Hiitorica! Society ST. JOHNS REVIEW IT'S NOW UP TO YOU Toiubscrlbo for THIS Ppf All the newt while It It new li our motto. Call In and enroll GET IN THE HABIT j Ot (Jvtrtlilnt In THIS Piper J nujrou iinertrrtcrt! J(. lie tin at once and kep right at II Devoted to the Interests ot the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center ot the Northwest High School Notes Elizabeth Stalter, Editor. St. Johns, April 13, 1911. The Northwestern Indoor Track Meet under direction of Columbia University wns held Saturday hi the Colliscum of that place. While Jntnes John did not have a full team entered, she succeeded in se curing first place among the High Schools of the state in the open events and 5th in the scholastic events. Cyril Magone succeeded in taking first prize in the running high jump, competing against the best men in the state, who repre sented the University of Oregon, O. A. C, Pacific University, Port land 1 1 icli Schools and various schools throughout the state. The event was interesting ami keenly contested, about ten men clearing 5 feet 2 in. At 5 fect4 in the contestants began to drop out rapidly and when the bar was plnced at a feet 8 in. only three men succeeded in clearing it. Scrv ice, of the U. of 0. and Magone cleared a feet 0 in., but Sheets of Portland droptcd out at this stage. Both Service and Magone failed to clear j? feet 10 and the bar was lowered to jump off the tic. Ma gone, having better staying quail tics, won the medal. The High School can justly feel proud 0 the recognition that will be given James John due to the ranking we received in the Columbia meet, Saturday. Prominent among the recent events in the High school social circles was the reception given in honor of the Freshmen Saturday nicht. The High school colors were appropriately curried out in a variety of decorations una in tne programs for the evening. The entertainment was in the form of a "good time college" und each pti pil after being put through an or deal of cross-questioning was as signed to his class and as it Imp pencil the Seniors and Faculty were made lower classmen while the Freshmen were honored by the ti tle of dlcnified Seniors. After the different classes were organized the schoonicpceciled Into the zoological which was the guessing ot animals, for which a prizevus offered. This was followed by the -.croud march lifter which they adjourned to the dining room for the president!! re ception. It wns prettily decorated in the Ilich School colors and the centerpiece for the table was a beautiful potted lily. When the president's speech was over and the toasts had been given the inter- class contests took place. these consisted of a "tug of war" be tween the Juniors and Seniors. Then came the commencement which was none otlter than "to go home" and the"good time college" closed its doors. The Freshmen of Miss Kahley's class held an interesting debate last week on the question: Resolved: "That Rome was justi fied in destroying Carthage." Al though it was the first debate held iu the Freshmen class this year it was carried off in fine style. The judges, Cecil Magone, Grace Stack er and Margaret Muck awarded the decision to the negative. The Freshmen class is highly elated over the success of the de bate and all are eagetly awaiting another chance to sway the judges with their eloquence. Miss Kahley has promised the Freshmen another debate in the uear future. Bill Magone, the hero of James Johns High I When Bill entered the High for the Freshmen recep tion Saturday night he was greeted with enthusiastic cheers and imme diately shouldered by the fellows, was carried about the hall. But Bill with his characteristic modesty, quietly received the many congrat ulations on his success and calmly displayed to tlie admiring studeuts the beautiful medal which he had received that afternoon. Later iu the evening a toast was proposed by Mr. Boyd in houorof Bill, which, all of the pttpils heartily drank, proud of the honor that had come to the High School. Superintendent Boyd visited the High School Tuesday morning for the purpose of presenting letters to the boys who had 'earned them by their work in athletics. When all the students assembled in one room Mr. Boyd, in an interesting address, pointed out the physical, moral aud mental , benefits derived from athletics when conducted in the proper manner. The most pleasing part of the program was the presentation of the letters. The boys received these in a very graceful manner and expressed their appreciation in a few well-chosen words and the stu dent body enthusiastically applaud ed each. So proud did the boys feel over gaining their letters that those who possessed sweaters imm- VOI,. 