THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW BY A. W. MARKLE PubllahM Evr Friday At 117 Went Burlington Street. TuR RKVIKW Is entered at post office In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns mail matter of the second class miner tue aci oi v-on gtw of March 3, 1379. Offltlal Newipsptr of Uis Oltr of Dt Johnf. Adrtrtlilni rstti. 11.00 dm Inch pr month. Job Printing mnUd In flrt tlyl. D11U tor Job Printing eatb on deliver. Subscription pries $1.00 par year, in Parties contemplating building St. Tnlms should remember that is necessary to secure n building permit at the city hall when con struction begins. There is a pen nltv attached for nil who neglect or refuse to coinnlv with this rcmiirc incut. We understand that Severn narties. have neglected this matter nnd arc subject to fine unless they make good at once. Go to the Toggery for ladies' ant and gents' furnishings, hnougl said. A bouncing boy baby arrived at the home of Oliver Uakkc yester day, and the new dad wears n smile that wont come on. For Sale -One spring wagon suitable for delivery purposes.chenp Jas. Latham, blacksmith shop Charleston and Ivanhoe street. 22tfc When buying 2nd hand furniture list take a look in nt Unlet llros Lots of times you can buy the new cheaper than you can the and hnuil Look nnd sec for yourself. 23-210 There will be n special meeting of the Lnurclwood Rcbeknh Lodge 160 Saturday night. All are re (itiested to be present. Mrs. T. A. Glover, N. G. Work called for and delivered nt the University Dye Works. First class work, reasonable prices. Call up Woodlawn xots and have your olt suit made like new. The Pythian Sisters' District Convention will be held in this city tomorrow. Great preparations have been made to entertain the many guests expected. The event prom ises to be exceedingly interesting. Our assemblage of shirt fabrics for sprint: nnd summer season em braces many very beautiful mid distinctive patterns. They are dis nlnyed for your inspection nt the Toggery. Faster will be fittingly observe! nt the Congregational church next Sunday with special music and ap propriate addresses. A seat nut welcome for nil. G. W. Nelson, pastor. Pey lints receive everywhere the homage due to supremacy in quail ty. -Johnstone's Toggery. The charge of assault nnd bat tery brought against Chief of Police McKiuucy by A. Gee was tried in the city hall before Judge Downs yesterday. No evidence was shown that undue violence had been used, nnd the jury promptly rendered n verdict of "not guilty." Mli Ilrowu, the National Super intendent of the dcimitiueut of Pur ity will SKmk in the lluptist church nt bt. Johns to ladle only Monday afternoon nt 2:30 nnd in evening at the same place to both ladies nnd gentlemen. Remember the date, the place nnd the hours. It only takes $75 to put you in possession of n brand new 4-room cottage, located only 2 blocks from the postoflice in St. Johns' best res ideuce district, bill, only 1 10 er inoiitli. Tills is a eliaucc to get out of paying rent, See owner at once J. J. Karr, first house ut of Newport Motion. M. 15. Church Sunday school 9:50 11, m., preaching 11 a. m. mid 8:00 p. m. Junior League, 3 p. 111., Kpworth League 7 p. m. Topic in n. in. "The Miracle of Miracles," Dr. J. W. McDougnl, dlst. supt. will preach, This is the opening service of 11 series of evangelistic meetings; every evening next week. Everybody invited. Frank San difer, pastor. The Miller Amusement Co. will appear in St. Johns April 26-30 in the nature of a street carnival with half u dozen or more strong attrac tions. The carnival will lie given here under the auspices of Knights of Pythias. A queen of the carni val will be selected by vote, ballot boxes being placed in several of the leading stores. Misses Schmaliiig, Fassett and Kdlcfseu have been an nounced as candidates with more to follow. A $30 diamond brooch will be awarded to the winner. All business men arc requested to dec orate with lodge colors red, yel low and blue. More particulars next week. In the meantime save your pennies. John N, Kdlefscu has teudeied his resignation as assistant cashier of the Peninsula bank, to take effect May 1st. lie will devote his time thereafter to the Kdlcfseu Fuel Co, in which he is interested. During his five years' connection with the bank John has made in numerable friends by his courteous treatment, accommodating ways, careful business methods and abil ity. His good-natured countenance will be greatly missed by the pat rons of that institution. He will be succeeded by S. L. Dobie, the popular real estate man and erst while councilman. Mr. Dobie is splendidly fitted for this position, ntid a better selection could not be made to fill the vacancy. First National Bank St. Johns, Oregon Sylvester Peterson, President A. R. Jobes, Vice President J F. P. Drinker, Cashier C. B. Russell, Ass't. Cashier