f 4. DON'T PAY RENT For the Use of Other People's Furn i t u r e. You are Throwing Away from $120 to $500 Every Year. Save Motley by own ing Your Own Furniture. Local News. 1 Chiropractic cures Neuralgia, call on Dr. urown, fat. Johns. Princess theatre, lately the Idle Hour. Strccial pictures Saturday ianu fauutiay. 0 Councilman A. A. Muck was re ported on the sick list for a day or two tins week. Young People- You are Paying Too Much Rent For Furnished Rooms n a v -f Vx?810 nU thi3 moncy Save it and have a home all your own. You CAN if you WILL. Let us show you how to make a house into a home furn ished as a home should be furnished with QUALITY furniture made to last a lifetime. If you will step into our store we will be pleased to talk over this money saving proposition with you and show you that QUALITY furniture costs no more than the ordinary. Come in today. You arc always welcome whether looking or purchasing. Couch & Co. arc making altera ntions to the front of their store and putting down approaches thereto. The high school pupils are hav ing an attractive tenuis court laid out at the rear of Couch & Co's store. Thos. Condon has had an attrac tive electric sign placed in front of his place of business on l'hiladcl phia street. . D. A. Hull is erecting a small dwelling on Kellogg street and V l. i-Mvenpori a temporary one on Tyler street. Women Are Martyrs Woman la her own worst enemy seldom docs Mie mnke nllownnces for herself. Selt-sflcrifice with Iter Is ner slstent iti fact It Is penlclous ami as ti consequence she Is seldom both healthy and happy. Everyone's health must be looked after all but her own. In her own mind she come last always N'j mnltcr how strong her constitution she must eventually give way under the strain the climax comes In com plete collapse. Careful and constant attention to details In the matter of her own health is itiiiwniUvr -the delicate functional organs must perform their duly with unceasing regularity, the blood must In- kept pure, It must nourish every tissue of her body, and the nerves kept proof against Irritation. Considering that It's only a matter of a few seconds each day three or four doses of NYAL'S VEGETABLE PRESCRIPTION '-It's totally unnecessary that her health should become Impaired. Nynl's Vegetable Prescription will make the most delicate nystcm disease proof. It sells nt jti.oo the bottle. A very fine line of rubber goods, such ns hot water bottles, fountain syringes, etc., now In stock. NORTH BANK PHARMACY Guaranteed Spring $1.75 to I I 2 &0S5 "H" J I I0A1E OF THE FAAIOUS NYALS and A. D. S. REMEDIES. WB UHMVJJR UVIfRYWHHKlt l'RHJt "CURRIN SAYS SO.' I'HONU COLUMBIA J07 The new 5 and 10, cent store opened up for business in the Wimy0'lJ building adjoining the post office r j last Saturday) u. rraiiK norsman ims necri so- lected as a delegate to represent Hoi tiles Lodge, K. of P.. at the convention to be held in Asloiiu next nioiith. Look Upon Our Company as a Source of Sound Advice A modern utility organization insist upon knowing that its ser vice is satisfactory. Service can not be satisfactory if a patron uses more electricity man ne neens. Therefore we enconrogo the intel ligent mid economical use of our service so that the consumer will get I-'UI.I, VAI.UK for his expen diture. We have no control over the wire, fixtures, lamps motors, nud other electrical applhuiceiLJ-ojir premises Hut we can advise you ns to the best methods of installa tion anil can give you the benefit of the most scientific thought on nil electrical questions. Our experts can tell you how to get the most nud the best light nud power for the least money; what appliances nre the most economical nud efficient and can otherwise as sist you In many ways. It costs you nothing to consult the experts of our Contract Department. Portland Railway, Liglit & Power Company 7th and Alder Street Where do you buy yrur meat? crli' ll,c ci,y I Uuixiugvou trood satisfaction? G. W. Duntmr has been reinstat ed on the police force after a voca tion of several weeks. The full complement of four policemen me now looking after the city s wtl tare. G. S. Thompson, n former well kuowu'citizcn of St. Johus.but now located at Sprlngwatcr, Oregon, spent several days the past week among his friends here. lie Is still the possessor of considerable pi op- 1 Ginghams that do not fear the Suds or Sun "Handsome Is ns Handsome Wears" would be a good saying to npply t good until the "first tub" and then The Ginghams you find here, irs. They will not run or fade. Buying wash fabrics at this store is iusuri to giughaum. Many nre true to their ng novelty of tie- 1 Arc you getting the quality for the 'price you are paying? Is it some- Mrs. Frank Klllott has icturucd from n couple of mouths' visit