7 "Get The Habit" When you meet a man who works, Get the habit! If he's one who never shirks, Get the habit I If you think yorc down and out, Try Hard Luck another bout; Poor men never Have the gout. Get the habit I If your friends look up, not down, Get the habitl iV smile is better than a frown, Get the habitl If your engine has got one lung, Swim, your "rags" can all be wrung. Get the habitl If others' make believe there' re young, Get the habitl Rag-time isn't nil that's sung, Get the habitl When a cartridge wou't'cxplodc, Fill 'cr with another load; "Try again" isthe only mode. Get the habit. When your caudle's burning low Get the habitl If the time is passing slow, Get the habitl Don't be ashamed of what you sell Be it a mine or souv'tiirslicll: Sand your track and ring your bell Get the habitl When your fire goes out a spell, Get the habitl Light 'cr up and fun like well Get the habitl When fate hits "below the belt," Bruce your feet for another welt; Grin I Don't let on as how you felt. Get the habitl When you find your friends huv left, Get the habitl It ain't 110 use to feel bereft, Get the habitl When Old Gabriel rings his bell, And yo've heard your funeral knell Prepare yourself you might as well Get the Habitl When you lose, put up a bluff 1 Get the habit! T"iii Itji 1mttt nwl vtsill I 'utintKilt tWUIJft IIW UUOII Hill jrllf ilWUJjll Get the habitl When St. Peter opes his gate, Just be sure your crown is straight; Many a man repents too late. Get the Habitl H. M. M. Rather Expensive It seems to us that some other method should be devolved to audit the city books than employing three experts at tne rate 01 f 20 or more per day, consuming two or three weeks time. We believe there are !eople in St. Johns who are capo lie of handling this matter, and their services can be secured for much less thuu $10 per duy. Any how, two experts could gain almost as much time as three. In some of the F.asteru states it is customary to select three residents as auditors, and their salary is never over I2.50 per day, und five days is generally sufficient to perform the work sat isfactorily for all concerned. If this city gets off with paying less than $500 for auditing the books this spring it can consider itself lucky. The school board docs not go to this expense iu having their books audited. Dunn-Nimmo Mr. Harry H, Dunn aud Miss Agnes F, Nimmo were united in marriage Saturday, April 15, 191 1, at 8 o'clock p. 111. at the home of the officiating clergyman, Rev. G. W. Nelson, 607 Hudson street, St. ohns, Oregon. Mr.David M. uni son acted as groomsman and Miss ean B. Nimmo, a sister of the bride served as bridesmaid. The groom, a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn of Indiana, is in every respect a worthy young man. He is employed at the Wood Dis tillery company's plant at Whit woot Court. The bride, a daugh ter of Mr. Peter Nimmo of this city, has during her short resideuce in St. Johns made many friends. The happy youug couple will be- v y TiT'll?. gin Housekeeping at 020 wnns boulevard, bt. Jolins. diately placed them on aud others are making haste to secure a sweat er so that they may exhibit their letters upon their puffed up chests. Athletics at lames jonns are conducted in such a manner as not to interfere with the school work, for no pupil is allowed to enter a game unless he is doing passing work in his studies. This ruling has caused defeat to come to St. ohns at different times, but still it las served to encourage the student to work with much more zeal and vigor and the result has been pleas ing to both teacher and student. Big Bond Issue With the taxpayers of Portland squirming under the heaviest taxa tion in its history, we believe, it is proposed to add to the yoke by an other bond issue of over three and one-half millions of dollars. St. Johns saved over Si 0.000 in taxes by not being a part of Portland last year, aud if wc become a part of Portland this year wc will no doubt have to dig up $15,000 more iu the wny of taxes than if we stayed just plain St. Johns. We clip the fol lowing from the Telegram regard ing the proposed bond issues: Charter amendments providing for the issuance of $3,525,000 in Portland municipal bonds will be submitted to the voters at the com ing municipal election to be held Juuc 5th. All of these bonds draw 4 per cent interest annually and the propositions shall be approved by the voters and the bonds issued the city's taxes for bonded indebt cducss interest will be increased $t.t 1, 000 annually. Iu addition to the various pro posed bond issues there arc four proposed amendments to be voted on providing for an increase of the tux levy of the city for 1.15 mills annually. Among the proposed bond issues the most important is for the issu ancc of it,. 100.000 for the construe' lion of the proposed Woodward nvcnuc-Mcadc street bridge across the Willamette iu South Portland. 