Motives Questioned Sunshine on Mt. Hood ordinance no. 371 Editor Review: What will our people do, take the word of four of our citizens who have been on Westrmnitc streets, found them as good or even better than claimed; or will they accept the statements of every Jim Crow penny-a-liner who has been in duced to rehash a lot of insinua tions, misrepresentations and false hobtbVadvauccd by malicious oppo sitiontothis paving, presumably cnianatingfram, upheld nnd abet ted by a corporation or trust with every thing to fear ll-as good or a better paving process is introduced ? Not one of these mallgners of Wcs truitiile hns ever seen a foot of it. Hut one of them who so glibly calls the leaders in the movement for the best pavement there is for St. Johns "lean and fleshy swivelchair poll ticians" terms their work "hoarse bcllowiiigs of disgruntled politi cians" their views "narrow, bi ascd" declares he has no thought but the best interest of bt.Johns.and he not a citizen of St. Johns, perhaps not even of our country. He de clares, this modern Sherlock Holmes, that his "personal invest! Rations" (?) were made because he was "anxious to uncover what 1 consider a gigantic steal from the citizens of St. Johns." Now it is a puzzle too deep for the writer to determine, the source of this frenzied philanthropy, bucolic beu evolcucc that would make two of our representative citizens who were sent cast to investigate this paving (itiestlon one of 2 things, Idi otic blundering dupes, or parties to a "gigantic steal." The writer docs not believe cither hypothesis it seems more reasonable to believe that this modern Sherlock was paid so much tier for his literary stunt and for the dirty dollars of tlitiM who are endeavoring to stifle comix: tltiou he has aided in perpetrating 11 slander upon our two rejected citizens. 1 lie writer tloesu t like to believe this, because this modern Sherlock is a genial fellow withal. nnd although he would call it nur row minded to think he would thus put a slander upon his fellows for hire it would seem to be a greater folly to do so for nothing. 1 he self appointed detective would bet ter turn his eagle eye to the inves ligation of the motives which prompts this malicious, vindictive, relentless fight against Westrmnitc. He would better serve St. Johns. To the careful observer it would seem that the opX)sitiou is in death ly fear of Wcstrumitc, nnd leave nothing undone, resorting to every artifice known to the obstructionist to keep it out. If it is so worthless why this fear, this deadly, dogged, determined resistance? There can be but one logical conclusion, viz: That Wcstrumitc is nil that is claimed for it by those of our citi zens who have seen It, the best hard surface pavement in the world. If it were n worthies protxisitiou the opK)sition would be only too glad to have that fact dcmouKttatcd by having Jersey street paved with that material. It would seem wiser to follow the judgment of those who have mm the streets iu use mid listened to the words of the highest praise our language can ex pi ess spoken by the men who paid their good money to have it laid, than to swallow like a catfish the rotten tissues of villidcation furn ished probably by a couictittg com pany and disseminated through its tools, paid or otherwise. Veritas, No-Dust Sweeping Compound No. 1 for rugs and carpets, 5 and io-pouiid cans Hoiiham & Cur rier. No, a for floors and linoleums St, Johns Hardware Co, No-Dust Waxiue sold by I.eightou Hardware Co. Avoid Substitutes. Crescent Chemical Co, 526 Washington St. Phone Main 1364 Shine out, beautiful sunshine With thy brilliancy on nature be low, Casting thy shadows from the tnon archs of pine And o'er the earth covered snow. See the pride of the state in the distance, Mt. Hood with her lofty peaks so high, As she is being covered with crystal white As it falls from the heavenly sky. Look lit seems only a short dis tance To the mountain it looks so high, Hut to the travelers who started persistence Has to give up with weariness and sigh, An Ordinance Adopting Spec ifications for Hard Surface Pavement, Known as Wcstrumitc. rook- val- Hc pitches his tcnt-iujhc wildwood And laid his weary litad to rest. After eating his meal by the let, Thanking God for Nature s re past. As we travel o'er Hood River Icy, And Nature seems to favor the spot, The frosts are so light in its season, Giving abundance of fruitage and crop. Last ImiII as we gathered the hur vest The trees were bending low With the beautiful Hood River