St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 24, 1911, Image 6

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    ' Sterlas of the Paris Courti.
Amouff humorous stories of tbo Pnr-
1b law courts It la told how a well
known lawyer, M. Aleui UousBcau,
was once pleading a rather tiresome
case and, noticing that tbo judges wcro
tmvliiK no attention to him, said, "As
tbo nsosldent Is falling nslcrp I BUS'
pend my speech." But tbo judgo bad
Just woko up und cried, "And I huh
pond you from practicing for six
months." Nothing daunted, tbo law
yer retorted, "Well, I suspend myself
foroTer and over," nnd, gathering up
his brief nnd cap, ho left tbo court
and uorer appeared ngnln.
A Pnrls barrister, M. Clery, however,
was moro vigorous. Seeing that tbo
prosldent nnd tho assessors wcro all
aslcop, ho stopped, and, dealing n tro
mendous blow on tho desk in front of
him that woko everybody up with n
start, lio cried, "Yesterday atthlssamo
hour I wn saying" And tho whole
bonch rubbed their eyes nnd nskedonch
otlier I aft hoy bad really slept through
twenty-four hours.
Tbo samo counsel was pleading at
Versailles on a cold day nnd remarked
that tho Judges wero nil turning moro
nnd moro nround toward n stovo tbnt
garo out n welcomo heat "Tho tribu
nal behind which I bnvo tbo honor of
speaking" brought them nil right about
faco nt once.
Ha Had a Claim.
In n certain town wus n young law-
ror wuobo rntnor was very ncii mm
wno uau uccn sent 10 nn eastern law
school. Bluco bis graduation bo had
dono nothing except open nn ollico ho
cnuso ho bad plenty of money. This
young lawyer was proiwsed for mom
bcrshtp In tho local flro company.
"Wo cannot elect him," ono of the
mouthers protested. "Tbo constitution
of our company snys that tbo mum
bors of It must sleep nnd llvu hero In
tho city, nnd ho lives out of town on
a farm mm 1101 in tno city at mi. lie
would bo of no vuliwi.nt nil In cnoo of
n flro nt ulglit. Ho aocsn t sleep Here
nt night."
"No," tvptlod hm iiroiwsur; "It I true
hu dootn't sloop hero nt night, but ho
sloops horo In his ollico nil duy."
And they elected him on that ground
Philadelphia Huturdny Evening Post
Ths Olmpla Maid.
'Twns In n nlmplo country town, nnd
tho timid of nil work was simple- and
Innocent In sympathy. When nlio tv
turned from shopping half n sovereign
short In her changu Mrs. Mango
Chutney wnn naturally lncutmed.
"(Jo back to each shop, you careless
girl," she told tho weeping maid, "and
tull them you uro half n noverolgn
short In your money nnd they iiiiihI
glvo It you."
Susan went nnd wnn back ngnln In
half nn hour. Entering her mistress'
sanctum, alio laid llvo bnlf sovereign
on tho tnblo beforu her. Faithful ns
nhvays, alio had cnrrlod out Mrs.
MnngO'Chiitti(ys Instructions to the
letter, and each shopkeeper, fearful ol
doing wrong nnd hurting n fellow cren
turo, bad thrust tho missing coin upon
tho bewildered girl. Uiiiduu Answers.
Tha Offending tllaok Dottls.
A church mumbur In a lonely dUlrlet
of Hnskiitchuvriiii absented hlninoll
from survlooM for iwiinu mniiths. On
being nppronehod on tbo mibjeot br
said hu was sorry, but It wiw linpossl
inn to niienii any moro. 110 was
pressed to glvo reason mid nt length
snld It was owing to tho bad conduct
of tho superintending clergyman nnd
Ho und others bad wltiioascd thorn
drinking when driving round on their
visits. They had passed u black hot
tlo from hand to band. It was Initios
slblu to attend tha ministry of such
men. Jwiulrlou proved that tho of
fending "bottlo" wus n pair of Held
giasitst witn which tno drivers mir
voyed tha surrounding country und
tried to locate tho vitrloim churches,
nlmcks nnd triills.-Huniluy nt Homo.