1 lie second iu amount is tor 000,000 to establish u municipal street p.tviug plant. There is also proposed bond issues tor $200,000 for cuaiug a municipal building to house the municipal court and police department, city jail and emergency hospital; $600,000 for erecting a public auditorium; $250, 000 for purchasing approximately 30 acres of laud on Council Crest for a citv nark and $7. 000 for pro vidiug for a municipal garbage col' lecting system. hach of these propositions excepting the one for the municipal paving plant, which will be submittal on initiative peti tion, has been ordered presented to the voters by the city council. These bills providing for an in crease iu the general tax levy are: Granting the council authority to evv not to exceed one mill tax for maiutaitiaticc of street cleaning and sprinkling department of the city, and bills providing for the levy' tig a tax of one mill each for creat ug pension funds for members of the fire, Police and street cleaning departments of the city. Iu addi tion to this small tax levy lor llic pension funds each of the members of these departments will contribute $1 a mouth from their salaries to ward the maintenance of the pen sion fund, These four proposed amendments for levying taxes were ordered presented to the voters by the council. April Realty Sales The sales appearing below were made by McKinney & Davis, the well known realty firm, from April st to April 15th, aud proves that realty in St. Johns is ott the move; GraybricI confectionery store to L. Harding. Lot on Lively street to Mrs. Do- nis, who will build soon upon same. Another lot on the same street to Mr. Stamps of Kverett, Washwho is now erecting a handsome home 26x50 in size. House and three lots on West Mohawk to Mr. Leonard of Michi- Lot on the comer of 1 loga and Fessenden streets to Miss Wald- ress. Lot on Willis boulevard to Mr. Cheney, who will build soon, Lot on South Jersey to John Noce, who will build at once. House and lot on Willamette boulevard to Randolph Graden. Three lots on West Mohawk to D. Tallman, who will build. Two lots comer of Cruikshauk aud Fox streets to J. J. Karr, who is now building. The sewer on Jersey street is out of the way of the hard surface pavement with the exception ot tne connections with some of the busi ness houses. It would be a good thing if the city fathers should make a little law requiring every property owner to put in the sewer to the property Hue whether there is a building or not, so that the disturbance of the street be reduced to the minimum. The sewerpipe connection being in would be an asset to the property and could be put in much more economically now than after the hard surface is for the repairing of the pave ment torn up to make the contiec- on would have to be taxed to the bill for connecting, ST. JOHNS, OREGON,? FRIDAY, APRIL 21, i9ti. Pythian Silters Convene The annual district convention of the Pythian Sisters was held here Saturday iti Bickner's hall. The hall wns ucnmiiuiiy uccoraieu lor lite occasion with evergreens, Oregon Grnpc and bunting in the lodge colors. About 150 delegates were in attendance Including members from five temples: Orphia Temple No. 18, Portland; Cataract Temple No. 42, Oregon City; Fern Temple No. 46, Yutiihill; Phoenicia Temple No. 10, Hillsdale; Rose Temple No. 43 of St. Johns Mrs. A. W. Vincent presided over tne convention with her char actcristic grace and ability. The entire morning session was given over to tne reading of iustructiv papers relating to louee worlc am: discussing the same. Asplcndid dinner was served for the delegates by the Congregational ladies' tiid at which Mayor Couch made n very interesting address of welcome to the guests, interspvrsei witli pleasant witticisms, sustain itig His Honor's reputation .is a fine after dinner speaker. 0. P. Wolcott gave an interesting talk in the iu tcrcsts of the street carnival to be held April 26 to 30 inclusive un der thcuspiccs of the K, of 1 bruit punch was served at the hall to "liquidate" the thirst of the visit ors. At the afternoon session the Rose Temple put on the opening work; tne i'lioetiicia Temple put 011 the Sisters' floor work; the Cataract Temple put 011 the Knights work: Orphia Temple degree stuff put 011 tiieitoor worlc, As a whole the session was con sidcrcd one of the most interesting and helpful conventions the district huu held for many yearn and the delegates return home enthused for another year of prosperous work. Needs' It Badly A strong effort is on foot to tin prove Burlington street from Hayes street to Bradford in such a manner that a good grade will be afforded ine city englnror has the profile tliat should meet nil requirements It will afford a grade not to exceed per cent and the deepest cut will not be more than ten feet. The proiK'rty owners are getting togeth er 011 the proposition, and it is be- leved tne proposed