with 4ll r .J.,ii.i. V 1 iV i . . Iter 1 uughter, Mrs. Frank Wheeler, CJh u-n1 rft0" xV "V V'V nt Aberdeen, Wash. While theie fc fcSlfHl?t nrkct S sbe helped to nurse her daughter's ' ity, full weight and fresh meat. SCarlcl fever. ix 1. : 1 o ore good colors. .sign, variety of coloring and superior quality. The new spring arrivals await you radiantly pretty and modcrntly priced at 12 1-2 cents per yd. Shnntuugs a favorite summer fabric nt 35c Storm Serge for sailor suits nt $ 1.00 Cotton l'oplius possessing unusual charms at 18c Batistas, Pongees, I'nunmon, Htons, Dimities and Chullis -just right forsniait clothes. Ladies Home Journal Patterns and Suitable Accessories to make up these Fabrics Lost You Forgct-Our stock of men's $15 suits lms been incrcn.sed, alao Lndies, Misses', Men's nud Children's shoes, Oxfords and Pomps for spring and summer. Let us show you these. COUCH &, COMPANY Pioneer Merchants Opposite City Hall Phone Columbia 137 Learn a Lesson Patent Medicine Arithmetic oooooooooooooo oooooooooooo Few Reminders of Spring I,uvn Mowers, Sprinklers, Hose, Garden Tools, Seeds and Fencing. You will find our stock of these articles complete nud the prices right. Inline Hflrrluflm Pn OOOOOOOOCMXMDJOOOOODOOOOOO( ilobson's Laxative Pig Syrup 8 oz. cost $ .50 I oz. cost $ .0625 5Jj oz. would cost $ .3437 All Other Fig Syrups How About Your GROCERIES? 9 2 5 oz. cost $ .50 I oz. cost $ .0909 8 oz. would cost $ .7272 "See what we're driving at?" Get either one of these recipes fdled, for twenty-five cents, niul rc celve free a Home Formulary a book of recipes worth five dollars; No. 75-Exzema or Salt Rheum No. 70-Corn (Liquid) Ammoniated Mercury Salicylic Acid r .n ii Vi Collodion Ointment Oxide Ziuc . . . T ., Apply to affected parts twice a duy IJxt Cannabis Indiea Ma V1 Tliis store is the only one in St. Johns (lint sells groceries exclusively. Therefore, we nre in n position to keep our stock fresh nnil the best (lint can be secured. No stnlo or poor quality of anything is kept on haiul. Fair and courteous treatment and prompt delivery arc at your command. Give us a trial, if not already a patron. NORWEGIAN PATRONAGE SOLICITED A. B. LINDBOE 111 West Burlington Street & & 9 9 9 9 9 & 9 9 I 9 fba LUMBER: Slabwood . Rough, Prompt Dry, Dressed, Deliveries. Greeu, Flooring, Quality Blocks, Finish. Guaranteed. Trimmings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Richmond 131 Why not buy Winter Fuel Now? Save 25 percent PITCHLESS LUMBER CO. will deliver to any address between Columbia Park aud Hayes street, St. Johns, Cull -Ties direct from Cars for $4.75 per cord; Block Wood $4.50 per cord. e Orders must be placed at least one week in advance. PITCHLESS LUMBER CO. PHONE COLUMBIA 60 Bug and Pest Destroyers Arenate of Lead, per lb jnr - - 25c Rows Nicotine, per bottle 50c Whale Oil Soap, per lb can - - 25c Cake and Candy Coloring GREEN. YELLOW. RED, DROWN, BLUE j'er Uunce Uc Friday to Friday Cut Rates 10c Machine Oil...,. ,07c 1 50c Liquid Veneer I.UU NyaU Celery Nervine Uc 25c Witch Haiel Salve He 75c Solgrene...... .61c 1 .00 Kcxlol DyipeptU Tablet ........ 73c 10c Bird Seed 07c LOOBromo Seltzer.... 77c 50c Abbeys Effervescent Salt 34c 60c Veronica Water 42c 25c Arnica Salve.,.. ,,,, .. 14c 50c Soap Lake Salts... 31c 25c Munyons Constipation Cure 14c I.UU Uncsol bVc 25c Lino Salve , , 14c 50c Bickmore's Call Cure 37c 1.00 Bliss Native Heibs 69c 35c Rocky Mountain Tea .28c 1.00 Shooks Night Cure 5oc 38c 1.00 Radway's Ready Relief 67c 50c Capillaris 39c 1.00 Pond's Extracts 74c 50c Groves Chill Tonic .t 37c 25c Cucumber Cream 17c 1.00 Wine of Card ui 62c 25c Chamberlain Tooth Powder 12c 50c Ballard's Hoarhound Syrup 39c 1.00 layne's Alterative 77c I 25c Shiloh'sCough Cure 17c 50cNyals Liniment 28c1 1.00 Lashes Bitter 78c 50c Medical Lake Salts 33c 1.00 Mother's Friend 71c 50c Nyals Fig Syrup 23c 50c Pierce's Smartweed 31c 50c Hoff s German Liniment. 36c On and after Monday, May 22nd, we will act as agents for tlie American News Company, receiving from them rcimtarly all Magazines and Periodicals on the market. ST. JOHNS PHARMACY ST. JOHNS, OREGON. Sleep an Hour Later in the Morning Ever had to get up before six With a gas range, women's best friend, Cold whiter mornings dark as styx There's no kindling to make, no fire to tend, The kitchen fire to build and fix; All worrying over breakfast is at an end; Then have the coal fire make you wait You can sleep right up tob:45,thankhuivn, For breakfast until almost eight Have breakfast ready on the dot at seven, Making your day's work an hour late? Finishing the day's work long before eleven. It's Gas that Cooks the Pood that Feeds the Family that Makes the Home ST. JOHNS GAS COMPANY irrnr-Mj 1 I 1 1 1 1 .. 1 in ill 1 1 l"1f1T1'1,rrTT!