Not Always.
"Whonovor I hear tho BtitTrngo com
bated," said nn nugllsh onl, "on the
coro of woman's protected, sheltered,
potttMl iifo 1 think of n xor woman I
onco iUistlonixl In linglnud.
"ThU poor rrenturo had boon bcnlen
by her btiNbaud In n drunken fury
Tho man had boon drunk, It appears,
for ton day running.
M,My good friend,' I said to her,
Moos your husband always drink like
" 'No, my lord,' alio answered. 'Somo
tlmea I guts bout o' work.' "
A Witty Ratort.
An HttglUhman In Uubllu was nsked
by an Irish cab driver If bo wished to
rldo through tho city.
"No," replied tho UnglUhnmn; "I am
able to walk."
"Ah, woll," remarked tho Jehu, "may
ror honor long bo uhlo, but seldom
Forgot tha Provsrb,
"You may not get nny moro business
from mo. l'vo tKitight n law book."
"I won't worry," responded, tho Inw
yor. "In that case I shall probably
get more business than over," Wash-
Ingtou Ilcruld.
A Tip For John.
Mr. CrlmHonboak Hero's nn Item
which says tho switu outlives any oth
er bird, In eitrome cases reaching 300
years. Mrs. Crlmsonbcnk And, ro-
member, John, tho swans llvo on wa
An Old English Inn.
The Boven Stars Is mi Inn or pub
lic house In Manchester, Kngland,
which has hold n llcenso coutluun.usly
slnco 1070. It served as tho mooting
plnco for tho Guy Pawkea baud of
An obstinate man doc not
opinions; they hold htm.-Ilutler.
The following list of legal blanks
are kept for sale at this ollicc and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Dills
of Sale, peases.
All these blanks ut the uniform
price of 30c per dozeu.
It certainly sounds good, to
hear customers express their
satisfaction with their pur
chases at our store.
Our prices are as Low as pos
sible, consistent with quality.
Special Discount this week on
.... .- n
WllltC CDCini-porceiam UlSllCS.
We pay the highest Cash
Price for second hand furni
ture, stoves and ranges.
rj, Inline Eiitrii4iiti
11 .Illim I I1MHLLIIE.
"Cash or Credit"
$250 Cash
by 100 lot witlim two blocks
of car line, 3 blocks of
UJIice. Uenutilul river view.
Price $1800. $250 Cash,
per mouth.
S. Cobb
609 North Iullniorc Street
St. Johns, Oregon
Proposals for Street Work
Scaled proposals will be received at the
ollicc of the Kecoriler of the Cltv of St.
Johns until April II, 191 1, at 8 o'clock
P. m., for the Improvement of Olvmnla
street from the easterly line of Charles
ton street to westerly line ol Alleghe
ny street. In the manner provided bv
ordinance No, 3C0, subject to the provis
ions 01 tnc dinner mid oriiiuanccs 01 tlic
City of St. Johns, and the estimate of
the City engineer, on file,
S,te:,cV.,",,,,,.c"' V!?,
yards; cement walk , feci wide, uH6
feet, with curb and wooden crokswalks
ami Ix glitters.
Illds must be strictly in accordance
with printed blanks, which will be liirn-
(shed on apiilicatlou nt the ollicc of the
itecnrucr oi uic Lily oi bt, joiiiis. And
s-ild Imiiroveiiient mutt be completed on
or before (onlays from April II, 1911,
iso pmiKiMis or bids will I considered
unless urcompniital bv it certified check
tmyablc to the order of the Mayor of the
i.iiy 01 ,11, 101111, ceriiiiixi by a rvspou-
sible Imuk lor an umoiint eiiual to ten
percent, of the aggregate proposal.
The right to reject any and alt bids is
hereby reserved,
Hy order of the City Council.
