfactory nnd arc hereby approved.
Said imtirovemcuts to be made ill ac
cordance with the charter and ordinances
of the city of St. Johns, and under the
supervision nnd direction of the city engineer.
mat tne cost 01 s.itu improvement 10
be nsstssed ns provided by the city chnr-
ter upon the property especially nnd
particularly benefitted thereby, nnd
which is hereby declared lo be nil of lots
parts of lots, blocks nnd parcels of land
between the termini of such Improve
ments abutting upon, adjacent or prox
imate to said Portland boule. from the
niarulnal lines of said street back to the
center of the block or blocks or tract of
land abutting thereon or proximate
That nil the protwrty included In said
Improvement district nforesnld is hereby
I declared to be locnl improvement dis
trict No. 60.
That the city cnulnccr's nssessmeiil of
the tirobable cost of said imnrovement
of said 1'ortlaud Iwulevnril Is f 11,201.98.
riiul tin: cost ol said 1'ortlaml boul.
improvement t,c nsscssed ngniust the
iroierty In wild locnl nssessmeiit dis
trict ns provided by the city charter of
the city of St. Johns.
Adopted tliu 'jlll day ol May, 191 1.
Published In the St. Johns Review
May 13 mid 19, 1911.
Beds, Springs, Mattresses,
Comforters, Pillows,
everything for the beauty of the
bedroom and the comfort of the
Neat, durable Iron Beds, good
Springs, best quality guaranteed
Mattresses, soft downy Pil
lows, warm fleecy comforters.
Give us a call and sec if we can't
trade you a nice new bed room
suite and take your old one as part
St. Johns Furniture
"Cash or Credit"
The Black Cat
For the whole
Family. A line
that is guaran
teed to give
you satisfac
tion or your
money back.
When the baby takes too much
food the stomach turns: the result
is indigestion, sourness and vomit
ing. Frequently the bowels are iu
volvcd and there are colic jhiIiis and
diarrhoea. McOIiH'S HAHV l!M.v
IK is n grand corrective remedy for
the stomach and bowel disorder of
the Imbiu. It is pure, wholesome
. mid pleasant to take, Price 35c and
50c per bottle sold by St. Johns
Pharmacy. 39c
St. Clements Catholic church.
Portland boulevard between Burr
nnd Newton streets. Masses 011
Sundays at R nnd 10:30 a. in. and
Sunday evenings sermon and bene
diction at o clock.
V, J. Kuttenhofen, Pastor.
Por bale or llxcliaugu 5-room
house, modern in every luspect,
with basement, in South St. Johns.
Inquire of owuer,5o. S. Hayes. aGlf
It is resolved by the city of St. Johns;
1 mil 11 deems it exjivdicni ami iiccetry
to improve Wilson street Irom me wist
erly line of I'essenden strvel to the west
erly llneof Ihirlinutou Mrccl in the city
of St. Johns In the lo! lowing manner, to
wit: Ily kmiIIiik portion of street
to tirade or stihurmle to be established.
and by laying a 6 fool cement nnlk nnd.
13 loot cutli on liolli sides ol Mild street
with necessary wood crosswalks and box
nutters nnd by nluclnu a strip of macad
am 16 feet wide In center, to lie H Inches
deep In center and b inclics deepou ImiIIi
sides, n iinecieii ny tne city engineer.
All work 10 lie done nun to nave nmoiiu
mil iMittcrs Placed where necessary, ac
eordliiK to the plans anil specifications ol
the city engineer on file in the office of
the city recorder relative thereto, which
said plans and specifications ami esti
males are satisfactory mid are hereby
approved. Kali I Improvements to be
made in accordance witli the charter nnd
ordinances ol the city of St. Johns, and
under tne suiiervisioii and direction 01
the city cuuiuccr.
That the cost of said Improvement to
lie iisscssimi ns provided ny we city char
ter iixiu the proK;ity tKclally and par-
ticuinriy Deuciiteii inereiiy, and which
Is hereby declared to be nil of lots, twirls
if lots, blocks and tvirruls of hind be
tween the termini of such improvements
An Ordinance Declaring the
Cost of Improving Jersey
Street Prom Richmond to
Fcsscndcn, Except that part
Which has Already Been
Accepted, in the City of St.
Johns, Oregon, and Assess
ing the Property Benefited
Thereby, Declaring Such As
sessment and Directing the
Entry of the Same in the
Docket of City Liens.
The city of St, Johns does ordain ns
That the council hus considered the
prolHued lusrsimcnt for improvini; of
Jersey street sidewalk, Richmond to Pes
.....I.!.. .....i .11 ,.i.i-.i....- ,i. ......
nnd heruby nscertnius, determines nun
declares the whole cost of said lim
iirovemcnt in the manner provided
by Ordinance No. Mi to be the sum of
f l.fI.Vti,nnd that the specinl anil pecu
liar benefits itccrtilun to each lot or part
tiiercoi or itnrcci oi iniiu within tne ns
etsuicut district, by reason of said Im
tirovement nnd In just proportion to such
Dentins, nre in the resitcctlvc amounts
number or description
of each lot or part thereof or tuned of
et oplKulte the
ol rnch lot or jmrt thereof or tw
mud in the oiiowinir annexed assess-
abiillini; upon, adjacent or proximate to
nld KiIImmi street from the mari-liml
line of mid street IkicU to the center of
the block or blocks or tracts of laud
ulmltiiii! thereon or hroxlinalc thereto.
improvement d
ment roll.nud said assessment roll.whlch
li nuiiiberrd 4j, Is hereby ndopted nnd
approved ns tne assessment lor snid nil
movement, nnd the recorder of the citv
ol hi. Joiiui is directed to cuter n state
incut of the assessment hereby made in
the docket of city liens, nnd cause notice
thereof to lie published ns provided by
cuarier, which assessment is at ioiiows
Our Shoes
They come di
rectly from the
to our store.
We know they
wear well. For
they have been
tried out for
years. These,
too, we guarantee.
6 rns. y
rA.llltlHAILK ClUTtlta 1
We sell the
Warner Bros.
Washable Rust
Proof Corsets
with the same
guarantee as
the hosiery.
You Can Look Pros
perous and Feel Pros
perous Good Clothes cut to fit right and
feel right arc as gratifying to the
wearer's feelings as they are satis
fying to the eyes of his friends.
We have a suit here for you that
will please you from the ground
up. . . Nothing would please us
better than to have you come in
and try it on,
Prices from $15 to $35
Satisfaction awaits you here certainly.
At Our Store
you have the
advantage of
a central loca
tion of two de
liverymen and
teams, and five
clerks besides
ourselves. It
is our endeavor
to see your
needs taken
care of in all
the lines to the
very best of
our ability.
Every dollar
spent in our
store enables
St. Johns to
have a bigger
and better
Bonham & Currier
Minium im-ivifii ifi liitiftiiiHiii: uni vwt . . ... . . . .
That nil the property Included in said Hl ,,'ock , . MnU
iproveiiienl district nfoieiwld is hereby 9 I PKM-'W
'dated to be I.ocnl Improvement Ills- 3 ,. ''iHS
ut no. oi. i
Tliat thecityeiiKliivvr's nksewmieutof J.... )( ,22
e prolxible total cost of said linpiove- ,',
cut of said Itdlsou street is f 11,039.40. 7 li.l
That the cost of said Improvement to
n iiskesed aHiiikt me proorty in sjiIiI
local nwMucnt district ns provided by
the city charter of the city of St. Johns,
Adopted tne qui nay 01 .muv. 1911,
1'. A. KICK,
City Kerordur.
Published in the St. Julius Review on
May 11 mid 19, 1911.
A .-
5 1
5 a
t)s !
6...... 3
6 3
6 A
7 a
7 A
5 t t
I. .... o t
1 8
Hubscrlbo for tho St. Jolina Huvluw
mid W 01 11 liontod on tho doings of
tho citr.
It is resolved by the City of St. Johns, ? ?
Orm'ciii: I u
That it deems it expedient nnd necw
Mtiy to ciiaimo the ustalillslu'd urmle of
I'liliuore street, Ir iu the westerly .side
I line of itichmoud strvvt to the easterly
side hue of llurllnntoii Mrvct, in said
city, from the present urade ttablikhetl
by Ordinance No. jih, mid showu on
3 H. . . . . . Jersey Street ,
It is rwolved by the City of St. Johns:
Tlwt It lUumt it itxiHNlieul uinl neios
surv to imnroc riilmdoliJiia ntrvet from
the south ld line of Iluyui strew t lo the
north side line ol Idlisou street in the
City of St. Johns in the followiiiK uuu
ner, to wit :
Ily urndlni; Mine to the utab
liklied stilxcrndc by cut nud till mill
laying a I J foot cvmvut walk with is
loot cuib on Ixdli tides ul s-ild streut, mid
imtMidaiiiiiiiii; siiuie from curb to curb
profile pri'iiared by Cluis, It, Andrew,
eity engineer of wid city, which profile
... 9M&
. . 9S-46
... 98.46
... 9S.46
... 9!)-6
... 9-46
... 90.HJ
... 9-K
... 9S-16
... 9S.46
Two OITiccs
llolbrook Illock St. Johns
I'liant CulumliU 1
143 Jv KillliiKWorth Avenue
Isivu i
by Ap-
"W"t It
I'dtrntis nre fissured of onlv
'. the freshest of everything in
our new Jersey street store, We haven't the room to store
Hlchmond stieet to be unit remain at m
feet, center Hue at easterly side line of
Charlfstoii street from an elevation of
141.4 feet to 1111 elevation of H7.j feet.
Mid Hue nt westerly side line of said
Mid macadam to be 8 inches deep in the I Charleston street from uu elevation of
center mid 6 inches nt each odge, ncwrd- H-8 fe"t to an elevation of 136.8 feet,
Imr to the Plans ami specilu-utlous center nue 111 westerly side line 01
I, c r.BI 1
imars niiiik' u e oi septemiH.T 6, 19m, -j L. ,,. a.- a lot ot goods ana Keep mem
Mid k-rade tving shown by red lines I umri i laie stf
drawn thereon, the propoM yrado Udmf " ,, UUl" U,e nre sta,c' UUr Uoor
shown by blue lim, the change therein ? space being limited, We UlUSt
Lr, ."'l?:. ,?",,"5 33:::::l.:::::: :::::: receive fresh coods every day
of the city
ty engineer on lile in the
of the city recorder relative thereto.
which said plans and specifications and
ustimate are saiitiaciory and are hereliy
uppruvwl. Said Improvements to be
mudu in uccordaiice with lite charter nud
ordinances of the city of St. Johns, nud
undr the suiervisioti nud direction of
the city engineer.
That the cot of said improvement to
be aSkOSMMl as provided by the city char
ter uiou the property esiiecially nud
particularly benefitted thereby, uud
which is hereby declared to be nil of
lots and parts of lots, blocks uud parcels
of laud between the termini of such
improvements abutting upon adjacent or
proximate to I'liiludoliihla M., Irom the
marginal Hue of Mid street back to the
center of the block or blocks or tracts
of laud ubutting thereon or proximate
Tlmt all the property included in said
improvement district uforosaid is hereby
declared to be "Local Improvement
District wo. 59,
That the city engineer's assessment
John street from uu elevstion of 131 feet
loan elevation ol 134 feet, Mid Uncut
the westerly stile Hue of I.vavitt street,
from uu elevation of 124 feet to uu eleva
tion of ill feet, Mid line at the easterly
.me nue oi nuriiiigioii meet to oe uud
remain as ui present eMatiiisheii ut an
elevation of 96 feet.
Adopted hy the council Mny 1, 1911,
Attest: I', A. KICK,
riihlUhiMl in the St. Johns Kevlew
May 3 uud 11, 1911.
,S: l Co,
ti 4
13 4
14 4
9 4
" IMu to replace what has been sold
478 the day before. Everything
in the grocery line may be
.WW! jo!6s found in our store, besides dry
goods aud shoes. Call in
WW 1903 and inspect our various lines,
aslio trices are always riglit anu
3967 courteous treatment is assured.
ltd. Campbell tract
3 4 , James John
4 43t
3 41
4 43 "
raised by the council May
.... J5.16
.... 34-9J
.... 34.93
, ...180.41
.... 9.45
.... 90.83
. 1911.
Approved uy the mayor AJay 9. igw.
street is
the probable totul cost of said
ment of said l'hlludelphia
Thut the cost of said improvement
to be nssussod against the property In
said local assessment district us provided
by the city charter of the city of St.
Adopted by the council May 9U1,
191 1 .
1'. A. RICH,
Published in the, SJ, Johns Review,
May 13 and 19, 1911,
Sealed bids will tie received hv the
Hoard ol Directors of School District No.
3, of Multnomah County, until June Sth,
101 1, to supply the schools of the dis
trict with 300 cords of wood, more or less
(or the school year, 1911-1913.
nids to tie 011 the tallowing kirn:
ueavy ur siau,
l'lrst uud second urowih fir.
Delivery to be made before lulv 1st.
The board of directors reserves the
right to select any of the above, or reject
any uuu uu uuis.
Address bids care of school clerk.
1'cr order of the Dourd of Directors.
School Clerk.
ruulished in the St. lolius Review.
.May 19 una 30, 1911,
Published lit the
May 19, 191 1.
1 A. RICH,
St. Johns Review on
Muck Mercantile
Phone, Columbia 118
No-Dust Sweeping Compound
NoU th label on your ppr.
In the whole field of medicine
there is not a healing remedy that
will repair damage to the flesh
more quickly than HAUL,ARD'S
wounds, sprains, burns, scalds aud
rheumatism, its healing and pene
trating power is extraordinary.
Price 25c, 50c and I1.00 per bottle.
Sold by St. Johns Pharmacy. 29c
You got full weight and first
quality at tha Central market. Just
try " awhile.
No. 1 for rues aud carpets, 5 and
lo-pouud caus liouham & Cur
No. 2 for floors and liuolcums St,
Johns Hardware Co.
No Dust Waxine sold by Leightou
Hardware Co. Avoid Substitutes.
Crescent Chemical Co.
526 Washington St.
Phone Main 1264
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleae
remember thla and save the printer
Ojien Evenings and Sundays
Office I'hone Columbia 140 ;
Kesldcut I'hone Columbia 3s
First National Dank building.
Physician and Surgeon.
Day & Nlsht Offlco In McChosney blk.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon
Office over the First National Bank
St. Johns, Oregon
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D
Residence, 697 Dawson Street
Ofllce, Pliter Block.
UnK-ersky Park, Portland, Oregon,
First National Dank Building
McDonald Building
Spatilding Bldg, Portlaud, Oro.
Phone Columbia 258
Haggbloni & Olin
House Moviug aud Raising
628 Kast Polk Street
Transfer and Storage
We deliver vour (roods to and from
all parta of Portland, Vancouver, Liruv
ton. Portland and Suburban Exnresa
Co., city dock and all points accessible
by wagon,. Puao md furnitur mifl
I,. D. JACKSON, Prop.
General Contractor
We arc prepared to do nitv and
ull kinds of excavating for street
work and other We
nisi; handle sidewalk and build
ing material.
Newton nud Fe&sendeti Streets
St. Johns, Oregon
Phone Columbia. . . .
CAMP 773 VY. 0. VV.
Meets ev
ery Wed
n e s d a y
in Dick,
ner's Hall
ItOlMES 10DCC NO. 101
hPM.ui: ur PYiriiAs
StacUevvrr hVUay nUbt st
uotiotK si i. u, u. r
V iton ! Wl
w.cAtntnsoN. c, c.
A.W.riCKlt. K. R.
No. 186 I. 0. O. P.
sr. joiins, ohccon
Meets each Monthly ovoning In Odd Fel
lows' hall, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed.
f, and A. M.
Regular communication!
on flrat and third Wed-
neadaya of each month
n Odd Fe owa' hall
Visitors welcome.
Sewer and Plumbing
Before placing contracts for con
necting with the sewer, see J. B.
hletcher, 519 Allegheny street
Prices low and work guaranteed.
Also plumbipg of all kinds. Phone
Columbia 67.
SI. Johns Laundry
Thoroughly equipped for all kinds
of laundry work and
Up-to-date In every respect,
Prompt, and efficient service guar.
antecd. Your patronage solicited.
Preach the gospel of St. John.
Have you some plumbing that
needs repairing? If so call up
Columbia 92.
joj S. Jersey St, Phone Columbia 91
Centra! Market!
See us for (he Choicest Cuts of
the Best Meats Obtainable.
Order rWtd aud ramHy Trade Solicited.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
May 16 to 19, 22
to 25. 27 10 29;
June 5.7.9. 10. 12
30; July I lo 6.
19.20. 26. 27 28;
Augu.t3. 4, 5.14
to 17. 21 to 23.
28 to 30; September I. 2. 4 to 7.
St. PauLMinneaDolis.KariMS Citv.Omsh.
Duluth, Winncpeg i 60.00
Uucago and Milwaukee ....... lOU
Si. Louis.... 70.00
Denver, Colorado Springs.,., . 55.00
New York and Philadelphia 108.50
Washington and Baltimore 107.50
Boston...... 110.00
May 12.13 Minncapoli and St. Paul )60
A vrtetv ol rouUt eoiue snd ralurnlosUorxn
lor Klcvtlon. Keturn limit October int. Stop.
OTers arc allotted iu each direction.
O. U COKNKI.I.. Ant.
W U. COMAN. Ceaersl l-rcigtat & l' Agt.
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co"
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H. Henderson, Manager, 120 North
ersey street.
Preach the goapel oi SU Jo&aa.