improvement will be iu shape for presentation to the council within a couple of weeks. Burlington street has for ong been an eyesore nud n disgrace to the city. Ninety per cent of the visitors to bt. Johns travel up and down this street, and its dilapidat ed condition is often remarked up on. It is the logical route to the water front and permits of a better grade than any other. Therefore t is a matter of satisfaction to the residents of this city to know that efforts are now being made to im prove it in a proper aud befitting mauiicr. At the Stock Yard Receipts for this market ending today have been 2800 cattle, 5 calves, 1203 hogs. 4210 sheep and 53 horses and mules. A surprising amount of strength and higher range of prices were characteristics of the cattle market. Good steers went to 7.00, and as compared with the week betore, the market was about 25c higher. Hogs ranged from 6,00 to 7.35 with tops at 7.60: The sheep market was not liberally supplied and the demand was act ive, prices ranging steady to strong the previous week s prices. There was some inquiry for horses and a few sales were made. The lorse market is taking oti more act vity and with a broader supply to make choice from, buyers can fill their wants. D. O. Lively, V. P. The members of the St. Johns band are making arrangements for giving open air coticerts every Sat urday evening after the first of next month provided the business men and citizens of the city are liberal iu their contributions, I he baud is under the leadership of C. V. Faulkner and lias developed into a first class organization. Any as sistance rendered toward the open air concerts will' be duly appreciated by the band boys. " A new washer weighing a ton nd a half aud a new extractor weighing 1300 have been installed at the St. Johns Laundry during the past week. The local laundry is now one of the best equipped 011 the Pacific coast. Another new de livery wagon has been placed 011 the road to take care of the con stantly increasing business. Enlarging their Quarters The hustlitis: membership of the First Christian church of St. Johns j is growing so rapidly and the Sun' day school also that the little tnber- nncle would not accommodate them any longer. Tliey wished to put up a new building, but did not leel strong enough to undertake the task of erecting the building after plans and specifications showed it would require admit $8000 to erect such a structure as they desired, and they thought St. Jolins de served something better than n cheaper one. Something had to be none, However, to get more room as the little building was being crowded to the limit. Thursday evening of Inst week the matter was discussed thoroughly and it was decided to enlarge the building and raise the roof and celling. A big force of men have been at work oil week aud the house though not finished, will be iu shape to hold services in Sunday. This they in tend to make serve them nuother year or two, when nt the present rate of growth, they will be able to build a church home that will meet their every need and at the same time be a plcasimr ornament to our city, nud do this without boring our citizens to deatli beiiiilnir for help. It is very grntlfvlnir to them to know Hint they have never re- ceived nor asked assistance from any source nndnrc out of debt ex cept the present bills which nre provided for. Must Sign Up The Mount Hood Light & Power Co. has had representatives circu lating iu our midst and .securimr contracts for the new company dur ing tne past several months. They have met witli fine success iu the way of light, but contracts for pow er, in spite of the reduction in the rule's over the old system, have been icw aim inr between. The maiiti facturiug concerns nre slow nbout giving them n share of their bus iucss in this line. Several promises have been made, but when it comes to signing up they hciitutc Wc have been ussurcd by represents tives of the company that the coining of the Mount Hood railway line hinges entirely on the amount of power they ore able to contract for iu St. Johns. They claim that a comiictiiig trolley Hue would not prove a jwying proposi tion nt this time, and that some contracts for power will have to be signed up nciore steps toward u trolley line in bt. Johns will be at tempted. Therefore, if our busi ness interests nre desirous of having another electric line to Portland it ichooves them to act accordingly. At The Electric Motion picture theatre goers have a treat iu store for them in the pro duction of Athuliah, Queen of Jit ilea at the Klectric today, (Friday). The story of this him is taken originally from 2nd Kings and 2nd Chronicles by Jean Racine. The rathe Co. has pictured this story with nil its beauty and tragedy iu 1000 ievt Ql the most beautiful hand colored films of the age and is now showing