Published In the fit. Johns Review on
March J, 31, mid April 7, 1911,
Proposals for Street Work
Sealed proposals will be received
Hie ollice of the recorder of the cltv
St. Johns until April 11, 1911,11! 8 o'clock
p. in. mr uic improvement o I'liiladcl
I 'it in aticet from the westerly line of
llayrs street to the easterly line of
Ivuulioe street, in the mauiier Provided
by ordinance No. 361, subject to the
piovisions of the chatter and ordinances
of the city of St. Johns, und the estimate
01 me city engineer, on tile,
Kiigluerr a estimate Is $1,143.34,
liuautitlea: Cut H3 vnrds. 18 foot
walk 324 leet; 13 foot walk 300 feet.
HUlaimut e strictly lu accordsticewltb
printed blanks which will be furn-
Isbetl 011 appllcdtiou at the office of the
recorder ol the city of bt. lohiis. And
said improvement must be completed on
or uuiure do iiuys iroiu tne uate 01 sign
ing the contract,
.No iiroiKiiiils or bids will be considered
unless accoiniMiiled by a ceitilied check
imyauie to tne mayor of tha city of St
Johns, certified by a responsible tuiitk
for an amount cipiid to ten per cent, of
ine aKKreKatc iiruiKisai,
The rigut to reject anv arid all bids Is
nercpy reserved,
Hy order of the city council.
City Recorder.
Published in the St. folilis Review
March 34 and 31, uud April 7, 1911,
I have customers to buy houses
nud lots 011 installments. What
have you to list? S. I Dobie, no
N, Jersey street,
Ilerbiue cures constipation and
re-establishes regular bowel move
ments. Price 50c. Sold by St.
Johns Pharmacy.
Havo your property Insured In the
St. l'uul or Northern fire insurance
companies. They aro the best. S.
L, Dobte, agent.
Sidewalks in which washed 111a'
terinl is used are the kiud that
never have to be taken up. They
have the lasting qualities. Put
down by the St. Johns Sand &
Gravel Co. Phone Richmond 1571,
Uo a ROOSTER for St. Johns.
An Ordinance Providing the
Time nnd Alanncr of Im
proving Philadelphia Street
from Ivanhoe Street to
Hayes Street in the City
of St. Johns, Oregon.
The city of St. Johns docs ordain n9
The council of the city of St. Johns,
unviug ascertained inc cost 01 improvv i
Inir I'lilladelphla street from the west side I
line of Ivnnuoc street to the east side
line of Hayes street in the city of St.
Johns, as shown by the resolution
of the council of said city dated on the
14th day of February, 1911, nnd recorded
III Uic ollicc ol tlic recorder 01 said city,
und notice thereof having been publish
ed in the St. Johns Review, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation, on the
1 7th and 24U1 days of I'cbruary, igtt,
as shown by the affidavit of the
I lliruillllll UI Willi IHIIILT, WI11CI1 BH1I1 I
I - I t . . !.!!. I. I
affidavit Is on file ill the office of
me city recorder: and legal posting ot
notices of such improvement, 11s shown
by tlic niiiiiavil 01 the city engineer on
file in the office of the city recorder, and
no rcmdiistrntices having been filed. and.
as provided by said resolution, the engi
neer's preliminary estimate of the cost of
said improvement is f 1,143.34, but sunn
be more accurately determined by said
Now. therefore. It is hereby ordered
that said street be Improved nnd the time
for the completion of said Improvement
is hereby fixed nt sixty days from the
last publication of notice of proposals of
said work, which said proposals must be
men wiiu me recorder 01 said city on or
uctore tne inn day 01 April, 1011, nt
cluht o'clock it. m, of said day.
mat said street man lie improved ns
follows: Ily grading same to the estab
lished grade by cut and fill and ny side-
walking same on the northerly side with
18 foot cement walks and curb, and on
the southerly side with u foot ce
ment sldcwnlku and eighteen fool curb;
snlil walk mill curb to have cxtian
"'its a directed by llie city ciiKl.
I necr: curb to have four inch drain lite
every fifty feet; bitch rings to be placed
in curb ns directed uy tlic city engineer.