I Reception for Rev, Gates A reception was tendered Rev. and Mrs. C. P. Gntcs at the home of John Poff on Fast Durlington street on Tuesday evening. About too friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gntcs were present to express regard for them nnd good w'shes for their fu ture, ntid a very pleasant time wns enjoyed by all. A very interesting nnd well rctt dctcd program was given, whichwas opened by li. L. Perkins, followed by Mrs. Viola Campbell, both of whom rendered solos which called forth hearty encores. The Hoy Scouts, under the di rection of Scoutmaster Uycrlce.pnid their respects to their departing friend by marching in nnd giving him the full military salute, to which Rev. Gates responded witli n short, impressive talk to the youthful scouts. Rev. Sandlfer gave n very inter esting nddress, which wns followed by trombone solo by Dick Perriuc, accompanied on the pinuo by Miss Georgia Perrine. Mr. Clarke, Arthur Clarke and K. L. Perkins rendered a trio that brought 11 round encore. Prof, ltoyd addressed the pastor nnd wife witli well chosen words and Mis. J. N. Kcelcr sang two songs in n delightful manner. Mrs. Hall then presented Rev. Gales witli a purse containing $1 1, nnd a handsome liiblc with flexible biudiug;ttiid to Mrs.Gates she gave a handsome set of silver spoons. Mrs. Hull's presentation address in behalf of the members of the church was eloquent with expressions of the strong attachment existing no tweeu pastor mid k.-oplc, which wns so touching!' responded to by Rev. Gates that it caused ninny eyes to fill witli tears. Members of the Philo Christo class then sang n chorus they use during revival services, and the guests nil matched by and gave the pastor nnd his wife a farewell Hand clasp. Mis. Hall then closed the program, tecitiug in her inimical manner n poem retouched to suit the ocensiou, entitled: "Conference Chicken." and to the encore tes- ponded with the "Utnigmut's Lu- ment on Stewed Prunes ' which iilmost hrottgut the tears ngnin, this time from Milliliter. Delicious cake and coffee was then served, followed by nit hour of social converse. City Officials Installed To Hxchniige for St. Johns or Portland property, 80 acres good nucleated farm laud, and 80 acres with feet of saw timber six miles from postoilice, nlso to acres i'j miles fiom ICagle Point, having 7 ncies in young fruit trees. All in Jackson county. Will ex- hange one or all three pieces. Hox 57, Newberg, Ore, The installation of the new city ofiic mis Monday eveninsr was en nctcd in n ciuiet manner. The ol members turned over the reins witli a stall of relief ntid the new mem hers cheerfully assumed the burde cast down bv their predecessors No snccclics Were indlilued it), but hearty congratulations (or condol ences. ns one might view it) were extended by the old to the new After the oath of office had been tnkcu all around the board, th election of n president of cotiuci wns called for bv the new mayor G. L. Perciue nominated F. W. Valentine and Pascal Hill noiuinat ed A, A. Muck ns candidates I serve in this capacity: Chns. IJrct esou then made n motion which carried that the nominations close Upon vote Mr. Vulcntine received two votes anil Mr. Muck four, th Inttcr not voting. Mayor Couch then appointed his standing com tnitlees. as follow: Streets nnd docks J. W. Davis F. W. Valentine. A. A. Muck. License P. Hill, A. A. Muck Charles Hredcson. Water nnd Unlit Chnrles llredc son, J. W. Davis, G. L. Perrine. Hu d hit's nud i! roll lids G Perrine, Charles Urcdeson.H. Frank Hotsmnn. ' Liquor licenses F. W. Valentine G. L. Perrine. D. frank llorsmaii Health mid police D. Frank Horsiiian, F. W. Valentine, Hill. I 1 Dressmaking nud sewing of nil kinds. Prices reasonable nud work guaranteed. 624 No. Ivanhoe. Dressmaking All work guaran teed. Mrs. Mary Carr, 625 Fast Charleston street. 3p 11 Sutmcrluo for tlio ToloKrutn best uvuiilng unpur on tliu const. Boo I'M Ktockton. We see Ihnt Weimcr's Transfer & Storage has ndded dry hard wood to their line of fuels. 23c f So tier month straight salary am cxpeutcs to men witli rig, to Intro duce our poultry remedies. Don't answer unless you menu business Kutelcu Poultry Food Mfg. Co. (Incorporated) Fast St. Louis, III If you cough all night you get no rest, nor does any one else in the house, Keep within reach 1 bottle of HALLARD'S HOAR HOUND SYRUP. It is then easy to stop toe tickling widen causes the cough. Price 35c, 50c nnd $1 per bottle. Sold by St. Johns Pharmacy. C3j What This Bank Aims To Do To promote our customers' interest as we would our own; To do all we can to make their rela tions here profitable and agreeable to them; To contribute to their enterprise the enthusiastic co-operation, foresight and timely assistance which a good Bank can properly bestow; To repay confidence in us with con fidence in them. These are the aims of the officers