apples, I'or God has ordained it so. H. H. Phuket The city of St. Johns docs onlnln as follows: Section 1. Hard surface pavement, known as Wcstrumitc slinll be laid in the following manner, unless otherwise expressly provided: GRADING. Section 3. The street shall he l' railed down or filled up to the subradc as given by the city engineer, nnd all soft nun stxHigy places noi anoniing a nrin foundation shall be dug out nnd the space refilled with projnir material enrc fully rammed or rolled so ns to make such filling compnet nnd solid, Only gravel or rock or suitable mate rial ftce from all perishable and objec tionable substances shall be used In bringing the roadway to the proiier sub grade, which shall then be rolled with a road roller weighing not less than tea tons until thoroughly compacted and solid and approximately parallel to the proposed surface of the contemplated nvemcnt. "All embankments shall, whenever so rcqulreUJjy the city engineer, be built In horizontal layers or courses of not more than oueWoot In thickness for the full width of the clnbankmcnt and thor oughly rolled. Such rolling shall becynplcted In sections of nt least one bloclc ud shall be tested and ncccptctl uy tne cuy-.tyi-nccr before any materials for the pnVS, uiciit is placed thereon, I'OUNDATIONS, broken Rock foundation. Section 3. Upon the subgrnde, ns prepired, shall be spread u layer 6 Inches thick of broken rock that will puss through n rinir of inches Internal di ameter, and be retained by a t l-J Inch screen, tree from all dirt nnd 01 quality iititimvi-d lit I lie i-llv eiH'Ineer. TliU liner nlmlt be thoroughly rolled and connected with n steam roller, wl'Ii'IiIml' not less than ten tons UK)ii wild layer of crushed rock shall be spread 11 sufficient quantity of screenings o 1111 iniersiicvs nciwreu me in rue .tones, nnd miiiimhI them firmly In place. This laver shall be rolled and coiminicI- ed to u depth of 4 1-2 Inches, leaving nil oven, hut coarse grained surface, Concrete 1'ouudnlion. Section .1 Uimmi the ulKritdc, ns prewired, nlmll lv laid 11 hod of concrete 11111 1 mm ma 11 11 cues lines, mm muni be taiiiKil to the NtiUfuctlnii of the city engineer. The concrete courhO shall consist 01 one jmrt 01 ccmciii in uirce tuiru of Mind and six of eravel. The quality of eacli must lie approved by the city engineer. This concrete fouudat oil laid to the proper grndf and thickness shall have 11 slightly rougii suriace, WHARING Sl'Rl'ACH. Wearing Surface Two Inches. Section s. Upon the broken stone or concrete lollliilnlioil suan i sprvau 11 wearing surface which shall De couimscii ( 11 tiiiwr lufn Inrlii' thick of carefully Machine for $S.OO selected, sound, hard crushed rock that ,-. , will pass 1 1-3 inch hcreeu.'iun lie reiaiii- 50C IJOWll, 50c per week Cd by I in. screen mixed with n sumcient I iiiiiinili v nt U'..ltiiiiilte Astihnlt to well A .1. ..- 1 ..! ri -""v n new siui'K 01 Hitmen iwc coat 1111 suiiaccs. . . . . . . , , , upon uie HiMive layer, liiMu inn, iui.-i imw milium juai 1 mi 1 1 uowlsu completed, snail lie spread 11 layer I lucli IIIICK 01 imuuunou mor tar. coiiKlttliiL' of clean limestone screen- lints, all of which shall lms the ! I inch screen, and not less than H per cent nor more than it per cent ol wlilcii snail niih the 1.200 screen. Said screenings tube thoroughly mixed with not less than 16 ikt cent nor more than Jo tier cent hv weight of Weatrumlte Aspiiuii. This second layer shall lc leveled smoothed. As soon iu Wentrumite has licgun to set the nlxive two layers shall In: rolled 3E Special ! ! ! ?8 Go-Cttrts for. . . .$5.75 cnsli 56 Go-Carts for . . .&J.25 cash $10.50 Majestic Washing Approved Standardized Styles for Men of Taste v SOCIETY welcomes the man who dresses in good taste. Clothes of strict ly correct style make a man look and feel his real worth. They inspire in him confidence and give him ease of manner. You will always find some economy and style above economy in this clothing made by W. S. Peck & Company. We have a carefully selected stock of the new sensible styles for men of all ages. Prices from $15.00 to $25.00 Hats, Neckwear, Half Hose and other Correct Wearables for Men. rABHIUNADUA, OUTMIi Bonham &, Currier Proposals for Street Work nnd Scaled proposals will he received nt the ollicc of the City Recorder of the Second Hand Goods taken in payment for new furniture St. Johns Furniture Company I tail tin filutt iLL'fk lilt'ltrat M11II IM nil I ft I I Him jillin. if Mim '! ( ,nch HV ( .l'arhf 11 with mi nsplmlt roller weighing not lo City of St. Johns until April 18, 8 WClOll JL VJ1.UU1U Mian IH'l. nor more ttiail eiellt tons, until iVfiM-V. ti. 111. for tli liimrnvpinriil of they are thoroughly compacted mid Chicago street from the northerly line of left smooth. I Jersey strrct to the southerly 1 ne of Alter which n 111111 coin, coimimug m l'ortlaml rxiu evnnl In tlie manner tiro- n thin layer of fine limestone screenings, vlded by OidltmuccNo. 369, according to mixed with 11 sutlicicut quantity of Wes- t,c ,ina nnd scclfications of the city trumite, iIIIiiUhI with its own bulk of engineer on file at the office of the city water to produce seml-lltild mixture, recorder nnd subject to the provisions of shall be applied, This shall be covered the charter nnd ordinances of the city of wait 11 nun inier 01 eoare saun ami me st. joiins. ami tlie est mate 01 tuo city surface again lie thoroughly rolled. engineer. 011 file. This wearing surface shall have u full The engineer's estimated cost of same imckiieu 01 two tuciies, which, wncii s), 329,78, J. S. Downey To have a fine, hcnlthy com plexion the liver must bo netive, the bowels regular utul tlie blood pure. All this is brought about by JtJvKlUMi,. it thoroughly scours tlie stomach, liver inul bowels, put tne uody 111 tine condition una re stores that clear, pink ami white complexion so much ilesiied by ladies, Price .soc. Sold bv St. Johns lMiartnncy, caj ii- St. Clements Catholic church, Portland boulevard between llurr uud Newton streets. Masses on Sundays at 8 ami 10:30 a, m and Sunday evenings sermon and bene diction at 8 o'clock. lf. J. Ketteuhofen, Pastor. Christian Church -Sunday school 10 a. in., Preaching 11 u, m. and 7:30 p. m., C. 15. 6:30 p. in. Jun ior Kndeavor 3 p. m. liverybody invited to all these service. Taber nacle corner New York and Leon ard streets. A scries of sermons on the Holy Spirit is being preached at the evening services. J. U. Johnson, Pastor. Dad breath, bitter taste, dizziness and a general "no account" feeling is a sure sign of a torpid liver. tlKRMNK is the medicine heeded. It makes the liver active, vitalizes the blood, regulates the bowels and restores a fine feeling oi energy aud cheerfuluess. Price 50c. Sold by St. Johns Pharmacy. 025 , perfectly vets and true to the grades uud finished, must be miulred Hues, level icriMW sections. ComKition of Wcstrumitc Asphalt. Section 6. The Asphallum In West rnmite Asnhalt shal consist of half Trinidad Lake Asphalt nnd half the best I California Asphalt mid the proper amount of mix, All these materials iniut conform with the requirements of the siK-cifictitioiis for nsnhait imvcuicuIs I of the city engineer, mid the iiercoiitagc I of bitumen soluble iu carbon bUulnlilde Hids must be strictly in accordance ly with printed blanks which will be furn ished on npjilicutiou at the ollicc of the Recorder ot the city of St. Johns. And said improvement must be completed 011 or before 6u days from the date of the signing of the contract by the parties thereto. This improvement Is the laying of ma cadam iSfect wide in the center of said street between the lines above Indicated. No proposals or bid will be considered l II1I1AMI IIIBIIIIMII.IV I , til I 1 , hall not vary beyond the limits of from ""T" iulv"' 'l'"f ut veri.uc.i wuevK snenloninepercent of the total mix- iy .'fiTl. S ture 01 tne tuiuvrai aggicgaie 111111 west- - rumite Asphalt. h ble twnk for an amount equal to ten All ordinances in conllict Real Estate spill! SvMioii 7, hriewith ure hereby repealed Hcr cent, of the aggregate proposal, to e forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam- lised by the Council this nth day of t0 , u ,,,.0 co.nlct';,ml provide Rice llliU Co., tl' ST. GRAVEL CO. I,. 1). JACKSON, Prop. General Contractor We are prepared to do nuv and all kinds of excavating for street work and other purposes. We also handle sidewalk aud build ing material. Newton aud Fessenden Streets St. Johns, Oregon Phone Columbia. . . . DR. W. E. HARTEL Dentist Two Offices Holbrook Block St. Johns I'hoae Columlls 1 142 Killiugworth Avcutte WooJIswn tiyi April, 1911. a suitable bond for the faithful perform Approve.1 by tlie Mayor, this 1 ith day nucc wI(, work , Ulc cvel ,hc co of April, 1911. K. L. VJUUCII, Mayor. I'muk A. Uice, Kecoriler. Piiblisbiil In the St. Johns Review on April l-l, 1911. Attest: tract is awarded him. The right to relect any aud all bids is hereby reserved. lly order of the City Council, A. M. USSON. Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review Mar, 31, April 7 aud 14, 1911. St.Johns Laundry Don't Be sick Pour business lots, close iu; two corner mid two inside lots, $6000. One corner lot, 50x100, I3700, terms. This adjoins property that recently sold for $1 1,000. I.ot 50x106, five room house, fruit trees, well, hen house, toilet and wood house, 5 1 050 -5450 cush, balance 1 10 per mouth at seven per cent interest. Pour lots 50x100 each, 7 room Thoroughly equipped for all house, new barn, woodshed, fruit of laundry work nnd trees, all fenced aud cross fenced. srjr'srtiaffliM n e,et? respect, dr, h. o. brown terms to suit on balance at 7 ter kinds "CHIROPRACTIC" Treatments cure without medicine Call on Prompt and efficient service guar anteed. Your patronage solicited. Sewer and Plumbing lkfore placing contracts for con necting with the sewer, see J. 15. Pletcher, 519 Allegheny street. Prices low and work guaranteed, 12 foot alley; $5000 $2000 down, Also plumbing of all kinds. Phone terms to suit on balance. cent interest. Twelve lots 50x100, five room, modern house, full basement, or chard of 35 trees of mixed fruits iu full bearing. Will sell all or part at a very reasonable price. If you mean business call on me at once. I.ot 50x94 feet, business comer, Office und Residence 415 N. Kellogg Sreet, One Block Hast of Postoffice Columbia 67. J. S. Downey lor bale rlue ?4oo piano, ?2oo cash, balance $5 per month. Own er has moved to Kansas and will deduct from the price of the tiiauo NORTH JERSEY STREET S5 because it would cost her that much to ship it east, leaving the Subscribe for the St. Johui Review total cost $375. 1 his is a rare bar- aud koop posted on the doings or gain. D. N. Ilyerlee, 315 West the city. I Richmond. Central Market! HOLBROOK BLOCK See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best Meats Obtainable. Order f!Hd and TamSf Trode SoNdterf, T. P. WARD, Proprietor. NoU tM UUI en your paper. CtirlSl 19 r Omctull A4t Dear friend: S w rue Japanese uvea on rice when they nail n war with Russians. It must have made them strong. Rice is crood for breakfast. I eat it three times a day. I don't have the heart bums. Do you? If you do, try making a dinner off of rice. Other good things to eat, I also get at the same store, which only sells good things. Your friend, JACOB. P. S. Our grocer is Muck Mercantile Company Phone, Columbia 11S J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We deliver your Roods to and from all parta ot Portland, Vancouver. Linn ton. Portland and Suburban Exprcu Co., city dock and all points occeaaiMa by wagon. Piano and, furntture moving CAMP 773 W. O. W. Meeta ev ery Wed n 0 a d a y BMc ner'a Sal How about the plumbing work you need done? Iletter have It teen about now. Call in ami get prices on sewer pipe. We carr both glazed cement and terra cotta, EDMONDSON CO. joj S. Jersey St. Puoue Columbia 91 HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 knights or PYTHIAS UaeU ry t'riir nlxht t 1 30 o'clock at 1. O. O. Pi Hall, Vialton altraja Wat. com. W.CAlDtRSON. C. C. A. W. riCKir. K. R. S LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. O. O. F. ST. JOHNS, OREGON Meets each Monday evening In Odd Fel lows' ball, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 r. and A. M. Regular communications on first and third Wed nesdays of each month in Odd Fellows' hall Visitors welcome. You get full weight and first Quality at the Central market. Just try awhile. Subscribe upy, for the Review aad be DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Open Evenings and Sundays by Ap pointment. OfUce rhotie Columbia 140 Resident l'lione Columbia 38 DR. RAMBO DENTIST First National Bank building. ST. JOHNS. OREGON. JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Dy & Night Oflke In McChesney bile St. Johns, Oregon. DR. R. A. JAYNE Physician and Surgeon Office over the First National Bank St. Johns, Oragon la. PUm kruj 1571. Ofic rUai Jcmj Ktl ALBERT CAREY, M. D. HOLBROOK BLOCK Rl4nca 902 Faaaandan Straat OStca Houro; du, 1 ta I p. ox. ST. JOIINS, OREGON. Daniel O. Webster, A. B. M. D Residence, 697 Dawson Street Ofllce, Pllter Block. University Pari. Portland, Oregon. PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER First National Bank Building ST-TJOHNS . . . OREGON O. J. QATZMYER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Building ST. JOHNS . . OREGON COLLIER & COLLIER Lawyers Spaulding Bldg. Portland, Ora. Phone Columbia 258 Haggblom & OHn House Moving aud Raising 628 East Polk Street