The city recorder shall give notice by
pubilcniiuu lor not less man turcc in
sertlons in the St. Tubus Review, the of
ficlnl newspaper, Inviting proposals for
innKitig said improvement.
Snld improvement shall in all respects
be none ami completed 111 coiiioruntv
with the provisions of Ordinances Nos.
160 except ns otherwise provided
111 tin oriiiunnce: an work
under tlic direction nnd stipe
the cltv eimlnecr.
That the cost of said Improvement
shall be assessed against the property In
tnc local improvement district as des
cribed ill said resolution and designated
as anil declared to be IakiU Improve
incut District No. St.
Tasked by tlic council March loin,
Approved by tlic mayor March loin,
J. 1 HI'.NimiCKS,
Attest: a. .m. hssun,
City Kecoriler.
I'ltbllshed In the St. Johns Review,
.Mareii 24, 1911,
An Ordinance FIxIiir the Sal
uiiLaui iiiu vuiLCia ui tut'
City of St. Johns, Oregon.
The cltv
of St. Johns docs ordain ns
Section 1, That the salary ot the
mayor of the city of St. Johns be, and
the same is hereby, fixed at f for
eacu regular mt'ciiug 01 tnc city council
which lie attends.
bid Ion 3. That the salary of each
councilman 01 the city of St. Johns, cz
ceptlug such couticllmeii ns may be ap
iHuntcd as chairman of the street com
mittee, be, and the same is hereby, fixed
at fJ.00 for each regular mcctlui? of the
council which ne aiteuiis.
Section 3. The salary of the member
of the council of the city of St. Johns
who shall be appointed chairman of the
street committee be, and the same is
hereby, fixed nt 3,00 for each regular
mevtiui! 01 ine city council wulcli lie at
tends, while he Is to acting us chairman
ol said committee.
Mectiou J. 1 ne salary 01 tne cltv re
cordcrol the city of St. Johns lie, and
the Mine is hereby, fixed at f 100,00 per
Section 5- The salary of the cltv
treasurer of tho cily of St. Johns lie, and
(lie same is hereby, fixed at 50.00 ier
Section 6. 1 hat the salary of the cltv
attorney of the city of St. Johns be, and
the wine is hereby, fixed at 75,00 per
Section 7. 1 bat the salary of the cltv
engineer of the city of St, Johns be, and
the same Is hereby, fixed 113.50 per
Section 8. That the salary of the
chic of police of the city. of M-Johni be,
und the same I hereby, fixed at f S5.00
ri IIIVIllll,
section 9
That the salary of the
night x)lice of the city of St. Johns lie,
and tne wine is uereoy, uxed at J75.00
lcr moiiiii,
brciiou 10, 1 uat ine salary ot each
regular assistant iKillce or patrolman of
tnc city 01 bt. Julius ix ami the same b
hereby, tixed at I75.00 tier mouth.
Section 11, That this ordinance shall
take effect and become operate 011 and
alter tne I ltd nay 01 April, 1911,
Passed by the city council March 31,
Approved March si, 1911,
President of the Council,
Attest: A. M. Ksson. Recorder.
Published by the St. Johns Review on
March 34, 1911,
Low One Way Fares
To ull points on
the North Bank Road
Daily, March 10th to April loth from
Chicago fiJ.oo St. 1'aul 15.00
Liucluuatt 37.90 Kansas (Jity 35.00
Milwaukee Umuba 3(,.oo
St, I,ouis 31.00 l)ea Moines 37.85
new vort 50.00 ludiuuapoiu 35,(15
I'rom other eastern points in proportion.
Tell your friends lu the east of this
opportunity of moving wwt at low rates.
Through trains via Darlington Route,!
Northern ractuc, ureal rvortnern, and
"North Hank" lines. You can deposit
witn me ami tickets will oe lurnisticd
people in the east. Details will be fur
nished on request.
O, M. CORNELL, Agent
Gen, Frt. Passenger Agent
r7 .
A It"
from tlic Middle and tha Ka.tcrn portions ol
I lie united Mates aim tauaua 10
Oregon, Washington uuV Nortdwest
wilt print! UAlUr
MARCH 10th to APRIL lOlil
Oregon-Washington Railroad &
Navigation Go,
anil connections, Hit
Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific
and Chicago & NoriU'Wesicrn
Chlcanoat 33.00
St. Lou!. . . 32.00
Omaha - 25.00
Kin... City . . 23.00
St. Paul . . . 25.00
and from other sides corrctpondinuly low.
You Can Prepay Fares
The Colonial Urea are Wattbonml onlr.but
II you luve relative or blende or tmiiluieea In
the !(! whom you deelit to bring to Ililt state
you ran ileiwelt the tame ol the I
1 1
ire mm yi
local railrnail asent. and an order lor a tie
Mill be teleuraliet to any ailJtes deslretl.
Let the World Know
Ol our va.t resources anilanlenilld opportunities
Call on the iimteralanrtl lor aood Initrue-
live printed mailer 10 aena Kax, or iiivc mm ine
address ol those to whom you Mould like to tiave
tuca mailer sent.
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
It Is resolved by the City of St. John:
That It deems It necessary ami expedi
ent to Improve Iluchanaii street from the
northeast comer 01 lot 1 iiiock 3, at,
lohiis Ilciuhts addition on the westerly
side, on the easterly side from the north
side line of the Portland railway, Light
& Power company right of way in St.
Johns avenue to l'essenden street in
said cltv:
Hy grading same to esiauisucii grnue
.. . . 1
or grade to be established and by side-
walking same on either side with cement
walks, said walks to be six feet in width
11-foot curbs, bald walks and curbs to
have expansion loints where directed by
111c city engineer, suu uy placing a strip
. . . . -1 -. I- 1
of macadam in the center ol said street
full length, said macadam to be 16 feet
wide, elk-lit Inches deep In the ccuter.slx
inches deep 011 either side.
Work to lie done according to the
plans nud specifications of the city en
glueer on file in the office of the city
recorder relative thereto, which sain
plans and siecificatlons and estimates
are satisfactory and are hereby approved,
Said improvements to be made in ac
cordance with the charter and ordinance
of the city of St. Johns, and under the
supervision and direction 01 tne city en
That the cost of said improvement to
be assessed as provided by the city char
ter upon the property especially and
atari t.ittua-1t ttt t 1 1 liMrlii tatiil
,,licU ls ,reb declared to be all of lots
,mU of IoU b,7ocks 0f land
between the termini of such improve
nients aimttltu! upon, adlscent or prox
imate to said lluclianau street, from the
maruiual lines of said street back to the
center of the block or blocks or tracts of
laud abutting thereon or proximate
That nil the property included In said
improvement district aforesaid is hereby
declared to be local improvement dls
trict No. 7.
That the city engineer's assessment of
me prooauie cost 01 satu improvement
01 sant tiucuauau street is f 10,337.35,
1 uat me cost ol said uuciianan street
be assessed against the property in said
local assessment district as provided by
the city charter of the city of St. Johns,
Adopted the stst day of March, 1911
A. M. KSSON, Recorder,
Published in the St. Johns Review
aiarcti 34 and 31, 1911,
For Sale A fifty dollar course
in the Scrautou International Cor
respoudetice School, any depart'
metit, at 20 per cent discount, at
rate ot $5.00 down, S5.00 per
month: further discount for cash.
Address 'B," this office.
. nu.uina llinTIDIT U. mem
A U -1 - M . .a 1.
Toiib aail VULaaa fa Oraoa and
Waahloatoa, Ulna; IwrlpUTa
nkeicn 01 earn piae. aoraiiaa,
hhlpploa FaeUllUa and Cluol
Hd lllrvctorr ot tM JSuabkeas
ana 1 iMlmtloa.
k. t. toix m oa, Ine.
NoU the label on your papw.
The desire to close our store at an hour that shall enable our
help and ourselves to enjoy the evenings at home or socially has long
been with us.
To this end we have decided to try closing at 6:30 p. m. first
and if our friends accustom themselves to that without serious trouble
we shall later make it 6 o'clock.
Beginning April 1st we will close all departments at 6:30
except Saturdays and the 5th and 20th of each mouth.
A little forethought and careful planning will soon dcvclopc
the habit of purchasing before six o'clock. We ask your co-operation.
Bonham & Currier
ii i i et
Dear Friend:
I think ontmcal is a fine thing
for breakfast. I Ret a great big
bowl full of it. I sprinkle some
nice rich sugar over it and pour
some nice rich cream over it, and
I have a good breakfast, and it does
not give tne heartburning, and it
makes me fat. Oatmeal will make
you fat if you are skinny.
Your friend,
P. S. We get our oatmeal and all
the groceries we buy from
Muck Mercantile
Plione, Richmond 821
11 A. Al.;
Conrad L. Owen, Pastor
8;00 P. M.
Cor. Chicago & Laonard Sta.
An Ordinance
tho Grade of
Street in the
Johns, Oregon,
City of St.
from Hud
son Street
to Swift Boule-
Tbe city of St. Johns does ordain as
loi lows;
That the grade of
tween Hudson street and Swift boulevard
in the city of St. Johns, be and the same
is hereby established in accordance to
and in conformity with the profile there
of, which said profile is on hie tu the of.
fice of the city recorder of the city of St.
Johns, and has been examined by the
council and is hereby adopted and ap
pro veil.
Passed by the council March 16th,
Approved by the mayor March ibth,
Attest: A. M. Ksson,
Published by the St. Johns Review
March 34, 1911.
Subscribe for the St. Johns Review
and keep posted oa the doing ot
Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway.
I.yle t'atscngtr lor L)l, OolJf nJale anil local
points 7:31 a. 111.
Inland Umpire Kipreaa, 9:15 a. m. lor CIiIcubo,
HI. l'uul. Omaha, Kansas Cily, flt. I.oula. Walla
Walla, t'aaeo, Koowrtlt. Oianddallea, Uolilca
dale. White Salmon. anil Vancouver.
North Hank I.ltnlltJ.Juj p in.) lor Chtcaco fit.
BUI, uiuaiin, umi WHT, n( MJUli, dkjuuc.
nprscue, Hitavnie, i.inu, raaco, kookvcii, anu
CoIumMa Hlftr Local.MjS p
in, 1 lor Vancouver, I
Catnaa, White Baluion, l.vle, Orau JJalln,Clin
aim an iiiuriutautc statioiia,
Inland Umpire KiPrrsa.iMt o, m.l Irom Chica
go, HI. l'aul, Omaha, Kaniaa City. 81. I-ouU, I
npoKsne, Hpravuf, Hiiivuie uinn, raaco,
UooMvcltiOranddslcs, White Salmou.and Van
Nnrlli Hank Lluillnl, 7:J7 a. in ; Irom Chlcnco,
M. Paul, Omaha. Kanaaa City, Ht. Louis, Walls
Walla. Pasco, Hoowvclt, ami Vancouver.
Columbia River Local 10:03 a, m.t Irom Clirfa,
orandiiaiica, uoiatnasie, r.vit white salmon,
Camss, Vancouver and all Intcriuedlatc sta
tions. Lylt raaatngd 8:13 p. in, Irom tyle, Ooldcndal
ami local oinia.
All Iralnsatop lor pasatnstrs. Office optn
an nigm. tkkcis on salt lor an points.
O. M. Cornell, Agrut.
Northern Pacific Railway
luavino nr. joiinh
Noith Coast Limited via rugct Hound a, 111 1
North Coast Limited via Noith Hank 7113 p, in)
Aiiaimc iiaprcM via i-ugci nounn 11133 p.m.
Altanlle Kanreaa via Noilh nank mmm. tn.
Twin City llsprtss via I'ugtt Hound Jop. in.
Twin Cni Ksprassvla N01II1 lunk - y:3 1. m.
lutirrn jtspress via rugti bouuii-.-. ii:jj a, in.
Uaatcrn Usurtaavla Nurth Hank 0111 a, 111.
Mo. Klvtr Kaprcaa via North Hank 7113 p. in.
1'oillaud. Taroma It Haltlt Ititirtas. ?4 a. 111..
lor Orays Harbor, Olympla and South Iknd
fugct Houtiil Limited, 3:30 p, m. Orays Harbor
inu Duuin iHnu nranenra.
Vacott I'aascngcr 313a p.m.
North Coast Limited via North Hank 7147 p, in
North Coast Limited via luctt Sound 6:33 a. 111
No, I'aclAeKspreaa via North Hank 7.17 a. 111
No. farlAc Ksprtia via I'ugtt Hound 6;5p, m
faclflc Ksprtaa via North Twnk 7:47 p, m
I'arlflc llsprtss via I'ugtt RouniJ 0:33 a. 111
Wtatcrn Hinrtta via N
Wfatrrn Ksprtaa via Pugct Hound 1013 p, ni
io. Hivrr nspitaa via norm nana; 7:17 a. ni
Mo. ttlvtr Ksprtaa via Pustl Hound "lus p. 111
Portland, Tacoma ft HtattlclIxprtM.. j:iS p. m
Irom Olympla, South lltud and Grays Harbor
I'ugtt Sound Limited 4 p. ro
Yacott faaatngtr 3yt. ni
u, si. corntu. Agent.
St. Johns Sand
and Gravel Co.
General Contractors.
Wo are prepared to do any and
all kinds of excavating for street
work and othor purposes. Wo
also handle sidewalk and build,
ing material.
Newton and Feasonden Streets,
St, Johns, Ore.
Phono Richmond 157L
A well lurnlsbetl batli room Is a nee-1
csslty in any home. Call in and et an
estimate of plumbing that you want done,
after once having your bath room fitted
up you would not be without it.
joj S. Jersey St. Phone Columbia 9i
Central Market!
See us for the Chokes t Cuts of
the Best Meats Obtainable.
Order FiKcd and family Trade SoKcXed.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
How about your clothes? Are
they in good condition? We clean,
press ana repair your clothes on
short tiotictf. Work called for in
any part of the city. St. Johns
Cleaning, Pressing cc Dye Works,
202 West Philadelphia street.
Two Offices
Holhrook Block St. Johns
I'lionc Columbia t
KillitiKvvorth Avenue
WooJIawn 163S
Open Evenings and Sundays by Ap
pointment. Ollicc Phone Columbia 140
Resilient Phone Columbia 3H
Pint National Dank bulldlac.
Physician and Surgeon.
Day & Nlaht Office in McChesney blk.
5U Johns,
Physician and Surgaon
Office over the First National Dank
St. Johns, Oregon
Its. rVM ktuj 1571. M ft Untj til
RmldancaKS KwniWro Btwt
0(U llunt 10 a. m. to t p. m., I ta I p. as.
Daniel 0. NVebstcr, A. B. M. D
Residence, C07 Dawson Street
Ofllce, Pliter Dlock.
University Pari, Portland, Oregon.
First National Dank Building
HWW anaaaaaaaaaaaaHaBaHaaaasaaaaiaaBKKHH
McDonald Building
Spaultling Bldg. Portland, Oro.
Transfer and Storag
We deliver vour eooda tn and from
all parts of Portland, Vancouver. Linn-
ton, Portland and Suburban Cxpresa
Co., city dock and all points accessible
by waffor,. Piano and., furniture maviag
Maeta nrmry FVUar .t
TdO o'clock at t 0.0. f;
Vultora alwars Wai-
a. w. riodr. K,
R 9
No. 186 I. O. O. P.
Meets each Monday evening in Odd Fel
lows' ball, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed.
1 Regular communications
on Brat and third Wed
nesdays of each month
in Odd Fallows' hall
Visitors welcome.
CAMP 773 VV. O. W.
Meets ev
ery Wed
nesday evening
i n Dlolc.
ner's Hail
order to Insure a change ot ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach this office not iatar u...
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. flats
remember this and save the printer