it for public approval. (Jiving to the vubt popularity this film has attained in all locali ties the management advises nil those who can do so to attend the io matinee. The rest of the bill is well up to the Klectric standard. We have frequently heard doc tors say that the vermiform ap pendix is of no use to any person. t he deuce it isn't! It has made millions of dollars for the doctors, and much of it was made for them where there wasn't a blamed thing wrong with that organ, But the peratious removing the same, whether the organ is diseased or not, always brings a fat fee. Kx. Mrs. W. 11. Whitby of Corvnllis and a good friend of the Bycrlces came up a day ahead of time to at tend the meetings of the Presby terian church In Portland, so that she could run out to St. Johns Tuesday for a little visit with her friends. Mrs. Whitby is one oi the regents of O. A. C, and one of the best friends of education in that ollege town. "April showers bring May flow in a ers" means lots of bouquets couple of weeks. Drcssmakinir ami sewintr of all kinds. Prices reasonable and work guaranteed. 624 No. Ivanhoe. 24P NO. 24 Council Proceedings (Dfftctitlo nf . 3litItto, (Orrium Ot'l'lCHRB Mnyor K. C. Ctxicli Kml l'rnnk A. Kke Treasurer V. Scoll Kellogg Attorney A. M. Kimm lttiRlneer C. 11. Andrew l'hyilckii A. W. Vincent Chief of Police K. McKinney Pay l-olleeKobert Johnwi Cottticllmcn nt Lnrge: !'. W. Valentine Chat, llrnlmon 1). l'rank Hortinuti Conncilmen l'lrnt Want A. A. Muck J. w. Davh Cuuncllnien Secom! Ward I,, l'etrlne V. 1 1 tit (1, COMMITTHItfl Street ami l)ock-J. W. IfcirU, 1'. v. Valentine, A. A. Mnek MceiiM!--!'. Illll, A. A. MiKk, Cha. Ilrcuemm Water and MgM-Chm. nredron, I. W. Davis 1'. Illll finance A. A. Muck. J. W. Davli, (1. I,. 1'errlnc DiiIMIhb and Orvtindt 0. 1,. l'tttlne. Clias, lltcilnon. I), l'rnnk lloromaii I.Iiior I.lriiel'. W. Valentine. (I. I.. I'crrlnt, 1). l'rnnk llommaii Health and I'otlce 1). frank llotaman. I'. W. Valentine, I'. Illll I lie second regular meeting of the new city council wns nulled off in good style Tuesday night. Con siderable business was transacted in a business-like manner. All members wcr present with Mayor Couch presiding. The first matter taken up was n petition from school district No. 2, nsking permission to grnde hnlf of Seneca street in front of their prop erty. Referred to street commute by the mnyor. Ben Hoover, believing that he was entitled to more money for his services as rodmaii in the engineer ing department, nsked for n raise of .f 15 per month, milking his .sal ary $75. Referred to finance com mittee. Complaint hnd been made by 11 couple of property owners concern ing stumps and debris placed 011 their lots by contractors doing street improvement. Upon investiga tion by the street committee only n very few roots and little or no dirt was found to be upon thu complain- nuts' properties, which had been tic txisited thereon by the contractors. The latter were notified to remove same, however, which they ugred to do and be more Qireumpal iu this respect iu tlrotfutnre. fit! A. 1 lie i2-iooi cement sidewalk 011 Jersey street from Burlington to Richmond wivs accepted by the engineer, endorsed by thu street committee mid accepted by council. The liquor HceiiNe committee made a majority and minority re port iu regard to the liquor liceiiw application of K. O, Mngoon, The majority report signed by F. W. Valentine ami G. L. Purriue, re ported unfavorably owing to the absence of proof that thu population of St. JohnH is now iu exceiiti of 5.100, while thu minority ruiiort submitted by the remaining mem ber ol the committee, I). l'rnnk Horsuiati, was favorable to grunt ing the licctiKc, he believing that the population hud iucrtmed the requisite number, Iming hi bclkf 011 the new residence tlmt have been built since thu federal ctuaiis was taken lata year and thu in creased number of school children. On motion of Mr. Muck the mutter was laid over for one wesk, thre members objecting to delaying the matter, however. Mr. Bredeiioii broachwl the ub- ject of constructing a belfry ami placing the fire bell oil the dome of the city hall, aud imtd motion that the matter be placed iu the hands of the buildings and ground committee with power to act. Unan imously carried. A rcaolutloii providing for the hardsurfaciiig of Jersey from Catllu to Richmond strtt with Wentru mite was tiuauiinouslydoptwl on motion of Mr. Muck nnutuay be found elsewhere iu tlii iwmer. An ordinance apportioning cost of sewer construction iu dia- trict No. 3 was passed 011 motion of Mr, Valentine, all voting "ve" with the exception of Mr. Perriue. An ordinance providing thu time aud manner of improving Buchan an street from St. John Heights addition to FuMietideii street was passed 011 motion of Mr. Davit; all yes. An ordinance providing the time and manner of improving Kellogg street from St. John avenue to Fessenden street was paused on mo tion of Mr. Valentine, all voting yes" except Mr. Purriue. Two bids were presented for the improvement of Chicago street from Jersey to Portland boulevard with macadam one by l'utursou Uro. and the other by T. II, Cochran. The former being about too lower, was awarded the contract, the to tal price being f 1037.70, 011 motion of Mr. Muck. The water and light committee was authorized by thu mayor to make arrangement for furnijhjng water for the public fountain South Jersey nonr Richmond. ilie nmyor than made bin ap pointments of officials for the oimt ing term. They were acted upon individually by the council. The first was the appointment of Thos. Whitney to take the place of Rob. crt Johnson as day police until the muer is able to resume bin dittleg, Mr. JohtiMon beinir otiite ill. On motion of Mr. Muck the appoint ment was confirmed tinanimoiiilv. The appointment of Dr. A. W. Vincent ns city physician wns am confirmed unotiiinously on motion of Mr. Valentine. Tiie appointment of C. U. An. drew ns city engineer was liktwUw made unanimous on motion of Mr. Muck. The appointment of G. W. Dun bar as night imlice met with resint- mice, nnd 011 motion of Mr. Vlit tine that the appointment Ins con tinued, Aldermen Btedesou, Muck, 'errine, nnd Hill voted 110, The appointment of Gearys Hth Bridge as second night wlicc was also turned down, Aldermen Hrede 5011, Muck, Hill.Perrine aud Horn- man voting 110. The apjwintinent of R. McKhi uuy ns chief of police was eon firmed on n 5 to 2 vote, Aklfriiitti Bradesou ami Horsmau voting 110. I!d. L. Stockton advanced the information that the Ivell alarm sys tem 011 the O. & W. railroad had been discontinued sine the ummii- ger train service had been taken off slid that it was imrticularly dtiusei tins for men ami teams 011 Bradford street with no alarm, as some of the freight trains pass aloiw the street nt a higirrate of pe1. The recorder was instructed to notify the railroad company to renlaca the Iwll signal, 011 motion of Mr.Vslsii- tine. Mr. Perriue stated that he be lieved Mr. I.nu titers had just as much rlifht to have a sidetrack to connect with his warehouse as the St. Johns Lumber cnni)muy to oe cupy n generous jiortioii of Bradford street. After some little disciiasfoii regarding the merits of Mr. Lauth- ers- request, the mayor ruled that council ns a committee of the whok proceed to view the situation and be able to net intelligently when the mutter is brought up later. uomnialiit was inathr that tn Uuid lQylm.llaM'BjaitlUIC a ituli One or twoif trw fBarNnHVfrl1 IK vor of refusing them the iim of tit council chuuibcr unlaw they used more care in future. It was deckl ed to ttotify them of the couintaint uml be adiiiouwhed to exercise more care and leave the room Iu better condition in the future. Councilman Horsmau called at tention to the fact that Mr. lower nud other merchants of the eltv weie occupying more space oti the sidewalks than the ordinances allow, I in I Haling travel to soiue extent. I he mayor stated that he would call the chief of police's attcMtlon to the matter aud nave it remedied. The biggest mouth iu eoiouiu- tion movvuteuls Ortgou has tver had lias just closed, bringing rbous- amis of new citixens to the state. Favorable rates attracted ueorrio from all parts of the country who are valuable additions to the popu lation. Uvery part of the state ha profited by the heavy gaiu in new peoile. it is up to the older resi- deiils to make the newcomers feel at home for if they like this state tliey will induce their friettds buck home to come out also. All properly owners- ot it. John are reo nested to clean UP around their premises before AnrQ join. Many visitors will cots here during carnival week and they should be impressed with the ckau- liuess aud attractiveness of our lit tle city. It will require but Uttie effort on the jart of each one and the result will be pleasing to the Ilusiuess firms are also re? decorate during the week, iittfetuhe KuigbU of Pythian louge colors -itL ycuow ana bine. A reception was giverr and Mrs. Wiliit at the home of Mrs. John Thornton, Hester Sun day, at which there were present some 25 guests, 17 of whom were children aud graudcbildreu of Mr. aud Mrs. Tborutou. It is 34 yeurs since the principals ol tne function had met aud it is needless to say it wss a most happy occa sion. A bountiful repast was served which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. It is a nice bouncing boy aud He tips the scales at 1 1 pounds. The lad catuu via the stork aeropuute route and stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Strickland on the 1 8th. This is another good candidate for the chain gaug. May w uii live to dim aim on his way aud may no ill befall Him. Oil