of this Bank and the business men and women of St. Johns are in vited to make this their banking home. The Peninsula Bank St. Johns, Oregon Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $7,000.00 Resources over $200,000.00 R. T. Piatt. President C. A. Wood, Cashier F. C Knnpp, Vice President J. N. Fdlefsen, Asst. Cashier The MOST in Value Be Dressed Properly 6 The BEST in Quality It's now time for you to see for yourself what we have to offer in Ladies' and Men's Uptodate Furnishings. Come and profit by an early selection. BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY Shoes for the Whole Family Nettleton, Florsheim and Chesterfield oxfords and shoes for Men who care. Sorority, Sincerity and Fashion shoes, oxfords and pomps for Women. SILK AND LISLE HOSIERY A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Kayser Gloves A wide range in Colors, Shades and Prices FVleiVs and Young Men's Headwear You'll find here the Greatest Stock. Any Shape, any Quality you want "GO SOUTH" The Leading Furnisher 311 S. Jersey St. WALL PAPER, T" Handsome patterns, double roll ns low ns ioc, nt Leighton Hardware Co. Who sell every thing in their line, low ns nny one. Call in, nlwnys glad to show goods, whether you buy or not nud will give n sqttnre denl every time. Try us nud let us figure your Hardware and Plumbing bill. It might save you money. ICX3C A. H. BLACKBURN Undertaker and Funeral Director Phono Columbia 263 Eait Hurlinston Slieel, Si. John, Oregon Idle Hour Theatre 3000 feet of the world's LAT- HSTaml HKST moving pictures. T lie family theatre of bt. Johns. New management. New machine, New curtains. New pictures. Come and see a first class show nt nil times. No junk shown here. NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment How is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinned or examined at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract ami Realty Co' Accurate work. Reasonable fees. H. Henderson, Manager, 120 North ersey street. A prudent mother is always on the watch for svmptoms of worms in her children. Puleness, lack of interest in play, and peevishness is the signal for WHITE'S CRKAM VURMIFUGIi. A few doses of this excellent remedy puts an end to the worms and the child soon acts naturally. Price 50c. Sold by bt. Johns Pharmacy, C25 o For Sale 100x100 lot improved fenced south sid of Tyler be tween Hudson and Portland boule vard owner inquire 910 South Decatur. 2011 Far Sale Two new Harder tationary gasoline engines, 2-horse power for less thau wholesale. See them. Wm. Shanklaud. 230 Notice U hereby given that apportion ment of the eobt of improving Oswego street from the north line of Ilarton'n Audition to tlie county ro.ul, total cost of $121. 31, hus leen apportioned ami is on me in tue omce ot uie uinien.igiieit Alllifert tn eviimltiitllnii Assessment district extends back to tue center ot lots, blocks ami tracts ol land abutting on said street as provided uy me euy dinner ami resolutions, RtMllonstriitiPt- ni.iitist raIi! mnnrtlnii. ment may be made in writing und filed 11' t til til ft lltt1r.attiftt tttiftil r t1ml in. May 1st, 191 1. FRANK A. RICH, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review on April 14 ami 21, 1911. 1 hree unfurnished housekeep- mg.j-ooms for rent. 524 Uast Mo hawk. 25c ODD FKLLOWS Turn out next Mouday eyeuing, work in both first and second degrees, four vic tims. Don't miss it. SEE and HEAR The opportunities of investment and SMELL the fragrance of fair dealing, Resides having to offer you water frontage, farms nnd timber lands, we can offer you income bearing business prop el ty nt most reasonable prices and terms. If you want n sure in vestment with no chance to lose nud paying 7 and 8 per cent in terest we have that kind from $350 up. We have buyers for your equities or can get you good trades. FOR SNAPS: 50x100 foot lot in South St. Johns, $400, on easy terms. 50x100 with 3 room house $750, Only $50 down, balance $10 per month. . 4-room house on 50x100 foot lot for $850. Tern's, $xoo down and if 10 per mouth. 10 acres of good level laud near Klamath Falls on payments of $20 down nud $5 per month. Price $250. SEE US WolGott, Valentine & Leggett 401 S. Jersey St. Phone Columbia 279 Regular meeting Doric Lodge XT . A t p. u It-- I day evening in Odd Fellows hall Special work. He present. o A valuable dressing for flesh wounds, burns, scalds, old sores, rash, chafed skin, is BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMF.NT. It is both healing and antiseptic. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by St. Johus Pharmacy. C25 Easter is Coming You need a New Hat don't you? If so, look at those at the St, Johns Millinery You will be glad you did Mrs. E. J. Martin 207 N. Jersey H. f . Clark, Thc SJarnniturc 402 SOUTH JERSEY STREET NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE